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Former Christian Right activist on the End Times Crazies

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John Manning

Oct 14, 2009, 7:55:17 PM10/14/09

My interview with Frank Schaeffer
by Larisa Alexandrovna

- Lifetime Christian and former Christian Right
founder/activist Frank Schaeffer describes the
frightened, desperate mindset of the right wing
Christian lunatic fringe and their fanatic
'end times' madness. -


Larisa Alexandrovna: For those of us who are not familiar with the
"end-times" movement, could you please summarize what it is? How does it
relate to Israel?

Frank Schaeffer: The expanding Left Behind entertainment empire also
feeds the dangerous delusions of Christian Zionists, who are convinced
that the world is heading to a final Battle of Armageddon and who see
this as a good thing!

LA: A good thing? And what does Zionism have to do with this movement?

FS: Christian Zionists, led by many "respectable" mega-pastors --
including Reverend John Hagee -- believe that war in the Middle East is
God�s will. In his book Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World,
Hagee maintains that Russia and the Arabs will invade Israel and then
will be destroyed by God. This will cause the Antichrist -- the head of
the European Union -- to stir up a confrontation over Israel between
China and the West.

LA: Wait a moment. Aside from the obvious of the real geopolitical
allegiances and resource interests -- making this scenario less likely
than all of us packing up and moving to Mars soon -- they believe this
is a good thing?

FS: Yes. It will "prove" that they will "inherit the earth." In other
words they�ve spent their lives feeling left behind by culture and
scholarship. If the "End" comes, they get the last laugh. So they cling
to this like an addict clinging to his last fix.

Perhaps, in the era of Obama, Hagee will do a fast rewrite and say that
President Obama is the Antichrist, because the same folks who are into
Christian Zionism are also into the far, far loony right of the
Republican Party represented by oddities like Sarah Palin.

These are the same people who insist that President Obama is a "secret
Muslim," "not an American," and/or "a communist," "more European than
American," or whichever one of those contradictory things is worse --
not like us anyway, that�s for sure.

Christian Zionists support any violent action by the State of Israel
against Arabs and Palestinians because the increasingly brutal State of
Israel is, in the fevered evangelical/fundamentalist mind, the nation
presently standing in for Jesus as avenger on evildoers everywhere, by
which they mean Arabs and others not like us.

Christian Zionists are yet another reason why I and countless other
Christians, including many of the more moderate evangelicals, mainline
Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox are hesitant to be labeled
"Christian." Who wants to be confused with some of the most dangerous
and stupid people in the world: nuclear-armed, paranoid
evangelical/fundamentalist Bible-thumpers rooting for Armageddon on and
worrying in paranoid "official" documents about being forced to become
like "the Europeans"?

LA: Being a Jew, this idea of Christian Zionism sounds very much like
anti-Semitism. Would you say that Christian Zionism -- and the whole
end-times philosophy -- is anti-Semitic or am I misunderstanding it?

FS: Yes. The "purpose" of the Jews is to be there to be killed after the
Second Coming. Christian Zionists love Israel the way oncologists love
cancer. It's a good living. Jews who play footsie with evangelicals in
return for the "support" of the State of Israel are fools.

Read the FULL interview here [scroll down to 'Coming Full Circle']:

Logan Sacket

Oct 15, 2009, 6:32:06 PM10/15/09
On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 20:55:17 -0300, John Manning
<> wrote:

>My interview with Frank Schaeffer
>by Larisa Alexandrovna
>- Lifetime Christian and former Christian Right
>founder/activist Frank Schaeffer describes the
>frightened, desperate mindset of the right wing
>Christian lunatic fringe and their fanatic
>'end times' madness. -
>Larisa Alexandrovna: For those of us who are not familiar with the
>"end-times" movement, could you please summarize what it is? How does it
>relate to Israel?
>Frank Schaeffer: The expanding Left Behind entertainment empire also
>feeds the dangerous delusions of Christian Zionists, who are convinced
>that the world is heading to a final Battle of Armageddon and who see
>this as a good thing!
>LA: A good thing? And what does Zionism have to do with this movement?
>FS: Christian Zionists, led by many "respectable" mega-pastors --
>including Reverend John Hagee -- believe that war in the Middle East is

>God�s will. In his book Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World,

>Hagee maintains that Russia and the Arabs will invade Israel and then
>will be destroyed by God. This will cause the Antichrist -- the head of
>the European Union -- to stir up a confrontation over Israel between
>China and the West.
>LA: Wait a moment. Aside from the obvious of the real geopolitical
>allegiances and resource interests -- making this scenario less likely
>than all of us packing up and moving to Mars soon -- they believe this
>is a good thing?
>FS: Yes. It will "prove" that they will "inherit the earth." In other

>words they�ve spent their lives feeling left behind by culture and

>scholarship. If the "End" comes, they get the last laugh. So they cling
>to this like an addict clinging to his last fix.
>Perhaps, in the era of Obama, Hagee will do a fast rewrite and say that
>President Obama is the Antichrist, because the same folks who are into
>Christian Zionism are also into the far, far loony right of the
>Republican Party represented by oddities like Sarah Palin.
>These are the same people who insist that President Obama is a "secret
>Muslim," "not an American," and/or "a communist," "more European than
>American," or whichever one of those contradictory things is worse --

>not like us anyway, that�s for sure.

>Christian Zionists support any violent action by the State of Israel
>against Arabs and Palestinians because the increasingly brutal State of
>Israel is, in the fevered evangelical/fundamentalist mind, the nation
>presently standing in for Jesus as avenger on evildoers everywhere, by
>which they mean Arabs and others not like us.
>Christian Zionists are yet another reason why I and countless other
>Christians, including many of the more moderate evangelicals, mainline
>Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox are hesitant to be labeled
>"Christian." Who wants to be confused with some of the most dangerous
>and stupid people in the world: nuclear-armed, paranoid
>evangelical/fundamentalist Bible-thumpers rooting for Armageddon on and
>worrying in paranoid "official" documents about being forced to become
>like "the Europeans"?
>LA: Being a Jew, this idea of Christian Zionism sounds very much like
>anti-Semitism. Would you say that Christian Zionism -- and the whole
>end-times philosophy -- is anti-Semitic or am I misunderstanding it?
>FS: Yes. The "purpose" of the Jews is to be there to be killed after the
>Second Coming. Christian Zionists love Israel the way oncologists love
>cancer. It's a good living. Jews who play footsie with evangelicals in
>return for the "support" of the State of Israel are fools.
>Read the FULL interview here [scroll down to 'Coming Full Circle']:

John Hagee teaches false doctrine. He is a prosperity preacher and a
Zionist. The Left Behind theology is another made up story that has
no Bilbical backing.

Oct 15, 2009, 6:38:18 PM10/15/09
On Oct 15, 6:32 pm, (Logan Sacket) wrote:


> John Hagee teaches false doctrine.

*All* doctrines are false.

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
aa#2015/Member, Knights of BAAWA!

Dr. Smartass, Troll Veterinarian

Oct 15, 2009, 9:22:41 PM10/15/09
to (Logan NutSack) wrote in news:4ad7a0f7.1536468

> John Hagee teaches false doctrine.

Kook fight! Kooook fight!

Doc Smartass | BAAWA Knight of Troll Medication | aa # 1939

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