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Nov 28, 2016, 2:54:50 PM11/28/16

Irish Comic News

Happy Mondays: Isn’t It Fantastic?

Posted: 28 Nov 2016 04:01 AM PST

Having thoroughly enjoyed Fantastic Beasts, I was delighted when Stefanie Reville posted this Newton Scamander piece. Happy Monday folks!

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Irish Comic News

Nov 30, 2016, 2:50:23 PM11/30/16

Irish Comic News

Become An Irish Comics Patron

Posted: 30 Nov 2016 03:46 AM PST

Leeann Hamilton has recently become the latest Irish creator to launch a Patreon account so I thought I’d do up a small list of creators (that I am aware of) that have accounts. If I’m missing anyone, do let me know.

Leeann Hamilton
Anthea West
John Cullen
Triona Farrell

It’s a great way to help out some creators for a low price and you get some nice stuff in return like sketches, previews and WIP pieces.

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Irish Comic News

Dec 2, 2016, 3:03:01 PM12/2/16

Irish Comic News

ComicCityCast 29 with special guest Leeann Hamilton

Posted: 02 Dec 2016 07:27 AM PST

Welcome to ComicCityCast episode 29 in which we finally get to chat with Irish comic’s favourite (and ICN Hall of Famer) Leeann Hamilton. We chat about her work, her adventures at NYCC, and Mortal Kombat amongst other topics. Elsewhere on the show Marcantonio hurls forth on Harry Potter fans, Bobby poo poos the Alien franchise, and we debate the merits of Wonder Woman Rebirth.

Download from the bottom of the page or click here
Support Leeann Hamilton

Twitter @coimiccitycast @freebirdswing (Flanagan) @ciaronious ( Marcantonio) @misanthrobert (Bobby)


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Irish Comic News

Dec 5, 2016, 3:39:22 PM12/5/16

Irish Comic News

John Robbins’ Loman Niblock

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 06:13 AM PST

John Robbins has sent us the cover for his new comic Loman Niblock. It’s a 56 page black and white book that you can buy off John for costs €3.50 (which includes postage to anywhere in the world). You can e-mail John at rhubarb108(at)hotmail(dot)com or find more details here. There’s also a cool variant colour-in cover.

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Declan Shalvey Holiday Sale

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 03:58 AM PST

Fancy some Declan Shalvey art? Well there’s now chance to get some at a discount. There’s some All-Star Batman stuff in there too!

Check out the Cadence Comic Art website for details.

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Happy Mondays: Kevin Keane’s Commission List

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 03:01 AM PST

Kevin Keane recently opened up a commission list for December (now closed) and the artist behind “The Guards” and “Neon Skies” has been lighting up my Twitter feed. We’ve had some Shade, a Greg Capullo influenced Batman and a Moon Knight with a Declan Shalvey designed costume.
As a bonus, here’s that Moon Knight piece with colours by Dee Cunniffe:

I can’t wait to see more.

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Irish Comic News

Dec 12, 2016, 2:51:08 PM12/12/16

Irish Comic News

The ICN Hall Of Fame Ceremony: Leeann Hamilton

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 06:46 AM PST


Welcome to the first post in our week-long Hall of Fame ceremony.

For each Hall of Fame induction, I’ve taken a different approach. For Leeann Hamilton, I turned to fellow Hall of Fame Class of 2016 member Stephen Mooney to say a few words:

Stephen Mooney:
I’m constantly very jealous of Leeann. I wish I could draw as well as her, in as many disparate styles and flavours. Everything she turns her hand to, she aces. I aspire to be that guy/gal.

Leeann is always drawing; always working. She quietly and methodically goes about her business, consistently demonstrating how it could and should be done.

Not afraid to criticise where it’s due, but always fairly and even-handedly. Leeann knows the good stuff.

I’m honoured to be nominated for the ICN Hall Of Fame in the same year as somebody of her quality.

Maybe I can trick folks into thinking I’m anywhere near as capable as she is.

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Happy Mondays: Pubcast Christmas Hootnanny (Whole Lotta HOOT Little Bit Of Nanny)

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 05:26 AM PST

Well it is getting to that time of year. ICN Towers is filled with the smell of mince pies and a couple of our resident podcasters are suiting up for a Chrimbo party. Bobby Best and Ciaran Marcantonio along with fellow podcasters Wayne Talbot and Darren Fahey are among a number of Irish Comics peeps heading to the Irish Pubcast‘s Christmas Hootnanny. So, as a Happy Monday post this week, I’m letting folks know to head to the Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin, Ireland D1 this Saturday at 8pm. I’ll be sporting some glad rags and you may even see me dance! Happy Monday!

