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Dov Zakheim: 9/11 Mastermind?

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Apr 6, 2009, 4:07:15 AM4/6/09

— More on the now infamous rabbi: and for those who haven’t heard of
him, because the mainstream media has studiously avoided focusing on
him. During his time at the Pentagon he oversaw a period of massive
fraud and the events of 9/11


Apr 6, 2009, 5:19:00 AM4/6/09




Apr 6, 2009, 11:23:25 AM4/6/09
NO, because the islamonazi pigs who planned and
carried out the FIRST bombing of the WTC and the
second, final attack didn't consult any kafirs for their
planning or execution.

"Dan" <> wrote in message


Apr 7, 2009, 12:35:36 AM4/7/09
fine still the beter

kill the vermin and let the peaceful people live


Apr 7, 2009, 2:36:10 PM4/7/09

From :

Mossad Linked To WTC Bomb Suspect

by Robert I. Friedman
The Village Voice
August 3, 1993

Ahmad Ajaj, a 27-year-old West Bank Palestinian being held in federal
custody for conspiring to bomb the World Trade Center, may have been a
Mossad mole, according to Israeli intelligence sources.

Ajaj was arrested at Kennedy Airport on September 1, 1992, after he
arrived on a Pakistani International flight from Peshawar carrying a
forged Swedish passport and bomb-making manuals. He was taken into
custody, and subsequently pleaded guilty to entering the country
illegally. Ajaj’s traveling companion was Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, an Iraqi
who law enforcement sources say is a "key player" in the World Trade
Center bombing. Yousef, currently a fugitive, is believed to be in Iraq.
The State Department last week offered a $2 million reward for
information leading to his capture.

The FBI has identified Ajaj as a senior intifada activist in the
occupied territories, having close ties to both El Fatah, a constituent
group of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and Hamas, a Palestinian
Islamic fundamentalist organization. According to federal sources and
the Israeli National Police, the Israeli military expelled Ajaj to
Jordan in April 1991 for conspiring to smuggle weapons to El Fatah on
the West Bank. Ajaj claims in court papers that after his arrest he was
tortured by Israeli soldiers who burned his body with lit cigarette butts.

But according to Kol Ha’ir, a highly regarded Hebrew-language weekly in
Jerusalem, Ajaj was never involved in intifada activities, or with the
PLO, or Hamas. Citing court papers and other sources, Kol Ha’ir says
that far from being a political activist, Ajaj was actually a small-time
crook who was arrested in 1988 for counterfeiting U.S. dollars. Ajaj and
two other members of his counterfeiting ring ran a printing press in an
Arab cemetery outside East Jerusalem, housing their equipment in the
same building where religious Muslims wash corpses before burial. When
Israeli police raided the cemetery, they arrested Ajaj, who was holding
some $100,000 of bogus U.S. currency. Another gang member was carrying
an antiquated pistol.

Ajaj was convicted for counterfeiting and sentenced to two-and-one-half
years. It was during his prison stay that Mossad, Israeli’s CIA,
apparently recruited him, say Israeli intelligence sources. By the time
he was released after having served just one year, he had seemingly
undergone a radical transformation. The common crook had become a devout
Muslim and hard-line nationalist. Soon after, he was arrested for
smuggling weapons into the West Bank, allegedly for El Fatah.

But Israeli intelligence sources say that the arrest for weapons
smuggling, and Ajaj's subsequent torture and deportation, were staged by
Mossad to establish his credentials as an intifada activist. Mossad
allegedly "tasked" Ajaj to infiltrate radical Palestinian groups
operating outside Israel and to report back to Tel Aviv. Israeli
intelligence sources say that it is not unusual for Mossad to recruit
from the ranks of common criminals.

