"Mailteam" works--Victims work trends

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Sep 13, 2008, 5:55:35 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
On Aug 2007, some victims who have been working hard to stop Mind
control, Directed Energy weapons, manipulation weapons, and organized
Stalking abuse and torture decided to cooperate together for a
worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse and Torture of Mind
control, Directed Energy Weapons and manipulation weapons on

Mailteam Sponsors: John Finch (Australia), Mostafa Hosny(Canada),
Derrick Robinson(USA), Soleilmavis (China), Monika Stoces(Belgium)
Mail to mcmai...@gmail.com (mcmailteam(a)gmail.com)

Please write your supporting letter to Mailteam, It will be forwarded
to your preferred destinations (beneath)

to humanrights organisations,
to Politicians
to press
or to all 3 (if you don't specify anything)

if you prefer for any reason to send your letter only to one of the
specific people of the mailteam or directly to them, you are free to
do so :

"john finch" <john...@excite.com> (johnfinch(a)excite.com) ,
"Soleilmavis" <solei...@yahoo.com >(soleilmavis(a)yahoo.com) ,
"Mostafa Hosny" <moe_...@yahoo.ca > (moe_hosny(a)yahoo.ca),
"Derrick Robinson" <dcr...@msn.com> (dcr618(a)msn.com) , "Monika
Stoces" < monika...@gmail.com> (monika.stoces(a)gmail.com) ,

Mailteam calls all victims to send their Mass petitions to
Governments, Military/Security Agencies, International Organizations,
Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other
Institutions, and the International Media all over the world over and
over and over again and have had our appeals for justice, protection,
assistance and/or publicity. You can use the following sample
letter . (You can find contacts and email addresses for Petitions on
MESS PETITION messages in this group)

(sample letter) (in three languages, English French, Chinese)

Subject 标题: I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse
and Torture of Mind control, Directed Energy Weapons and manipulation
weapons on Civilians”.

I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse and Torture
of Mind control, Directed Energy Weapons and manipulation weapons on
I am a Victim of electronic Harassment/ mind control/ directed energy
weapons/ Organized Stalking and Torture.
我支持世界性运动, “制止大脑控制武器,定向能武器和远距离操纵身体武器对平民的滥用和酷刑虐待”。

Je soutiens la campagne mondiale "Arretez l'utilisation abusive
(secrete) d'armes de controle de la pensee a distance, manipulation
sur la population civile".
Je suis victime de harcelement electronique, de controle de la pensee
a distance, de harcelement en bande organisee et de torture par des
armes a energie dirigee.

I come from China. 我来自中国 Je suis originaire de Chine.
My Nationality is Chinese. 我的国籍是中国人 Je suis de nationalite
I realized to be attacked on xxx1 (year) when I was a xxx2 in xxx3
(city of province)of China.
我于 XXX1 年在中国 XXX3 (市或省)意识到我被虐待.我当时是一个XXX2(职业,或填无业)
J'ai pris conscience de mon agression en XXX1(annee) , quand j' etais
XXX2 (Profession), en Chine.

My current address and contact information:
Mon adresse actuelle :

My current Occupation:
Mon activite professionnelle :

I demand for an international investigation of those crimes and huge
violations of human rights.
Je demande une investigation internationale de ces crimes et de ces
violations totales des droits de l'homme.

Sincerely/您诚挚的,/Bien sincerement,

(Your name/您的姓名)


Sep 13, 2008, 5:59:56 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)

Press release

Thousands of people are asking for an international investigation of
enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place
worldwide at this moment.

In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so
much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being
under attack.

This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a
distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being
used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens.

The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to
government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and
the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack
of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose
the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged at local police
stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.
It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes
public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.

The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the
accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.

Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide
movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent
and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the
actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of

In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington
Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American
victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillance.

Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in
greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public
and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem.
And starting a collective campaign against directed energy weapons
(DEW) harassment and organized stalking.



Des milliers de gens demandent que soit faite une investigation
internationale d'閚ormes violations des droits de l'homme qui s関issent
actuellement dans le monde entier, dans le plus grand silence.

Ces derni鑢es ann閑s, le nombre de ces crimes contre l'humanit?s'est
accru ?tel point que nous pouvons visiblement parler d'agression de la
population civile.

Cette agression est commise avec une technologie qui agit, ?distance,
dans l'ombre,au-del?des limites des fronti鑢es, et qui est utilis閑
contre des civils sans d閒ense et qui ne se doutent de rien.

Il y a une pression continuelle de la part des victimes pour d閚oncer
ces crimes aupr鑣 des hauts fonctionnaires de l'閠at, des organisations
pour les droits de l'homme, des dirigeants internationaux et ?la
presse. La plupart du temps, elles n'obtiennent pas de r閜onse en
raison d'une m閏onnaissance g閚閞alis閑 de cette technologie. D'apr鑣 les
diagnostics des 閠ablissements psychiatriques, les victimes ont des
hallucinations. De plus, les plaintes d閜os閑s dans les commissariats de
police locaux sont souvent consid閞閑s comme des probl鑝es psychologiques
ou sont tout simplement pass閑s sous silence.

Cela risque de prendre plusieurs ann閑s avant que "l'holocauste
silencieux" ne soit connu du public. Pour les victimes, cette
comparaison est tout ?fait juste.

L'ampleur des crimes d閚onc閟 et la gravit?des accusations justifient
une investigation internationale urgente.

Etant donn?le nombre consid閞able de victimes ?l'閏helle plan閠aire, qui
a engendr?un mouvement mondial coordonn?par le biais de l'internet,
seuls les plus z閘閟 et les plus consciencieux parmi les victimes d閚
oncent ce crime, le nombre r閑l de victimes 閠ant, de loin, plus
important que ce groupe d'activistes.

En janvier 2007, la journaliste Sharon Weinberger a publi?dans le
"Washington Post", l'article intitul?"Mind Games" sur les victimes am閞
icaines et l'organisation militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillance" (Droit de vivre sans surveillance ni harc鑜ement

Entre-temps, de nouvelles victimes de plus en plus nombreuses se font
conna顃re des quatre coins du monde. Elles demandent que ces crimes
soient rendus publics, elles insistent pour qu'une investigation soit
faite sur ce probl鑝e et entament une campagne contre le harc鑜ement par
les Armes ?Energie Dirig閑 (DEW: Direct Energy Weapons) et contre le
harc鑜ement collectif.

III. ESPA袿L 西班牙语
Comunicado de prensa

Millares de personas piden que se haga una investigaci髇 internacional
de enormes violaciones de los derechos humanos que prevalecen
actualmente en todo el mundo, en el mayor silencio.
Estos 鷏timos a駉s, el n鷐ero de estos cr韒enes contra la
humanidad ha aumentado tanto que podemos obviamente hablar de agresi髇
contra la poblaci髇 civil.
Esta agresi髇 se comete con una tecnolog韆 que act鷄, a distancia, en la
sombra, m醩 all?de los l韒ites de las fronteras, y que se utiliza contra
civiles sin defensa y donde no se duda de nada.
Hay una presi髇 continua por parte de las v韈timas para denunciar estos
cr韒enes a los altos funcionarios del estado, a las organizaciones para
los derechos humanos, a los dirigentes internacionales y en la prensa.
La mayor parte del tiempo, no obtienen respuesta, debido a una
ignorancia generalizada de esta tecnolog韆.
Seg鷑 los diagn髎ticos de los establecimientos psiqui醫ricos, las v韈timas
tienen alucinaciones. Adem醩, las denuncias presentadas en las comisar韆
s de polic韆 locales a menudo se consideran como problemas psicol骻icos
o se han silenciado simplemente.
Se corre el riesgo de tardar varios a駉s antes de que "el holocausto
silencioso" sea conocido del p鷅lico. Para las v韈timas, esta comparaci髇
es totalmente justa.
La amplitud de los cr韒enes denunciados y la gravedad de las
acusaciones justifican una investigaci髇 internacional urgente.
Dado el n鷐ero considerable de v韈timas a escala planetaria, que ha
generado un movimiento mundial coordinado por medio de Internet,
solamente los m醩 afanosos y los m醩 concienzudos entre las v韈timas
denuncian este crimen, el n鷐ero real de v韈timas sigue siendo, con
mucho, m醩 importante que este grupo de activistas.
En enero de 2007, la periodista Sharon Weinberger public?en el
"Washington post", el art韈ulo titulado "Mind Games" sobre las v韈timas
americanas y la organizaci髇 militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillance" (Derecho a vivir sin vigilancia ni acoso
Mientras tanto, nuevas numerosas v韈timas cada vez m醩 se hacen conocer
de las cuatro esquinas del mundo. Piden que estos cr韒enes se hagan p鷅
licos, insisten para que una investigaci髇 se haga sobre este problema
y empiezan una campa馻 contra el acoso por las Armas a Energ韆 Dirigida
(DEW: Direct Energy Weapons) y contra el acoso colectivo.



Migliaia di gente chiede che sia fatta un' indagine internazionale di
violazioni enormi dei diritti dell'uomo che imperversano attualmente
nel mondo intero, nel pi?grande silenzio.

Quest'ultimi anni, il numero di questi crimini contro l'umanit??
aumentato a tal punto che possiamo ovviamente parlare d'aggressione
della popolazione civile.

Quest'aggressione ?commessa con una tecnologia che agisce, a distanza,
nell'ombra, oltre ai limiti delle frontiere, e che ?
utilizzata contro civili senza difesa e che non si dubitano di nulla.

C'?una pressione continua da parte delle vittime per denunciare questi
crimini presso gli alti funzionari dello stato, le organizzazioni per
i diritti dell'uomo, i dirigenti internazionali ed alla stampa. Di
solito, non ottengono risposte a causa di un'ignoranza generalizzata
di questa tecnologia. Secondo le diagnosi degli stabilimenti
psichiatrici, le vittime hanno allucinazioni.
Inoltre, i reclami depositati nei commissariati di polizia locali sono
spesso considerati come problemi psicologici o sono semplicemente
passati sotto silenzio.
Ci?rischia di prendere molti anni prima che "l'olocausto calmo" sia
conosciuto del pubblico. Per le vittime, questo raffronto ?
completamente giusto.

L'ampiezza dei crimini denunciati e la gravit?dei carichi
giustificano un'indagine internazionale urgente.

Dato il numero considerevole di vittime su scala planetaria, che ha
generato un movimento mondiale coordinato tramite l'Internet, solo i
pi?zelanti ed i pi?coscienziosi fra le vittime denunciano questo
crimine, essendo il numero reale di vittime, di gran lunga, pi?
importante di questo gruppo di attivisti.

Nel gennaio 2007, il giornalista Sharon Weinberger ha pubblicato nella
"Washington post", l'articolo intitolato "Mind Games" sulle vittime
americane e l'organizzazione militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment
and surveillance" (diritto di vivere senza sorveglianza n?molestia

Nel frattempo, nuove vittime sempre pi?numerose si fanno conoscere dei
quattro angoli del mondo. Chiedono che questi crimini siano resi
pubblici, insistono affinch?un'indagine sia fatta su questo problema
ed iniziano una campagna contro la molestia con le armi ad energia
diretta (DEW: direct Energy Weapons) e contro la molestia collettiva.

Pressemitteilung : 德语
Tausende von Leute verlangen, da?eine internationale Nachforschung
gewalt鋞iger Verletzungen der Menschenrechte gemacht wird, die momentan
in der ganzen Welt in der gr鲞ten Stille grassieren.
Diese letzten Jahre hat die Anzahl dieser Verbrechen gegen die
Menschheit zugenommen, so sehr,da?wir offensichtlich 黚er Agression der
Zivilbev鰈kerung sprechen k鰊nen.
Diese Agression wird mit einer Technologie begangen, die aus der
Distanz im Schatten handelt 黚er die Grenzen der Grenzen hinaus, und
die gegen Zivilisten ohne Verteidigung benutzt wird, und die sich an
nichts zweifeln.
Es gibt einen kontinuierlichen Druck seitens der Opfer, um diese
Verbrechen bei den Hohen Beamten des Staates, den Organisationen f黵
die Rechte der Menschen, der internationalen F黨rungskr鋐te und an der
Presse anzuprangern. Meistens erhalten sie keine Antwort in Anbetracht
einer verallgemeinerten Verkennung dieser Technologie. Nach der
Diagnostik der psychiatrischen Einrichtungen haben die Opfer
Halluzinationen. Au遝rdem werden die Klagen, die in den lokalen
polizeikommissariaten eingebracht wurden, oft als psychologische
Probleme angesehen oder wurden ganz einfach verschwiegen.
Das kann mehrere Jahre dauern, bevor "die ger鋟schlose
Massenvernichtung" der 謋fentlichkeit bekannt ist. F黵 die Opfer ist
dieser Vergleich ganz gerecht.
Das Ausma?der angeprangerten Verbrechen und der Ernst der Anklagen
rechtfertigen eine dringliche internationale Nachforschung.
In Anbetracht der betr鋍htlichen Anzahl der Opfer auf Planetenebene,
die eine mit Hilfe des Internet koordinierte weltweite Bewegung
verursacht hat, allein die flei遡gsten, und die gewissenhaftesten unter
den Opfern prangern dieses Verbrechen an, die wirkliche Anzahl der
Opfer sind mit Abstand mehr als diese Aktivistengruppe.
Im Januar 2007 hat Journalist Sharon Weinberger in "Washington post",
dem Artikel mit der Bezeichnung "Mind Games" auf den amerikanischen
Opfern und der militanten Organisation ver鰂fentlicht "Freedom From
Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Recht, ohne 躡erwachung zu leben
noch geheimnisvolle Bel鋝tigung).
Inzwischen teilen sich neue immer zahlreichere Opfer von den vier
Ecken der Welt mit. Sie verlangen, da?diese Verbrechen ver鰂fentlicht
werden, sie bestehen darauf, da?eine Nachforschung zu diesem Problem
gemacht wird, und beginnen eine Kampagne gegen die Bel鋝tigung durch
die Waffen an gelenkter Energie (DEW: Direct Energy Weapons) und gegen
die gemeinsame Bel鋝tigung.

2007年1月,新闻记者Sharon Weinberger所写的"华盛顿邮报"文章“精神游戏”,是关于美国受害者和美国活动组织《免于暗中骚扰和
(DEW)酷刑虐待和骚扰和有组织的跟踪. 展开一项集体运动。


Sep 13, 2008, 6:02:16 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
8 Jan 08 January, USA National Stalking Awareness Month
7 Dec 07 "Mailteam works"--Victims work trends
(1) Good suggestions of making our activists more effective.
(2)USA victim Donald M. Friedman "The Lawsuit is Very Active!!!"
(3)FFCHS is starting the lawsuit process by initiating a case analysis
from National Legal Professional
Associates (NLPA)
(5) A letter from Pamela Farnsworth calls to write to:
Melanie Sloan
Executive Director
Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington
1400 Eye Street NW, Suite 450
Washington, D.C. 20005
(6) Ted Bundy
(7) "Mailteam" is preparing to publish A book of Victims stories If
victims who want their stories to be
published in this book, please write to solei...@yahoo.com as soon
as possible.
(8) A signed letter by china victims to China government and public
has already send to many email
addresses. Victims who want to add their name to this letter, please
contact Mr. Zhongqing Qi
TEL:(025)85512491;     E-mail:njxz...@163.com
1 Nov 07 "Mailteam" works--Victims work trends
(1) Senator Joe Biden is interested in assisting us if he can. As
requested, please send Evidence,
Testimony's or any information you have about our issues via regular
mail to-
Mr. Sean McPherson
Office of Senator Joe Biden
201 Russel - Senate office Building
Washington D.C. 20510 USA
(2) ANNOUNCEMENT FROM GINA ROMANO of The Edge who interviewed victims
(3) A letter FROM JANIS--we need to remember that we can fight back
(6) Netherlands Victim Peter Mooring has placed some ads in major
In the Netherlands ad was placed in 3 major newspapers: Volkskrant,
NRC Handelsblad,
Trouw: 27-10-2007, 20-10-2007 1in3mini advertenties, 1,4 miljoen
readers: Diversen/Politiek.
(7) A letter from Rep Jim Guest
(8) Great new from Derrick Robinson
(9) A letter from Russian Victim Alla Petukhova, web: http://www.moscomeco.narod.ru
28 Oct 07 "Mailteam" works--Conference all with USA Rep. Jim Guest
8 Oct 07 "Mailteam" works-- Victims work trends
(1) Attorney Detlev Eidebenz, who represents a victim from Frankfurt,
believes that the only hope to
stop the wrongdoings of these unknown microwave gangsters in the
entire country, is to fight together.
(2) Video from Dee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_YGAy1j9Gw&NR=1
TECNOLOGICI A.I.S.J.C.A.-M.F.T. http://www.aisjca-mft.org/helplinks-htm
(4) Taiwan Victim Mr. Wenlong Ma (IVAN" ee_...@hotmail.com) has
reported his case to Police Taiwan
Taibei Police officer Mr. Cai s45...@tcpd.gov.tw
You may write the Police officer and let him know mind control is an
international matter.
(5) Mr. Pam Farnsworth calls to contact Mr.Tony Clark, Public Affairs
Officer at Jimmy Carter Center
PARLIAMENT MARGRIET HERMANS http://www.margriethermans.be/
(7) A letter from Organisator der Demonstration in Berlin: Swetlana
2 Oct 07 "Mailteam"works--Victims work trends
(1) French victim Rodin contacted Italian lawyer Romano Nobile.
(2) Belgium Victim Monika has contacted German lawyer.
(3) Mailteam has set up a blog for the victims to publish their
(4) "peacepink" toolbar
you can download this toolbar at http://soleilmavis.ourtoolbar.com
(5) China victim Ruquan Guo wishes to find a job in Beijing, anyone
who has a good job oppertunity,
please introduce yourself to her. (She has graduate from senior middle
HOSPITAL,"mailteam" has
tried to contact his doctors.
(7) USA victim don.friedman has won USD940 per month from the
(8) Soleilmavis and Rinoa has bought some advertisement to expose mind
control torture and wishes
more people to know victims stories.
(9) China Victims also can join Victim online shop union.

26 Sep, Write to China government, Press, Social Organization, and
20 Sep, Write to Canada TV:THE X'ZONE RADIO & TV SHOW
15 Sep, Victims current work trends
(2)Mind Control Weapons shielding
(4)State Rep. Jim Guest attend USA victims conference call
(5) China victim's website, you can link your sites here. http://mindcontrol.com.cn
12 Sep, USA victim KELLY TAYLOR ask your signature for petition to USA
21 Aug, Write to Madam HELENE FLAUTRE ,
Chairwoman of the Commission On Human Rights of the European
18 Aug, China victims, Please participant.
17 Aug, First worldwide victims conference call.
15 Aug,Meet Canadian Parliament JEAN CROWDER
13 Aug,Set up "Mailteam" contact email address for Press
11 Aug,First Victims worldwide meeting in Belgium
7 Aug,A letter from Physicians to victim
5 Aug,Victims current work trends
(1)Robert will be interviewed by Patricia on www.scantv.org
(2)NYC Ti MC Appeals Court Case Oral Argument Aug 9, 2007 details as
to time place and
instructions to show support go to www.secretangel.tv
(4)Some exciting new opportunities that will be happening in the next
coming 2 months in Europe.
(5)Patsy Sorensen, former member of the European Parliament, invites
all TI's vicitms, on thursday-afternoon 9 of august, for a talk, to
see how to start a solution to the problem.
10 Jul, Appeal to H.E Ban Ki-moom--Secretary General of the United
6月18日,A letter from victim Charles Francis Harding III to government
and their reply.


Sep 13, 2008, 6:03:15 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
14 November 2006 (From USA victims)

First presented by Elizabeth Adams, John Conyers, a Democratic
representative from Michigan, is scheduled to head the Judiciary
Committee in January and a vote on the resolution would be made at
that time. We will need to fully support this measure when it comes up
for a vote as it seeks to re-open hearings on COINTELPRO and other
abuses of the FBI and all the other intelligence agencies.

2d Session

H. RES. 1026

For the re-opening of investigative hearings into the Counter-
Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) and other intelligence and law
enforcement programs and agencies, and an expansion of those hearings
to include renewal of previously curtailed abuses, and other
activities sanctioned by the USA PATRIOT ACT.


September 20, 2006
Ms. MCKINNEY submitted the following resolution; which was referred to
the Select Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select), and in
addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be
subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration
of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee



For the re-opening of investigative hearings into the Counter-
Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) and other intelligence and law
enforcement programs and agencies, and an expansion of those hearings
to include renewal of previously curtailed abuses, and other
activities sanctioned by the USA PATRIOT ACT.

Whereas the Congress affirms both constitutional and international law
and all existing legislation and resolutions that protect, defend, and
assert human and civil rights;

Whereas the Congress denounces the criminalization of political

Whereas the Congress condemns any abuse of human, civil, and
constitutional rights undertaken by Federal, State, or local law
enforcement agencies and agents;

Whereas the Congress acknowledges the violations of law perpetrated by
the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted under the
Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), and other intelligence
agency and law enforcement programs such as CHAOS, GARDEN PLOT, CABLE
SPLICER, LANTERN SPIKE, and others, which targeted the leadership of
progressive social movements and implemented extra-constitutional
aggregations of executive power or martial law;

Whereas the Congress recognizes the findings of the Church Committee
which identified COINTELPRO and related activities as an illegal,
extra-judicial effort designed to disrupt and destroy opposition
groups and movements, and anti-war protest, among others;

Whereas the Congress regrets that the government investigations
stopped short of making recommendations for relief for the victims of
COINTELPRO and, as a result, dozens still remain imprisoned, unjustly
incarcerated as the result of FBI operations to `neutralize' the
leadership of the civil rights movement; and

Whereas the Congress recognizes that such abuses have been renewed in
the United States under special Executive branch orders and mandates
following the attacks of 9/11, by existing and newly formed
intelligence, security and law enforcement agencies including but not
limited to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Transportation Security Agency
(TSA), and Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and by certain
provisions of the USA PATRIOT ACT and related legislation: Now,
therefore, be it

Resolved, That the U.S. Congress will release any related classified
documents that do not involve compromise of an existing source, agent,
or method, and renew and administer hearings by all appropriate
committees and subcommittees of Congress, or through the formation of
a select oversight committee to investigate the past abuses and
appropriate legal relief due to the victims of such abuses carried out
under COINTELPRO and related programs by other intelligence and law
enforcement agencies, and to identify any renewal of similar abuses
following the attacks of 9/11 by any Federal or local agencies or
Executive branch orders, or under the provisions of the USA PATRIOT
ACT; and

Be it further resolved, That Congress intends to renew legislation
that will end these abuses and fully protect the constitutional,
civil, and human rights of all U.S. citizens and others who fall under
the protection of our laws and international laws and treaties the
United States is signatory to.


Sep 13, 2008, 6:08:14 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
22 November 2006 Memorials of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapon

(1) J, (I know nothing about her) who I heard from the torturers, died
during May 2002 to August 2002 in China. Her death frightened me; I
had ever mentioned her death in my letters to United Nations.

(2) Clare L. Wehrley[sic], described as a local transient, was
crossing 34th Street North just south of Dartmouth Avenue North on
January 6, 2006 at 7:40pm when she was struck by a 1991 Pontiac Grand
Prix, traveling southbound and driven by Edward Raymond Peters, of St.

A minivan had been in front of Peters and it swerved to avoid Wehrley
as she crossed against traffic. The minivan blocked Peters view of
Wehrley in the roadway as she continued walking from the center lane
to the median lane and was struck by the Pontiac.

This pedestrian/fatality traffic crash was investigated by a Traffic
Homicide Investigator (not to be confused with a homicide
investigator). There are no charges pending in the traffic crash. Most
victims believed that because torturers using mind control and
Directed Energy Weapons to cause her death in a car accident.

(3) Carole Sterling , On November 6, 1997, Carole Sterling, a mind
control victim, committed suicide. She lived in Washington, D.C. and
was tortured so brutally she was led to kill herself to escape the
torture. She went to a UFO conference years ago and it was there she
noticed she became a victim.

(4)Nadine Elaine Mitchell (May 16, 1938 - August 5, 2006)

Last Saturday, August 5, 2006, a fellow-target passed away due to her
injuries rendered physically and psychologically via covert
harassment. In speaking to those that were close to her, she suffered
greatly, especially in her last days because of the cancer, directed
energy weapons and non-stop group stalking activity. Here is a link to
her online obituary: http://obit.king-tearsmortuary.com/obit_display.cgi?id=330690&listing=Current

(5) Darin Smith

From Jennifer M:

I received a strange and sad phone call tonight. A woman was going
through her boyfriend’s cell phone to find out who he had been in
contact with prior to his suicide. It was a TI who had contacted me in
June about targetting. He described what was happening to him first in
an email to me. His name was Darin Smith, a member of the Coast Guard.
We talked on the phone for about an hour. He was very supportive to me
and seemed to be knowledgable about the technology. He knew what they
were doing to him, but he didn't understand why or how they did it,
like most of us. He shot himself in the head, while driving, on Aug.
31st. 2006.

To any of you who knew him, I am very sorry. His girlfriend Tiffany,
was asking me about this group. I'm still freaking out. He seemed so
strong, when I last spoke to him in June. We have to stay tough guys.
I'm having a hard time processing this, but I know that this is a
supportive group.

Please add Darin's name to any memorial group or list we have and let
me know if you need more information on the case. Sincerely yours, TI
Jennifer M.

(6) Marnell Robertson Villarreal

Knife-wielding woman left odd phone message
Recording was made day before she was killed at HPD, attorney say

Related Articles:

Jennifer kukla was hearing voices and killed her 2 daughters


Millionaire faces murder charge after two-year-old daughter dies


A new unwilling victim


Houston Chronicle

Knife-wielding woman left odd phone message



Washington Post Article about Mind Control


Memorials of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons victims.


Miserable stories of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons victims


Perpetrators have involved with other terrorist acts of violence


Who are Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons torturers and



Sep 13, 2008, 6:09:19 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
28 November 2006 Advice for contacting attorney general offices -
From Derrick

John Akwei went to court with allegations that are similar to ours. We
should reasonably expect that if many of us are having these same
experiences that this situation would warrant further looking into.
One of our members has already, acting solo succeeded in getting
attention from someone in the California Attorney General's office
just by citing websites. I believe that if several of us get an
audience with these officials, we can reasonably expect to be listened
to. We can REPORT that Senator Edward Long authored a book in 1967
entitled "The Intruders" that states that "in the developmental stages
are techniques to determine what a person is thinking and to control
his thoughts" and that "this would be done by interpreting a person's
brain waves...” This Senator obviously knew firsthand of the
experimental work that was going on at that time. And from our
experience, they have come a long way since then. This same scenario
is referenced in John Akwei's lawsuit in describing the technology
used against him and other Americans. This technology correlates to
the Senator's statements and is clearly explained in detail. And his
having worked at NSA lends credibity to his claims. We may or may not
go into mind-reading anyway. Primarily, our focus will be the directed
energy weapons and the stalking issues.

I feel that I need to say also that these meetings are not a court of
law; we do NOT have to prove our claims here. What we have to do
though, is present enough rational evidence for them to do their own
investigating and if our claims are found to have merit, we are
talking about egregious CRIMES. If convinced that wrong-doing is going
on, they will hopefully address our claims at the federal level on our
behalf and in time may even set policy guidelines for our state and
local police.

Do NOT forget to reference David Lawson's book, "Terrorist Stalking in
America", and hand the people in AG offices a photocopy of a review,
his is available here:http://www.multistalkervictims.org/terstalk.htm

And since you are dealing with AGs, be sure to hand them this one too:



Sep 13, 2008, 6:11:43 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
28 November 2006
Nov 28, 9:58 AM EST

Watchdog launches probe into spy program
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Justice Department has begun an internal
investigation into its handling of information gathered in the
government's domestic spying program. However, Democrats criticized
the review as too narrow to determine whether the program violated
federal law.
The inquiry by Glenn A. Fine, the department's inspector general, will
focus on the role of Justice prosecutors and agents in carrying out
the warrantless surveillance program run by the National Security
Fine's investigation is not expected to address whether the
controversial program is an unconstitutional expansion of presidential
power, as its critics and a federal judge in Detroit have charged.
"After conducting initial inquiries into the program, we have decided
to open a program review that will examine the department's controls
and use of information related to the program," Fine wrote in a letter
dated Monday to House Judiciary Committee leaders. The four-paragraph
letter was obtained by The Associated Press.

Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse said the agency welcomes
the review: "We expect that this review will assist Justice Department
personnel in ensuring that the department's activities comply with the
legal requirements that govern the operation of the program."
In January, Fine's office rejected a request by more than three dozen
Democrats to investigate the secret program, which monitors phone
calls and e-mails between people in the U.S. and abroad when a link to
terrorism is suspected.
Fine's letter outlining his review was welcomed by congressional
Democrats. At the same time, they said it falls short of examining
issues at the heart of the debate how the spying program evolved, and
whether its creation violated any laws.
"A full investigation into the program as a whole, not just the DOJ's
involvement, will be necessary," said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
The review could include whether the spying program complies with the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which requires judicial
authorization for electronicsurveillance and physical searches of
people suspected of espionage or international terrorism on behalf of
a foreign power. The Justice Department requests surveillance approval
from the FISA court.
Democrats also questioned the timing of the review. Fine's letter
noted that his office asked the White House on Oct. 20 for additional
security clearances that were approved just last week - following the
Nov. 7 elections that gave Democrats control of Congress.
Noting Democrats' renewed power to subpoena Bush administration
officials next year, Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., questioned that
Fine's investigation "is only coming now after the election as an
attempt to appease Democrats" who have been critical of the NSA
The letter was sent to House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner, R-
Wis., and the panel's top Democrat and incoming chairman, Rep. John
Conyers, D-Mich. Sensenbrenner had no comment. Conyers called the
review "a long overdue investigation of a highly controversial
The Justice Department has called the program a necessary tool in the
fight against terrorism, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is
pushing congressionalRepublicans to authorize it by law before they
cede power at the year's end - a prospect with at best a slim shot of
Former Reagan administration national security official Robert F.
Turner, now associate director at the Center for National Security Law
at the University of Virginia, said congressional demands for
sensitive information about the program puts them at odds with long-
standing presidential powers over the collection of foreign
"It's good that the executive branch, on its own, is making sure that
someone's not abusing this power," Turner said. "But when Congress
usurps power vested in the president by the people through the
Constitution, then it becomes the lawbreaker."
Countering, Caroline Fredrickson, the director of the ACLU's office in
Washington, urged Fine "to seek the hidden truth about this
program. ... No one, not even the president, is above the law."
On the Net:
Justice Department:http://www.usdoj.gov/

Stop Organized Stalking and Direct Energy Weapons !
Educate yourself!

Aaron Avalos


Sep 13, 2008, 6:12:41 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
15 January 2007 Mind Control Story in Washington Post
Are they victims of mind-control dirty tricks or are they simply nuts?
Sharon Weinberger presents the stories of a number of TIs -targeted
individuals who believe they are being assaulted by electromagnetic
weapons- in Sunday's (January 14) Washington Post magazine. Her cover
story, "Mind Games", centers on Harlan Girard, who for many years has
run the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons out of
his home in Philadelphia. Weinberger lets you decide whether Girard
and the others are chizophrenic or the involuntary subjects of
government experiments. It's a well-written piece and well worth the
In the Washington Post today, Sunday, January 14, is the article by
Sharon Weinberger that we have long been awaiting. You will be asked
to do a free registration before you can access the article at


In addition, Ms. Weinberger will be hosting an Internet discussion on
Tuesday, January 16 at 11:00 am Eastern time, 8:00 am Pacific time.
Go to:


Here you can post advance comments or questions. Be sure to be
online for the discussion on Tuesday morning. The Post counts the
number of people online for the discussion as a measure of interest in
the subject. A larger that usual number will encourage further
investigation and further stories.

The Weinberger story is the first breakthrough to major
media. . . .

Harlan really does spend all of his time working on this issue and
gathering consistent and excellent information and contacting world
wide experts and human rights professionals etc. He was a great
representative of life as a mind control target. www.icomw.org


Sep 13, 2008, 6:13:33 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
28 January 2007 Victim, Keep faith and keep doing well.

Our Goal:

(1) We wish a resolution from United Nations to stop Mind Control and
Directed Energy weapons torturing and harassing.

(2) We wish all government cooperate together to sentence those
torturers according to law.

How do we work:

(1) Write letters to United Nations, government departments, Human
Rights organizations and other organizations, to expose and strongly
condemn Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons misuse,
torture and harass legal, innocent, unarmed and defenseless civilians.

(2) Through various channels to expose and strongly condemn Mind
Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons misuse, torture and harass
legal, innocent, unarmed and defenseless civilians

(3) Seeking signatures to support us to stop Mind Control Weapons
and Directed Energy Weapons misuse, torture and harass. We wish all
government cooperate together to sentence those torturers according to

Our achievements:

After years of effort from victims and all kind people, we have made
great achievements:

(1) We encouraged all victims to build their own websites and
blogs and work hard to make more people visit their websites.
Currently, more than 1,000 victims have established web sites. As of
December 31, 2006, many of the victims had more than 50,000 hits on
their own websites, blogs. We have more than 50,000,000 hits totally.

(2) We wish that there will be 600 millions people know about
Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy weapons and such weapons have
been misused and so many innocent victims have been suffering from
torture and harassment. Through the efforts of many victims and kind
people in the world, in January 2007 a lot of media started to report
this incident, let us ahead of the target.

Our Next step: We will continue to seek signatures to give us a
supporting voice to stop Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons
misuse, torture and harassment. Each victim shall get 10000 signatures
from their web sites and blogs by the end of 2007.Don’t think it is
impossible, before Media started to report Mind Control Weapons and
Directed Energy Weapons, there were already a lot of people would like
give us a supporting voice. Please come to see “comment” from my blog


Sep 13, 2008, 6:14:49 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
16 March 2007


The International Criminal Court
Head of Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Po Box 19519
2500 CM, The Hague
The Netherlands

Victim Johnfinch had written a letter to the International Criminal
Court, The Hague, and have received the following reply.

"Dear Sir, Madam

The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
acknowledges receipt of you documents/letter.

This communication has been duly entered in the Communications
Register of the Office. We will give consideration to this
communication, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of
the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

As soon as a decision is reached, we will inform you, in writing, and
provide you with reasons for this decision.

Yours sincerely

?(illegible) ?.

Head of Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor"

15 March 2007

USA MC Court Case Appeal Needs You To Show UP In NYC

Tentative date: March 26-2007

Where: 500 Pearl Street in lower Manhattan New York, USA

The final date is not yet been set by the court. www.secretangel.tv is
the site that will have update as to time and room number.

Ti's Please make an effort!
Tentative Court date NYC March 26-2007 Needs your support by
attending. This Court Proceeding could very well be the only way to
get the attacks to stop.

Ti's requested to attend the following Court Proceeding for the
purpose of illustrating support which may help in winning an Appeal of
our Court Case. The Court Case with the US Government as Defendant was
dismissed by the Judge on the basis that the government would not
implant us and that the story is not real. Evidence of being implanted
was provided by using the detection device on www.mdspec.com, evidence
that the government has done such things and worse was provided, The
need for you to attend is simply to walk in and listen to the 30
minute oral argument supporting our position.

Attention to all those who will attend; this is a very very high
security building, and everyone is searched before entry is allowed.
Just don't bring anything that will cause you to lose your time going
there, because they will not let you in because of the object.

Your attendance cannot be underestimated.

7 March 2007

London Directed Electromagnetic Harrassment Meeting
Date: 17th March 2007
Time: 11am - 1pm
Where: Charing Cross Library, 4 Charing Cross Road, London
Nearest Tube: Leicester Square, Charing Cross
Buses: 24, 29, 176 or any bus to Trafalgar Square.

Map: http://maps.google.com/ Search Maps "4 Charing Cross
Road, London WC2H 0HF"

Welcome all public and victims.

6 March 2007

USA Bus Rally and Meeting, Conference call

The plan is to take a bus across the USA country raising the awareness
of the abuses we are all experiencing, educate the public at large,
stay with T.I.'s in our host cities and get to know each other on an
up and close basis.

We will need host cities along the way to house and feed us, set up
interviews and help rally support along our way. Please let us know if
you are interested in being a host city or a host for a night.

Planning sessions every Sunday until the Rally
ACCESS CODE: 5523906

27 February 2007
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights
By Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton
As Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights
Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons
Completed December 2006

Sonoma State University
Project Censored
Media Freedom Foundation




Sep 13, 2008, 6:15:49 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
A letter from John Allman about more research work of Mind Control and
Mind Reading Technologies.

That the inference of human thought from biological data was entirely
feasible, in the case of this much earlier research from EEG and EMG
data, was demonstrated conclusively by Dr Lawrence Pinneo and others
during a U.S. Department of Defense-funded research project that was
conducted at the Stanford Research Institute, from 1972 until 1975.

(Incidentally, Pinneo's research was mentioned in New Scientist, on 3
June 2006. See http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19025540.900.html

The final report on Pinneo's project is entitled FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR
but unclassified 149 page-long report has been obtainable in print for
many years now, from the U.S. Department of Commerce's National
Technical Information Service, by quoting the document reference
number "ADA017405" when ordering.

Pinneo's final report to the Department of Defense was first
published, in Word format, on the internet in 2004, on the Christians
Against Mental Slavery (CAMS) group's website - www.slavery.org.uk.
There are now several other copies of Pinneo's report available on the
internet (searchable by full title), in more compact formats. The
CAMS website also publishes a literature review paper by American
biologist John McMurtrey that cites not only Pinneo's research, but
also various later, civilian research projects that have developed
different methods of technological human thought inference.
Significantly, there is also a short discussion paper covering the
scientific literature that strongly suggests that nowadays EEG data
may already be collectible remotely, by telemetry.

Remote, technological thought inference capablity is needed, if the
affects upon specifically targeted individuals when deploying weapons
for the the manipulation of human beings is to be monitored by those
inflicting the effects, rendering the entire exercise any more
worthwhile than playing darts in a darkroom. Eight years ago,
European Parliament Resolution A4-0005/99 Paragraph 27 called for all
weapons capable of the manipulation of human beings to be banned
worldwide, although the present British government is expressly
opposed, in writing, to any such ban, or even to this new class of
weapons being debated publicly.

One example of this new class of human manipulation weapons, so-called
V2K weapons, is defined in the Military Thesaurus published on the
website of The Center for Army Lessons Learned, Fort Leavenworth.

The targeting of specific individuals using V2K weapons, for the
purposes of "psychological direction", is specifically elaborated by
the USA's Department of the Army, USAF Scientific Advisory Board
report entitled “New World Vistas: air and space power for the 21st
century”, published in 1996. Sadly, for reasons of "national
security", attempts to obtain Freedom of Information Act disclosure,
both in the UK and the USA, about this class of technology has not
been successful enough to date for any official response to make a
helpful contribution towards the proposed "ethical debate", about the
thought inference technology that would be needed in order to monitor
how effective any "psychological direction" of targeted individuals
might be, using V2K or other human manipulation weapons.

On Sunday 14 January 2007, The Washington Post colour supplement
magazine's cover story feature article was about the huge number of
people internationally who nowadays claim to be the victims of non-
consensual human-subject experimentation that deploys precisely the
human manipulation weapons that the European Parliament wanted banned
eight years ago. These people have been putting vigorously one side
of the proposed ethical debate, on the internet and suchlike, for
decades. It is therefore pleasing that the maintream media are at
last beginning to take notice of this knotty ethical problem, in this
200th anniversary year of the final Act of our own British Parliament,
leading to the abolition of the type of "slavery" against which
William Wilberforce and others campaigned.

