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Of Dirt, Democrats and Boston Herald: Sid Harth

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Jul 30, 2010, 3:59:14 AM7/30/10
Of Dirt, Democrats and Boston Herald: Sid Harth



Of Dirt, Democrats and Boston Herald: Sid Harth

Owe it or not, John Kerry’s ready to pay
By Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 – Updated 2 days ago

(257) Comments

Sen. John Kerry lowered the flag and surrendered yesterday, agreeing
to pony up some $500,000 in state and local taxes in a bid to end the
furious tempest over his decision to dock his new $7 million yacht in
Rhode Island.

“As we’ve said from the beginning, we have always complied with tax
laws and we always will,” the senior senator said in a statement.
“We’ve reached out to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and made
clear that, whether owed or not, we intend to pay the equivalent taxes
as if the boat’s home port were currently in Massachusetts. That
payment is being made promptly.”

Kerry, listed as the third-wealthiest member of the U.S. Senate, will
also cut a check to cover local excise taxes, presumably to the town
of Nantucket, where he and the missus, ketchup heiress Teresa Heinz,
have a summer home.

Kerry’s surrender came four days after the Inside Track first reported
that the senator had purchased his New Zealand-built, 76-foot floating
palace back in March and ported her in Rhode Island, a state which
repealed its Boat Sales and Use Tax back in 1993. By doing so, the
senator could dodge some $437,500 in Mass. sales taxes and an annual
excise bill of around $70,000.

The high-seas tax maneuver was completely legal, but if Kerry had
brought the yacht into Massachusetts waters within six months of
taking ownership, he could have been liable for a use tax – the
equivalent of the sales tax – and excise taxes.

The yacht, which boasts an Edwardian-style, glossy varnished teak
interior, two VIP main cabins and a pilothouse fitted with a wet bar
and cold wine storage, was spotted in Nantucket on a number of
occasions this summer and once in Martha’s Vineyard. When asked
whether he had berthed the boat in Mass. waters during an event in
Weymouth on Monday, Kerry gave a confusing answer. “It depends on who
owns it,” he said.

Which some interpreted as a move to throw the missus under the yacht
and others believed was in reference to yet another loophole the
senator was attempting to sail through to beat the taxman.

“Can I get out of here, please?” the clearly flummoxed Kerry said,
before slamming the door of his SUV on the pack of press shouting
questions at him about the yacht.

The embarrassing display was caught on camera and played repeatedly on
TV and the Internet. And if that weren’t bad enough, the issue started
to become a political football just in time for the fall elections.

Before the senator caved, state Treasurer Tim Cahill, an independent
candidate for governor, told reporters it appeared Kerry was dodging
his tax bill and said the revenue department should investigate.

“I don’t think that the state should treat anyone differently –
senators, congressmen or regular people – so, if someone’s not paying
their taxes that should be paying them, then the DOR should go after
them,” Cahill said before Kerry’s announcement.

Earlier, GOP candidate for state treasurer Karyn Polito wrote to Gov.
Deval Patrick to request a Department of Revenue investigatation into
the matter. And state Republican Party head Jennifer Nassour also
slammed the senator.

“He should spend more time creating jobs rather than customizing his
yacht,” she said. “Democrats think they live by another set of rules,
and the voters of the commonwealth will soon remind them they do not.”

File Under: A Taxing Situation.

Watch Video:

Photo by Nancy Lane and Chris Evans
Sen. John Kerry, inset, surrendered yesterday and promised to pay the
state and local taxes on his new $7 million highseas plaything,
Isabel, above. Sen. Kerry on boat tax ‘it’s not an issue’By Katy
Sen. John Kerry brushes off reporters demanding answers about his
failure to pay taxes to the Bay State on his luxury schooner, the

Herald Pulse

Is Sen. Kerry’s reputation sinking because of his boat-tax debacle?
Yes, he should have paid up right away

No, it will wash away in a matter of days

Not if he turns this around and gives free rides

He was already at the bottom with me

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Comments (257)
Highest Rated

CommonsensegoAt ? +22 -5
I’m curious as to how anyone, ANYONE, could vote for this Jackass.

I gotta get the hell out of this state.