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Irish Comic News

Dec 13, 2016, 3:34:27 PM12/13/16

Irish Comic News

The ICN Hall Of Fame Ceremony: Stephen Mooney

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 02:49 AM PST

For the next induction, I turned to fellow artist and friend Declan Shalvey to induct Stephen Mooney. I think they’re friends. I almost certain Declan may have hurt himself while writing it…

Declan Shalvey:
While it pains me to award Stephen Mooney with praise of any kind, even I have to admit he deserves to be recognised by the Irish comics community he holds so dear.

Mooney hooked me up with my first proper comics gig, replacing him on Freak Show. A kindness I’ve been trying to return ever since.

While it’s clearly currently something of a golden age for Irish comic artists, I believe Stephen dropped a game-changer on us all with Half Past Danger a couple of years back, a book I’m very glad is returning next year. So many of us work in American publishing now, dropping an Irish nod here and there into our work wherever we can sneak it in but I feel that Mooney was the one who really took a risk and did his own thing; making an Irish-produced comic that represented the culture in an affectionate way. Not only that, but he released it on a world’s stage; release it though all the mainstream American outlets to great success. It’s my opinion that in the years to come we’ll be treading on the ground he broke for us all.

I have huge respect for Mooney. Yes, you heard me; respect. His drive, work ethic and good nature should be an example to us all and I mean that sincerely. I’ve never met an artist more professional and dedicated than him and have always been able to rely on him for an honest opinion, something I truly value.

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Irish Comic News

Dec 14, 2016, 3:18:27 PM12/14/16

Irish Comic News

The ICN Hall Of Fame Ceremony: Anthea West

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 03:08 AM PST

For Anthea West, I turned to a bunch of her fellow artists to say a few words about this amazing artist.

Leeann Hamilton:
Anthea West is a hard-working lady of endless imagination and mirth, as she sets great examples of world building with every new comic she releases. She is an encheering and supportive presence at every convention you’ll find her at. It’s been an absolute pleasure knowing her.

Katie Fleming:
Anthea West, for me, is the definition of small press. Without watching her self publish her first book ‘The Earthbound God’, I would have never gained the confidence to pursue a career within comics. She’s a perfect example of determination, perseverance and what it means to be an indie creator. I’m so glad to be able to call her a friend as well as an inspirational colleague.

Triona Farrell:
Anthea West is a talent in this country, not only as a fantastic artist, but a great collaborator too. I’ve had the privilege to work with her on a few projects now, and her stories and art are always upbeat and fun.”

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Irish Comic News

Dec 15, 2016, 3:24:56 PM12/15/16

Irish Comic News

The ICN Hall Of Fame Ceremony: PJ Holden

Posted: 15 Dec 2016 02:35 AM PST

For PJ Holden’s induction, I turned to his frequent 2000AD collaborator Michael Carroll. Mike in turn, turned to host of other writers who have worked with PJ. A really big thanks to Mike and all the guys. They really came through.

Michael Carroll:
Belfast-based Paul Jason Holden (AKA PJ, or Peej) is a tremendously gifted comic-book artist. Naturally, he will dismiss that statement as hyperbole, because he genuinely doesn’t understand how good he is or how highly he’s regarded. He will also, when he reads this, be scouring the rest of the text for the punchline to that first sentence. There isn’t one – because it’s not a joke.

His career began, as so many do, in the small-press scene. With writer Malachy Coney he created the acclaimed graphic novels The Moon Looked Down and Laughed, Holy Cross, The Dandylion and The Simply Incredible Hunk. He soon branched out into other small-press titles like Violent, Black Seal and Solar Wind, for which he drew a variety of strips in different styles.

And then – after gracing titles such as Warhammer Monthly and Toxic – he reached the pages of 2000 AD. Now, most newcomers to that august publication are expected to start with a Future Shock story. These are standalone tales, four pages long (used to be five pages back in my day!) that test the creator’s artistic and story-telling skills. It’s the standard proving-ground. Most creators will do a good handful of Future Shocks before they’re allowed to move on to a multi-part story, or work on one of the regular strips. After several years, a particularly talented creator might be offered a chance to tackle the comic’s flagship strip, Judge Dredd.

So it’s notable, I think, that PJ Holden’s first ever strip in 2000 AD was Judge Dredd. He came in at the top, guys! That was in March 2001, a one-shot tale called “Sino-Town” written by Gordon Rennie. It was the start of something special, because a strip like Judge Dredd needs artists who are a cut above the ordinary.