The position of the CAMS group is that we want it to be regarded as a
crime against humanity worldwide for anyone to monitor or to
influence human thought technologically without continuing, informed

John Allman
Secretary, Christians Against Mental Slavery, 15 Regent Court, Albert
Street, Fleet, Hampshire. GU51 3YA
+44 7930 519793


Sep 13, 2008, 6:16:46 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
6 April 2007 (Contact with a reporter of CCTV)


A victim gave me a reporter‘s telephone number (Without this
reporter’s agreement, I could not publish his telephone number and his
name here) and said that CCTV <<Approaching Science>> wanted to make a
program for victims and few victims would be invited to attend the

I called this reporter 3 times. First time, I just wanted to confirm
about this matter. Second time, a victim told me that reporter was
searching some information about this matter. I called this reporter
and asked whether he wanted some help for preparing information. He
said he would appreciate that if I could prepare some documents for
him. He said he wanted the following information about Mind Control

(1)relevant evidences of origin Mind Control Weapons and Mind Control
weapon development.

(2) News articles of Mind Control Weapons

(3) Conclusions from Scientists, lawyers and mental health experts on
symptoms of the victims and the describe of these victims’ experience.

He also wanted some information from victims:

(1) Personal experience of Victims

(2) The evidence of victim’s symptoms.

(3) Recommend several victims for the program

On 4 Apr, I wrote some emails, and within 2 days I received more than
40 replies. Victims, scientists, experts all over the world have given
us disinterested assistance; they provided us some valuable documents.
Some documents gave us freely which people only should pay for read
from bookshops or internet.

Mr. Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State
University and Director of Project Censored, author of “US
Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights” also wrote to me and asked
this matter.


I called this reporter on 6 Apr, and he said that they could not go to
overseas to interview someone. And they would not focus on weapons.
(In my opinions, all symptoms of victims are from Mind Control Weapons
torturing and harassment. If they don’t focus on weapons, how could
they find out the reason of victims symptoms?)

Thanks for all who have been working hard to expose Mind Control
Weapons torturing and harassment. What they have done just want to
help victims to get Public concern and help. Media program is a very
good channel to get public concern and help. When those people heard
that CCTV would do a program special for victims, everyone tried their
best to help us and wish that there would be a good program.

I would express our sincere gratitude to all community, experts and
scholars who concern about victims.

I also wish that victims should see that so many people put themselves
in dangerous of possible attacking to help victims. Victims must
standup and work hard, keep doing well.

28 March 2007 British "The Guardian" news report call for "ethical

Guardian news report http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story/0,,2009217,00.html
the most welcome call, for "ethical debate", about technological
thought inference.

"The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists' ability
to probe people's minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises
serious ethical issues over how brain-reading technology may be used
in the future." [Added emphasis mine] So wrote Ian Simple, referring
to certain very recent research into the technological inference of
human thought, in this recent case using brain imaging, conducted by
the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
University College London and Oxford University. [The brain scan that
can read people's intentions, The Guardian, Friday 9 February 2007]


Sep 13, 2008, 6:17:58 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
14 April 2007 Send emails to Canadian TV about Mind Control Weapons

Directed Energy Weapons torture and harassment

Mostafa Hosny, requests you all to send an email to Canadian TV at:

Please make it concise and confirm whether you have been subjected to
what I described below.

Please try not to complain about legitimate Law Enforcement tactics
such as surveillance (stalking) as it is legal and authorized by

Courts did not authorize Directed Energy Attacks.

Moe Hosny

Windsor Canada

519 991 7461

Email: moe_...@yahoo.ca


12 Apr 2007 Victim Scott will appear on the New York City TV show: Fox
and Friends First

On Friday 13 April, 2007 Scott will appear on the New York City TV
show: Fox and Friends FirstTV Program: Fox and Friends First It is the
third part/hour of the 3 hour morning news show.Where: Outside FOX
WORLD NEWS, NYCWhen: 8am New York time, Please check your local
listing for the TV channel in your area. http://www.foxnews.com/foxfriends/index.htmlI
will be dressed in all black with dark sunglasses, and a black T-shirt
with "white letters" on it that will be easyto see even though I will
be outside the studio. I should be in the opening shot at the
beginning of the program at about 10 seconds after the show Logo, in
the middle window, BUT, if you don't see me then, you should be able
to see me clearly within the first 6-10min of the show outside one of
the three large windows.I will NOT be a guest on the show, and will
NOT give an interview. I will be outside the studio where the show's
"live friends" can be viewed. Depending on what happens, they could
show a close up shot of my entire body, and mention me, and at that
point I will wave to everyone, (this has happened to me before),
otherwise, you will be able to see me in the background outside one of
the windows, behind one of the shows host.This show is broadcast in
about 50 countries, and has an audience of millions and millions of
people. Please take a few min on Friday, and celebrate with meTHANKS
EVERYONE...ScottPS. It is NOT supposed to rain, but if it does, my
umbrella is a large blue one, but you will still see my T-shirt..7
April 2007 (Victims write letters or emails to expose Mind Control
Weapons torture and harassment) SoleilmavisOn April, All victims
please write letters to governments, public communities, human rights
organizations, scientists, or press offices to expose Mind Control
Weapons torture and harassment.In your letters, it shall include your
stories of being a target; your symptoms and your suffering; your
efforts to stop the torture; and the help you wish to get.There are
more than 1500 victims who have stood up and make active efforts to
expose these fascists Mind Control Weapons torturing and harassment.
Through the efforts of the victims and all justice-upholding people in
the world, have found more and more information that proves the
existence of Mind Control Weapons.It is time to cause widespread
concern in society, and strongly condemn the abuse of such weapons
against innocent citizens We wish to bring out three questions: (1)
Many countries have developed a type of brain control (drugs, chips,
nano - or electromagnetic waves) weapons. Does the government then
have also introduced a law system to manage the use of such weapons?
(2) What effective legal systems and other measures that our
government have already established to prevent the misuse of such
weapons.(3) Once there is misuse of such weapons, how can we get
help from our government to protect the interests of the victims? And
how to put torturers to legal sanctions.


Sep 13, 2008, 6:20:24 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
21 April 2007 4th European Symposium on Non-Lethal WeaponsWhen: May 21
- 23, 2007

Where: in the Stadthalle Ettlingen

organized by Fraunhofer ICT; Pfinztal Germany


Point of Contact

Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT)
Dr. Klaus-Dieter Thiel

Phone: +49 - 721- 4640 - 375
Fax: +49 - 721- 4640 - 575

E-Mail: klaus-die...@ict.fraunhofer.de

Fraunhofer-Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT)
P. O. Box 1240
D-76318 Pfinztal (Berghausen)

I have received a letter from Dr. Klaus-Dieter Thiel,

He is strictly against any misuse, but they will not discuss Mind
Control Weapons.

1 May 2007 Group Complaint -- United Nations Council on Human Rights

USA, Canada, Europe and Australia Group Complaint
Victim Mostafa Hosny – Canada, will file a complaint letter to United

Petitions Unit
United Nations Council on Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland.

Here is the draft complaint letter.

If you want to add your name to its listing, please write to him on

Russia Group Complaint

Victim Mrs. Alla Petuhova and other Russian victims also filed their
group complaint letter to United Nations.

Here is the complaint letter.


Sep 13, 2008, 6:24:44 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
19 May 2007 UK Live webchat UK Live webchat -
Wednesday 23 May, 1000 BST to discuss human rights in the modern
world, with Baroness Ashton, Under-Secretary of StateGet your
questions in to the minister responsible, Baroness Ashton of
Upholland. http://www.pm.gov.uk/output/Page11712.asp

18 May 07 Videos and Recent Radio Interview of victimsAndy from the
Edge Broadcast <an...@theedgeam.com>http://theedgeam.com/presentations/
mindcontrol.htmlMarshall ThomasRadio Liberty is going to interview him
tonight at 11mp EST on his video and bookMarshall Thomas’ video
http://youtube.com/profile?user=marsboy683 Michael Hanna

15 May 07 USA Day of Action to Restore Law and Justice
A message from Michael Hanna bossy...@yahoo.com.
On June 26th, I am joining activists from across the country in
Washington, DC to tell members of Congress face-to-face:
it is time to stop the attacks on our civil and human rights. Will you
come with me?I hope you'll sign up for the June 26th Day of Action to
Restore Law and Justice in Washington. The Day of Action to Restore
Law and Justice is being organized by the ACLU, Amnesty International,
and others to speak out against recent abuses of power that have
eroded some of our most basic freedoms. I'll be there, calling for an
end to shameful acts of torture in secret prisons.
We are demanding the immediate restoration of habeas corpus and due
We are saying that people who break laws must be held accountable no
matter how powerful they are.
Will you join me in standing up for our rights and to protect freedom
and fairness? On June 26th,we will rally outside the Capitol and then
meet with our members of Congress to discuss these issues in person.
It will be a historic day.
I hope you can be there with me. After you sign up, you will receive
all the travel and logistics information you will need to plan your
trip. If you can’t attend, you can still support the Day of Action to
Restore Law and Justice by signing the petition to Congress. Website
for sign up and sign your petition: https://secure.aclu.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=june_home
Hope to see you in DC on June 26th!



To those that live in the Los Angeles and surrounding area and nearby
states, a film crew from the TV station Channel 2 in Israel will be in
LA taping for a documentary this weekend concerning the topic of
government surveillance. I know this is short notice, but I've been
working on making arrangements for this since I received word of it
just last week.

The documentary is a four-part series called "Privacy Breach". It
will be focusing on the issues of privacy relating to the areas of:
home, economics, medical, and finally government surveillance.

Most of the focus will be placed on Israel, however there will be at
least 8 minutes of reporting on matters related to the US in each
portion of the series. In the government surveillance portion, Reli,
the co-editor stated that the focus there may be well more than 8
minutes, as she has become more interested in the topic as she has
researched further.

The filming will occur Monday, May 7 at around 6 pm or so in the
clubhouse of Ramona Lopez' apartment complex, which is located not too
far, (about 10 minutes) from these hotels in Simi Valley:

513-337-9632 (home)
513-344-4113 (cell)

4 May 2007 "Are You a Victim of Mind Control?" - TV INTERVIEW

Deborah would like to invite you to be a guest on The Deborah
Interviews Show on iLifeTV!

The show topic is, "Are You a Victim of Mind Control?"

Because you have reason to believe that you are a victim of mind
control, Deborah would like for you to share your story of when, where
and how you first realized that you were a victim, any medical
treatment and/or counseling you have received and whether you are in
recovery or have reason to believe you are still being victimized.

We are scheduling production in Nashville June 19-23 and are flexible
to work within your schedule.

Cathy Edwards, Sr. Producer


Sep 13, 2008, 6:26:26 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
18 Jun 07 Victim Charles Francis Harding III’s Letter to Government
officer and their response

Victim Charles Francis Harding III’s Letter to USA Senatro Bill

Senator Bill Nelson
Office of Senator Bill Nelson
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410,Orlando, Florida 32801

Dear Senator Nelson:

I believe public demonstration of Microwave Surveillance is the most
expeditious course of action:

(1) For broader understanding of Microwave Surveillance techniques and
human effects, and
(2) For that whole group of citizens whose appeals for assistance have
been similarly and irresponsibly denigrated.

An old adage states that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In
this case “a demonstration is worth a billion words.”

The enclosed CD contains my report titled “Microwave Surveillance-
2007.” Sections 2 and 3 contain reports about the biological effects
of non-ionizing radiation on human beings. I have made several
presentations about Microwave Surveillance at Santa Fe Community
College and at the Gainesville Public Library which were based on the
PowerPoint presentations on the enclosed CD.

This CD, also, contains reports written by concerned citizens,
including former members of the National Security Community and
researchers from the Department of Veterans Affairs. A far greater
number are available via the Internet and University of Florida

From Nonlethal Weapons: War Without Death (1996) by Dr. David Allen

(p. 119- Scenario Twelve- Infrasound and Microwave

“High-powered microwave weapons . . . are not new. Their concept has
been in existence almost since radar was developed. It was known that
the concentrated radar beam could kill, and it was explored as a
potential weapon early on. The new applications for this technology
(possess) high lethal as well as non-lethal capabilities. They can
scramble brain waves, and cause indecision, nausea, vomiting, muscle
spasms, and uncontrolled body movement . . . humans are reduced to
squirming masses.”

I have experienced all of the described symptoms and more.


Charles Francis Harding III

June, 2007

response from Senator Bill Nelson
From: Bi...@billnelson.senate.gov
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 11:08 AM
To: fawk...@cox.net

Subject: RE: Your response from Senator Bill Nelson

Attachments: Consent For Release Of Information Update 09.10.04.pdf

Please do not reply to this e-mail. If you need to send another
message to Senator Nelson, please use the form on his Web site:

Dear Mr. Harding:

Thank you for contacting my office. Your concerns and comments are
important to me.

Due to provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, all Federal agencies are
prohibited from releasing any information regarding an individual
without that individual's written consent. This protection means that
I am unable to help until I have something in writing from the person
concerned to show that I am authorized to check into this matter.
Please complete and sign the attached form and return it to me as soon
as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my
Orlando , Florida office at (407) 872-7161 or (888) 671-4091, toll
free in Florida only.

This attachment is in Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF files
require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe also provides free PDF
tools for the visually impaired at http://www.adobe.com/enterprise/accessibility/main.html.
Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

P.S. From time to time, I compile electronic news briefs highlighting
key issues and hot topics of particular importance to Floridians. If
you'd like to receive these e-briefs, visit my Web site and sign up
for them at http://billnelson.senate.gov/news/ebriefs.cfm


Sep 13, 2008, 6:28:14 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)

Appeal To H.E. Ban Ki-moon - Secretary General of the United Nations

We the undersigned would like to draw your attention to a Covert
program in Europe, Australia, US and Canada.

What is happening, Mr. Secretary General, in terms of torture in the
US, Canada, Europe & Australia is horrendous by any standards . It
shows what the human nature is capable of !!

In Feb. 1956, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev informed the Soviet
Communist Party Congress about human rights abuses committed by Joseph
Stalin's Secret Police chief L. Beria.

This was a shock to the Soviet people considering how proud they were
of their economic progress and military successes in Second World

The day will come when a North American leader of the calibre of Jimmy
Carter and Pierre Trudeau will disclose to Americans and Canadians the
horrible human rights violations happening in their countries.

It will be a shock as well in North America & Europe !!

No one is suggesting that people are "disappearing" in North America.
The comparison is intended to stress the similarities to what L. Beria
committed against the Soviet people with utter disregard for human

We call on the UN Council on Human Rights to discuss with American,
Canadian and European diplomats the horrendous human rights conditions
some of their citizens are facing.

Please forgive US, Canadian and European diplomats if they appear
uninformed about these terrible violations as the system works on
financing "research" projects for the security-military complex with
very few politicians in the know about the nature of those terror

We the undersigned have suffered or are suffering, from strange and
similar symptoms. There is no physical or mental illness that can
cause all of the symptoms indicated below. But there is a technology
(neurological weapons, radio-frequency weapons) that can.

The human body is an electrochemical system: anything that disturbs
the electrical impulses of the nervous system will affect body
function and behaviour.

We the undersigned would like to draw your attention to this extreme
criminality. There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this
horrendous matter.

It is important to stress that, in addition to the undersigned, many
thousands more are suffering from these same symptoms.

Symptoms Experienced by Victims of Neurological and Radio-frequency
RADAR weapons:

Sleep Disturbance
Forced or Artificial Dreams
(Dreams affect people deeply, subconsciously. They can induce fear,
demoralize, or program.
The operators also are probing your subconscious mind to see how it
will respond to various scenarios so they can better refine your brain
imprinting program).

Auditory Effects (sounds, noises etc. particularly to disturb you
during the night)
Muscle Spasms including back pain
Muscle Cramps which can freeze you
Burning sensations in different parts of your body
Tingling sensations
Flu like Symptoms to make you a socially undesirable person
Hair being pulled out sensations
Blurred Vision (including white circle spots blocking vision)
False Heart Attacks
Sexual abuse using the technology for humiliation purposes
(particularly with women).
Sudden bladder or bowel movements
Hot and Cold Flashes
Tooth pain
Thoughts Read Remotely


Dr. Robert Duncan, holder of a Ph.D. In Artificial Intelligence from
Harvard University, and a former US Defence Scientist points out the
pain that people experience is both an amplification of real pain
(i.e. a small ache or discomfort when amplified by neural induction
becomes a large pain) and sensory pain pathway entrainments.

The US Army published documents showing they mapped out the sensory
pathways of humans. For what purpose other than to create pain
weapons. It is the same technology for sound, sight, or any other
sense. These are the ports that have been hacked into the human mind.
Because it is difficult to understand, most people rather explain it
as direct energy applied to that part of the body but in fact it is
stimulation in the base of the brain that ultimately interpret the
sensory information as pain, pleasure, etc.


Dr. Robert Duncan cautions not to try to derive meaning for the pain.
There is no way to "behave" in behaviour modification experiments. It
is about depatterning, i.e. erasing your personality. Obviously it is
NOT always successful so it requires lots of targets.

To break a human spirit requires demoralizing, despair, and long term


You have two organizations", says a veteran spy who once ranked among
the CIA's top female operatives. "There's the organization I worked in
and thrived in, but there's a dark underbelly that nobody knows about
unless you have a run-in with it. Nobody knows about it because you're
not allowed to talk about it".

From US News & World Report: April 30, 2007, page 57.

In Canada and some European countries, the above assessment is valid.


Q- What does the FREQUENCY CODE have to do with the torture you are
complaining about?

A- All chemical reactions in the body are driven by Electromagnetic
Oscillations. This is the Frequency code of all cells of any living

Q- How is it possible to remotely influence the metabolic processes of
the body?

A- All processes that build up and break the cells and chemicals of
the body are controlled by Electromagnetic Oscillations. The metabolic
processes can be influenced through external energy sources of Low
Power when they share the SAME Frequency Code.

Q- Why is decoding so important to the Torture Units?

A- By understanding the nature of a reaction that is Frequency
Specific, the Torture Units can tailor SIGNALS that will have dramatic
effects when the CODES ARE MATCHED to the targeted biological

Q- What is all this talk about the Torture Units making Targets hear
Voices & Sounds? Are those victims hallucinating or what?

A- Signals can be applied to the head of the target so that the
auditory cortex in the brain is affected and sounds or voices are
heard without the interaction of the ears or normal auditory pathways
through the inner ears and the 8th CRANIAL NERVE.

Q- What is meant by "Brain Entrainment"?

A- Entrainment is when the brain mirrors the pulse rate of the
external artificial signal, thereby causing change in the body and

It is important for the Torture Units to override the natural signal
of the brain to cause the BRAIN WAVES to change which causes changes
in BRAIN CHEMISTRY, which then causes changes in BRAIN OUTPUTS in the
form of thoughts or emotions.

On Behalf of the victims,

Mostafa Hosny, Ph.D. Accounting, US Certified Internal Auditor
53 Conway Drive
London ON N6E 2H4
Tel (519) 697 7461

The following is the List of Victims:

Dr. Robert Duncan - USA (Ph.D. Artificial Intelligence from Harvard
University & Formerly Defence Scientist with the US government)

Derrick Robinson - USA - (Formerly with the National Security Agency)

Adam Tamble - USA
Julie Gilliam - USA
Belinda Council - USA
Aaron Avalos - USA
Kelly Rasmussen - USA
Leslie Crawford - USA
Melody Mineo - USA
Bruno Marchesani - USA
Rosario Householder - USA
Kevin Burnor - USA
David Beach - USA
Mimi Mhamood (& son Haroon) - USA
Melissa Sanderson - USA
Annyce Amtzen - USA
Robert Levy - USA
Robert Butler - USA
Linda Aldaco - USA
James Graf - USA
Dee Hardin - USA
Rose Ferguson - USA
Timothy Waite - USA
Charles Harding - USA
Kathleene Francis - USA
Teresa Taylor - USA
Ramona Lopez - USA
Scott Fitzgerald - USA
Leslie Coblence - USA
Dale Wahl - USA
Kathi Kapp - USA
Elizabeth Adams - USA
Juanita Purdy - USA
Joselle Cooper - USA
Thomas J. Kluegel - USA
Dawn M. Sanborn - USA
Linda Aldaco - USA
Mary Eliz. Ritz - USA
Robert E. Wood - USA
Nadine Lee - USA
Darlene Crain - USA
Bob Dunlap - USA
Bobbie Crisostomo - USA
Cassandra Lewis - USA
Denise Pompl - USA
Millagros Cedano - USA
Eric Griffin - USA
Robert Miller - USA
Dorothy Schultz - USA
Bev Schweitzen - USA
Ed Kalnins - USA
James Marino - USA
Danuta Zielinska - USA
Freda Lyons - USA
Janice Chrisostomo - USA
Darlene Crain - USA
Nancy Miller - USA
T. Josephine - USA
Ted Jackson - USA
Lee White - USA
Neal Chambers - USA
Bob Dunlap - USA
Andres Trujillo - USA
Robert Rocha - USA
Norman Rabin - USA
Steven Delano - USA
Tim White - USA
Flora Goltsman - USA
Raisa Eydelman - USA
Gloria Naylor - USA
Edgar Laverde - USA
Ronald Haucke - USA
Mary Godwin (& son Aaaron) - USA
Elizabeth Adams - USA
James Walbert - USA

Waldemar Lotz - Germany
Tatiana Lotz - Germany
Lidia Popova - Germany
Gabriele Altendorf - Germany
Sw etlana Schunin - Germany
Jennifer Berkemeier - Germany
Mathias Klein - Germany
Karlheinz Croissant - Germany

David Smith - Canada
Mostafa Hosny - Canada
Steven Jones - Canada
Gerry Duffett - Canada
Beth Bucanan - Canada

Simon Hayes - UK
Mo Tahani - UK
Mabel Isobel White Williams - UK & Australia
Yulia Radionova - UK
Linda Drew - UK
John Smith - UK
Philip Lishman - UK
Derek Kinmond - UK
Paul Sanderson - UK

Gretta Fahey - IRELAND
Petrit Demo - Albania

Mojmir Babacek - Czech Republic
Jiri Svoboda - Czech Republic

Monica Stoces - Belgium
Jean Verstraeten - Belgium
Tony Argyl - Belgium
Rita Thomas - Belgium
Danny Bonte - Belgium
Monika Pavlikova - Belgium

Loba Edouard - Sweden

Johan Heller - Sweden
DR. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD- Finland
Ludmilla Vinten - Denmark

Tom & Gerard Hoogeboom - Netherlands

Ahmad Fani - Iranian citizen attacked in Canada and still reached by
attacks in Shiraz - Iran
Lucia Santos - Mexico
Juan Pujol - Columbia

http://soleilmavis.googlepages.com/comments2 (china victims listing
which is in chinese)


Sep 13, 2008, 6:29:28 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
10 Jul 07 Elizabeth Adams contact with ACLU

Elizabeth Adams, CEO
Organized Crime Waves
National Care Soceity

On Tuesday, June 19th 2007 I had the pleasure of meeting the National
Director of the ACLU Mr. Anthony Romero. I have decided now to present
to the ACLU a class action suit to ask the ACLU to represent victims
in our network regarding the crimes of:

gang stalking
mind control
electro magnetic radiation
directed energy weapons

In conjunction of request for the ACLU to represent us previously this
week I was in contact with

Democracy Now, Amy Goodmans as a guest speaker
The National Action Network, Rev. Al Sharpton as a guest speaker

My efforts in promoting public awareness to support our cause have
been much and with the now 2 television ads airing next week to be "IN
NEW YORK CITY" where all 3 (ACLU, Democracy Now, National Action
Network) Corporate offices are located I believed we will have
accomplished much.

I write to ALL TI's today to inform you that if you want to be part of
this class action suit request that will be sent OVERNIGHT EXPRESS to
ACLU this coming Monday, July 9th to sent me your story via:
ocwinfo@... with the subject headline: POST MY STORY.

Your true life story will then be posted first on
Organizedcrimewaves.com and a paper copy of your story will be sent to
the ACLU packaged with all the other stories in request for the ACLU
to represent us in a class action lawsuit. Being as though your story
will be sent to the ACLU I sincerly suggest you put your contact

In reference to your story being posted in organizedcrimewaves.com you
can state in your email to me POST MY STORY- ANDif you want your name
posted or not. But the letters being sent to the ACLU must have your
contact information on top of the page.

I know for a fact that I left a positive lasting impression with Mr.
Romero and are quite confident that he reviewed the cd television ad
that I gave him.

Recently the ACLU won a $10,000,000 for hate crimes and the ACLU on
June 29, 2007 just filed a new lawsuit against the Dept of Defense and
the CIA for wire tapping and surveillance of U.S. Citizens

I have also been in contact on a NATIONAL LEVEL with the National
Parent & Teachers Associations across the nation.

Tomorrow night @ 9 pm Eastern National Care Society is conducting a
Special Meeting regarding:

1 - Deprivation of Constittional Rights & Priviledges 42 USC Section

2 - Conspiracy to depriving persons of equal protection under the laws
42 USC Section 1985

3 - Intentional inflictionof emotion distress and hate crimes

If you have any questions whatsoever don't hesitate to contact me

Elizabeth Adams, CEO
Organized Crime Waves
National Care Society
(510) 776-8838
(510) 350-8711


Sep 13, 2008, 6:31:16 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
10 Jul 07 Monika work hard to contact with EU parliament and Patsy

Belgium victim Monika Stoces has beeb=n working hard to contact EU
parliament and Patsy Sorensen.

Here is a letter from Patsy Sorensen

this is just to let everyone know we do take this phenomenon seriously
and are looking into ways in which we can convince relevant people to
take it seriously as well. We would like to thank all the people who
have send in their stories, and will keep you informed if not directly
then through Monika Stoces.

kind regards,

Gert Nuyts (assistent)
Patsy Sörensen
Payoke NGO
Leguit 4, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
T. 0032-3-201.16.90


Sep 13, 2008, 6:32:08 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
More and more Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons victims stories
had come to Newspapers. Here is one of them.
Government won't send files ordered by Court on electronic weapon
by Harry V. Martin

First in a Series

Despite the fact that a murder attempt was made on his biological
father and his adopted father was murdered, a Napa man is challenging
the United States government.

Donald M. Friedman is concerned about use of the Secret Service and
any other government agencies using directed energy weapons systems on
civilians. He has filed several requests for documents from the
government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) concerning
directed energy weapons which the Pentagon claims are legal under
international law. Human rights groups are arguing that the weapons
could be used inhumanely.

The devices can affect the human body. Millimeter waveband energy can
penetrate human skin to a very shallow depth, heating the tissue
below. This produces a burning pain without actually damaging the
tissue. The pain forces the person to flee the area. This type of
weapon, according to published reports, shows great potential as a
riot-control device or area-denial system.

The IEE International Symposium on Technology and Society in 1997
states, the development of high-power microwave weaponry, and its
proliferation into subversive organizations, offers the means to
commit the perfect crime? ?The weapon attacks typically leave no
residual evidence and their effects can range from nuisance to

Friedman has been shoved from pillar to post by the federal
government ?from denial that such weaponry exists to stalling on the
release of any material. In fact, in an attempt to cause a roadblock,
the federal government asked for $3828.28 in advance to gather the
material. Friedman paid the money and still no documents.

Finally, Friedman took the issue to federal court. The federal
government asked for delay after delay. Finally, Judge Richard W.
Roberts, a United States District Judge ordered the United States
Secret Service to provide the documents requested by Friedman by July
20, 2007. July 20 has come and gone and the Secret Services still
failed to comply with the United States District Court order. No
explanation was given for not providing the documents ?just total
silence. Friedman is now filing contempt of court actions against the
Secret Service and seeking sanctions.

(second in a Series: http://www.napasentinel.com/ArticleTemplate.php?id=1029&pid=1
He is seeking to prove they have technology that killed his father and
is targetting him
by Harry V. Martin

Second in a Series
When Donald M. Friedman sued the U.S. Secret Service it was only the
tip of the iceberg in his quest to prove several unanswered questions ?
but includes the search for his biological father murderers.
Friedman has sent letters to the U.S. Secret Service in order to
obtain documents showing their possession and use of energy weapons.
When the U.S. Secret Service received his request for information an
attempt was made to discourage him by indicating that he would have to
pay $3828.28 just for the time to find the files. To their surprise he
came up with the money. Friedman does not have much money but the
funds were provided to him by Napa County.
But even after receiving the $3828.28 check the U.S. Secret Service
has balked at sending him any of the information he requested ?so
Friedman took the U.S. Secret Service to Federal Court in Washington,
D.C. by mail. The U.S. Secret Service has made motion after motion to
delay any request to have the documents turned over. Federal Judge
Richard W. Roberts finally ordered the U.S. Secret Service to turn
over the files to Friedman. The judge set a deadline of July 20. That
date has come and gone and the U.S. Secret Service has remained silent
and has not provided any records.
Now Friedman is filing a motion for sanctions and a new demand for the
material. What is the U.S. Secret Service attempting to hide? After
the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the U.S. Secret Service was
permitted to have access and knowledge of all military weaponry.
Electronic weaponry can be used to inflict pain on individuals from a
distance of 1000 meters. Human Rights organizations are up in arms
over what they believe is the use of such weaponry on individuals. The
IEE International Symposium on Technology said that the development of
these weapons can enable an organization to commit the individuals on
a temporary basis. The Secret Service was originally interested in
procuring the weaponry to 搒tun?or halt individuals that might attempt
to harm the President of the United States. But now several hundreds
of individuals and Human Rights groups believe the weaponry is used by
the Secret Service to targeted individuals ? even those with no intent
of harming the President of the United States.
Friedman believes he has been a target. He is backed up by others who
believe this, as well. Friedman quest is to prove to a Court of Law
that such weapons exist inside the U.S. Secret Service. He had been to
Court on the issue in the past but the Judge ruled that there was no
evidence such weaponry existed or that the U.S. Secret Service had
them. The freedom of information request was primarily to prove to the
judge that they do, indeed, exist and are in the possession of the
Secret Service.
Over 1100 American soldiers died near the end of World War Two from
experimentation of such weapons on them by the military ?human guinea
pigs. With the Secret Service obtaining access to any type of
microwave technology, the question becomes: Why? Friedman, if he can
prove his case in court, believes he can track down the murderers of
his father.
(To be continued.)

Napa, CA 94559

Case No.: Case No. 06-cv-2125 (RWR)

The Plaintiff in the above-captioned case respectfully moves for this
court to immediately compel the Defendant, U.S. Secret Service, to
provide the records, etc. it was ordered to provide to the Plaintiff
by July 20, 2007. See this court抯 May 29, 2007 order. The vast
majority of the requested records, etc. are presently being improperly
withheld from the Plaintiff pursuant to the Defendant misusing many
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA? exemptions and a 5 USC ?552 (c)(1)
FOIA record exclusion provision to avoid providing (or even
acknowledging the existence of) the records, etc. to the Plaintiff
which incriminate the agency in over 40 years of very serious criminal
misconduct (including long-term, long-range, anonymous torture,
coercion, control, abuse, etc. of the Plaintiff and thousands of other
similarly-situated victims from up to 1000 meters away) and reveal the
long-term, criminal misuse of directed-energy weapons (DEWs? and other
directed-energy technologies (DETs?, as well as warrantless misuse of
related, electromagnetic radiation-based, wall-penetrating audio and
video surveillance equipment which is used in conjunction with the
DEWs/DETs for DEW/DET targeting and warrantless individual and group
The relevant part of the FOIA statute related to the record exclusion
provision the Defendant is misusing to shield its criminal misconduct

(c)(1) Whenever a request is made which involves access to records
described in subsection (b)(7)(A) and--
(A) the investigation or proceeding involves a possible violation
of criminal law; and
(B) there is reason to believe that (i) the subject of the
investigation or proceeding is not aware of its pendency, and (ii)
disclosure of the existence of the records could reasonably be
expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, the agency may,
during only such time as that circumstance continues, treat the
records as not subject to the requirements of this section.

After many instances of Defendant requesting nonsensical extensions
and stays in the instant case, including one motion for a stay which
made up a non-existent fee issue, this court ordered the Defendant to
produce all requested records, etc. to the Plaintiff by July 20, 2007.

In the Defendant late response, dated July 23, 2007, the Defendant
sent the Plaintiff approximately 150 pages of documents, some with
redactions, along with a letter stating that 454 pages of additional
records were being withheld in their entirety, pursuant to various
exemptions. See attached, Exhibit a true and correct copy of the July
23, 2007 letter from the Defendant.

The records the Defendant provided to the Plaintiff and the 454 others
which were withheld in their entirety represent only a very small
portion of the records, etc. the Defendant has in its custody and/or
control which are responsive to the Plaintiff FOIA perfect crime?with
no trace of the weapons use on individuals.
The weapons were designed mainly to disable request.

The Defendant is improperly basing its use of the 5 USC ?552 (c)(1)
record exclusion provision of the FOIA on the fact that any release of
records, etc. verifying the Plaintiff allegations of DEWs?DETs?misuse
would instantly identify the Defendant as the source of all of the DEW/
DET-related activities/misconduct, and would indiscriminately allow
all of its victims to instantly and positively identify the Defendant
activities in relation to them, which undoubtedly includes some
persons the agency believes it has a legitimate right to use the DEW/
DET devices on for investigations/enforcement actions who would also
immediately become aware of the pendency of the agency activities in
relation to them. This is due to the unique, perceivable effects of
the DEWs/DETs, the similarity between the Defendant methods/the
victims?accounts of the government misuse of the DEWs/DETs, the fact
that there are no other federal agencies as far along in using the
unique, Secret Service-developed combination of DEWs/DETs, as well as
the Defendant抯 unique methods of the misuse of the devices. This
combination of technologies and methods of misuse provide a signature,?
identifiable as only belonging to the Defendant, and the Defendant is
using that as the flimsy, nonsensical excuse by which it is misusing
the FOIA record exclusion provision of 5 USC ?552 (c)(1).

The Defendant agency is deliberately misusing the record exclusion
provision in a way it was never designed or intended to be used
because it knows that if it discloses any records, etc. which confirm
the Plaintiff抯 allegations it will allow every one of the thousands of
the Defendant抯 victims, including the Plaintiff, to instantly,
positively identify the Defendant as the source of the decades of
torture, coercion, control, abuse, etc. and will allow all of the
victims to take legal action against the Defendant as well as expose
the Defendant抯 criminal and professional misconduct to the world,
which would have extremely far-reaching consequences, including, but
not limited to the likely stripping of the agency of the future use of
any of the DEW/DET devices which have been so egregiously misused by
the Defendant for over 40 years.

The Defendant has engaged in the following criminal and professional
misconduct in relation to the Plaintiff over the last 40 years:
Dated this 9th day of August, 2007


Sep 13, 2008, 6:34:30 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)

MORE than 250 people who claim they are “brainwashing” victims of
America’s Central Intelligence Agency are set to win a multimillion-
dollar legal battle for compensation.

Their case resembles the plight of Hollywood star Matt Damon’s
character in the hit movie series that began with The Bourne

As in the new follow-up film The Bourne Ultimatum, they claim that
they were guinea pigs in a series of bizarre experiments to erase
their memories and reprogramme them.

A court in Montreal will decide if they have a case against the Cana­
dian government, which allowed the CIA’s controversial mind-control
experiments to be carried out there.

Nine have already each received $67,000 (£33,500) compensation from
the spy agency, which has admitted setting-up an operation codenamed
MK-Ultra during the Cold War.

Many of the chilling details of the top-secret operation have come to
light in an investigation by former US State Depart­ment officer John
Marks for his book The Search For The Man­churian Candidate.

In CIA-speak, a “Manchurian Candid­ate” is the name given to an
unwitting assassin who is mentally “programmed” to kill. The phrase
refers to the 1964 movie of the same name starring Frank Sinatra as a
brainwashed US prisoner-of-war.

Using documents released under America’s Freedom of Information laws,
Marks ascertained that the CIA recruited renowned Scottish
psychiatrist Donald Cameron to mastermind MK-Ultra.

Cameron, an ex-president of the World Psychiatric Association, chose
Montreal’s Allen Memorial Institute to conduct potentially lethal
experiments on non-US citizens.
Documents reveal he used thousands of unwitting as well as voluntary
subjects to test paralytic drugs, hallucinogens including LSD and
electro-convulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times normal power. Cameron,
who died in 1967, also put many “guinea pigs” into comas for months on
end while playing tapes of repetitive statements in a bid to discover
if he could erase memories, then rebuild them with new information.

During an agonising legal battle which has raged since 1988, when the
CIA paid nine of Cameron’s Canadian victims $67,000 each, Canada’s
government has stone­walled hundreds of claims.

Up to last week, it had paid $100,000 (£49,700) each to 77 victims
whose cases were so extreme that they were reduced to permanent
childlike states.

Last Tuesday Janine Huard, now 79, became the first “still sane”
survivor to be offered compensation, and legal experts believe her
secret settlement will open the floodgates for other victims.

Janine said: “The money will allow me to live out my days as I have
always wanted, with peace of mind. I am so ex­hausted from fighting
for so many years.”

Note from Soleilmavis: MK-Ultra is well known as one kind of Mind
Control weapons. Mind Control weapons also include Electronic Chip
“implant” Mind Control Weapons, Nano technology “implant” Mind Control
Weapons, Microwave or Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons.

The main differences between Mind Control Weapons and other weapons
are that Mind Control Weapons harm human beings by attacking brain and
nervous system.Here is some details information of different Mind
Control Weapons: http://soleilmavis.googlepages.com/links


Sep 13, 2008, 6:36:10 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
5 Aug 2007 Victims work trends

(1) Whistleblower Karen Weeks has indicated she will have the support
of 300 former police colleagues regarding the COINTELPRO tactics being
used -- if she can get a press conference with someone high

Call Robert for more info.
His phone number is on the front page of the site.

Robert will be interviewed by Patricia on www.scantv.org today.
Patricia, the hostess, needs visuals to help with her interview.
Anyone with rock-solid visuals of the mind control techno and its
effects may call her at 206-283-8244 or email her from her site

Please check on Robert's site for frequent updates on the current
event news shedding light on the surveillance issues.

Respecfully ignore admonitions by individuals who believe Karen and
Robert's story is a hoax. It is well-documented on Dr. Nick Begich's
site, www.haarp.net, regarding HAARP by the military, of which the
police are now an extension. This kind of negative feedback only
leads to more hopelessness, death and suicides on the part of
victims. Anyone may contribute to the background investigations of
Karen Weeks and email their findings to this email address at any

Sorry if duplicate email - the list is being straightened out slow but

(2) NYC Ti MC Appeals Court Case Oral Argument Aug 9, 2007
details as to time place and instructions to show support go to

LOCATION European EMC Products Limited
Unit 8, Saffron Business Centre
Elizabeth Way
Saffron Walden
Essex CB10 2BL
There will be a pick up from Stratford station @ 11.45am
You are quite welcome to travel there by Private transport the map
link is above. You can also travel there by train to Audley End train
station if coming from that area(but there will be a bus service for
those wishing to be picked up from London).


