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Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to islam than to the catholic church -

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Michael Laudahn eOpposition

Dec 18, 2010, 4:07:05 AM12/18/10

*Message and author protected by the 1st amendment (free speech) and similar
constitutional provisions. Violations of this provision through actions by
judiciary and other government criminals will be prosecuted as soon as
conditions permit.*

- and why this still can lead to an all-christian alliance against islam:

Window on Eurasia: Putin Says Orthodoxy 'Closer to Islam than Catholicism Is'

Unter blinden ist der ein ugige k nig. >.)
Don't discuss with mohammedan intruders THEIR subjects (mohammedanism & co).
Insist on OUR subjects. So ask them: 'What do you do here in OUR country?
Why aren't you in YOUR country working?' Repeat asking. Don't permit them
any changes of subject nor discussion


Dec 18, 2010, 4:34:45 AM12/18/10
On Dec 18, 9:07 am, "Michael Laudahn eOpposition"

<nuke.islamis...@your.earliest.conv> wrote:
> *Message and author protected by the 1st amendment (free speech) and similar
> constitutional provisions. Violations of this provision through actions by
> judiciary and other government criminals will be prosecuted as soon as
> conditions permit.*
> - and why this still can lead to an all-christian alliance against islam:

& there are forms of English Protestantism that are closer to atheism
than to Catholicism.


Dec 18, 2010, 5:59:40 AM12/18/10
Russians have "great respect" for the religion of paedophile mohammed.
After Beslan.they truly fell in love with islam.

The Killer�

Dec 18, 2010, 8:31:57 AM12/18/10
Sfinx wrote

> Russians have "great respect" for the religion of paedophile mohammed.
> After Beslan.they truly fell in love with islam.

Americans had great respect for the "paedophile" Jerry Lee Lewis too.

Until the British got pissed off. His wife was 13, he was 24.

And sorry man, but the "ae" in the term is not proper English.

You obviously don't know your own language.


Dec 18, 2010, 12:09:54 PM12/18/10

> > - and why this still can lead to an all-christian alliance against islam:
> & there are forms of English Protestantism that are closer to atheism
> than to Catholicism.

I wonder where Putin gets his ideas of Catholicism? There are aspect
of Catholicism that as an English Protestsnt I find as alien as
anything, the institution of confession for example, where boys have
to tell the priest how many times they have wanked themselves off.

Garry Webb

Dec 18, 2010, 1:01:08 PM12/18/10
On Dec 18, 5:59 am, Sfinx <> wrote:
> Russians have "great respect" for the religion of paedophile mohammed.
> After Beslan.they truly fell in love with islam.

Wow! What a load of crap.

In Russia, the Muslims are white skinned from Chechnya.

The Moscow theater episode of 2004 when the Chechnya. rebels took
over, the Russians pumped in gas, killed not only the terrorists, but
most of the people.

Are you that stupid? The order to wipe out everybody came from the
Kremlin man.


You are such a shit head with fuck all knowledge.

The Killer©

Dec 18, 2010, 1:12:43 PM12/18/10
Garry Webb wrote

Garry, these fools think that all Muslims come from the Middle East and have
brown skin.


Dec 18, 2010, 1:07:45 PM12/18/10

I think he was being ironic.

Garry Webb

Dec 18, 2010, 1:13:33 PM12/18/10

Did you know that if in '84 and if the Soviets went to the Olympic
games in L.A. (they didn't). KGB Judo superstar Vladimir Putin was on
their Judo team!

He's the only world leader who can kill someone hand to hand, because
he's a highly trained martial arts expert

The Killer©

Dec 18, 2010, 1:52:59 PM12/18/10
Saracene wrote

Oddly enough, Stalin was raised Russian Orthodox and actually sought the
Priesthood as a youth.

Basil Jet

Dec 18, 2010, 2:05:09 PM12/18/10

No they don't. I was raised as a Catholic, and said "pulled my sisters
hair" at every single confession for years without any punishment apart
from being told to say several Hail Maries, which I never did.


Dec 18, 2010, 2:12:42 PM12/18/10

Well I have spoken to many Catholics on this, and went to school with
some, and they tell me they were always asked how many times they had
committed self abuse since last confession.


Dec 18, 2010, 2:14:49 PM12/18/10

William Hague is keen on male contact sports like judo. Maybe he could
have a match with Putin to help along Anglo-Russian relations.

Back in Black

Dec 18, 2010, 2:17:54 PM12/18/10
In article <Xns9E528C2E...@>, nos...@nospam.none
> Subject: Re: Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to islam than to the catholic church -
> From: The Killer© <nos...@nospam.none>
> Newsgroups: uk.politics.misc,, aus.politics, can.politics

Oddly enough he was a Jew and not Russian, his real name was Yosif
(typical Jewish name) Jewgashvily (meaning the son of a Jew). He only
enrolled in the Spiritual Academy to spy on Gentiles.


