Stolen - Jamis Aurura 2009 (Beige Frame) 57cm

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chưa đọc,
18:01:51 20 thg 11, 201520/11/15
đến Stolen Bicycles Bay Area
Hi fello bikers,

Please be on the lookout for a stolen Jamis Aurora 2009 model. The frame is 57cm. There are a few unique characteristics that I can point out to identify in case it comes your way (including serial number and some modified parts).

The thieves cut through a Kryptonite bike lock, took the bike, left the helmet and the lock parts in Oakland on the sidewalk at 391 Grand Avenue between 9pm and 12am the night of November 19th, Thursday.

If you see this bike, or end up with it somehow, please let me know- no questions asked.

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