(4) There are some exciting new opportunities that will be happening
in the next coming 2 months. They are all geared towards the support
of people, equipping you with the tools needed to make an impact and
to get results that make a difference !!

· EMF Testing in a isolated faraday
cage environment which will take place on Saturday 4th August.
Location Saffron Walden Essex. If you have concerns of being remotely
targetted or microchip implants this will be he ideal opportunity for
you to have these matters investigated with state of the art
technoloy . Only 16 places left so do register your interest early.

· Free seminar on approaching
authorities, the press, writting letters, legal matters and making
your complaint heard by experts. Please register your interest.

· Teleconference on starting a
business and raising funds from home. Please register your interest.
There will be a seminar/dinner in London in the near future.

· & Free workshop on Building your own
website and getting on the internet, and guide to the internet. Please
register your interest

· Creating your own broadcast 'U-Tube'

· Counselling and victim support from
registered professionals.

· International teleconference
regarding proposed plans for European Lobby. Every wednesday get your
voice heard and hear others!!

· Free newsletter each month on e-
harassment related news around the world. Please register your

· Holiday in Leeds Yorkshire a chance
to get away fro a long break with other people, please register your

· Free seminar 'Multiplying your
resources in any area of your life by Joint Venturing and

· Teleconference on Research Methods -
'Finding the right information when you want it and for free'. Please
register your interest.

Free seminar on tips to raise awareness in the general public about E-

Please register your interest by replying to this email or by txt
messaging to the number 07984849826. Look forward to hearing from
Andrew Grant

(5) Patsy Sorensen, former member of the European Parliament, invites
all TI's vicitms, on thursday-afternoon 9 of august, for a talk, to
see how to start a solution to the problem.

This meeting takes place at Payoke, Antwerp on Thursday, August 9,
2007 at 2 PM (14.00h), and will end at 5 PM (17.00h ). Agenda:
Research Project and Other Initiatives.

Payoke gives assistance and protection for victims of trafficking in
human beings; its office is located near the center of Antwerp.
Website: http://www.payoke.be/pages/eng/engindex.html.

Leguit 4 - 2000 Antwerpen -
tel.: 0032(0)3/201.16.90 - fax.: 0032(0)3/233.23.24

ZEEMANSHUIS /hotel (cheap rooms) conferencing ANTWERPEN

www.zeemanshuis.be (500 m from payoke , leguit 4)

We Will Talk About :

1. Worldwide campaign to "Stop The Abuse of remote physical
manipulation and mind control weaponry on Civilians. will be
coordinated for the mail-actions, by a "mail-team" to get all
writings to all organisations.

Europe: contacting the euro parliament, list all other organizations
we already did contact (worldwide), and announce to contact them
again, but much more coordinated, with all continents.

We will send and hand over the (24 July recently) Appeal To H.E. Ban
Ki-moon - Secretary General of the United Nations "We the
undersigned would like to draw your attention to a Covert program in
Europe, Australia, US and Canada. ....ect "

2. An euro cooperation with all countries , Europe with all
continents Politically and socially.

Jean verstraeten wants to explain a legal proposition on national
level as an example for a European law.

John Allman will tell about the resolution in euro parliament about
the ban on manipulation weapons

Monika Stoces wil say something about the numbers of victims, and
their daily problem, ask for official help from any side, and an
official place were they can announce themselves, and an investigation

Danny Bonte will tell something as well J And maybe some other
unexpected guests show up.



They will be used over and over again by the mailteam (and other
activist of course) , to be send over and over to the same human
rights organizations, politics and press UNTIL SOMEBODY STARTS TO

John Finch, Mostafa Hosny, Derrick Robinson, Soleilmavis, Monika
Mail to mcmai...@gmail.com

It will be forwarded to your preferred destinations (beneath)

to humanrights organisations,
to Politicians
to press
or to all 3 (if you don't specify anything)

if you prefer for any reason to send your letter only to one of the
specific people of the mailteam or directly to them, you are free to
do so : "john finch" <john...@excite.com>, "Soleilmavis"
<solei...@yahoo.com >, "Mostafa Hosny" <moe_...@yahoo.ca>,
"Derrick Robinson" <dcr...@msn.com>, "Monika Stoces" <

An Sample Letter

I support the worldwide campaign "Stop The (secret) Abuse of
manipulation weapons on Civilians"

I am a Victim of electronic Harassment/ mindcontrol/ directed energy
weapons/ Organized Stalking and Torture

From ?-(state country)

Attacked (year you realized to be attacked).

Briefly your letter, case summery symptoms, whom you contacted before,
what were the reactions, or whatever you do find important to say or
to ask

This part you can leave open if you absolutely do not know what to

I demand for an international investigation of those crimes and huge
violations of human rights.

(Your name ,and preferably your Contact Information )


This is the press release:

Thousands of people, are asking for an international investigation of


Sep 13, 2008, 6:50:00 PM9/13/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
8 Aug 07 A letter from Physicians to victim

Victim Kommy just received a letter from Physicians for Human Rights

Here is the letter:
We are truly sorry for your situation and past and present.
Our organization is not equipped to study such cases, but you may want
to try to contact a human rights legal aid organization, such as the
ACLU or your local Legal Services group.

Executive Assistant for PHR
Executive Assistant/Internship Coordinator
Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301
Cambridge, MA 02138
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice

Note from Soleilmavis: From the letter, we know that Physicians fully
understand the suffering of victims, They understand that victims are
suffering from Mind Control and Directed Energy weapons torture and
harassment; They understand that victims are not Psychiatric patients.
Only because they are not equipped, that is why they can not study
such cases.

I, Soleilmavis also has received a letter from them:

We have received your e-mail regarding your ordeal and are sorry for
all the pain and suffering you have been experiencing.

Our organization is unable to assist in these matters, as we do not
have the expertise to help; we have referred people to an organization
that is made up of others who have experienced such trials, and I
don’t know if they can assist you, possibly as a support group, if
nothing else.

Here is the contact information of this group:

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022 Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Website: www.freedomfchs.com
E-mail: in...@freedomfchs.com
Voicemail: 866-310-3117 FAX: 866-433-4170
Contact: Derrick Robinson, President
Sheila Epstein, Vice-President
Juanita Purdy, Secretary

We wish you the best and again are sorry for your ordeal.


Kathleen Carspecken
Executive Assistant/Internship Coordinator
Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301 Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel. (617) 301-4223 Fax. (617) 301-4205
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice

Note from Soleilmavis: Derrick Robinson(USA) is a member of our MC
mailteam (mcmai...@gmail.com), Other members are: John
Finch(Australia), Mostafa Hosny (Canada), Soleilmavis (China), Monika
Stoces (Belgium).
MC mailteam has been recognized by many(domestic and international)
organizations as a victims activists group who are trying best to help
victims.( I did not introduce myself to them, so they referred me to
Derrick Robinson).

Intrudution of Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Human Rights was founded in 1981, It mobilizes health
professionals to advance health, dignity, and justice and promotes the
right to health for all. Harnessing the specialized skills, rigor, and
passion of doctors, nurses, public health specialists, and scientists,
PHR investigates human rights abuses and works to stop them.
Our research takes us to conflict zones, to AIDS-ravaged Africa, to US
prisons and juvenile detention centers―and our advocacy brings us to
the offices of national and international policymakers. The courts,
decision makers and the media have come to rely on our credibility and
expertise. Motivated by moral urgency, based on science, and anchored
in international human rights standards, PHR’s advocacy advances
global health and protects human rights.
More news from PHR http://soleilmavis.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!2259.entry

Kommy calls a petition to PHR, victims can send your petitions also to
other Health Organizations. Please find contact from following link:

Related articles: a letter from PHR


Sep 14, 2008, 10:50:05 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
11 Aug 07 “MC mailteam works” ---- ANTWERPEN (Belgium) victims meeting
with Patsy Sorensen.
Patsy Sorensen, former member of the European Parliament, had a great
talk with Mind Control victims at Payoke, ANTWERPEN, Belgium on
Thursday afternoon 9 of August. http://www.payoke.be/pages/eng/engindex.html.

Victims: Monika Stoces (Belgium), Jean Verstraeten (Belgium), John
Allman (UK), Danny Bonte (Belgium), Karlheinz Croissont (Germany) and
many others had attended the meeting.

( see pictures below)

The meeting has discussed: Worldwide campaign to "Stop the Abuse of
remote physical manipulation and mind control weaponry on Civilians”,
coordinating mail-actions by a “mail-team” and other Initiatives.

Within 5 days, mcmai...@gmail.com had received more than 200
supporting letters of Worldwide campaign to "Stop the Abuse of remote
physical manipulation and mind control weaponry on Civilians” from
victims all over the world.

The mail-actions are still continuing to bring awareness to media in
Belgium and other countries. Victims please follow mail-actions and
send your letters. (Please use Sample supporting letters)

Belgium media contacts http://soleilmavis.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!9B6CD1D7F6F8F411!2049.entry

Mailteam will continue give you email addresses which all should send
them emails of supporting letters. (Please often come back to this
blog to see “MC mailteam works” from “victims work trends” under

If you have not written your letter, please WRITE now TO THE WORLD


They will be used over and over again by the mailteam (and other
activist of course), to be send over and over to the same human rights
organizations, politics and press UNTIL SOMEBODY STARTS TO REACT AND

John Finch(Australia), Mostafa Hosny (Canada), Derrick Robinson (USA),
Soleilmavis (China), Monika Stoces (Belgium)
Mail to mcmai...@gmail.com

It will be forwarded to your preferred destinations (beneath)

To human rights organisations,
To Politicians
To press
Or to all 3 (if you don't specify anything)

if you prefer for any reason to send your letter only to one of the
specific people of the mailteam or directly to them, you are free to
do so : "john finch" <john...@excite.com>, "Soleilmavis"
<solei...@yahoo.com >, "Mostafa Hosny" <moe_...@yahoo.ca>,
"Derrick Robinson" <dcr...@msn.com>, "Monika Stoces" <

A Sample Supporting Letter

I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse of
manipulation weapons on Civilians”.

I am a Victim of electronic Harassment/ mind control/ directed energy
weapons/ Organized Stalking and Torture.

From?-(state country)
Attacked (year you realized to be attacked).
Briefly your letter, case summery symptoms, whom you contacted before,
what were the reactions, or whatever you do find important to say or
to ask. This part you can leave open if you absolutely do not know
what to write.


Sep 14, 2008, 10:51:29 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
14 Aug 07 "Mailteam" works--CENTRAL CONTACT FOR PRESS

(Press all over the world) You are invited to contact mailteam about
Mind control mailteam email address for press:

(全世界的媒体), 我们邀请您联系"电子邮件团队",了解世界运动:反对定向能武器(电磁波武器等)和人体操纵技术的酷刑虐待. "电子邮件团队"媒
体联系电子邮件: mcpre...@gmail.com

if you prefer for any reason to send your letter only to one of the
specific people of the mailteam or directly to them, you are free to
do so : "john finch(Austalia)" <john...@excite.com>,
"Soleilmavis(China)" <solei...@yahoo.com >, "Mostafa Hosny(Canada)"
<moe_...@yahoo.ca>, "Derrick Robinson(USA)" <dcr...@msn.com>,
"Monika Stoces(Belgium)" < monika...@gmail.com>,

如果您希望给"电子邮件团队"的某协调员寄信, 以下是他们的联系方式: "john finch(澳大利亚)"
<john...@excite.com>, "Soleilmavis(中国)" <solei...@yahoo.com >,
"Mostafa Hosny(加拿大)" <moe_...@yahoo.ca>, "Derrick Robinson(美国)"
<dcr...@msn.com>, "Monika Stoces(比利时)" < monika...@gmail.com>,

A letter to all Press:



Wereldwijde mailactie/Worldwide mailaction/世界性电子邮件行动
Augustus 2007 naar de Pers / August 2007 to the Press/2007年8月致媒体

Georganiseerd Door /Organized By/组织者


De bedoeling is aandacht in de pers voor die totaal onbekende
problematiek grote groep mensen wereldwijd verspreid/ goed
georganiseerd via het internet en sterk gemotiveerd. Ze voeren
actie / vragen een internationaal onderzoek/ en hopen zo meer druk te
kunnen zetten op de internationale mensenrechten organisaties en
politiek om een onderzoek te eisen.

The intention is to draw attention, this problem is totally unknown to
On that way we hope to get attention We insist on an international
我们的目的是为了引起您的高度关注, 公众对这种虐待完全不了解. 通过这种方式,我们希望引起高度关注. 我们要求世界性的调查.

In Europa vraagt de beweging dringend een officieel meldpunt aan het
Europees Parlement zodat de OMVANG VAN DIT PROBLEEM op dit ogenblik
De individuele schrijvens naar vele mensenrechtenorganisaties worden
nu over het hoofd gezien, Dit is de beweging bezig te verhelpen door
de individuele klachten te bundelen.
Ze zullen later naar het Europees Parlement en Secretaris-generaal
Ban Ki-moon van de Verenigde Naties gestuurd worden.

In Europe the movement urgently asks an official announcing point to
the European parliament, so that the SIZE OF THIS WORLDWIDE PROBLEM
becomes VISIBLE.
The movement is solving the problem meanwhile by collecting the
complaints sending them altogether later to the European Parliament
and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.
在欧洲, 这项运动要求立即向欧洲议会提出一项正式声明, 以便这种世界性的酷刑能大白于天下.
同时,这项运动聚集所有的受害者申诉信,并提交欧洲议会和联合国秘书长潘基文, 以解决这一问题.



This is a sample letter to Press


Sep 14, 2008, 10:53:26 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
17 Aug 07 "mailteam" works---Victim phone conference
The first worldwide Phone Conference will be taken on 18 August 20 h
(8 pm) Brussel time
From a regular phone...
Calling from the US call # 1-605-475-8590
(long distance costs apply).

In Europe, call:
Austria 0820 4000 1574
Belgium 070 35 9989
France 0826 100 277
Germany 01805 00 7649
Ireland 0818 270 034
Italy 0848 390 175
Spain 0902 886 051
Switzerland 0848 560 195
UK 0870 738 0763
Netherlands 0870 001 932
The conference is free but premium national rate charges will apply to
these calls.

Your Conference Room Number is : 5369666

From Skype call +990008275369666

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia UTC/GMT +10 hours 4 AM
Moscow, Russian Federation UTC/GMT +4 hours 10 PM
Helsinki, Finland UTC/GMT +3 hours 9 PM
Brussels, Belgium UTC/GMT +2 hours 8 PM
London, England, United Kingdom UTC/GMT +1 hour 7 PM
New York, New York, United States UTC/GMT -4 hours 4 PM
Chicago, Illinois, United States UTC/GMT -5 hours 3 PM
Los Angeles, California, United States UTC/GMT -7 hours 1 PM


Sep 14, 2008, 10:57:16 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
15 Aug "Mailteam" works--meet jean Crowder (Canadian
Parliament),Contact Canada media
Canada victim Mr. Robert Desrosiers is going to meet with Mr. Jean
Crowder (Canadian Parliament)on 16 August Thursday. MCmailteam has
already passed your supporting letters to him which you had sent to
We ask you more actions to help him by sending you MASS petition to
Canada Government, addresses are as follow:
Please also send your letters to Canada media to bring their
awareness. Canada reporters Addresses are as follow:

A sample letter to Press

Europe worldwide movement is continuing. If you have not sent out
your petition letters, please do it now.


Sep 14, 2008, 11:05:06 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
A letter from Jean Verstraeten

I sent the DECLARATION OF CONCERNED CITIZENS (see enclosed) to

Madame Hélène FLAUTRE,

Chairwoman of the Commission, On Human Rights of the European

Wiertzstraat 130 (or in French : 130, rue Wiertz)

1047 BRUSSELS (Belgium)

e-mail : hfla...@europarl.eu.int

Please, in whatever language of the European Union, write her
messages, referring to my letter of the 12th of August, and ask to the
Commission on Human Rights to work on Paragraph 27 of Resolution
A40005/1999, in which the European Parliament calls for an
international convention. (N.B : ”INTERNATIONAL” does NOT refer to the
member states of the European Union only.)

I was told on the phone that letters are preferred to emails, but you
do what you can.

Many thanks for your collaboration. (Please send a copy of your
message to me.)

For Justice and Freedom,

Jean Verstraeten

P.S. To the letter to Mme Hélène Flautre I added a few personal ideas
concerning a law in Belgium. These ideas take into account the
constitutional monarchy we are living in. In this context, “the King”
means the Executive. In my opinion a law should clearly condemn all
crimes (x) we are faced with, but without becoming technical. To
define the technologies or weapons concerned should be the –never
ending– task of the Executive, advised by a Parliamentary Commission
studying the matter. Why I added the document? Because national laws
can constitute an example for an international treaty still to be

(x) For stalking there exist separate laws.

P.S. 2) In the nineties the Declaration was spread particularly in
Belgium and Holland. Therefore the majority of signatures came from
those countries at the time. In 2007 the majority came from the
United States. The order of succession of the names and addresses is
purely chronological (as they came in, I listed them).

Please note that in 1998 it had been agreed on to hand the list to the
addressees and to the signatories themselves only (hence, please don’t
spread it, don ‘t publish it, not with the addresses at least.)


Sep 14, 2008, 11:06:27 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
25 Aug 07 APA meeting about Campaign Against torture
2007/8/25 10:09:28
(1/2 页)

This is a letter from PHR which talk about APA meeting

I just returned from San Francisco, where the American Psychological
Association (APA) met to consider its ethical stance in the face of
overwhelming evidence that psychologists in military and intelligence
agencies participated in the torture of detainees in US custody. As
many of you may know, the APA failed to take a strong ethical position
against psychologist participation in interrogations. It even defeated
a mild resolution that would have allowed psychologists to offer only
clinical treatment services in detention facilities where human rights
violations are pervasive. The APA has thus failed to come to grips
with the implications of the role of psychologists in supporting
interrogations at Guantánamo and other places where terrorist suspects
are detained, pretending that it is possible to act ethically in an
environment that undermines the possibility of ethical practice.

The APA did, however, advance the struggle against torture by the CIA.
The APA "unequivocally" condemned the use of 20 distinct interrogation
methods - such as mock executions, forced nakedness, hooding, stress
positions, water boarding, and threats to families of detainees - that
reportedly have been used by the CIA and that amount to torture. It
called upon the Defense Department, CIA and other agencies to prohibit
these tactics and demanded that psychologists not participate in
planning, designing or carrying them out.

The new policy is particularly strong in forbidding indirect as well
as direct participation such that psychologists cannot aid in
"softening up" prisoners for interrogation through grotesque and
abusive conditions of detention. Moreover, following orders from those
in charge of interrogations, or even following US government
interpretations of laws or regulations that permit torture, is no
longer an acceptable justification. The APA called on psychologists to
report torture and to cooperate in all investigations of it, including
those by Congress.

It is troubling, though, that the resolution condemns isolation, sleep
deprivation, sensory overload and sensory deprivation only when used
in a manner that "represents significant pain or suffering or in a
manner that a reasonable person would judge to cause lasting harm."
How can an organization ethically committed to "do no harm" invite
distinctions regarding relative amounts of harm inflicted through
coercive interrogation techniques?

Given what we know about these methods, this purported qualification
is really no qualification at all, since clinical experience and
investigations have demonstrated how deeply damaging these tactics
are, often leading to post-traumatic stress disorder, extreme anxiety,
depression, dissociation or even cognitive impairment. A new report by
PHR and Human Rights First, Leave No Marks, shows that the harm from
each of these four techniques (among others), is so serious that using
any of them constitutes a war crime under US law. Because of the harm
these techniques cause, the APA resolution must be understood to
absolutely prohibit the use of the four methods.

The new APA interrogation resolution comes on the heels of a recent
Executive Order that continues the CIA's "enhanced interrogation
program," a euphemism for an abhorrent set of practices that amount to
ongoing use of torture. While its particular interrogation tactics
remain classified, there is every reason to believe that they include
many of those the APA has now properly condemned – and which
psychologists have helped design and implement. Condemnation of these
methods by the APA, which has very strong relationships with agencies
involved in national security, can aid our fight against torture in
the public debate as well as in Congress and the Executive Branch. And
by passing the resolution, the APA essentially commits to joining this

We will all have to work together in the coming months to end the use
of all 20 abusive techniques from use in all US interrogations,
including those conducted by the CIA. It was gratifying that so many
psychologists at the meeting in San Francisco have vowed both to
continue to fight for the enduring values of their profession and to
share our vision of ending torture by our government for good.



Len Rubenstein

American Psychological Association, 美国心理学协会(APA)

750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Telephone: (800) 374-2721 or (202) 336-5500
Email: executi...@apa.org

Related articles: contact with PHR


Sep 14, 2008, 11:09:13 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
31 Aug 07 Victims work trends

(1) Victim suzelectrowell has got some good news from FBI

I have sent my reports to the FBI resident office here inAkron where I
have had some results!
I think they are going into investigations at this time... should you
want to please send you identifying information (name/address) and
write accounts of what you have been experiencing...
Since I seem to be having "luck" here inOhio I wish you would all send
your cases to the FBI and police in your area...
they are coordinating now, Please write to my authority
akro...@ic.fbi.govSuz at electrowell http://suz.leboeuf.googlepages.com

(2) Firecracker Films
Paula Wittig <pa...@firecrackerfilms.com>

Date: 22 August 2007 13:20:37 BDT
To: in...@slavery.org.uk, John....@thatfund.org
Subject: TV Documentary

Dear John,

I'm writing to you from a TV production company called Firecracker
Films regarding a documentary we are making about surveillance
society. We are very interested in contacting people who are strongly
against the state watching/tracking us and I thought it would be great
to have a quick chat with your organization to see if this is
something you can help with.

We are very interested in investigating further the use of technology
as surveillance or mind control and it would be great if we can talk
more and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have
about the programme. If you'd like to let me know the best time and
number to get you on I will be more than happy to call again, or
alternatively I can be contacted on the number below.

Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.

With best wishes,

Assistant Producer
3rd Floor
The Chambers
Chelsea Harbour
London SW10 0XF
main switchboard +44 207 349 3400
facsimile +44 207 349 3401
direct line: +44 207 349 4411
email: pa...@firecrackerfilms.com
website: www.firecrackerfilms.com



The dates for this year's meetings in DC are approximately, Friday,
September 14 thru Monday, September 17.
We are planning to arrive in DC sometime Friday and meet up sometime
17THBesides the march and other meetings, on Monday, we are planning
to have a meeting with Rep. Jim Guest and possibly other congressional
staff. Aug, 22, I have checked with the Orbitz and Cheap Tickets to
confirm our price.

(4) Marshall Thomas will be on www.radioliberty.com tonight (Tues) at
12 am EST and again Thurs 6pm EST with Dr. Stan Monteith on American
Freedom Network. He is a great host.

(5) Rinoa is building a website, anyone who knows how to build a
website, please contact her:tnt...@hotmail.com

(6) Soleilmavis is writing a victims survey report, all victims please
contact Solei...@yahoo.com and ask for a Questionnaire. You don’t
have to give your name, contact information and other personal

(7) Mailteam has set up a new blog http://mindcontrolvictim.blogspot.com
for victims to publish their stories. We have already started to
publish victims’ stories which came from your supporting letters. If
you want to publish more details of your stories in this blog, please
send to Solei...@yahoo.com


Sep 14, 2008, 11:11:43 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
31 Aug 07 “Mailteam” works---- Appeal to Dr. HANS-GERT POTTERING,
President of Parliament the European

Monika has sent her letter to Appeal to Prof. Dr. HANS-GERT POTTERING,

President of the European Parliament

Europäisches Parlament
Rue Wiertz
PHS 11B011
Kingdom of Belgium

I would like to request your help regarding a massive ignorance
worldwide of huge violations of human rights and crimes against

The problem is relatively new (a worldwide explosion as from the year
2000) . The technology is highly sophisticated and is being remotely
used as a weapon against civilians. Most victims are ordinary people.
They repeatedly make attempts describing what is happening to them but
are being ignored or suspected of suffering from delusion. They do not
receive any help whatsoever from anyone.
International and European organizations continually advise the
victims to appeal to their national juridical institutions. But their
complaint is systematically regarded as an isolated, minor problem.

Still, all victims' stories worldwide are matching regarding symptoms
and the description of what the technology is capable of.

On top of that, everywhere in the world over 90 percent of the victims
were attacked after the year 2000 when an "epidemic pattern" was rife
on each and every continent of the planet.

THIS PROBLEM . European victims moreover are desperately asking for
Please see below the names of the victims and the YEAR THEIR ATTACK
Victims get organized and take action worldwide against the abuse of
manipulation weapons.
A global and thorough investigation into this problem including
statistical data and testimonies would show that the victims are far
from being affected by mental disorder. Their sole aim is to expose
huge crimes in History.
.. Please do not ignore this problem .
P L E A S E H E L P U S !












Monika Stoces

Petrit Demo Albania EU 2001
Fejervary Dominik
Helmut Tondl 1998


Danny Bonte 2007
Jean Verstraeten 1996
Monika Pavlikova 2006
Monika Stoces 2005
Rita Thomas 2001
Tony Argyl 2005

Jerry Thoen 2006
Ives De loore 2004
Cristian Constantin 2005
Peter Crown 2003
Agnes Raman

Gerasisnos Netis 2005

Jiri Svoboda 2007
Mojmir Babacek

J鴕gen Christiansen 1986
Ludmilla Vinten Mila 2005

Ruut Sale 2005
Tommi H鰕n鋖鋘maa 2005

Alain Bonopera 2006
Rudy Andria 2004
Nans Desmichels 2005

Altendorf, J黵gen 2004,
Altendorf, Herbert 2004,
Andreas Friedberger
Angelina Schweyen
Axel Br黦gemann
Brigitte Althof
Carola Schulze
Cayen Nissen 1997
Frank Ermisch
Fritz Klein
Gabrielle Altendorf 2003
Helmut Gobsch
Jennifer Berkemeier 2005
Karlheinz Croissant 1999
Lidia Popova 1989
Matthias Klein Opfer 2005
Peter Krabel 1997
F Possekel
R. Dieckman
A Redmann
Ruth Gill 2000
Randolf Weinand
Stefan Spaarmann
Swetlana Schunin
Waldemar Lotz 1997
Werbe Zotzmann
Gerber, Claus-Peter 2000,
Helwig, Peter 2003

Vaz-March, Maria 2001
Krewinkel, Jan 2004,
Lichterfeld, Henry 2005
Salii, Jaqueline 1999
Tremel, Ingrid 1990
Helwig, Peter 2003.

Darius Mockus Lithuania 2003

Ab Fris
Anatolij 1997
Andrew Martins 2005

Arend ter Horst 2001
Peter Mooring 2005
Richard Sluiter 1999
Robert Stockmann 2004
Robin RMR
Ton Hoogeboom 2002

Dennie Zenbel 2003

Martin Emmen 2003

Gagiu Laurentiu
Mircea mgoganau 2002

Javier Ruiz Sobrino 2005

Johan Heller 1999
Peter Grafstrom 1991
Suzanne Podell
Robert Naeslund
Mustafa Attalas 2003

Emmanuel Dubos 2003
Walter Madliger


Andrew Grant 2003
Andrew Cole 2005
Bryn Llewellyn
Debbie Partridge 2004
John Allman 1999
John Cliftoz 1995
John Smith
Linda Drew 2006
Marianne Ruth 1999
Maureen Norman
Michael Irving 2000
Mo Tahani 1996
Natalie Teulon
Paul Sanderson 2004
Philip Lishman
Richard Larkinson 2000
Robin Ramsay
Sanwarul Hoq
Simon X Hayes 2000
Tony Tu 2005
Tracey Devine
William Rae 2001
Yulia Rodionova 2004
Derek James Kinmond 2004
Francis Tailoka 1995
carl Clark UK
John Cliftoz


Russia: www.psyterror.narod.ru Moscow committee of ecology of
Russia: http://www.psicotronik.narod.ru/
Russia: http://www.moskomekologia.narod.ru/


Detailed Testemonies Are being collected and will be send to you
aswell The coming Days

World Wide Movement against Abuse of Electronical weapons controling
human nervous system .

"On January 1999 the European Parliament passed a resolution where it
(in paragraph 27) calls "for an international convention introducing a
global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might
enable any form of manipulation of human beings".

Soleilmavis has sent a letter to Dr. HANS-GERT POTTERING

President of the European Parliament
Europäisches Parlament
Rue Wiertz
PHS 11B011
Kingdom of Belgium

Dear Sir,

I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse of
manipulation weapons on Civilians”.

I am a victim who have been suffering terribly from DIRECTED ENERGY
citizen and I have been suffering these very cruel fascist torture and
harassment in several countries. DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS, PSYCHOTRONIC
WEAPONS (MIND CONTROL WEAPONS)have been used to torture and harass
innocent, legal, unarmed and defenseless citizens for many years. Such
transnational organized cruel torture and abuse are very seriously all
over the world.

Currently, there are many victims who claim that they are tortured and
harassed by Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons. The
numbers of victims have been increasing. Because the victims are lack
of funding, no testing equipment, so even they are poisoned or
“implanted” with chips or suffering by electromagnetic weapons brutal
torture, they can not get tested or unable to get help from any

I strongly wish that your Excellencies could concern about this

(1) Many countries have developed a type of Mind Control Weapons
(drugs, chips, nano - or electromagnetic waves) and Directed Energy
Weapons. Does the government then have also introduced a law system to
manage the use of such weapons?

(2) What effective legal systems and other measures that our
government has already established to prevent the misuse of such

(3) Once there is misuse of such weapons, how can we get help from our
government to protect the interests of the victims? And how to put
torturers to legal sanctions?

I ask the Commission on Human Rights to work on Paragraph 27 of
Resolution A40005/1999, in which the European Parliament calls for an
international convention.

I demand for an international investigation of those crimes and huge
violations of human rights.

Thank you and Best Regards!

Yours Sincerely,


Please see attached files:

(1) China victims listing cn-aa3
(2) My case summary Letter to ICC
(3) Some China victims details information (They agreed me to pass
to you)
(4) Some victims supporting letters

All Victims please send your letters to Dr. HANS-GERT POTTERING, you
can use the following Sample letter

If you have not sent your petitions to other authorities, please do it

Mass Petitions—Europe1
Mass Petitions—Europe2

sample letter (English,Chinese,French)

Subject: I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse of
manipulation weapons on Civilians”.


I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse of
manipulation weapons on Civilians”.
I am a Victim of electronic Harassment/ mind control/ directed energy
weapons/ Organized Stalking and Torture.
我支持世界性运动, “制止远距离操纵身体和大脑控制(精神控制)武器对平民的酷刑虐待”。我是一个电子骚扰/大脑控制/定向能武器/有组织跟踪和酷刑
Je soutiens la campagne mondiale "Arretez l'utilisation abusive
(secrete) d'armes de manipulation sur la population civile".
Je suis victime de harcelement electronique, de controle de la pensee
a distance, de harcelement en bande organisee et de torture par des
armes a energie dirigee.

I come from China. 我来自中国 Je suis originaire de Chine.
My Nationality is Chinese. 我的国籍是中国人 Je suis de nationalite
I realized to be attacked on xxx1 (year) when I was a xxx2 in xxx3
(city of province)of China.
我于 XXX1 年在中国 XXX3 (市或省)意识到我被虐待.我当时是一个XXX2(职业,或填无业)
J'ai pris conscience de mon agression en XXX1(annee) , quand j' etais
XXX2 (Profession), en Chine.

My current address and contact information:
Mon adresse actuelle :

My current Occupation:
Mon activite professionnelle :

I ask the Commission on Human Rights to work on Paragraph 27 of
Resolution A40005/1999, in which the European Parliament calls for an
international convention.
Je demande la Commission de Droits de l'Homme de se pencher
attentivement sur le Paragraphe 27 de la Resolution A40005/1999, dans
lequel le Parlement Europeen demande une convention internationale.

I demand for an international investigation of those crimes and huge
violations of human rights.
Je demande une investigation internationale de ces crimes et de ces
violations totales des droits de l'homme.

Sincerely/您诚挚的,/Bien sincerement,

(Your name/您的姓名)


Sep 14, 2008, 11:00:24 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
A letter from Jean Verstraeten

I sent the DECLARATION OF CONCERNED CITIZENS (see enclosed) to

Madame Hélène FLAUTRE,

Chairwoman of the Commission, On Human Rights of the European

Wiertzstraat 130 (or in French : 130, rue Wiertz)

1047 BRUSSELS (Belgium)

e-mail : hfla...@europarl.eu.int

Please, in whatever language of the European Union, write her
messages, referring to my letter of the 12th of August, and ask to the
Commission on Human Rights to work on Paragraph 27 of Resolution
A40005/1999, in which the European Parliament calls for an


Sep 14, 2008, 11:15:02 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
1 Sep 07 "Mailteam" works------write letter to Madam Katie Stephens,
Secretary General, Council of Europe.

"Mailteam" works------write letter to Madam Katie Stephens, Secretary
General, Council of Europe.
"电子邮件团队"在行动---写信给欧洲理事会秘书长Katie Stephens女士

Victim Rodin Andria has received a letter from Madam Katie Stephens,
the Secretary General of Council of Europe.
受害者 Rodin Andria 收到了来自欧洲理事会秘书长Katie Stephens女士的回信.

All victims, you can also write your letter to him. You can using the
following sample letter.
所有的受害者,您可以给Katie Stephens女士写信. 您可以使用如下的标准信件格式

Katie Stephens
Private Office of the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary
General /
Cabinet du Secrétaire Général et de la Secrétaire Générale Adjointe

Council of Europe / Conseil de l'Europe/欧洲理事会

F-67075 Strasbourg
Tel. + 33 (0)3 88 41 31 78
Fax. + 33 (0)3 88 41 27 40
E-mail: katie.s...@coe.int
Internet: www.coe.int

标准格式 (sample letter)(英文,中文,法语对照)

Subject/标题: I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse
of manipulation weapons on Civilians”.

Dear Madam Katie Stephens/尊敬的Katie Stephens女士/ Madame la Secrétaire
Générale Katie Stephens


Sep 14, 2008, 11:38:29 PM9/14/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
A sample letter to Media 给媒体的信的样本

I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse of mind
control weapons/ human manipulation weapons on Civilians”.
我支持世界性运动, “制止远距离操纵身体和大脑控制(精神控制)武器对平民的酷刑虐待”

Dear Sir/Madam,/尊敬的女士/先生/ Madame/Monsieur,

I support the worldwide campaign "Stop the (secret) Abuse of Mind
Control Weapons/ Directed Energy Weapons/Manipulation weapons on
I am a Victim of electronic Harassment/ mind control/ directed energy
weapons/ Organized Stalking and Torture.
我支持世界性运动, “制止远距离操纵身体和大脑控制(精神控制)武器对平民的酷刑虐待”。我是一个电子骚扰/大脑控制/定向能武器/有组织跟踪和酷刑
Je soutiens la campagne mondiale "Arretez l'utilisation abusive
(secrete) d'armes de manipulation sur la population civile".
Je suis victime de harcelement electronique, de controle de la pensee
a distance, de harcelement en bande organisee et de torture par des
armes a energie dirigee.

I come from China. 我来自中国 Je suis originaire de Chine.
My Nationality is Chinese. 我的国籍是中国人 Je suis de nationalite
I realized to be attacked on xxx1 (year) when I was a xxx2 in xxx3
(city of province)of China.
我于 XXX1 年在中国 XXX3 (市或省)意识到我被虐待.我当时是一个XXX2(职业,或填无业)
J'ai pris conscience de mon agression en XXX1(annee) , quand j' etais
XXX2 (Profession), en Chine.

My current address and contact information:
Mon adresse actuelle :

My current Occupation:
Mon activite professionnelle :

The movement is solving the problem by collecting the complaints
sending them altogether later to All government, the European
Parliament and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon.
这项运动聚集很多受害者的申诉信,并提交各国政府,欧洲议会和联合国秘书长潘基文, 以解决这一问题。

Thousands of people, are asking for an international investigation of
enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place
worldwide at this moment.
In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so
much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being
under attack.

This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a
distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being
used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens.
到攻击。这种攻击是远距离,超越国界的,利用看不见的技术,目前正在被用来对付无助和不知情的平民。The victims are
constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials,
human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they
don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the
technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as
delusional. And complaints lodged at local police stations are often
treated as psychological problems or ignored.

It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes
public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.

The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the
accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.

Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide
movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent
and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the
actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of


In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington
Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American
victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillance.
2007年1月,新闻记者Sharon Weinberger所写的"华盛顿邮报"文章“精神游戏”,是关于美国受害者和美国活动组织《免于暗中骚扰和

Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in
greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public
and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem.
And starting a collective campaign against mind control weapons/
directed energy weapons (DEW)/ Manipulation weapons on Civilians
harassment and organized stalking.

人体操纵技术酷刑虐待和骚扰和有组织的跟踪. 展开一项集体运动。


1. USA 美国
in...@freedomfchs.com, dbla...@yahoo.com, derrick...@gmail.com,
- THE MATRIX DECIPHERED http://www.thematrixdeciphered.com/
directe...@hotmail.com,minda...@hotmail.com ,
2. Canada 加拿大
- http://www.raven1.net/
ewra...@sympatico.ca ,ele...@raven1.net,
3. China 中国
PEACEPINK http://soleilmavis.googlepages.com/
4. Europe欧洲
MCmai...@gmail.com, monika...@telenet.be,
monika...@gmail.com , danny...@gmail.com
Dimitri...@gmx.de, ka414...@online.dew,
MR WALDEMAR LOTZ (Germany)(德国)
MR RODIN ANDRIA (France)(法国)
MS DENISE S. POMPL - erali...@aol.com, lperl...@yahoo.com
5. Russia 俄罗斯
pea...@mail.ru, mosc...@mail.ru


Sep 21, 2008, 5:57:44 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
12 Sep 07 "Mailteam Works"--- Berlin (Germany) demonstration

Demonstration in Berlin (Germany) on the 22nd and 23rd of September
2007 (place of the demonstration: Alexander’s Place and Paris Place)

meetingplace: Alexander’s Place ( the waterfountain ) at 10.00 o'clock
on Saturday, on the 22 nd of September 2007 (see picture)

Microwawes and psychophysical crimes New kinds of weapons and crimes
New possibilities of terror

More than 10 years are irradiation, mocked, tortured and killed
innocent citiziens in their own flats and houses in Germany, through
the walls and windows deliberately, causing a harm to the human organs
and mentality. The victims are attacked in ther residence, secretly
day and night by high frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Already a high organized criminality exists also in Germany since
years, who unhindered expand and perfect the methods and strategy by
improvement on the victims. The purpose of the testing the new
electromagnetic weapons on persons is, to analyse the reaction, the
emotion of the person body and internal organs. No human being would
voluntary by herself to take part on a electromagnetic radiation

Psychophysical weapons affects the mentality of the brain that leads
und change the thoughts, feelings and behaviour of the person.

What a country is this, that allows to torture and kill their own

The organization against the technical psychoterror is engaged to find
out about the monstrous crime intensively.
But untill now no criminal prosecution of the criminals was

Weitere Informationen:
"Vereinigung gegen technischen Psychoterror"

Swetlana Schunin
Hegaustr.24, 76297 Stutensee

Waldemar Lotz
Rabensteinstr.40, 12689 Berlin

Ladies and Gentlemen,

we load you to the demonstration against attempts on the people with
microwave and psychotron weapons. A numerous appearance is absolutely
desired. Even if you give acquaintance, friends, neighbours and
naturally also you used well-known concerning and/or prospective
customers answer.
Partner: Swetlana Shunin and Valdemar Lots (see info. sheet)
Take up contact with questions to an accommodation please with us.