Judge Dredd stories can be bleak, intense, horrifying, dark, insane… and – just as often – hilarious, camp, bombastic, touching and sometimes heart-rendingly tragic. There are very few artists in this world who possess the skills to depict all of that with absolute conviction and without compromise. PJ Holden is one of them.

In person, PJ is a non-stop powerhouse of energy, ideas, jokes, reflections, insights and endless crazy ideas that are either utterly brilliant or utterly stupid (yet utterly brilliant in their utter stupidity, and always hilarious). His generosity is matched only by his wit, which is considerable, and he is a wellspring of wisdom and good advice: any artist (of any level of experience or skill) would be well-served to sit down with him for a few minutes and pick his brains.

I’ve been lucky enough to collaborate with PJ a few times (to date: six different stories, totalling 139 pages), and he is a pleasure to work with. He has an instinct for comic-book art that is so ingrained I suspect it’s now part of his DNA. I know that if I give him far-too- complex (or far-too-vague) panel descriptions he will always draw exactly what needs to be there: he understands the flow of the story, and knows that it’s the reader’s experience of a comic that is paramount, not the whims or foibles of its creators.

I’m honoured to have been asked to induct Paul Jason Holden into the Irish Comic News Hall of Fame. I’m sure you’ll agree that he’s more than earned the right to be here! But don’t just take my word for it: I contacted some of his other collaborators and asked them to contribute a few words…

Arthur Wyatt:
Rock solid art, a great sense of storytelling, incentive design and one of the friendliest and most professional artists I’ve worked with… all of these make PJ a great collaborator on any project. I’m proud to have worked with him from the time of some of his earliest 2000 AD work and I hope I’ll get to work on many future projects with him… assuming he can be prised away from Gordon and Garth.

Al Ewing:
I’ve collaborated with PJ Holden on a few things, including a Judge Dredd story that brought a tear to many an eye. But the thing I’ll always remember best is our iPhone comic being perhaps the first to be banned by Apple – an achievement I consider to be worth several hundred Eisners. If not for PJ, I doubt I’d have even considered the idea of writing comics for the phone, but that’s who he is – someone always thinking forward to the future of the medium, considering the mechanics of art and storytelling, and using any tool available to make the work better. I’m looking forward to the day when we can once again work together on something a major corporation will consider utterly unsuitable for man or beast.

Rob Williams:
PJ Holden’s one of my shortest collaborators. That said, he’s also one of my favourite people in the comics industry. His work’s always dynamic, his storytelling’s always very solid – and while that may sound like light praise it’s really not. Storytelling’s key in what we do, and PJ’s got an excellent grasp of that subtle art in a way that sometimes evades flashier artists. I also genuinely think Peej is one of the finest Dredd artists of our generation. And that means a lot in this house. He’s a good friend and it’s nice to see him appreciated this way.

Simon Spurrier:
The original square-headed pencil-monkey, PJ’s been the life and soul of the Britside comics scene for as long as I’ve been aware of it.

One of the best visual storytellers out, any other artist would kill to’ve mastered any one of the several styles in which he’s accomplished. From razor-sharp war stories to uber-approachable ‘all ages’ fare, his obsessive perfectionism always shines through.

He’s also, infuriatingly, a bloody nice bloke.

Gordon Rennie:

I first met PJ in 1999, at the Bristol Comic Con. He was kinda desperate and pathetic – exactly the qualities I look for in a creative collaborator if you want to dominate them and bend them to your implacable will – and followed me around the con like a sad little puppy that hadn’t been kicked quite hard enough yet. I knew then that, no matter how many times I would later secretly try changing my email address, he and I were destined to keep on working together.

We made a bargain, he and I. I got him work for 2000AD, and he would endure the subsequent long years of ridicule, torment, rudeness, disparagement, belittlement and cruel mockery that I’ve heaped upon him ever since.

And, I must say, it’s worked out rather well for both of us. I’ve no complaints, certainly, but I’ve never really thought to ask PJ what he thinks on the matter.

The thing I most admire about PJ – other than his complete inability to draw attractive women, which makes him somewhat unique among comic artists – is how he just keeps on hanging in there, no matter what you throw at him. He breezed through countless comedy Dredd stories, some of which, in rare moments of weakness, I allowed him to think he had a hand in with coming up with some of the funnies for.

He gritted his teeth on Rogue Trooper, and just slogged on through all the Nu Earth mayhem I demanded fill every panel of every page. There was one glorious time on Department of Monsterology when I thought I might have finally broken him – a splash page was sent back, with a completely reasonable authorial demand that all the hundreds of subterranean goblin creatures be redrawn to have eyes like multi-faceted jewels.

