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A Progressive Bully’s Scorched Earth Tactics

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Joe Cooper

Feb 23, 2016, 1:08:15 PM2/23/16
What do most Republican presidential candidates have in common with
dozens of Christian, pro-family and patriotic organizations?

They’re prominently featured in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest
report, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.”

The cover has a large picture of an open-mouthed Donald Trump, under whom
are a masked terrorist, the Islamist San Bernardino mass murderers, other
hate crime suspects, a Nazi Swastika, columnist Ann Coulter, Center for
National Security President Frank Gaffney, and, of course, the
Confederate battle flag.

Subtle, eh?

Inside, the report cherry picks quotes from GOP presidential candidates
about halting illegal immigration and President Obama’s plan to import
10,000 Syrian migrants.

“Even as more establishment Republicans held back from most criticism,
Trump and other candidates increasingly injected real hate into the
electoral contest,” the report claims.

A montage of photos of GOP candidates – Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben
Carson, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee – makes them look
crazy or mean. In 2014, the SPLC published an “extremist file” on Dr.
Carson before removing it under heavy criticism.

Situated in Montgomery, Alabama, the SPLC long ago gained a reputation
for tracking the Klan, Aryan Nations and other hate groups. The U.S.
Justice Department and other government agencies rely on the SPLC to
identify extremist groups, and the media cite it regularly as an
“objective” source.

Armed with $300 million in assets, it has degenerated into a progressive
bully that incriminates conservatives by association and even seeks to
destroy groups that don’t share its progressive ideology.

Last year, its army of lawyers crushed Jews Offering New Alternatives for
Healing (JONAH), a small group in New Jersey that referred clients to
counselors who assist people in overcoming same-sex temptations. In a
kangaroo court, in which the liberal judge barred all of JONAH’s expert
witnesses and openly sided with the SPLC, a jury ruled that JONAH
committed consumer fraud. Faced with exorbitant legal fees, JONAH agreed
to shut down, a victim of the SPLC’s war on choices with which they

The SPLC‘s new, 69-page report claims that the nation is awash in hate
groups, with a 14 percent increase in 2015 over the year before, rising
from 784 hate groups to 892. The number of dangerous “anti-government
patriot groups” rose similarly from 874 to 998.

Along with skinheads, black nationalists, and white nationalists who
peddle racial hatred and animus toward immigrants, the SPLC includes
groups that oppose same-sex “marriage,” promote the natural family, or
oppose radical Islamists or illegal immigration.

Featured on the SPLC’s “hate map” are the Family Research Council,
Traditional Values Coalition, state pro-family groups, D. James Kennedy
Ministries, the American Family Association (AFA) and the Christian Anti-
Defamation Commission. Also, Liberty Counsel, Pacific Justice Institute,
the Ruth Institute, the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam),
Freedom Center (run by former leftist David Horowitz), Tea Party Nation,
and the Center for National Security, among others.

Here’s an example of the SPLC’s technique of guilt by association:

“The U.S. House of Representatives took up a bill to end the resettlement
of refugees, riding a wave of fear after the San Bernardino attacks. And
others joined that anti-Muslim parade, ranging from Christian Right
groups such as the American Family Association to the Klan.”

Get that? The AFA, a pro-family Christian media ministry founded by
Methodist minister Don Wildmon, is in the same league as cross-burning

If you’re a doctor who belongs to the American College of Pediatricians,
which was formed to counter the uber-politically-correct American Academy
of Pediatrics, congratulations. According to the SPLC, you are in a “hate
group.” That’s because your group publicizes research showing that
mother-and-father families are the optimal environment in which to raise

The SPLC singles out the Rockford, Illinois-based Howard Center and its
partner organization, the World Congress of Families (WCF), for special

The report labels the WCF, which had its most recent conference in
October in Salt Lake City and will hold its next conference in Tbilisi,
Republic of Georgia, in May, “a hate group with international reach that
promotes the ‘natural family.’”

Given the SPLC’s contention that the advocacy of certain stances incites
hate violence, one might think they would consider taking such non-hate
groups as Family Research Council and the World Congress of Families off
their “hate map.”

In August 2012, a disturbed young man, Floyd Lee Corkins II, incited by
SPLC’s “hate map” designation of FRC, invaded the group’s Washington,
D.C. headquarters with the intent to commit mass murder. Stopped by FRC’s
courageous building manager, who took an arm-shattering bullet, Corkins
was later convicted of domestic terrorism.

This year, the SPLC not only left FRC on the map but added more Christian
and conservative groups.

“All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an
entire class of people,” the SPLC explains in the report.

Given its equation of conservative views with extremism and hatred, the
SPLC is maligning tens of millions of Americans. That just might make the
SPLC itself the biggest hate group of them all.


Obama Nine Hours Before Paris Terror Attack: "We've Contained ISIS."
ISIS: "We've contained Obama."

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren’t and to impose their will on those who
didn’t ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"No doubt Hillary would like to call [Paula] Jones a liar, but Bill paid
Jones $850,000 to settle her sexual harassment suit. Can you imagine the
fun Donald Trump, for one, would have with that? Plus, it was Bill
Clinton, not Paula Jones, who was found by the presiding federal judge to
have committed perjury."--John Hinderaker


Feb 23, 2016, 8:02:43 PM2/23/16
"Joe Cooper" wrote in message
> What do most Republican presidential candidates have in common with dozens
> of Christian, pro-family and patriotic organizations?
> They’re prominently featured in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest
> report, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.”

The SPLC has been a scam and a hate group from the get-go:

Barky "Tears of a Clown" Hussein

Feb 24, 2016, 3:34:01 AM2/24/16
A couple years back, we had a few of their scientology-esque thuglets
hanging out in front of a local grocery store, harassing customers.

They were convinced to leave.

sleeping cell walk

Feb 24, 2016, 4:42:51 PM2/24/16
On 2/23/2016 12:42 PM, wrote:
> Every rightwing idiot that bombed,

"You called for the death of a sitting US president and the
teenage daughter of a poster you disagreed with...

Oh yeah, you threatened to blow up Mt. Rushmore, too -- said you could
make it look like a mining accident. Especially damning since you
once labored (quite menially, IMA) as a "miner" -- chuckle.

The FBI loved that one.

For your sake, you better hope nothing ever happens to K. Harris, B.
Robertson's teenage daughter or Mt. Rushmore or the next sound you'll
hear is that of a Federal battering ram busting down the door of your
HUD-subsidized government apartment there in Rapid City...

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