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Fluorescent lamps were not named after Flores

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Jan 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/2/00
The proper spelling is "fluorescent", not "flourescent" or
"florescent". The term "fluorescence" was given it's name by a British
physicist named George G. Stokes, who first explained the process in
1852. The term comes from the word "fluoresce", which means to "glow",
not after some guy named "Flores".

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Jan 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/2/00
Mr. (Agapito) Flores invented the "brighter and energy-saving" fluorescent
lamp, according to the Manila Bulletin dated 11/25/99. This is opposed to the
"not so bright" lamp by Thomas Alva Edison. The best way to clarify this would
be to write directly to that newspaper, the oldest surviving in the
Philippines. Or check with National Historical Institute in Manila. Or better
yet, contact families or descendants of former officials under the Magsaysay
administration. Here's the National Inventors Recognition Day editorial from
Manila Bulletin:

Celebrating the Filipino's Inventiveness

In recognition of the inventiveness of the Filipino, the Filipino Inventors
Society (FIS) is holding the first ever National Inventors Recognition Day at
the Club Filipino today. Today's celebration is pursuant to Presidential
Proclamation No. 285 which declares the third week of November as National
Inventors Week. While the celebration has been delayed, it takes additional
steam from the fact that it operationalizes the incentives defined in Republic
Act 7459 or the Inventors Incentive Act of the Philippines.

Aside from our warmth or hospitality, the Filipino has gained repute for being
ingenious or inventive. A Filipino designed the buggy that carried American
astronauts as they traversed the moon's landscape. A Filipino produced the
brighter and energy-saving fluorescent lamp. A musician-businessman produced
the precursor of the now ubiquitous karaoke.

Beyond recognizing the pioneering efforts of a few Filipinos, the FIS had
earlier echoed the need for more support, from both government and the private
sector, to be extended to the Filipino inventor. Other advanced countries put a
premium and provide the resources needed by their inventors, researchers, and
scientists to undertake their basic research and have their outputs translated
into commercial applications. With respect to support, inventors have long
asked for funding for materials acquisition and development, assistance in
marketing and product registration, and protection from some firms and
countries which register a Filipino inventor's work under their names.

We congratulate the officers and members of the Filipino Inventors Society as
they lead in the observance of National Investors Recognition Day.


Jan 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/2/00
In article <>, (FLIPZsexyMANILA) wrote:
> Mr. (Agapito) Flores invented the "brighter and energy-saving"
> fluorescent

My god you're not serious, eh??? As said many many times in here,
Agapito Flores is a fictitious person....Urban Legend..


tansong isda

Jan 2, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/2/00
FLIPZsexyMANILA wrote:
> My evidence is the Manila Bulletin, the most prestigious Filipino newspaper in
> the world! And... the most widely-used Philippine Social Studies textbook
> "Philippine History" by Dr. Sonia Zaide, daughter of the #1 Filipino historian
> of all time, Dr. Gregorio Zaide. And just who are you??? Thomas Edison's
> grandson? Ha-ha-ha!

Gregorio Zaide never claimed a Filipino invented
the FLOURESC-ENT fact this falacy only
got into the books in the later generation. My
generation didn't know Agapito Flores existed.
This was a joke and people made it into a serious
one. If Sonia Zaide is making this claim then she
ought to produce such a person, a picture or
My wife used to work for that stupid piece of shit
newspaper(Manila Bulletin) and I doubt the
credibility of such a rag.A number of it's former
writer are tago ng tago here in L.A., some are
probably legal now.
It is called flourescent for one reason and that
is not because it is flowering<pun>. If your
evidence is on someone's say-so, then that is not
evidence at all but hearsay.

BTW, I hope you read Dr. Zaide's preface on his
book on Philippine History, this will tell you the
kind of historian he was, I read it and questioned
my teacher.


Jan 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/3/00

Chris S.

Jan 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/3/00
In article <>,

<Sigh> don't believe everything you read...

