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BREAKING NEWS: MOSSAD Planned To Kill George Bush In 1991 \ Blame It On 'Arab' Terrorists

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Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty

Feb 17, 2012, 10:47:25 PM2/17/12

‘Since the Mossad had all the security arrangements in hand, it would not be
a problem bringing the killers as close as they wanted to President Bush and
then staging his assassination. In the ensuing confusion, the Mossad people
would kill the ‘perpetrators,’ scoring yet another victory for the Mossad.
With the assassins dead, it would be difficult to discover where the
‘security breach’ had been, except that several countries involved in the
conference, such as Syria, were regarded as countries that assisted

—Ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky, describing in his book ‘The Other Side
of Deception’ how Israel’s Mossad planned to assassinate President George
Bush at the Madrid peace conference in October of 1991 for the purpose of
blaming it on ‘Arab’ terrorists.

‘What are we accomplishing?’ they asked. ‘Here is this man performing many
miraculous signs. If we allow him to go on like this, everyone will believe
in him, and then the Romans will come and take away our place and our
nation.’ Then one of them named Caiphas who was High Priest that year spoke
and said “You fools know nothing at all. Do you not realize it is better
that one man die than that the whole nation perish?’

—Book of John
Well, well, whadda ya know, YET ANOTHER Zionist goombah from within the
Jewish community has ONCE AGAIN called upon Yahweh–the God of war and racial
favoritism–to rain death and destruction down upon someone deemed ‘not
friendly enough’ to Israel…
Pardon the seemingly inappropriate yawning and slight shrug of the shoulders
here, but the truth is–
This is news?
While we’re having one of our ‘well, shut my mouth’ moments here, how about–
“Smoking believed to cause lung cancer”…
“New Year’s Day to fall on January 1st this year…”
As much as it may appear so, nevertheless the fact is this–we’re not being
cute here, folks. We’re as serious as a heart attack despite what appears to
be something of a cavalier demeanor.
‘Jewish terrorism’…We should be waaaay past getting excited over something
like this, given recent events.

Remember (as if we could possibly forget) a good portion of last century’s
major events has been just that—Biblically-inspired Jewish terrorism and its
byproducts… A non-stop, revolving newsreel of horror and human suffering, a
veritable ‘Jews Gone Wild’ docudrama featuring such blockbusters and
bonecrushers as Gaza, Lebanon, Deir Yassin, the Six Day and Yom Kippur Wars,
the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the unrest in Egypt, Syria,
Pakistan, Cast Lead, USS LIBERTY, 911, JFK, RFK, the bombing of the King
David Hotel, etc, etc, etc…

The truth is, we could go on and on with examples such as these, and we can
be rest assured it WILL go on and on with examples such as these, because,
quite simply, it is in the nature of the beast to do so.

The 20th century has been epochal in the sense that the apocalyptic marriage
between synagogue and state has resulted in Jewish interests (or their
lackeys) rubbing the magic lamp, loosing the terrible Old Testament Genie
and then sending him forth on a seek-and-destroy mission against Israel’s
enemies, real or perceived…

So, using the past century as precedent, getting all hot-n-bothered about
someone from within the Jewish community ‘Talking Torah’ as it were
concerning ‘Mr. or Mrs. Anti-Semite’ biting the bullet because of some
less-than-acceptable position viz-a-viz the Jewish state is (or should be)
…and even when it involves something as ‘unique’ in its flavor as an
American Jewish publisher threatening the life of the US President.

Oh, did we forget to mention that? Yes, that’s right, a Jewish individual
writing for a Jewish newspaper dealing exclusively with Jewish issues is
calling for the leader of the “free world” to be JFK’d…
Not Islamic…Not KKK…not NRA, IRA, or KLA…not Militia of Montana, Aryan
Nations or any of those OTHER ‘terrorist’ groups the JMSM is constantly
causing the rest of civilized society to wet its collective pants over with
its non-stop screeching…

But rather, ‘Jewish,’ as in AIPAC, ADL, JDL, World Jewish Congress, Richard
Perle, American Jewish Committee, Emergency Committee for Israel, Paul
Wolfowitz, the Republican Jewish Coalition, Christians United for Israel,
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman,
Eric Cantor, Sarah Silverman, and on and on and on and

In this case, we have before us one Andrew Adler, publisher/owner of the
Atlanta Jewish Times, publically calling upon Israel’s assassination agency
Mossad to send President Obama off on a one-way trip to eternity.
Specifically, his (under NORMAL circumstances) criminally-actionable words
being to the effect that Bibi “9/11-was-good-for-Israel” Netanyahu should—
“Give the go-ahead for US-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed
unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice-president to take his
place and forcefully dictate that United States’ policy includes helping the
Jewish state obliterate its enemies”.

