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A u p. Basi niedaleko Reno, Nevada

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Aug 26, 2016, 9:49:12 AM8/26/16

Burning Man Turns 30: The Joys, Pitfalls (and Drugs) of Hollywood's "Vacation for the Soul"
by Degen Pener August 26, 2016, 6:35am PDT

Burning Man, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, has grown from a tiny summer solstice bonfire gathering on the beach in 1986 near San Francisco to such a powerful cultural phenomenon that no less than President Barack Obama name-checked it at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in April. His 18-year-old daughter, Malia, he joked, isn't allowed to go. Running this year from Aug. 28 to Sept. 5, Burning Man — where attendees include Google's Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, iHeartMedia chairman Bob Pittman, director Chris Weitz (who met and married his wife, Mercedes Martinez, there) and such celebrities as Anne Hathaway, Jared Leto and Michelle Rodriguez — might scare off some people, but not the 70,000 who now throng the countercultural festival. Celebrating boundary-pushing self-expression (from Socially Appropriate Boner Day to Rosario Dawson's 2011 vagina-tent installation) and community building (more than 300 individuals worked on one of this year's art projects: two enormous pyramids), it's a mix of participatory artworks with crazy costumes, aerialist troupes, shirtcockers (guys who, as it sounds, wear shirts and nothing else), the anonymous-sex-orgy dome (men can't go alone), fire dancers, yoga and meditation sessions, TEDx talks and, yes, a good many people tripping on a lot of drugs.

A temporary encampment of tents, yurts and RVs dubbed Black Rock City that rises for one week in the hot and desolate Nevada desert (a two-hour drive north of Reno, Nev.), Burning Man — guided by 10 principles that include participation, civic responsibility, immediacy and inclusion — is Cirque du Soleil, Coachella, Art Basel and Woodstock all rolled into one, under a layer of notoriously hard-to-scrub-off mineral dust. The entire week is capped by the ritual burning of the towering wooden Man effigy (2014's was 105 feet tall) on Saturday night each year. "It's really hard to explain why it's so amazing to be in the desert with no shower, no physical comforts. It's really harsh," says Levi Vieira, a makeup artist who married his partner, Zack Bunker, a digital asset manager, there in 2014. "It's really a vacation for the soul, not for the body."

Regulars call the festival — located in a desert basin called a playa — life-changing. "If you work in a creative industry, this is a must-see," says Amazon Studios head of drama and 13-time attendee Morgan Wandell, who, over the years, has brought along ITV's Adam Sher, Armie Hammer and John Stamos to experience the fun. Says artist Trek Thunder Kelly, who has been going for more than two decades: "Imagine that you've taken the red pill in The Matrix and walked into Alice in Wonderland on the planet Tatooine. You can have free waffles with a crew dressed like Elvis, make jewelry in a Bedouin tent, learn how to pole dance [and] take a seminar on making absinthe."

Costume-wise, there's no such thing as subtle, and people enjoying the anonymity of dust-blocking masks include Will Smith and Katy Perry, whose goggles caused her to take a spill on a Segway in 2015. "People can cut loose without people knowing who you are," says Fifty Shades of Grey and House of Cards producer Dana Brunetti, who "Burned" for the first time in 2014. Notes Hand of God actor Julian Morris, who stars in the upcoming Watergate film Felt: "You want something that's as loud and ridiculous as you can possibly imagine; someone lent me a sequined circus master jacket." Jokes Gersh agent Jeff Greenberg, who has been going for four years: "Bring a tutu. Otherwise, you will look silly."

As it is every year, nothing is for sale (except for coffee and ice) in what is called a giving economy, whether it's camps that give away grilled cheeses or beignets, have open bars or misting stations or games (one year, there was flaming skee ball), or simply offer free hugs. "You might be cycling around on the playa, and you'll see this tent with older folks cycling on stationary bikes to generate a motor to make shaved ice with syrups like you get in Hawaii," says Morris, "and they are just giving them to you in the heat and the dust." Explains Greenberg: "The first year I went, we talked about what we were bringing. I was bringing coconut water, and someone said they were bringing empathy, and I remember thinking, 'If I hand you a coconut water and you hand back some empathy, I'm going to be pissed.' Now I get it, the idea of listening to people and how it makes me a better agent and human. So getting that recharged every year is really important."