Ok so tell me... when do your sources say did "Agapito Flores" invent
the fluorescent lamp....? You still think it's for real, eh? :) I
think it's great you have sources... but sources are sometimes wrong..
No one's perfect..

And no.. Thomas Edison is not my grandfather... he is my 15th cousin, 7
times removed.. we both are descended from an Icelandic couple who were
named Þór Arnsen and Ingebjørg Svensdottír....


...Manigong Bagong Taon / Happy New Year...

Sent via
Before you buy.


Jan 3, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/3/00
The article (an opinion/editorial article) is inaccurate. A German
scientist by the name of Edmund Germer developed the flourescent lamp,
not "Agapito Flores":

In fact, "Agapito Flores" or "Benigno Flores" in other versions of this
rumor probably does not exist. In the Manila Bulletin article you
referred to, it does not even mention name of the supposed Filipino
inventor of the flourescent lamp. They probably just went along with the
"Flores" story that was passed around for a while.

It would be nice if a Pinoy did invent the flourescent lamp, we would be
very proud. But the fact is Edmund Germer did it, not "Flores". Do some
more research on this in libraries and confirm for yourself.


FLIPZsexyMANILA wrote:
> Mr. (Agapito) Flores invented the "brighter and energy-saving" fluorescent

Bill Plenge

Jan 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/4/00
Just a note, Edison never claimed to invent the fluorescent lamp, his
patents were for indandescent lamps which work by a very different
principle. As noted by a previous post fluorescent lamps use alternating
current, though through a DC to AC transformer can now be run on DC. Edison
was a pushing for DC, to the point that when his company won the contract to
build the first electric chair he had it designed to run on AC to instill in
the publics mind that AC was dangerous. Unfortunately for Mr. Edison the
problems and expense with transporting DC for long distances made AC the
eventual standard most places. Luckily for him, the incadescent bulb was so
simple that it didn't matter if the elecricity was alternating or direct
current the bulb still worked.


"FLIPZsexyMANILA" <> wrote in message

Ibex Intl

Jan 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/6/00
>Date: Mon, 03 January 2000 12:40 AM EST
>Message-id: <>

>My evidence is the Manila Bulletin, the most prestigious Filipino newspaper
>the world! And... the most widely-used Philippine Social Studies textbook
>"Philippine History" by Dr. Sonia Zaide, daughter of the #1 Filipino
>of all time, Dr. Gregorio Zaide. And just who are you??? Thomas Edison's
>grandson? Ha-ha-ha!

And to those who still doubt or find it incredible that a Pilipino is capable
of such inventions/ are additional authorities who have
done their historical homework, albeit, more scholarly than those who simply
spew "ambiguous doubts"....Yes, this is pretty serious source material of
*Famous (Proud) Pilipinos*

Carry on *flipzsexymanila*...we are proud of you too.

1--"Where Asian-Americans Reside". _U.S. News and World Report_. Basic
data: estimate based on 1990 U.S. Census Bureau dat, April 29,1996, p. 18.

2--Rene Ciria-Cruz. "Looking for Asian America". _Filipinas_. May 1995, p. 38.

3--Fred Cordova. "The Importance of Being Filipino American: Community
Acculturation vs. Individual Assimilation". Conference: "Making a the Community". University of San Diego, Alcala Park, San
Diego, California, Sept. 23, 1995.

4--Angela Lau, "Filipino Girls Think Suicide at No. 1 Rate". _San Diego
Union-Tribune_. Feb. 11, 1995, A-1.

5--Eugene Lyon. "Track of the Manila Galleons". _National Geographic_. Vol.
178, No.3, Sept. 1990, pgs. 4-37.

6--Eloisa Borah Gomez. "Filipinos in Unamuno's California Expedition of
1587". _Amerasia Journal_. UCLA Asian American Studies Center, Vol. 23:3,
Winter 1995-1996, pgs. 175-183.