When’s the next flight to Arizona?
Posted 2 days ago

dhead ? +18 -5
he owed mass 570k and had no intention of paying it till track exposed
him…he took it into mass waters which made lovey liable, why isnt that
tax evasion?
Posted 2 days ago

tiredofitall ? +12 -2
” Whether owed or not ? ” , is that a joke ? Of course he owes the
500K. No one would ever pay a tax bill such as this if it weren’t
owed. KERRY GOT CAUGHT – THAT’S WHY HE’S PAYING. Otherwise , he would
have kept the cap on the Heinz checkbook. Kerry’s a total ”
Posted 2 days ago

AlphaOne2009 ? +15 -6
Sean Delonas, author of the NY Post Page Six cartoon, put it

“Will you pay your taxes, Senator Kerry, if we throw in a Purple
Heart.” (7/25/10)
Posted 2 days ago

Massinator ? +13 -5
The guy is a thief. He should be behind bars, held to the same
standard as any tax cheat would be.

I’m gonna need a bigger vomit bucket.
Posted 2 days ago

moonbatty replying to MAWC ? +10 -2
A pox? Seriously? ROTFLMMFAO!!!
Posted 2 days ago

bcfrombu ? +9 -2
“Lovey, on Lovey? Can you please have the accountant write a check
from the petty cash fund for this silly tax so that these meddlesome
constituents will allow me to get back to Nantucket and get on with my
Posted 2 days ago

BostonKD ? +7 -1
““As we’ve said from the beginning, we have always complied with tax
laws and we always will – John Jerry”

What a bull shittin’ frackin’ liar this POS is! It is in fact quite
the contrary this person has done everything he could to AVOID paying
the appropriate taxes and it was the ONLY the result of the Boston
Herald that was able to apply the pressure needed to make him do what
he was SUPPOSED to do in the beginning!
Posted 2 days ago

WhoKnew ? +6 0
He’s just “promised to pay”…..we know what that’s worth…..SHOW ME THE
Posted 2 days ago

patsfanvero ? +6 0
Oh Most Arrogant One AKA John Francois Kerry, You have been
bamboozling the voters of the Commonwealth so long it must have been a
real shock to your Brahmin sensibilities that you are finally being
called out on stiffing the states coffers out of $500,000.00. I would
wager that most posters here have no use for the tax on Yacht’s or on
any thing else for that matter. I’ll bet that You really don’t
understand why people are so upset over this. It’s simple, it’s
arrogant bloodsucking politicians like you that pass these tax bills,
yet you don’t think that you should have to pay them like us working
stiffs. People are sick of HYPOCRITES like YOU.
Posted 2 days ago

Thurston Howell Kerry gets his comeuppance: Lovey! Lovey! They’re
picking on me, again! I simply can’t stand it! The rif raff; the
ordinary nobodies just won’t leave me alone! Don’t they know who I am!
Make them stop! Make them stop, Lovey!
Posted 2 days ago

cadillacdeval replying to MAWC ? +6 0
no, we dont care as much about the republican tax cheats because they
are against the majority of taxes, while the real hypocrites being the
democrats only want to raise our taxes and then not pay taxes
themselves as we have seen with a number of people like john kerry and
those in obamas administration, so pull your head out of your rear and
pay attention so you can realize that kerry is nothing more than a
liberal figurehead who now that kennedy is dead, has nobody to keep
the spotlight off what an idiot he is
Posted 2 days ago

MyLiver ? +10 -5
Now,take the 500 thousand and pay off the senate so we can get the
slots done…
Simple Mass. math
Posted 2 days ago

CornyDog ? +9 -4
Don’t worry John. We all know you’ll either steal or cheat the
taxpayers to get your money back in no time at all.
Posted 2 days ago

southcoast replying to MAWC ? +5 0
A pox?
John Kerry has demonstrated he does not have the temperament to be a
U.S. Senator.
He is more suited for the leisurely life of the millionaire gentleman.
A life he should consider assuming leave the job of senator to someone
who wants the job rather someone who just needs something to do in
between trips to his boat or one of his six houses.
Posted 2 days ago

joethetoker ? +13 -9
Why isn’t he in jail? Should at least not be in office anymore. Not
for tax evasion…for sending off the idea to that guatamalans deserve
some protective status!
Posted 2 days ago

dnbyriverinvan ? +6 -2
Im telling ya John,if your really serious about saving money, then
don’t run for reelection .
Posted 2 days ago

Rolling1 ? +6 -2
Hang it Up John Just Sail AWAY You Phony!!!
Posted 2 days ago

beached replying to YouRWLiars ? +5 -1
it’s easy and fun…you liberal whacko’s make it that way! fortunately,
you’re a dying breed…better migrate somewhere else where your kind is
wanted…I’d recommend Venezuela.
Posted 2 days ago

