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US soldier dishonorably discharged for writing "no weapon against me...

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Jos Boersema

Aug 14, 2016, 5:47:54 AM8/14/16
America is insane: a US soldier was dishonorably discharged for writing
"no weapon formed against you shall prosper" (from the Tanach), and this
dishonorable discharge was upheld by the US Court system. The decision
seems ironic in general, as if the US high command and Court system have
decided that weapons against them shall prosper.

Is that the sound of the Russian nuclear counter offensive whistling
through the sky, with the US high command in fact *desiring* it, as they
hunker down in their deep bunkers with the plan to return to the Dark
Ages, to rule as Kings and Dukes ? Are they that insane ? The proof that
the USA is insane is in: no reasonable person would deny a soldier to
write somewhere "no weapon formed against you shall prosper."

We in the Netherlands can no longer be part of the United States evil
Empire, with its insane high command, and its delusional high Court. I
hope that Israel will soon make the same decision, regardless of the
seeming security implications. If Israel repents back to the Torah, they
should be safe. The ones who do not repent back to the Torah ..... they
are not really even part of Israel, given the nature of its emergence
as written in the Tanach. They will be destroyed. However those with a
good heart will instead choose to finally do the truth. That is at least
what the Prophets of Israel have said, who have also said that Edom will
be hated in the world, and become a small nation (correct ?). It might
refer to the post-nuked USA, which is generally regarded as being Edom
by the Jewish people (corrections welcomed, of course).

Why is this of interest: I think it is interesting to know you live in
an insane Empire whose court system makes that level of insane decisions,
for whatever seemingly benign reasons. Many Jewish people live in the USA,
thinking it a great place. I think things in USA are changing rather
rapidly for the worse, and it is important to notice the various ways in
which it does to make decisions about whether it is still possible to live
there for a reasonable person; especially those of the "scapegoat Nation"
(Israel.) In other words ... it might be time to leave the USA.

Notice how Trump has gone from "a joke, a fake candidate, he will never
make it even as the Republican nominee," to now be on the final ticket with
his Fascist program. Notice how you cannot even say normal things like
"no weapon formed against me shall prosper" which is both political free
speech and freedom of religious choice. In USA in Alaska (FWIK) a 2nd
"invocation" at the opening of some public Council was held, honoring
Satan (!!!). Although the list of USA crimes is long and horrifying, it
seems that those "chickens" of Empire "are coming home to roost" (as the
saying goes.) What does that mean for the Jewish people, in a USA where
being gay and trancegender is becoming a form of heroism, during economic
collapse and repression even forming against basic Jesus fans, with the
death penalty in the Torah for gay behavior, the history of the US ruling
class of funding the Nazis and then precisely those families become a
major political force (The Bush family) with in Europe the E.U. its first
president being top Nazi lawyer and law maker Walter Hallstein doing it
together with the Nazi of the early NSDAP Prince Bernhard (a German), and
the German secret service created out of the Nazis again by the Americans,
forming a ruling class in the entire western world with roots in Naziism
(and even above Naziism to those that created that movement), who of
course made their main point about murdering out all Jewish people ?

What does it mean that traitor but ethnic Jew Soros is constantly on stage
as if he has done it all, as if he is the major power in US secret services,
coups and Revolutions, domestic riots, etc ? What does it mean that Greenspan
and Yellen have Jewish backgrounds, and are paraded in front as if they are
the Federal Reserve and responsible for everything ? What does it mean that
an atmosphere is created where it is claimed that Israel is extorting the
USA for its own protection in the Zionist Rebel State, and how the wars of
Israel against the Palestinians - unpleasant as they may be - are not as
covered up by the mass media as is the destruction of Yugoslavia, Iraq,
Lybia, the war in Donbass Ukraine or now the destruction of Syria ? Why
can there be a general boycot against the Zionist State, but not against USA
who has done so much more evil and who is responsible even for what the
Zionists have done and are doing ? It seems to me that Israel is already
hung out in front as the scapegoat nation, set up for later use.

Of course I can turn out to be completely wrong in this, but that is not
the point ! The point is that it is historically every way possible that
it will develop this way, because it has so often in the past and it was
so hard to see it coming. History forces the Jewish people to take the
side of caution in such matters. Another factor is the worship of the
Muppet Jesus, whithin which creed the Jewish people are also the scapegoats,
which still creates hatred against the Jewish people to this day. Western
peoples generally lack the maturity to blame themselves for their own
catastrophes, while the true ruling class behind the scenes who see it all
coming because they are causing it, will need a way out to save themselves.

