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Someone who was born with an oligarch silver spoon in his mouth is unhappy that his shockn'awe war chest is not frightening other GOP candidates away

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lo yeeOn

Sep 2, 2015, 5:01:47 PM9/2/15
A Once-Sunny Jeb Bush Appears Irked in Donald Trump's Shadow

When Jeb Bush stopped by the Hampton Synagogue here on Saturday, he
was expected to offer a critique of the Iran deal and a short version
of his stump speech to the Orthodox congregation.

But something else was on his mind: the insults hurled at him by
Donald J. Trump.

. . .

"The `low-energy' candidate this week has only been six days, 16 hours
a day campaigning with joy in my heart," he said, [noting that,
earlier in the week, he had risen at 6 a.m. to go running with former
members of the Navy SEALs near the Virginia coast.]

But Mr. Bush does not seem to be radiating much joy these days.

He said last year that he would run for president only if he could do
so with a sunny spirit, but Mr. Trump, the surprise leader in the
polls, has turned this summer into a miserable one for Mr. Bush,
gleefully ignoring the traditional rules of political engagement.

. . .

But the torment goes deeper than that. Emphasizing bluster over ideas,
Mr. Trump has turned the campaign into a tabloid-style clash of
personalities, heavy on provocation and insults. What little policy
that has been discussed mostly revolves around Mr. Trump's appeals to
anxious white conservatives: stoking fears about immigrants, gang
members and foreign countries that, in his telling, are eclipsing

It is a race, in other words, that embodies what Mr. Bush likes least
about politics.

Mr. Bush is at his most animated discussing policy. And the only thing
he may be more passionate about than issues is his conviction that the
Republicans must become an inclusive, big-hearted party that appeals
to people's hopes rather than their resentments. "It's got to be
difficult," said John McKager Stipanovich, a veteran Florida lobbyist
who has known Mr. Bush for over 30 years. "Donald Trump epitomizes
everything that Jeb has spent his political career trying to prevent
the Republican Party from becoming."

. . .

(End NYT article excerpt)


Yes, Jeb Bush wants the votes! He wants the GOP to be big enough to
enable another Bush to once again command the ship.

But he's unwilling to share the American people's disgust with the
wars and deceit his family members have brought them. He's still
dreaming that he will be in the White House and be able to send
American spotters into Iraq to direct further destruction from the
air. Jeb Bush is an undying and original PNAC warrior. Even as he
happily _talks_ about domestic policies, his heart is in world

So, Jeb Bush wants to lead the American oligarchs to lord over the
world. And so, of course, Jeb Bush needs votes.

But we all know how his father was denied a second term, way back

The incumbent was expected to spend still another 4 years in the White
House, after having spent 12 long years there already, had a less
flamboyant version of Trump, another billionaire who was unhappy with
another Iraq war, been not stubbornly standing in Poppy's way.

It's clear that a bigger GOP would help Jeb Bush win. But it's not
clear what benefit a Bush victory would bring to America, given his
record and ties.

First, his record: "Jeb Bush made millions giving investors billions
of Florida pension funds to lose." (See Rmuse below)

Second, his ties: his brother - a war criminal - and his apparent
unwavering devotion to the PNAC (Project for the New American

Earlier this summer, Jeb Bush said he wanted American spotters on
Iraqi ground. What for, if not to bring further misery to the people
whose country his brother has so callously destroyed?

It does not matter if he talks about a 4% annual growth of the US
economy if he became president, if he continues to obligate the
country to finance more wars. I am sure that Obama would have loved
that 4% growth during his terms, if he could have found a way to make
it happen. But he couldn't because he inherited the neocons' war and
cowardly obligated himself to carry on with it.

For as long as America's ruling class loves the PNAC, the American
people will continue to cope with the economic decline that the
consumptive PNAC necessitates.

So, one good thing about Trump's candidacy is to make people aware of
what Jeb Bush really is! He might be jogging at 6am one summer
morning with some former Navy SEALs. But that was, clearly, just for
show. And that's why he still looks chunky after that one time run.

And he is the all-talk and all-deceit type that you can expect him to
be, whether he will be your next president or not. So, support him
with this caveat in mind.

lo yeeOn


Jeb Bush Made Millions Giving Investors Billions Of Florida Pension
Funds To Lose By: Rmuse Sunday, August, 30th, 2015, 8:48 pm

For many Americans the idea of entrusting their life-savings, or
retirement savings, to a trustworthy entity is a very serious matter;
and it certainly should be. A great number of Americans learned the
hard way in 2008 that it is no guarantee that their life-long savings
will exist if entrusted to uber-greedy, deceptive and deceitful
financial institutions and investment firms. It is just one reason why
the millions of Americans who depend on their Social Security
retirement accounts were relieved when Republicans crashed the economy
in 2008 but were prevented from endangering the Social Security Trust
reserves; not for lack of trying.

