Opening Request form

瀏覽次數:14 次

Gergely Imreh

2016年7月3日 晚上11:35:022016/7/3
收件者:Taipei Hackerspace Group
Hi everyone,

Working with Thomas on a suggestion, added a form to the website where people can request times to open the hackerspace for them to work in their projects. I think the main channel should be still the email list for that, but this enables people to ask for opening without any sign-up, so I think it should be a workable solution too.

At the moment the form is in English, would appreciate feedback, and help to translate it into Chinese.

Also working on making it better embedded in the website, the current one is a "proof of concept". Notifications come to me at the moment, but working on changing that too, once I find a good way to do that, so I don't have to pass the message on...

So, any feedback is appreciated!

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