How can a bunch of barbequeing gypsies be blamed for the financial catastrophe
in the banking world ? How can the insane be blamed, or the blacks ? Everyone
knows they aren't anything in the financial world. How can whites be blamed
for that matter, when the bulk of the population is the whites who of course
do have the major blame, but they are the very ones who are looking for
a scapegoat. How could Africa be blamed: it cannot. How can China and
Russia be blamed: they can because it is part of the great insanity of
global warfare, but that's just another thing they will possibly do and
exploit. Who says they will have only one bullet to solve this problem ?
A domestic enemy is perfect for the ruling class, to spread general terror,
and then a foreign boogie man to round it off into domestic tyranny. How
can the native indians be blamed: they are crushed, hanging on a mere thread
to survive another generation.

No, then the Jewish people: many are wealthy, some parade around as high
advisors in the Imperial bureaucracy, they are all over the place, they
are foreign, they have a weird religion, weird ethnicity, weird letters,
weird dress sometimes, and they supposedly killed the Great Muppet Jesus
(even when they didn't, but that doesn't even matter because this is not
about logic, it is about emotions held by generally ignorant people.) What
a perfect scapegoat, and then the kicker: by making the Jewish people the
scapegoat, the Torah can be vilified, while this Torah law is a great
threat to the ruling class its lawless power. It moralizes people with
psalms and sayings, it has a correct economic system, and it promises
rewards beyond this world that can give people unusual courage in warfare.
By making the Jewish poeple the enemy, the ruling class can attempt to
destroy this document once again. Although they will likely and hopefully
miserably fail at it once again, the damage done to many Jewish people
may be no less for it.

You want to hang on the thread that Trump is a Zionism supporter, while
it is obvious that Zionism - in particular secular political Zionism,
which is the original Zionism and to which the Zionist State seems to
be married - in general is a threat to the Torah ? Wasn't Bush, who comes
from a Nazi family, also sympathetic to the Zionist State - which is an
American forward deployed war base with a human Jewish shield and host
around it ? You're being used as a human shield even in the Zionist State:
how safe is that. That whole state could be blown up by the Americans,
by antagonizing Russia or even others, and then pulling out to let the
Zionists burn. Who knows, it's not like the people who run the Western
Empire care for the truth or for Peace or Justice, and it's not like they
love the Jewish people - the real ones.

Some people, like children, think that if they play nice, pay taxes,
are honest and kind, play by the rules, that this makes them loved by
the ruling class. Wrong ! They fear you like the plague, because it is
kind hearted and civilized poeple who will eventually demand Justice be
done against the criminals - who do you think those criminals are ?
The idea that the ruling class loves honorable, honest, kind and wise
citizens is a facade, part of the facade they themselves put up about
themselves, in effect claiming to be ordinary citizens of high morality;
when in fact they wage horrific wars, plunder the treasury, and lie
obsessively straight to the face of the Nation.

Get armed and be ready for anything, including foods and while you're
at it: have portable tents. I sure have what I can have on these measures,
and I'm not even 10% or 1% in as much danger as the members of the scapegoat
Nation: the first born to HaShem, first born to Peace and Justice, Israel.

We had the holocaust, now there is still no repentence and the punishment
should be 7 fold. Nuclear rockets are ready everywhere; even comonners
who 10 years ago where *certain* that there would never be a nuclear war
on Earth - or at best a limited one with a few nukes going off in some
far off place - now can be seen commenting that it is quite possible that
if you have your portable tents and food in good order that you would end
up the best off of all in society, merely because you have something to
eat and a place to sleep out of the rain. That is how fast this is going,
and so the first question is not: how can we make way with the truth, the
first question is: what do you *do* about it, even personally. Making way
with the truth is the 2nd question, because it is so unlikely to work !

Don't I try it all day long ? Nobody cares ! You can have all the proof
you want about Donbass, nobody cares ! One in a million cares, it's not
enough. Even if 20% knew the truth, it wouldn't be enough; hardened action
would still be required to make the necessary changes. Decadence is sky
high, nothing will change because people only care about themselves and
they judge the entire world merely on the thickness of their own wallet.

Sense the danger, and at least do *something* because if you don't, the
panic later could be all the worse for it. That panic itself is something
of a topic in itself, and on how to deal with it. You can reduce it by
preparing mentally and physically.