In recent years, though, Burning Man has been roiled by growing pains brought on by success. (Tickets, $390 to $1,200, go on sale each year on in February and quickly sell out.) What are known as plug-and-play or turnkey camps have sprung up, where people pay thousands of dollars to have everything set up and provided for them when they arrive, including showers, air conditioning, private chefs, guides and even costumes. Critics have howled that the camps violate principles of Burning Man, including radical self-reliance, participation, gifting, communal effort and decommodification. The issue blew out into the open in 2014 when a paid employee at one of the camps, Caravancicle (cost per person: $16,500), wrote a widely shared online story about her experience there, alleging that models had been hired to entertain guests and that the bar, which was supposed to be public, was later restricted to camp members wearing wristbands. "It's gotten bigger, and the obscenely wealthy have all added it to their bucket list," says director/composer Jerry Brunskill. "Most don't embrace the original intent of the festival and show up with private planes and lavish housing with air-conditioning, and personal chefs and all that barf." Mitch Eakins, an actor who worked at a similar encampment a few years ago, tells THR that the downside at his camp was that "it wasn't inclusive. We had little barricaded areas." But Eakins believes that the upside of such camps is that the one percent are exposed to the ethos of Burning Man, and some return to more actively participate. "One guy who came now donates money throughout the year to different art projects and he volunteers in the temple. He is so into it," he says.

Last year, though, after the Caravancicle debacle, Burning Man organizers instituted new rules to limit such camps, including rigorous vetting procedures for camps seeking early access to ensure they offer sufficient interactivity and public events. However, Burning Man's founder Larry Harvey made it clear in a statement that the festival isn't keen on purists judging others for luxurious camps (years before, RVs were the offending party). "Scan Burning Man's 10 Principles, and you will not find radical equality among them," Harvey wrote. "This is because our city has always been a place where old and young, rich and poor, can live on common ground. But common ground is not a level playing field and should not be interpreted as mandating equal living conditions."

Besides, it's easy to avoid what you want to since "Black Rock City is the third-biggest city in Nevada when it's going on. There is literally something for everyone," says Greenberg.

The festival recently has become more of an EDM scene — Skrillex, Diplo and Major Lazer all have done sets there — prompting the Burning Man Project (the nonprofit that runs the festival, which brought in $32 million in funds in 2014, according to its most recent annual report) to crack down on camps that publicize their DJ rosters ahead of time. The organizers — explaining in a statement that "Burning Man doesn't have 'headliners'" — don't want it to be seen as a music festival. Says Jennifer Raiser, author of the new book Burning Man: Art on Fire: "Unlike, say, Coachella, it's not about buying your ticket and waiting to be entertained. It's about figuring out how you can entertain everyone else." Regardless, two highlights stand out among such industry insiders as Brunskill, who recommends Black Rock Roller Disco — "a roller rink in the desert with disco music" — and Robot Heart: "a double-decker bus with a half-million-dollar sound system." Other popular music camps include Distrikt (during the day), Disorient, Camp Question Mark and White Ocean.

