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Holohoaxing In Florida

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Carolina Reb

Jul 14, 2019, 12:46:13 PM7/14/19
You can deny Jesus, you can deny the devil, you can deny gravity, you
can even deny all physics! You can deny the Roman Empire, the Civil War,
WWI, earthquakes, tornadoes, flatulence and Bigfoot.

But you cannot ever question any part of the Holy Hollowswindle. To do
so is to anger the Jews and to get fired from, or at least demoted at,
your job. In fact, to anger a Jew is to anger God himself. Jews are gods
in human form. Ask any rabbi. (If millions of Jews were “gassed” and
cremated in the “gas ovens” of Auschwitz and other concentration camps,
there would have been huge, 10-foot-high piles of human ash all over the
entire areas surrounding Auschwitz and other camps. Every human body
that is cremated leaves a whopping 6 pounds of ash behind if a man, 4
pounds if a woman. Yet, such huge piles of human ash were never reported
by anyone and no photos of such piles of ash exist. A little detail that
the Jews overlooked when they invented their bogus Holocaust gassing
story, although granted, modern Hollowswindle books may have caught and
“corrected” the embarrassing mistake by now; any Jew who was found dead
in any Nazi camp likely starved to death when “the allies” bombed the
supply lines, i.e., roads, bridges, rail lines; and, to think, the
Hollowswindle didn’t even happen in Florida!).


Jul 15, 2019, 12:30:03 PM7/15/19
gods and jews were created in the imaginations of man and believed by fools.


Jul 15, 2019, 12:43:19 PM7/15/19
The holocaust was a systematic murder of Jewish people. Denying it is based on even more hatred of Jewish people. You are living proof of this hatred.

Jews are better than you, pathetic asshole.


Jul 15, 2019, 1:04:11 PM7/15/19
On Sunday, July 14, 2019 at 12:46:13 PM UTC-4, Carolina Reb wrote:
I think this post is a hate post. However, it doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Canadian government. If it did, you'd be reported. The Jews were treated horribly. There is no denying that. You won't even deny it.

Carolina Reb

Jul 15, 2019, 1:19:20 PM7/15/19
"Hate" is legal here withing the USofA. You are at liberty to
report it to CHRC. However, Canada has no extradition treaty
with USofA for "crimes" that are legal here. Get used to it.

Loose Cannon

Jul 15, 2019, 1:23:04 PM7/15/19
On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 09:43:18 -0700 (PDT), P-Dub <>
Quit your whining! More than TWENTY MILLION Russian Christians died in
that same war, and not in very pleasant fashions either. As many
Catholics as jews died in Poland. Dead is dead no matter what the
reason. The jews have no monopoly on suffering.

Sick old nazoid pedo Andrew Andrzej Baron

Jul 15, 2019, 4:12:54 PM7/15/19

In article <>,
Carolina Reb <> wrote:

[shit flushed down Walt's hungry throat]

How EXACTLY do you eat shit? Do you prefer the direct delivery
method, like your hero, Shitty Shiteater Shitler?

Yes folks, FOUR leading experts concluded: Shitler ate shit!
"He is an extreme masochist who derives sexual pleasure from
having a woman squat over him while she uriniates or defecates
on his face."

Quoted from

"A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler"

Walter C. Langer, Harvard

With the collaboration of
Prof. Henry A. Murr, Harvard Psychological Clinic
Dr. Ernst Kris, New School for Social Research
Dr. Bertram D. Lawin, New York Psychoanalytic Institute

Some believe that he [Hitler] is entirely immune from such impulses.
Some believe that he is a chronic masturbator. Some believe that
he derives his sexual pleasure [Page 138] through voyeurism. Many
believe that he is completely impotent. Others, and these are perhaps
in the majority, that he is homosexual. It is probably true that he is
impotent but he is certainiy not homosexual in the ordinary sense of
the term. His perversion has quite a different nature which few have
guessed. He is an extreme masochist who derives sexual pleasure from
having a woman squat over him while she uriniates or defecates on his
face. (Strasser, 919; see also 931, 932)*

[*Note: There may be some people who would question the reliability of
any information given by Otto Strasser because of his reputation. It
is perhaps because of his reputation that he came by this information
which had been so carefully guarded. He also supplied the interviewer
with a great deal of other information concerning Hitler which
checked very closely with that of other informants. As far as this
study is concerned we have no reason to question his sincerity.]

Although this perversion is not a common one, it is not unknown in
clinical work, particularly in its incipient stages. The four
collaborators on this study, in addition to Dr. De Saussure who
learned of the perversion from other sources, have all had experience
with cases of this type. All five agree that their information as
given is probably true in view of their clinical experience and their
knowledge of Hitler's character. In the following section further
evidence of its validition will be cited. At the present moment it is
sufficient to recognize the influence that this perversion must have
on the conscious mental life of Hitler.