Dec 18, 2010, 2:20:32 PM12/18/10
On Dec 18, 7:17 pm, Back in Black <> wrote:
> In article <Xns9E528C2EF5E14fgas...@>, nos...@nospam.none

Check out your sources for that story and I think you will find they
are dubious to say the least.


Dec 18, 2010, 2:22:47 PM12/18/10

Here is a Catholic discussion on it.

Default Re: I dont know how to confess about mastrubation?
Masturbation is also called self-abuse. Sometimes it is easier for
people to say they commit the sin of self-abuse than to say

It can also be called solitary sin, or a solitary sin against

Also, remember that in confession we must not only say the specific
type of sin (species) but also the number of times we fell into that

If the sin was while looking at impure pictures or video images, this
should also be mentioned.

As with all sexual sins, one should never be graphic or overly
detailed. What matters is listing the species of sin, and the number
of times the sin was performed.

It is also important to add factors that modify the sin, for example
if someone is married (meaning that their sin wasn't just fornication,
but adultery), if the penitent is a priest or religious, engaged, in
the habit of a particular sin, if the act was alone ore with others,
if the penitent caused others to sin or tempted others, if the
activity was with someone of the same gender, if the action involved a
minor or a relative, etc.

Say what you did and how many times you did it in a clinical way and
then honestly answer any questions the priest has. No explicit

It can also be helpful to let the priest know if you were drinking or
under the influence of medication (or illegal drugs).

For your own sake, you should pay attention to the times you fall into
this sin. Is it when you are idle too long? When you are stressed?
After watching suggestive television shows or movies or listening to
suggestive music? Perhaps it is after being with someone you are
attracted to?

You get the point.

If a priest tries to tell you that masturbation is healthy or normal
or not considered a sin any more, know that he is wrong and not in
line with Rome on the matter. Don't bother arguing. It won't help.
List other sins and get absolution, but try to confess to a Catholic
priest who is actually faithful to Church teaching in the future, i.e.
actually Catholic.

It may be that the priest says that your sin was not mortal because it
didn't involve sufficient reflection or full consent. That may be

But if they tell you that it is okay to commit the sin of self-abuse
and that it's common, normal, or healthy, avoid that priest.

As for being embarrassed, besides the fact that solitary sin is
probably one of the most commonly confessed sins, it is better to be
uncomfortable for a minute or two than to lose your soul and suffer
forever. It would be silly to trade your eternity just to avoid
emotional discomfort. Besides, I seriously doubt the priest is going
to flip out and browbeat a sincere penitent Catholic in the sacrament.
If they do give you a bit of a hard time, it isn’t meant to humiliate
you, but to help you.

Get it off your conscience! Get to confession! It’s important to your

Finally, every time we confess our sins and deliberately neglect to
confess a serious sin we are conscious of having committed, none of
the sins confessed are forgiven, and the confession itself is a sin of
sacrilege. If we walk into the confessional with four serious sins to
confess, and we deliberately withhold one sin in the confession, we
walk out of the confessional with five serious sins: the original
four, plus the added sin of sacrilege.

Don’t leave out serious sins on purpose. Just spit them out and be
done with them! Better to be uncomfortable now than to burn forever!

Above all, remember that Jesus loves you and wants you back. He is
calling you to the sacrament of reconciliation in order to draw you
closer to Himself and lead you to heaven. He is there in the
sacrament, ready to pour out an ocean of mercy and work the miracle of
bringing a soul dead through sin back to life. There is no sin we can
commit that God can’t forgive. Nothing is more powerful than God. If
we think He can’t forgive us, we believe we are capable of sinning in
a way that id more powerful than His mercy.

Remember that we have to actually be sorry for the sin and resolve to
avoid the sin in the future. We have to have a firm purpose of
amending our lives. If we intend to sin again, we can’t be forgiven.
We may know we might fall again, but we have to be making an effort,
and we should go to confession as often as we fall. Those are signs
that our hearts are in the right place.


