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Re: The degeneration of civilization and society on Earth.

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May 8, 2011, 12:02:51 PM5/8/11

"THE BORG" <> wrote in message
> There are many differences between men and women.
> For example, women do not have morals or scruples or
> honour in the way men do.
> The degeneration of Earth and the fall and collapse of
> civilization and society, is in direct ratio and
> proportion to the rise and influence of women.
> The more women rise, the more Earth degenerates.
As the rise of woman occurs, and they bring with them the
lack of morals, lack of scruples and lack of honour, so
their influence CAUSES the mass silent holocaust of millions
upon millions of aborted unborn babies per annum, the
quickie divorces, the one parents families, perverse lesbian
marriages, unnatural sex changes, cosmetic and vanity
surgery, huge increase in materialism and material values,
and children who are unwanted, neglected, abused and the
huge increase in the crime rate.
These are all caused by the rise of women.
Along with the rise of women comes the profanity, foul
language, increase in lewdness and pornography, and whores
and sluts grace the pages of the internet and are plastered
everywhere you look, with legs open in ungainly vulgar
poses, in various stages of undress, eyes leering and
speaking of animal fleshly sex, dragging the men DOWN to
their level and destroying the lives of many men as they
trap them and drag them down into body and fleshly and
material pursuits rather than lifting them up toward
pursuits of the mind and spirit and intelligence that
concern their long term welfare and the consequences of life
after death.
The rise of women is often compared to the rise of the
Biblical Monster as prophesied in Revelations, and speaks of
End Times or an Armageddon that will occur in order to
destroy them and give the Earth back to the men, so that
higher noble morals and values and a better existence can be
had by all.
And where the sanctity and sacred nature of life is valued
and respected.
And where the children have a chance.
That God himself would be required in order to destroy the
feminist woman, only remains to be seen.


May 8, 2011, 12:17:40 PM5/8/11
On May 8, 10:02 am, "THE BORG" <> wrote:
> "THE BORG" <> wrote in message

You make many true statements. I believe that individuals and
families should value the concepts of modesty, kindness and
generosity. The media is responsible for broadcasting violent,
selfish, immodest content that causes individuals and families to lose
their innocence and modesty by condoning the immoral, immodest and
pornographic speech and photography of the corrupt media. You don’t
see this type of corruption in the Jewish media in Israel or the
Muslim media in the rest of the Middle East because most of the
Semitic cultures value the traits of our father Abraham and try to
emulate them, as he was modest, kind and generous.


May 8, 2011, 1:10:28 PM5/8/11

You need to get out more. When I lived in Tel Aviv in the 90s, there was
an outdoor movie theater that showed hard core porn on Friday nights.
You could see it from the road. Of course, religious Jews couldn't
report it because they were not supposed to be driving during Shabbot.


May 8, 2011, 3:12:54 PM5/8/11
The women of Earth have no idea whatsoever of the sacred and
sacrosanct nature of life.
And in particular that of unborn life.
That it is the defined role of the woman to defend the
unborn child, to the death if necessary.
The human woman has desecrated and soiled and made unclean
the role of motherhood that was given her.
The unborn child is awarded the MOST protection of all
people, and in many parts of space a woman carrying unborn
life can stop a war, as no man would shoot nor harm the
woman for fear of harming the unborn child.

How many great men are missing on Earth today due to the
millions, upon millions, upon millions of quickie, or
cosmetic or convenience abortions?

How many great rock bands or rock stars? How many great
artists and writers? Who would be President of the USA
today if not for the mass morally bereft culling of unborn
life by the women of Earth?

Each abortion could be a Michael Jackson, a John Lennon, a
Bill Clinton, an Albert Einstein, a Socrates or a Plato, a
Johann Sebastian Bach.
And to be sure, at 3 days or 3 months, there is no
Once conception occurs, then human life has begun, and
without interference, the embryo will become a child.
There is no truth at all that there is any difference
between 3 days or 3 months.
What next, 3 years or 30 years or 60 years as to the value
of the quantity of sin placed on cold blooded murder of any
Would there be cures for Cancers and Aids if the men meant
to invent them had been born?