Although Israel says Ajaj was expelled to Jordan in April 1991 as a
security risk, Peter Lems, an official for the Palestine Human Rights
Center, based in East Jerusalem, told the Voice that Ajaj's name does
not appear on any known list of Palestinian deportees. Whatever the
case, soon after Ajaj left Israel, he traveled to Peshawar, Pakistan,
where he reportedly fought with the mujahedin, the Muslim fundamentalist
rebels in Afghanistan. He later showed up in New York, where he
allegedly befriended members of the radical Muslim clique surrounding
Sheikh Abdel-Rahman.

On February 26, the day the World Trade Center was bombed, Ajaj was in a
federal prison in upstate New York serving a six-month sentence for
having entered the country on a forged passport. The following month, he
was indicted for conspiring to bomb the World Trade Center.

Ajaj’s court-appointed attorney, Austin Campriello, says his client "has
nothing to do with any of the [suspects] in this case." Responding to
allegations that Ajaj is linked to Israeli intelligence, Campriello told
the Voice, "I have absolutely no reason to believe it's true." FBI
spokesperson Joe Valiquette says, "I have no idea if it's true. I've
never heard it."

If Ajaj was recruited by Mossad, it is not known whether he continued to
work for the Israeli spy agency after he was deported. One possibility,
of course, is that upon leaving Israel and meeting radical Muslims close
to the blind Egyptian sheikh, his loyalties shifted.

Another scenario is that he had advance knowledge of the World Trade
Center bombing, which he shared with Mossad, and that Mossad, for
whatever reason, kept the secret to itself. If true, U.S. intelligence
sources speculate that Mossad might have decided to keep the information
closely guarded so as not to compromise its undercover agent.


Apr 7, 2009, 3:21:52 PM4/7/09
Muslims didn't buy it, Jewish mafia in the FBI are involved in it.

World Trade Center Bombing

Who did it and why?

February 26, 1993


1. The World Trade Center in New York suffered a big blast causing large
craters in the basement floors of the building. However, there was no
structural damage and the building remains standing.

2. Mohammad Salameh, a Palestinian, age 26 years, entering the U.S. on a
Jordanian passport was arrested in connection with the blast.

3. Nidal Ayyad, age 25, years, a U.S. citizen was arrested in connection
with the blast.

4. Mohammad Salameh and Nidal Ayyad have a reputation of being a decent
young men, mild mannered with no record of crime, terrorism or indecency.

5. Mohammad Salameh rented a Ryder Econoline van in his own name but
gave the phone number of another person, Josie Hadas, living in Jersey
City, New Jersey.

6. Mohammad Salameh rented the van to haul some material for Josie
Hadas, yet it has remained unreported his point of pick up and his

7. A day before the blast Mohammad Salameh tried to make a report of the
theft of the rented van to the police but the police refused to take the
report because he did not have the van's license plate number.

8. The day of the blast Mohammed Salameh reported the theft of the
rented van to Ryder, obtained the license plate number and made a report
at the police station.

9. The day after the blast Mohammad Salameh went back to Ryder and
demanded his deposit of $400.00 but was returned only $200.00. He was
arrested before he boarded a bus.

10. Police reported that they had recovered some wiring, bomb making
instructions in the English language and traces of explosives from a
closet of JOSIE HADAS's apartment.

11. It has been reported that Josie Hadas is an operative of the Israeli
terrorist organization, MOSSAD; Josie Hadas' whereabouts remain
unreported to the media and the people of the U.S.

12. Nothing of a suspicious nature was found at the apartment of
Mohammad Salameh or at the mosque where he, allegedly, went for his prayers.

13. Three days later the police reported that they found at the outer
fringe of the blast crater some metal scrap, allegedly, belonging to the
van rented by Mohammad Salameh.

14. Shaikh Omar Abderrahman, an Egyptian scholar, was arrested, tried
and acquitted in Egypt in connection with the assassination of Anwar
Sadat, the Egyptian President most hated by his people but loved by the
West and Israel.

15. Shaikh Omar Abderrahman is a respected blind scholar with a
doctorate degree and Hafiz (memorizer) of the Qur'an and he has never
been convicted of any crime in the U.S. or any other country of the world.

16. Accusation and allegation is not the same as conviction; until a
conviction is obtained the story of the accused is the most probable
truth and should be told to the people.