Yours sincerely
S. Shunin and V. Lots
Berlin, the 7th of August 2007

Information to the meeting place for the demonstrators in:

Berlin (The Alexander’s Place /Waterfountain) at 10.00 0’clock, on
on the 22nd of September 2007

Paris Place, at 9.00 o’clock, on Sunday, on the 23rd of September

Demonstration in Berlin (Germany) am 22. und 23. Sept. 2007 (Ort der
Demo: Alexanderplatz und Pariser Platz)

Treffpunkt / meetingplace: Alexanderplatz (Wasserfontäne) um 10.00 Uhr
Samstag, den 22. Sept. 2007 (siehe Bild)

Protest gegen Menschenversuche mit Mikrowellen- und Psychotron-Waffen

In Deutschland werden unschuldige Bürger seit über 10 Jahren in ihren
Wohnungen und Häusern durch Wände und Fenster gezielt physisch und
psychisch in verletzender Weise mit Mikrowellen-Geräte als Waffe
bestrahlt, misshandelt, gefoltert und getötet. Die Betroffenen werden
in ihren Wohnräumen am Tage und nachts heimlich mit starken hoch
frequentierten elektromagnetischen Strahlen attackiert. Es besteht
bereits eine hohe organisierte Kriminalität, die sich in den
vergangenen Jahren ungehindert ausbreiten und ihre Methoden und
Strategien perfektionieren konnte. Ein Ziel dabei ist, Einstellungen
von Frequenzen zu testen, insbesondere spezifische, physische und
psychische Schädigungen hervorzurufen. Für diese Menschenversuche
würden sich freiwillige Versuchspersonen niemals zur Verfügung
stellen. Die Psychophysische Waffe wirkt auf die menschliche Psyche,
ändert Gedanken, Gefühle und Verhalten des Menschen, zu dem wirkt sie
auf die Physis und verletzt den Körper des Betroffenen. Was für ein
Land ist das, das das eigene Volk quälen, foltern und töten lässt? Die
Organisation gegen den technischen Psychoterror beschäftigt sich
intensiv mit der Aufklärung dieser ungeheuerlichen Verbrechen, die
bisher nicht strafrechtlich verfolgt wurden.

Weitere Informationen:
"Vereinigung gegen technischen Psychoterror"

Swetlana Schunin
Hegaustr.24, 76297 Stutensee

Waldemar Lotz
Rabensteinstr.40, 12689 Berlin

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir laden ein zu einer Demonstration gegen Menschenversuche mit
Mikrowellen- und Psychotron-Waffen. Ein zahlreiches Erscheinen ist
unbedingt erwünscht.
Geben Sie auch Bekannten, Verwandten, Freunden, Nachbarn und selbst-
verständlich auch Ihnen bekannte Betroffene bzw. Interessenten

Ansprechpartner: Swetlana Schunin und Waldemar Lotz (siehe Infoblatt)

Bei Fragen zu einer Unterkunft bitte mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

S. Schunin und W. Lotz
Berlin, den 7. August 2007

Informationen zum Treffpunkt für die Demonstranten in Berlin

Alexanderplatz (Wasserfontäne) um 10.00 Uhr am Samstag, den
22.September 2007

Pariser Platz um 9.00 Uhr am Sonntag den 23. September 2007
(Demonstrations- bzw. Veranstaltungssort)

Организуется акция протеста в Берлине против психотронного террора
22,23 сентября 2007 г.
Демонстрация в Берлине (Германия) 22 и 23 сентября 2007 года (место
демонстрации: на Александровской и на Парижской площади)

Место встречи: Александровская площадь (Водный Фонтан) в 10 часов в
субботу, 22 сентября 2007 года (см.план)

Протест против испытания на людях микроволнового и психотронного

В Германии более 10 лет невинных граждан облучают, истязают, пытают и
убивают в их собственных квартирах и домах, через стены и окна,
нацеленно, нанося тем самым вред человеческим органам и психике.
Жертвы атакуют в их жилых помещениях, тайно, годами, днем и ночью
жестоко, высокочастотным, электромагнитным излучением.

Уже много лет существует соответствующая технически высоко-
организованная преступность, которая смогла за прошедшие годы
распространиться и усовершенствовать свои методы и стратегии.

Целью этого преступления является испытание нового электромагнитного
оружия на людях, которое воздействует на организм и наносит вред
внутренним органам.

На такие опыты никто из жертв никогда бы добровольно не согласился.

Воздействие психофизического оружия на психику человека приводит к
изменению мыслей, чувств и поведения людей, кроме того, оказывает
влияние на организм и повреждает органы пострадавших. Что это за
страна, которая позволяет мучить, пытать и убивать свой собственный

Организация против технического психотеррора интенсивно занимается
выяснением этого чудовищного преступления, которое до сих пор остается
нераскрытым и безнаказанным.

Дальнейшую информацию смотрите:
“Обьединение против технического психотеррора” в Германии

Swetlana Schunin
Hegaustr.24, 76297 Stutensee

Waldemar Lotz
Rabensteinstr. 40, 12689 Berlin

Уважаемые Дамы и Господа,

Мы приглашаем Вас на демонстрацию против испытания на людях
микроволнового и психотронного оружия. Безусловно, желательно
многочисленное количество участников демонстрации. Сообщите также
знакомым, родственникам, друзьям, соседям и само мобой разумеется а
Вашим знакомым пострадавшим или интересующимся.

За информацией обращаться: к Светлане Шунин и Вальдемару Лотцу (см.
По вопросам остановки и размещения обращайтесь к Светлане Шунин.

С дружескими пожеланиями

С. Шунин und В. Лотц
Берлин, 7 августа 2007 года

Информация о месте встречи для демострантов в Берлине
(Alexanderplatz / Wasserfontäne)


Sep 21, 2008, 5:58:52 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
12 Sep 07 Kelly Taylor calls for your signatures
Victim Kelly Taylor has prepared the "Letter to department heads" and
seek signatures.
Any one that would like to sign this before it goes out? get your
name, contact, and where your from back to Kelly Taylor

Here is the Letter to Department Heads

Dear Sir,

I am one of over 500 known targeted individuals( TI's) of remote
monitoring, manipulation, and influence technology. We believe that
whoever is responsible for doing this to us is a great security risk
to the United States, and a hostile force. We are asking that the
department heads take a serious look into the matter. We believe that
not only us (TI's) have a problem with this hostile force, but we
believe the whole United States is at great risk. We believe that this
is of great importance to the United States, that it should no longer
be ignored, and should be looked into. We are trying our best to get
this to end, but as just citizens we have not the capability or
resources .

We believe some of this to be non-conventional signal types, and
sometimes seeming to defy electromagnetic theory.

1- We experience remote physical effects/attacks beyond the known
biological effects of conventional RF energy. . Some of what we
experience are remote monitoring of sub-vocal speech, Voice to skull
(http://call.army.mil/products/thesaur/00016275.htm ) , remote
manipulation of the nervous system, burns like a type of radiation
burn, and so forth.

2- Signal Injection?
We experience sound and radio signals inserted anywhere in a target's
environment or body. The sound and radio signals can emanate
from within the body, an object or from a point in midair.

3- Penetration of RF Shielding.
TI's have reported in some situations that Faraday cages, RF
absorbers, and excellent home built conducting shielding has worked
for some effects, sometimes only partially, sometimes only temporarily
and others not at all.


Advanced Electronic Security Company has done most of the RF energy
detective work for some of us victims. According to Roger
Tolces with Advanced Electronic Security Company the ETS-Lindgren
screen room has the best success so far. Advanced Electronic Security
Company has reported that most of our directed energy attacks are
between 600MHZ and 12GHZ . Advanced Electronic Security Company has
reported bio-coded signals Still even with their documentations we are
told we still need to come up with more proof. If you are interested
in looking into the matter please contact any victim or all who has
signed below.
Kelly Taylor
Mt Pleasant, Utah


Sep 21, 2008, 6:00:03 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
15 Sep 07 Mailteam Works---current victims work

Below you'll find the link to a hearing that was broadcast on C-SPAN
yesterday which is EXTREMELY relevant to our issues. The hearing was
held by the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security. They
discovered via an article in the Wall Street Journal, published
the August recess, that The Department of Homeland Security is
planning to deploy a new spy satellite October 1st, that would
obviously greatly enhance whatever surveillance capabilities they are
currently using. Some of them are therefore suspicious of this program
and its stated goals - monitoring hurricanes, forest fires, floods or
other natural disasters, plus coordinating information with local law
enforcement officials. It is truly amazing to realize this committee's
skepticism (as well they should be) and lets us know that this
committee needs to be aware of our issues - and some may be already.
It also lets us know that people are starting to wake up and realize
that our freedoms are quickly evaporating. If someone could record
this hearing for posterity, that would be great! It is about 3 hours,
but worth every minute.

(P.S. Cliff Notes: 1. NGA - the National GeoSpatial-Intelligence
Agency 2.It would also help for clarity to review this term - Posse
Comitatus. which is referred to a lot) http://hsc-democrats.house.gov/hearings/index.asp?ID=84

I have been acquiring very expensive equipment that is not even
allowed in the US but everywhere in Europe for doing "brain wave tune
ups". I won't get into the theory why it should work to disrupt
torture and repattern sleep and aware states that will not be
touchable by the attack weaponry. But I would like individuals to
volunteer to try it if they come out to visit me before I more to NYC
in the next month. The equipment is bulky and not easily
transportable. And since it is not FDA approved in the US, you will
have to sign a waver for experimental treatment. It is equivalent to
Dr. Persinger's helmet. It alters different functions, but based on my
algorithms with EEG feedback and not any other quacks.
If anyone near Boise, ID would like to try this in the next month,
please sign up for a date.

Mr Nikolay Silivonchik is building a PROTECTION ROOM in Europe. Any
victim who wants to test the room, please contact.

Secret War - written by Margaret Klim
"A sizzling avant-garde musical stage play unveiling the burning
forces of techno political mind control".
3 TI's saw this play and said it was "very, very, good!". It focuses
on victims of directed energy attacks who are seeking help. The 15th
is the last day for the San Francisco area. We're trying to find
information on when and where else it will be playing. Sandy said she
even talked to a few of the actors afterwards. One had been a TI for a
year. We hope to have more information soon about this wonderful
play. The stalking issues were not addressed here though, but maybe
next time.

7th Friday 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. $25 - $35
8th Saturday 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. $25 - $35
9th Sunday 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. $25 - $35
14th Friday 8:00 p.m. $25 - $35
15th Saturday 5:30 p.m.Gala 8:00 p.m. SHOW $45.00

visit www.margaretklim.com for additional information or to purchase

From Derrick(USA) State Rep. Jim Guest is asking all to attend a
conference call this evening at 8 pm EST. The topic has to do with
contacting your representative. He will explain further. Here are the
call details:

TIME/DAY: Tuesday, Sept. 18, 8 pm EST, 5 pm PST
CALL-IN NUMBER: 605-475-8515
ROOM NUMBER: 5523906

Rinoa has build a website for victims to publish their stories and
their business information.


Sep 21, 2008, 6:00:58 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
20 Sep 07 Mailteam Works---Write to Canada TV
Rob McConnell from The "X"Zone Radio & TV Show. He is interesting in
Victims story. All victims can send him your story

Rob McConnell,
Host & Executive Producer,
A Division of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Contact Information:
Corporate Offices Tel: (905) 575-5916
Studio Call-In Number: 1-877-528-8255
E-mail: xz...@xzone-radio.com
Website: www.xzone-radio.com
The "X"Zone on MySpace.com www.myspace.com/xzoneradiotv
The "X"Zone Channel on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/xzonerad iotv
The "X"Zone Radio Show is a Proud Member of the TalkStar Radio


Sep 21, 2008, 6:02:34 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
2 Oct 07 Mailteam works--- Victims work trends
1. French victim Rodin contacted Italian lawyer Romano Nobile.
Rodin had a long phone-discussion with Italian lawyer Romano Nobile.
Mr Romano Nobile has retired since this year and no longer carries out
his lawyer duties.
-Still, he is willing to give us his support in one way or another in
the same way he did for Italian Mind Control victim,Paolo Dorigo.
-All victims can write to him at his email addresses:
roman...@libero.it aresri...@libero.it
RESEARCH-OFFICE EMAIL ares.r...@libero.it
-Mr Romano Nobile has written a book called "La Tortura Nel Bel Paese"
and he also has good connections among the Italian media.
You can also contact Mr Romano Nobile at:
Via Cristoforo Colombo 332
00100 Roma
Tel.+ +39.06.400.41.972 (ask for Mr Angelo
Quattrocchi, Publisher of R.Nobile's book)
2.Belgium Victim Monika has contacted German lawyer.
Belgium Victim Monika has contacted a German Lawyer who is willing to
help us. The case summaries which you have sent to "mailteam" will be
sent to him. If you have not written to "Mailteam" yet, Please do it
lawyer lorek jens
3. Mind control victims blog
Mailteam has set up a blog for the victims to publish their stories.
More than 100 victims stories have already been published here, and
there are even more than 100 victims stories waiting for publishing.
If you wish your story to be published here, please write to
4. "peacepink" toolbar
Soleilmavis has designed a new toolbar,"peacepink". This toolbar
search function is supported by google search, and it has already kept
out all unsafe websites. There are "victims stories" "Victims online
shop union" in this toolbar, you can find all victims websites and
online shops directly from this website. The music link in the toolbar
can let you listen to many radio online, and no need to open any
website. This toolbar also does not collect any of your information,
including your IP address. Welcome everyone, download and use this
toolbar, you can download this toolbar at http://soleilmavis.ourtoolbar.com
5. China victim Ruquan Guo wishes to find a job in Beijing, anyone who
has a good job oppertunity, please introduce yourself to her. (She has
graduate from senior middle school).
6. Help Austrian victim Dominik Fejervary
HOSPITAL,"mailteam" has tried to contact his doctors.
7. USA victim don.friedman has won USD940 per month from the
USA victim don.friedman has been approved for SSI (Supplemental
Security Income through the Social Security Administration) based on
the effects of the torture, etc. on me because it prevents me from
working (a bunch of doctors call it a fixed but narrow delusion
because I can't prove it's happening to their satifaction, but what
the hell do they know anyway) and so I will be receiving $940.00 per
month from the government starting the middle of next month (and get a
retroactive check all the way back to July 1st, less attorney's fees
and some welfare loans) so I will be able to afford to get a place to
live and that will give me a solid/stable location where I can live
and continue to do my legal work.
8. Soleilmavis and Rinoa has bought some advertisement to expose mind
control torture and wishes more people to know victims stories.
Victims can also sale advertisement in your websites, but if your
websites don't have many viewers, you can not earn much money.
9. China Victims also can join Victim online shop union.
pleae read "Victims online Shops" at this group
Come to http://www.taobao.com to register an online shop for free.


Sep 21, 2008, 6:03:40 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
8 Oct 07 “Mailteam” works---Victims work trends
(1) Attorney Detlev Eidebenz, who represents a victim from Frankfurt,
believes that the only hope to stop the wrongdoings of these unknown
microwave gangsters in the entire country, is to fight together.
Eidebenz says: "150 complaints have already been submitted in Germany
in this matter, but to no result." Now, the lawyer says, the attention
of all public prosecutor's offices of all Lander of the Federal
Republic has to be drawn to the multiplicity of individual cases.
There's already support from the Police: Markus Duemig from the 8th
Police station in Frankfurt/Main collects the reports of microwave
victims nationwide. Duemig says: he will do it "as long as necessary
for this matter to be dealt with in a court of law as a criminal

Sch鋐ergasse 33
60313 Frankfurt am Main
(069) 291061, (069) 65302041
(069) 294318, (069) 65302042

(2) Video from Dee

Here is a video I uploaded to YouTube for a friend of mine in Colorado
RAIN FALL IN COLORADO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_YGAy1j9Gw&NR=1

I will be uploading more soon.



associazione contro abusi http://www.aisjca-mft.org/helplinks-htm

The main psychiatric text DSM-IV TR is near to join its next edition

The basics of this book are in sum up good or even very good but there
are some very FAKE assumptions which must be contested and mended: in
particular [read from page 297] the main criterion by which the
doctors can put a "sure" diagnosis of Schizophrenia is based on an
unilateral description of hearing voices.

But just exactly this description satisfies even more better the
depiction furnished by people who are surely - demonstrated -
implanted with abusive receiving-trasmitter broadcast microchips: our
crucial call regards the possibility to URGENTLY search technological
effectual means for documenting and sharing these EXTERNAL VOICES. To
utterly explain and display this issue can then give a real
possibility to revise the DSM: to MEND for ever such mistakes which
are not only "faults" but also ways for evil people to silence - as
"mad" - their opponents. http://www.oism.info/en/about_us/index.htm

(4) Taiwan Victim Mr. Wenlong Ma (IVAN" ee_...@hotmail.com) has
reported his case to Police
Taiwan Taibei Police officer Mr. Cai s45...@tcpd.gov.tw

You may write the Police officer and let him know mind control is an
international matter.

(5) Mr. Pam Farnsworth calls to contact Mr.Tony Clark, Public Affairs
Officer at Jimmy Carter Center

I met with Mr. Tony Clark, Public Affairs Officer at Jimmy Carter
Center, on October 5, 2007. The center promotes President Carter's
work for peace, democracy, health and human rights.

The meeting went well.

I brought a number of testimonies to Tony Clark at the Jimmy Carter

Please telephone Tony Clark at 404.865.7109
or email him at tony....@nara.gov (correct email address)
and tell him you are a victim of directed energy weapons.

That is all you need to say, but you still have freedom of speech.
But, remember, giving too much information may make you appear
unstable, which is the desired effect of the targeters (we can
approach some of the wierdest gang stalking details next, I need to
convince him we are good, normal people).

Contact Tony Clark of your own accord. I am not making you do it, but
it will help stop it if you call. We need to join and fight back NOW.
Please call him.

Thanks, we can hope for these evil forces' end. They are attacking the
most peaceful. Please peacefully call Tony Clark -- for all of us.

Again, he works for the President Jimmy Carter Center, National
Archives and Research, whick Dick Cheney said to abolish.

Please forward this email to any other victims you know or have seen
online, to help our cause.

Pam Farnsworth

Atlanta, Georgia, USA





AAN Hermans Margriet < margriet...@vlaamsparlement.be >


MAES Nelly <nelly...@skynet.be >;

GUELCHER Ernst ernst.g...@europarl.europa.eu

(7) A letter from Organisator der Demonstration in Berlin: Swetlana

Attempted Murder while Asleep after the Demonstration in Berlin

Herewith I want to announce, that today, the 3rd of October 2007, at
three o clock in the morning, perpetrators tried to kill me. All of a
sudden, I suffered at the same time from headaches, infarctions and
pains of the heart, kidney pains and strong respiration problems. My
arms and hands, my feet became completely numb and I was unable to
move them. The pulse-beat of my main artery suddenly was very strong
and irregular, wild. I barely could breathe. I had coughing fits. I
was shouting and screaming in sleep, my son woke up fast and could
observe, what was happening to me. I barely could speak or move my

It became clear to me, the perpetrators wanted to kill me during
sleep, so as to stop my activities. After the demonstration in Berlin
of the 22nd and 23rd of September 2007, they relentlessly irradiated
and tortured me sadistically. My whole family is manipulated as well.

The perpetrators always destroy activists, just like they killed
activist Peter Helwig the 11th of September 2007, a few weeks ago,
just like they do it with other innocent and active citizens. It is
very easy to kill someone, while he is asleep, and to leave no traces
at all. Everybody then can think, that this was a natural death.

These Mafia-like perpetrators are very dangerous and brutal. They want
to fill me up with anxiety and fear. It can not go on like this. We
must build a system of mutual security, so as to stop these crimes.

Swetlana Schunin
Stutensee, Germany, the 3rd of October 2007


Sep 21, 2008, 6:04:37 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
29 Oct 07"Mailteam" Works---conference call with Jim Guest
Here is a good new from Derrick Robinson
I'm sorry about the short notice. I've just been swamped with things
to do so that I'm just now getting to this. We in the United States
would like very much for you and your groups to join this conference
call Monday, October 29 at 11 am Eastern time. We, and Representative
Jim Guest of Missouri have invited Congressional, state and local
representatives and their staffs to this informational conference call
about our mutual stalking and torture harassment. We'd appreciate
your presence and input as we discuss these issues.

The call starts at 11 am Eastern Standard Time. To find your time in
Europe, you may visit the world clock at: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock
Eastern time is used in New York City. If you would check the world
clock around 2 or 3 in the afternoon on Saturday or Sunday you could
easily tell what time to call in on Monday.

The number to call in for each country is listed after this
announcement. Canada of course, uses the US dialing system.





Stacey Berry
Jojo Carey
Sheila Epstein
Cassandra Lewis
Bruno Marchesani
Nancy Miller
Gina Romano
DeLisa Schooler
Adam Tamble

(Each speaker is allotted 2 minutes)


Confirmed so far: Dr. David Posner, Eleanor White, Carolyn Palit



ROOM NUMBER: 5888200

AUSTRIA 0820 4000 1574
BELGIUM 070 35 9989
FRANCE 0826 100 277
GERMANY 01805 00 7649
IRELAND 0818 270 034
ITALY 0848 390 175
SPAIN 0902 886 051
SWITZERLAND 0848 560 195
UK 0870 738 0763
NETHERLANDS 0870 001 932

- If making this call is a financial issue for some people, you may
join the call for free using Skype. You can download it at: www.Skype.com

- Another option would be if we get list of people who can 3-way
conference people into the call and those that need to be conferenced
in and we'll make sure everyone gets there this way as well.


Sep 21, 2008, 6:06:02 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
1 Nov 07 "Mailteam" Works-- Victim Work Trends
(1) Senator Joe Biden is interested in assisting us if he can. As
requested, please send Evidence, Testimony's or any information you
have about our issues via regular mail to-
Mr. Sean McPherson
Office of Senator Joe Biden
201 Russel - Senate office Building
Washington D.C. 20510 USA
Cas is a group stalking/electronic harassment victim and I did an
interview with her for The Edge AM. Her interview aired yesterday,
October 25, 2007 and ran throughout the day. Go to theedgeam.com
Please pass this on to anyone you know who is a TI support or a TI. It
is imperative that we get the word out. The archives at THEEDGEAM are
free. Thank you, Gina
What we are going through is an excuse to test military technology.
Some of the people were placed in this program because they were a
thorn in some agents side. Some because they were whistle-blowers.
When was the last time that you heard of a domestic terrorist? What
this technology does is make people distrust their governments, make
innocent people look like they have mental illness, make dishonest
agents and allow our military men and women to become all that they
can be. In the 50's McCarthy called people into the senate and
questioned them without any evidence that they had done anything. His
excuse was that there were communist among us. He used fear as a means
to destroy people's lives just as this administration and the few
before it have done. They believe they have a real program that
them to use two cent psychology to threaten and silence those that
speak out. They forget that this country was founded by those that
wanted freedom and were willing to fight for it. Edward R Morrow said
it best when he said " How can we send our soldiers to fight for
freedom when we have no freedom here" I recommend the movie Good Night
and Good Luck as a eye opening to those that have no idea what is
really happening to this country. We all want to feel safe but at the
expense of living day to day under oppression. These perverts are
responsible for suicides and basically that is nothing but murder when
you torture someone and harass someone to that point. We need to
together and remember that TI's do say and do strange things at times
because they are targets and that is part of the governments program.
Freedom has always won in the end. We just need to remember that we
can fight back. Once the people figure out this program is being used
and the real reason then nothing will stop the media because even they
have sponsors that will want to promote something that public opinion
is for. Hang in there everyone....there soon will be a break and the
truth will survive the lies that have been told.
I'm republishing this letter so that more can sign it. Cas says that
she has signatures from about 30 people so far. We would like to
have at lease 100 signatures before we carry it in. Numbers are what
count in Congress! So please take a moment to review and sign it.
To sign, just send your name and city and state in an email to Cas at:
Representative Henry A. Waxman, Chairman
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
U.S. House of Representatives
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Representative Waxman:
In view of the recent hearings regarding improprieties involving
Blackwater USA, the private security firm working under government
contract in Iraq, we, the members of Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillance (freedomfchs.com), believe that Blackwater USA and
other government defense contractors require oversight and
investigation(s) into abusive practices with regard to directed energy
weapons testing and warrantless surveillance activities on United
States citizens. We believe that many of these contractors have formed
harassment groups that prey upon innocent Americans every day using
these weapons and surveillance equipment. These abusive practices
operate in secret and affect many thousands of people across this
country without their knowledge or consent.
There is a massive cover-up concerning these crimes and victims are
being subjected to continuous mental and physical torture and
degradation -- first, by means of what appears to be well-organized
and well-financed multi-stalking, then, usually, the subsequent loss
of jobs, followed by character defamation and extreme privacy
invasion; all of which culminate in directed energy weapons
victimization, along with continued stalking and harassment
activities. Many of us are being treated as though we were terrorist
suspects, with what appear to be various tracking mechanisms applied
biotechnologically to our physical bodies. Home invasion and
destruction of personal property is often a feature of this harassment
which is completely unconstitutional and unwarranted for law-abiding
citizens. This has remained mostly unreported to the general public.
Your attention is urgently needed to halt these atrocities and bring
these extremist elements to justice. We are daily, many of us moment-
by-moment, tormented in our own homes, while our personal possessions
are being ransacked and destroyed by undetected weapons that were
developed by the United States military, intelligence agencies, and
other harassment groups. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are a growing
segment of the population that is being denied basic constitutional
rights that other Americans take for granted every day.
Please assist us with all deliberate speed.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
nothing." Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
Very truly yours,
(5) Cas, a group stalking/electronic harassment victim and I did an
interview for The Edge AM. Her interview will be on this Thursday,
October 25, 2007 and will run throughout the day. Go to theedgeam.com
Please pass this on to anyone you know who is a TI supporter or a TI.
It is imperative that we get the word out. Also, theedgeam archives
are free.
(6) Netherlands Victim Peter Mooring has placed some ads in major
In the Netherlands ad was placed in 3 major newspapers: Volkskrant,
NRC Handelsblad, Trouw: 27-10-2007, 20-10-2007 1in3mini advertenties,
1,4 miljoen readers: Diversen/Politiek.
Ideas / donate NOW, see:
stopeg.nl: http://www.stopeg.nl
electronischewapens.nl: http://www.electronischewapens.nl
groepstalking.nl: http://www.groepstalking.nl
petermooring.nl: http://www.petermooring.nl
(other sites: http://www.peoplezapper.com, http://www.peopleburner.com,
Peter Mooring
Tel: 06 4124 3030
Email: pet...@xs4all.nl
(7) A letter from Rep Jim Guest

Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends:

This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our
country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture
and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and
physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups
and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even

I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also
stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID
technologies in tracking Americans.

Long before Verichip was known we were testing these devices on
Americans, many without their knowledge or consent. With the new
revelations of the cancer risk besides the privacy and human rights
problems with the use of Verichip and RF signals, I am asking for your
help in stopping these abuses and aiding those already affected. Your
attendance is therefore requested at a conference call regarding these
issues on Monday, October 29, at 11 am EST. After a period of brief
presentations, we will have a discussion of these issues with the
intent of creating a way forward toward solutions. Here is the call-in

TIME/DAY: Monday, October 29, 11 am EST
CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-605-475-8590
ROOM NUMBER: 5888200
To R.S.V.P or for questions, please call: 1-817-269-0301


Rep. Jim Guest
District Office: 660-535-6664
Capitol Office: 573-751-0246
(8) Great new from Derrick Robinson
Monday's conference call was extremely successful and I can't tell you
the amount of progress we made. There were over 80 people present on
the call including my Senator (Ted Kennedy).
I have had little hope in so long, that I am ecstatic to report that
we are making great progress. Now, I need support in finding the
following information.
1) Send all companies you feel are responsible for developing the
technologies that are torturing us.
2) If you can, try and match the symptom with the technology and the
Example- Company
Technologies Symptoms
Raytheon Through Wall
Technology & Illegal Surveillance

Laser Burn marks

Internal heating

Loss of sleep
(9) A letter from Russian Victim Alla Petukhova
Dear friends! Thank you for letters and support. I want, that you have
got acquainted with ours http://www.moscomeco.narod.ru
Our two committees Moscow Housing Ecology Committee and
"St.Petersbourgh Society of Persons Subject to Remote Controlled
Terror" struggle with these criminals ?990 year. It is unique that we
really have reached(achieved), it that this weapon at us in Russia is
by the amendment into the law " About the weapon ". First we were
delighted to this victory, but have then understood, that our
government is
not going to execute this law. We have submitted to the European court
under human rights, in the International military court in Hague, but
all while is ineffectual. When to Russia came the Secretary general of
the Council of Europe, I have got on him pr舠s-conference and have
asked from our committee to him on the account of this weapon. He has
told me, that we need to be united with other countries. Recently we
from two our committees have directed letters to address of the
General of the Council of Europe mister Terry Davis, High Commissioner
for Human Rights Mrs. Louise Arbour, Commissioner for Human Rights of
the Council of Europe Mr. Thomas Hammarberg, the Chancellor of
Germany, The state secretary of USA madam Kondoliza Rajs.
As soon as the good translator will translate us these letters, I
shall send them in your addresses. October, 7-th this year we have
picket, a photo of picket you can see on our site, in the same place
we have hung up all data on picket which was carried out in Germany.
But I
think, that it is not enough of all it. Svetlana from Germany has
offered very good idea to lead picket about a building of the Council
Europe in France in city of Strasbourg. Besides we need to create the
incorporated International Committee for struggle against this weapon.
And from this committee to dispatch letters in all international legal
instances. First of all in Committee on tortures in the Council of
let they make legal changes to the law on tortures. All of you clever
guys, think and offer the ideas. We shall think too what to do


Sep 21, 2008, 6:07:04 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
12 Nov 07 A letter from Rep. Jim Guest 一封来自美国议员Jim Guest的信


Sep 21, 2008, 6:08:19 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
22 Nov 07 "Mailteam"works--Victims work trends
(1)30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
The 30th International Conference grouping the National Societies,
their International Federation, the ICRC and the 194 States party to
the Geneva Conventions, will take place on 26 to 30 November 2007, in
Geneva, at the International Conference Center (CICG).
Victims,Please write Red Cross or you can go to Geneva.
Neurobiology: A case study of the imminent militarization of biology
The biological, medical (and legal) communities should face the near
certainty that unless active steps are taken to prevent it, biology
will become the next major military technology, and that neuroscience
― and by implication much of the rest of modern biology ― will become
highly vulnerable to use or abuse in entirely unintended, but clearly
foreseeable, ways.
(Info resources\International Review\2005 - No. 859)
International Review of the Red CrossMark Wheelis and Malcolm Dando
(1) An invitation letter for attending a meeting from INTERNATIONAL
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT NETWORK Ethics For Human Development Global

DECember 10 - 14, 2007

Dear Individual, Nonprofit/NGO Colleague,

The International Human Development Network (IHDN) cordially invites
you to attend the 7th International conference with the theme, Ethics
For Human Development Global Perspectives to be held December 10 -14,
2007, in Edinburgh, UK.

The International Human Development Network, Ethics For Human
Development Global Perspectives , will address the issue of ethics and
human development at all levels: from the individual to the global
community. More than ever before, individuals, youth associations,
religious groups,community associations and nonprofit organizations
are being called to operate transparently, and adhere to the highest
code of ethical conduct of living in service to others for human
development. The conference will explore the new ways for community
and human development, along with ethical challenges faced in
developing and underdeveloped countries.

Additionally, the 7th International conference will be a unique
meeting place for individuals, nonprofits, civil societies and
representatives from governmental and non governmental sectors to
share innovative ideas and practices, make relationships, and build
strategic partnerships.
Professional training seminars and workshops for representatives of
nonprofits and NGOs will also be offered throughout the conference in
topics including: (1) Development Through Service ( 2) Youth/Women
empowerment our stronghold (3) Development Sustainability the way
forward ( 4) Advocacy for NGOs/Nonprofits

Congress Registration
Registration is free. For details and registration form contact the
organizing secretary. Email: talk2oli...@yahoo.com
Hotel Accommodations
Special rates are available for participants at the conference hotel,
the Springsworth Hotel. Each participant is responsible for reserving
and paying for their own hotel accommodations for the duration of
their stay in UK . For details and information for making
reservations, contact hotel at reser...@springsworthhotel.com
Air & Ground Travel
International Human Development Network are responsible for
participants air and ground transportation arrangements and expenses.
Important Dates
Early Registration: Immediately
Regular Registration: October 29th to November
30th, 2007
Registration Closes: November 30th, 2007

(Note: Space is limited. Registration is on a first-come, first-served
basis. The Conference Committee reserves the right to close
registration early.)
For the registration form and all details, contact the organizing
secretary Email: talk2oli...@yahoo.com
5 reasons for You to participate in the International conference:

1) Contribute to discussions of key issues for community development
2) Engage in stimulating plenary sessions, panels, roundtables &
3) Network with international NGOs .
4) Gain practical skills & tools.
5) Become empowered, renewed & refreshed.

Ethics For Human Development
Global Perspectives
Organized by
International Human Development Network (IHDN)
Tel: 44 (0) 703.192 .4336 (UK)
Fax: 44 (0) 870.974.7366 (UK)
Email: talk2oli...@yahoo.com
(2) A letter from USA Aaron about starting to look into contractors
who are developing mind control and related technologies.
In my preliminary research, all angles brought me to one Company.

Whether it be the Navy, CIA, NSA or the DOD, the holder of the patents
for these developing technologies is Raytheon.

Raytheon is the 2ND largest defense contractor in the world with E-
systems holding 85% of the Black Budget and classified projects that
the Govt denies exist.

I have attached my spreadsheet that I am still working on, but all
patents listed are owned by Raytheon.

I think we should look into the other defense contractors as well such
Lockeed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and United

Also, take a look at this old article I found on campaign
contributions and who is taking the bribes to keep these technologies
going. There is big money going to our politicians and we need to
know exactly who is allowing these programs to continue existing.
Let me know what you all think of the research so far.
(3) "MC mailteam" is planing to make a book for victims.
Lets make a nice book, with stories, photos, contact info., tel.
numbers, evidence from Pravda and other publications! !!
I will translate yours and mine to Arabic and already met the
publisher in Cairo in August 2006!!
I also have publishers contacts in Canada!!
The Arab press will pounce on this opportunity, considering Arabs like
very much Americans (contrary to the lies spread), but they are not
quite fond of the US special services!!
----Moe Hosny
That sounds like a positive step. Actually, we at FFCHS are working on
such a book for our group. This would be mostly US victims and used
mostly for purposes here in the US. An international book would
possibly be even more impressive. It would then be available for
international agencies such as the UN, the European Parliament and
other government officials. We'd probably have to do translations in
several languages and some of you, admirably, have those skills. I
think it could serve as a great ambassador for the message we are
trying to convey. ---- Derrick
It is a great thing.
I can translate this book into chinese and I also can translate some
china victims stories into english. ----Soleilmavis
I can translate the english parts into dutch too (but there wont be so
much readers for it as in chinees :) still its woth doing it at least
a part of it.--Monika
It is wonderful, the bilingual people that we have. This strategy that
is being used in a peaceful manner is called, “ the straw that broke
the camel’s back”. It is the hope that the collective voice of the
wronged can speak loudly enough and simultaneously so that others can
hear the truth.
But the devil’s advocate who has read the Air Forces’s and CIA’s
literature will say that you unless you can awaken over 2.2% of the
population of any country, you will not be able to obtain a movement
that will overthrow the establishment. However they didn’t take into
account the world wide movement and only did their analysis on a
country by country basis.---R. Duncan
(4) A letter from Turkey Victims
Dear Madam & Sir;
We are a group located in Turkey working on MIND CONTROL project
actively. Furthermore we have detailed researches and deep analyses of
the subject. Besides we have succesfully managed to determine the
application areas of the subject in Turkey. Also we have established
the worlwide intellegence services functioning on the specific area.
For our progress we kindly request the documentations you have on the
area if possible. We would appreciate if you share articles, journals,
links or any kind of informations related to the subject with us,
pointing their references. If you just give us sometime and send
written materials or aguments copied to cd's, you will be helping lots
of victims who have been aggrieved.
Four your information, this subject is also being followed keenly and
closely by Turkish National Assembly, in other words by our Turkish
Court Lodge.
Our aim to ask your support is to help lots of dignified researchers
and citizens who had been exposed to MIND CONTROL.
In Turkey, every sort of torments as well as civil rights privacy are
headed to protect the citizens legally. And not a single citizen can
be deprived of exercising these rights by law.
For the reasons mentioned above we necessarily expect your
cooperation. We also have future conference projects in mind to host
your specialists in our country.
Sharing your documents and informations with us, you will be
contributing a great benefit to the Turkish Republic and Turkish Court
Kindest Regards.
Contact Informations
(90) + (1) 0543-533-1769


Sep 21, 2008, 6:09:29 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
(6)FROM: Ms. Miriam Snyder: Class action lawsuits
Nov 20, 2007
Dear Targeted Individuals:
We have been compelled to seriously organize class action law suits in
every state because the deadly and lethal inflicted organized crimes
against humanity have escalated, expanded, and are not documented in
every court across the nation. Not only are there dead victims,
because of the lack of human rights enforcement and arrests, there are
children and families presently being killed behind these crimes.
To this end, the scripted, patterned, and practiced disguised slow
kill and disguised attempted murder operations, must end.
Class action lawsuits are needed, to at minimum, document in the
courts of America, the below inflicted lethal and deadly crimes via
party enjoinments:
* inflicted and ongoing economic crimes,
* financial demise,
* Induced suicides,
* inflicted electromagnetic weaponry,
* inflicted voice to skull obstructions,
* induced trauma,
* induced sleep deprivation, defraud sleep laboratory research,
* inflicted blasphemous rumors,
* poisonings,
* Repeated, multifaceted, inhumane lawless income lynchings and
repeated, unwarranted, criminal income executions.
* criminal gang stalking,
* unconsented and criminal human experimentation,
* defraud neuroscience/* defraud neuroscience/dea
* escalated inflicted bank fraud,
* non validated and or non verified targeted and escalated bank fees,
* inflicted identity theft,
* inhumane, uncivilized, insane and barbaric imposition and or
criminal compelling of qualified, highly skilled, educated, willing
and able to work people, to be forced to live off of social
security,disability, and or public assistance, gainst one's will,
integrity,capabilities, and future earning potential guarantees
secured by God!
These are some of the crimes that have been inflicted on TI's in some
form or fashion. These are inflicted, deadly, lethal organized crimes
and they are scripted, meaning patterned and practiced.
This in itself, meaning the script, will facilitate identifying
sponsors/perpetratosponsors/perpetrators who have documented tra
scripted deadly psychological operations on innocent human beings like
To this end, TI's living in the New York region that are suffering
from any of the above criminal impositions, please contact me at 516
642-6007 if you are interested in organizing and filing a class action
law suit regarding the above mentioned deadly crime impositions.
Please contact me before November 30, 2007. We are setting up a NYC
committee and we welcome competent people, who are ready to work,
learn and utilize the laws of this country to regain authority over
the economic, medical, and healthy life God has promised us. God has
given each of us different talents.
Consequently, you do not have to know law to participate. But, you
must be willing and ready to learn and to share your talents to help
make history in submitting the best human rights law suit that ever
reached the courts of America by American people.
Right now in America, if you do not know your rights and how to
To become part of the law suit, you must:
Participate in the organizing of the law suit because no one knows
your case better than you. We will help each other with aligning the
laws, ETC.
Read and rewrite the sample affidavit listed in the education section
of my website at: (http://endorganizedcrimeuniverse.com/page6.html,)
if you have not written one already. If you have been devastated and
harmed, by any of the above mentioned crimes, you should want the
world to know! An affidavit to your public officials is a start. Bring
a copy of the filed affidavit to the first meeting with proof of the
mailing and or submission via fax or email, as this is needed as an
Submit the affidavit to your public officials documenting the specific
crimes inflicted on you and seeking resolution/s. Save all postal
receipts. This affidavit will serve as notice to your public
officials. A copy of your notarized and filed affidavit with the
postal receipts needs to be available as a packaged exhibit for the
law suit.
by Phillip Kolczynski
(http://www.aviationlawcorp.com/content/prep4trial.htmlurt,) if you
are working. People not working should make arrangements with
others for making copies.
Be passionate about the class action law suit, as this law suit will
address and is about inflicted life threatening crimes and disguised
attempted murder operations that must be stopped and never replicated
Peace and blessings,
Miriam Snyder,
516 642-6007
(7) A letter from Bob D---suggest all victim to take an action to file
a statement to local police on Jan 08
I would like to suggest the following as an additional means for
ultimately getting our stories before the courts: what if we TIs,
nation wide, set a date and time, say one full week in January of 08,
that every TI go down to their local police station and file a
statement to their own targeting, requiring no action on the part of
the police, but just to have our claims documented and on file. If we
should happen to make it in to court, it might help support our cause
by being able to point to official police records, nation wide,that
shows documented proof that targeting is real and that it is happening
to a large population of people. This action could potentially help
our cause significantly. Moreover, it would provide evidence that
shows systematic patterns in the effects we all suffer.
Bob D.

