Google Hangouts On The Air System Changes..

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joseph simpson

Sep 2, 2016, 10:39:03 AM9/2/16
to, Aleksandar Malečić, Andrew Borota, Gabriel AWAD, George Mobus, Jack Ring, Janet Singer, Janet Singer, Joe Simpson, Kevin Dye, Kevin Dye, Lenard Troncale, Mary Keeler (, Michael Singer,,, Narayana Mandaleeka, Peter D Tuddenham, Richard Martin, SpaceKatt PoiSpin, Steve Krane, Steven Engle, Sys Sci, Yiannis Laouris, Yiannis Laouris

Tomorrow's video conference will be in the current format (Google Hangout).

The October meetings and beyond will be in the new YouTube Live format.

After the meeting tomorrow, I will have to set up the new system and schedule the meetings in the new system..

We will see how things go..

Take care and have fun,


Joe Simpson

“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. 

Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. 

All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”

George Bernard Shaw

joseph simpson

Sep 2, 2016, 6:27:31 PM9/2/16
to Yiannis Laouris,, Aleksandar Malečić, Andrew Borota, Gabriel AWAD, George Mobus, Jack Ring, Janet Singer, Janet Singer, Kevin Dye, Kevin Dye, Lenard Troncale, Mary Keeler (, Michael Singer,,, Narayana Mandaleeka, Peter D Tuddenham, Richard Martin, SpaceKatt PoiSpin, Steve Krane, Steven Engle, Sys Sci, Yiannis Laouris

We will miss you...

Please think about possible joint projects (o papers) that interested team members could help create...

Take care, be good to yourself and have fun,


On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 11:27 AM, <> wrote:
Dear friends

Also tonorrow I will be unable to attend. Not only saturday 7pm is a bad time for me but this saturday I am busy in a very big workshop called education protopian lab ... With 70 other people from across the globe

I will watch your discussions later

Sent from my iPhone
Yiannis Laouris MD, PhD (Neurophysiology), MS (systems Engineering)
Senior Scientist
Cyprus  Neuroscience & Technology Institute
Future Worlds Center

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