7--Marina E. Espina. "Filipinos in Louisiana". A.F. Laborde & Sons: New
Orleans, 1988, p.38-39, & 50.

8--Cordova, Fred. "Filipinos: Forgotten Asain Americans". Dubuque, Iowa:
Kendall/Hunt Publushing Co., 1983, p.9.

9--Ibid, Marina E. Espina, p. 50.

10--Filipino American National Historical Society Program. "Filipinos
Americans: Discovering their past for the future". Seattle, Washington:
Wehman Video Distribution, 1994.

11--Dario Villa. Class Lecture. Filipino Studies 100 class at Miramar
College. San Diego, California, Feb. 29, 1996.

12--Ibid, Feb. 29, 1996.

13--Stanley Karnow. "In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines".
New York: Ballintine Books, 1989, p. 106-195.

14--Ibid, p. 167-170.

15--Fred Cordova. "Historical Benchmarks". Filipinas. Feb. 1993, p.59.

16--Adelaida Castillo-Tsuchida's "Filipino Migrants in San Diego:
1900-1946". University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 1979, p. 43.

17--Fred Cordova. "Filipinos: Forgotten Asain Americans"., p. 26-27, 37-39,57.

18--Adelaida Castillo-Tsuchida's "Filipino Migrants in San Diego:
1900-1946". University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, 1979, p. 57.

19--Alex Fabros. "When Hilario Met Sally". Filipinas. Feb. 1995, pgs. 0-52, 58.

20--Fred Cordova. "Filipinos: Forgotten Asian Americans"., p. 11.

21--Ibid, p. 114.

22--Dario DeGuzman Villa. Diversity Presentation. Sweetwater High School.
National City, CA, Jan. 25, 1996.

23--Fred Cordova. "Filipinos: Forgotten Asian Americans"., p.119-120.

24--Statement of Understanding Concerning Duties Within the Steward Group
Rating, Promotion and Assignment to Duty. NAVCRUITDET PHIL 1400/1 (5-67).
Signature of applicant: Rosauro Santos Buenaventura. Witnessed by R.D.
Morgan, Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Recruiting Officer. 14 June 1968.

25--George Brown Tindall & David E. Shi. "America: A Narrative History" 3rd
ed. vol. 2. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1992, p. 1352.

26--All information adopted from Filipino American National Historical
Society (FANHS) Instruction Kit 1992; The Asian American Almanac; ed. by
Irene Natividad; Filipinas magazine May 1993, 14-17, Aug. 1994, Mar. 1995,
July 1995, Feb. 1996, May 1996; & "The Bridge Generation: Sons and
Daughters of Filipino Pioneers" by Dario DeGuzman Villa, San Diego, CA, 1996.


Jan 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/7/00
To add to this 'urban legend' bit - When I was younger, I remember reading
something like this attesting to this rumor that a Filipino named Flores
has invented the fluorescent lamp, but he sold the rights to a Frenchman.
As I don't have access to daily newspaper or libraries in those days, I
just accepted it as true.

But why can't it be true? Just because the inventor is a Filipino?

Rx <r...@nospam.nospam> wrote:
: The article (an opinion/editorial article) is inaccurate. A German


: Rx




Jan 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/7/00
In article <853fp1$1t7$>, garisol

<> wrote:
> To add to this 'urban legend' bit - When I was younger, I remember
> reading
> something like this attesting to this rumor that a Filipino named
> Flores
> has invented the fluorescent lamp, but he sold the rights to a
> Frenchman.
> As I don't have access to daily newspaper or libraries in those
> days, I
> just accepted it as true.
> But why can't it be true? Just because the inventor is a Filipino?