The same old evil going on in the world as ever, it is likely to spread
faster and wider. What seems normal today, was unthinkable centuries ago.
Absolutely unthinkable ! Today it's so normal nobody notices it. Plane,
computers, clothes that are spit out of machines, absolutely unthinkable.
Today it's normal. That is how much things can change in a short time:
you think that cannot be undone even faster ? Do you realize what world
you are in ? The funny part about all that is also that once it all
collapses, in a few years that will become the new normal.

That means 2 things: the window of political opportunity can be fairly
short, it depends on if something new is entrenched quickly. This opportunity
hence requires political preparation. The other is that it requires
physical preparation. Who has both, is likely moralized (that is, motivated)
to make the best out of it, with most hope and resources. Who only has
material preparation, will not unlikely be gripped by fear anyway, because
he could loose all so easily, and then what ? Where is the end of the chaos,
where is the ideology to strive for ? If it's not there, if it's all
contracted to the value of those dwindling resources or tenuous plot of
land: this is not a very good situation. If on the other hand all you have
is ideology, then what are you going to do once you go hungry so fast,
or stand in line, or are send off to the front to die in a war you know
is evil ? Although it is still difficult if you have both, at least you
can try to make headway with your ideology, even use your material resources
to do so, and just see the whole affair as a form of an adventure and
opportunity. That keeps your spirits up for the time that you might still

What ideology to choose, I'll leave to you but I suggest to better think
about it now, before things get so bad that the sense of peace is disturbed
at street level. Will it ? I don't know, but the potential is mounting
strategically over the years & decades. Absolute morons are at the helm,
ruled by the most sinister of ruling class gangster cliques, you do the math.

-- How economics works, and how to get it fixed.
Reasoning, implementation plans, example Constitutions, and voting software.

Jos Boersema

Aug 14, 2016, 8:16:23 AM8/14/16
Op 2016-08-14, Jos Boersema schreef <jo...@debian.sao>:
> Get armed and be ready for anything, including foods and while you're
> at it: have portable tents. I sure have what I can have on these measures,
> and I'm not even 10% or 1% in as much danger as the members of the scapegoat
> Nation: the first born to HaShem, first born to Peace and Justice, Israel.

Obviously a tent is useless if a nuke goes off nearby, but distance and
condition allowing one would be better prepared then having no realistic
or half way comfortable options. Example: you know that it is safer to
leave and go - say - 80 km to the north-east, as an hypothetical example.
However you have 3 children. If you have no tents and such and only a car,
you could so much more likely decide against knowing better to just try
to ride it out at home. The trouble with not having supplies and equipment,
is that it leads to inferior decisions. If there had been amply enough
tents and such, the whole affair could be done as a way of vacationing,
and the children might even have a jolly good old time. I don't say a tent
will save you, I'm merely saying it gives you options that might proof
worthwhile, and so it is with everything else. He who has a shovel has
dug half a garden, while the other is still asking around to lend one.
He who has a shovel can lend it away or sell it, he who has nothing has

Anyway, I just thought I also add what I think is wise to have in terms
of tents; just in case someone got inspired and buys something that might
not be so good. Personal note: me and someone else just had a fun vacation
to some Northern German cities, and on the latest day his light weight
and large blue tent could not be put up because it was blowing too much.
That is an 4 by 3 meter or so tent, quite cheap but not bad at all; one
with those bending plastic sticks. This one is unusually water tight. However
it's a good weather tent, or say it cannot handle stronger coastal winds.
So then I put him in my Dutch army pup tent (the model with the ground
tarp stitched into it), and I span the Dutch army poncho next to it and
slept under that, inside a Dutch army sleeping bag (the modular one
consisting of 3 parts), and inside the outer bivak bag (gore-tex). Since
I also have a wind screen, we put that out in the direction of the wind;
but it blew so hard we only dared pull it up half way. It rained almost
the entire night, but we stayed dray perfectly.

I guess that's an example of what one can buy. I have 3 of those Dutch
army 'pup' tents that can be zipped together in a string, each only
costing 30,- euro 2nd hand. That's totalling 90,- Euro, giving you
options as it is both 3 tents, 2 tents, and 1 tent (depending on how
to zip them together). That is still 60,- Euro cheaper then the light
weight good weather tent. The poncho + bivak bag also count as a tent
(as proven), within which other sleeping bags fit as well of course.
You can set up an entire camp that way, with these cheap Army tents,
which come in many forms I guess; depending on the Nation in question.

