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Violence update 3.12.93

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Debora Weber-Wulff

Dec 3, 1993, 8:07:13 AM12/3/93
Lund, Stockholm (Sweden): Right-wing Swedish youth and left-wing
Danish youth clashed on Noverber 30 when the Danes tried to stop the
Swedes from celebrating Carl XII, the so-called "hero king". A number
of people were injured, many Danes arrested and deported.

Germany/Denmark: A pamphlet available from a post office box address
in Denmark published in German is causing an uproar in Germany. "Der
Einblick" (the insight), subtitled "against the red tide" and "anti-
anti-racisits", attempts to encourage right-wing violence. Along with
a number of articles with racist and extreme right-wing content there is
a list of 250 persons in Germany with addresses and descriptions. These
persons include parliamentarians, teachers, professors, social workers,
politicians, and a number of others who have spoken out against Neo-
Nazis in the past. The reader is encouraged to give these persons
"something to think about" and to cause them some "sleepless nights".
The German authourites have been unable to trace the person or persons
publishing this pamphlet.

Debora Weber-Wulff, Professorin fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen
snail: Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, FB Informatik,
Luxemburgerstr. 10, 13353 Berlin, Germany

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