No, but the thing that totally kills any credibility of the
Flores/Fluorecent legend is that the legend claims that the word
"fluorescent" originated from it's purported inventor, Mr. Flores.
Flores? Fluorescent? Get it? Ha, ha. The Flores/Fluorescent urban
legend shows an awful lot of similarity to other legends like the one
of the supposed inventor named Thomas Crapper who supposedly created
the first flush toilet and his name gave rise to the slang "taking a
crap". Another one is of the guy named I. Titzlieng(sp.) who
supposedly invented the first underwire bra or something like that and
whose name gave rise to the slang word "tits".

Chris S.

Jan 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/8/00
In article <>,
dcjglf <> wrote:

> of the supposed inventor named Thomas Crapper who supposedly created
> the first flush toilet and his name gave rise to the slang "taking a

But he was a plumber.. ;)


Jan 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/8/00
Somewhere in this thread a deduction was made to the effect
that - since the term *fluorescent* did not derive from the
name of Flores, therefore, he cannot have existed...and
therefore, too, he could not have invented the lamp. The
ultimate conclusion derived from this reasoning is that the
whole idea that a Pilipino by the name of Agapito Flores
invented the fluorescent lamp...must be *legendary*

As many as have supported this thinking....equally there
are those who have disputed this and asserted that Agapito
Flores lived to invent the fluorescent lamp.

DWIZ 882 AM radio station in Makati City, Philippines airs
every Sunday, from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM a program called
Pusong Pinoy. The thrust of this radio program is
precisely to *discover* Pilipinos throughout the world who
have contributed positively to the Pilipino heritage.

Pusong Pinoy refers to Pilipinos who have:

*Diwa* = Heart, Spirit and Pride to be a Pilipino

*Pakikisama* = Loyalty to fellow Pilipinos and humanity.

*Mapagkumbaba* = Humility to accept higher authority.

*Maka-Dios = God-fearing.

If, over and above these traits and disciplines, a Pilipino
has demonstrated in his lifetime that he has accomplished,
discovered, invented *creature comforts* that have serve
the welfare of his "kapwa Pilipino" and/or the rest of
humanity...then that individual ay "may taglay na galing at
tunay na pusong pinoy"...and deserve all our respect!


* Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful


Jan 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/8/00
>From: soc.culture.filipino <>wrote:

>Somewhere in this thread a deduction was made to the effect
>that - since the term *fluorescent* did not derive from the
>name of Flores, therefore, he cannot have existed...and
>therefore, too, he could not have invented the lamp. The
>ultimate conclusion derived from this reasoning is that the
>whole idea that a Pilipino by the name of Agapito Flores

Hesus Ginoo ...nagbago na naman ang pangalan ni Flores. Dati ay Benigno ngayon
ay Agapito. Pati ba naman ang pangalan ay imbento din pala.

Manong H2

Jan 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/8/00

dcjglf wrote in message <>...

>No, but the thing that totally kills any credibility of the
>Flores/Fluorecent legend is that the legend claims that the word
>"fluorescent" originated from it's purported inventor, Mr. Flores.
>Flores? Fluorescent? Get it? Ha, ha. The Flores/Fluorescent urban
>legend shows an awful lot of similarity to other legends like the one

>of the supposed inventor named Thomas Crapper who supposedly created
>the first flush toilet and his name gave rise to the slang "taking a

>crap". Another one is of the guy named I. Titzlieng(sp.) who
>supposedly invented the first underwire bra or something like that and

>whose name gave rise to the slang word "tits".

Okey, *now* I got it; that was the joke they were talking about which
came up some time ago. I got the punch line *before* I knew it was a

Yes, folks, you have to be really careful about what you learn. I
remember in high school, whenever Black History Month came around they
would always talk about famous black inventors they claimed the
Establishment doesn't want the common people knowing about. They first
started talking about Marcus Garvey, for example. . . and he taught
everyone about the need to be less dependent on the Establishment. But,
when they started talking about inventors, I got really suspicious of
the school system's intentions. Seems like some are more interested in
building and puffing up the pride of children than telling the truth and
inspiring them to be themselves and excel.

