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(Ireland) 300 Year Old Jewish Cemetery Handed Over to Dublin City Council

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Jan Meisels Allen

Aug 8, 2017, 10:20:36 PM8/8/17
X-No-archive: yes
Ireland's oldest Jewish cemetery, located in Dublin, dates back hundreds of
years. There is a gate lodge which states it was built in 5618 (1857) as a
defense against grave robbing and theft of headstones.

The cemetery has not been taken care of and is overgrown. It has 150
headstones but holds 200 graves. It began in 1718 and was in use until the
end of the 19th century when Dublin's Jewish community moved to the south
side of the city and established a new cemetery near Dolphin's Barn area.

The Dublin Jewish Board of Guardians could no longer afford to provide
maintenance and the Dublin City Council has agreed to take it over and
restore it.

To read the Irish Times article see:
There is a video of inside the cemetery that is accessible from the news

JewishGen has an article about the history of the cemetery which can be read
by going to:

Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee
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