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Yale Guen Mar, don't forget that you are on probation after you got outed by Captain May Fung of Merced County for bestiality. You'll be in big trouble if you get got at the Loin Eye hog Farm in Ceres, California.

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Aug 10, 2013, 6:24:51 PM8/10/13
Tell us what happened after you got outed while finger-fucking a pig at Mai Keri Her's hog farm? Have you met Captain May Fung since that day of infamy?

Were you prosecuted for bestiality? Did you get early release from the penitentiary because of prison over-crowding, your advancing age and your need for catheter and diaper change every so often?

Here's the Reuters story for the netizens:


[Yale Guen Mar of Merced created quite a commotion in a Hmong family-owned pig farm in the area when his attempt to surreptitiously finger-fuck a pig in its asshole caused it to fart and trip the alarm for gas

26 November 2009

Pig farts spark Merced gas scare in a Hmong family-owned pig farm

MERCED: A flatulent pig sparked a gas emergency at a Hmong family-owned pig farm in Merced, California on Thursday when owner Mai Keri Her and customers alike mistook the odors for a leaking gas pipe.

Fifteen firefighters and two trucks were called to the Merced pig farm owned by Mai Keri Her after reports of a gas leak, said a spokesman for the Merced Fire Service.

"When we got there, as we drove through the gates, there was this huge pig, weighing about 265-pound. Yale Guen Mar, a resident of the locality from 3851 Twilight Avenue was trying to finger-fuck the pig in its asshole and inadvertently caused it to fart repeatedly. It was very obvious where the gas was coming from," said fire Captain May Fung who happens to be an ex significant other of Yale Guen Mar though they haven't been sweet to each other since the 1980s.

"We could not only smell it, but we heard it and it was quite funny."

Captain May Fung said that Yale Guen Mar, her ex beau, who was found finger-fucking the the pig's asshole, was"a little bit embarrassed to say the least," and it took fire crews a little while to compose themselves.

"It was fairly obvious what it was. I think we dealt with it fairly professionally and had a bit of a giggle when we got back to the station," Captain May Fung declared in a press release..

But customers at the pig farm and its Hmong owners were not so amused. They felt that Yale Guen Mar had brought disrepute upon the pig farm. "Which customer would willingly have the bacon of a pig finger-fucked by Yale Guen Mar?,' they said in unison. They strongly felt that Yale Guen Mar should be arrested and tried for bestiality. But, then, the wheels of justice are known to move rather slowly, if at all, when the victim is a mere pig, complained Mai Keri Her, the owner of the pig farm.

The pig farm's owner, as a last resort, will lodge a complaint with the SPCA against Yale Guen Mar for committing an unnatural sex crime.


Yale Guen Mar has been in USA since 1949. But his command of English remains as shaky as ever. Yale Guen Mar writes bitterly of his three sibblings (sic) in Arizona. He angrily posts on Obama's snobbing (sic) of PRC's new leader and wants to stump (sic) people he disagrees with. It is obvious that Yale Guen Mar never had much of an education. His jobs (even at big corporations) couldn't have been anything more exalted than that of a janitor or at best of a mail man. And, for that, you certainly don't need a secret clearance. Yale Guen Mar has obviously been putting on airs far beyond his miserable station in the society.

Your Name:
Yale Guen Mar

Your phone numbers are:

(209) 722-0463
(510) 531-7359

You masquerade as:
Rusty Wyse
Resty Wyseman

You post as:

You were born on Fbruary 1, 1938

You were shipped off in 1949 from Hong Kong by your step mother to your alleged biological father in San Francisco.

After 64 years in USA, Yale Guen Mar's English is as shaky as ever. He has managed to forget the Tai Shanese he learnt before he was shipped out in 1949 from Hong Kong to his alleged biological father in California. Yale Guen Mar has not managed to learn English (both spoken and written) in the bargain.

Yale Guen Mar belongs to the 50 cent party, that is his sole professional affiliation:

***************** ;

The 50 Cent Party are Internet commentators (网络评论员, 網絡評論員, wǎnglù pínglùn yuán) hired by the government of the People's Republic of China (both local and central) or the Communist Party to post comments favorable towards party policies in an attempt to shape and sway public opinion on various Internet message boards. The commentators are said to be paid for every post that either steers a discussion away from anti-party or sensitive content on domestic websites, bulletin board systems, and chatrooms, or that advances the Communist party line.


Yale Guen Mar is, at best a double agent, with primary loyalty to the bandit regime in Beijing.

He has been thrown out by at least two ex wives for his total lack of morality and hygiene (not necessarily in that order) :

Ditto for two of his disillusioned girl friends:

May Fung
Yuhua Luo

Here's photo of rst0/2/7/9 from his younger days that he has posted on the internet for seeking girlfriends thru dating services:

An US citizen as he is, rst0/7/9's heart was always with the CCP dictatorship in Beijing - you can see the hammer and sickle in gold that he is proudly displaying on his collar.