The only thing I regret is that I didn't discuss these suspicions with
the teachers or the principal back then. . . then again, I wasn't 100%
sure if it was me or if they were really pulling something. The only
good thing that came out of that experience is that I can learn more on
a topic by getting information that can't be found in a classroom
textbook. It's getting increasingly harder to find historical truth out
there, especially with the growing number of revisionists out there
trying to have their say.

That's all the more important, considering an investigative report (on
20/20, I think) revealing that there are many textbooks in the U.S. with
many errors - even things as simple as identifying the first permanent
English settlement on this continent. When I was helping a friend work
on a research paper comparing (and contrasting) the press here and the
Philippine press, I went to on a Web site devoted to investigative
journalism in the Philippines. However, I got sidetracked and stumbled
onto a story concerning what really goes into textbooks that schools
there use. Considering the amount of lagay involved getting these books
approved and getting them into schools, it makes me wonder if the
quality of their textbooks is anything worth smiling at. Or, are they
into revisionism as well?

-> Manong H2

--- Keepin' it real as always. . . ---


Jan 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/9/00
Right again?! The late Dr. Gregorio Zaide DID mention fluorescent lamp
inventor Flores in both his college and high school History textbooks endorsed
by the Philippines' DECS (Department of Education, Culture and Sports). We
just can't say that everyone in a newsgroup is reliable. If you are compiling
a list of these Filipino inventors, you gotta consult Philippine related books
because Western books and other publications egoistically focus to their own
people and some rich Asians. Take a look at the Caucasian-controlled news
medium It considers Daisuke Inoue as the karaoke inventor and
never mentions anything about Roberto del Rosario who got his patent grabbed.

According to the world's smartest person (Marilyn vos Savant) in her great
book(I won't name it; it's up to you to discover), the best information sources
are generally ranked by credibility as:

1. book
2. classroom
3. magazine
4. newspaper
5. experience
& 6. TV/radio*
*Newsgroup has no rank coz it is hearsay, of course. I would place it beside
TV/radio if I were her.

I feel like my mind is getting narrower. I might not tread this thread

Chris S.

Jan 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/10/00
In article <>, (FLIPZsexyMANILA) wrote:
> According to the world's smartest person (Marilyn vos Savant) in her
> great book(I won't name it; it's up to you to discover), the best

Oohh you won't name it?? it's a secret eh.. ok.

> 1. book
> 2. classroom
> 3. magazine
> 4. newspaper
> 5. experience
> & 6. TV/radio*
> *Newsgroup has no rank coz it is hearsay, of course. I would place it
> beside TV/radio if I were her.

Well the newsgroups incorporate ALL of those things... we're real people
here y'know ;) we have books... access to the media... and have some
experience... Yeah, sometimes you may not find accurate things in the
newsgroups..but people do give what they think here...

> I feel like my mind is getting narrower. I might not tread this
> thread anymore.

Feel free.

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
That's the biggest lie I have ever heard. Other guys have tried to
undermine the Filipinos before. Someone actually said that Alain Delon
was a French man. He was actually born Alan de Leon in Pasay City and
studied at the University of Santo Tomas (a fench school) which is
probably why he speaks French.

Now how can somebody named Stokes invent Flourescent when his name is
nowhere close to the word Flourescent. Flores is much closer to
Flourescent hence the name. Common sense.

On Sun, 02 Jan 2000 04:17:05 -0800, dcjglf
<> wrote:

>The proper spelling is "fluorescent", not "flourescent" or
>"florescent". The term "fluorescence" was given it's name by a British
>physicist named George G. Stokes, who first explained the process in
>1852. The term comes from the word "fluoresce", which means to "glow",

>not after some guy named "Flores".

