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Illegal Immigration Crisis Has �Made in Mexico� Written All Over It

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Joe Cooper

Jul 16, 2014, 10:50:03 AM7/16/14
One might hope that with a full-blown catastrophe looming on our nation�s
southern border, Democrats might have considered discarding their
standard talking points memo -- blaming the crisis on former President
Bush and the Republicans in the House -- and respond with a realistic
plan worthy of America�s national leaders. Alas, we are not so fortunate.
Dead children literally are washing up on the shores of the Rio Grande --
a result of chasing the dream of amnesty spun by the likes of Barack
Obama, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. And the closest our brave commander-
in-chief has ventured to the border with Mexico is 220 miles; and then
only for a fundraiser in Austin.
Democrats claim Republicans in the House of Representatives are to blame
for the chaos on our southern border, because they failed to adopt a
�bipartisan� solution sent to them compliments of Harry Reid and his
merry band of liberals in the Senate. Republicans rightfully note that
Democrats never showed up to the negotiating table in good faith; always
intending to present an unreasonable plan in order to �frame� the GOP
with inaction and unleash Obama to act as he pleases.

Yet, one major player in this human tragedy at the border has largely
been lost in the dusty billows of this partisan scuffle: Mexico.

Yes, Democrats intentionally created gridlock in Congress as a dangerous
game of election-year brinkmanship; and yes, Republicans thus far have
failed to move forward in the House with specific, targeted measures to
protect the border and bring our 1980s-era legal immigration laws into
alignment with 21st Century needs of American businesses.

However, allowing Mexico to continue its blatant stoking of America�s
immigration crisis, presents itself a clear and present danger to our
nation�s security and economic well being.

Make no mistake -- Mexico is the real problem. Obama can blame economic
hardship, rampant gang violence and YouTube videos in Central America.
But it is the Mexican government�s affirmative facilitation of this
massive illegal border crossing that is directly responsible for the
current conditions along the border. The resolution of this government-
made crisis is quite simple: immediately repatriate the illegal entrants
to Mexico � the country from whence this latest surge of illegal aliens
comes; and at the same time tell Mexico if it does not start addressing
the problem, strict economic sanctions will be forthcoming.

Despite hand-wringing to the contrary by Administration officials, there
is no law that prevents the United States from immediately sending these
men, women and children back Mexico, especially given Mexico�s role in
ensuring they are dropped off on our doorstep. And, if we need to
temporarily house them for a few days in make-ship detention facilities,
there is no need to spend millions of dollars on new buildings, or
modernizing existing facilities; or � far worse -- transporting the
illegal minors to households and community facilities across our country.
We could also house them temporarily in tent cities, such as those
proposed by my friend, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Of course, Mexico is not acting alone. In fact, a recent agreement
between Mexico and Guatemala allows people from that Central American
country to freely enter Mexico, lawfully travel the length of the
country, and have Mexican officials turn a blind eye when they then
illegally cross into the United States. This is nothing short of an
international conspiracy to violate America�s laws and undermine our
country�s sovereignty; and Democrats in the Administration and the
Congress play right along.

The clearest example of this immigration bait set by Democrats is the
Executive Order signed two years ago by Obama, known as the �Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrival� (DACA). As a result of this �Executive
Action,� Obama directed the DHS to �exercise prosecutorial discretion as
appropriate to ensure that enforcement resources are not expended on low
priority cases.� A translation of this bureaucratic gobbledygook can be
condensed into a single phrase: Immunity from deportation for children
illegally in the United States.

Unilateral decisions such as this made by Obama are just some of the
reasons parents in Mexico and other Central American countries are
sending their kids northward. They hope and expect � not without some
justification � that Obama soon will issue another such order granting a
new round of immunity from deportation for kids coming across the border.
Indeed, as recently as this past Monday, White House Press Secretary Josh
Earnest laid the groundwork for just such action, when he noted that
immigrants who �face a credible threat of death upon their return to
their home country� likely will be �granted humanitarian relief.� In a
word -- Amnesty.

If things were not already bad enough from the meddling of Mexico, and
the undermining of U.S. law by Democrats, now the United Nations is
moving to insert itself into the crisis and add international pressure to
treat all unaccompanied minors as �refugees.� Such a determination by the
erudite minds at the U.N. would carry no legal weight in the U.S., but
would embolden Democrats to double-down on polices that so far have
pushed America to the brink.

Republicans in the House must act quickly in the short term to head off
what could become an irreversible change to our way of life. In the
longer term, the fall elections -- which hopefully will result in a
Republican majority in the Senate -- and the 2016 presidential election �
which finally will rid us of this awful president -- cannot come soon

Remember in November

"Apparently, the leading cause of hard drive failures is subpoenas.�
(Clarice Feldman)

"Never underestimate the willingness of white progressives to be offended
on behalf of people who aren�t and to impose their will on those who
didn�t ask for it." (Derek Hunter)

"If the Democrats didn�t have double standards, they wouldn�t have any
standards all." (Chuck Lehmann)


Oct 26, 2014, 7:01:31 PM10/26/14
Do you know anything about Mexicans and their culture?? Do you know why Mexico is the second most corrupt nation in the WORLD? Do you know the median education level of a Mexican? You do not know why Mexicans are bloodthirsty?

"Democrats claim Republicans in the House of Representatives are to blame
for the chaos on our southern border, because they failed to adopt a
�bipartisan� solution sent to them compliments of Harry Reid and his
merry band of liberals in the Senate. Republicans rightfully note that
Democrats never showed up to the negotiating table in good faith; always
intending to present an unreasonable plan in order to �frame� the GOP
with inaction and unleash Obama to act as he pleases."

Bipartisan solution to solving Mexican immigration?? How ignorant can that be!!!! If you continue to allow Mexicans to enter the United States legally or illegally you can kiss your Protestant work ethic goodbye. You can kiss away law and order and welcome corruption, anarchy, ruthlessness and death to the general population. Mexicans are bad news to this nation. You have been warned. They do not contribute to the wealth and betterment of this nation. You want the US to be bettered - open the immigration flood gates to German settlers - not to Mexicans for GODS sake. Use drones at the border, move useless army bases from the interior to the US/Mexican border for border protection, give cash bounties to US citizens for each Mexican national turned in to ICE. There are over 11 million illegals here - hmmm $500.00 per head bounty for 11 million illegals. For the love of God close the borders NOW!! Place a strip of land one mile between our countries and place personnel land mines on it. These are Godless people who are the result of their culture. You really do not know what debased people you are dealing with.
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