Yale Guen Mar

Age: 75
Birthday: 2/1/1938
Location: Merced, California, USA


3851 Twilight Avenue
Merced, CA 95348, USA

Here is a sob story by the newsgroup clown, Yale Guen Mar (,,,, with the plea that he wants to hear from other Chinese-Americans (I suspect this is his way to earn confidence of
unsuspecting victims before playing confidence tricks on them):


I am very much interested in hearing from Chinese-Americans within the United States on how their aged parents/grandparents were faring in
their sunset years.

It was ironic for me growing up in a small town, living in California most of my adult life about a thousand miles from "home". As each of us gets older and educated, we leave "home" only to come "home" for visit once or twice a year.

My sibblings live in Tucson about 125 miles away leaving my parents alone at "home". To me, "home" was, is and will always be 914 10th
St. and I never take any of my things from "home" to California. Then my father got sick and checked into the hospital.

My brother in Tucson returned "home" and talked to the doctor, who said my father may be in hospital for about a week. Since my mother can not speak English and alone at home, he decided to transfer my father to Tucson Medical Center where he works and move my mother to a retirement home in Tucson.

The house was sold. "Home" is no more. All my college year photos were gone, my short-wave radio, my gun collection, everything in my
bedroom were thrown away or given away without telling me.

My father recovered and moved into the retirement home with my mother, each taken up a room with a cost of $1,200/month each for a total of $2,400. With no outside activities and eat and sleep, my father died in 15 months later. My mother died two years later after my father. I believe my mother died of loneliness and neglect.

I have 3 sibblings living in Tucson, not one would visit and talk to my mother often enough to care.


I wouldn't trust anyone with so many aliases including such fancy ones as Rusty Wyse and Resty Wysepole.


Aug 10, 2013, 7:02:21 PM8/10/13
Stop repeating your lies, Satish. Stop making up lies, Satish. Your hatred of China has taken over your life completely. Washing dishes in a Chinese restaurant must be a very degrading way to live in the U.S. for you. huh, Satish?

Stop repeating your lies, Satish.
Stop making up lies, Satish.
Your hatred of China has taken
over your life completely.
Washing dishes in a Chinese
restaurant must be a very degrading
way to live in the U.S. for you. huh, Satish?

Dec 23, 2018, 4:14:04 AM12/23/18
Newspaper exposés on Yale Guen Mar's deviant behavior involving bestiality and masochism

On Friday, November 1, 2013 7:28:40 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Top editor of scandal-hit Guangzhou paper sacked - This kind of dirty tricks gotta stop.

Yale Guen Mar's ire is perfectly understandable. He has been exposed time and again by newspapers. Here are some news clippings on Yale Guen Mar:


Merced Sun-Star
February 1, 2004

Man finds out that one in hand is worth two in the bush
By May Fung

Merced, CA

Firefighters came to the rescue of a man in distress when he got his penis stuck in a toaster.

It is unclear exactly what the humiliated gentleman, 66-year old Yale Guen Mar, had been up to, but fortunately Merced's finest arrived to extricate his manhood from the electrical device.

Unbelievably, this wasn't a first for 66-year old Yale Guen Mar. His brother, Donald, revealed to reporters of yet another adventure by Yale Guen Mar that rivaled rivalled his ridiculous antics by when he somehow got his member lodged in a vacuum cleaner.

Well, Yale Guen Mar, just remember that one in hand is worth two in the bush


26 November 2009

Pig farts spark Merced gas scare in a Hmong family-owned pig farm

MERCED: A flatulent pig sparked a gas emergency at a Hmong family-owned pig farm in Merced, California on Thursday when owner Mai Keri Her and customers alike mistook the odors for a leaking gas pipe.

Fifteen firefighters and two trucks were called to the Merced pig farm owned by Mai Keri Her after reports of a gas leak, said a spokesman for the Merced Fire Service.

"When we got there, as we drove through the gates, there was this huge pig, weighing about 265-pound. Yale Guen Mar, a resident of the locality from 3851 Twilight Avenue was trying to finger-fuck the pig in its asshole and inadvertently caused it to fart repeatedly. It was very obvious where the gas was coming from," said fire Captain May Fung who happens to be an ex significant other of Yale Guen Mar though they haven't been sweet to each other since the 1980s.

"We could not only smell it, but we heard it and it was quite funny."

Captain May Fung said that Yale Guen Mar, her ex beau, who was found finger-fucking the the pig's asshole, was"a little bit embarrassed to say the least," and it took fire crews a little while to compose themselves.

"It was fairly obvious what it was. I think we dealt with it fairly professionally and had a bit of a giggle when we got back to the station," Captain May Fung declared in a press release..

But customers at the pig farm and its Hmong owners were not so amused. They felt that Yale Guen Mar had brought disrepute upon the pig farm. "Which customer would willingly have the bacon of a pig finger-fucked by Yale Guen Mar?,' they said in unison. They strongly felt that Yale Guen Mar should be arrested and tried for bestiality. But, then, the wheels of justice are known to move rather slowly, if at all, when the victim is a mere pig, complained Mai Keri Her, the owner of the pig farm.

