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Jewish Chauvinism and Keeping the Jew Out of the Power Role

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Peter J Ross

May 15, 2017, 3:43:34 PM5/15/17
As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic
kindred vastly and invariably outstrips their loyalty to the
non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely
never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever
in the governance of these nations. If allowed to do so they would
unquestionably exploit this power for their own ends inevitably at the
expense of the majority non-Jewish population.

It follows from this that it is absurd to want to concede to them
a share in the government or administration of any country. Originally
amalgamated and one with their state, their religion is by no means
the main issue here, but rather merely the bond that holds them
together, the point de ralliement [rallying point], and the banner
whereby they recognize one another. This is also seen in the fact that
even the converted Jew who has been baptized does not by any means
bring upon himself the hatred and loathing of all the rest [of the
Jews], as do all other apostates. On the contrary, he continues as a
rule to be their friend and companion and to regard them as his true
countrymen. Accordingly, it is an extremely superficial and false
view to regard the Jews merely as a religious sect.

Schopenhauer’s conception of the Jews as a distinct and highly
ethnocentric ethnic entity, arrived at well before the advent of
modern population genetic studies, is very accurate. While not
entirely uniform, all Jews comprise a genetic cluster that share large
swaths of DNA. For instance, the 2010 study by Atzmon et al. confirmed
that all of the different Jewish groups comprise a distinct genetic
cluster. This study examined genetic markers spread across the entire
genome, and showed that Jewish groups (Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi)
share large swaths of DNA, indicating close relationships, and while
each Jewish group in the study (Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian,
Turkish, Greek, and Ashkenazi) had its own genetic signature, each was
more closely related to the other Jewish groups than to their
non-Jewish countrymen. Atzmon and his colleagues found that the SNP
markers in genetic segments of 3 million DNA letters or longer were 10
times more likely to be identical among Jews than non-Jews, and that
any two Ashkenazi Jewish participants in the study shared about as
much DNA as fourth or fifth cousins. Of course, Judaism could still be
a group evolutionary strategy even if Jews were not a genetically
distinct group, providing that Jews believed that they were, and
behaved accordingly, which is exactly what they did believe and behave
like for millennia before recent population genetic studies confirmed
what they had always assumed. The Zionist writer Robert Weltsch nicely
summed up this hyper-ethnocentric mentality when he noted in 1913
that: When it comes to the unity of the Jews, there is one irrefutable
proof: the consciousness of this unity, which is an inner experience
that every individual Jew possesses.

Schopenhauer concludes his comments on the Jews by again
emphasizing their ethnically alien status with Europe and by using a
telling anecdote to reiterate his position that the Jews (as a group
whose intense loyalty to its own people and hostility to outsiders is
so profound) should never be given the right to exercise power over
other people. They are and remain a foreign oriental race, and so must
be regarded merely as domiciled foreigners.

Schopenhauer’s observations on the Jews influenced a range of
notable figures, most famously Adolf Hitler who is said to have
carried a copy of Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation
with him as a soldier in World War I, and to have been able to quote
large chunks of it from memory according to an inventory of the books
he borrowed between 1919 and 1921 at the National Socialist Institute
in Munich. Hitler also read a volume entitled Schopenhauer and the
Jews alongside such works as Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s Foundations
of the Nineteenth Century and the German translation of Henry Ford’s
The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem. Schopenhauer is
mentioned by name twice in Mein Kampf. One of these references relates
to Schopenhauer’s observation in his Parerga and Paralipomena that the
Jews were at all times and by all nations loathed and despised.

Schopenhauer is universally recognized as an intellectual giant
and for very good reason. His thinking was often decades, and
sometimes centuries, ahead of his contemporaries. Nevertheless, the
philosophy of Nietzsche (despite its relativism and contradictions)
has enjoyed far wider acceptance than that of Schopenhauer among those
on the racialist right. That is largely because of the marked
anti-egalitarianism of Nietzsche, and the fact that Schopenhauer’s
pessimism and advocacy of life-renunciation is profoundly
dysfunctional from a group evolutionary standpoint. As Kevin MacDonald
has pointed out, we are all free to decide to not play the
evolutionary game. However, if we (or our racial or ethnic kindred)
decide to not play the evolutionary game we automatically lose, we are
destined for extinction. This is why, while recognizing the genius of
Schopenhauer’s thought, we must, in the end, eschew his pessimistic
conclusions and side with Nietzsche’s doctrine of life-assertion. The
White race did not become the dominant force on the planet through
renouncing life and avoiding conflict in the manner of Buddhist monks.
Our European ancestors, who built Western civilization and spread it
around the globe, lived life to the full, said yes to life, and did
not shrink from conflict. They behaved how all healthy living
creatures behave spontaneously in nature. Asserting our racial
interests will inevitably bring us into conflict with others doing the
same (especially Jewish interests) but this is inevitable and natural
and simply must be accepted as the price must pay to secure our
existence. We have to embrace the fight for the survival of our race,
and strive to enlist others in this fight, because, in the end, there
is simply no alternative.


PJR :)

τὸ γὰρ δίκαιον οἶδε καὶ τρυγῳδία.
- Aristophanes

Peter J Ross

May 25, 2017, 9:32:38 AM5/25/17


May 25, 2017, 1:28:46 PM5/25/17
On Monday, May 15, 2017 at 3:43:34 PM UTC-4, Peter J Ross wrote:
> As a asshole who's opinion is absolutely worthless, you will be laughed at and ignored.

Fuck off and die, and have a nice day.

Peter J Ross

May 29, 2017, 10:24:55 AM5/29/17
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