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Trump furious over leak of warning to not congratulate Putin

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Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 5:00:32 AM3/22/18
Dunno why The Whining Donald is so upset over one of his Whining Donald
minions leaking this information.
After all, all this person did was to follow the exact example set by none
other than fearless, peerless leader himself The Whining Donald when he The
Whining Donald leaked (classified) information to - of all people - the

Boy, but all this is so very entertaining and fun to watch!
ha ha ha

Washington (CNN)
President Donald Trump was infuriated after it quickly leaked that he had
been directly instructed by his national security advisers in briefing
materials not to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on his recent
election victory during their call Tuesday morning, a source familiar with
the President's thinking said.

Trump was fuming Tuesday night, asking his allies and outside advisers who
they thought had leaked the information, noting that only a small group of
staffers have access to those materials and would have known what guidance
was included for the Putin call, the source said.

According to the source, the incident resurfaces his long-held belief there
are individuals inside his administration -- especially in the national
security realm -- who are actively working to undermine him.

White House chief of staff John Kelly also is furious that a confidential
presidential briefing became public knowledge, a White House official said,
and intends to address the matter Wednesday as aides try to figure out who
disclosed the warning.

/snip - read the cited linked article/


Mar 22, 2018, 6:52:41 AM3/22/18
He was "furious". I love it when he is furious. Heads will
roll. I just love your melodrama.

Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 2:04:59 PM3/22/18
"GLOBALIST" wrote in message
***** This line separates my response from the foregoing ******

Melodrama? Me? All that I am doing, Village Idiot, is making observations
about your idol and hero The Whining Donald. Should he The Whining Donald
himself The Whining Donald not create all by himself The Whining Donald such
melodrama, there would not at all be any melodrama on my part to observe!

But - being the Village Idiot that you the Village Idiot time and time again
vindicate yourself the Village Idiot to actually most honestly and
truthfully be - such logical distinctions are clearly much beyond your
Village Idiot ability to your Village Idiot comments here
ha ha ha

And again does the Village Idiot perform his same-o same-o boring
Intellectual Coward ploy to run away from the issue, of course with his tail
well between his legs, back into that deep dark dank same-o same-o hole
under his rock!

Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 2:06:59 PM3/22/18
"GLOBALIST" wrote in message

***** This line separates my response from the foregoing ****** goes the Village Idiot again shooting the messenger instead of
the instigator of the message!
That, folks, is the Village Idiot for you!
But then - really - what else can you reasonable expect from this Village

Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 2:08:40 PM3/22/18
"GLOBALIST" wrote in message

***** This line separates my response from the foregoing ******

My goodness...and here is the Village Idiot enjoying - much as I do - all
this wonderful high level entertainment provided by none other than the
Village Idiot's idol and hero The Whining Donald!
Who would have thought!

Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 2:14:28 PM3/22/18
"GLOBALIST" wrote in message

***** This line separates my response from the foregoing ******

Yes indeed, Village Idiot, it is wonderfully entertaining...and really
really lots of have the president of the United States "furious" at
one of his (unknown, so far) Whining Donald minions for doing exactly that
which he The Whining Donald himself has done!

Clearly the message being sent by The Whining Donald here is that only he
The Whining Donald in his Whining Donald presidency - and absolutely, most
definitely no one else - can leak (classified) information. Now this "do as
I say and not as I do" approach certainly should be familiar to you
yourself, Village Idiot, inasmuch as you yourself the Village Idiot pursue
this particular hypocrisy time and time and time again!

Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 2:17:22 PM3/22/18
"GLOBALIST" wrote in message

***** This line separates my response from the foregoing ******

And here the Village Idiot again falls back on his parlance of folks in The
Whining Donald presidency having served their purpose and as a result
leaving The Whining Donald White House! Clearly the Village Idiot here
substantiates the one and done nature of working for The Whining Donald,
thereby vindicating yet once more that the front door of The Whining Donald
White House is really honestly and truthfully a revolving door!

Lawrence Akutagawa

Mar 22, 2018, 2:21:08 PM3/22/18
"GLOBALIST" wrote in message

***** This line separates my response from the foregoing ******

Yet again, Village Idiot, does The Whining Donald establish himself The
Whining Donald to indeed be as different as different as can be!
What other US president, Village Idiot, has been "furious" for one of his
folks doing exactly what he himself has done? Please name such a president,
Village Idiot.

You, Village Idiot, and your Village Idiot ilk have honestly and most
truthfully put into the White House a person as different as different as
can be, aw well attested by The Whining Donald being "furious" that someone
in his staff did exactly what he The Whining Donald has done!
Quelle différence!
Vive la différence!

b flanier

Mar 22, 2018, 2:43:18 PM3/22/18
On Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 3:52:41 AM UTC-7, GLOBALIST wrote:
> He was "furious". I love it when he is furious. Heads will
> roll. I just love your melodrama.

Globy, you are just not crafty enough to divine why the Donald
would so let me 'splaine it to you.

Listen carefully. The Donald realizes he will not be el Presidente
forever so when he goes back to his original evil ways, real estate,
selling his name or suing, he wants to be able to say to various
powerful bad guys, "Hey, remember when I was nice to you? Let's do
a deal!"

Got it?

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