17. Israel is trying to make a connection between the blast at the World
Trade Center, Mohammad Salameh and HAMAS (an Islamic reform and revival
movement in Palestine), that is, in part Israel searches for
justification for exiling 415 Palestinian scholars, doctors, professors
and Muslim leaders from their ancestral homeland.

18. The media was quick in associating Mohammad Salameh and Nidal Ayyad
with "Islamic fundamentalism" and Masjid Al-Salam; however, they
withheld the information about the identity of the religious
denomination and the church to which Michael F. Griffin, the accused
killer of Dr. David Gunn of Florida, belonged and the identity of the
pastor whose sermons he listened to.


1. The World Trade Center was bombed by terrorists.

2. Mohammad Salameh and Nidal Ayyad were involved in the bombing
operation and it was the work of some Middle Eastern group.

3. The World Trade Center blast, if it was a terrorist bombing, was the
work of Israeli terrorism agency, MOSSAD, to frame Muslims, defame
"Islamic fundamentalism" and to continue with criminal policy of exiling
Muslim leaders.

4. Josie Hadas, an Israeli intelligence, espionage and terrorism agency
MOSSAD operative, and employer of Mohammad Salameh, has disappeared.

5. Josie Hadas, Israeli MOSSAD operative, was taken into custody by the
police and was quietly sent back to Israel.

6. Mohammad Salameh and Nidal Ayyad are followers of Shaikh Omar

7. Mohammad Salameh, Nidal Ayyad and Shaikh Omar Abderrahman are
"Islamic Fundamentalists". The connotation given is that they are
terrorists; it is a subliminal suggestion to equate terrorism and
"Islamic fundamentalism".

8. Israelis have been planning to bomb World Trade Center for over two
years and accuse Muslim Arabs of committing the crime (see "EARLY
WARNING" in TIME, March 22, 1993, page 19).


1. Israel is suffering bad public relations all over the world since the
exile of 415 Palestinian scholars, professors, doctors and Muslim
leaders from their ancestral homeland.

2. For twenty-five years Israelis, Zionists and their sympathizers have
been trying to make the term "Islamic fundamentalism" an ugly, unpopular
term implying terrorism, cruelty, backwardness, religious fervor and
anti-modernism without ever defining the term.

3. If Israel cannot find any basis to establish its propaganda slogans
against her perceived enemies it implants evidence and creates grounds
for publicity; read BY WAY OF DECEPTION by Victor Ostrovsky, a former

4. Israelis believe that "the end justifies the means", therefore, loss
of life or property, lies, deceit and cheating to achieve Israeli goals
are valid and honorable means; those Israelis who achieve goals by any
means are honored.

5. Israelis are already linking the World Trade Center blast to HAMAS in
Israeli occupied lands in search of justification of the exile of 415
Muslim scholars, leaders, professors and doctors from their ancestral


1. Where is Josie Hadas, the Israeli employer of Mohammad Salameh?

2. What was the nature of the cargo which Mohammad Salameh was hired by
Israeli agent Josie Hadas to move?

3. Why have the police and the media not explicitly reported that bomb
related wiring, instruction sheets and traces of explosives were found
in the apartment of Israeli agent Josie Hadas and not in the apartment
of Mohammad Salameh?

4. Why did Mohammad Salameh go to the police station twice to make a
report of the theft of the van, if he was a terrorist?

5. Why did Mohammad Salameh go to the Ryder van rental agency twice to
collect a paltry $400.00, if he was a terrorist? Why did he rent the van
in his own name, if the implied use was bombing? Why not steal a van?

6. Why did Mohammad Salameh not run away or try to hide if he was a

7. Is there any record or history of crime, terrorism or abnormal
behavior of Mohammad Salameh since his arrival in the U.S.? Why have the
police not made his records available to the public?