‘Take out’—Now, forgive the obvious naiveté here, but does our kind, gentle,
harmless, moral, humanitarian, pure-as-the-wind-driven-snow, God-fearing
Jewish man mean ‘take out’ in the friendly, cordial sense, as in a dinner

Or does he mean it in The Godfather sense, as in going on a deep-sea fishing
expedition in a manner up close and personal?

A question that MUST be asked, because according to the narrative forced
upon all thinking people today, the fact is that Jews don’t kill people, and
they CERTAINLY don’t make threats against the life of the US President for
something as seemingly-trivial as there being insufficient funds in his
‘Affection-for-all-things-Jewish’ bank account.

Either way, Gosh, there is something SOOOOOO familiar about that scenario
Adler & co laid out…Lemme see, hmmmm…Wait. No, no, no, don’t tell me, I can
figure it out…Right on the tip of my brain…
Why, of course…This is PRECISELY what happened in the aftermath of someone
deciding to ‘take out’ JFK (after which time a pliant, pliable, and properly
pro-Israel protagonist named LBJ took over) and before the dead president’s
body had even begun to assume room temp, the floodgates for the Jewish state
were opened in terms of money, no-questions-asked political support and an
end to Kennedy’s insistence that Israel open up her nuclear weapons program
for international inspection…
…all of that no more than an interesting coincidence, we can be rest
And now, at a time when Jewish interests barely conceal the power they wield
over the American political process–from who gets elected to which wars
America fights–we have a wiseguy from La Famiglia talking about how the Prez
needs to be smacked around for his insolence.
And just what–according to Adler & co–was the capital offence El Presidente
committed warranting such a hefty fine?

–Did he threaten to withhold a penny of the $30 million per day that Israel
gets from the US?
–Did he threaten to open a new investigation into Israel’s deliberate attack
on the USS LIBERTY that resulted in 34 American sailors being killed?
–Did he call for the Mossad agents arrested on 9/11 who were seen by
witnesses cheering as the towers were coming down to be extradited back to
the US so that they could be further questioned by US law enforcement about
the particulars surrounding their being ‘sent to document the event’, as
they revealed on an Israeli television program shortly after they returned?
–Did he instruct Attorney General Eric Holder to force AIPAC to register as
a foreign agent under FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, thus
legally prohibiting the biggest lobby in Washington from bribing our
lawmakers into rubber stamping Israel’s foreign policy demands upon the
American people?


Apparently, from what Adler wrote in his piece, Obama’s cardinal sin, the
unpardonable crime on his ledger sheet exists solely in having not (yet)
attacked Iran and killed tens of millions of innocent people per Israel’s
Yes, that’s right, because AMERICA, a sovereign country (the legal
definition of which is that she doesn’t have to do Jack-Squat other than
what’s in her own best interests) because this sovereign country refused to
expend EVEN MORE of her money, blood, and resources in escalating the ‘clash
of civilizations’ that Israel’s strategists have been planning now these
last 20 centuries, Obama should be handed walking papers to his own grave.
Forget the incalculably-high price America has paid—the TRILLIONS of dollars
and hundreds of thousands of lives destroyed on both sides of the equation
in Israeli-orchestrated war theatres such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya,
Pakistan, etc, etc, etc…The mere fact that Obama has not (yet) performed his
designated role as angel of death in killing Iran’s first born, second-born,
3rd, 4th, and on and on and on is the reason his existence needs to be wiped
off the map of the living.

Kinda says something about the mentality of these folks, does it not?
Which brings us back to our main point here, which is, simply—
The nature of the beast…
As crazy as it all sounds, what has to be remembered throughout all of this
is that Adler’s ‘final solution’ to Israel’s ‘Obama Problem’ was/is not an
aberration by any means. As much as the rest of his cousins and confreres
within the Jewish community did an impressive job rending their robes,
gnashing their teeth and in general uber-theatricizing their ‘outrage’ over
his statements (as if Adler’s ‘going biblical’ on Obama was something as out
of the ordinary as a snow storm in the Sahara) the fact of the matter is—as
one theatricist famously put it many moons ago–they protesteth too much.