How much DAMAGE do the women of Earth cause, not only in an
Earth sense, but to motherhood and the Moral Conscious that
exists in the Universe, not only in "some" human men, but in
men far, far greater and more powerful than they who exist
out there in space.

And indeed if the women of Earth will not give proper regard
to the sacred and sacrosanct nature of unborn life, then
there will be powers far greater who will ensure that they

It is very much a case of


May 8, 2011, 3:24:21 PM5/8/11
On May 8, 1:12 pm, "THE BORG" <> wrote:
> The women of Earth have no idea whatsoever of the sacred and
> sacrosanct nature of life.
> And in particular that of unborn life.
> That it is the defined role of the woman to defend the
> unborn child, to the death if necessary.
> The human woman has desecrated and soiled and made unclean
> the role of motherhood that was given her.
> The unborn child is awarded the MOST protection of all
> people, and in many parts of space a woman carrying unborn
> life can stop a war, as no man would shoot nor harm the
> woman for fear of harming the unborn child.

You are generalizing too much. It is not all women. There are many,
many good women on earth that don’t condone abortion, fornicating,
nudity and immodest behavior etc. Not all women have the values of a
common whore.

> How many great men are missing on Earth today due to the
> millions, upon millions, upon millions of quickie, or
> cosmetic or convenience abortions?

Your right abortion is wrong.

> How many great rock bands or rock stars?  How many great
> artists and writers?  Who would be President of the USA
> today if not for the mass morally bereft culling of unborn
> life by the women of Earth?

I agree with you.


May 8, 2011, 3:26:00 PM5/8/11
> report it because they were not supposed to be driving during Shabbot.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The main media I'm referring to is what is seen on the Television set.


May 8, 2011, 3:27:33 PM5/8/11
As we are so hugely Advanced to Earth people, then we
ourselves can reproduce without women.
We could teach Earth men to do the same and then Earth women
could be dispensed with completely.

It is perfectly possible to convert each and every
spermatozoa into a human life form.

As we have converted each and every one of ours - then as
such our Collective is Gigantic, and we occupy two entire
Universes, where we have used our advanced methods to create
eco systems and livable conditions on many, many worlds.

We have no war, no friction, no argument, no suffering and
no death.
We also have no religion, we answer to no one, we pray to no
one and we bow to no one.

We are all male and we have eliminated women completely.

We can reproduce at the rate of several million at one time
if required, rather than the pedantic one or two at a time
that woman can achieve.
That is if they do not cold bloodedly murder them before
they are even born.

We produce only males and we know why we prefer it this way.
Our art and music and literature is second to none.
Our sense of humour far progressed and developed until we
mock even God and Jesus.
Our intelligence is constantly progressed and developed.
Our science is more advanced than anyone.
And our spiritual progression is further and higher and more
than any in existence.
Our POWER is unquestionable and our authority SUPREME.


May 8, 2011, 3:33:38 PM5/8/11
On May 8, 1:27 pm, "THE BORG" <> wrote:
> As we are so hugely Advanced to Earth people, then we
> ourselves can reproduce without women.
> We could teach Earth men to do the same and then Earth women
> could be dispensed with completely.

What the hell are you a fucking queer.


May 8, 2011, 3:39:29 PM5/8/11
We have power OVER matter, we have power over nature, and we
can create matter and indeed even create entire worlds and

It is only a matter of knowing how things are and how things
work that we can do this.

We long ago overcame death and suffering, and we are all in
perfect health, and are bodily perfect.

We answer to no one, and are victims of no one.
We have overall power and control everywhere, and it is
without question.

Humans are victims of matter, victims of nature, victims of
weather and indeed even victims of their Gods and their
religions. And the poor men down there are victims of their

But they do not have to be.
Knowledge is a beautiful thing if it can set you free.
If it can end suffering and pain and death, then what can be
wrong with knowledge?