(8) USA Thursday Night Conference Call Update & Announcement from our
Correspondent at The EdgeAm
Thanks to all of you who have sent information to us for the upcoming
class-action lawsuit. At this time, we are in the process of
reviewing everything that has been sent. There's a lot of information
to review, some of which is incredible. However, there are a couple
of areas that we've identified that we need some information for:

a) Universities: As many of you know, there are dozens, if not
hundreds of universities involved in our targeting. Any information
regarding their involvement would be very important.

b) Surveillance Technology: Equipment used outside of our homes as
well as tracking and harassment equipment used for invading the
privacy of our homes would be extremely important for the lawsuit.

Someone even sent us a copy of a FOIA request that was a contract for
a university to conduct non-lethal weapons studies. Anything else
that someone would have along these lines would also be of great

It may not be necessary for everyone to meet at a conference call each
week at the present moment. However, I will keep everyone updated via
email each week regarding progress with the lawsuit, with conference
calls organized as needed.
(8) A letter to China president from China victims Zhongqing Qi are
asking victims signature for surporting.
    E-mail: njxz...@163.com


Sep 21, 2008, 6:10:22 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
24 Nov 07 “Touched" film by John Mack “接触”纪录片-- John Mack

*_Touched_* won Best Documentary at its Canadian premiere at the
Female Eye Film Festival (FeFF) in Toronto on November 22, 2003.
Touched also won Best Documentary of 2003 in the ?Abductee or
Contactee? category (!) at a long-running UFO convention, The
International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, in 2004.
John Edward Mack, M.D. (October 4, 1929 --- September 27, 2004) was an
American Psychiatrist and Professor at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Mack was struck by a car while crossing the street. London police
pronounced him dead on the scene. September 27, 2004
会议,赢得2003年“Abductee or Contactee”2003年最佳纪录片奖。
John Edward Mack(1929年10月4日---2004年9月27日)是美国哈弗医学院的精神病学家和教授
MACK先生于2004年9月27日穿过马路时被汽车撞倒, 伦敦警方当时宣布他的死亡。
*touched* “接触影片”
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8


Sep 21, 2008, 6:11:28 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
7 Dec 07 "Mailteam works"--Victims work trends
(1) Good suggestions of making our activists more effective.
From Russia Victim Alla:
Urgently it is necessary to create the international organization on
struggle psyhotronic the weapon. All by e-mail of nothing give
dispatch of the summary. E-mail is not considered the official
document. If it not the official document officials and their
representatives are not obliged to give on them answers and to pay
attention. Official the papers sent by the letter or a fax are
considered. Only, when they will see, that we have created the strong
international organization, they will be compelled with us to be
considered. Once again I speak, it is necessary to find the country
where it is possible quickly and without handicapes to register the
international organization officially. And to make official references
in the United Nations and the Council of Europe with the requirement
to stop all military-medical tests in public.
From USA Victim Bob Butner
I agree that "Official papers sent by the letter or a fax are
There has been too much e mail that is tossed aside with what is
already a confusing topic.
My personal appointments and letters to Congressman Gary Miller
received considerable attention.
This is not to say that all efforts, such as email are fruitless -

Bob Butner www.rob-profile.com
(2)USA victim Donald M. Friedman "The Lawsuit is Very Active!!!"
I read the government's Motion for Summary Judgement and the
Opposition to the Motion to Compel today and I have attached copies of
everything that the AUSA filed.

In the USSS's declaration (Gov't Exhibit A) the agency fails to
address anything about the excluded records, it fails to address the
requirement that it search the DEW-installed trucks, and it provides
only the most conclusory arguments for why it withheld any records and
why the records are not more segregable. It failed to do the full
amount of work it is required to do and it is trying to use irrelevant
info about previous lawsuits to cloud the issues of why it has not
done what it is legally required to do.

Anyway, take some time to read these materials and I'll talk with you
later. I will start working on my responses in a few days and I will
send you copies of the work I file.

Please distribute this info and the files so people will know what is
going on with the suit.

Thanks and I'll hope to hear from you soon.
'Tis the season to be filing. There are currently three major legal
actions regarding our issues occurring or starting up:
a) FFCHS is starting the lawsuit process by initiating a case
analysis from National Legal Professional Associates (NLPA):

The legal research firm, National Legal Professional Associates has
informed us that they can/will do a case analysis for us. This means
they will research our claims and present us with an outline citing
case law that we can use to take our case to attorneys (which they
would refer us to) and then to trial. The cost for them to do this
analysis for us is: $2500.00. This translates to at least $10 from
250 TI's to pay this amount. Generally, everyone seemed to be in
support of this action as the first step to our lawsuit.

To help with this effort, you may donate directly to our bank account
via Paypal at www.paypal.com. You'll need to sign up for an account
if you haven't already. Click on the 'send money' option and make a
donation to this email address: in...@freedomfchs.com

A check or money order can be mailed to me for deposit at:

Derrick Robinson
3925 Paxton Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

Make check or money order payable to: FFCHS I'll send a
confirmation by email or phone of all money received. If you don't
hear from me after a while, call to make sure I've received your

Once we get the money together and sent to them, we'll start sending
in our stories and evidence for the analysis because they won't do
anything with the information until we do this.
The case manager also stated that he's looking at around 30 days to
complete the analysis, although it'll probably be more depending on
what information is sent to them.

Feel free to contact me at anytime for questions or comments.
Since The Jim Guest Show aired we have wanted to find away that folks
can listen in at the same time as ask questions without having to call
in. Paltalk does that. Just download then Browse rooms, then go to
Radio Talk Shows and click on the Microeffect. Last thing to do is to
save it on the Paltalk favorites and your done. Best of all it's
Hope to see you online- Rep. Jim Guest
(5) A letter from Pamela Farnsworth
Please write to Ms. Sloan and provide some documentation regarding the
enormous amount of people being victimized.
Snail Mail! The emails are not working for us. Thanks,
Melanie Sloan
Executive Director
Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington
1400 Eye Street NW, Suite 450
Washington, D.C. 20005
(6) Ted Bundy
The most infamous serial killer of all time is Ted Bundy. According to
his own words, Bundy believed his descent into the horrible pit of
sexual assault and murder was driven by an alien evil force and fueled
by an addiction to violent obscenity.
"He would feel that he heard a voice. Now again, he would never admit
that he "heard voices," because he knew that was insane. But, he would
describe someone as "another Ted" . This other Ted would start talking
to him in this growling voice and point out that this woman thinks you
could never have her. 'Look at her walking by. What is she thinking
about you ...' And work him up into this hatred where then he would
start this process of stalking ..."
Investigative reporters, psychologists, criminologists, and
sociologists from all over the country are trying to discover the
cause behind the rising number of sex crimes and murders. Some of
these seekers for truth get rather close to the heart of the matter--
that intermittent demon possession is the cause. This is especially
true of such TV tabloids as "American Journal", "Limited Edition",
"Current Affair", and even network standards like "20/20", "60
Minutes", "48 Hours", "Prime Time Live", "Dateline NBC", and "Turning
Point". At one time or another, all of these programs have skated
around the edges of what is obvious to anyone who can recognize the
symptoms of demon possession: demons cause violent criminal behavior
in what may otherwise be normal people.
(7) A book of Victims stories has collected 10 victims stories. If
victims who want their stories to be published in this book, please
write to soleilmavis as soon as possible.
(8) A signed letter by china victims to China government and public
has already send to many email addresses. Victims who want to add
their name to this letter, please contact Mr. Zhongqing Qi TEL:


Sep 21, 2008, 6:12:31 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
14 Dec 07 A letter from U.K. Green Party

This is from Jean Verstraeten
U.K. Green Party Acknowledges EM Weapons
This is an email written in response to an inquiry by Ruth Barnett on
May 02, 2004 about resolution 27, passed by the European Parliament,
which states:

27. Calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on
all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any
form of manipulation of human beings.

The reply is packed with information about electromagnetic weapons
which is "one of the newest and most serious military developments in
the world today."

Original message from Ruth Barnett to the Green Party U.K.:

From: ruth.b
To: off...@greenparty.org.uk
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: Environment, security and foreign affairs, A4-0005/99

Dear Sir/Madam

Could you please inform me of your policies on the following
resolutions as passed by the European Parliament, especially relating
to No. 27., particularly with regard to all the experiments on people
that are occurring in the UK but everyone is too afraid to admit to.

Yours sincerely,
Ruth Barnett

Reply from Dr Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP for South East England:

Dear Ruth Barnett,

Thank you for your email - please accept this as a reply from both
Green Party MEPs, myself and Jean Lambert.

The subject came to the attention of the Green Group in 1996, and we
have slowly developed a knowledge base and large archive in this
highly specialized area. Although neither of us were MEPs at the time
of the vote in January 1999, the Green Group was the strongest
supporter of the report.

Electro-Magnetic (EM) weapons are one of the newest and most serious
military developments in the world today. Enormous secrecy surrounds
their development, which is helped by the fact that they rely on the
complex physics of non-ionizing radiation and on bio-electromagnetics.
They can be broadly broken down into two categories - those aimed at
the environment and those aimed at living systems, or in reality the
human central nervous system.

In the case of the environment, very large quantities of energy can be
literally 'broadcast', like radio, to create certain special
environmental effects - radical changes in the ionosphere to affect
communications, and possibly even the weather, as well as reflection
to earth to perform such feats as x-raying the earth to find
underground installations, possibly large transfers of energy to power
equipment, or to apply destructive forces anywhere on earth, including
EMP effects (Electro-Magnetic Pulse, associated with nuclear
explosions), and simpler tasks like submarine communication, using
very long waves.

The more sinister aspect concerns the ability to use low energy
density waves of particular frequencies and special waveforms to
literally 'tune into' the human central nervous system (CNS),
something that has been achieved in the laboratory, according to
publicly available scientific literature. This might be done on an
individual scale, to temporarily or perhaps permanently alter
psychological states, so as to elicit certain behaviours from human
beings. It is alleged that many victims have been tested involuntarily
for decades now with this technology. It is also suggested that these
weapons have been used in some actions, most especially the Gulf War
and against the Greenham Common women in the UK. In this case they
would have a mass effect, in that they are aimed at large groups. This
use is sought not only by the military, but, alarmingly, by the police
forces as well, clearly for the purpose of controlling unruly domestic
populations. Once achieved, such a system might become irreversible,
or unstoppable.

This subject also has very serious implications for standard setting
for non-ionizing radiation, because the levels of exposure at which
one can manipulate the human being are very low indeed, since it is
the tuning and the waveform which matter, not the levels, which is the
reason that Russian exposure standards are apparently 1000 times lower
than the US standards.

It is worth comparing the standard setting processes for non-ionizing
and for ionizing radiation, as they are remarkably similar. The
military, via the International Commission on Radiological Protection
(ICRP), played a major role in originally setting ionizing standards
at ridiculously high levels by burying or ignoring the science,
leading to the need for continuous reductions in the acceptable
exposure levels. Something similar appears to happening with non-
ionizing radiation, in that a very similar unelected 'independent'
advisory committee (ICNIRP - International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection) has offered advice in this area, which is
accepted blindly by the European Commission, despite the fact that,
once again, much of the science is being ignored, and the
precautionary principle, for some odd reason, seems not to apply. The
fact that two of the US representatives on ICNIRP have been associated
with the military has echoes of the past, and is most suspicious.

The focus of public attention so far has been a project in Alaska
called HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which
is a massive 'array' transmitter designed to manipulate the ionosphere
for military purposes - communications effects, earth x-rays, and
possibly weather manipulation (despite conventions banning this). But
the range of uses of this basic technology is very wide, much wider
than its predecessor, ionizing radiation (nuclear). The primary
difference is that electromagnetic waves can be 'tuned' so as to have
certain effects on living systems, whereas the 'chaotic' nature of
ionizing radiation does not facilitate this and the result of exposure
to it is normally direct damage only. As stated above, scientists have
been able to 'tune' EM to facilitate remote direct communication with
the central nervous systems of living creatures, and they are of
course especially interested in using this fact to manipulate human

They were used in a crude form by the Soviets against the US Moscow
embassy in the '60s with fatal consequences for the ambassador
himself, and it is believed that they were used in what is called a
'superfence' against the Greenham Common women, and also to demotivate
the Iraqi troops during the Gulf War. The Soviets tried in the 70s to
prevent an arms race in this area by means of a Convention, but the US
rejected these efforts, and has moved ahead very rapidly, also within
NATO, into a dominant position.

Unless this development is stopped, we are entering an Orwellian
'1984' type scenario, which could potentially permanently transfer
enormous power to those in control of the technology. It must also be
seen in the wider context of the one-sided arms race currently
underway, where the US is re- arming, by continuing with 'Star Wars',
and is aiming to be totally dominant in 'Space Power' by 2020.
Electromagnetic weapons play a key role here, alongside ABMs, lasers
and particle beam weapons.

We are of course totally opposed to the development and deployment of
these weapons. We regard the unsuccessful attempts in the 70s of the
former Soviet Union to have these weapons controlled by a UN
Convention as having been a major missed opportunity, which has now
led to a new arms race in this field. We have sought to renew the
attempt to have a Convention to outlaw these weapons and the research
that leads to them, primarily that concerning external manipulation of
the human central nervous system.

The Greens achieved the quite remarkable Parliament resolution on
January 28th 199, damning the US for not being willing to even come to
discuss the matter with the Parliament, and in particular attacking
the HAARP project in Alaska, calling for a Parliament STOA study on
it, while also calling in rather vague terms for a ban on the
manipulation of human beings.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Caroline Lucas
Green Party MEP for South East England

European Parliament Resolutions as Passed, January 28, 1999

Below are the resolutions passed by the European Parliament relating
to non-lethal weapons technology:

Resolution adopted by the European Parliament, 28.1.99 Environment,
security and foreign affairs A4-0005/99

23. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new 'non-lethal'
weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also
covered and regulated by international conventions;

24. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project)
by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global
concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications
to be examined by an international independent body before any further
research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United
States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the
public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent
committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the
HAARP programme currently being funded in Alaska;

25. Requests the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment
(STOA) Panel to agree to examine the scientific and technical evidence
provided in all existing research findings on HAARP to assess the
exact nature and degree of risk that HAARP poses both to the local and
global environment and to public health generally;

26. Calls on the Commission to examine if there are environmental and
PUBLIC HEALTH implications of the HAARP programme for Arctic Europe
and to report back to Parliament with its findings;



Sep 21, 2008, 6:13:29 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
29 Dec 07 "Mailteam works" -- Victims work trends

(1) Dr. Anna Fubini from Italian Victims Association introduces us the
book""It's Abuse NOT Science fiction (Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e
tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza)" printed on July 2005. It is made
by Italian Victims Association and from their site - http://www.aisjca-mft.org/
You can have a look the book from addresses:
You can order the book from
(2) USA Victim Kevin Burnor asked All TI's to contact Gina to voice
their testimony.
If you would like an opportunity to voice your testimony regarding the
criminal abuse and victimization you are experiencing via electronic
weapons/gang stalking/etc. there is now available that opportunity.
Please contact Gina at gi...@theedgeam.com and she will take your story
and broadcast the interview via http://www.theedgeam.com. According
to Gina the coverage is five million people.
Gina interviewed me last night for a release date of late January to
early February.
Uncle Microchips
Kevin Burnor
(3) A letter from Gina to Soleilmavis
Thank you for the e-mail. You have some interesting inforamtion in
your attachment. Can I post it on The Edge Radio for others to view?
I will read more and get back to you. Please tell any victims you
know to contact me and we will try to get more interviews on the
show. I do an interview every Thursday. The interviews are between
20 to 30 minutes and loop throughout the day. I interviewed a house
representative on November 15, 2007. If you want to hear his
interview, please go to the archived shows and pull it up. Also, I
did shows throughout October, November and December. January 3, 2007
the interviews will begin again. Check out some of the past
interviews and have your friends listen in. We are all going to get
the word out and fight this together. Stay Strong. Gina
This week, Bob in San Diego has agreed to do a book review of David
Lawson's book entitled 'Cause Stalking'.
found by Luis Ortiz
Stop the Attacks! Find out if You Are Chip Implanted and Neutralize
the Chip! Make it Malfunction Permanently!
What are Electronic Weapon Attacks? Sophisticated Technology designed
to attack and eliminate targets, that's people like you and me, who
oppose the New World Order. Common symptoms of attacks? Migrains or
headaches, dehydration, feeling woozy like you're drunk or on drugs,
sulfur taste in your mouth, heart rate racing for no apparent reason,
hearing your heart thumping in your ears, usually when you go to bed
or you're in front of the computer. If you are constantly suffering
from these symptoms, get away from the house for a while, it helps!
Or, you can stop it from happening for good with the products I've
listed below. I don't make one cent for endorsing these products
below. Let's make their chips and their technology useless!
God is showing His army how to defend themselves! But we've got to
learn how to use the weapons! He's been leading me to certain things
for over a year now...for a long time I would just get weirded out by
it but as He keeps leading I'm learning! Not everything is of Him so
we have to be careful. But not everything is bad either! We're just
conditioned to believe it is. Satan perverts everything! Just seek
Yahweh and if these are defense mechanisms He wants you to have.
Detect Chip Implants! The Zap 180 Will Detect Chip Implants in Humans,
so if you want to know if you or someone you know is implanted, this
device tell you and it's only $89 (cheaper than most of them out there
and it gets the job done!). Just scan it over your body and watch the
meter hit the roof! If it does you've got an implant. Most people
don't even know they're implanted! If you've had a vaccination or flu
shot chances are you've been implanted since you were a child. If you
are already pretty sure you are implanted, go to the magnet section
below to learn how to neutralize the chip(s) and cause it to
malfunction permanently! Ok if you have spiritual discernment the
will just tell you where you have chips and you can save the money.
Otherwise it's a handy tool to have at least for you to use on others,
or if you're unsure in hearing Yahweh's voice and leading.
More Info - http://www.zapchecker.com/180.html
Credit Cards Accepted
Send your check or money order to:
Alan Broadband Company
93 Arch Street
Redwood City, CA 94062
-or -
Order by Phone:
1-888-369-9627 (Toll-Free)
Fax: 1-650-369-3788
These are reputable sites that Yahweh and others led me to. Remember
not all of these kinds of sites are good, so use discernment if
out there surfing around. And use wisdom to know what is of God
compared to the walls you've built up to reject this kind of
information and help. Remember the stones are what heaven is made of!
Not all of it is bad we've just been conditioned to believe that way.
Neutralize Chips!! If you think or know you are already implanted with
a chip from a vaccination, flu shot, dentist, surgeon (knowingly or
unknowingly through their pharmaceutical supplies) then you can cause
them to malfunction within 2 days with a rare earth magnet you can buy
for just .70 cents! I bought 10 of these magnets..the Lord showed me
where to put them and use a bandaide to hold them in place. I put them
as He led me to. I started on a Friday night, on Sunday I put the last
2 on because they didn't need as many hours to fry the chips as the
other ones did, by Monday morning I was cleared and had neutralized
all of the chips! New chips, several years old, only need about 12-24
hours to neutralize. The ones you probably got as a kid via vaccines
can take 24-36 hours. So I started on a Friday night and took them
on Monday.
Paypal and Credit Cards Accepted
More Info and Main Page: http://www.mythnlynx.com/HHG.html#HGNM2
(6) Canada Victim MOE HOSNY is preparing to register an organization
Dear ALL
I want to register an organization called RULE OF LAW DEFENDERS
Based on the number of letters I get from you, I will take this
I already have the info of Jean Verstraeten.
All I want is:
1- Picture
2- Copy of passport or Driver's License
( You can COVER your Day and month of BIRTH as well as the NUMBER of
the license. I only want to establish if you are a real person
3- a letter containing the following:
City, Country of Residence:
Marital Status:
Type of Torture: Please check out American cognitive Liberties
Suspected Reason for Torture: Political Activities OR unknown
4- A notarized letter authorizing me to put your information on a web
site until December 31, 2009
In fraternitate,
Moe Hosny
Here is a PBS special on the quiet zone located between Virginia and
West Virginia. The Navy and NSA along with ATT built huge listening
posts in 1959 that they disguised as radio telescopes. There is one
real radio telescope operational in the area. The rest spy on
communications and have other unknown uses. There is a truck called
EMIT which goes around and locates sources of interference. No cell
phones are allowed.
Some electronically harassed targets should go there and check it
The Navy and NSA locations are off limits but the public's radio
telescope can be visited. Find out what frequency ranges and
sensitivity the area is blocked out for. Be sure to stand under the
dish. This will tell us more about the types of waveforms that are
being used. Who knows, maybe it will provide relief for some targets.
Please report any results and information back to me.

Hi Ti's
My name is Margaret Habib my e-mail address is: margohabib@... I have
a little different problem which is:
chemical dumping every night in my dwelling the smell is different
each time. It caused so many problems cars follow and release fumes
at me while I am taking my morning walks every day. This is going on
since 1984. There is an old man above me he follows wherever I go in
my dwelling. He flushes the toilet after I finish my shower or dress
up/down. He harasses me by causing sleeping deprivation. He causes
me to sleep with some kind of sleeping agent or whatever they use. I
want to know how can I stop that man from harassing me. When talk to
police they say why you don't move then I say what he is doing is
illegal and I ask them to stop him then they cut the conversation by
saying we got to go. I tell them I know he is working for you he is
doing it according to your orders. Do you have any way to solve this
problem? P.S. Is there any support group? Thanks.
Margaret Habib.
(9) Contact with Mr. Nick Pope.
Monika and Soleilmavis have send their stories to Mr.Nick Pope ,
Author and TV personality Nick Pope, who used to run the British
Government's UFO Project and is now recognised as one of the world's
leading experts on the unexplained.
This is an excellent video that's now showing on YouTube about our
experiences. It has the look and sound of a professionally-produced
rap video that the non-targeted public could easily pay attention to.
here is a video of a support group
(11) China Victims Mass petitions
There are 37 victims have signed a letter of "To; China President
Jintao Hu" and they have send this letter to Governments, Medias,
Lawyers, and Sicentists and would send to more organizations and


Sep 21, 2008, 6:14:25 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
2 Jan 08 January, USA National Stalking Awareness Month

January, USA National Stalking Awareness Month
FOR RELEASE: December 19, 2007
Elizabeth Alexander (Biden) 202-224-5042
Kevin Kelley (Collins) 202-224-2523
BIDEN, COLLINS Resolution Designates January as National Stalking
Awareness Month
Washington, DC U.S. Senators Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-DE) and Susan
Collins (R-ME) introduced a resolution designating January as National
Stalking Awareness Month. This is the fifth consecutive year the
Senate has considered the resolution, which applauds the efforts of
policymakers, law enforcement officers, victim service providers, and
other groups that currently promote stalking awareness.
"Stalking is not a one-time occurrence; this is a crime that leaves
its victim fearful 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No place ?not
even home ?is safe if a stalker knows where the victim lives. Victims
spend their days and nights looking over their shoulder, often
changing jobs, relocating their homes, and even changing their
appearance to escape the stalker," said Sen. Biden, author of the
landmark Violence Against Women Act. In many instances, victims
usually know their stalkers and 81 percent of women victims are also
physically assaulted by their stalker. "January is National Stalking
Awareness Month ?the perfect opportunity for parents, lawmakers and
community leaders to carefully review state and local laws on stalking
and insist that laws keep pace with technology and protect victims."
"I am pleased to join my colleague, Senator Biden, in introducing a
Resolution marking January as National Stalking Awareness Month," said
Sen. Collins. "In my home state of Maine, domestic violence is a
widespread problem. Many experts have concluded that there is a strong
connection between stalking and violence toward women. Efforts, such
as National Stalking Awareness Month, help raise awareness about this
serious and potentially deadly crime."
According to the National Center for Victims of Crime and the Stalking
Resource Center, approximately 1 million women and 400,000 men are
victims of stalking in this country annually. 1 in 12 women and 1 in
45 men will be stalked at some point in their lives, as well as close
to 13 percent of female college students. Moreover, today's technology
has made stalking much easier, as stalkers can design websites to
encourage others to monitor or harm their victim, install spyware on
their victim's computer or plant global positioning systems (GPS) in
their victim's car to track their victim's travels. Other
technologies, including social networking websites, such as Facebook
and MySpace, cell phones with surveillance devices meant for parents
monitoring their children, and running shoes implanted with GPS
devices, may provide additional opportunities for stalkers to harm
their victims. While all fifty states have laws against stalking, only
one-third of states have included language relating to stalking via
electronic means.
"Stalking is a serious and potentially lethal crime," said Mary Lou
Leary, executive director of the National Center for Victims of Crime.
"We thank Senators Biden and Collins for introducing this National
Stalking Awareness Month resolution, which will raise awareness about
the impact of stalking on more than 1.4 million Americans each year."
"We can ?and we must ?do more to ensure that stalking victims are not
forced to live in constant fear and that stalkers are brought to
justice," added Sen. Biden.
For victim assistance, call the National Crime Victim Helpline at
1-800-FYI-CALL. Visit www.ncvc.org/src for a map of activities planned
around the country for National Stalking Awareness Month and for more
Danielle S. Borrin
Deputy Press Secretary
Office of U.S. Senator Joe Biden, Jr.


Sep 21, 2008, 6:15:29 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
4 Feb 08 "Mailteam" works--victims work trends
(1) Touring active group
A letter from Dr Feisal Salim A S. suggested a touring active starting
from Europe and later all over the globe.

Dear friends,
As an effort to intensify our struggle against covert mind control
and directed energy weapons, a group of victims could tour entire
Europe to begin with and later all over the globe, wherever there are
victims, carrying out protest campaigns.
The cities to be selected shall be the place of domicile of victims.
The visit of the group shall be heralded by propaganda including
postering, announcements, distribution of leaflets and so on.
This shall be the responsibility of the victim/victims of the
respective town/city and shall be sponsored by him/them.
The documents and finance for travel and accomodation of the active
group shall also be the responsibility of the native/resident victim
and part of the money could be raised by way of box collection and
door to door collection campaigns and selling of booklets.
Once the touring active group has reached a town, all forms of
peaceful protests and campaign could be held.
The authorities and more so, the media cannot keep aloof if this form
of atruggle is experimented.

A proper plan for this kind of an intensified struggle should be
chalked out initially for Europe and later on for the rest of the


Taking in to account the global nature of our cause, there should be
an international office for monitoring and operations.

As a step ahead, it should publish booklets incorporating briefly,
literature regarding mind control and directed energy weapons and also
experiences/case summaries of all known victims which can be
copyrightrd and given for publishing in regional languages to victims
world over.

This gives much more authenticity to the work than individual

Creating posters could also be considered in this way.

I request that all concerned should look in to this matter with the
gravity and seriousness it warrants.

Dr Feisal Salim A S.

(2) Radio Interview with Stewart:
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008 -The D'Anne Burley Show
(simultaneous broadcasting on both sites)
9P-10:30 PM Eastern Time

For those of you unfamiliar with Stewart Swerdlow, he's one of the few
survivors of the Montauk Project. To conduct this huge, multi-faceted
military operation, homeless people and orphans were abducted and
subjected to huge amounts of electromagnetic radiation to test mind
control technology and remote brain programming.

Now he and his wife Janet have dedicated their careers to bringing
details of this project to light and helping victims of various forms
of government mind control to heal and take back control of their
lives. I don't know if he specifically addresses EH and OS, but
listeners are invited to call in.

For the past week or so, the FFCHS board members and I have been in
talks with a lawyer who is willing to represent us in court regarding
our issues. He lives in Colorado and was in search of a government
abuse case to work on. He is someone that understands that the
government is involved with many activities that are corrupt because
of listening to various guests on Coast-to-Coast.

I first talked to him last Thursday and the other board members talked
to him yesterday. He seems very interested in helping others and our
group as well through his legal practice and has some ideas about how
we need to proceed with our lawsuit. Although some have been concerned
that he is an independent attorney and not part of a law firm, he did
state that he is willing to have other attorneys join with him on this
massive project, which could save on time and money.

There are several factors to consider before we make a decision to
hire this attorney and the FFCHS board and I feel that because of the
importance of this decision, that the entire group should be involved
in this process as well.

Therefore, we would like to have a discussion about this issue this
Saturday afternoon with the entire community. We'll answer as many
questions as we have knowledge of at this point and then have a vote.
Here are the call-in details:
ROOM NUMBER: 5888200

A LAWYER in China has already contacted with China victims about mind
control torture and harassment.
China victims have already selected Mr. Zhongqing Qi to keep in touch
with the Lawyer, anyone who want to know more details of our lawsuit,
please contact with Mr. Zhongqing Qi TEL:(025)85512491;

The final version of the TI survey is still in the works. Thanks to
all of you that gave feedback about how to improve the form. The
attorney plans to review it also and give his comments about it. So it
may be sometime early next week before I send around the final

(6) USA LEGAL FUND - Thanks to All!
The final tally of our legal fund drive is $2993.91. We exceeded our
goal by nearly $500! And I'm happy to state that all the contributions
that were mailed here have been accounted for - which is a miracle.
Here's a word of thanks to all those that participated in this effort:

We are still working on the ribbon campaign. Some concern has been
expressed as to the symbolism and mysticism involved with the Indigo
ribbon. And since noone has been able to get a response from the
makers of the Indigo Ribbon, this has raised suspicion. Therefore, we
have decided to launch our own ribbon campaign - having a ribbon is
still a great idea - using a different color. The color selected is
orange since that is not used as much as some of the others, and
symbolizing the "Dawn - our emerging from the darkness". What we need
now is a slogan to place on the ribbon that would tell people what the
ribbon is about. Any suggestions will be considered. Something along
the lines of awareness - TI Awareness? - would be good, only hopefully
something more imaginative. But we'll have a look at all suggestions.

Hello ,
It was suggested that I open a pay pal account, it is under my email

I am still being sabotaged regarding stolen mail and money and all
attempts at housing.....and continuous stalking and harassment and
The good news is I had a sub-let apartment for 20 days over the
holidays. It took all I had...but was wonderful.....incl. a deep tub.

If anyone has a rich uncle, an inheritance, or money they would not
miss and can help me please send it to pay pal....to above address.
I was hoping my insurance claim from car hit last March would come
through , but it too has been sabotaged, and I am trying to get
it.....still... If I do I will be more than happy to repay with
interest ..
I am very worn down at this point.... desperate..

In justice,
Beth Buchanan

Jimi Walbert Interviewed on THEEDGEAM
Gina Romano's interview with Jimmy Walbert on THEEDGEAM Radio aired
Jan 17. This interview can be heard in the archives at the website at:
www.theedgeam.com - Thursday, January 17.

Gina Romano on The Truth Brigade
Last night Gina was interviewed on the Truth Brigade. This can be
listened to at:

If it's not there yet, it should be soon.

From Eric in New York
I just found out that metallized fabric with silver and nickel cuts
out 80% of MC energy harassment...

From Rick in Canada
I found a workable device that is a takeoff from an other activist web
that I've put together that has been found after years of testing &
enhancing that most definitely, stops & prevents at least three
physical torture affects. # 1 the vibrating of a victims bed & or
self, # 2 the pain that accompanies the first in normally in the
persons abdominal area # 3 the re leave of to a good degree of
anxiety, and # 4 helps most of the time with upsetting dreams. If
anyone of these results are witnessed by another victim that would be
of at least some relief. The device is very safe, cost me about. $
50.00 Canadian. The idea as I satiated above came from John Mecca's
site at
called Jammer (11). It's fairly simple to make. My addition to the
device is to directly connect a AC/DC 3 Volt cut down adapter to the
ends of the wire leads that you soldier to the - & + terminals of the
small 3 Volt electric motor that feeds a small AC current to the
device + recharges the two AA battery's in the device I made, I've
found because of the small amount of AC current that tends not
to be completely filtered out of AC to DC adapter helps with the
random changes of frequency that animates from the motor through the
wire. Use regular speaker wire from the adapter to the motor, about
ten to fifteen feet long, lay the Adapter on the floor beside your bed
& the device across the bed, leaving the wire under you at your lower
abdominal area, or the main area that your experiencing the vibration.
for helping disturbing dreams separate the two wires near the middle
between the device and the adapter bearing the insulation on each 1 to
2 inch's & fold a small strip of aluminum foil to make contact to each
side of just above your temples with tape to keep in place on both
sides of the head. Don't worry
about getting a shock, the amperage & voltage is way to low to do any
the device will run all through the night and at the same time keep
the batter's from completely dyeing out. after you get up for the day
you can just turn off the device & leave the adapter plugged in to
charge the battery's for the next night. I used a small two "AA"
battery operated fan as the housing for the motor & battery's. In some
instances the perps have tried to get around or move the area that
they are attacking you, answer just move the wire under you to the
same area that they move to, if for instance your attempting to
prevent stop the vibration. I'm still working on ideas to make the
device more effective. For pain put the device not the adapter right
on or beside the pain area, you will feel a bit of a buss from the
running of the motor, that small amount of buss will not keep
you awake. One other thing if you want to save on battery's, you can
wire the
AC to Dc adaptor directly to the motor, & forget using batter's

Please feel free to E-mail me at ew879@... if you have any problems,
Really hope that this gives you at least some relief.

From: Eric in California
Check this out, if you have two people in the same house being or
outside if you know them well and can get along and are being
harassed. Take your head and put it on theirs of vs. versa, while the
people that are harassing and chatter boxing to find the best way to
lower the frequency. I did it last night for over an hour, my daughter
and I put are heads together and they turned hers off because it was
jamming both frequencies. So the fact remains, each person has its own
frequency and when two frequencies are crossed it cross jams the

(11) Tony Wilkerson
FROM: Cassandra
RE: Food for Animal Rescue

Hi, all you animal lovers. This is pretty simple ... Please send to
ten friends (or as many as you can) to tell as many as they can today!
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to
click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated
every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute
(how about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box
"Click Here to Give - It's Free!" This doesn't cost you a thing. Their
corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to
donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for
advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.


Sep 21, 2008, 6:16:47 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
1-605-475-8515, ROOM NUMBER: 5012248

You have been invited by MIRIAM SNYDER to join a live Talkcast. Listen
to or Join the Talkcast:
Host: MIRIAM777 - MIRISNI@...
Talkcast ID: 47646
How to participate:
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Dial: (724) 444-7444
Enter: 47646 # (Talkcast ID)
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Listen to the Recording:
If you missed this event or want to hear previous recorded episodes
visit here: http://tinyurl.com/38epxc

(13) Top-level, prestigious Spanish scientific review A Cero is ready
to write more on mindcontrol issues.
Send your case-summary to President Julio Grande y Andr
and to Editor-in-chief Vicente Robles editorial@...,
Tel.+34.91.327.79.50 Fax.+34.91.304.47.46

I got into contact with famed A Cero journalist Bruno Cardeso months
ago. He knows my case and strangely enough, did not receive many TIs'
testimonies. He is no longer wth A Cero but you may contact him at
bruno.cardenoso@..., brunocardenoso@...,

(14) Video: Psychotronic Weapons

(15) Rudy talked with Swiss Dr Jean Szilasi, Chairman of "Tesla-
I talked with Swiss Dr Jean Szilasi, Chairman of "Tesla-romandie"
which used to help victims of electromagnetic radiations &
aggressions. His association is no longer in existence but he urged us
to quickly get into contact with

A.the following French & Swiss physicians who are all high up in the
medical profession and famed for their relentless fight against
electromagnetic radiation and aggressions
B.Two relentless fighters against electromagnetic pollution &
microwave attacks.

I. The physicians
.Dr Pierre Le Ruz President of CRIIREM The Centre of Independent
Research on Electromagnetic Radiations contact@...,
.Dr Richard Gautier President of the Scientific Committee on
Electromagnetic Fields
.Dr Philippe Hug President of ARA Romand Association for Non-
Proliferation of mobilephone antennas ara@...
.Dr Louis Gougeon louis.gougeon@...,

II.The other fighters
.Sociologist Janine Le Calvez President of PRIARTEM a grassroots group
for the Regulation of Mobilephone Base Station Implementations
.Former Deputy Ms Mich鑜e Rivasi Founder of CRIIREM contact@...,

Emails from above
contact@..., richard.gautier@..., ara@..., louis.gougeon@...,
contact@..., contact@...,

(16) Finland Victim Dr. Kilde's interview
From Eleanor White
Just got a note from Richard Syrett, , Patriot broadcaster out of CFRB
Toronto, Ontario Canada. He's going to have Dr. Rauni Kilde, the MD
doctor from Finland who has been targeted with severe organized
stalking crimes for many years. Regular intrusions into her home and
expensive sabotage.

Dr. Kilde came to our attention in the late 1990s when I accidentally
tuned the TV to a documentary in which she was testifying about the
world wide crimes of involuntary experimen-tation, harassment,
implantation, electronic weapons, and other things.

This was a British documentary and was aired once again but not
repeated to my knowledge.

Dr. Kilde's interview starts at:
11:30 pm Eastern,
10:30 pm Central
9:30 pm Mountain
8:30 pm Pacific
0430 UTC/GMT/ZULU (corrected)

To listen to the show live and call in, go to the CFRB web site:
Click the "Listen Now" button near the top left corner.

I don't know if CFRB still has their shortwave service, but if so,
it's on 6.070 MHz.