Famous names flocking there, of course, include actors (Seth Rogen, Jim Belushi, Michelle Monaghan and Susan Sarandon, who scattered Timothy Leary's ashes last year), musical artists (Diddy, who tweeted "Words cannot explain! I'll never be the same" after going in 2013) and supermodels (Karlie Kloss, Cara Delevingne), and tech "Burners" are plentiful. Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz buried the hatchet with the Winklevoss twins there. Borja Pena, a DJ who went for the first time last year, was unfazed: "I don't think anybody cares who is a celebrity or a burner or a naked hippie. At Burning Man, I become aware of what the essence of being a human is, what our society would be like without fights, greed, money, labels, genders, brands and corporations and how good it is to be yourself. It's like a cleansing of bullshit." But, for some, the bold-faced names and big money have taken their toll on the spirit of the festival, even for Hollywood players like American Horror Story co-creator Brad Falchuk, who has been a regular since the late '90s but went two years ago for what he says was his final time. "Seeing Instagram posts from the playa is not what I signed up for. It's become less participatory and more of a spectator sport." He admits, though: "I am older and I've done it a lot. Things evolve and they change. I still have many friends who totally love it." Adds Brunetti: "There are more people who are going more for the scene, which I know Burning Man isn't too keen about. They don't want what happened to Sundance to happen there."

Brunetti, who went to Burning Man two years ago, did not have the festival on his bucket list. He ended up going because he met two women who are regulars on the Ibiza-to-Tulum party circuit at an event at the Chateau Marmont — "really hot girls. They were Russian," he says — and they invited him to go, free of charge, on their private plane the next day to a luxury camp that cost upward of $10,000 a person. He said yes. "I was in an alcohol-induced state," recalls Brunetti, who it turned out had a DJ friend, Zen Freeman, playing at the same camp. "I asked Zen what's the deal with these girls. He said, 'They go around the world and party. They are like female ballers.' Another woman joined us too who's a Victoria's Secret model." They flew at night, arriving at sunrise. "It started off phenomenally," says Brunetti. "And then the three boyfriends [of the women] arrived. I was, 'OK fine whatever, there's plenty of other people here. Have fun.' Then I got to the camp, and it looked like it had been raided. There was supposed to be a private chef and bar, and it looked like it had just been turned upside down. The camp had EDM music playing 24 hours a day. I was staying in a yurt. You couldn't sleep. It just ended up being a total disaster. I tried to make the best of it. I just started taking whatever drug I could find. That was a last-ditch attempt just to save my trip. It didn't help." He was supposed to stay for a week, but three days in, he walked — after being waylaid by a sandstorm — to the small airport and got out via a Burner Air flight.

Devotees say it's important to go with people who can help you navigate the glorious chaos and be prepared. And much of the image of Burning Man is created by people who haven't experienced it. Says venture capitalist Bob Zangrillo, founder and CEO of Dragon Global and producer of the 2013 documentary Spark: A Burning Man Story: "The perception of Burning Man versus the reality of Burning Man is so dramatically different. You go for a day and your entire view of Burning Man changes in 24 hours." Says actor Morris, who last year went for the first time, sharing a yurt with five other people: "For me it's a festival of two things: art, where you yourself become the art, and serendipity, where anything possible can happen. It's a creative festival. It's art-based. That's why I think so many people in our town and in our industry respond to it and really like it. It really is like nothing I've ever experienced before." In 2014, Elon Musk contended that Mike Judge, the creator of HBO's Silicon Valley, falls short of depicting the tech world accurately because "I really feel like Mike Judge has never been to Burning Man, which is Silicon Valley."

Hollywood lifers should be prepared for the fact that (gasp) nobody talks business. "I camped for two years next to someone very high up in Google and his wife and had no idea. People often introduce themselves with [their] playa names," says Gersh's Greenberg, who goes by the playa name "Yes Man." Adds Melanie Bromley, chief news correspondent at E!: "Hollywood is a constant hierarchy. What I love about Burning Man is that it doesn't really matter what you do in real life when you are wearing spandex and glitter and crazy wigs." She also says that it is possible to go Burning Man and not do drugs and still have a good time. "I'm English, and I admit I'm really prudish. I don't do drugs. It forces me to be more inclusive, to increase your imagination of what is possible and see the world in more technicolor." Musk and his cousin Lyndon Rive dreamed up solar energy provider SolarCity while there, and, says Amazon Studios' Wandell: "So much of the culture of start-ups and really innovative tech companies in terms of the way that they build and foster community and collaboration and creativity and teams, the expressed intention of thinking big, that is all materially impacted by the inspiration that Burning Man has provided. Hollywood would be way more creative and innovative if the same proportion of people went as have gone from the tech world. I doubt we would be recycling so many of the same ideas if we had more creative types experiencing the playa."