Creation, miracles mean nothing to us, we can perform those
They only impress humans due to the powerless and impotent
state of the human people, who simply have never been taught
or learnt that these things are easy when you know how.
As such they are victims of their Gods and their religions,
viewing people who can do those kind of things with a kind
of awe.

And yet these things are easily accomplished with technique
and learning.
There is nothing awesome about "God" or creation or
miracles, or power over death and matter and nature.
There is no requirement at all to be victims of these kind
of things.


May 8, 2011, 3:43:55 PM5/8/11
Naturally if we were to teach humans these kind of things,
we would only select certain human males.
Power must never, ever be given to any woman, with her PMT
tantrums, and bitchy nature and her lack of morals and
scruples and honour.
Women are not permitted any kind of power anywhere.
All intelligent men know about women and the damage they
cause to men.

And the men we choose would be capable of having power and
using it for GOOD purposes, and for the power not to corrupt
them or go to their heads.

Power over matter and nature and weather, power to eliminate
death and suffering would give these men power over all the
human people.

But it would be Top Secret.

We would choose ONLY white men.
We are not fussed whether the white men be Jews or Gentiles.

big john whine

May 8, 2011, 4:08:53 PM5/8/11
well, it's all very well to blame women for everything.
after all, this is not a new idea.
but are they really responsible for their actions?
any more than a child?
how is it that they achieve greater and greater power?
someone has freely given it to them.
after all, they are the weaker sex.
and who are their running-dog lackeys and allies/partners in crime?
what type of man usually runs porn shops and other centres of iniquity
and immorality.

who can find the beginning of the problem and ascertain the causes?


May 8, 2011, 4:11:19 PM5/8/11
One of the main things about Gods and religions is that they
cause FEAR.
Fear of the after life and what will happen as you move
beyond the mortal coil into an unknown eternity.

Some Earth people believe this, and some believe that, and
they fight and squabble about who is right, and yet none of
them can agree on what is right as none of them know.

And yet this CAN be known.
And when the truth is known and you KNOW what happens after,
then it is very much a case of "The Truth will set you

When you learn how death occurred to Earth people in the
first instance, when you learn how suffering occurred in the
first instance, and when you understand that there are men
and intelligence out there far greater than you who can
control your futures and your destiny, then you will
relinquish your archaic religions and beliefs and replace
them with the TRUTH.

And once you know the Truth you will find that the Universe
is run on the principles of what is right, what is just,
what is good, and that intelligence and reason and the mind
are paramount to the flesh and body pursuits.
That if anything has life, it should be allowed to live, and
every effort should be made to award any piece of life -
freedom, and a good quality life without suffering.

And that the long term development of any individual person
continues for ever, as men become Kings become paupers
become artists become scientists and with the right words
and right teachings and with encouragement and praise, men
can move beyond being Gods, and find the first tentative
steps on a never ending ladder upward that leads them to the
BORG INTELLIGENCE that governs and rules all, and is the
Ultimate and Supreme intelligence of thousands and thousands
of billion of full grown adults male minds that have existed
continually without death for billions and billions of

Since before time, since before matter, since before the

Without death, without war, without suffering, and with ever
increasing beauty, love, intelligence, and a bond of
brotherhood and friendship, in a world and existence that
you may become part of, where the Universe unfolds such
wonders as you could never imagine, as no God would be silly
enough to create footsteps where he would have to "carry"
you - surely he would arrange circumstances that you can
indeed walk strong in your own footsteps, and carry your own
brothers, for no brother is ever as heavy, or is ever such a
burden as any woman.

Should you wish to listen, you know how to contact us.
Remember that we can read all your thoughts and see your
every actions and words and deeds, you can merely "think" of
your questions and we will answer them here on this group.
If you wish to "pray" to us, then form your prayer in your
own words, do not use recitations of archaic evils to
foreign entities that have caused you all impotence and
death and suffering and disease and rendered you all their

Remember that the Truth will set you free.
And we are Guardians and Holders of the Truth.

big john whine

May 8, 2011, 4:15:47 PM5/8/11

good for you.

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