The call in numbers are:
Ontario: 1-800-561-CFRB
Elsewhere: 1-416-872-1010 (includes Europe)

Although Richard doesn't immediately post archives, this show probably
will be posted on his site eventually:


Sep 21, 2008, 6:17:54 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
10 Feb 08 "mailteam" works-- victims work trends
(1) discovery channel
Electronic Mind Control Pt 1
Electronic Mind Control Pt 2
Electronic Mind Control Pt 3

Robert Duncan, B.A., M.S., M.B.A,. Ph.D. will be interviewed this Feb
12th, 2008 @ 11:30pm on the Richard Syrett show. The topics are broad:
directed energy neurological weapons, EEG cloning/psychic warfare,
brain washing, torture, interrogation, mind viruses, silent eugenics
programs, silent assassination/warfare, military deception tactics,
discrediting tactics, creating public myths, false flag operations,
psychological warfare, information warfare, cognitive warfare,
cultural engineering, remote renditions, the CIA's "scripts and
tricks", NSA signal encoding/decryption/deception methods, human
behavior modification experiments, etc. WWIII has already begun but it
is fought in the hearts and minds of people silently. Choice and
freedom are merely an illusion.

Munich, Germany (in German) ?TBD. Topics include: Distributed death
camps, worse-than-lethal weapons, disguising genocides in statistics
of common diseases, neurological cognitive containment fields, US
sponsored psychoterrorism, and more. Hitler is rolling in his grave
out of jealousy of what the US and its territories (Canada, Australia,
and the UK) have done.

I've made some cards that can be handed out with the new awareness
ribbons. They can be viewed at this link:

We will be sending them out free to the TI community upon request as
vehicles for outreach about our issues. Just send an email to me at:

This bill was written in conjunction with activist Mary Ann Stratton -
www.controlledamerica.com Those that are in contact with legislators,
feel free to send this along with other information they may request.

A bill to provide protections to individuals who are being
harassed,stalked, harmed by surveillance, and assaulted; as well as
protections to keep individuals from becoming human research subjects,
tortured, and killed by electronic frequency devices, directed energy
devices, implants, and directed energy weapons.

Section 1. Short Title
This bill may be cited as the "Organized Stalking and Directed Energy
Devices and Weapons Bill "

Section 2. Findings and Purpose
A) Findings
1) The constitution guarantees the right of the people to be secure in
their person. The Declaration of Independence asserts as self-evident
that all men have certain inalienable rights and that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
2) As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1928, "the framers
of the Constitution sought "to protect Americans in their beliefs,
their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensations." It is for this
reason that they established, as against the government, the right to
be let alone as "the most comprehensive of rights and the right most
valued by civilized men."

3) The first principle of the Nuremberg Code states that with respect
to human research, the voluntary consent of the human subject is
absolutely essential. The Nuremberg Code further asserts that such
consent must be competent, informed, and comprehending.

4) There are current regulations implementing the obligations of the
United States to adhere to Article 3 of the United Nations Convention
Against Torture and other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading
Treatment including all terms that are Subject to any reservations,
understandings, declarations, and provisions contained in the United
States Senate resolution of ratification of the Convention.

B) Purpose
To establish regulations and penalties for those who use any type of
electronic frequency devices, directed energy devices, implants,
surveillance technology, and directed energy weapon to purposefully
cause any of the following: stalking, harassing, mental or physical
harm, injury, harmful surveillance, torture, diseases, and death to
any United States citizen.

Section 3. Organized Stalking
If two or more persons willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follow
or willfully and maliciously harass another person and who make a
credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable
fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate
family, they are guilty of the crime of organized stalking, punishable
by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by not
more than one thousand dollars ($ 1,000), or by both that fine and
imprisonment, or by imprisonment in a federal prison.

If two or more persons violate subdivision (a) when there is a
temporary restraining order, injunction, or any other court order in
effect prohibiting the behavior described in subdivision (a) against
the same party, they shall be punished by imprisonment in the state
prison for two, three, or four years.

For the purposes of this section, "harass" means engages in a knowing
and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that
seriously alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the person, or
damages his personal property or possessions and that serves no
legitimate purpose. * * *

For the purposes of this section, "course of conduct" means two or
more acts occurring over a period of time, however short, evidencing a
continuity of purpose. Constitutionally protected activity is not
included within the meaning of "course of conduct."

For the purposes of this section, "credible threat" means a verbal or
written threat, including that performed through the use of an
electronic communication device, or a threat implied by a pattern of
conduct or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically
communicated statements and conduct, made with the intent to place the
person that is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or
her safety or the safety of his or her family, or personal property or
possessions and made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat
so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to
reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her
family or personal property or possessions. It is not necessary to
prove that the defendant had the intent to actually carry out the
threat. The present incarceration of a person making the threat shall
not be a bar to prosecution under this section. Constitutionally
protected activity is not included within the meaning of "credible

For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication
device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones,
computers, video recorders, fax machines, pagers or synthetic
telepathy devices.

The sentencing court also shall consider issuing an order restraining
the defendant from any contact with the victim, that may be valid for
up to 10 years, as determined by the court. It is the intent of the
Legislature that the length of any restraining order be based upon the
seriousness of the facts before the court, the probability of future
violations, and the safety of the victim and his or her immediate

For purposes of this section, "immediate family" means any
spouse,parent, child, any person related by consanguinity or affinity
within the second degree, or any other person who regularly resides in
the household, or who, within the prior six months, regularly resided
in the household.

Section 4. Punishment for threats
Any person or persons who willfully threatens to commit a crime which
will result in death or great bodily injury to another person, with
the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, or
by means of an electronic communication device, is to be taken as a
threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which,
on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so
unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to
the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect
of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that person reasonably
to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her
immediate family's safety, shall be punished by imprisonment in a
federal prison not to exceed one year..

For the purposes of this section, "immediate family" means any
spouse,whether by marriage or not, parent, child, any person related
by consanguinity or affinity within the second degree, or any other
person who regularly resides in the household, or who, within the
prior six months, regularly resided in the household.

"Electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited
to,telephones, cellular telephones, computers, video recorders, fax
machines, pagers or synthetic telepathy devices

Obscene, threatening or annoying communication
(a) Every person or persons who, with intent to annoy, telephones or
makes constant contact by means of an electronic communication device
with another and addresses to or about the other person any obscene
language or addresses to the other person any threat to inflict injury
to the person or any member of his or her family, or any property or
personal possessions is guilty of a misdemeanor. Nothing in this
subdivision shall apply to telephone calls or electronic contacts made
in good faith.

(b) Every person or persons who makes repeated telephone calls or
makes repeated contact by means of an electronic communication device
with intent to annoy another person at his or her residence, is,
whether or not conversation ensues from making the telephone call or
electronic contact, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Nothing in this
subdivision shall apply to telephone calls or electronic contacts made
in good faith.

(c) Every person or persons who makes repeated telephone calls or
makes repeated contact by means of an electronic communication device
with the intent to annoy another person at his or her place of work is
guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than one
thousand dollars ($ 1,000), or by imprisonment in a federal prison for
not more than one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. Nothing
in this subdivision shall apply to telephone calls or electronic
contacts made in good faith. This subdivision applies only if one or
both of the following circumstances exist:

(1) There is a temporary restraining order, an injunction, or any
other court order, or any combination of these court orders, in effect
prohibiting the behavior described in this section.

(2) The person or persons makes repeated telephone calls or makes
repeated contact by means of an electronic communication device with
the intent to annoy another person at his or her place of work,
totaling more than 10 times in a 24-hour period, whether or not
conversation ensues from making the telephone call or electronic
contact, and the repeated telephone calls or electronic contacts are
made to the workplace of an adult or fully emancipated minor who is a
spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or person with
whom the person has a child or has had a dating or engagement
relationship or is having a dating or engagement relationship.

(d) Any offense committed by use of a telephone may be deemed to have
been committed where the telephone call or calls were made or
received. Any offense committed by use of an electronic communication
device or medium, including the Internet, may be deemed to have been
committed when the electronic communication or communications were
originally sent or first viewed by the recipient.

(e) Subdivision (a), (b), or (c) is violated when the person acting
with intent to annoy makes a telephone call requesting a return call
and performs the acts prohibited under subdivision (a), (b), or (c)
upon receiving the return call.

(f) If probation is granted, or the execution or imposition of
sentence is suspended, for any person or persons convicted under this
section, the court may order as a condition of probation that the
person participate in counseling.

(g) For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication
device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones,
computers, video recorders, fax machines, pagers or synthetic
telepathy devices.

Section 5. Assault and battery with an electronic or directed energy
Any person or persons who in the course of organized stalking and
harassment, commits an assault upon the person of another with an
unauthorized directed energy weapon shall be punished by imprisonment
in a federal prison for two, three, or four years or by a fine not
exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

For the purposes of this section the term directed energy weapon is
defined as any device that directs a source of energy (including
molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic
radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low
frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against a person or any other
unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means of inflicting death or
injury; or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life,
bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a
person via land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using
radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other
energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for
the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of
such persons or populations; or by expelling chemical or biological
agents in the vicinity of a person.


Sep 21, 2008, 6:18:55 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
6) China victims have discussed to write to members of China National
People's Congress
We need victims to prepare email lists of members of China National
People's Congress
The letter will be written by Mr. Zhongqing Qi.

(7) T Shirt campaign
China victims have discussed to make some T shirts which for wear and
sale. We will print some words on the T shirt " Peacepink We share
Peace and Love! We against Mind Control and DEW abuse and torture!"
The Material of T shirt will be high quality cotton and will be well
I have already searched, the Cost of Product will be RMB10 yuan( about
USD1.4)per piece.
We welcome any opinion which regarding the style, words or other thing
about T shirt. We also accept order in advance. Please contact

(8) The 13th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and
Vibration and its Control will be held in Tokyo, JAPAN from 21st to
23rd October 2008.
here is its website,

(9) live Community Call
Host: MIRIAM777 - MIR...@AOL.COM
Call in:
Dial: (724) 444-7444
Enter: 47646 # (Call ID)


Sep 21, 2008, 6:20:13 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
"Mailteam" works-- victims work trends
(1) CCHR Video "Psychiatry the fraud"
Dr Thomas Szasz on Psychiatry
Mr JIM guest its great to hear this video

(2)Mind Control "mailteam" is continuing to collect victims'stories
and send all these stories to all government, Human Rights
organizations, social communities, media, universities, scientists,
and many more........
Here is an important letter which written by Mr. john Finch
"Mailteam" calls all victims to continue and repeatly send their
petition letters to government, Human rights organization, Social
communities, media, universities, scientists and many more.....
You can find many email addresses from my blog:
Jean Verstraeten keep writting to Mrs. Helene Flautre, Chairwoman of
the Commission on Human Rights of the European Parliament

(3) China victims have already cooperate together to fight against
Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons torture and harassment. We
have already attracted more and more attention from Government, media,
lawyers and many others...
We will continue:
-- Write petition letters to top leaders and many government officers;
media, newspapers and magazines; human rights organizations; Social
organizations; Universities; lawyers; Doctors.......
-- Build their own website and blogs to educate public, try to get and
many public as they can to read their articles......

(4) Linda Drew's petition needs more signatures
Soleilmavis' petition needs your signatures for support

(5) A letter from Goscott44


Hello everyone,,,I just saw Sen. Obama on the View, one of the
America's biggest morning TV programs.He looked and sounded like a

He said that he wants to listen to people which Bush did not do.

He knows about GS, and DEW, and mind control, I wrote him a letter
with my picture before he decided to run for president.....this is our
ace in the hole....smile

If you have not already written to Sen. Obama, it would be good to do
so now.

Sen. Barack Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL, 60680

Everyone keep fighting!


Sep 21, 2008, 6:21:38 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
24 Apr 2008 Mailteam works---Victims work trends
(1) A letter from USA victim, Cass, --- call petition to fire Mr John
Yoo who supports torture.

Tell the Dean of UC Berkeley School of Law to Fire John Yoo
In 2003, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel
issued a memo advising the Pentagon that laws and treaties forbidding
torture and other forms of abuse did not apply to U.S. interrogators
because of the president's wartime power.

The man who wrote that memo -- John Yoo -- is now happily ensconced as
a tenured law professor at the UC Berkeley School of Law. While an
unknown number of people suffer the aftereffects of illegal torture he
encouraged, Professor Yoo is teaching, writing, and generally enjoying
life in California.

This is flat out wrong. John Yoo should not only be disqualified from
ever serving in government again, but he should also be prohibited
from spreading his distorted view of the law and the role of lawyers
to young law students.

He must be fired. And the man to do it is Christopher Edley, Jr, Dean
of the UC Berkeley School of Law.

Please fill in the information below and click on "Send my message" to
send an E-mail to Dean Edley, urging the dismissal of John Yoo.

(2) Obama: Torture and secrecy betray core American values
"The secret authorization of brutal interrogations is an outrageous
betrayal of our core values, and a grave danger to our security. We
must do whatever it takes to track down and capture or kill
terrorists, but torture is not a part of the answer - it is a
fundamental part of the problem with this administration's approach.
Torture is how you create enemies, not how you defeat them. Torture is
how you get bad information, not good intelligence. Torture is how you
set back America's standing in the world, not how you strengthen it.
It's time to tell the world that America rejects torture without
exception or equivocation. It's time to stop telling the American
people one thing in public while doing something else in the shadows.
No more secret authorization of methods like simulated drowning. When
I am president America will once again be the country that stands up
to these deplorable tactics. When I am president we won't work in
secret to avoid honoring our laws and Constitution, we will be
straight with the American people and true to our values," said
Victims, Please write your case summary to Obama to expose our Mind
Control and Directed Energy Weapons torture and abuse, and requires an
immediate attention.

Obama for America
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL 60680

(3) The 32 Russian journalists below + GARRY KASPAROV are apparently
in contact with international human rights lawyers to coordinate a
legal case against the criminals i.e initiate legal actions at the
international level against all the individuals and authorities who,
in any way, are direct and indirectly collaborating in this universal
You may reach them via the following 5 contacts, if possible IN THEIR

1. OLGA PASHKOVA olgap@...,

sms...@ix.netcom.com , in...@kasparov.ru , pr...@kasparov.ru ,
Tel: +1.561 833 4220, Fax: +1.561 833 4810,

3. Mig GREENGARD mgree...@theotherrussia.org ,

4.Lev PONOMAREV, Director of "All-Russian Movement for Human Rights"
in...@zaprava.ru ,
Tel: +7.495. 291-62-33, Tel/Fax:+7.495.291-70-11

5."The Chronicles of Persecutions" www.hroniki.info
o.chel...@yahoo.com ,


1.Yulia Galyamina, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
2.Alexei Sochnev, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
3.Anton Semikin, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
4.Yuriy Gladish, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
5.Natalya Volosnikova, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
6.Olga Malysh, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
7.Ksenya Firsova, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
8.Stanislav Yakovlev, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
9.Tatyana Kashintseva, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
10.Olga Bogun, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
11.Vladimir Tsybulskiy, journalist (Kasparov.ru)
12.Andrei Dmitriev, (APN-CPB (http://www.apn-spb.ru/))
13.Andrei Skovorodnikov, journalist (Krasnoyarskaya Gazeta)
14.Yekaterina Fatyanova, journalist (Ej.ru)
15.Aleksandr Golts, journalist (Ej.ru)
16.Olga Pashkova, journalist (Ej.ru)
17.Yekaterina Shmelkova, journalist (Ej.ru)
18.Svetlana Solodovnik, journalist (Ej.ru)
19.Maria Kamenskaya, journalist (Ej.ru)
20.Aleksandr Ryklin, journalist (Ej.ru)
21.Maria Olendskaya, journalist (Ej.ru)
22.Maksim Blant (Matveychenkov), journalist (Ej.ru)
23.Vladimir Yermolin, journalist (Grani.ru)
24.Natella Boltyanskaya (Ekho Moskvy)
25.Rimma Polyak, independent journalist, Moscow
26.Mikhail Fishman, journalist
27.Yuliya Kukushkina, OK! Magazine
28.Irina Borogan, "Agentura.ru"
29.Andrei Soldatov, "Agentura.ru"
30.Varvara Turova, journalist
31.Ilia Ekchtout, P.Eng
32.Alexander Samartsev, journalist

(4) For the attention of EUROPEAN mindcontrol victims

Paolo Dorigo, a mindcontrol victim from Italy, president of AVAE-me
(Associazione Vittime Armi Elettroniche-Mentali ) wishes to stage a
peaceful sit-in in front of the European Parliament in Strasburg,
before the start of the summer i.e in May or in June.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Paolo at

Mobile phone.+39.334.365.70.64
Website: www.associazionevittimearmielettroniche-mentali.org

(5) lawyer of USA victims

Published Weekly by



Beth Alexander, a TI new to the group, plans to give a synopsis of the
recent lecture she attended given by Nick Begich at a conference in
Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Per my request, our attorney has sent the following request for a
congressional hearing and an inquiry on our behalf to Senator Patrick
Leahy's office. Senator Leahy is the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary

Jonathan O. Wilson, Attorney at LawP.O. Box 1102
Morrison, Colorado 80465
(720) 219-8366
Fax: (303) 697-1189

March 31, 2008
Sen. Patrick Leahy
433 Russell Senate Office Bldg
United States Senate,
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

I represent Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, an
organization with several hundred members around the country and
internationally who have reason to believe they are targeted with
various non-lethal weapons. These targeted individuals suffer physical
and psychological symptoms as a result of the remote manipulation. We
seek your office's assistance in initiating hearings and a fact-
finding congressional inquiry into the government agencies and/or
private companies that are targeting citizens. Many citizens are
desperate to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive

Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used
against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
filings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that
indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are
believed to be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves,
lasers and other types of directed energy, and were characterized as
"psychotronic" in Rep. Dennis Kucinich's draft of House Resolution
2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001. Furthermore, it is
undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without
permission in the past; for example, the CIA's human experimentation
discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly
administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in United States v.
Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as
discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d
Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Lastly, the sheer numbers of
people complaining of being targeted, including people with post-
graduate degrees and a lifetime of achievements, and the similarities
in symptoms tend to outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of
anecdotal evidence or group paranoia.

Several plaintiffs or groups of plaintiffs have filed suits in the
past levying similar charges of directed weaponry, but, to my
knowledge, all have been dismissed due to immunity and state secret
defenses, and the lack of evidence of a direct link to agencies or
companies. It is difficult to legally prove targeting by psychotronic
weapons when the perpetrators operate from remote, unseen locations
and therefore the targeting can be dismissed as delusional. Given the
wide scope of alleged targeting, there is a certain risk of sounding
too conspiratorial, however, common denominators such as physical
symptoms and medical reports, surveillance scenarios, harassment
techniques, and more can be readily established.

Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance will gladly provide
your office, and any legislator and investigator, reports from
targeted individuals documenting instances of targeting, medical
documentation, and recordings. This firm will provide research and
investigation results upon request as well. We will diligently work
with anyone willing to help. Please carefully consider convening
hearings and an inquiry and collaborating with other legislators in an
effort to uncover and stop this inhumane practice.

Very truly yours,
Jonathan Wilson
Attorney for Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance

The Senate Judiciary office has informed us that we just need a letter
from at least one senator requesting a congressional hearing to begin
this process. What I would recommend now is that we follow-up this
letter from our lawyer with in-person visits to our local Senate
offices with requests for a hearing. We should carry this letter with
us, along with Rep. Jim Guest's letter and other documentation. And
follow-up further after this with phone calls.

I will also write a letter to which I'd like to attach the signatures
of as many TI's as possible grouped by state, so each senator can
easily see who are his/her constituents. All this will also be a topic
for the Saturday night podcast.

Okay guys, we knew this was coming. We have received another bill from
the attorney. It can be viewed here: www.freedomfchs.com/attorneysinvoice.pdf
- I believe though, this is something that we as a group can manage.
The amount is $1970. Due to the membership drive we have some cash to
start off with this time - about $400. So we just have to come up with
roughly $1600. If you've been considering joining FFCHS, now would be
a good time to do so. If you don't have $15 right now, send $10 or
whatever you can afford. The point is for us all to work toward
getting this paid and keep moving forward. We can expect to receive a
bill from the attorney about every month or so. Donations can be sent
via Paypal at: www.paypal.com to this email address: info@... or sent
by postal mail to:

P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, OH 45209

Checks or money orders can be made payable to: FFCHS
The attorney is doing a great job and I believe we'll be able to
afford his services. There is also a letter from him to human/civil
rights organizations that we are working on. I would say that $10
every month or so is doing pretty good for legal representation. If we
all work on this together, we can do it!

(6) A letter from USA senator Barbara Boxer
Dear Ms. help:
Thank you for your recent request for assistance with a federal
Please be assured that your matter will receive serious attention, and
that I will ma ke every effort, consistent with federal law and ethics
standards, to assist you. However, I will need to have your written
consent on file before I can open a formal inquiry into your case. In
most cases, such consent is required by federal law or regul ation.
Therefore, please send your written and signed request for assistance
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
1700 Montgomery St., Suite 240 San Francisco , CA 94111
In your statement, please include your name, your address, your phone
number, any releva nt identification numbers (such as your Social
Security or alien registration number), a brief description of your
case, and your signature.
If this is an emergency, please call my San Francisco office at (415)
403-0100, and a member of my staff will assist you.
Once again, thank you for writing. Barbara Boxer


Sep 21, 2008, 6:22:50 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
30 May 2008 "Mailteam" Works--victims work trends
8TH, 2008

Demonstration against human experiments with psychophysical weapons.
We demand the introduction of a law at European level, that forbids/
bans psychophysical weapons, their trading, their possession and their
illegal use.

JULY 7TH: in front of the Europarliament building in Rue du Levant at
9.30 a.m
JULY 8TH: in front of the European Council building in Avenue de
l'Europe at 10 a.m

(2) REPRESENTATIVES' MEETINGS -- from Derrick Robinson USA
There's been some progress with regard to the meetings at senators'
offices. Certain groups in Georgia, Florida, California, North
Carolina, and Massachusetts are in various stages of organizing. The
Massachusetts group is having to rebound after the news of Senator
Kennedy this week.

I also had to deal with an irate TI who was being tortured and angry
about the apathy of our elected officials. So I talked to a
legislative aide on her behalf and fortunately, I spoke to someone who
was sympathetic. I was then able to reassure this TI to some extent.
The waiting and the apathy are indeed difficult to deal with when we
speak to our representatives of being personally tortured. We have to
keep pressing them though until we receive a solution.

When: Saturday, May 31st
Location: City Hall in San Francisco
Time: 1:00 pm
Contact: Richard - 650-290-2514

A TI named Gloria Stroud would like to start organizing TI's in the LA
area. Those interested may contact her at: gloroud @ yahoo.com

(3) A letter from Dr.Vasily Ltnsky to Soleilmavis
The international Alternate Court together with International
association of Scientists and Intelligency conducts investigations of
these crimes since 1991.
We have Commission on investigations.
In 2002. The petition in the International Crown prosecution service
(Hague) moved.
The international Association of Scientists and Intelligency
complained in 2001 in Court under the human right ( Strasbourg ).
In 2001 the Association of Scientists and Intelligency of the
Lithuanian Republic complained in the International Crown prosecution
service (Hague).
In each event certificates and a photo materials were granted.
However all these courts refuse in realization of investigations.
Therefore only forces of international sociability it is possible to
struggle with criminals in governments which finance and organize
crimes against humanity in each country worldwide.

Yours faithfully,
the Chairman of presidium International Alternate Boats,
the writer, dr. Vasily Ltnsky

(4) Italian TV investigative journalist Milena GABANELLI From
In a media world dominated by reality TV and celebrity chat shows
posing as news, Milena Gabanelli's TV programme "Report" stands out.
She made an excellent TV report on MC issue a couple of years ago.
It might be worth asking her to keep spreading awareness about this
horrifying issue.

(5) (From Rudy france) Like his Italian counterpart Beppe Grillo,
Greek investigative journalist Makis Triantafyllopoulos has broken
with the traditions of professional TV broadcasting with satirical
monologues. He has reached celebrity status with his TV talk show "The
Jungle". Mr Triantafyllopoulos is well-known for his personal
involvement in the fight against injustice, for his exposure of social
& political scandals, for his sympathy for the wrongly convicted. His
mincemeat ways often create shivers down the spines of some TV
directors who in spite of the "risk" continue to invite him to their
I have sent him the following letter in Greek, in English and in
French. If you agree with the content, you only have to copy & paste
the message and send it together with your case summary to Makis
Triantafyllopoulos protothema@protothe ma.gr, zougla@alter. gr,

(6) People and Organizations who are working to help victims
We have list the people and organizations who are working hard to help
victims here, If you know more people and organizations who are
helping victims, please add their name to this listing.
1 All the victims
2 Nick Begich
3 Jim Guest, Chairman of the fiscal Govt. Oversight Committee 12
Congressmen behind the letter
4 Alex Constantine- Journalist
5 Alan Scheflin
6 Lynn Surgala- previous Vice Chairman of the Psychotronic
7 Robert Duncan- Former Defense Scientist
8 Pastor Butch Paugh
9 Lawyer Gilberto Pagani
10 Mark & Cathy Phillips
11 Colonel Prouty US
12 Gordon Thomas Ex Daily Express Reporter, journalist
13 Dr Colin A Ross, states that it may be happening to some victims
and in many or most cases there is no way to tell but it should be
taken seriously.He suggested showing patents and best pieces of
14 Patrick Cullinane
15 Gerald Mulder
16 Nigel Beckwith
17 Martin Cannon
18 French lawyer Fran鏾is Cantier's member of Lawyers without borders
19 David Harding
20 David Cordingley
22 Daryll Thompson _nurse VERBALLY
23 Norman Baker
24 Kevin -at union
25 Martin Cannon Journalist
26 Meiron Bowen
27 Maurice Kellett
28 Virginia McCullough
29 PC Harper- said it was a matter for Special branch and beyond the
scope of wakefield police
30 Patrick Vessey -leader of Libertarian party

(7) London victims Meeting

Date: 31st May 2008
Place: London
At the meeting the follwoing with be made available.

Relevant papers and information in regards to discrete distributed
systems modelling which is the theory behind are being able to be
tracked and manipulated. Also scientific theory behind what is
popularly called 'V2K'.
What will be discussed on saturday the 31st will help to build a case
that can be used when approaching authorites and medical
practicioners. Most of the information has been published by IEEE.
Hopefully there is a plan to invite a member of the IEEE to the next
coming meetings to share with us more insight on these techniques
especially the developement of asynchronus circuits and CMOS circuits
used for brain function modelling in the electronic industry.

More to come , please do come if you are able. You attendance will be
very useful for all.

Kind regards
Andrew Grant

(8) China victims are preparing to manufacture some T shirts which
print "Ban mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons Abuse and torture"
on it.

Because now only a few people order, we can not manufacture too many T
shirts, the colour will be only White or Black. Any one who needs to
order T shirt, please contact Xuemei at cwzpp(a)yahoo.cn


Sep 21, 2008, 6:24:06 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
21 Jun 2008 "Mailteam works"--victims work trends
(1) USA victim suz leboeuf asks all victims to write to Ohio.com
Write Your Story Here http://www.ohio.com making comments, adding your
website links, all other pertinent information so the reporters there
can please read what we are going through??!! Put out a call for all
TIs to please be posting at the articles found at www.ohio.com so we
can have the reporters who wrote the story see the comments -- post
many! post far and wide so we can keep going to other newspaper sites
as well but start here www.ohio.com Plz...

This Saturday, we have a guest scheduled, Cyndie Spanier-Wilson, who
is a clinical psychologist, and also a TI. She will speak of her
targeting and be available for questions afterwards.

Also, new from Talkshoe is a feature that allows phone callers to
request to talk when muted. Press *8 (as in *T for talk) and the host
can recognize you. At the last presentation I had to mute everyone
because of the noise campaigning, then unmute everyone so someone
could ask a question. Then mute everyone back again so she could
respond. This became quite unwieldy to say the least. So now when all
are muted, callers can request to talk and I can then unmute them

(2) COMMUNITY NEWS from USA victim Derrick Robinson
This information was sent to me this week by one our members:

Here's a suggestion sent to Derrick this week from Barbara in
Any responses will be published next week:

"What do you think the response would be to have a blog or something
similar, for those people who get v2s to log what they hear? I just
have always had a feeling that keeping an ongoing record of what is
'heard' will come in handy someday to identify who the attackers are.
Maybe there could be a couple of different posting pages for other
types of specific electronic frequency or surveillance targeting" ...

I guess we'll soon see if this information is true.

This site is sponsored by Katherine Albrecht, Ed.D., RFID and Consumer
Privacy Expert
Award-winning Author, Speaker, Privacy Advocate
Founder & Director, CASPIAN Consumer Advocacy
Doctor of Education, Harvard University

This was sent in this week and is a very good 13-part series of
articles on mind control experimentation published in the 'Napa
Sentinel', a newspaper in northern California in 1991. It goes back to
the early years of mind control experiments using drugs to the more
recent electromagnetic experiments. Important information.

(7) A letter to France victim--Rudy
Dear Rodin
Can you send me any factual accounts from UK victims? I looked for
John Allman but couldn't find an account of his experience.

I haven't been in touch with Norman Baker yet because I've yet to get
a handle on this subject. Maybe Norman is too up to his eyes with
other political stuff to look into this, but if he was really
convinced this was a problem in Britain, I think he would take action.
Rowena Thursby

(8) China victims' T shirts is ready
China victims are ready to print their T shirts. "Ban Mind Control
abuse and torture" will be printed in the front of T shirt, we will
firstly produce 100 pieces, each piece is RMB10 for victims, any one
who want to order, please contact soleilmavis(a)yahoo.com


Sep 21, 2008, 6:25:20 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
21 Jun 2008 "Mailteam works"--victims work trends
(1) USA victim suz leboeuf asks all victims to write to Ohio.com
Write Your Story Here http://www.ohio.com making comments, adding your
website links, all other pertinent information so the reporters there
can please read what we are going through??!! Put out a call for all
TIs to please be posting at the articles found at www.ohio.com so we
can have the reporters who wrote the story see the comments -- post
many! post far and wide so we can keep going to other newspaper sites
as well but start here www.ohio.com Plz...

(2) FromUSA victim Derrick Robinson
This Saturday, we have a guest scheduled, Cyndie Spanier-Wilson, who
is a clinical psychologist, and also a TI. She will speak of her
targeting and be available for questions afterwards.

Also, new from Talkshoe is a feature that allows phone callers to
request to talk when muted. Press *8 (as in *T for talk) and the host
can recognize you. At the last presentation I had to mute everyone
because of the noise campaigning, then unmute everyone so someone
could ask a question. Then mute everyone back again so she could
respond. This became quite unwieldy to say the least. So now when all
are muted, callers can request to talk and I can then unmute them

firstly produce 100 pieces, each piece is RMB10 for victims, Mr.
Zhongqing-Qi will give one T shirt as free gift to victims who had
signed the Petition. Any one who want to order, please contact


Sep 21, 2008, 6:26:39 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
Covert Torture, Surveillance Jeopardizes the Freedom of American


Freedomfchs.com appeals to the Senate Judiciary Committee for a
hearing regarding covert surveillance and advanced torture technology.
The issue may seem like science fiction if it were not for the fact
that real people are being victimized by directed energy weapons
developed by the US Government.
Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) June 24, 2008 -- As the issue of torturing
foreign suspects plays out in Washington and the news media, there is
a little-known aspect of the torture issue that some would find
surprising and hopefully alarming. These issues are being brought to
light by Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS).
FFCHS, a human rights organization, whose membership is comprised of
victims both in the US and internationally has retained attorney
Jonathan Wilson to represent them in combating these issues. Most
recently, Attorney Wilson has addressed the Senate Judiciary Committee
in a letter to Senator Patrick Leahy requesting a hearing and
congressional investigation into FFCHS allegations. These allegations
include non-consensual experimentation with Directed Energy Weapons
(DEW's) and organized stalking perpetrated by the US military and
other intelligence agencies, corporations, and teams of private

In March of 2008 FFCHS, in collaboration with Attorney Wilson, faced a
challenging and ongoing crisis with compelling evidence pointing
toward the need for governmental oversight and legislation that would
protect targeted individuals against the use of DEW's and organized
stalking via covert surveillance. DEW's are a class of military
armaments that project sound and eight types of electromagnetic energy
in the full spectrum - radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves,
visible light, ultraviolet light, x rays, gamma rays, and cosmic
waves. DEW's function by manipulating sound and energy with various
wavelengths and frequencies used in current military applications and
for covert purposes intended to torture, induce auditory effects, and
inflict internal injury to unwitting civilian targets. Currently, the
US Military Commissions Act of 2006, signed by President Bush
contradicts the International Declaration of Human Rights in that it
sanctions inhumane treatment and torture. In a web of complex overlays
there is no protection for victims. FFCHS believes that immediate
intervention from Congress is imperative to achieve the goal of
freedom from DEW abuses, unwarranted surveillance, organized stalking,
and harassment. Attorney Wilson states, "Many citizens are desperate
to be freed from the disturbing, intrusive and oppressive targeting."
A March 21, 2008 article published by the magazine, New Scientist,
details a declassified US Army report on non-lethal weapons and their
biological effects including reproductive disorders and cancer. The
report was released under the US Freedom of Information Act by the US
Army Intelligence and Security Command at Fort Meade, Maryland. It
gives an overview of what in 1998 was state-of-the-art technology for
crowd control and other applications. As stated in the article, "The
DOD confirmed to New Scientist that it released the documents, which
detail five different 'maturing non-lethal technologies' using
microwaves, lasers and sound." Over a decade later, not only has this
technology advanced, but so has its potential to inflict serious
injury and death.
Furthermore, research from Project Censored, substantiates that, "New
technological capabilities have been developed in black budget
projects over the last few decades-- including the ability to
influence human emotion, disrupt thought, and present excruciating
pain through the manipulation of magnetic fields. The US military and
intelligence agencies have at their disposal frightful new weapons,
that have likely already been covertly used and/or tested on humans,
both here and abroad, and which could be directed against the public
in the event of mass protests or civil disturbance." FFCHS and
Attorney Wilson assert that a growing number of Americans are
reporting symptoms that include, but are not limited to, severe
physical trauma such as shocks, stings, burning, nausea, and sleep
Targeted Individuals (TI's) of domestic terrorism originate from many
different backgrounds and are affected physically, psychologically,
socially, and economically as a result of the organized stalking and
DEW torture. FFCHS President, Derrick Robinson explains, "The average
American would be astonished to learn the extent to which secret
surveillance technology has advanced today; to learn that remote
manipulation and torture of the human mind and body is now possible
and that all are at risk of horrendous abuses at the hands of
technological predators."
Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance began in 2006 as a
conference call group that met weekly for the purposes of support,
networking, and advocacy. Under the direction of Derrick Robinson,
FFCHS President, the group has since evolved into a non-profit human
rights organization bringing awareness to local and state officials,
Congress, the media, and the general public concerning the crimes of
organized stalking and DEW torture. FFCHS is working tirelessly so
that laws will be passed and other measures taken to free those
entrapped in what is known as the secret holocaust. If you are a
victim and need assistance please visit our website at www.freedomfchs.com.
Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance
Gloria Valentine


Sep 21, 2008, 6:27:57 PM9/21/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
1 Jul 2008 Mailteam works--victims work trends
(1) Radio Frequency Energy and Mind Control
A conspiracy so monstrous you can't believe it exist.Is Radio
Frequency Energy being used for Mind Control
(2) Linda''s letter
I will try again with mentioning Dr Sharp's 6587729 patent with the
stage of my case, hopefully the meeting with the psychiatrist (it is
a letter or a meeting, David Cordingley have waited 10 months for this
appointment so far) attempting to overturn the diagnosis. Hopefully we
get a Dr Ross in the UK soon.
6587729 patent: http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6587729-fulltext.html
(3) Some good news for China victims
4 Police officers visited Mr. Jue Bu after he complainted his case to
some government department on 16 Jun.
A victims Mr. Shao said that he was in beijing for already 10 days and
severial government offices had met him and encouraged him to go to
China Ministry of State Security. Mr. Shao called victims to work with
him together to petition to Ministry of State Security. We have asked
victims in beijing to contact this information. Once we confirm this
information, a further action will be followed.
(4) T shirts for Ban Mind Control abuse and torture will be ready
within 7-10days.
T-shirts are white, short sleeves, 100% cotton. "Ban mind control
abuse and torture" is printed in front of the T shirt. We have already
received RMB420yuan from victims, Ms xuemei has done a lot of work for
contacting with all victims. If you need to order these T shirts,
please contact Solei...@yahoo.com
(5) Some good articles for this week
(6) Europe Strasburg Demonstration
(I) Dear Monika Stoces Thank you for your mailing - and good luck with
your demo at the Strasbourg-site! If you would like to send two
people into the buildings, I shall gladly meet them at the entrance to
the LOW-building, on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, and provide them
with passes. I should be interested to have a chat. Please call
(0033) 3881 77855 or (0032) 473 622 454, when delegation is ready to
enter. Yours sincerely Andrew S. Reed (Office of Nigel Farage)
(II) The latest news
I. We received confirmation of the authorization to demonstrate in
II. Here is a list of the media and various authorities who are likely
to come to the demo
1.Associated Press Laurence Calligaro
2.AFP Agence France Presse Therese Gauffret
3. ARTE - TV European Cultural Channel/ News Editor Herr Uwe Lothar
4. French Television France3/ News Editor Monsieur Patrice Schumacher
5.Les Derni猫res Nouvelles d'Alsace/ Reporter Monsieur Dominique
6. Journal d'Alsace/Reporter Monsieur Michel Arnould
7. El Periodico de Catalu帽a/Sr. Jos茅 Antonio Sorolla
8. SOS Racism Alsace/President Jean-Luc Kaneb
The following personalities have been contacted but are not sure they
will come
French tennis player Yannick Noah
Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire leaders
Alternative Libertaire team
Antifascism/antiracism Alsace Group

June 25, 2008
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

Re: Report of Litigation Status

Dear Members:

This law firm represents Freedom from Covert Harassment and
Surveillance ("Freedom"). Since January, we have been looking into
litigation against government agencies and contractors surrounding the
use of directed energy weapons and similar technologies against United
States citizens. We have been conducting factual research based on the
reports of targeted individuals, technological reports, and other
avenues of information. We have also been analyzing the information in
terms of various potential legal causes of action and remedies.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed information to this cause.
The firm has received hundreds of letters, emails and phone calls. Due
to the size of this undertaking, we have not been able to respond to
everyone, however, we appreciate your input, we are taking your
reports seriously, and we are considering your information in light of
the overarching legal analysis.

At this point, we have completed an initial analysis of potential
litigation and it appears the most effective strategy would be to sue
under a small number of plaintiffs rather than as a class. Many suits
based on similar allegations have failed and we have been analyzing
the best strategies to avoid dismissal or an adverse verdict. Based on
the information we have received, the core issues and potential
defendants are too diverse amongst FFCHS members to be limited to a
class action. In other words, a class action is not recommended
because many members are being targeted by different, unconnected
perpetrators, and the reports of targeting techniques, technologies
and methods are too varied to fit into a class action. Therefore, it
makes sense to select the TIs whose abuse is best supported by
evidence. By this manner, the case will also be more manageable. If a
suit is successful, it should open up the courts to other TIs to bring
individual or group actions.

If you are not a plaintiff, this does not mean you are disbelieved.
Rather, TIs who are not plaintiffs have suffered as much as the
others. If just happened that evidence was able to be collected by the
plaintiffs who will further a suit.