Who knows how the tide will turn in 2016, though. Says Zangrillo, "There's this ongoing battle between whether the real world will infect and ruin Burning Man or will all the people who go bring more characteristics of Burning Man into the real world."


Aug 26, 2016, 7:23:11 PM8/26/16
To fantastyczna impreza panie Leszku!
Czegos takiego nie zobaczy nigdzie na


Osobiscie niestety nie uczestnicze bo rzecz ma miejsce na
szalenie piaszczystym i wietrznym suchym jeziorze, ...pyl
niesamowity, nie sluzacy moim zatokom.

Wole samo Reno, jedno z najpiekniej usytuowanych
u podnozy Sierr, sredniej wielkosci miasteczek w USA.
Nie przesadze gdy powiem ze Basia mieszka w jednej
z najpiekniejszych lokacji.

Zachodnia panorama:

Wschodnia panorama:

Zachodnia czesc miasta, moja dzielnica, jest calkiem
juz pagorkowata, wdziera sie w wielkie gory dookola.

Ale uwaga, jest tez sejsmiczna aktywnosc!

Przed kilku laty, poltora mili w prostej linii ode
mnie bylo epicentrum trzesienia ziemi 4.7 na skali
oficjalnie. Nieoficjalnie chyba powyzej 5.2. Wladze
nie chcialy chyba wystraszyc turystow mozliwoscia
'aftershocks' i byla chyba presja na naukowcow by
zanizyc(?). Wiem ze mapy sejsmograficzne pokazywaly
bezposrednio po trzesieniu 5.2 pozniej zrewidowano na 4.7.

Zapraszam do odwiedzenia Reno, rozrywki jest pod dostatkiem,
pejzaze, gory, kasyna, muzyka, doskonala zywnosc, inna rozrywka
w miescie (drag!). Lake Tahoe, lasy, w poblizu. Swieze
powietrze, zwierzyna, ptactwo, dookola, niedzwiadki przerozne
zaraz za miastem. Za rok pewnie bedzie legalna w Newadzie
marijuana, nie tylko domy publiczne.

Wielka zaleta lokacji: turysci sa traktowani z szacunkiem!
naleznym im respektem-

Newada od lat zyje z turyzmu. To coraz bardziej pozadany w
USA walor- lokacja w ktorej mozna czuc sie bezpiecznie,
...nie obawiac sie ze gdy przypadkowo wmieszamy sie w jakis
konflikt, to bezpieka w hotelu czy gdzie indziej, sluzby
porzadkowe, policja nie potraktuja nas z buta, bo jestesmy
inni !!

To wielka zaleta Newady, Reno, respect dla goscia, sprawa dotyczy
nie tylko turysrty ale I lokalnego mieszkanca tez.


Aug 26, 2016, 8:24:05 PM8/26/16
On Fri, 26 Aug 2016 06:49:11 -0700 (PDT), brat_olin
<> wrote:

>Burning Man Turns 30: The Joys, Pitfalls (and Drugs) of Hollywood's "Vacation for the Soul"
>by Degen Pener August 26, 2016, 6:35am PDT
>Burning Man, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, has grown from a tiny summer solstice
>bonfire gathering on the beach in 1986 near San Francisco to such a powerful cultural phenomenon that no less than
>President Barack Obama name-checked it at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in April.
>His 18-year-old daughter, Malia, he joked, isn't allowed to go.