I went to bed happy that night, secure in the knowledge that I’d finally achieved my life’s work. But there, in the next morning’s email, was the page, re-drawn exactly as requested.

So I give up, and release him into the wild, for other, better writers than I to try and break the force that finally defeated me. I’ll move on to an easier, more vulnerable target.

Hmmm… what’s Eoin Coveney up to these days, I wonder?

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Irish Comic News

Dec 16, 2016, 3:32:45 PM12/16/16

Irish Comic News

John McCrea Deviates Judge Dredd

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 04:57 AM PST

Cover art by John McCrea

Cover art by John McCrea

In March, IDW is launching another five-week Deviations event (their version of What If? stories), and it’s kicking off with a Judge Dredd story where John McCrea asks what Mega City One would be like if Judge Dredd never recovered from that time he was briefly a werewolf.

The original story, “Cry of the Werewolf,” ran from 2000 AD progs #322 to #328 back in 1983, from John Wagner, Alan Grant, Steve Dillon and Tom Frame. It told the story of a werewolf invasion of Mega City One.

Cover art by Ryan Brown

Cover art by Ryan Brown

Judge Dredd: Deviations
John McCrea (w & a & c)
In a world where Judge Dredd turned into a werewolf… and stayed that way! The legendary creator of Dogwelder, John McCrea, takes a sideways look at one of the more celebrated Dredd stories, “Cry of the Werewolf” by John Wagner & Alan Grant and the late, great Steve Dillon. Brace yourself for… “Howl of the Wolf!”
FC • 40 pages • $4.99
Judge Dredd: Deviations —Mash-Up Variant
John McCrea (w & a) • Andrew Currie (c)
FC • 40 pages • $4.99

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The ICN Hall Of Fame Ceremony: The Books

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 02:48 AM PST

All week we’ve been inducting the Hall of Fame class of 2016. As is keeping with previous years, we will also be adding some books to the Hall of Fame. Here are this year’s inductees.

With the untimely death of artist Steve Dillon, it seemed appropriate to induct his and, ICN Hall of Famer, Garth Ennis’ opus into the Hall of Fame. A favourite and inspiration for many Irish creators. (Cover by Glenn Fabry)

Lightning Strike Presents:
A book that has spotlighted a who’s who of Irish talent and started the careers of a few. This a book that goes strength and I am happy to induct it into the Hall of Fame. (Cover by Oisín Roche)

The Holy Numbers:
I’m not afraid to say that The Holy Numbers is a personal favourite. A book that delves into religion and spirituality and is the best book about Scientology that isn’t about Scientology. I sometimes think Tommie Kelly underestimates how good he is. (Cover by Tommie Kelly)

Stray Lines Volume One:
An anthology that contains earlier work from the likes of Phil Barrett and Paddy Lynch. The book shows how comics are a place where you can tell everyday stories. (Cover by Barry Hughes)

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Irish Comic News

Dec 18, 2016, 3:10:10 PM12/18/16

Irish Comic News

ComicCityCast 30 : The Liqour

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:44 AM PST

Its our final episode of 2016 and in the spirit of the Christmas season Flanagan come directly from his office Christmas party. As well as learning why this is a terrible idea we discuss the prospects of Rogue One, marvel at the ongoing excellence of Westworld and salivate at the prospects of the brand new, sure to fantastic Free Comic Book Day Star Trek book.
Download from below or click here.

Happy Christmas

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Irish Comic News

Dec 19, 2016, 3:05:44 PM12/19/16

Irish Comic News

Happy Mondays: Tomte

Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:55 AM PST

Tis the season and all that and Buttonpress Publications have been posting a festive comic. Paul Carroll joins Jason Browne to tell the tale of Tomte, the warrior elf, who is taking on Krampus.

You can follow the updates on the Buttonpress Publications Facebook page.

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Irish Comic News

Dec 21, 2016, 3:15:16 PM12/21/16

Irish Comic News

A Word On The ICN Twitter Polls

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:59 PM PST

So I decided to have some online polls to get the buzz going and get some feedback ahead of the awards in January and there has been some disquiet about the lack of female creators / books created by female creators in the polls. I should have been more aware of this when creating the polls but 1) I was limited by the number of options I could choose on Twitter and 2) I was trying to offer a variety by not naming the same book / creator across categories. That’s why, for example, I didn’t pick Katie Fleming for best writer (100 Times was in best book and she was in best artist) even though I think she wrote one of the best books of 2016. There were books and creators that I really like not on the list like Anthea West’s Sleep Tight, Julie Nick’s Pulp Stories and Karen Harte’s Delia. Mainly, I was thinking of the first things that came to mind and was having a bit of fun.