Bostonian1962 ? +5 -1
This was his only option. He got caught. He’s been huge on “buy
American”, so how he then went and had his personal floating mansion
built in a foreign country, instead of putting the work HERE, is
something he’ll still have to dodge (I mean answer).
Posted 2 days ago

Soxfirst ? +5 -1
OK Herald – now let’s see what kind of investigative reporting you
really have. Kerry employs a crew on this boat. Is he with holding
Mass State Tax from their paychecks? Does he provide them Health Care
Posted 2 days ago

AAstrojet ? +5 -1
Isabel to be rechristened! RAN-GAL
Posted 2 days ago

skuna3 ? +4 0
only paying because you got caught
Posted 2 days ago

bandit replying to Chris0721 ? +4 0
Kerry is one of the beautiful people (horseface and all) who are not
subject to Obama’s income redistribution plans; that’s intended for us
common folk.
Posted 2 days ago

beandawg replying to MAWC ? +4 0
Another point you missed was that the Jobs bill was just another
stimulus. Changing the name dosn’t change what it is. They still
havn’t spent the original 787B stimulus and they want to spend more.
They are going to spend the rest this summer so they can falsly prop
up the economy and then tell us that it could be worse.
Posted 2 days ago

MHammer ? +4 0
Nantucket?? Please, Kerry lives and votes in Boston. Boston will get
the $70k not nantucket.

Again I say, the Democrats pass these stupid tax laws and then refuse
to live by them. I say repeal the sales tax on boats and the excise
tax and you will see the marine industry in Massachusetts take off.
Posted 2 days ago

gpmjr72358 ? +4 0
Now here comes another moron who can’t tie his shoes and chew gum at
the same time… Did you happen to catch the name and location of the
vessel; Newport, RI. He has many homes but not a one in Newport, RI….
NOW, what do you think his intentions where, punk?
Posted 2 days ago

jimrita ? +4 0
Amazing how a little bad publicity can change a person and make them
do the right thing! I am sure this was just an oversight! You know
like other people in the administration even the ones that keep
everyone else in line! Same old crap do as I tell you not as I do!
Vote them out in 2010 and finish the job in 2012! It dooesn’t matter
what side they’re on!
Posted 2 days ago

Jambrose ? +4 0
If the DOR is going to go after us regular folks for buying tires in
NH then they certainly should be doing the same thing for these rich
folks docking their boats in RI. I mean the difference in Use Tax is a
few dollars for us and hundred of thousand of dollars for the rich.
You do the math!
Posted 2 days ago

BigPimpin ? +8 -5
I wonder where this moneys going to go.. who knows maybe a nice
vacation for Deval and his top guys!
Posted 2 days ago

spygirl replying to MAWC ? +5 -2
Posted 2 days ago

CCM73 ? +5 -2
So is the MA Dept of Revenue going to finally start to come down on
everyone who has their cars registered at their summer cottages in NH
too? John Kerry is certainly not the only MA resident to register and
dock their boat in RI. I am sure that many boat owners who live down
on the south east coast dock their boat in RI too. What about them?
Surely the sheer number of them and their taxes exceeds the $500K
Kerry owes. Are you going to go after them MA?

I am no fan of Kerry to say the least, but he is just the high profile
tax cheat. There are many fish to fry on this one. Come on MA…be fair.
Posted 2 days ago

bandit replying to randwv84 ? +4 -1
Technically, he is a cheat. He is paying up to avoid any more adverse
publicity and the inevitable investigation that he would lose. Randu,
by mooring the “Minnow” in Nantucket where his principal summer
residence he attempted to pull a fast one. Well, he got caught and
rolled. If for one second the cheap bastard was standing on firm
ground he would not be paying; you should be able to see this reality.
I’ll say no more.
Posted 2 days ago

mry ? +4 -1
You know what stinks about this whole thing!!! This arrogant moron can
simply reach into his wife pocket book and scratch out a check to pay
this. How many times have we tried to buy something and thought, “Oh
the taxes are going to be an additional fee, well maybe I can finance
the taxes too” This “silver spoon sucking chump” just doesn’t get it.
I would love for him to feel just for one week, how it’s like to worry
about either paying your electric bill or buying groceries to feed the
family. That “Fat Cat” doesn’t mind pointing the finger at all.
Posted 2 days ago

glas_arracht ? +4 -1
He’s getting to be such an arrogant p-rick in his old age.