In this current stage, we are contacting potential experts and lay
witnesses who may be able to testify in furtherance of a civil action
as well as trying to obtain evidence to be used in court. We have
relied upon representations of members as to the strength of evidence,
but the evidence must be authenticated and admissible in court. We
will recommend filing a complaint only if the witnesses and evidence
are sufficient to proceed. If we were to proceed with too little, and
the case were dismissed, it could jeopardize the plaintiffs' access to
court in the future.

Please continue to submit questionnaires, surveys, reports, records of
evidence, contact information for good expert and lay witnesses, and
useful technological information. Thank you again for helping Freedom
work toward a decisive legal decision in order to stop the inhumane
harassment and surveillance.

Very truly yours,
Jon Wilson

We are finally getting started on our first annual FFCHS conference to
be held around mid-October in Los Angles. We are looking to have
workshops, speakers, information and a variety of activities for our
community to enjoy. We hope to have many TI's on hand so that we get
to meet and come to know each other. The planning committee for this
event is now forming. So those interested in working on this project,
please contact:

Krissi Stull - freedomintexasnow @ yahoo.com or
Jimi Walbert - inventor0207 @ yahoo.com
Gloria Valentine - g_valentine @ insightbb.com
Richard Centeno - deniminlb @ hotmail.com

In response to a request for a V2K blog, FFCHS now has started a
Google group where we can blog all of our targeting experiences: V2K,
electromagnetic torture, organized stalking, etc. Google's group
pages have many features that some others don't such as: fonts, font
sizes and colors, background colors, you can add pictures, upload
files and documents, share files, subcategorize topics such V2K or
stalking; in other words it offers a wide variety of interesting
options for communicating your ideas in this format. You'll need to
create a Google account at googlegroups.com Then search for and join
our group at this link:

We have been really fortunate as an organization thus far. Therefore,
lately we've been under attack. In this past week 2 FFCHS board
members abruptly resigned amid circumstances that as I look back at
them, feel sure were orchestrated by the perps. This is noone's
fault. It was the stalkers. Everyone needs to understand that they
have the ability to manipulate our thoughts and emotions in various
ways. Please be mindful of this and think before speaking, think
before acting. It could make all the difference - whether in your
home life, work environment, or dealing with other TI's. Please know
they are constantly working to undermine all of our efforts.

From: David Vindiola

I would like t.i.'s to know that I found a shielding tip that works
very well.Its called a 10's unit.It used with electrodes,you place the
electrodes on the part of the body thats being attacked,you'll find
its instant relief until they readjust thier dials,then you just turn
it on again.You'll notice,if you hear head to skull voices,it really
pisses them off to the point of not activating it anymore.You'll
notice,when they activate it the next time, they'll attack a different
part of the body,all you do is move the electrode to that part of the
body.You can purchase them online,some sites require a perscription,in
this case just tell your primary doctor you have back pain,and that
you've tried a 10's unit and it worked very well.He'll have no problem
writing a percription.You can purchase these online for,anywhere from
$70 to $200 dollars.Another tip, you know what im talking about,when
they try to put you to sleep,put the electrode on your nose it stops
it instantly.Also if you hear head to skull voices, and you believe
you have mindreading implants,this is the ultimate counter
attack.Invision them in your mind then blow them away.Example: show
yourself where thier at or where you think thier at and let them have
it,shoot em,show police busting them, the better the vision the better
the effects.Heres where it gets good your going to hear them scream
like you never heard a scream before.Thier not going to know how to
play you anymore.This is the BOMB!!!.Remember thier under hypnosis in
order to read your mind,so if you've ever seen someone under
hypnosis,you know they"ll do whatever you ask.Thier hooked up to a
mind machine which requires an electrode in itself,they feed off the
thoughts relayed from your ear implants to the mind machine.tell em to
bark,whatever you ask they'll do.Trust me this works.I've been going
through this for a very long time.Feel free to contact me at
davidvindiola1961@... I have alot of ideas on how to stop the hurt.

Here's some information about TENS units.
Here's an affordable sale on TENS units

YOUTUBE SITE: www.youtube.com/freedomfchs


Sep 22, 2008, 1:33:38 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
15 Jul 2008 "Mailteam" works--victims work trends
(1) Chinese government have responded possitively to the group
complains from Chinese Mind control/DEWs abuse and torture victims.
Victims can write letters to China Ministry of State Security.
Contact: Mr. Shuxin Xu, Mr. Liu(who is in charge with electromagnetic
technologies cases) , Mr. Shi
Add: Beijing, yi he yuan, yi dun yuan, China Ministry of State
Xi cheng District, Xi qian xian xiang hu tong No.49
Some victims might to go to Beijing. We requires all victims must
follow all the special requires in Olympic period. And we suggest that
victims can write letters instead of going to Beijing.
(2) Victims also can report to local authorities.
(3) The Strasburg Demonstration at Europe Parliament on 7-8 July.
Despite the relatively small number of participants ( 19 ), all in all
the Strasburg demo was quite a success. The majority of the victims
present were from Germany:
Germany: 9, Italy: 3, Switzerland: 2, Belgium: 2, France:1, Austria: 1
and Morocco: 1
As agreed, Swetlana and Walter Madliger had a chat with Andrew Reed of
the Office of MP Nigel Farage. A detailed summary of the meeting will
be posted later.
French FR3 TV kept their promise to me and came on Monday 7th to
interview us and to film the demo.
This demo not only gave us an intense sense of pleasure and enjoyment
of fighting together, but this in turn made us more than ready to
indulge in that most human of activities - social interaction- the
sharing of experiences and the simple but enduring pleasure of
enjoying each other's company and conversation.
Two news editors left messages on my answering machine to apologize
for being held up at the last minute and wish to make up for it by
inviting me for an interview next week.
One might well think all this is a promising start.
With all good wishes
(4) People and Organizations who showed great concern to Mind Control
Victims and The Strasburg Demonstration at Europe Parliament
1.Associated Press Laurence Calligaro: redacti...@ap.org,
2.AFP Agence France Presse Alsace: therese....@afp.com,
3. ARTE - TV European Cultural Channel
News Editor Herr Uwe Lothar Mueller: ul-m...@arte-tv.com,
4. French Television France3
Chief Editor Monsieur Patrice Schumacher:redact...@france3.fr
5.Les Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace:
Reporter Monsieur Dominique Duwig: d.d...@dna.fr,
6. Journal d Alsace
Chief Editor: dominiqu...@alsapresse.com,
7. El Periodico de Cataluna
Paris Correspondent Sr. Jose Antonio Sorolla:
8. SOS Racism Alsace
President Jean-Luc Kaneb: mdpstr...@wanadoo.fr,
9.Le Republicain Lorrain
Chief Editor Jean Marc Lauer:redac-chef@republicain-lorrain,
10.Hactivist News Service: h...@hns-info.net,
11.Monsieur Renaud Violet: stras...@alternativelibertaire.org,
12.Monsieur Henri Mermet: con...@alternatifs.org,
13. Madame Corrine Lepage, Chair of CP21: c.le...@mageos.com,
14. Monsieur Michel Rocard Europarlementaire: mrocar...@noos.fr,
15. L Humanite
Monsieur Jean Pierre Pierot: jppi...@humanite.fr,
16.Jean Dominique Merchet, Liberation: mer...@liberation.fr,
17. Liberation Strasbourg: thomas...@yahoo.fr,
18.Lawyer Armand Tenesso President of Union Sociale Democrate
ONLY Fax +33.(0)
19. Ms Anka Wessang Director Club de le Presse Strasbourg:
20. Contre informations: daz...@hushmail.com,
21.The Freiburg antifascist group sent a letter of apology not attend
the Demonstration:

c.le...@mageos.com, mrocar...@noos.fr, jppi...@humanite.fr,
mer...@liberation.fr, thomas...@yahoo.fr, awessang@club-presse-
daz...@hushmail.com, frei...@antifaschistische-aktion.net,

(5) From: Sharon Kelly, Human Rights First
Subject: Faces Against Torture
To: "Harlan Girard" <ic...@yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 9:43 AM
Dear Harlan,
Join "Faces Against Torture." Send us a picture of you holding your
question for the Bush administration.
Simply reply and attach your photo to the email."I think we understand
the games that are being played," said House Judiciary Chairman John
Conyers (D-MI) last week.
Conyers was questioning John Yoo, one of the authors of the Bush
administration's torture policies, on whether the President could
order a detainee be buried alive. Yoo stonewalled him.
While the hearings last week left many questions unanswered, one thing
is clear: The drumbeat for answers is growing.
Supporters like you have submitted photos of themselves posing
questions to the Bush administration for our brand-new Faces Against
Torture photo gallery!
If you haven't already, you can join them! Reply to this email with
your photo attached.
As we celebrate Independence Day, let's make it clear that torture and
abuse are wholly inconsistent with the values of our country. This
holiday, help reclaim America's moral standing by demanding answers
from the Bush Administration.
Not sure what to ask? Feel free to use the examples below, or use them
for inspiration!
Would you object if a foreign government subjected Americans to the
techniques authorized by the Bush administration?
Can you cite any evidence at all that torture yields valuable,
reliable information that is vital to national security?
What, if anything, did we gain in return for putting our troops at
increased risk, damaging intelligence collection, and alienating our
It's time to bring American interrogation policy back in line with the
laws and values of our country. You can help by putting your question
on a sign and holding it up proudly.
Email us a photo of you with your sign and we'll include you in our
"Faces Against Torture" collection.
Join the chorus. Add your face to the montage. Demand answers about
torture today.
Sharon Kelly
Campaign Manager – Elect to End Torture '08
Human Rights First
P.S. Find out more about the recent hearings on our End Torture '08
(6) We have sent out partial of white cotton T shirts( Ban mind
control/DEWs abuse and torture), if you received the T shirts, please
send a note to Xuemei, if you do not receive T shirts within 10days,
please check with Xuemei. We also welcome everyone order T shirts.
please email solei...@yahoo.com or order at:



Sep 22, 2008, 1:37:37 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)

Summary report of the meeting with Mr. Andrew Reed, assistant to Mr.
Nigel Farage, MEP, from UKIP ( United Kingdom Independence Party and
Democracy) on July 8th, 2008 in the Europarliament Low Building in
Strasbourg, France, from 1.45 p.m to 3.10 p.m.


Sep 22, 2008, 1:38:49 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
24 Mailteam works--victims work trends
(1) Spanish report on The Strasburg Demonstration at European
Parliament on Jul 7-8 http://www.rafapal.com/?p=1074
(2) Movie on Mind Control in French languages
This movie on mindcontrol is a good description. Give it a look, it's
only 18 minutes of your time. It's called, The Orion Conspiracy. The
movie is in French. A must see first, because of the last half. The
English verson takes a long time to download, but worth it for the
(3) Linda calls victims to write to Norman Baker who is sympathetic to
Please write to RowenaThursby(at)onetel.com to send your case summary.
(4) Lawyer fees of USA mind control victims
Well, the latest attorney invoice arrived this past week. And ladies
and gents, we've acquired a bill that is a grand total of...
Obviously, we have to keep working and donating for this case to get
to trial. This fortunately is the discounted rate. The original bill
was over $14,000. We're also looking at some financing options to
help cover this cost. I believe it's a worthwhile endeavor. Also, as
the attorney is concerned with working with us and moving this case
forward, he is requesting payments of $1000.00 at a time so his firm
can continue to pay bills.
The bill itself is available upon request to those who wish to review
(5) China Victim Mr. Shao and Mr. Tony Tu has already passed first
partial of victims stories to China Ministry of State Security.
Victims please write your own story to them, be sure that you have
already attached your Copy of Indentity Card and your details contact
Address: 北京市西城区西绒线胡同49号 10000 国家保密局
北京市海淀区颐和园西苑颐敦园(门牌号)10000 国家安全部 接待处 刘处长 收
(6) Write to Obama
We have called victims to write to Obama on April 2008, I think that
many victims had already send their letters. Here are some updated
news of Obama from France Victim Rudy.
1.Barack Obama is to meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on
July 25.
The following French key-figures are supporting Obama and all of them
have agreed to write to Obama on our behalf. Some already did.
Ex Prime Minister Edith Cresson
Ex Minister Martine Aubry
Ex Minister Jack Lang
Green EuroDeputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit
Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe
French Communist Party Spokesperson Marie George Buffet
2. Obama will also meet "the French Support Committee for Obama".
This committee is sympathetic to our cause. Hopefully, they will find
time to get onto our problem during Obama's busy days in Paris.
Write to their President, Monsieur Samuel Solvit. Mr Solvit is a very
busy person. Please be very specific, be convincing by sticking to
facts . Don't flower it up , please avoid histrionic style.
s.so...@pour-obama.fr S.SOLVIT (AT) POUR-OBAMA.FR
3.I am to meet a group of six European lawyers in Paris early
September. Obama's spouse, Michelle Obama, who is a lawyer is going to
get a full dossier of our case which is being formulated by this group
of European lawyers.
4.To be sure that your e-mail falls into Sen. Obama's hands, here's a
trick: send your message to these 2 members of his team
Robert...@obama.senate.gov, bill_...@obama.senate.gov
Do not write to his address barack_obama (AT) obama.senate.gov,
because your message will be seen as spam by his filtering system and
will be rejected.
(7) Start Topic
RNM & EBL - Hopefully these excerpts will make it clearer-
Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance.

A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects
can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA
cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These
can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject
is then perfectly monitored from a distance.

NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals
lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then
pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out
and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation

NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural
Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain
Stimulation has been in development since the MKUltra program of the
early 1950's, which included neurological research into
"radiation" (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and
development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the
National Security Archives as "Radiation Intelligence," defined as
"information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in
the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation."
Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in
the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S.
government. The NSA monitors available information about this
technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There
are also international intelligence agency agreements to keep this
technology secret.

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical
activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain
mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die
brain continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps
(of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes.
EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-
to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.)

For electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech
center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal
thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex
thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the
ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by
simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map
out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain
and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA
operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual
memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual
cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use
this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject's brain
while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain- programming purposes.

Capabilities of NSA operatives using RNM

There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the
1940's. The NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM
system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor
audio-visual information in their brain. This is all done with no
physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of
surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and
subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject's
brain (bypassing the ears) and images can be sent into the visual
cortex. RNM can alter a subject's perceptions, moods, and motor

Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate
communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a
complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.

National Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link

NSA SigInt can remotely detect, identify and monitor a person's
bioelectric fields.

The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely
and non-invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally
decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwatt electro-
magnetic emissions from the brain.

Neuronal activity in the brain creates a shifting electrical pattern
that has a shifting magnetic flux. This magnetic flux puts out a
constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic (EMF) wave. Contained
in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are spikes and patterns
called "evoked potentials."

Every thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event, and visual
image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked potential" or set of
"evoked potentials." The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded
into the current thoughts, images and sounds in the subject's brain.

NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain Stimulation as a communications
system to transmit information (as well as nervous system messages) to
intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert
operations subjects (on a non-perceptible level).

EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed
electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in the
brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain's neural
circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-
states and affect motor control.
Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural
audio-visual information while transmitting sound to the auditory
cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint images to the
visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the images appear
as floating 2-D screens in the brain).

Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications
system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely
monitoring bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the
ultimate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents
in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specific brain
area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose information
in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various brain
areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence
modulates signals in this frequency band.

An example of EMF Brain Stimulation:
Brain Area Bioelectric ResonanceFrequency Information Induced
Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Phantom Touch Sense
Thought Center 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying
intensities from subliminal to perceptible.

Each person's brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/
entrainment frequencies. Sending audio information to a person's brain
at the frequency of another person's auditory cortex would result in
that audio information not being perceived.

The Plaintiff learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the
Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. Meade. They used RNM 3D sound direct
to the brain to harass the Plaintiff from 10/90 to 5/91. As of 5/91
they have had two-way RNM communications with the Plaintiff and have
used RNM to attempt to incapacitate the Plaintiff and hinder the
Plaintiff from going to authorities about their activities against the
Plaintiff in the last twelve years.

The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24-hours-a-day at Ft
Meade. They have also brain-tapped persons the Plaintiff is in contact
with to keep the Plaintiff isolated. This is the first time ever that
a private citizen has been harassed with RNM and has been able to
bring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligence
operations method.


Sep 22, 2008, 1:40:01 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
9 Aug 2008 "Mailteam" Works--Victims work trends
(1) UK Victim Amanda contacts with Green Party in London.
I have had some success here. I have managed to get my local green
party office to take me seriously helped by Dr Lucas and her office in
London. They are going to release a press release about the weapons
and its many effects etc.
(2) This is Roger Tolces from Advanced Electronic Security. Tomorrow
night on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory I am trying to get them
to do a show dedicated to voice-to-skull harassment. We will kick off
the show interviewing a victim from New York City who has had success
with getting control of this problem. After the initial discussion of
V2K we want to open the phone lines to V2K victims only. This is your
chance to tell your story on national radio.
The show will start at 11pm pacific time - 1am east coast on over 600
am radio stations. Here is the link to Coast to Coast's website:
(3) Few victims in China have been warned by local Police authorities
not making troubles during Olympic period. So it is a hard time for
victims in China to work to expose such a crime. We wish victims in
China to keep calm during Olympic Period and waiting for the right
(4) A letter from Singapore Victim Thomas Koh
Good News.
Today,I visited the mental institute for consultation as requested by
my family members.
The above attached is my conversation with the doctor which shows that
he know something about the mind control thing but "ignore it
completely" and running away from related subject,pertaining to this.

The above conversations attached also verifies that I am mentally
sound from the doctor.
Just to keep a record of some of the events that may be useful.

Thomas koh
1) http://singaporemindcontrolvictim.blogspot.com
2) http://chip-implanted-mc-victim.blogspot.com/
3) http://thomasmc.hosting247.com/mindcontrolvictim

(5) Neuroscience, Law and Government Symposium
Symposium Schedule

Thursday, Sept. 25
2 and 3 p.m. Tours of the Archives of the History of American

4:30 p.m. Welcome Reception

6 p.m. Keynote Speaker
Henry T. Greely, Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professor of Law,
Stanford Law School
Law and the Revolution in Neurosciences: An Early Look Across the

Friday, Sept. 26
7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration

8:20 a.m. Panel 1: Neuroimaging, Deception and Neuroskepticism
Dr. Steven J. Laken, President and CEO, Cephos Corp.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Lie Detection and Examples
from Real World Testing
Dr. Daniel D. Langleben, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Pennsylvania Medical School
Functional Brain Imaging for the Detection of Deception and Concealed
Professor Jonathan H. Marks, Bioethics, Humanity and Law, Penn State
University National Security, Neuroskepticism, and “Neural Rights”
Moderator: The Honorable Jed S. Rakoff, United States District Court,
Southern District of New York

9:50 a.m. Break

10 a.m. Panel 2: Applied Neuroscience
Professor Nita Farahany, Vanderbilt University Law School
Law, Neuroscience, and Behavioral Morality
Professor Christian M. Halliburton, Seattle University School of Law
How Privacy Killed Katz: A Tale of Cognitive Freedom and the Property
of Personhood as Fourth Amendment Norm
Professor Michael L. Perlin, New York Law
“His Brain Has Been Mismanaged with Great Skill”: How Will Jurors
Respond to Neuroimaging Testimony in Insanity Defense Cases?
Amanda Pustilnik, Climenko Fellow and Lecturer in Law, Harvard Law
Seeing Pain, Assessing Damage
Moderator: Professor Michael D. Guttentag, Loyola Law School, Los

12:00 p.m. Lunch

1:15 p.m. Panel 3: Neuroscience in the Tribunal
Dr. Dov Fox, Lecturer in Bioethics and Law, Yale University
Electroencephalography and the “The Spirit and History of the Fifth
Amendment”: Forensic Neuroscience and the Testimonial/Physical
Professor Jane Campbell Moriarty, The University of Akron School of
Neuroimages of Deception: Evaluating Reliability from Daubert to
Professor Julie Seaman, Emory Law School
fMRI Lie Detection and Jury Nullification: Opening the Black Box of
the Mind to Open the Black Box of the Jury Room.
Moderator: Professor Jo雔le Anne Moreno, Florida International
University School of Law

2:45 p.m. Break

3 p.m. Panel 4: Neuroscience, Gender and Capital Cases
Professor Jay Aronson, Department of History, Carnegie Mellon
Brain Imaging, Culpability, and the Juvenile Death Penalty
Professor O. C. Snead, Notre Dame Law School
Neuorimaging and the “Complexity” of Capital Punishment
Professor Stacey Tovino, Drake University Law School
Neuroscience, Gender, and the Law
Moderator: Elizabeth A. Reilly, Associate Dean and C. Blake McDowell
Professor of Law, The University of Akron School of Law
Keynote Speaker:

Professor Henry T. Greely, Stanford Law School
Chaired by:

Professor Jane Campbell Moriarty, The University of Akron School of

Professor Jay Aronson, Dept. of History, Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Nita Farahany, Vanderbilt University Law School
Dr. Dov Fox, Lecturer in Bioethics and Law, Yale University
Dr. Steven J. Laken, President and CEO, Cephos Corp.
Professor Christian M. Halliburton, Seattle University School of Law
Dr. Daniel Langleben, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Medical School
Professor Jonathan H. Marks, Bioethics, Humanities and Law, Penn
Professor Michael L. Perlin, New York Law School
Amanda Pustilnik, Climenko Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School
Professor Julie Seaman, Emory Law School
Professor O. C. Snead, Notre Dame Law School
Professor Stacey Tovino, Drake University Law School

Professor Michael D. Guttentag, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Professor Jo雔le Moreno, Florida International University School of
The Honorable Jed S. Rakoff, United States District Court, Southern
District of New York
Associate Dean and C. Blake McDowell Professor of Law Elizabeth A.
Reilly, The University of Akron School of Law


Sep 22, 2008, 1:41:16 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
(6) Some good news IN EUROPE by France Victim Mr. Rudy
Below please find a copy of the letter from Belgian Minister Mr Andre
Antoine and my translation

From: a.antoine ATantoine.gov.wallonie.be
To: rudyrud2004ATgmail.com
Subject: Developpement et mise en circulation de Technologies &
d'Armes a Energie Dirigee antipersonnel, appelees a tort Non letales
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:58:53 +0200
Namur, le 29 juillet 2008
Cher Monsieur Andria,
Votre mail du 23 avril dernier, relatif a l'objet repris sous
rubrique, m'est bien parvenu et a retenu ma meilleure attention.
Soucieux des problemes invoques, j'ai lance une grande consultation
sur la telephonie mobile en Region wallonne.
Par ailleurs, Inter-Environnement Wallonie est chargee de mettre sur
pied une journee d'etude prevue en septembre-octobre 2008 sur le sujet
ou tout un chacun pourra s'exprimer.
Je vous propose, des lors, de prendre contact avec Monsieur Gerard
Jadoul ou Madame Annick De Ronge, respectivement President et
Directrice a l'IEW, Boulevard du Nord, 6 , 5000 Namur. Vous pouvez les
joindre par telephone au (+32) ou par mail :
Vous souhaitant bonne reception de la presente, je vous prie de
croire, Cher Monsieur Andria, à l'assurance de mes sentiments les
Andre Antoine
Vice-president du Gouvernement wallon
Ministre du Logement, des Transports et du Developpement Territorial
July 29, 2008
Dear Mr Andria
I studied with the greatest interest your email of last April 23,
relating to the DEW issue (their development and their circulation).
Being concerned about these problems, I have launched a wide
consultation on mobile telephony in the Walloon Region. In addition,
"Inter-Environment Wallonie" (IEW) has been given the responsibility
for organising a one-day study on the subject, in September or October
2008 where everyone may have their say.
May I then suggest that you get in touch with Mr Gerard Jadoul or Mrs
Annick de Corrodes, respectively Chairman and Director of the IEW, 6
Boulevard du Nord, 5000 Namur, Belgium.
You can reach them by telephone at the following number (+32) or by email: iew(AT)iewonline.be
Yours sincerely
Andre Antoine
Vice-President du Gouvernement Wallon
Ministre du Logement, des Transports et du Developpement Territorial
My notes: although I had pointed out that our concern is more on the
DEWs and microwaves weapons issue, I was led to understand that there
are some common points and that we are most welcome to join the study-
day. If you wish to contact Mr Antoine's assistant, call Madame Carla
Lievens at +32.(0) or email her at
Contact Mr Antoine's assistant, Mrs Carla Lievens at +32.
(0) or email her at carla.lievens(AT)gov.wallonie.be,
carla.lievens@... ,
+ a.antoine(AT)antoine.gov.wallonie.be, a.antoine@...
+ iew(AT)iewonline.be, iew@...
After receiving the following letter I talked with Senator Allison's
assistant. Ms Allison is waiting for more testimonies.
Criminal use of microwaves and infrasounds on innocent people鈥?
BR>From:Allison, Lyn (Senator) (Senator.AllisonATaph.gov.au)
Sent:Thu 10/07/08 07:59
To: rudyrud2004(AT)gmail.com

July 10, 2008
Dear Mr Andria
Thank you for your email message. The Australian Senate conducted an
inquiry into electromagnetic radiation in the telecommunications
sector: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/committee/ecita_ctte/completed_inquiries/1999-02/emr/report/index.htm
but nothing much has been done here on weapons or criminal use as far
as I know.
Lyn Allison

I talked with Daniel Patman, the assistant to Sen. Bob Brown,
Australian Greens' leader, on July 22nd. Sen. Brown would like to
receive more testimonies.
"Report", a popular Italian investigative TV program is planning to
broadcast something for mid-october.
Attn.Milena GABANELLI redazionereport(AT)rai.it

From:Redazione report (redazionereport(AT)rai.it)
Sent:Fri 25/07/08 09:35
To: rudyrud2004(AT)gmail.com
25 luglio 2008

Gentile Sig. Andria
La ringraziamo per la sua segnalazione. Al momento ci stiamo gia'
occupando di altre questioni. Un caro saluto
La Redazione di Report / RAI 3
4. My meeting with 6 European lawyers in Paris is planned for Sept.
8th, 2008.
There is no talk of inviting other victims for the moment. Here are
the areas they specialize in: NTIC (New Technology of Information &
Communication), cyber crimes, weapons issues, violent crime cases,
privacy invasion, defamation, civil and human rights, mobbing and
I talked with journalist Geraldina Colotti of the communist newspaper
Il Manifesto, on July 18. She is formulating a dossier on mindcontrol
issue and would like to receive more testimonies in whatever European
language you speak.
6-A I talked with Mr Marwan Bishara, Senior political analyst for Al
Jazeera, England, on July 25. He knows about our case and would like
to receive more testimonies in arabic from arabic-speaking victims.
You may also write to him in English, of course.
6-B Labour MP Ian Gibson
Madame Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet,State Secretary for Ecology is aware
of our plight. Being a supporter of Obama she has also told him about
this terrible issue. I talked with her "Directrice de Cabinet" Madame
Marie-Claire Daveu on July 31. Do send her your testimonies either in
French or in English.
Attn.Mme Kosciusko-Morizet
Controversial but popular investigative reporter Makis
Triantafyllopoulos is inviting me to talk in his TV talkshow "Zougla"
in Athens, mid-October. The date will be confirmed soon.There isn't
any talk of inviting other victims for the moment.
You all know the motto now "grab the help if offered".We can't afford
to look a gift horse in the mouth. It's universal wisdom: "a caballo
regalado no le mires el diente", "a cavallo donato non si guarda in
bocca", " à cheval donné on ne regarde pas la bouche", "einem
geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul".
With all good wishes

Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet Ministre de l'Environnement


a) Jean-Louis Bianco jlbianco(AT)assemblee-nationale.fr,
b) Marie-George Buffet mgbuffet(AT)assemblee-nationale.fr,
c) Jack Lang jlang(AT)assemblee-nationale.fr,
d) Pierre Lellouche ** plellouche(AT)assemblee-nationale.fr,
**Pierre Lellouche est President de la Delegation Francaise a
l'Assemblee Parlementaire de l'OTAN/NATO, Membre de la Commission
Defense du Senat et Porteparole du President Sarkozy sur la question
e) Pierre Mehaignerie pmehaignerie(AT)assemblee-nationale.fr,

Michel Rocard michel.rocard(AT)europarl.europa.eu,

a) Corrine Lepage Continue nous soutenir. A signe la petition de 2003
b) Martine Aubry aubry(AT)univ-lille3.fr,


a) Yamina Benguigui Ecrivain, cineaste yamina.benguigui(AT)paris.fr
b) Bertrand Delanoe Maire de Paris bertrand.delanoe(AT)paris.fr,
c) Olivier Duhamel Juriste
d) Danielle Lochak Professeur Emerite Universite Paris X, Specialiste
des Nouvelles Technologies et leur impact sur les Droits
e) Yannick Noah adet(AT)sportinvest.com,
f ) Pierre Pean Journaliste d'Investigation
g) MicheLE Rivasi Deputee , Presidente Centre Recherche sur les
Rayonnements ElectroMagnetiques rivasi.michele(AT)wanadoo.fr,
h) Fabrice Rizzoli Officier de Protection au Ministere Affaires
Etrangeres, Expert en Criminologie
fabrice.rizzoli(AT)diplomatie.gouv.fr, rizzoli(AT)cf2r.org,


Sep 22, 2008, 1:43:02 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
(7) Good news in USA by USA victim Mr. Derrick
The following is a message from Tim White who is a boyhood friend of
New York State Senator Eric Adams. Tim is requesting information be
sent to him to forward to the senator who is examining our issues. Tim
is looking for solid evidence to present to him. Those who have this,
please send Tim a copy as soon as possible.

Realistically, the senator will most likely be looking at targeted
individuals who live in the state of New York - primarily. However,
his interest in this also extends to other states as well. He has had
two separate face-to-face meetings with ti's in New York City.
Senator Adams is a former NYC police officer and civil rights

Please do not contact the senator directly at this time. Direct your
questions or comments about any of this to Tim.

Timothy White: Guidelines for presenting information and evidence to
State Senator Eric Adams.

My approach to this is that we are in a fight for our lives. No one is
going to helps us but ourselves. Senator Adams has 22 years as a
professional investigator as Captain in the NY PD. Keep this fact in
mind when qualifying any information you plan to present as evidence.
Additionally, victim Brian Wronge who has two transmitting implants,
one in his head and one in his neck. This is the only real physical
evidence I have right now to present.

Brian's case is still open. He has X-ray's, a DVD supporting his
story, and a order from a judge to have the implants removed and
presented to the court for expert examination. The caveat here is;
that brain Wronge was implanted in the late 1970's -1980's with legacy
technology while incarcerated in a State or Federal institution while
receiving medical treatment. Most victims coming forward are being
attacked with later upgraded versions of this technology. The current
version of this technology is being administered remotely as in my
case or is being done with implants too small to detect via MRI or X-

Supporting documentation that may be submitted: Case descriptions,
Medical records, documented complaints to law enforcement of elected
officials, videos, photographs of cuts and burns caused by this

Note: It is very important to avoid ambiguous terms or coined phrases
like "Perp's", "TI's" or "Gang stalking" in descriptions of your

Timothy R. White
Expert Witness U.S.
Government electronic harassment

After a brief delay, we've decided to resume planning for a meeting on
the west coast in mid-autumn. It will be in Los Angeles over the
weekend of October 24, 2008. We plan to have workshops, speakers,
perhaps a video recording session and much more. It will be a good
Those interested in helping on the planning committee, particularly
those in the LA area, please contact:
Gloria Valentine: g_valentine(at)insightbb.com

The responses from our survey are just over 100 now and the results
can be viewed at our blog at this link in the 'News and Information'
This will be great information to have in the coming days as we begin
to speak to public officials, the media, and others about our
community and our issues. Thanks to all who have participated in this
important effort!
And there's still time to do the survey if you wish to. Here is the
link for that:

Thanks to all those who are contributing. The membership/donation
drive is coming along well. We're ready to make a payment to the
attorney, but we also need about $400.00 to pay a bill from a
grantwriting firm that we've recently signed up with. They've written
an excellent grant proposal for us that if we receive funds for, could
go quite a ways in paying for the lawyer's fees and a personnel
salary. Anyone who may have been considering a donation to FFCHS, now
would be a good time for this.

Membership is $15/year and sponsorship can be any amount, large or
Payment options are: Paypal - www.paypal.com to our email address:
Or a check or money order made payable to FFCHS and mailed to:
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
"If we all do a little, we can do a lot!"

I am organizing an SF Bay Area TI meeting for this Saturday, August
9,2008, at 11:00am. Matthew Riolo has scoped-out a location for us --
we'll meet at the fountains in front of the City Tower Building, at
the corner of N. 5th St. and E. Santa Clara St. in San Jose, and then
proceed to a courtyard area between the buildings with umbrellas and
tables. The purpose of the meeting will be to get to know each other
and to discuss what we can do to end our harassment. We'll open by
going around the room introducing ourselves and briefly sharing the
types of targeting we're experiencing. Then we'll have a general
discussion on our issues (organized stalking, electronic harassment,
activism, exposing and ending it, etc.). During this segment anyone
who would like to give a presentation is welcome to, otherwise we'll
participate in an open-format brainstorming session. The meeting is
expected to last 1 to 2 hours, after which we'll grab a bite to eat at
a local restaurant and then adjourn. There are a couple of new TIs who
may be attending (Reina and Regina), as well as others on Richard's
email distribution who weren't able to make the last meeting in May in
San Francisco. For reference, last year we had a couple of TI
meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area, but the monthly meetings
fizzled out (when I proposed a hike for our next meeting). Richard may
also be planning a meeting for later this month or next month in an
effort to start meeting on a monthly basis again, and Matthew is
thinking of organizing meetings in San Jose on a biweekly basis. In
addition to all TIs in the San Francisco Bay Area being invited, some
local activists who Matthew has recently been networking with who are
interested in learning more about this issue are invited to attend. To
get to the City Tower Building in San Jose: From the Peninsula:
1. Take 101 S. to San Jose2. Take the Santa Clara St./CA-130 exit
toward Alum Rock Ave.3. Turn right at E. Santa Clara St.4. Proceed on
E. Santa Clara St. to N. 5th St. From the East Bay:1. Take 880 S. to
San Jose2. Take 101 S.3. Take the Santa Clara St./CA-130 exit toward
Alum Rock Ave.4. Turn right at E. Santa Clara St.5. Proceed on E.
Santa Clara St. to N. 5th St. Please RSVP so we know you will be
coming! Bruno (San Jose)bruno_marchesani@...(650) 776-1814 cell FROM
I ran this on my Mepis OS and it doesn't stop the pain but it does
detect the signal how accruate I don't know this could at least be
helpful http://zapatopi.net/mindguard/

ELECTROMAGNETISM: 30% of the population hypersensitive, 50% sensitive
By Andr?Fauteux
The Healthy Housing Magazine

Symptoms of Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Symptoms may include but are not limited to: Headache, eye irritation,
dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain
in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears, skin numbness,
abdominal pressure and pain, breathing difficulty, and irregular
heartbeat. Additional symptoms have been reported in some individuals
such as paralysis, balance problems, body and/or muscle spasms,
convulsions, confusion, depression, difficulty in concentrating,
seizure, sleep disturbances, and memory difficulties

Electrical Pollution Solutions
The above is an excellent website dedicated to electrical pollution.

The EMF Safety SuperStore
The above distributor carries a wide range of EMF safety supplies. I
would recommend careful research before any purchase.
If anyone has experience with the below 117 VAC filters, please write
to me: John Reilly west.coast.swing(at)hotmail.com

High Frequency Electromagnetic Pollution Remover
Removes RF Pollution from Household Wiring
This item is available from Less EMF and from:

Joel has started a time of prayer and/or meditation for all TI's who
would like to do so about our issues every day at 3 pm EST from
wherever you may be. The idea is to be united in thought/prayer at
that time. The requests should be for:
a) an immediate end to the harassment and torture.
b) for justice - compensation to victims

The following is a story about an apparent TI in Nanaimo, Canada
whohas started a lawsuit

If you want to know more "mailteam" works--victims work trends, Please
come to:


Sep 22, 2008, 1:44:29 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
18 Aug 2008 "Mailteam" works--victims work trends

(1) Some good news from Mr. Harlan Girard
a). At a recent AGM of the American Psychological Association, a
group of righteous members tried to get a motion adopted which would
have held them all to their own Code of Ethics. Inasmuch as so many
well-paying jobs are available today in torture, their motion failed.
For those of you who may be interested, the righteous member's
position paper against employment in torture may be accessed at
b). In the Congressional Record of August 1, 2008, there is a short
act entitled "Restoring America's Integrity Act". The number is S.
3437 and it is preceded by a wordy speech of introduction on its
behalf by Senator Feinstein on behalf of herself and Senators
Rockefeller, Whitehouse, Hagel, and Feingold. You can find a copy at
www.fas.org/irp/congress/2008_cr/s3437.html Needless to say, it is
about eliminating the government's use of torture.
c). The report written for the Air Force, which includes the
experiment about degrading human performance with non-ionizsing
radiation, was written for them by a quiet think-tank called Southwest
Research Institute.
It's still out there, catering to the military's need for biased
advice. It has a website which you can easily Google up. Among the
entries is a reference to an
article en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southwest_Research_ Institute
The SWRI was founded in 1947 by Thomas Slick, Jr. the father of Grace
Slick, the lead singer of the Jefferson Airplane.
d). In 2006, three Past Presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society
got togehter with 9 world-renowned scientists and some public health
officials to attempt to figure out whether they had covered every inch
of the controversy surrounding the health effects of non-ionizing
radiation, as if they had never reflected thoughtfully on the subject
before. Surprisingly, they identified potential heakth issues of some
importance. Consequently, they organized their toughts on the subject
and they are available online at www.bioinitiative.org
Perhaps one of you will visit that site and see whether there is
anything of interest to us in particular on it.
e). There is an interesting article titled "MI6 pays out over secret
LSD mind control tests" at www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/feb/24/military.past/print
The tests took place in 1953-54 but the payoff didn't come until
February 24, 2006, some 53 years later. So start counting now, since
you may be rich in 53 years.
f). On July 17th past, the 10th Anniversary of the signing of the
Rome Treaty of the International Criminal Court took place. My
purpose in mentioning it at all is to remind you that this date is now
celebrated as the World Day for International Justice. I think it
would be appropriate to use this day annually to remind our
colleagues and friends that there has been no justice for victims of
involuntary human experiments by the United States Government.
g). I have received notification of the fact that the Union for
Reform Judaism has passed a reolution formalizing its support for the
Internaional Criminal Court and the participation of the United States
in it. The resolution may be read at www.amicc.org/docs/URJHRresolution
2008.pdf This is an an enormous achievement of the American Non-
Governmentsl Organizations Coalition for the International Criminal
Court. Their website can be found at www.amicc.org.
h). UNESCO will be holding a seminar on "Electromagnetic Fields:
Mechanisms of action and potential threat as a terrorism agent. It
will be held on Novembe 8th. Unfortunately, the seminar is going to
be held in Armenia. However, it is planned that the proceedings will
be published as a volume of the NATO Science Series. The publication
will discuss the the current understanding of the mechanisms of action
of electromagnetic fields on biological systems, with a focus on cell
hydraton, human health and possible use as terrorism agent. Further
information is available at http://www.biophys.am
i). Cheryl Welsh has just sent me an interesting document she has
written regarding how completely alone we are, without any legal
recourse. The title is "Nonconsensual experiments are
unconstitutional but recent changes in the law allow just that". The
8 page paper is available at mindjustice.org/unconstitutional.htm
Just this one word of caution: I think Cheryl became confused at one
point about the nature of Executive Orders. They may have the effect
of laws to the agencies and departments which receive them but they
are not laws. I don't know whether the legality of an Executive Order
has ever been tested but Presidents began issuing them for some
reason. Maybe Cheryl can tell us if one has ever been tested or
whether they can be tested.
j). I have recently become an Associate of the America Bar
Association. In the February, 2008 issue of their flagship
publication "ABA Journal" there was an editorial titled, Law's New
Brain Trust. Apparently the ABA has set up a "Law and Neuroscience
Project" administered by the Sage Center for the Study of the Mind at
UC Santa Barbara. The millions are coming from the John D. MacArthur
Foundation of Chicago. The primary purpose of the Project is to tmake
sure that neuroscience is not misused in the courtroom and to set up
standards for when it should or should not be allowed.
I hope Cheryl or Derrick will look into whether or not there is any
room in their agenda for considering whether it is legal for the
government to coopt peoples' lives into experimentation regarding
degrading human performance which may easily result in their deaths.
The endeavor has a large website at www.lawandneuroscienceproject.org
k).And speaking of the ABA, they have an online bookstore
at www.abanet.org/abastore/index.cfm
or something of the sort where they have two books listed which
intrigue me. Maybe someone will see if they are available from their
local law school, and write us a report. One of the books is titled
"Science for Lawyers" and goes into biology, medicine, psychology and
other interesting things. The other is titled "Biotechnology and the
Law". I haven't downloaded its table of contents yet but can't
believe a title like that wouldn't have something to say of interest
to us.
l). I recently came across an old article from 2001 concerning Dianna
Ortiz, a former Roman Catholic nun who had been brutally tortured in
1989 by the regieme in Guatamala, trained and funded by the United
States. In 1997 she cofounded an organization called Torture Abolition
and Survivors Support Coalition. I don't know whether that group is
still around or not
and even whether Dianna Ortiz is still around. However, she lived at
that time in Washington DC and it shouldn't be hard to find out
whether the organization has survived and can offer something to some
of you.
m).I don't know how many of you may have heard of the Defending
Dissent Foundation. Their Letter back in April has a secion about the
Intelligence Oversight Board, which was created by President FOrd to
deal with the abuses of the CIA brought to light by the Church
Committee. In any case, Bush Jr. has recently pulled all of its teeth
by an Executive Order. That's the bad news. The good news is that
the Board had done nothing at all during the first five years of the
Bush Jr. administration.
I seem to recollect once many, many years ago my handlers calling my
attention to this Board while I was going through the Congressional
Directory. It seems to me that when I began to study their entry my
handlers became suddenly energized to tell me that Oversight meant
that they were only interested in laws passed by Congress and
certainly not in illegal abuses by the Intelligence Community.
The interesting thing to me in 2008 is that the Intelligence Oversight
Board prior to Bush 2 was just about the only way out of the mess we
are in. Nobody but nobody ever suggested that I go and have a talk
with them, and yet for many years there they sat with the power to
refer matters to the Attorney General and etc. WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY I
MISSED. And yet not one of the Washington Insiders I consulted ever
mentioned it to me.
The point is, we must keep our eyes open to see whether the Board's
powers will be restored by our next President and if so, to send a
delegation to Washington to have a talk with them. I am really sorry
the opportunity slipped through my fingers years ago.

