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Cabinet Expansion

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Bikas Joshi

Mar 25, 1997, 8:00:00 AM3/25/97

Thought people without Web access might find this useful. Taken from
the March 25, 1997, issue of The Rising Nepal.


Cabinet expanded: 23 ministers, 9 ministers of state included

Kathmandu, Mar. 24 (RSS): His Majesty the King has, in accordance with the
Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 1990 and on the recommendation of
the Prime Minister, effected some changes in the Council of Ministers
constituted by His Majesty under the chairmanship of Prime Minister
Lokendra Bahadur Chand on March 12, 1997, and also allocated the
portfolios as follows:

1. Lokendra Bahadur Chand: Prime Minister. Royal Palace Affairs,
Defense, Water Resources, Land Reforms and Management and Science
and Technology
2. Bamdev Gautam: Deputy Prime Minister. Home
3. Rabindra Nath Sharma: Minister. Finance
4. Mrs. Sahana Pradhan: Minister. Women and Social Welfare
5. Bharatmohan Adhikari: Minister. Works and Transport
6. Radhakrishna Mainali: Minister. Health
7. Amrit Kumar Bohara: Minister. Local Development
8. Dr. Prakash Chandra Lohani: Minister. Foreign Affairs
9. Jhalanath Khanal: Minister. Information and Communications
10. Siddhi Lal Singh: Minister. General Administration
11. Kamal Thapa: Minister. Housing and Physical Planning
12. Gajendra Narayan Singh: Minister. Supplies
13. Buddhiman Tamang: Minister. Commerce
14. Salim Mian Ansari: Minister. Tourism and Civil Aviation
15. Mukunda Neupane: Minister. Labour
16. Keshav Prasad Badal: Minister. Industry
17. Ashok Kumar Rai: Minister. Parliamentary Affairs
18. Bishnu Prasad Poudyal: Minister. Youth,Sports and Culture
19. Bhim Bahadur Kadayat: Minister Without Portfolio
20. Prem Bahadur Singh: Minister. Law and Justice
21. Devi Prasad Ojha: Minister. Education
22. Ramkrishna Acharya: Minister. Agriculture
24. Mrs. Vidya Devi Bhandari: Minister. Population and Environment
25. Rameshwor Raya Yadav: Minister. Forest and Soil Conservation
26. Sarbendra Nath Shukla: Minister Without Portfolio

Minister of State

1. Rakam Chemjong: Minister of State. Information and Communications
2. Dr. Bharat Kumar Pradhan: Minister of State. Health
3. Prem Bahadur Bhandari: Minister of State. Agriculture
4. Rajiv Parajuli: Minister of State. Water Resources
5. Mahesh Chaudhari: Minister of State. Local Development
6. Mahendra Raya Yadav: Minister of State. Works and Transport
7. Tul Bahadur Gurung: Minister of State. Industry
8. Bhojraj Joshi: Minister of State. Education
9. Khobhari Raya Yadav: Minister of State. Housing and Physical

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