Any time a politician is entrusted with other Americans' money, there
is always a danger they will use subterfuge and unethical practices to
loot funds they are entrusted to protect and preserve. If the
politician happens to be a Republican, there is always a danger, and
plenty of examples, of them transferring public money directly to
their rich campaign funders and in the worst cases to take the money
for themselves.

For Florida taxpayers, their trust in then-Governor Jeb Bush to
protect their lifelong pension savings was wasted when he forged a
highly-profitable relationship with Lehman Brothers that made Lehman
and Bush millions. That special relationship was ultimately a
certifiable disaster for Florida public employees. While governor of
Florida, Jeb Bush made some deceitful transfers of funds in 2005 and
2006 that put the Wall Street investment bank in charge of $250
million worth of pension funds for Florida cops, teachers and
firefighters. Lehman profited by more than $5 million in fees on the
initial deal with Jeb Bush, and they garnered several additional
contracts to manipulate, and then lose, another $1.2 billion of
Florida teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public
servant's pensions.

Of course those horrific losses came after profits for Lehman and
Florida Governor Jeb Bush. When Lehman collapsed into bankruptcy in
the fall of 2008, it left Florida's public employee pension funds with
over $1 billion in losses, but good old Jeb kept the $1.3 million in
annual salary Lehman paid him as a consultant, or for giving them
access to billions of Florida public workers' pension savings. Being
Florida's governor and having access to billions of state employees'
retirement savings, coupled with an "enduring personal relationship"
with Lehman Brothers was a very lucrative endeavor for Bush. It is a
similar relationship and lucrative scam to that of several other
Republican governors who repay their big-money donors with public
employee's pension savings that Republicans persist in claiming
belongs to the rich. It is prescient to note that Jeb was shifting
state pension money to privatization for "management" and predictable
losses at about the same time his brother George was crusading to do
exactly the same thing with all Americans' Social Security retirement

It was no coincidence that within a couple of weeks after Jeb Bush
left the governor's mansion and took the Lehman job with a handsome
salary courtesy of stolen Florida employees' pensions, the Florida
State Board of Administration (SBA) handed over to Lehman additional
pension money, $842 million, to buy worthless Lehman mortgage-backed
securities the company lost. In fact, to add insult to the billions of
dollars in lost pension savings, the Florida SBA shifted an additional
$420 million of pension savings into the exact same fund that good old
Jeb initially sent stolen pension money to squander. It is noteworthy
that the Florida SBA, that three-member body that gave away billions
of state employees' retirement savings recently counted Jeb Bush as
one of the three.

What makes this theft even more egregious is that Bush's colleagues in
the Florida state capital moved billions of Florida employees' pension
money to Bush's buddies at Lehman even as dire warnings about its
financial troubles began to grow very loud.

However, while teachers, firefighters, law enforcement and state
workers lost billions of their lifelong pension savings, Jeb Bush got
his millions, and Lehman got its millions for "managing" the pilfered
money. And, it is notable that it was not an isolated Florida Bush
incident using employee pensions for profit. Just a few years earlier
another Bush pension scam profited all the Bushes as well as a number
of obscenely wealthy investment and financial firms, and it was all
with Florida employees' pension savings to keep George W. Bush in the
White House.

In April it was revealed that while he was governor, Jeb also funneled
billions of Florida pension money to his brother George's largest
campaign donors as remuneration for their huge political contributions
to put and keep a Wall Street friendly Bush in the White House. The
Florida SBA, of which Jeb was one of three members, committed close to
$2 billion of Florida employees' pension money to financial firms
whose executives were considered "Pioneer" fundraisers for George
W. Bush's presidential campaigns. The requirement to reach the
highly-profitable "Pioneer status" was amassing a minimum of $100,000
worth of bundled contributions to any one of George W. Bush's

According to a comprehensive International Business Times analysis of
Florida government documents, and a list of George W. Bush's bundlers
compiled by Public Citizen, there were no less than 11 firms that
received the Jeb Bush pension investments because they were qualified
as "Pioneers". . . .

One can hardly blame the giant investment firms because they all
enjoyed unbelievably profitable returns on their political donation
investment. It is noteworthy that what Bush was doing as a matter of
course in Florida for eight years is precisely the same scam Chris
Christie has been profiting from while running rampant over public
employees in New Jersey. It is nothing less than looting state pension
funds to reward political donors and a blatant example of shafting
middle class workers who paid into these funds for their retirement.
Instead of reaping the pensions they built up over their working
lives, Jeb Bush lost their money while benefitting the filthy rich who
bankroll the same Republicans who pledge to repay them with more
stolen pension funds. To be fair to Republicans everywhere, this scam
is a well-executed machination of the Koch brothers' American
Legislative Exchange Council and State Policy Network to rob state
pension funds in every state in the union; neither Florida or New
Jersey are isolated incidents.