No, Adler was not ‘meshuggenah’, as Jewish interests have (with obvious
panic) maintained in the immediate aftermath of his dangerous slip of the
forked tongue. His statements were not ‘outrageous’ or ‘heretical’ in the
‘Jewish’ sense. Despite the recent well-funded, well-orchestrated and
well-choreographed campaign of screeching on the part of organized
pro-Israel interests (desperate to put the Mossad Genie back in the bottle
and change the discussion towards something less, well, REVEALING) the fact
is–religiously speaking—Adler was/is on terra firma in making the statements
he did.

That’s right. In letting his religiously-fueled imagination get the better
of his mouth in pushing for the assassination of a world leader deemed an
enemy of Israel, Adler was the dictionary picture of a ‘good’ Jew. The
course of action he was/is advocating is PRECISELY what former Old Testament
luminaries such as Moses, Joshua, Solomon, David, Mordechai, Esther and the
rest of the Kosher KKK would be advocating as well, were they here (as if
they weren’t here already in personages such as Netanayhu, Barak, Omert,
Livni, etc, etc, etc).

No point kvetching about it folks, it is what it is. Go back and read your
bibles for yourselves and you’ll see how ‘God’ instructed ‘his’ people to
deal with ‘existential’ threats like Obama.
Remember, these are people of ‘the book’, meaning their Torah, a book
describing in Kristol-clear imagery what happens to those who act
less-then-reverentially when handling that most precious apple of Yahweh’s

Using just ONE INSTANCE–the fact that Egypt’s destruction is celebrated
yearly in the Jewish religious feast known as Passover and that Obama has
been referred to TIME AND AGAIN in the Jewish press as ‘the new Pharaoh’ and
that now we have an important member from within the American Jewish
community talking about him meeting with an untimely end is not by any
stretch of the imagination one of the aforementioned ‘well, shut my mouth’
What’s just as relevant to all this is the fact that Obama is black…

Now to those who have fallen hook, line and sinker for the agit-prop stinker
that Jewish interests are and always have been the front line forces working
against anti-black racism, here is a small spoonful of bitter reality you
need to swallow before going any further—INSTITUTIONALIZED ANTI-BLACK RACISM

The American president, being at least partly of African descent
means—Judaically-speaking–he carries with him the biblical ‘Curse of Canaan’,
meaning he can do nothing more/be nothing more in the ‘Jewish’ sense than a
slave to Shem, from whom the Jews claim their descent.

So, in the bigger scheme of things, the same Jewish interests who spent a
helluva lotta cheddar prior to 2008 in the semi-regular slave auction known
as the Presidential campaign expect him to respond with YESSUH when given an
order and to then carry out his tasks on the plantation known as the US…
…and organizing a slave rebellion isn’t one of those tasks.

A little harsh on the ears, you say? Well, then take it up with Israel’s
former chief Sephardic Rabbi Ovadiah Yusef, who—in a small news item that
barely received the kind of attention it should have–bemoaned the fact that
“We live in a time when slaves are governing us and are trying to control
us” and then threatened that the time of ‘Moshiac’—the Jewish messiah—was
near, and when he gets here, boy oh boy, are the rest of us gonna be real
And here is the REAL kicker in all of this—the Jewish interests making all
this noise in trying to change the subject concerning Adler’s frank
discussion of Israel’s ‘should be’ kiss of death KNOW ALL OF THIS TO BE THE
Adler’s language and demeanor are no different in essence than that of
Genovese wiseguy Joseph Valachi’s 1963 testimony before the U.S. Senate
Committee on Government Operations. At the time,
panicked-to-the-point-of-weting-their-pants organized crime interests
assailed the Senate hearings as a ‘witchhunt’ born out of bigotry and sought
to distance themselves and their activities from Valachi’s damning testimony
by claiming he was insane and a congenital liar.

So too with Adler’s recent belching out loud and filling the air with the
alarming and unpleasant odor indicating the kinds of mental processes taking
place deep within the Jewish mental gut viz-a-viz Barack Hussein Obama and
his Middle East policy,and the manner by which Jewish interests have made
such a scene by holding their noses and going ‘EEEEEEYYYYUUUUUU!!!’ In
essence, Adler’s piece is the dorsal fin sticking out of the water
indicating something dangerous lurking below the surface, and we can just
forget about the possibility—as put forth by his Jewish detractors—that the
fin we are seeing is a figment of our anti-Semitic imagination.