8. Did Mohammad Salameh have any links to any of the "terrorist"
organizations before his arrival in the U.S.?

9. Why is Mohammad Salameh's link to a given mosque so important whereas
other criminals, such as Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Oliver North, Mike
Milken and other famous convicted criminals were never linked to their
religious affiliation or the church they attended.

10. What are the explanations and responses of the accused, Mohammad
Salameh and Nidal Ayyad, regarding respective allegations?

11. What is the motive of the accused, Mohammad Salameh and Nidal Ayyad
for committing such a heinous crime of bombing the World Trade Center?
However, the motives of Isreal for committing the crime are clear.


1. There will be one or more attempts by MOSSAD to kill Salameh and
Ayyad and make it look like a suicide or an accident because their trial
will link Israel with the blast at the World Trade Center in New York.

2. There will be attempts by the FBI under the pressure of the New York
police to hush up the whole incident and leave a case which remains

3. This may become one of those incidents engineered by MOSSAD where
Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims were accused, but became unresolved cases
because all the proof pointed towards MOSSAD, such as the TWA accident
over Lockerbie, bombings in Paris, Munich, Berlin, Rome, Cairo, and some
of the Beirut bombings, etc. .


1. American Zionist, pro-Israel, anti-Islam, anti-Arab media will do
everything possible to give cover to Israel and protect its interests so
that Israel continues to collect political, military and financial
support of Americans at the cost of their own interests. Muslims must
demand answers of questions given above.

2. Muslims, Arabs, Arab Americans and their friends should collect
information about Israel, Israeli anti-American activities (there are
many), American financial, military and technological aid to Israel,
Israeli atrocities, military rule in the occupied lands, discrimination
of non-Jewish citizens of Israel, lack of democracy in Israel, Israeli
socialist system and its failures, discrimination among Jewish citizens;
categorize and divide the information in several flyers and distribute
them by the millions to the American public. We have to go directly to
the public because the media will not help us in the dissemination of
this information.

3. We have to pressure the media into publishing information, to bring
recognized Muslim leaders on talk shows and documentaries and try to use
the media as much as possible. Bring sympathetic Americans, black and
white to be our spokespersons.

4. Do not go to sleep. Make copies of this paper and distribute it to
the people, Americans, Muslims, Arabs, non-Muslims and the media.
Muslims must ask questions and demand equal time with the media.

5. Demand details from the police and the FBI. Ask questions and do not
let the FBI and the New York police rest.

6. Organize delegations of local Muslim leadership, obtain appointments
with editorial staff of newspapers, heads of news departments of radio
and TV stations, talk show hosts and producers and producers of
documentaries. Make sure that you are armed with solid information to
back up your claims and be bold.

7. Muslims must develop local, regional and national telephone networks
and fax networks for mobilization of the Muslim population overnight.
Anyone interested in developing a network should contact III&E, P.O. Box
41129, Chicago, Illinois, 60641-0129, or call (773) 777-7443 or fax
(773) 777-7199.


Apr 7, 2009, 3:46:52 PM4/7/09
WTC 1993 was an FBI job

For more details on this startling case, read the New York Times article
on the subject:

For the recording of Salem and Anticev, click here:

For more information about state-sponsored false flag terrorism and why
the government perpetrates it, visit our homepage at:


Apr 7, 2009, 11:07:08 PM4/7/09
"Dan" <> wrote in message

> From :
> Mossad Linked To WTC Bomb Suspect
> by Robert I. Friedman
> The Village Voice
> August 3, 1993
> Ahmad Ajaj, a 27-year-old West Bank Palestinian being held in federal
> custody for conspiring to bomb the World Trade Center, may have been a
> Mossad mole, according to Israeli intelligence sources.

Or he could have been a Jewish Djinn!

"Apparently" not constituting any proof.

You have to give the islamonazis credit, they come up w/some
incredible fairy tales.


Apr 13, 2009, 11:25:27 AM4/13/09
The first rule of successful lying Ali Al Taqiyya is
that your lies must be believable.

What passes for truth in your islamonazi pigsties
just doesn't work in most kafir nations.

"Dan" <> wrote in message

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