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The Jewish people always get the short end of the stick ...

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Jos Boersema

Aug 3, 2016, 1:48:09 AM8/3/16
Many people comment about the recent exposure of Richard Gutjahr who
apparently was both present at the Nice and Munich shootings, that this
is the fault of the Jewish people because he has a wife who is part of
the Knesset. I'll repost my reply to one of these sickening blame shifters
first and then make a comment on how it all really works in my opinion,
how it is the work of the Creator to save his People of Israel. Sorry to
be a bit upset because I'm getting sick of this eternal pathetic Fascist
/ Nazi blame shifting of everything on Israel (not to be confused with
honest criticism of the policies in Israel, or the Palestinian conflict,
or whatever; that kind of political process happens to all nations, and
South Afrika its Apartheids regime is a good non-Jewish example of that,
I'm sorry to say).

Can this blame shifting be canned please ? All these hyped up Jesus fans
with their brain-poisoning, right away shifting it all on the Jewish
people. How about things being the EXACT OTHER WAY AROUND: Gutless Gutjahr
is a western agent, and they have their control right into the Zionist
Rebel State its Parliament (Knesset). The Zionist State is WESTERN OWNED,
remember ?! The west set it up, and are the military support behind it,
making it a western war base. It is a projection of power into the middle
east, from the British-American Empire.

Meanwhile, what is the German secret service ? Who set it up ? It is an
outgrowth of the these
are Nazis ! Honest to goodness Nazis ! Who set up the European Union
? Prince Bernhard played a key role in setting up Bilderberg, and he was
an SS officer ! He was an early member of the Nazi party, signing letters
with "heil Hitler" ! He also worked at the Paris office of IG Farben, who
operated Auswitsch. The first president of the European Union was Walter
Hallstein, and he was a top lawyer and Nazi lawmaker ! The connection
between USA and the Nazis are numerous and well known. It is them that
own the Zionist Rebel State, which is a WEAPON against the Jewish people,
and it REPRESSES the real Jewish people, right in that State itself !

The Zionist Rebel State has NO interest in the Torah law, they are
traitors to the cause of the Jewish poeple, and fully a decadent
westernized society assuming the name "Israel". Then of course they
brain poison many Jewish people into supporting it: what else is new
?! How may American "support the troops" knowing full well that it is
an Empire of darkness and evil ? State propaganda is powerful, thanks
to more then just their ability to use taxation money.

Just look at yourself: this Gutless Gutjahr is now Jewish ?! Has he
converted ? Is he keeping to the Torah law ?! All assumed because
his wife is in the Knesset of the western war base in the middle east
? How about some evidence that the Mossad controls Gutless Gutjahr,
rather then the other way around: western services control the Mossad,
and this is one of their control lines ?

How much longer these Jesus fans and their ingrained hatred thanks to
their Jesus fable, that was foisted on us by the Roman Empire, WHICH IS
OUR ENEMY ! I don't understand this treason, that poeple side with Rome,
which is a foreign enemy that tries to conquer us all. This is treason,
unless you are Italian - but even that is not true, because the Roman
Emperor the Pope is the coup against the Senate by the army, and that
is high treason as well. They conquered Israel for spoils and loot 2
thousand years ago, and they foisted the whole Jesus garbage story that
they then spread by the use of alcohol and warfare on us all. It is a
foreign doctrine to us, and even to the Italians (!). It is the Roman
Imperial cult, Roman Imperial "cultural revolution" warfare running wild.

Does that mean the Zionist State is innocent: read carefully please,
I didn't say that. The Zionist State was created by the rich in Israel,
by their version of the corrupt ruling class that every Nation has. It is
hand in glove with the Nazis of the western Empire, it is one and the same
thing. What NATO and the "international mafia" is in France, or Germany,
or the Netherlands, or Spain or Italy, that it also is in Israel, with
its own characteristics of course. They control it all as one system.

The Zionist State is likely particularly subservient, because it has so
many enemies around them that they need the western powers to back them
up. Look how suicidal they are in their service to America, by attacking
Syria after Rusisa warned them not to. They don't care for their own
country or people at all, they are 100% whores for America. Just look at
that principality aready, LOOK AT THE MAP you fools ! Damn you fools,
you will rot in hell for the lies you have spread. Always shifting off
all the blame to the Jewish people, so that nothing ever changes. Who
are the Jewish people: a small nation for crying out loud. They couldn't
change a law here if they stampeded. They are used as a foil, a tool
for our domestic ruling classes to shift the blame.

THE ENEMY IS RIGHT HERE, he is clothed like us, comes from the same
background, same ethnicity: the enemy is the poison within. In a deeper
sense the enemy is the generalized ignorance and political apathy. The
people just don't really care, that is the real problem; it's the same
problem in all nations. It is not a problem of one nation versus the
other, it is a problem of the commoners who are apathic and decadent,
self obsessed and greedy, and the ruling class you get when you have such
a population, who are the worst. The enemy is ignorance, the enemy is
ourselves, and that is also true for Israel. The enemy is this pathetic
blame shifting, in service to the ruling class.