I want people to give us feedback and I assure people that the 2016 ICN Awards will be highlighting the excellent female creators we have in Ireland. If you want to let us know who your favourites are, you can e-mail us or you can respond the polls on Twitter.

Apologies if I offended anyone.

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Irish Comic News

Dec 23, 2016, 3:27:48 PM12/23/16

Irish Comic News

Irish Comic Art Picks December

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:29 AM PST

Irish Comic Art Picks. Pages, commissions, doodles, works in progress and everything in between, this feature shows you some of the best work by Irish Comic Artists from around the web every month. Feel free to submit work and links through any ICN links on social media (Facebook or Twitter) or Stephen on Twitter. Remember, support artists and follow their links.



Nick Roche – Art for Transformers: Lost Light cover.


PJ Holden – Macbeth.003_dec16_12_healy

Luke Healy.


Triona Farrell – Moana fanart.


Gary McKeever.


Bob Byrne.


Matthew Shiell.008_dec16_42_sbowie

Sarah Bowie.009_dec16_31_mgriffin

Matt Griffin – cover for ‘The Spiral Path’.


Patrick Mulholland – Motor Crush fanart.


Eoghan Kerrigan.


Brian Corcoran.


Ian Fay – Nick Fury (winning submission to Red Cube Studio competition).


David Thomas – Mad Hatter.


Tara O’Connor – Roots cover art.


Philip Murray.


Eoin Marron (line art) – Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original #5 (colours by Adam Metcalfe)


Stephen Downey.


Tracy Law.


Gar Molloy.


Pete Marry (line art) and Dee Cunniffe (colour art) – Fort Night Comics.021_dec16_23_robcarey

Rob Carey. 022_dec16_21_alaw

Adam Law – Bucky O’Hare.


Cian Tormey – Ghost Rider (colours by Timothy Brown).


Leeann Hamilton.


Eoin Barclay – Link.


Debbie Jenkinson.


Chris O’Halloran (colour art) – John Carter – The End #1 (line art by Hayden Sherman).


John Devlin – Skull Knight commission.


Julie Nick – Julie Nick’s Pulp Stories.


Eoin Coveney – Future Shocks strip in 2000AD.030_dec16_07_deeandmccreaman

John McCrea (line art) and Dee Cunniffe (colour art) – Tales from the Crypt.031_dec16_18_sliney

Will Sliney – Daredevil and Casey Jones vs Bebop and Rocksteady commission.


Stephen Byrne – The Tenth Ducktor.


John Quigley.


John McGuinness – Nick Fury (entry for Red Cube Studio art competition).


Paul Bolger.


Becca Carey – Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf fan art).


Olly Cunningham – Black Lines Comics.


Ciaran Lucas.


Alfie Gallagher – Art from Judge Anderson ‘Zarjaz’ strip.


Isabella v.M.


Rapha Lobosco – James Bond (which Lobosco will be drawing for Dynamite comics!).


Katie Fleming.043_dec16_50_mccune

Stuart McCune – Epilogue.


Anna Fitzpatrick.


Twisted Doodles.046_dec16_72_chacko

Ashwin Chacko.


Kevin Keane – Deadpool and Spider-man.


Darren Nesbitt.


Hayley Mulcahy.049_dec16_65_epower

Elle Power.050_dec16_14_dearbhla

Dearbhla Kelly.




Alan Hurley.


Fiona Boniwell.


Niall Byrne.


Phil Murphy – cover art for Angry Birds – Flight School #1.055_dec16_48_coleman

Ruairí Coleman – Kylo Ren.


Dom Murphy.


Tommie Kelly – Art for the cover of Bloodlines & Black Magick.


Gary O’Donnell.059_dec16_35_smgraham

Stephen Graham.


Leonie O’Moore.060_dec16_29_aryan

Alan Ryan – Faraday the Blob.


John McFarlane – Ghost Rider.


Jim Lavery – Judge Dredd.


Anthea West – Fate / Pokemon mashup.064_dec16_63_reville

Stefanie Reville – Yuri On Ice fanart.065_dec16_55_cullen

John Cullen – gramfel33.


Rob Anthony.


Declan Shalvey (line art) + Jordie Bellaire (colour art) – Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #3 cover.


Jason Browne – Tomte.


Nate Stockman (line art) – page from Gwenpool Holiday Special (Colour art by Jim Campbell).070_dec16_13_phildunne

Phil Dunne – ’36/63′.


John McCrea – cover art for Judge Dredd : Deviations.


About contributor.
photo4Comic-loving bookworm. Scribbler of words and images.
Not Irish international soccer player.
Can be found on Twitter @Stephen_C_Ward.

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