Eeetam, tutaj lepsze palenie, takie cieple...,35153,20589315,kibolska-prowokacja-antysemicki-transparent-i-spalone-kukly.html?disableRedirects=true

Kibolska prowokacja: antysemicki transparent i spalone kukly

Na Karolewie, gdzie Lódzki Klub Sportowy ma najwiecej kibiców,
chuligani sympatyzujacy z Widzewem wywiesili antysemicki transparent i
spalili kukly. - Czuja sie bezkarni i pozwalaja sobie na coraz wiecej
- ocenia przedstawiciel stowarzyszenia "Nigdy Wiecej".
Artykul otwarty w ramach bezplatnego limitu prenumeraty cyfrowej
W ubiegly piatek, póznym popoludniem, na Dworcu Lódz Kaliska zebrala
sie grupa fanatyków Widzewa. Na kolejowym wiadukcie wywiesili
transparent z napisem "19.08 - DZIS SA ZYDÓW IMIENINY, NIECH SIE PALA
SKURWYSYNY" oraz kilka kukiel majacych symbolizowac ich derbowych
przeciwników. Data nie byla przypadkowa - 19 sierpnia to inaczej
19.08. W 1908 roku zalozono Lódzki Klub Sportowy.

Policja szuka kiboli

Na zdjeciach, do których dotarla "Gazeta", widac, ze na wiadukcie bylo
okolo 50 chuliganów, niektórzy maja na glowach kominiarki. Kukly
zostaly spalone, odpalono tez race. W tle jest trybuna stadionu, na
którym graja pilkarze LKS-u.

Transparent i kukly widzieli jadacy na Retkinie oraz pasazerowie
dworca. Tymczasem Sluzba Ochrony Kolei twierdzi, ze o zajsciu nie wie.
Interesuje sie za to nim policja. - Prowadzone jest postepowanie przez
IV komisariat. Docieramy do swiadków, zostal zabezpieczony monitoring,
który bedzie analizowany - mówi komisarz Adam Kolasa z Komendy
Wojewódzkiej Policji.

Dzisiaj funkcjonariusze maja rozmawiac z osoba, która zlozy
zawiadomienie w sprawie okopcenia elewacji nalezacej do PKP. Policja
szuka tez kiboli, którzy odpalili materialy pirotechniczne.

Kukly to grozba

- Sa odpowiednie paragrafy na tego typu zachowania. Napis na
transparencie wyraznie nawoluje do nienawisci na tle róznic
narodowosciowych, a powieszone kukly mozna uznac za grozby - ocenia
zdjecia Stanislaw Czerczak ze stowarzyszenia Nigdy Wiecej, które
walczy z przejawami rasizmu i homofobii w Polsce.

Tomasz Figlewicz ze stowarzyszenia Tylko Widzew, jednego z
najwiekszych srodowisk zrzeszajacych kibiców tego klubu, odmówil
komentarza w tej sprawie. Od takich zachowan odcina sie sam klub. -
Nie wiedzialem o tym, oczywiscie jestesmy temu przeciwni. Skupiamy sie
na sportowej rywalizacji. Staramy sie rozmawiac z kibicami, ale
wiadomo, jakie jest to srodowisko. Tego antagonistycznego nastawienia
nie da sie raczej zmienic - mówi Marcin Ferdzyn, prezes Widzewa.

Ferdzyn zwraca uwage, ze nie wiadomo, kto dokladnie odpowiada za
wywieszenie transparentu i spalenie kukiel. - Nie mozna wiec mówic, ze
z cala pewnoscia byly to osoby ze stowarzyszen, z którymi
wspólpracujemy - mówi.

Policjanci przyznaja, ze moglo dojsc do tragedii. Na Karolewie i w
okolicach mieszka najwiecej zagorzalych kibiców LKS-u. Gdyby
zobaczyli, co widzewiacy wyprawiaja na dworcu, to bardzo prawdopodobna
bylaby wielka bijatyka. Ucierpiec mogliby tez podrózni.