It is almost mind boggeling to think that first hte Jewish people are
subjected to Naziism, and then you have people with possible Nazi ties
because they work in German secret services (notice how the Nazi fathers
brought their offspring into the services later), and then when these
Nazis are misbehaving *again* a lifetime later, the blame is *again*
put on ? The Jewish people, of course.

One thing I very often see on the Internet is the phraze the "Synagogue
of Satan," which supposedly is Israel. This is part of Roman propaganda,
of course (as I assume every Jewish person is painfully aware.) they
are indoctrinated into hating the Jewish people. How far this goes I can
tell from my own middle school, which had nothing to do with Naziism and
we are Dutch so what is it to us anyway (a foreign enemy who invaded us,
and we historically find that kind of dictatorship disgusting). There
was no hint on our school of any anti-semitism at all, and only rare
hints of the Jesus system even existing. However, every year there was
a play performed, in which the Jewish people where made fun off, because
the whole Jesus fable was replayed as theater (which they took quite
serious, it was performed by the teachers themselves and not by the
children.) So they made fun of the "scribes" who accused Jesus of crimes,
and made them look a bit black and dark, although not extremely so. They
would have dark spots on their face with make-up, like they hwere
emaciated - but it wasn't like horror, but still obviously ill. The
idea they tried to project was that the Jewish people obsess about the
letter of the law, and not the heart of the law - as it where. Sure enough
there is some truth in that I guess - however what is the Dutch law, and
since when do these fakers care about that ? They don't. Our own
Constitution is ruined since 1953, they don't even know it. Now we are
lost in the European Union: they didn't even raise a squeek about it.
I haven't seen any of them care about the Nazis brought to power in
Ukraine also, which hurt real people and drives the world into World War
3 (in case someone things one shouldn't even care about law, but only
about real events.) They would parade 3 "scribes" on the scene, who where
reading from scrolls and all hyperventilating about what they are reading.

I'm sorry but it's basically spreading hatred of the Jewish people,
and that was the design apparently that Rome had with the Jesus system.
I don't think they do it on purpose, they merely follow the script
given to them. I'm sure they are mostly even pro-Israel people, pro-Jewish
people, and dutifully mourn the holocaust. It's not about hatred, but it
is about indoctrination and the habbit of hatred created by Rome. This
is now being exploited again, and the Jewish people get the short end of
the stick once again - as always.

It seems that the Jewish people are always hung out in front. People have
just no clue about the reality of organized crime. What is an organized
crime group ? They are hidden, but they have to have an interface with
the real world, because without that they would not be able to defraud
anyone. A look at the Mafia of Italy or Russia is a good starting point:
they maintain a strict hierarchy, and the boss is never involved directly
in the crimes. He oversees them and plans them perhaps, or they even have
special units for the planning. When it comes to securities white collar
fraud, you usually need to set up something fake, like a fake investment
fund. Whose signature will be on that ? The one who puts his signature
on there and his name, who is the contact point with the rest and the others
hide behind his back doing the paper work and the money laundering, that
one out in front is the most vulnerable of all of course, and the funny
thing is: he is the one who is going to end up with the least of the
loot because he is exposed. People look at him carefully: is he suddenly
driving a Ferari, while claiming bankruptcy 3 years earlier ? The one
out in front is exposed, is lower ranking, and is also often ... ?
Murdered by his own gang, or what he thought was his own gang. That is
how they work: they use front men, and when things get risky they murder
those they don't need.

The front men are the most exposed, most easily caught, make out with the
least of the loot, are hence the least disloyal to the inner crime gang,
they are lower ranking members. This system applies to the Jewish people
in a greater sense. Who is Greenspan ? Who is Yellen ? Yellen is an academic,
which means she is essentially labor class. She worked hard (I assume) to
get her degree. She is not so-called 'old money' of inbred nobility owning
enormous companies and estates. All she is, is a tool, a spokesperson for
the banks that own the Federal Reserve. Both Greenspan and Yellen have
strong Jewish connections. What are the odds ? These people are constantly
hanging out in front, they become household names. When the idiot masses
stampede, do you think they will think of the Morgan family, or of the
Rothshild family, will they think of the Morgans or of Yellen. You don't
see the Morgans a lot, but you do see Greenspan and Yellen a lot. Then
we have Soros: a thug who betrayed the Jewish people, and supposedly now
is a billionaire funding all kinds of Revolutions around the world. He
is another supposedly Jewish front man, behind which masses of people hide.


Is this bad ? The sad part is, or perhaps happy part: ultimately this is
working for the benefit of the Jewish people in the long term, although
it should be fought against because it is just not the truth that the
Jewish people are guilty of all this. But what it does is it causes the
Jewish people to constantly be attacked, unsettled, be under heavy pressure.
It prevents the Jewish people from assimiliting, and hence it drives them
back to the Torah law (or some of them at least).