The point is: good, stirdy quality stuff, I am quite pleased with the
camouflage coloring as well (just in case). Also I like the flexibility.
Then: I actually do use these tents in vacations, it's not merely for
some kind of super disaster or war scenario. But even if you want to
buy stuff for just that, the army gear could be a good choice because
it's fit for that purpose and tends to be cheap 2nd hand, and available.
I do suggest to try it out at least once before you really need it,
and repair/augment as needed.

Typical things that come in handy during camping: rope / thread, stuff
that keeps tents down and such. I really don't have a clue if any of
this will be helpful in practice, but common sense dictates that it is
a reasonable precaution and fairly good choice from available options,
given all possibilities. Hence: I would not go for the thin nylon tents
or cheap emergency tent like stuff. I just don't trust it but do as you
please. In a real bad condition, you might be living in that tent for
years - who the hell knows. You don't want to live like a King for
the first 12 weeks, and then all of a sudden all you have is some rags
and useless plastic poles.

I rather sit tight in a stirdy tent even with a reserve, and be ok
for as long as it possibly can. Meanwhile, it's so much more covered
then bigger or brighter tents. Imagine puting up a light weight nylon
tent in a heavily wooded place, that tent is probably torn open by some
branch even while it is put up. I just don't belief in this modern stuff,
although come to think of it I do own a nylon 2 person rounded tent too
for decades already, which always worked great. Still I prefer the more
heavy fabric, stirdy tents like the Dutch army pup tent with integrated
ground tarp (these have only one layer, there is no inner tent; if you
want to think of it that way, the sleeping bivak cover bag is a sort of
an inner tent). The Dutch Army seasonal sleeping bag goes to minus 40 C,
which if you try it under normal temperatures you can start to belief
seeing how hot you get inside of it (lol).

Then of course you'd be wise to have food and a way to cook it, all in
the most basic but functional ways; such as car fuel burning stoves,
because that stuff is likely more available then the more complicated
natural gas stoves. Then of course there is wood, or the good old: an
axe, to cut wood. How about 2 axes, for that matter. 3 ? lol The more
basic, low technology, the more likely it is functional somehow, and
also tradeable. Incidentally electronic gadgetry is disabled after a
nuke strike. A water filter could be quite important. Food supplies
fit for a year could be good too, because it's currently uncontaminated
food whereas the first crops after a nuke war will probably not be so
good. Such uncontaminated food could also represent great trading value.

Why all such fear of total disaster and war ? This is all caused in my
opinion by an ignorant economic system, which always will spiral out of
control into massive centralization of wealth. That will ruin the economy,
increase the unemployed, and eventually the ruling class chooses for war
as the way out. Nobody cares for such truths or do something about it
while we still can, and hence 1 + 1 = 2, isn't it. Simple as that, the
only remaining question is: when.

My guess is, it won't last a lot longer under this seeming peace. Notice
how Donbass and Crimea zones of tension have *still* not subsided
! Instead, they're ramping it up again. They *need* the war, it's very
important to realize that. These are not wars that just happy go lucky
emerge out of old weird conditions. These wars are consciously created and
kept on the boil, for use as a strategic domestic political operation by
the western ruling class against the western populations themselves. They
use Russia as the anvil, there is no other anvil available. The fact
that they have now sided China in with Russia should have everyone on
their toes, because it means they are willing to wage a more serious
global war that also encompasses China. The amount of non adaptable
refugees they pipe into the West also suggests they have major plans,
none for the better.

When I say "soon," that can still be 10 years mind you, but it can also be
6 months - I just don't know, do you ? My best guess is: it will develop
into the coming years, and still not blow up very fast in the first 3
years in terms of a European war, although we could have serious posturing
and even some skirmishes between NATO and Russia, but hopefully it wil
die down quickly. But then after a bit of that, and some more events and
escalations, it could very well blow wide open and we could literally see
the nukes go off over German and American cities, and major war happening
on the outer Russian Republics. It's perfectly conceivable in my opinion
that Moscow will remain unscaved for a surprising amount of time, just
because the western evil gangsters actually *want* the war, and they
don't want to deal Russia any kind of death blow too soon ! That's how
insane they are, in my opinion, they want to see their own people die.

Please don't hold my guesses against me, unless right now here or else
where you made a better guess. This is your guess, right now: ....... .
If you leave it blank, don't come back being the smart ass later; this
is virtually impossible to predict. I'm not sitting with Kissinger and
Brezinski plotting all this evil. I doubt it will take more then 15
years to develop, I doubt that very much. I think we'll be having it
within the next 15 years or so. Maybe not, but it just feels unlikely.

best regards,
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