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Murder rate in the United States from another view

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Apr 18, 2016, 8:08:43 PM4/18/16


Apr 18, 2016, 8:36:46 PM4/18/16
On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:08:41 -0700 (PDT), GLOBALIST
<> wrote:

I wonder if that's really true? If so, why isn't the government
killing people in those states instead of killing so many Arabs? :-)

Lawrence Akutagawa

Apr 18, 2016, 9:38:48 PM4/18/16

"GLOBALIST" wrote in message

****** This line separates my response from the foregoing ******

You know, Village really should check things out before
believing what others say - and passing them on to us.
Take me, for instance...I call you the Village Idiot not because of some
casual, random rationale. I call you the Village Idiot because day in and
day out, you are no more...and certainly no less...than the Village Idiot
that you the Village Idiot are. You the Village Idiot
repeatedly...repeatedly, I yourself to be none other than the
Village Idiot.
Take this link of yours, for example. Clearly you believe that nonsense
about the United States having the third highest murder rate as portrayed in
that link. Notice that there is no actual naming or reference to this

Now run some searches on the net for the 25 or so countries with the highest
murder rate. Guess what, Village Idiot...the United States not appear on
such lists!

Inasmuch as you, Village Idiot, have provided us with this link, it
logically follows - insofar as you the Village Idiot have no negative
comment on the contents -that you the Village Idiot support the content of
this link of yours. Indeed, your Village Idiot header supports those
contents. Now, Village Idiot, do produce that list which discusses "Murder
rate in the United States from another view"....specifically, that list
which has the United States as having the third highest murder rate in the

Dollar to donuts that the Village Idiot - instead of producing that list of
which he the Village Idiot says "Murder rate in the United States from
another view" will instead - in true Village Idiot response - perform for us
Performance #423 of that death and truth defying Intellectual Coward ploy
where he places his tail between those legs of his and then takes off right
back into that hole of his under his rock.


Apr 19, 2016, 6:14:13 AM4/19/16

And if you drop the big cities from the other countries ... man you're
blooming Village Idiot.



Apr 19, 2016, 7:15:35 AM4/19/16
Well instead we are paying big bucks to keep them
locked up and out of society. My freedom would
motivate me to stay out of prison but it may
be the only home some of them have ever had


Apr 19, 2016, 7:19:17 AM4/19/16
Now the Village Idiot is saying prison is a "home". How idiotic can this
fool get?



Apr 19, 2016, 7:28:30 AM4/19/16
Actually, I would not doubt the truth of that magazine cover. Remove
those four cities (plus NYC) and we are (culturally) mostly and
Anglo-Saxon country. Englishmen do not murder each other -- over
pocket change. Prehistoric tribes .. do.


Apr 19, 2016, 7:55:11 AM4/19/16
It's home to most of the shit that occupies it.


Apr 19, 2016, 8:21:10 AM4/19/16
No, Gary, it's a prison which, by definition, does not qualify as a home.



Apr 19, 2016, 6:00:02 PM4/19/16
There's a time-honored method of dealing with murders: catch them
and kill them, or put them away someplace where they'll never come


Apr 19, 2016, 6:19:46 PM4/19/16
When you are told you are doing "life" of 7 or 10
years, you have no choice to make the best of it.
As I traveled after high school, everywhere I went
and I was shown my room, I made it "my home",
in the Ozarks, desert in Apple Valley, in the Santa Fe forest, in Fairbanks,
Alaska, confined by freezing weather for 2 winters.
"Three hots and a cot", some of them never even
had that. They can "rage against the system" all
they want but they ain't going no where".
They never had a strong male figure, but they
damned well do now


Apr 19, 2016, 7:50:01 PM4/19/16
I hate to sound vicious, or uncivilized or unmerciful. But I
sincerely believe that anybody who kills another human being --
without a damn good reason -- should be killed. No amount of
restitution will replace a human life.

Folks in the old days (150+ years ago) -- understood how to serve up
swift and sure justice. If they caught a killer on Monday, they
would try him on Tuesday and hang him on Wednesday. That is what
all civilized communities -- who value the lives of their people --
should do to killers.