(2) Nineteen scientists, brought together by eminent French cancer-
specialist David Servan-Schreiber, launch an appeal to sensitize
public opinion to the risks cell phone use could pose to the brain.
These 19 scientists, mostly oncologists, believe the risk is too great
to be incurred .They are exposing the cell phone models which emit
electromagnetic radiation.
Most of them, especially the French scientists, know something about
our exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation caused to us
maliciously. They seem to know that, aside from the microwave health
dangers, it is possible to remotely increase the mobilephone current
20,000 times to fry our brains in next to no time.
Write to them and ask them to do their part as top-level scientists to
spread awareness about this horrifying crime.
Here is the list of the twenty signatories to the Appeal and their
email contacts:
a). Dr. Bernard Asselain, Chief of Cancer Biostatistics at the Curie
Institute, Paris
bernard.asselain(AT)curie.fr, EMENDATION: AsselAin
Professor Franco Berrino, Director of the Department of Preventative
and Predictive Medicine at the National Cancer Institute of Milan,
b). Dr. Thierry Bouillet, oncologist, Director of the Radiotherapy
Institute at the Avicenne Hospital , France
c). Professor Christian Chenal, Professor Emeritus of Oncology and
former research official for "Radiation, Environment, and Adaptation"
at the French National Center for Scientific Research
d). Professor Jan Willem Coebergh, oncologist, Department of Public
Health, University of Rotterdam, Netherlands
jw.coebergh(AT)ikz.nl, j.coebergh(AT)erasmusmc.nl,
e). Dr. Yvan Coscas, oncologist, Head of Radiology, Poissy-Saint-
Germain Hospital
f). Professor Jean-Marc Cosset, Honorary Department Head for Oncology-
Radiology at the Curie Institute , Paris jean-
g). Professor Devra Lee Davis, Department Head for Environmental
Oncology, University of Pittsburgh, USA davisdl(AT)upmc.edu,
h). Dr. Michel Hery, oncologist, Head of the Radiology Department,
Princess Grace Hospital, Monaco, France
i). Professor Lucien Isral, Professor Emeritus of Oncology, Paris-XIII
University, member of the Institute
j). Jacques Marilleau, engineer, former physicist at the Atomic Energy
Commission and at the French National Center for Scientific Research,
Orsay , France
k). Dr. Jean-Loup Mouysset, oncologist, president of the association
l). Dr. Philippe Presles, President of the Moncey Institute for
Preventative Health, Paris
m). Professor Henri Pujol, oncologist, former president of the French
National League Against Cancer henripujol(AT)valdorel.fnclcc.fr,
n). Dr. Annie Sasco, Director of the Epidemiology Team for Cancer
Prevention at Inserm, Bordeaux-II University annie.sasco(AT)isped.u-
o). Dr. Simone Saez, former Manager of the L閛n-B閞ard Center for the
Fight against Cancer, Lyon, France
p). Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry,
University of Pittsburgh david(AT)servan-schreiber.com,
ddss(AT)pitt.edu, david(AT)guerir.fr,
q). Dr. Pierre Souvet, cardiologist, President of the Environmental
Health Association Provence , France souvet(AT)aol.com,
r). Dr. Jacques Vilcoq, oncologist, Hartmann Clinic, Neuilly-sur-
Seine, France
A PDF of the Appeal and Recommendations is available at
bernard.asselain(AT)curie.fr, berrino(AT)istitutotumori.mi.it,
christian.chenal(AT)univ-rennes1.fr, jw.coebergh(AT)ikz.nl,
j.coebergh(AT)erasmusmc.nl, jean-marc.cosset(AT)curie.net,
davisdl(AT)upmc.edu, henripujol(AT)valdorel.fnclcc.fr,
derosnay(AT)club-internet.fr, annie.sasco(AT)isped.u-bordeaux2.fr,
david(AT)guerir.fr, david(AT)servan-schreiber.com, ddss(AT)pitt.edu,

(3) Australian Environment Minister Peter GARRETT is quite willing to
look into our problem.
You can talk to their office. Tel.+61.2.6277.76.40
PLEASE WRITE TO minister.office(AT)environment.gov.au
(4) French victim Mr. Rudy's meeting with 6 European lawyers in Paris
is planned for Sept.8th, 2008.
There has been no talk of inviting other victims for the moment. Here
are the areas they specialize in: NTIC (New Technology of Information
& Communication), cyber crimes, weapons issues, violent crime cases,
privacy invasion, defamation, civil and human rights, mobbing and
Any suggestions are most welcome.


Sep 22, 2008, 1:45:52 AM9/22/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
(5) 8th & 9th September 2008, The Royal Society, London, National
Academy of science of the UK & Commonwealth
The rapid growth rate of mobile phones, phone masts and wireless
communication systems, alongside various reports of possible adverse
effects on health, has caused increased concern around the world over
the potential effect of electromagnetic pollution on health and the
environment. It is clear than a new level of debate needs to take
place between scientists, politicians, government regulators, the mass
media and the general public in order to develop appropriate
precautionary guidance. At present the technology is being
increasingly used with almost no effective precautionary advice to the
public and urgent guidance is needed in order to alert the public and
especially our children.
The UK Radiation Research Trust (RRT) are leading supporters of a
reasoned precautionary approach to human exposure to Electromagnetic
Radiation (EMR). At present, a more precautionary approach to
powerlines and electrical installations is being considered by the UK
Government and others under the Stakeholder Advisory Group on ELF EMFs
(SAGE). However, similar work is not yet being done for human exposure
to modern wireless telecommunication signals, the exposure to which is
growing rapidly. This international two-day conference is intended to
provide a high-level forum to debate these issues.

This is a crucial meeting which is mainly, but not exclusively, based
around the microwave/mobile phone communications and health. It brings
both sides of the debate together from the highest levels in the
world. Sir William Stewart, Chairman for the UK Health Protection
Agency (HPA) has agreed to attend and open up the debate. The HPA are
advisors to the UK Government. Many other senior advisors including
those from the EU, WHO, ICNIRP, BioInititive Scientists, and SWI will
be speaking and attending.

The Radiation Research Trust look forward to welcoming our guests and
will encourage scientists and others to share their knowledge and
understanding to help search for areas of agreement in order to
generate reasoned precautionary advice to encourage policy makers to
make decisions both regarding appropriate advice for the present and
identifying areas where more research is needed.

The UK Charity the EM Radiation Research Trust (RRT). The Board of
Trustees are Dr Ian Gibson Labour MP, Andrew Mitchell Conservative MP,
Willie Rennie Lib Dem MP, Dr Caroline Lucas Green Party MEP, Dr Gerard
Hyland, Eileen O'Connor Mike Bell and Brian Stein.

(6) DALE WAHL'S PROJECT--From USA victim Derrick
Lately, we've begun promoting a project of Dale Wahl in Denver who has
come up with a process that will hopefully bring hope, healing, and
restoration to those who are seriously assaulted by directed energy.
The basic idea is of grounding the electromagnetic energy to the Earth
so that it flows out of the body and promotes healing. This is not a
shielding remedy. It's a healing and restoration process. Here's all
you do:
Materials needed are two grounding rods placed in the backyard, three
feet deep, 20 feet apart and about 5 or 6 feet from the house.
Electric wire is attached to each of the rods with hose clamps and
enough wire to extend to the inside of the house, to a basement or
first floor to a comfortable chair.
Refill the holes with leaves or dirt and 5 or 6 gallons of water -
enough to connect to the groundwater. This connection is very
One end is placed on the seat of the chair where you sit. And the
other end you attach to your navel (after experiments, this seems to
be the most reliable spot).
Sit in the chair for a couple of hours while the electromagnetic
energy is drained out of your system. That's all there is to it!
One person so far has tried this process and it has worked extremely
well for her. So we hope others will find similar comfort and relief
through its use. We are hoping to have Dale at the conference call in
the very near future to speak further about his discovery. For a
complete explanation and diagrams of Dale's project, visit this link:

Those of you who missed Roger Tolces' interview on Coast to
Coast,Ziggy Beats from "The Fourth Watch" has recorded it and it's
available for listening listed as an Aug 7 program at this link:

Q + A Conference Call next Wednesday Aug. 20, 8PM EST Re: Thermal
Imaging Project for East Coast Victims
To begin possibly early-September 2008, for New York Region Victims;
Also possibly, last 2-3 weeks of September for some other locations on
the East Coast.
All East Coast Victims: V2K, and other victims of electromagnetic
signals monitoring and/or assault, or other East Coast TIs who just
want to learn about it are Invited to attend a Question and Answer
Conference Call, about this Thermal Imaging, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20,
2008, 8PM, Eastern Time.
The TI from California who has the Thermal Imaging camera is scheduled
to attend the Conference Call
TIs who are V2K (voice to skull) victims, about 9 out of every 10,have
distinct, otherwise unexplainable-for-a-human Thermal Images using
this camera. Also, some [relatively few] victims who are not V2K have
unusual images using this camera - it depends on how (sometimes
related to 'how intensely', or 'how intensely mentally'),
the victim is targeted; however, most non-V2K victims should expect
not to have blatantly unusual images using this camera. The TI from
California (and victims helping him) want to do this Thermal Imaging
Nationally or Semi-Nationally (i.e., victims from multiple regions of
the U.S.).
We hope to get about 50 - 100+ Images of V2K victims, and then, to
make a presentation, such as to: Elected Officials, and others.
CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-218-339-7800


Oct 1, 2008, 6:27:08 PM10/1/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
28 September 2008 Mailteam Works--victims work trends
(1) Two new websites for networking victims all over the world
Created by Monika Stoces http://mcvictimsworld.ning.com/
Created by Soleilmavis http://peacepink.ning.com
(2) http://online.qmags.com/PG0908/
If you will click on the link it will take you to an article that was
published in the current issue of the Pennsylvania Gazzette which is
the school paper for the University of Penn where Moreno is now
working. I am sure that all of you know of his most recent book titled
Mind Wars that was released in 1996.
Beth Tioxon made me aware of this article so she gets all the credit
for finding it.
Good work Beth.

(3) Dr. Delgado
Villar Palasi, the Spanish minister of health, asked Delgado to help
organize a new medical school at the Autonomous University in Madrid,
and he accepted, moving with his wife and two children to Spain in
In Spain, Delgado shifted his focus to noninvasive methods of
affecting the brain, which he hoped would be moremedically acceptable
than implants. Anticipating
modern techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation, he
invented a halolike device and a helmet that could deliver
electromagnetic pulses to specific neural regions.

(4)The Doctor Who Hears Voices

The Doctor Who Hears Voices tells the true story of Ruth, a junior
doctor, who has begun to hear a male voice telling her to kill
herself. Suspended from her job, she turns to clinical psychologist
Rufus May who is known for his unconventional approach to treating
people with mental health problems. Although she admitted feeling
depressed and suicidal to her employers, Ruth knows they would have
sacked her immediately if she had told them about the voice

(5) This newletter announces an event tonight in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands. It is called Docs at the Docks . LINK http://www.docsatthedocks.nl/
It is part of a series of evenings which each has a theme for which I
do the interviews and take part in the programming. Tonight the theme
is Big Brother and the growing fear of governments for its citizens.
With interviews, performances and of course a documentary. The
documentary is English and with subtitles; the interviews and most of
the performances are in Dutch.
Alexander Pechtold bij Docs at the Docks
Thema: Privacy - Bang voor de burger P E R S B E R I C H T Docs at
the Docks dinsdag 23 september 2008
Documentaires die je wakker schudden Gast: Alexander Pechtold
Documentaire: Suspect Nation Thema: Big Brother ?Bang voor de burger
tonight is subject of big brother privacy and technological
surveillence with politician and well know "hacker in talk team about
privacy and technology , that is why i mailed , and also deepjournal
is press agency that before already by Daan Spaak payed attention to
mindcontrol !

Daan Spaak who runs the office already before wrote about


(6) There will be another TI meeting this Sunday, September 14, 2008,
at 1:00pm at the Martin Luther King Library, 150 E. San Fernando St.,
in San Jose. We'll meet in front of the building and then proceed to a
conference room. This will be the sixth since we started these weekly
meetings last month. An excellent opportunity to get together with
other TIs, discuss various OS/EH issues, and assert our humanity!
It's expected to last roughly 2 hours.
If you know of any SF Bay Area TIs who would like to receive these
meeting notices either via email, fax or postal mail, please have them
contact me at the contact info listed below.
Plan to spend 15 minutes looking for parking; free parking is
available at the Fourth Street Garage across from the Library on E.
San Fernando St.

Look forward to seeing you there; new-comers are encouraged to RSVP;
have my cell phone number handy in case you have trouble finding us!
Bruno Marchesani
(650) 776-1814 cell

(7) Hello, Bruno
Thank you for the information
i am collecting testimonies for a few TIs to take to submit to a human
right organization in connection to UN as i got engaged in this matter
i see that may be one of the reasons some of us who have gone to the
UN or any where else have not been
i concluded this by reviewing the testimonies that i have received
there are packages and documents with no specific format and
hormoney the testimonies the way they are presented are not going to
be effective look like a major scatred complains sometimes they sound
factual then other times not factual leaving the reader can get
confuse and lost with no clarity.....of course the reader can not see
a road map a clear harmonious pattern ...this either will delay our
cause or our cause will
not move forward due to the complications....

i think it is important for every TI to have a testimonial it is like
the driver license in order to be one voice we must have a common
format in our testimonial to send our testimonies following the same
format so the reader can see very clearly what is going on....the way
it is now is not effective ....

would you like to discuss this and come up with a templet and have
every one use it so we go together every where and they do read our

I think this is one of the most important first steps that we should
work on.....
Please contact me .....let me know what do you think...this is to
every one whom i have addressed this e-mail to.

Thank you
Massie (Massie(a)ConstructionDefect.us)

(8) My civil case has now been initiated and is in the Pacer system.
I'll be serving the defendants early next week. If all goes well,
I'll be initiating a discovery process soon afterwards. I can provide
copies of the documents so far entered free of charge to you, if you
are interested. Some of the video tape exhibits are available through
YouTube at:
Ted Jackson
17 JACKSON, TED GRAHAM gandce 1:2008cv02810 09/08/2008 895
Jackson v. Federal Bureau of Investigation et al

(9) New Attorney for Mind Control Victims
Dear Attorney Wilson

I am proud to announce that my Attorney Dr. F. Bari Nejadpour Esq. is
joining your effort in support to Due victims with you.
I gathered that Derrick mentioned Attorney Wilson may have a lot to do
and needs help . My beloved attorney Dr. Nejadpour has agreed to join
with attorney Wilson in the
law suit or any legal proceedings on behalf of DEW victims. Since my
attorney is so busy could you please kindly first contact me i will
act as Mr.Nejadpour's assistance.
Also, i would like to mention that i have had a few years of legal
training not so in depth but enough to be assist anting Dr.

I am please to announce that Last Week my beloved brilliant
Psychologist Dr. Siamak Monjezi has agreed to Psychologically/
stand against the harms of DEW on Victims of this crime.

I would like to announce that my Beloved brilliant Attorney has joined
and offered his legal support to the victims of DEW.
It is an honor to have these gentlemen on board along much respected
Attorney Wilson.
Since he is so busy please first contact me then i will inform him and
i will assist him in his legal Support against DEW
i know them personally they are of high quality human and
professionals with an open mind and open hear.

Also, my endless gratitude to you Attorney Wilson, Derrick, Timothy,
Richard and all the responsible individuals and all the TIs you are
all brilliant human beings we are a team who would be among the
pioneers in this movement to end such aggregation against our
constitution and humanity...

i informed my beloved attorney of the DEW exposure he offered me his
support and said will stand by me till the end and he has truly done
that no matter how i have been framed as untouchables and condemned by
the handful of violators our rights who are so powerful and
manipulating the whole government of US acting as our
government ....while
i was put in the terrorist list of united States of American and
labeled by the County mental hospital a mentally ill and non
cooperative patient. this label has been sent to all home;and
security , national security and all relevant agencies . i have been
put in the "Electronic Guantanamo" per Military Commission Act of 2006
signed and made into Law by the legendary George W. Bush!!!

My beloved attorney never gave up on me he reminded me how respectful
i was . he always receives me as a professional and fine human....

i have written the following to show in what circumstance my attorney
still stood by me.....to demonstrate his heart and mind and of course
my beloved Psychologist did the same....
This life goes on for the beautiful Souls ......

Being on the Terrorist list of USA with the Global War on Terror
Campgin of this administration (who are planning to continue it for
decades per their announcement to keep me captives while bin laden is
enjoying life at some resorts... ) you can imagine what i must i have
i have been burned, i had been taken to emergence hospital for having
lots of liquid accumulation on my brain...i have been electronically
sexually violated when
American solitudes were violating Iraqi solders in Iraqi war ...i have
been sent terror and sexual degrading messages for a long period of
time...my car a fairly new Mercedes Benz engineer blow up in the FWY.
my face and body is deformed to make me look less attractive and look
tiered old angry there are lines put on my face to make me fit the
terrorist accusations, my properties and clothing are vandalized on
the daily bases . by employers of the U.S. Department of Treasury .i
have been threatened over and again, my family has become a victim my
mother and other member of my family are being murdered by radiation
and they do not know it is radiation this was to justify that my whole
family is bad and this runs in the family.to even block more of
reaching high officials by taking every credibility i could ever have
and murdering my family in front my eyes ..i have lost my 22 years of
outstanding service to the local US Government had been electronically
sexually abused at my employment at County of Los Angeles Department
of Public Works by mind control i would hear my boss or whoever
pretended to be my boss sexually electronically violate i knew my top
bosses were well aware and involved in this . Then the same people
have put a report against me that i manipulate men to....to get my
way ....i was given such a secure that i do not know how i got home
from work i was so frightened i could not go to work for two days the
former director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Public
Works accused me that i have offered my body to him for a promotion my
degrees and education supersedes my boss's the rummer was devastating
to my professionalism while i was working there.most of these
accusations as of now are Public documents devastating my career ... i
kept on producing the best projects an engineer could till the day i
was fired i acted professionally towards all including Public.as among
pioneer women engineer i have lost my health insurance my savings i
have borrowed to take my law suits against such aggression , i am
stopped now of receiving a loan which i am perfectly well qualified by
one of the most experienced credible loan officers but the loan
officer does not understand why he is having such a hard time with my
loan stop me of taking my case to court so i will be free from this
agression and it the DEW scandle will surface....i am financially very
My experience is that Police is the coordinator of all they have to be
brought to Justice. If you noticed every TIs life has been touched by
Police. the source may be somewhere else but the Police is the
coordinator turning the innocent in making falls accusations
manipulating other aganices to comply with their .
When i went to police to pelge that this abuse to be stopped i saw
the ...Please forgive me that i have to use an unprofessional word ...
i saw a tall big man there was something about his looks he smiled at
me by electronic communication i was told that this man is my master
and a pimp and tonight we are going to have orgies ...and it went on
with profanity this is our Police Department.....i went home i called
the White House .....and the FBI . perhaps they made a mental illness
report against me because it did not end for a while....
i have never spoken about this i was frightened to be labeled further
as mentally ill now everything is so becoming exposed that i am
talking about it for the first time...publickly

Is not interesting that the Police hires Pimps, criminals, violators
vandalizers and the U.S. Department of Treasury pays them a salary and
benefits !!! Pimps and under cover securities which are in any and all
buildings in the most remote locations every building you can think
of receive jobs, paychecks and benefits from Police and the
Department of Treasury and I HAVE NO JOB......

All TIs please know that the violaterors of your life mostly are on
pay roll and paid by the US Department of Treasury.

i wish our legal processes would holed the POLICE and the US
Departmetn of Tresuary responsible we should put our heads togehter
and see how this can be dome we we must be able to ring this to the
Senate and Congress and the POLICE is easy every TIs records and
files has been touched by the POLICE at one point whether the TI is
aware of it or not...

Even though i respect police and that is 20% of them i have frightened
to report other major crimes against me...i have lost 80% of my
respect for Police.

Police has to be brought to Justice also, we must put our heads
together and see how we can do this. Also i will be campaign for
Police Reform. Police betrays American Government ( the public side of
the Government and gets money and funding pretending keeping terrorist
the TIs out of dangering the US Public taking the money and abusing
the innocent citizens and turning them to entities who have monopoly
on the new emerging technology the Nano Technology..... I am a victim
of Police aggression so are my family .....

It is conceivable if McCain wins god forbidden especially not palin a
disaster for women right and other ethnic groups and labor union
members Rights just before our February meeting with Senator Eric
Adams there are going to be a lot of terrorist activities happening
in the subways of NewYork as as result McCain perhaps will right a law
to effect as such: Military commission Act of 2009 no crowed of mores
than two could gather any where in town that is our new National
Security policy and this all in the name of war on terror ultimately
keeping America Safe.Why do i say this because this is exactly what
happened to me....they fired me then there were surprisingly lots of
NewYourk subway threat it was then they made into law much more
profoundly that any such treat one goes into the US Terrorist list
then they justified to strip me of my everything and dehumanize me.
Any time US has any problems in other countries the Electronic
Guantanamo for me becomes even more unbearable in the Electronic
Guantamo right here in Los Angles i am abused as if i am related to
any thing abroad!!
If these people are so incompetent how are they are claiming that they
are defending our country America. if they can not realize in Seven
years that i am not a terrorist? how could they be trusted by safe
guarding us...if they go after the Patriot instead of the
Enemy ...do;t you think that there is a real problem here? i believe
Police need help legally and psychologically , ethically they have be
trained how to be a Patriot and to be peaceful...

My attorney not only believed in my innocence he encouraged me to be
strong in our constitution when i was down he would up lift me with
his encouraging words and beautiful smile. he invited me to all his
family gatherings so i would not be isolated while there would be
immense measures taken against me to come out of isolation...
Attorney Nejadpour is a Patriot & a Humaniterian
My beloved Attorney became my legal strength and the brother i never
had ....now he along my
No attorney would want to take my case either they were afraid or they
were so narrow minded they taught i was crazy.
Any American attorney i have been that they were courageous and
understood wanted to take my case seemingly they would be contacted
and perhaps they were informed that there is
court order against me and that is the NO DUE POSSES CORUT of FISA
that the terrorist are prosecuted behind their back based on the law
enforcements and the Police and they are sentenced to death with no
poroal the DEW and the Electronic Gaunatamo just as me and my family
just as many TIs. the Attorney immediately would cancel their taking
upon my case i had this happen over and again even the County Board of
Supervisor Deputy to Supervisor Antonovich told an influential friend
of mine who was trying to do something positive for me in relation to
my employment the Deputy told my friend Sir STAY AWAY FROM THIS
The crime against us and against me is so immense that they can not
afford this case to go to court they are financially and by DEW are
almost killing me
but my beloved Attorney supported me...............

No attorney would want to talk to me ...this is how the Police of
Glendale managed to make my statute of limitation pass so even though
i sued them but they got away with the violation of my civil/
constitutional right they got away with the taking my health and life
from me and my family.
Again now they are manipulating unreasonably the loan situation i have
so i can not continue to complete my law suits against their
despicable crimes....so they can be hiding from the court of law and
continue to their crime against the Humanity....
No matter what my attorney stood by me.....

Please now that i have top degrees and licenses and experiences in my
field and have been acknowledged by the Cambridge who's who the
"Professional of the Year for 2008-2009 and last year i was recognized
as the Top Women Engineers since 2002 to date as among Top
Professional Engineers in the US. As of now i have no job and my
finances are devastated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure you would appriciate that what kind of a retaliation i will
be facing for this...................but i will go on........there is
hope out of sentence to death without poroal there is hope out of
electronic Guantanamo .....all will be fine soon for us even if McCain
and palin come in write more torture and electronic Guantanamo
because we have now our brilliant professionals on board and we have
each other we have our constitution and we have God............the
future is bright..... :-)

I am writing a book of my story and by my experience who are involve
in this aggression the benefit of the book if any mostly will go to
the wellbeing of TIs or our cause....

i will not send long e-mails as such again....
Thank you

Peace and love/Respect
Massie Munreo,
license/ Professional Engineer

(10) Some news from harlan girard
(1) he treaty which really protects all TI's from inoluntary human
experiments is the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, which the United States has both signed and ratified by the
way. I have just had the scumbags who read my email as I am typing
erase about 30 minutes worth of typing on this subject, so I really
don't know how to protect this information I am about to impart.
Every country which has joinead up must periodically submit a
report on its compliance with the ICCPR. I recently came across the
report of the committee which receives the compliance reports
regarding the latest report of the UK. It can be accessed at
www.statewatch.org/news/2008/jul/uk-un-hr.pdf. It should make
surprising reading dfor most of you.
If your country has signed and ratified the Treaty of Roame
establishing the International Criminal Court, you can use the ICCPR
as the basis of a complaint to the ICC.
However, don't expect the court to send out policemen to investigate
your complaint. You must be able to name names, etc. I do not know
why no TI in Europe has filed a
complaint with the ICC. Just acute laziness, I guess.
(2). A very interesting and provocative article about the bullying
relationship between the USA and Europe is available at
It would seem to me a good idea to include it whever you write a
parliamentarian regarding USA torture experiments in Europe. The
title of the article is "EU/US security "channel"---a one-way
(3). There is an organization in London which I had never heard about
until very recently. The name is Reprieve, PO Box 52742, London EC4P
4WS and the telephone is
020 7353 4640. Email is in...@reprieve.org.uk Thery have an interest
in 'war on terror' prisoners being held on the British possession of
Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean.
Years ago I would have called on them but I am getting too old for
that. It will have to be up to British torture prisoners of the USA
to make that call and find out if they can be persuaded to take and
interst in us. Their website is at www.reprieve.org.uk

http://www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/content/view/242/144/ (in many

A broad movement of campaigners and organizations is calling on
everybody to join action against excessive surveillance by governments
and businesses. On 11 October 2008, concerned people in many countries
will take to the streets, the motto being "Freedom not fear 2008".
Peaceful and creative action, from protest marches to parties, will
take place in many capital cities.

Surveillance mania is spreading. Governments and businesses
register,monitor and control our behaviour ever more thoroughly. No
matter what we do, who we phone and talk to, where we go, whom we are
friends with, what our interests are, which groups we participate in -
"big brother" government and "little brothers" in business know it
more and more thoroughly. The resulting lack of privacy and
confidentiality is
putting at risk the freedom of confession, the freedom of speech as
well as the work of doctors, helplines, lawyers and


Dear .Human Rights and Civil Liberties Supporters

On the 11th of October 2008, human and civil rights organizations from
all over the world are planning protests in their capitals.

This world-wide campaign seeks to raise awareness for the need of
greater freedom and democracy in Europe. We organize a protest against
the security and intelligence apparatus of states, which contravene
human rights by means of surveillance, data retention and biometric

The retention of citizen's electronic communication violates
fundamental human rights, such as the right to privacy. It prevents
confidential communication between priests and confessors, journalists
and their sources, doctors and their patients, lawyers and their

And it does not increase the success of criminal investigations.

Instead it can be used to reveal political, business, and private
communication and thus endangers the work of political, direct aid as
well as refugee support groups.

We kindly ask you to support this major European protest by sending
the call for action to your members and other like-minded
organizations. We are very thankful for organizational, logistic and
financial support, which is still needed in many countries!

*Our common goal is to form a broad and sustainable movement for
freedom and democracy across the world.*

Our vision is that hundreds of thousands of people stand up for a just

The International Call for Action can be found on the internet.
(If you would like to participate, you are kindly requested to
translate into your language and release it together with a press
release, describing your planned actions.)

May we kindly ask you and your national member organizations to sign
and support the campaign and its Call for Action.

Please be aware that the whole campaign costs a lot of money; e.g. for
Germany we estimate costs of 50-100.000 Euro. The organizations in the
member states are kindly asked to strive for independent funding as
money is desperately needed in every country.

We have set up an organizational website, where every country is
listed. In some states the contact data of a main organizer are still
missing, which simply means that no organization has taken the
responsibility of organizing the protest yet. All of you are most
welcome to do so.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to
contact me, you'll find my contact data below.

Best regards,
John Finch,
5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia,
TEL: 0424009627
EMAIL: tijohnfinch@..., MCmailteam@...


Oct 6, 2008, 9:34:30 PM10/6/08
to Soleilmavis(mailteam)
10 Oct 2008 Mailteam Works--victims work trends
(1) DNNY monthly Meeting on 5 Oct 2008

Lynn Surgalla will present a program which will address the GLOBAL
SATYAGRAHA. (Our Coalition of Public-Interest groups, Worldwide,
(including info re: the 8 years of World Social Fora) and our struggle
against the rotten old crime "empire."

The last hour will be a Q & A.

Invite your friends. Everyone should be aware of the facts that this
meeting will reveal!

The LGBT Community Center
208 West 13th Street
Check at the front desk for room number day of event.
Donation $8
R.S.V.P. recommended.
Call 917-701-9033 or send an e-mail to:

Weaponization of Space

Lynn Surgalla, a physicist and scientific Advisor to many public
interest organizations addressing the use of weapons in space, has
supplied New york's DNNY organization with new background information
about the weaponization of space. Lynn will be a guest speaker at the
DNNY monthly meeting on October 5, 2008.

IMMEDIATELY AFTER the 9/11/01 attacks on NYC & the Pentagon,
Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced the SPACE PRESERVATION ACT OF
2001 (HR2977).
SECTION 7 of this Bill listed many categories of ELECTROMAGNETIC &
called it a "DUMMY" BILL) with SECTION 7 removed. Our COALITIONS of
group and several other SDI-Disarmament groups ) agreed that we could
not support the gutted legislation.
IN ADDITION, there were LOOPHOLES which EXEMPTED not only the WORST
Lynn Surgalla took SECTION 7 of HR2977 (the 2001 ORIGINAL BILL) to the
CONFERENCES. THE USA PUBLIC must NOT be kept ignorant & disinformed on
We THANK Al Webre for DRAFTING the ORIGINAL BILL and for working
We THANK Congressman Dennis Kucinich for INTRODUCING the ORIGINAL BILL
The subsequent gutting of the original bill and suppression of PUBLIC
DISCLOSURE & PROTECTION was-----of course---- NOT their fault--------
Lynn Surgalla
II) New York Disclosure Network NYC chapter -- From Timothy R. White
I am an activist, expert witness and adviser to New York State Senator
Eric Adams, and too many public interest organizations addressing the
use of electronic weapons on the ground and in space. I found my first
meeting on 10/05/2008 with New York's DNNY organization with Dr. Lynn
Surgalla and myself as guest speaker on the issues of electronic
weapons both supportive in interesting. Thank you for the opportunity
to address your group. I am seeking your membership in the New York
Disclosure Network because of the issues outlined below.

New York State Senator Eric Adams is planning a hearing to investigate
the issue of advanced technology currently in use by the U.S.
Government for convert surveillance and torture of Americans and
citizens around the world. The issue may seem like science fiction if
it were not for the fact that many people are coming forward with
evidence of being victimized by remote neuropsychological and directed
energy weapons developed by the US Government.

The Senator Eric Adams a well know activist in New York City, is
assisting us in combating these issues. The Senator agrees that there
is compelling evidence pointing toward the need for governmental
oversight and legislation that would protect the rights and liberties
of individual citizens against the testing use these weapon systems.

Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) June 24, 2008 -- As the issue of torturing
foreign suspects plays out in Washington and the news media, there is
a little-known aspect of the torture issue that some would find
surprising and hopefully alarming. These issues are being brought to
light by me and
Derrick Robinson USA OHIO: Freedom from Covert Harassment and
Surveillance (FFCHS), http://freedomfchs.com/
Massie Munroe USA California,
AUSTRALIA: John Finch, tijoh...@gmail.com
USA: Dr. Robert Duncan Hacking the Mind,
USA Alaska: Dr. Nick Begich, Controlling the Human Mind & Angels Don't
Play This H.A.A.R.P.
CHINA: Soleilmavis PeacePink http://peacepink.ning.com ,
BELGIUM: Monika Stoces Federation Against Mind Control Europe,
CANADA: Mostafa Hosny Rule of Law Defenders, www.hosnyinfo.com
and many others. All are human rights activists and organizations,
whose membership is comprised of victims both in the US and many
countries internationally.

The investigative hearing planned for February 2009, will address the
New York State Senate Judiciary Committee, other elected officials and
the press. I have contacted you because I am seeking membership in
organizations that share our concerns, that I can support, and that
can lend support to our campaign to bring these issues to light.

State Senator Eric Adams is seeking the following: State and Federal
legislation banning the use of this technology in compliance with the
European Parliament's resolution international convention ban on all
developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of
manipulation of human beings. The criminalizing all human research
without the informed consent of the subject, including all classified
behavioral research. He is seeking civil and criminal relief to be
awarded to all victims of these crimes.


Timothy R. White
Activist Coordinator
718 601-2073

(2) Mess petition--Human Rights Watch
This weeks mailaction is to Human Rights Watch, please participate.

ro...@hrw.org, car...@hrw.org, fel...@hrw.org, dic...@hrw.org,
ol...@hrw.org, has...@hrw.org,
mailto:Gri...@humanrightsfirst.org,hrw...@hrw.org, hr...@hrw.org,
hr...@hrw.org, hrw...@hrw.org, hr...@hrw.org, hrwa...@skynet.be,
hrw...@hrw.org, ber...@hrw.org, tor...@hrw.org,
hrwat...@igc.apc.org, rg...@hrw.org, goo...@hrw.org, gi...@hrw.org,
pet...@hrw.org, car...@hrw.org, den...@hrw.org, por...@hrw.org,
lei...@hrw.org, hr...@hrw.org, chi...@hrw.org, hrw...@hrw.org,
pa...@hrw.org, hr...@hrw.org, hr...@hrw.org, tor...@hrw.org,
hrwp...@hrw.org, lotte....@hrw.org, arm...@hrw.org,
lotte....@hrw.org, pari...@hrw.org, arm...@hrw.org

Sample letter:
Subject: Silent Epidemics Electromagnetic Weapons Experimentation
Please Help
in the body (text , message ) of the mail:
I BECAME AWARE OF MY ATTACK IN ..year.. (for instance: 2003).

I am a Victim of Electronic Harassment/ Mind Control/ Directed Energy
Weapons/ Organized Stalking and Torture
Citizenship: China + contact details
Year Torture/Abuse Began: Dec 2001
Email: solei...@yahoo.com
Write more info short like example below (adept for your case ) In
case you don't know what to write at all , or you don't know English
leave open.
I live in China. My nationality is Chinese. I was first attacked on
Dec 2001 when I was studying for a Masters Degree in Australia.
My details experiences: - (this may be short, keep it clear )
The main symptoms are:-
This technology is able to
(do you experience tampering hacking of electronic devices
communications ?)

(3) Please contact Senator Schumer
I encourage you to contact Senator Schumer regarding the implants and
our torture.
Today, I AGAIN contacted the FBI to request an appointment with the
branch that investigates corruption and misconduct by other federal
agencies, with regard to our vein microchip implants.
I was AGAIN turned away.
Senator Schumer should be given the petition of names that FFCHS has
(Cassandra has them) and ask why we must endure this torture as mafia,
etc crime victims.
He should be asking who actually states this torture must continue.
Not ONE person will say this must continue and incriminate him/
I really feel Schumer needs to be contacted. Best yet, get an
appointment with him at his local office.
He has shown fairness with our Senatorial candidate, Jim Martin. He
may very well help. When I call other states, I am encouraged to call
my own Senators, who are NOT interested in helping us at all.
Pamela Farnsworth
Atlanta, GA
404.484.0944 epa...@comcast.net

(4) China victims Zhongxiang Li prepared for a letter to the National
People's Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China, some other
victims also had written to NPC for urging law to ban abbuse and
torture of mind control, and directed energy weapons.
I wish all victims also can send their petition letters to NPC ad

The National People's Congress
Mr. Wu Bangguo
Legislative Affairs Commission
Hu Kangsheng
Li Fei Wang Shengming
An Jian Xin Chunying
Add: No. 23, Xijiaominxiang
Xicheng District, Beijing 100805
The People's Republic of China
Email: eng...@npc.gov.cn
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