Dec 18, 2010, 2:24:35 PM12/18/10
On Dec 18, 7:22 pm, Saracene <> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 7:12 pm, Saracene <> wrote:
> > On Dec 18, 7:05 pm, Basil Jet <> wrote:
> > > On 2010\12\18 17:09, Saracene wrote:
> > > >>> - and why this still can lead to an all-christian alliance against islam:
> > > >> &  there are forms of English Protestantism that are closer to atheism
> > > >> than to Catholicism.
> > > > I wonder where Putin gets his ideas of Catholicism? There are aspect
> > > > of Catholicism that as an English Protestsnt I find as alien as
> > > > anything, the institution of confession for example, where boys have
> > > > to tell the priest how many times they have wanked themselves off.
> > > No they don't. I was raised as a Catholic, and said "pulled my sisters
> > > hair" at every single confession for years without any punishment apart
> > > from being told to say several Hail Maries, which I never did.
> > Well I have spoken to many Catholics on this, and went to school with
> > some, and they tell me they were always asked how many times they had
> > committed self abuse since last confession.
> Here is a Catholic discussion on it.
And here is a joke:-

Father Murphy was ill, so young Father O'Leary had to take over for a
day. A woman came into the confessional. "Bless me father for I have
sinned", etc. etc. "I have been feeling terribly angry with my
neighbour". "For
that you must do two hail Marys". Another woman comes in and confesses
to having stolen a packet of biscuits from a shop. "That is a grievous
sin my child. Four hail Marys and
a sincere act of contrition". A third woman comes in. "Bless me father
etc. etc.. "Last week I gave three blow jobs". Father O'Leary doesn't
know what blow jobs are. He looks up the sin in his little reference
book and can't find it. "What do you mean exactly by blow jobs?" "You
know, father, pearly necklaces". Nothing about pearly necklaces in his
book. "Could you explain a bit more clearly?" "Look father, I sucked
Still nothing in the book. Father O'Leary is at a loss. Just then two
choir boys walk past. He pokes his head out and asks in a whisper,
does Father Murphy give for sucking cocks?" Straightaway came the
answer. "Two Mars bars and a packet of crisps".

Back in Black

Dec 18, 2010, 2:50:13 PM12/18/10
In article <ffe9b913-4f24-495b-9128->, says...

> Subject: Re: Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to islam than to the catholic church -
> From: Saracene <>

I introduced an intentional inaccuracy about the spelling of his surname
(tit-for-tat). The rest of the stuff is spot-on.

William Black

Dec 18, 2010, 3:02:36 PM12/18/10

I'll have some of what he's smoking...

Only not as much...

William Black

Free men have open minds
If you want loyalty, buy a dog...

Back in Black

Dec 18, 2010, 3:05:11 PM12/18/10
In article <Xns9E52855F...@>, nos...@nospam.none

Nobody but Garry and you made such claims. Moskovites don't give a toss
about "mohamedans", they just want the Caucasians out of Russia. It is
that simple.


Dec 18, 2010, 3:08:30 PM12/18/10
On Dec 18, 7:50 pm, Back in Black <> wrote:
> In article <ffe9b913-4f24-495b-9128-
>>, says...

> > Subject: Re: Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to islam than to the catholic church -
> > From: Saracene <>

Back in Black

Dec 18, 2010, 5:53:54 PM12/18/10
Subject: Re: Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to
islam than to the catholic church -
From: Saracene <>

Newsgroups: uk.politics.misc,, aus.politics,

On Dec 18, 7:50ï¿œpm, Back in Black <> wrote:
> In article <ffe9b913-4f24-495b-9128-
>>, says...
> > Subject: Re: Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to islam than to the catholic church -
> > From: Saracene <>
> > Newsgroups: uk.politics.misc,, aus.politics, can.politics

Chuga (iron) does not "roughly mean" steel and it translates zheleza not
stali. But why did he mimic his Jewish peers and change his name to
Russian if he was not one of them (Jews)?

Also "monastic charity" has nothing to do with the unnatural interest
that Jews have shown towards this "alleged gentile boy" and his
subsequent promotion. The guy has ignored the proverbial herd of
elephants and concludes, "there is no evidence". By the same token
95% of history will be orphaned!


Dec 18, 2010, 6:04:41 PM12/18/10
On Dec 18, 8:02 pm, William Black <> wrote:
> On 18/12/10 19:50, Back in Black wrote:
> > In article<ffe9b913-4f24-495b-9128-
> >>, says...

> >> Subject: Re: Why Putin thinks that the orthodox church is closer to islam than to the catholic church -
> >> From: Saracene<>
I thought you were a prude about drugs?


Dec 18, 2010, 8:51:29 PM12/18/10

"Sfinx" <> wrote in message


Dec 18, 2010, 8:52:02 PM12/18/10

"Back in Black" <> wrote in message


Dec 19, 2010, 12:41:47 PM12/19/10
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:51:29 -0800, in uk.politics.misc, <stercus>, wrote


Dec 19, 2010, 12:42:14 PM12/19/10
On Sat, 18 Dec 2010 17:52:02 -0800, in uk.politics.misc, <stercus>, wrote


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