Term limits, please!
Posted 2 days ago

vladtheimpaler ? +4 -1
Liveshot just shot himself in the transom. All we need is someone to
run against Liveshot who isn’t under indictment and we can bid a fond
farewell to this contemptuous sea going buffoon. Until, of course,
Liveshot pesters some lame democrat president to appoint him as a
special ambassador to something or other.
Posted 2 days ago

wolverine114 ? +3 0
Hey, he was only docking his brand new yacht in R.I. for maintenance.
You see, it arrived from the manufacturer all broken down and and
there are no competent repair facilities in Mass. He was intending to
pay the taxes all along.

So are we supposed to actually believe this load of crap? Wasn\’t it
P.T. Barnum who said that nobody ever went broke underestimating the
intelligence of the voter? He must have been referring to
Massachusetts where we continue to close our eyes, hold our noses and
vote the likes of Kerry and Kennedy into office.

Rangel and now Kerry…so how\’s Pelosi\’s \”swamp draining\” going? I
think November will do much to make it a reality.
Posted 2 days ago

bruinsbeer1969 ? +3 0
How can anybody defent this? He obviously wanted to avoid the taxes,
even though he wants us to pay just about every penny out of our
paychecks. God sees, but waits, and there is no room in heaven for
Posted 2 days ago

Belmontian201 ? +3 0
He’s paying but disclaims his obligation to pay. What a jerk.
Posted 2 days ago

gadf_ly718 ? +3 0
“Do you know who I am” is a favorite catch phrase of connected pols
and slurring jakes.
Posted 2 days ago

ThoseWhoPay ? +3 0
Mrs. 57 to Senator Lurch:

“I have to pony up a half a million dollars for your toys? Really? The
whole point of marrying a Senator was to avoid pesky tax invoices like
this. You are going to pay dearly for this John, and I mean dearly.
Now get over here and luffa my back”
Posted 2 days ago

Chris0721 ? +3 0
Obama needs to come out and publicly denounce Kerry for not doing his
part to “redistribute the wealth”.
Posted 2 days ago

bandit replying to bandit ? +3 0
Tax cheats like our senior senator.
Posted 2 days ago

Citizen ? +3 0
I doubt that he will pay the yearly excise tax after this year. He’s a
tax cheat. Probably good friends with Tim Geitner.

And I bet Mrs. 57 is fuming that she has to pay … its her money,
Posted 2 days ago

bandit replying to rumford1 ? +3 0
Look at IRS statistics and you will see the following: when John
Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George Bush cut taxes for all reducing the
marginal rates tax revenues increased. If you raise tax rates for the
well-to-do they simply change their investment strategy to minimize
taxes and maximize returns. Remember, they have investment advisors
who know how to use the tax code. Also, lowering rates stimulates
capital investment and job creation. Those hired also pay taxes which
again contributes to the increasing revenues. The problem resides in
an inability on the part of our elected representatives to control
their penchant to spend! It is soo very simple why is it so hard to
see? You expect to receive more but in reality you get less due to the
tax code and human nature. That is why I’d prefer our moving to a flat
tax and zero deductions. We’d likely collect more and not need a
massive IRS infrastructure to confound cheats.
Posted 2 days ago

beandawg replying to MAWC ? +3 0
One point your missing is the Kerry is the party of wealth
redistribution. You know the party of do as I say not as I do.
Posted 2 days ago

gadf_ly718 replying to rumford1 ? +3 0
because folks like us also lose the tax breaks you rube
Posted 2 days ago

FrequentFlyer ? +3 0
“The rich are different from you and me” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Yes, they have more money.” – Ernest Hemingway’s response
Posted 2 days ago

chrisad ? +4 -2
Bon Voyage Kerry
Posted 2 days ago

ViewFromtheTop ? +4 -2
Posted 2 days ago

…and I am Sid Harth

1 Votes

By navanavonmilita, on 30/07/2010 at 3:50 am, under News, Views and
Reviews, Propaganda. Tags:Boston Herald, Democrats, Kerry YachtGate,
Senator John Kerry. No Comments
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« Slightly Overused Wikipedia on Sale: Sid Harth


Jul 30, 2010, 4:03:37 AM7/30/10

All very interesting, but here in aus.politics... it's completely and
utterly off topic.



Jul 30, 2010, 5:37:54 AM7/30/10
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