The fact is, given that the very basis of Israel’s existence is all this Old
Testamentism and the political intrigue it encompassed at an earlier time,
the only thing that should be shocking is that Obama has not already been

And let’s not kid ourselves about whether Israel possesses both the means
and the motive to have such an event materialize with the wave of her
magical Mosaic staff. If she could get away with it in 1963 she could
certainly pull it off today, and particularly in a political environment
such as now when various candidates for various high offices—including that
of the presidency—are out-slutting each other in demonstrating who is
willing to show more skin in what has become the political version of the
Dance of the 7 Veils.

Furthermore, we can be rest assured of this as well—in the event (likely or
not) that something ‘biblical’ were to happen to ‘the new Pharaoh’, there
would be celebrating within the greater part of the pro-Israel Jewish
community the world over, who have been wishing the worst and screaming like
banshees ever since Obama began making unpleasant noises concerning Israel’s
settlements in the West Bank.

Still too much of a stretch? Consider then that as President, Obama is YET
to visit Israel. Now, are we to assume that this is due to his busy
schedule, or rather to the fact that the various national security apparati
of the United States responsible for protecting him explained in the
clearest of terms that his security cannot be guaranteed in the Jewish
state? George Bush, for all the trips that he made to the Middle East—IN
YOU–nevertheless reserved his first visit as Prez to the Jewish state until
towards the end of his 2nd term.

And interestingly, as soon as he landed in Ben Gurion airport he was met on
the tarmac by a group of rabbis who passed along to him an Old
Testament-looking scroll outlining what was expected of him as President
before leaving office. Entitled ‘Megillat Bush’, it read as follows–

To George W. Bush…who comes to Jerusalem, eternal capital of our land, joy
of the entire earth…
…If you truly desire peace and wish to be counted in the company of the
truly righteous, we call upon you to declare to all the world the following-

‘I George Bush declare that the Land of Israel was bequeathed to the nation
of Israel by the Creator of the world which He gave to His people Israel,
the eternal people. Therefore I call upon all the nations to save themselves
from certain doom and recognize that this land is the exclusive rightful
inheritance of the people of Israel. He who denies this truth endangers all
life on earth.’
‘Or, Heaven forbid, you can choose the second option…to willfully aid in
destruction…You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and to
all Israel’s enemies from time immemorial. Do you imagine you can escape
from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and
Lebanon? We cannot forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides
us through every generation…
…Understand this well–God ordained that the role of the nations of the world
is to strengthen the nation of Israel. Therefore it behooves you to declare:
“I, George Bush, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of
America, will instruct all of my troops to protect the Divine rights of the
nation of Israel, and remove from her any threat.” Before you is a choice:
You can merit eternal life, or be inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate
and that of all those with you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our

Now, for those who will say that the aforedescribed were just the rantings
of a few old men with no pull or influence, remember that they could not
have gotten this close to Bush without clearance from the highest levels
within the Israeli government, meaning that Jewish interests wanted to
convey the idea that this was a diplomatic communique from the Jewish state
to America.

‘New’ and ‘novel’, the image of pro-Israel thugs blowing poisoned kisses,
sticking pins in dolls resembling their enemies and demanding as interest on
their ‘loan’ of the Presidency to Obama a pound of his flesh like Shylock?
Nothing new under the sun, and especially with regards to the nature of the

No, the truth is when it comes to Jewish terrorism–it’s always there,
tugging at the sleeve, poking us on the shoulder, clearing its throat,
tapping its watch, huffing-and-a-puffing and reminding us of our
‘obligations’ to the continued existence of the Jewish state. The only
people to whom it’s news are those who long ago checked out of Hotel Reality
and are now known as Mr. or Mrs. Comfortably Numb on Fantasy Island.

For the rest of us however–currently-registered guests at the Hotel
Reality–witnessing what’s transpired has been like watching that old movie
based on the Stephen King novel Cujo, with our larger-than-life (literally)
St. Bernard slowly but surely succumbing to the inevitable effects of
rabies—madness, violence, terror and death…
…Because at the end of the day, week, month, year or millenium, the truth is
that once Mother Nature has spoken, she’s spoken and there is no
negotiating, and in the case involving Israel, the mad dog of the Middle
East (as former Israeli Defense Minister once described her) and her
behavior—whether it is murdering millions in the Middle East or ruminating
about murdering an American president who will not bend the knee before her,
she is doing no more than what her nature dictates.