It is easy to see how this can develop in the coming years / decades:
you see masses of decadence in the zionist rebel state, just as in all
western countries. If Israel is particularly attacked again, what's left
for the Jewish people but to return to the Torah ? How many can even
hang on to their sanity, if they don't cling to the Torah ? How many will
be assimilated to such a degree they don't even remember under the heavy
pressure, and thus be permanently cut off and removed from influence over
the remainder of the Jewish people ?

You could say that the front men, who in a greater sense are often the
Jewish people (in Europe at least), are killed, and that means that the
Jewish people can never get deeper into organized crime then being front
men. Of course there still is internal organized crime in the zionist
State like the Italians have the Mafia, Ndrangetah, Cosa Nostra and so
on, but (I guess) those are low level organizations of street scum. Those
are maybe the back door of the ruling class, while the real ruling class
owns the major corporations making vast amounts of money. I'm sure there
are plenty of hardened criminals of the first order, who can call themselves
Israelis and so on. But I don't think they enter in large numbers into
the real power structure of the western Empire. Hence with the Greenspans
and Yellens destroyed again in the next round of chaos, and the domestic
bankers funding the anti-Jewish hysteria, the worst of the Jewish people
are wiped out the soonest again.

It is in a sense a cleaning operation of the Jewish people. A cleaning
operation that should be resisted by all force, because it is evil and
dishonest. However it still works to the long term benefit of Israel,
because it cleans out a grey area and drives some people back to the Torah
/ Tanach, and they then become the kernel for the future of Israel. How
hard is it to see a future where the Zionist Rebel State is bombed out
of existence, masses of decadent people suddenly have nothing, and the
more sober of mind try to survive while clinging to their Torah ?

Then the Jewish people always seem to ask: why us ?! Why do they have
to be the ones hurt so badly. I think that is a misunderstanding, because
all nations hurt themselves badly, and since this world is driving toward
a nuclear holocaust and potential return to the stone age: the question
is essentially, if there is even anyone good enough to survive this and
maintain a culture that is more sophisticated then running around in a
scavenged animal hide, constantly evading disease and famine. Can anyone
even do that. Of course many nations laugh at such an idea: of course
they can. Meanwhile they behave as hunter gatherers on the question of
land ownership - which is a critical question. They are behaving as
cave men, as hunter gatherers, yet boasting about themselves and all their
technical contraptions. Great as those contraptions may be, it is all
going to be shortlived if those includes tremendous weapons that will
ruin it all sooner or later. All those contraptions are becoming a pain
rather then a pleasure, if they are used for war and tyranny in the end.
Under the worst high tech war and tyranny, people would beg to be back
running around free in an animal hide.

Israel however can live well above the level of the stone age hunter
gatehrer, if she maintains her Torah law which includes land distribution
and debt forgiveness, freeing the slaves, basic common solidarity and
laws for low taxation. The only question for Israel is then: can they
maintain their law. If they can not, then they would likely be destroyed
the way the other naitons are driving toward their own destruction, and
that hurts. If Israel can maintain the Torah law, then they could live
forever as a Nation, or as long as the Aerth exists. That is your basic
economic theory, it is quite simple. The power needs to be spread out to
all and it needs to stay that way, or you will collapse into war and
tyranny. Hence: it is all just a matter of actions and concequences, it
is not so much a matter that the Jewish people are somehow the main one
punished. The other nations also suffer viciously at times, and the
Jewish people also have good times. How did the people in Ukraine feel,
during World War 2, for example, did they have a good time ? No. Did
the Russians on the western front have a good time, was Stalingrad a lot
of fun ? How did the Germans themselves even fare, there in the Russian
winter. Sure enough some times they did have fun, overall in the end it
was all rather bitter, wasn't it. Then we have whole cities burning and
so on, and Eastern Germany descends under the Stalinist dictatorship.
How about we go back to the Black Death, which affected almost everyone
in Europe. It's not exactly like the Jewish poeple are always attacked
and everyone else is having fun.

So the point of the story is: the attacks on the Jewish people are often
lies and they help the enemy, but at the same time that evil is turned
into a good because it punishes and to a degree cleans out Israel. If
Israel keeps living under the Knesset the way it is going, it seems that
nothing will be left of the Torah in several centuries. They will find
a way to obliterate it, and in 800 years it will be a vague and strange
memory. Israel will then live under another corrupt ruling class just
like all the other nations, and if we don't have a nuclear world war
by then, we are probably facing high tech tyranny globally (that I don't
even know we can still get out off, short of a miracle). I guess: heaven
decides it's been enough "fun, games and decadence" again for Israel,
and the hammer comes down, and it is all totally destroyed. The Knesset
ends up a ruin, the Israely Supreme court is bombed down to its foundations,
and the next generation will not even remember the decisions that the
Knesset has passed, however they will keep their Torah in their house
and read it regularly.

With that there is hope for Israel, because there is hope in those laws.

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