Apr 19, 2016, 10:07:15 PM4/19/16
What a Village Idiot.


Apr 20, 2016, 12:08:09 AM4/20/16
Was it Judge Roy Bean that said "we should hang him and then give him a fair trial,"? Justice couldn't be speedy enough, but as we evolved, we grew lawyers

El Castor

Apr 20, 2016, 2:03:14 AM4/20/16
On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:36:44 -0600, mg <> wrote:

To kill them you have to catch them. Anyhow, what do those four cities
have in common? We all know the answer to that one. We are paying the
price for slavery. At least they are killing each other. Let's not
compound the problem by inflicting our descendants with the plague of
Obama's imported Islam.


Apr 20, 2016, 7:39:55 AM4/20/16
On Tue, 19 Apr 2016 23:03:07 -0700, El Castor
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:36:44 -0600, mg <> wrote:
>>On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:08:41 -0700 (PDT), GLOBALIST
>><> wrote:
>>I wonder if that's really true? If so, why isn't the government
>>killing people in those states instead of killing so many Arabs? :-)
>To kill them you have to catch them. Anyhow, what do those four cities
>have in common? We all know the answer to that one. We are paying the
>price for slavery. At least they are killing each other.

We need to remove police presence from all the inner cities. Maybe
then --- the hoodlums would solve our problem for us. Maybe we could
even provoke some gang wars.

>Let's not
>compound the problem by inflicting our descendants with the plague of
>Obama's imported Islam.

Unlike black hoodlums -- the Islam nuts do not kill each other. They
kill civilized people.


Apr 20, 2016, 10:49:24 AM4/20/16
Other than the statistics being wrong (or at least outdated), the
premise of the message being wrong, and that it is presumably put out by
the Powered Wig Society (a ultra right wing collection of bat shit
crazies) the poster is cute.

But tell us, Jeff. What do we all know about what these four cities
have in common?

El Castor

Apr 20, 2016, 4:33:43 PM4/20/16
We both know the answer to that one -- large Black populations.

Chicago - 32.76%
Detroit - 82.67%
Washington - 49.26%
New Orleans - 58.29%

Why would that matter?
"According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5%
of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other"
2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than
whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were
intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of
black victims killed by blacks."

"Almost 8 times higher" is alarming, but I suspect that on further
examination, Black crime rates in the aforementioned four cities would
greatly exceed the national statistics -- while Black crime statistics
in some other areas would be less than the White national average.


Apr 20, 2016, 4:55:34 PM4/20/16

"El Castor" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 07:49:21 -0700, islander <> wrote:
>>On 4/19/2016 11:03 PM, El Castor wrote:
>>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:36:44 -0600, mg <> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:08:41 -0700 (PDT), GLOBALIST
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I wonder if that's really true? If so, why isn't the government
>>>> killing people in those states instead of killing so many Arabs? :-)
>>> To kill them you have to catch them. Anyhow, what do those four cities
>>> have in common? We all know the answer to that one. We are paying the
>>> price for slavery. At least they are killing each other. Let's not
>>> compound the problem by inflicting our descendants with the plague of
>>> Obama's imported Islam.
>>Other than the statistics being wrong (or at least outdated), the
>>premise of the message being wrong, and that it is presumably put out by
>>the Powered Wig Society (a ultra right wing collection of bat shit
>>crazies) the poster is cute.
>>But tell us, Jeff. What do we all know about what these four cities
>>have in common?
> We both know the answer to that one -- large Black populations.

I'd've guessed Democratic leadership.


Apr 20, 2016, 5:32:04 PM4/20/16
And we all expected that answer. It reveals who you are in that you
would rather blame race than all the other social ills that bedevil
these cities.

But that is all very convenient. A black person cannot change their
race, so by your measure, there is nothing that can be done except
discriminate against them for something that they cannot change.