Feb 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/13/00
In article <>, wrote:
> That's the biggest lie I have ever heard. Other guys have tried to
> undermine the Filipinos before. Someone actually said that Alain Delon
> was a French man. He was actually born Alan de Leon in Pasay City and
> studied at the University of Santo Tomas (a fench school) which is
> probably why he speaks French.
> Now how can somebody named Stokes invent Flourescent when his name is
> nowhere close to the word Flourescent. Flores is much closer to
> Flourescent hence the name. Common sense.

Here we are again!

Okay, McArthur too is a Filipino, McKinley, Albert Einstein, and
even Bill Clinton and Mohammad Ali! See the Ali Mall? Or the McArthur
highway? Ringo Star too, was born as Inggoy Bituin (from Cavite?)....

Damn French, naming their university using Spanish words (Santo
Tomas). Alain Delon, a Filipino - co-stared with Erap as kontra-bida in
a movie "Umotot Ka Giliw". That was when Erap have no "bigote" yet.

Flores Island and Flores Sea in Indonesia was name after a Flores
family from Ilocos.

Man, when shall we stop bragging our (Filipino) superiority?


Feb 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/14/00
Nevah! Ang hindi marunong magmalaki sa sariling lahi...ay
illegal alien, tulad ni Benedict Arnold!



Feb 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/14/00
Edmund Germer, a german, invented the fluorescent lamp.


Feb 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/14/00
>Edmund Germer, a german, invented the fluorescent lamp.

Germer was credited as inventor and co-inventor of the fluorescent lamp.
Remember that he was a German FOB. His birthplace wasn't the US. The original
inventor was Agapito Flores but you shouldn't be surprised if he gave them his
patent because the Philippine politicians were just American puppets. They
couldn't protect the Filipino citizens. Just too bad this flip named Flores
sold his patent to these honkies. Magsaysay or his predecessor should be
blamed also for acting like hungry puppets. They sold everything, including
their soul and conscience, to these greedy Americans. And, no, the word
fluorescent is not from Flores. It first appeared in 1853 somewhere outside
the Philippines.


Feb 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/14/00

Well Mr. Fudd have you ever seen such a maroon?

I caca,caca,cacan't say that I have Buggs.

Well thetha, thetha, thats all folks. And the merry go round broke down.

Click here for Free Video!!

"TITA IKIT AUNTIE" <> wrote in message


Feb 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/15/00
In article <>,

soc.culture.filipino <> wrote:
> Nevah! Ang hindi marunong magmalaki sa sariling lahi...ay
> illegal alien, tulad ni Benedict Arnold!
> PPe2

No, Gen. Arnold sold his skin like some Filipino "Makapili"
during the war. (By the way, is Laurel one of them? I heard some
treated him as such, some don't. But for sure he's no hero, he never
claimed to be - unlike the great Apo, whose 28 medals he bragged about
were allegedly bought from the flea market. Hey! who said so?)

Back to the original topic, - fact is, it takes an enormous
amount of energy to be continually pointing out your achievements,
bragging or trying to convince others of your worth as a human being.

However, in Filipino these are what I can say:

Ang maraming nagagawa, walang panahong magsalita.
Ang hindi marunong nagmamayabang ay walang maibubuga!
Ang maraming binubuga, walang nagagawa.

Gaya ko, hangang ngayon di pa nakapagluto, anong oras na ...
shooot, bili na lang ako pagkain kay Beho d'ya-an sa kanto ... bye.

The beauty of doing nothing is that it teaches you to clear your mind
and relax.

Ibex Intl

Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
>Subject: Re: Fluorescent lamps were not named after Flores
>Date: 2/14/00 11:08 AM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>>Edmund Germer, a german, invented the fluorescent lamp.
>Germer was credited as inventor and co-inventor of the fluorescent lamp.
>Remember that he was a German FOB. His birthplace wasn't the US. The
>inventor was Agapito Flores but you shouldn't be surprised if he gave them
>patent because the Philippine politicians were just American puppets. They
>couldn't protect the Filipino citizens. Just too bad this flip named Flores
>sold his patent to these honkies. Magsaysay or his predecessor should be
>blamed also for acting like hungry puppets. They sold everything, including
>their soul and conscience, to these greedy Americans. And, no, the word
>fluorescent is not from Flores. It first appeared in 1853 somewhere outside
>the Philippines.
I am pleased to announce that an official report from the Department of Science
and Technology of the Philippines is on its way
to resolve the issue of what participation, if any the Philippines and its
Pilipino inventor had in the discovery of the fluorescent lamp. I shall post
it here within the next 24 hours.