Sprawy sa umarzane

To juz kolejny w ostatnim czasie przypadek antysemickich zachowan
wsród lódzkich kibiców. Niedawno opisywalismy historie w jednej z
podstawówek. Uczniowie dostali od sympatyków LKS-u kalendarze ze
zdjeciem manifestacji narodowców, krzyzem celtyckim, napisem "White
Pride" oraz graficznym symbolem hasla "Raz sierpem, raz mlotem
czerwona holote". Dyrektorka szkoly tlumaczyla, ze nie zna sie na

Stanislaw Czerczak zwraca uwage, ze kiedys ludzi gloszacych
antysemityzm i zachowujacych sie w rasistowski sposób nazywano po
prostu bandytami. - Dzisiaj coraz czesciej slychac jednak, ze maja
prawo do wypowiadania swoich nienawistnych pogladów. Przez wiele lat
trywializowalo sie problem rasistowskich i ksenofobicznych zachowan.
Uznawano, ze dotyczy tylko stadionowych bandytów i pewnych subkultur
mlodziezowych. Sprawy sa umarzane, a winni nie ponosza konsekwencji.
Czuja sie bezkarni i pozwalaja sobie na coraz wiecej - ocenia
przedstawiciel stowarzyszenia Nigdy Wiecej.

W polowie pazdziernika po czterech latach przerwy zostana rozegrane
derby Lodzi. Trzecioligowy mecz odbedzie sie przy al. Unii.

Historia glupoty W czerwcu tego roku kibice Widzewa swietowali awans
pilkarzy do III ligi. Przeszli przez Sródmiescie, w tym ulice
Piotrkowska. Wznosili antysemickie hasla, obrazali fanów LKS-u,
odpalali race i rzucali butelkami.

W 2013 roku kibice LKS-u podczas imprezy w hali przy al. Unii
urzadzili zabawe "2 zl za 3 rzuty w Zyda". Chetni rzucali w kukle
ubrana w strój pilkarza Widzewa. "Ta nietypowa konkurencja cieszyla
sie duzym zainteresowaniem wszystkich elkaesiaków, bez wzgledu na wiek
czy plec" - relacjonowali kibice na swej oficjalnej stronie
internetowej. Wczesniej po zakonczeniu derbów Lodzi Arkadiusz Mysona,
jeden z pilkarzy LKS-u, zalozyl koszulke z napisem "smierc zydzewskiej
ku...e". Obie sprawy umorzono.

Second Edition

Aug 26, 2016, 8:45:48 PM8/26/16

Użytkownik <> napisał w wiadomości
> On Fri, 26 Aug 2016 06:49:11 -0700 (PDT), brat_olin
> <> wrote:
>>Burning Man Turns 30: The Joys, Pitfalls (and Drugs) of Hollywood's
>>"Vacation for the Soul"
>>by Degen Pener August 26, 2016, 6:35am PDT
>>Burning Man, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, has grown
>>from a tiny summer solstice
>>bonfire gathering on the beach in 1986 near San Francisco to such a
>>powerful cultural phenomenon that no less than
>>President Barack Obama name-checked it at the White House Correspondents'
>>Dinner in April.
>>His 18-year-old daughter, Malia, he joked, isn't allowed to go.
> [...]
> Eeetam, tutaj lepsze palenie, takie cieple...
> Kibolska prowokacja: antysemicki transparent i spalone kukly
> Na Karolewie, gdzie Lódzki Klub Sportowy ma najwiecej kibiców,

Moze, to robota, jakiejs agentury, po tym, jak wzroslo zainteresowanie
polskimi paszportami?


Aug 26, 2016, 9:49:45 PM8/26/16
Oczywiscie ze agentury! Caly swiat wie ze w Polsce przypadki mordow,
kradzierzy, oszustw, gwaltow i napisow na murach to nie robota
Polakow, tylko agentury.
W Niemcach nawet sie mowi - odwiedz Polske, twoj samochow juz jest
tam, agentura go ukradla!


Second Edition

Aug 26, 2016, 11:12:10 PM8/26/16

Użytkownik <> napisał w wiadomości
Tak sie mowilo z dwadziescia lat temu, gdy Niemcy masowo pozbywali sie
starych gratow i kupowali nowe samochody, nierzadko za odzyskane

Ale, nadal, probuja dowartosciowac sie kosztem Polakow, choc, po budynkach
widac, ze to Ameryka Polodniowa albo Bliski Wschod.


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