El Castor

Apr 20, 2016, 9:05:48 PM4/20/16
On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 15:55:18 -0500, "JackPineSavage" <>

>"El Castor" <> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 07:49:21 -0700, islander <> wrote:
>>>On 4/19/2016 11:03 PM, El Castor wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 18:36:44 -0600, mg <> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2016 17:08:41 -0700 (PDT), GLOBALIST
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I wonder if that's really true? If so, why isn't the government
>>>>> killing people in those states instead of killing so many Arabs? :-)
>>>> To kill them you have to catch them. Anyhow, what do those four cities
>>>> have in common? We all know the answer to that one. We are paying the
>>>> price for slavery. At least they are killing each other. Let's not
>>>> compound the problem by inflicting our descendants with the plague of
>>>> Obama's imported Islam.
>>>Other than the statistics being wrong (or at least outdated), the
>>>premise of the message being wrong, and that it is presumably put out by
>>>the Powered Wig Society (a ultra right wing collection of bat shit
>>>crazies) the poster is cute.
>>>But tell us, Jeff. What do we all know about what these four cities
>>>have in common?
>> We both know the answer to that one -- large Black populations.
>I'd've guessed Democratic leadership.


El Castor

Apr 20, 2016, 9:44:26 PM4/20/16
But, I really don't blame race. As I've said before, there is an
enclave in Queens of Black immigrants from the Caribbean. Two parent
families, nice well kept homes, and household incomes that exceed
their White neighbors.

Those Black residents of Queens can trace their ancestry back to the
African slave trade -- but there is an interesting difference. They,
or their parents, self selected themselves to pull up their roots and
move to a strange new country -- just as other immigrants to America
did. In doing that, they became a special subset of those they left
behind in Jamaica. I think that is what makes them special -- not a
vitamin or a vaccine, a roll of the genetic dice that set them apart
from their neighbors and gave them the courage to come here.

>But that is all very convenient. A black person cannot change their
>race, so by your measure, there is nothing that can be done except
>discriminate against them for something that they cannot change.

What can be done? Here is something interesting:

"During the 1960s, for instance, the residents of San Francisco's
Chinatown were among America's poorest people—with the most
unemployment, the worst housing conditions, the least education, and
the highest rate of tuberculosis in their city. Yet despite such
hardships, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the
entire state of California in 1965."

"The late political scientist James Q. Wilson debunked the theory that
crime results from poverty, or that redistributive government programs
can reduce crime rates by alleviating poverty, by pointing out that
“crime rose the fastest in this country at a time when the number of
persons living in poverty or squalor was declining.” He added: “I have
yet to see a ‘root cause’ or to encounter a government program that
has successfully attacked it.”"

If you can find a real solution to crime in Detroit, I will personally
contribute to a fund to erect a bronze statue of you in the public
square on Orcas Island. You know the scientists and academics better
than I do. Let's see proof of the treatment that turns a functionally
illiterate Detroiter into an Ashkenazi Jew.


Apr 21, 2016, 1:49:37 PM4/21/16
It is encouraging whenever we hear of minorities who overcome bigotry to
succeed, even more so when a small minority enclave succeeds. These
successes do not excuse the much broader problem of oppressing
minorities on the basis of race or ethnicity.

David Horowitz, founder of Discover The Networks and other similar
organizations that seek to excuse bigotry is evidently the author of the
article that you cited and who, in turn, cites our old friends, Wilson
and Herrnstein and the Heritage Foundation. One can easily question
their motives to paper over the causes of urban social problems.


Chip Berlet, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC),
identified Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture as one of
17 "right-wing foundations and think tanks support[ing] efforts to make
bigoted and discredited ideas respectable." Berlet accused Horowitz of
blaming slavery on "black Africans … abetted by dark-skinned Arabs" and
of "attack[ing] minority 'demands for special treatment' as 'only
necessary because some blacks can't seem to locate the ladder of
opportunity within reach of others,' rejecting the idea that they could
be the victims of lingering racism."

El Castor

Apr 22, 2016, 3:15:45 AM4/22/16
Or perhaps you liberal bigots are simply too cowardly or brainwashed
to speak the truth?


Apr 22, 2016, 12:10:41 PM4/22/16
On the contrary, liberals are finally standing up for fundamental
principles of equality. You should try it sometime.

El Castor

Apr 22, 2016, 4:01:48 PM4/22/16
Equality of what? Equality under the law? We support that.

The equal right of a resident of Mexico City to live in Los Angeles if
they wish? You support that.
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