Feb 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/17/00
> (Ibex Intl)
>Date: 2/16/00 9:45 PM Pacific Standard Time

>Message-id: <>wrote:
>I am pleased to announce that an official report from the Department of
>and Technology of the Philippines is on its way
>to resolve the issue of what participation, if any the Philippines and its
>Pilipino inventor had in the discovery of the fluorescent lamp. I shall post
>it here within the next 24 hours.

LOL, may kambal ka pala Pusongpinoye2.

Pusong Pinoye2

Feb 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM2/18/00
>Subject: Re: Fluorescent lamps were not named after Flores
>From: (ManongKiko)
>Date: 2/17/00 5:21 AM Pacific Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

Hindi kambal...same difference! Pusong Pinoye is a radio program in DWIZ 882
Pasig City. Program focuses on Pilipinos who have *Galing* plus *Pusong
(Proud to be a Pilipino, Respectful of Authority, Marunong Makisama sa buong
mundo, Matulungin sa kapwa Pilipino, at Maka-Dios).

Ibex Intl (Ideas for Business Expansion Intl) is a multi-national business
project developer, venture capital & investment broker, with additional core
competencies in tri-media advertising, public relations, marketing services

I co-anchor the radio program in Metro Manila when I am there, in addition to
being responsible for program and script directing. Presently, I am in the USA
to syndicate the radio program preparatory to its viewing on TV towards the
last quarter of year 2000. This is under Pusong Pinoye2.

Ibex posting and input come in from other places around the USA and Southeast
Asia through PusongPinoye2...because of the several on-going projects we are
both involved in. But Ibex Intl are two separate and distinct groups. Ibex is
a profit organization that supports a non-profit organization - IFSEIC -
International Foundation for the Support of the Education of Indigent Children.

Pusong Pinoye2 is principally a non-profit, non-partisan private (NGO) that
supports efforts of TESDA (Technical and Eductional Skills Development
Authority), *Developmentally Challenged Individuals*
(heretofore, referred to as *People with Disabilities*), OFWs and the peaceful
fight of our World War II Veterans to collect some pecuniary benefits from the
USA, be they in the form of "welfare/SS benefits", or their pensions.

You are not too far from the truth Manong Kiko. There is a relationship
between Ibex Intl and Pusong Pinoye2...but it is more synergetic than genetic.

On that note, I would appreciate knowing something about you and your
relationship, if any with Mang Kiko, who actively posts comments in several
Metropolitan Dailies in Metro Manila. There is also another poster in this NG
who bears a very close resemblance to your posting name...can't rightly recall
at the moment...and I am curious if that is also you.


Jan 20, 2015, 4:11:15 PM1/20/15
Noong Lunes, Enero 10, 2000 ng 4:00:00 PM UTC+8, si Chris S. ay sumulat:
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

SOrry kabayan to disappoint you but agapito flores is not the "first inventor" of the fluorescent or named after him. GE has hired 3 scientist to invent this kind of light. Tesla same as Flores have claimed this on their own rights. Flores presented this so called invention to the Phil president but this lamp was already publicly released in US by GE (general electric). FLores also not came up with the idea of this. it is an idea of a british national(forgot the name) and Flores build it. but FLores was not the INVENTOR. Name was also not based on his Flore's Name.

SORRY but that its the truth. i have also believed on this and proud on this but i was disappointed coz its a hoax.
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