The Bush clan are all corrupt and exist for the benefit of their
wealthy donors at the expense of all Americans. It is just how they
operate and the only way they know to govern; and yes, for all
Republicans giving away everything the population owns to the richest
one percent is what they mean by governing. It should not be a
revelation that Jeb Bush, a typical Republican, had no compunction
giving away at least a couple of billions-of-dollars of middle class
Americans' pension savings to his favorite campaign donors to lose at
their pleasure, or that he made millions in the process; it is what
Republicans do. But it should be a warning to voters, including
Republican voters, that neither Jeb Bush, nor any Republican, can ever
be entrusted with the keys to the nation's, or the people's, treasures
no matter how small, because they will give it all away to the rich.
It is just how they operate and what they consider good governance.

lo yeeOn

Sep 3, 2015, 11:12:43 PM9/3/15
In article <>,
Darkfalz <> wrote:
>Jeb Bush is a joke. We don't need another Bush or another Clinton.
>I'd be happy with any combination of Trump, Fionora or Rand Paul.

Well, I agree with you about Bush and Clinton. And let's check out
the latest news about Hillary:

A former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up her private email
server has told at least three congressional committees that he will
invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying against his former
boss, Fox News has confirmed.

Hillary Clinton has no business running for president since she would
have aides serving to protect her own personal interests rather than
those of the country and the American people whom she would need to
pledge her allegiance to.

lo yeeOn

P.S.: Is Fionora another way to spell Fiorina?


Former Clinton aide who helped set up server to plead Fifth Amendment
to avoid subpoena

A former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up her private email
server has told at least three congressional committees that he will
invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying against his former
boss, Fox News has confirmed.

Bryan Pagliano, who worked on Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign
before helping install the so-called "homebrew" server system in her
Chappaqua, N.Y. home, was asked to testify about the server by the
House Select Committee on Benghazi, the Senate Judiciary Committee,
and the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

"Mr. Pagliano's legal counsel told the committee yesterday that he
would plead the 5th to any and all questions if he were compelled to
testify," a spokesperson for Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Charles
Grassley, R-Iowa, told Fox late Wednesday.

A letter from Pagliano's attorney Mark MacDougall explaining his
client's decision cited the ongoing FBI investigation into whether
classified national security information was mishandled when it passed
through Clinton's server.

. . .

The Post reported last month that Pagliano had worked as an IT
director on Clinton's ill-fated 2008 campaign, and was asked to
oversee the installation of Clinton's server to handle her
correspondence while secretary of state. He was paid by a political
action committee tied to Clinton until April 2009, when he was hired
by the State Department as an IT specialist. The Post reported
Wednesday that Pagliano left government service in February 2013 and
now works for a technology contractor that provides some services to
the State Department.


Weekly Standard columnist Steve Hayes told viewers Monday on "Special
Report with Bret Baier" that the latest batch of former Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton's emails - set to be released Monday by the
State Department - will only put the candidate deeper into hot water.

"It's definitely having an effect," the Fox News contributor said of
the email scandal. "If you listen carefully to the defense we're
hearing from Hillary Clinton supporters - it's really no defense at

The State Department said Monday that 150 of the emails set to be
released are being censored or redacted because they contain
information that has since been deemed classified - an issue that
Hayes says will become "a huge problem" for Clinton.

"They're saying now, this stuff is still so sensitive that we can't
make it public now," Hayes said. "Well, surely it was more sensitive
when she was serving as Secretary of State, and when the information
was presumably much more contemporaneous. That's a huge problem for
her, there is no good explanation for it, and I continue to think
that's why we're not hearing an explanation from her."


A self-proclaimed hacker is looking to sell an unreleased trove of
Hillary Clinton's private emails for $500,000, according to

The anonymous "computer specialist" claims to be in possession of
32,000 emails from Clinton's private server that were retrieved
because, according to the site's source, "Hillary or someone from her
camp erased the outbox containing her emails, but forgot to erase the
emails that were in her sent box.

Clinton's attorneys recently admitted the former secretary of state
had her hard drive wiped clean before turning it over to the FBI.
Accordingly, the claim that she merely forgot to delete sent emails
should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism.


Sep 3, 2015, 11:56:10 PM9/3/15
to (lo yeeOn) writes:

> Well, I agree with you about Bush and Clinton.

I assume you'd rather see Putin or Xi Jinping elected?
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