Jul 15, 2019, 8:42:51 PM7/15/19
You're trivializing the official holocaust. That is not kosher in Canada.

Jul 15, 2019, 10:30:27 PM7/15/19
YOU'RE HERE WALTER BECAUSE You are A PARASITE on Jews and can't get a shits worth of attention on your own without Jews no matter what you do or say EVEN IF YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE DEPENDED ON IT —— BECAUSE you have nothing to say or do or offer even the enemies of Jews that would interest anybody other than the fact you share your profound inferiority complex and job insecurity with other crippled Jew haters like yourself with nothing to offer anybody other than your Jew hate and inferiority-complex, and btw those people prolly hate and suspect you just as much as you hate us. So Good luck with that you poor crippled copoy pasting asshole.

Loose Cannon

Jul 15, 2019, 10:50:36 PM7/15/19
I'm not trivializing it, I'm putting it in perspective to the death
tolls of other groups who were involved with the war. The gooks alone
lost over 25 million to the japs. Let's accept for arguments sake that
the jews lost 6 million. Why is that worse than all the other groups
whose numbers far outweigh the measly 6 million the jews lost?

Carolina Reb

Jul 16, 2019, 1:26:20 AM7/16/19
Holohoaxing is the biggest money-making scam in the Jews' game
plan. As this century continues along the arrow of time, you
sill see "sons of holocaust survivors" with a follow-up by
"grandsons of holocaust survivors." The Jews will continue this
hustle for as long as they think they can get away with it.



Jul 16, 2019, 7:05:54 AM7/16/19
I was mocking the politically correct version of history. My dad saw first hand the gulag system in action. Don't forget the horrors inflicted by the Belgians against the people of the Congo...and on it goes. Man against man.

Carolina Reb

Jul 16, 2019, 12:50:16 PM7/16/19
You are on the wrong newsgroup. This forum is for bashing Jews.

Sick old nazoid pedo Andrew Andrzej Baron

Jul 16, 2019, 6:26:02 PM7/16/19

In article <>,
Carolina Reb <> wrote:

[shit flushed down Walt's hungry throat]

Leading US neo-Nazi jailed for child porn possession
Kevin Alfred Strom (born 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska) is the former
Managing Director of National Vanguard, a Charlottesville-based
organization that has been described as a racist, white separatist,
homophobic, and a Neo-Nazi hate group by the Southern Poverty Law
Center and the Anti-Defamation League.[1][2] Strom resigned from
National Vanguard in July 2006.[3] National Vanguard reportedly
disbanded on March 14, 2007, and its website has been dormant since
that time. In 2008 Strom pleaded guilty to possession of ten images
of child pornography and was sentenced to 23 months in prison.[4]

Carolina Reb

Jul 17, 2019, 1:55:54 AM7/17/19
Brian Lambsky
Nov 18
- show quoted text -
Any man with his ass-cheeks spread wide open is welcomed.

Michael Ejercito

Jul 20, 2019, 11:41:24 AM7/20/19

"The Peeler" wrote in message

>On Mon, 15 Jul 2019 22:50:31 -0400, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
nazi homo, whined again:

>> I'm not trivializing it, I'm putting it in perspective to the death
>> tolls of other groups who were involved with the war.

>You are trivializing and denying the special circumstances of the
>you retarded piece of gay nazi shit. Civilized peaceful people within the
>heart of Europe were systematically murdered in an industrialized and
>lunatic manner by a culturally "advanced" and "civilized" nation, simply
>because of the race and the religion they belonged to. None of the
>reasons involved there as was the case in all the other murderings.
You got that right!


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Carolina Reb

Jul 20, 2019, 1:04:43 PM7/20/19
On Saturday, July 20, 2019 at 11:41:24 AM UTC-4, Michael Ejercito wrote:
> Civilized peaceful people within the
> >heart of Europe were systematically murdered in an industrialized and
> >lunatic manner by a culturally "advanced" and "civilized" nation, simply
> >because of the race and the religion they belonged to.



Jul 20, 2019, 1:05:53 PM7/20/19

In article <>,
Carolina Reb <> wrote:

[shit flushed down Walt's hungry throat]

Fuck off, you inferior, perverted, jizz-slurping lump of turd.

POOFER-BOI: How Walt "Pigshit" Hapmton, aka "Carolina Reb", made a living

"As a young adult, I worked in the adult entertainment industry
(as a technician) in the '70s. The term 'poofer' was used to
denote one or more individuals to prepare the actor(s) into an
aroused sexual state prior to the actual shoot." -- Posted by
Walt "Pigshit" Hampton, Message-ID: <>.

Carolina Reb

Jul 20, 2019, 1:28:00 PM7/20/19
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