Therefore, let what is left of humanity do the same and recognize that there
is nothing but disaster to be had by befriending this mad, rabid creature.
Let a sane world decide that one century of unrestrained Jewish terrorism
was more than enough and therefore make the executive decision to cancel the
upcoming season of ‘Jews Gone Wild’ and replace it with a modernized,
extended version of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. Let immediate policies–designed
to put as much distance as possible between a civilized, healthy world and
this frothing-at-the-mouth canine—be immediately adopted until such time as
this wild animal can be dealt with in a manner that is rational, humane and
geared towards the common good of all men.

But above all else, let there be no more shock, awe and surprise when mutts
and mongrels from the pack such as Adler & co wander into town, snarling and
growling in the menacing fashion they do, because when all is considered in
light of what has been known now for some time, such behavior is simply the
nature of the beast.

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Ambassador | Tainui Kiingitanga | Te Aotearoa

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty

Feb 17, 2012, 10:50:53 PM2/17/12
New Zealand's Labour Party Leader,
Phil Goff stated:

" What was the Israeli search and rescue team
doing in an area where it wasn't allowed to be ? "

" The suspicion is that this is a cover-up to
avoid embarrassing Israel."


The Book ---> 'Death Of The Rainbow Warrior'
Michael King
ISBN: 0-14-009738-4

Page: 192

" Next agent to evade the New Zealand police was Christine Cabon,
alias Frederique Bonlieu, working on an American-supervised evacuation
at Pardes Hanna near Tel Aviv. According to the Israeli police, the
telegram from the New Zealand police asking them to hold Bonlieu
for questioning by a New Zealand detective arrived the same day,
25 July, as another telegram from France. The French message,
which Cabon received first, told her to return home at once because
her father was critically ill. An American student working on the
excavaton with Bonlieu said the Frenchwoman came into her dormitory
looking pale and anxious, and announced that she had to leave for France
immediately. She flew out of Israel the following day.

In fact, of course, her father was already dead. The telegram was a
coded message from the DSGE warning her to leave Israel before the
New Zealand police got to her. That she received it before the Israeli
police acted on the request from New Zealand raises a strong possibility
that they co-operated in her escape. Given that she had worked previously
for the Israeli Secret Service, this would not be surprising. "

Additional Information In Regards To Anti-Nuclear New Zealand
And Israel (Israel Has Already Tested Nuclear Bombs West Of
South Africa) -

In 1963 John Fitzerald Kennedy Was Embroiled In A Bitter
Secret Conflict With Israel Leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel's
Drive To The Atomic Bomb. Ben-Gurion resigned In Disgust, Saying
That Because Of J.F.K., Israel's "existence (was) in danger". Upon
J.F.K.'s Assassination, U.S. Policy Toward Israel Began An Immediate
180-degree Turnaround. The Fact Is That When New Orleans District
Attorney Jim Garrison Prosecuted Trade Executive Clay Shaw With
Conspiracy In The Assassination, Garrison Had Stumbled On The
MOSSAD Link -- Shaw Served On The Board Of PERMINDEX,
A Front For MOSSAD Arms Procurement Operations. A Key
PERMINDEX Shareholder, The Swiss-Based Banque De Credit
Internationale, Was The Fiefdom Of Tibor Rosenbaum, A Top
MOSSAD Official, And Chief Money Laundry For Meyer Lansky,
"Chairman" Of The Crime Syndicate And Israeli Loyalist. The
CEO Of PERMINDEX Was Louis Bloomfield Of Montreal, An
Operative Of The Bronfman Family, Intimate Lansky Associates
And Leading Patrons Of Israel. James Angleton, The C.I.A.'s
MOSSAD Liaison, Was A Devoted Partisan Of Israel Who
Orchestrated A False Scenario Linking Accused Assassin Lee
Harvey Oswald To The Soveit KGB. Even "mainstream" Organised
Crime Sources Note That Leading "Mafia" Figures Accused Of
Being Behind The Assassination Were Lansky Subordinates. Perhaps
Oliver Stone Failed To Mention These Details In The Movie: JFK
-- Because His Film Was Financed By Aron Milchan, An Israeli
Arms Dealer Linked To Smuggling Of Material To Israel's Nuclear
Program -- The Point Of Contention Between J.F.K. And Israel.

My Own Investigation Into The Assassination Of J.F.K.
And Reggae Singer Bob Marley:


Every conspiring researcher who has studied the 9/11 scam
and hoax knows about the shenanigans of Jewish billionaire
Larry Silverstein. Silverstein bought the World Trade Center
towers and buildings in 2001, just months before they came
crashing down. The shrewd Silverstein had insured them twice,
so that he would get paid double their market value if something
happened to this expensive real estate. He was thus richly
rewarded when the “19 Arab terrorists” (Not!) guided those
passenger aircraft into the towers.

It was also Silverstein who admitted that he had given the
order to “pull” (his term) building 7, another skyscraper
in the World Trade Center complex. Building 7 had not been
hit by an aircraft, and the fact that it imploded in a
controlled demolition and crashed to the ground is proof
positive that the whole 9/11 incident was an “inside job.”

As it turns out, Gingrich and Silverstein have a long history
of—shall we say?—“special dealings.” In 1995, Congressman Newt
Gingrich became Speaker of the House of Representatives.
That same year, Newt’s second wife, Marianne Gingrich, landed
a plum job with a firm named the Israel Export Development
Company (IEDC). Marianne, who had no business experience
whatsoever and had previously been employed as an “image
consultant” for a beauty cosmetics company, became IEDC’s
Vice President.

Now IEDC just happened to be owned and run by Zionist
billionaire Larry Silverstein, and so, Gingrich’s wife,
Marianne, found herself working for Larry Silverstein.
It was a miraculously good deal for a woman who knew
absolutely nothing about international business and
exports and had previously mainly dealt with how much
make-up and cosmetics a woman should put on her face.
You don’t suppose that her new, high paying job had
anything at all to do with the fact that her influence
peddling hubby was the powerful Speaker of the House of
Representatives, do you?

The sticky wicket gets even stickier, however, when we
discover that Silverstein’s IEDC is an offshoot of a
pro-Israel lobby group called Advanced Strategic and
Political Studies (IAPS), which, at the time Newt’s
wife came on board as Vice President of IEDC, was linked
with the Jewish neocons responsible for the lies and
propaganda that propelled American troops into the invasion
of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And things don’t stop there: sticky...sticky...sticky.
Turns out that Marianne Gingrich’s job was to try to get
American companies to move to Israel, and take all their
jobs with them. How nice is that—more leveling of America
and deconstructing of the American economy by the Zionist
freaks? Worse even that that, another of Marianne’s assigned
tasks was to work closely with yet another Israeli company,
the Koret Israel Economic Development Fund, to place interns
in key congressional offices.

Uh oh! Got that? Marianne Gingrich, wife of Newt, the man
who held the most powerful office in the entire U.S. Congress,
placed Jewish interns in key congressional offices. Can you
pronounce the word, “Mossad?”

We know now that Monica Lewinsky was a White House intern
whose placement was arranged by Israel. Such agents watch,
monitor, report and perform various other “special duties.”
Dossiers are built up, and Congressmen and other politicians
one day find out they best vote for whatever or whoever is
best for Israel—or else.

Gingrich himself must have quite a fat dossier sitting
somewhere in a file cabinet—or stored in a computer, perhaps
at AIPAC, ADL, or even in Israel. The lusty former Speaker
left his first wife for his then office receptionist in the
Capital, and that mistress was—Surprise!—Marianne. But then,
Gingrich had yet another fling with a new chick, so he deserted
Marianne for a younger woman, and now he’s married to this
beautiful blonde, Callista. Oh yes, indeed, Gingrich has quite
a history and dossier, and that’s just the guy’s sexual
peccadilloes. One wonders what financial wonders lurk in that
Mossad dossier.

To further enhance his role as Rothschild front man, Newt
recently “converted” to Catholicism. In February, 2010,
some 500 Catholic millionaires, initiates of the Opus Dei
affiliate, Legatus, met in Dana Point, California to honor
Gingrich and former President and Jew/Catholic loyalist
George W. Bush. Gingrich was lauded by the group for his
conversion and even gave his “Christian testimony” regarding
his leaving the Southern Baptist denomination to become a
convert to “Holy Mother Church.” His new wife—his third—was
on hand.


Larry Silverstein (Bldg. 7)
September 11, 2001 (9-11)

(Suppressed By Israeli MOSSAD For 10 Years)
Finally Released Audio Of Fire Fighters In Building 7
Alex Jones and his Archived Radio Show
Note - 32 Minutes Into Program
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