The pig farm's owner, as a last resort, will lodge a complaint with the SPCA against Yale Guen Mar for committing an unnatural sex crime.


Man gave STD to at least 4 pigs by finger-fucking them in the anus]

December 4, 2009

MERCED - Authorities said a man who was caught finger-fucking show hogs in the asshole will have his case presented to the Merced County Grand Jury next month. Yale Guen Mar, 71, was arrested on Dec. 3, 2009 after police set up surveillance cameras near a Hmong-owned hog farm in Merced County.

Merced Police Chief Yuhua Luo said the hogs were examined by a local veterinarian, during a routine examination, and the owner was told that four of the hogs had a STD anal infection.


February 1, 2013

Man's middle fingers contracted VD from STD infected pigs
Amputation may leave him with eight fingers

Yale Guen Mar, a resident of Merced, made unwanted medical history on his 75th birthday as doctors diagnosed his middle fingers to be ravaged by STD contracted from pigs,' colons.

Yale Guen Mar had been on probation as a sex offender since 2009 when he got outed as a serial pig molester. He had, then, confessed to the police that he had been finger-fucking pigs in their assholes since he was a little boy.

Yale Guen Mar's obsession with pigs' assholes predates his arrival to USA in 1949 as a 11-year old boy when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) captured power in mainland China. He had been finger-fucking pigs' in their assholes even as a preteen in mainland China.

Yale Guen Mar confessed in an interview that even today he feels a certain excitement every time he visits hog farms in around around Merced county like the Loin Eye pig farm and the Mai keri Her pig farm.

But his 75th birthday today finds him with a fly in the ointment - his days of excitement might be coming to an end. Doctors have just diagnosed that Yale Guen mar's atrophied middle fingers are from STDs. Yale Guen Mar's middle fingers got infected through years of intimate close encounters with colons of pigs.

Doctors have opined that Yale Guen mar should have his middle fingers amputated to prevent the spread of the disease that might ultimately affect his brain. Already there are obvious signs that the STDs on his middle fingers may have already taken a toll on his neural network.

As we ge to press, Yale Guen Mar is seeking a second and a third opinion on what to do with his infected middle fingers. While their amputation might stop the spread of infection, the loss of the middle fingers will be virtually akin to castration for the 75-year old Yale Guen Mar who has been a serial pig molester all his life.


Dec 24, 2018, 2:34:39 AM12/24/18
On Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 7:15:26 AM UTC-8, Long Dong wrote:
> Do your part, come and help the people in needs of your charitable hands in
> Cambodia. There is treatment centre to entertain and delight your visit and
> all.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), take note. Rush to Cambodia for your own good.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 9:42:10 AM UTC-8, Dr. Dong wrote:
> He has AHD. His symptoms are:
> •sense of underachievement
> •doesn’t deal well with frustration
> •easily flustered and stressed out
> •irritability or mood swings
> •trouble staying motivated
> •hypersensitivity to criticism
> •short, often explosive, temper
> •low self-esteem and sense of insecurity

Yes, Yale Guen Mar needs to rush to Cambodia to be treated under the supervision of Dr. Long Dong for his bipolar disorder and for his STD-ravaged middle fingers.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:49:10 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:42:10 AM UTC-8, Dr. Dong wrote:
> The only thing Dr. Dong has has is his long dong.
> Anita Hill told the world of his log dong.

Yale Guen Mar has long suffered from attention deficit syndrome (ADS). That is why his "rebuttals" are so context-free and facts-free.

The Merced chimp is well aware of his limitations. That is why he usually snips of the original quote while replying with the hope that no one will notice that his "rebuttals' have nothing to do with the thread's topic.

In the old days, Yale Guen Mar used to change the title of the thread. But that no longer works with the new format in soc.culture.china. But he does what he can by snipping out the original while posting a "rebuttal" that is completely irrelevant.

Yale Guen Mar's senility and insanity speaks through all his posts.

Yale Guen Mar attempts to reply to a post. But by the time he is ready to type in his reply, he can no longer remember what/who he is replying to. That's when he ripostes with his standard nonsensical paragraph of inanities and profanities not just in the body of the post but, very often, even in the title of the thread!!

And then Yale Guen Mar proceeds to repeat the nonsense by repeatedly making the same post again and again as if repitation will hide his lack of sanity.

Yale Guen Mar is much like the old senile who is so far gone that by the time he takes off his pants in the bedroom, he has forgotten why he took them off. So he proceeds to pee and shit in his bed!!

Jan 2, 2019, 11:21:33 PM1/2/19
On Monday, December 31, 2018 at 10:07:08 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> On Monday, December 31, 2018 at 10:02:52 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> >
> > I mention your name not with pleasure but with a great deal of pain. It is really painful to see you as the black sheep of the Mar clan.
> Excellent!!!!
> Tha's what I want to be!!!
> different from every one!!!

You are certainly different - a lone black sheep amidst the achievers in the Mar clan.

On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 12:31:20 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> I haven't seen my children, my grand-children for years, Satish.
> They don't want to come to a small town.
> I don't want to go to a big city!!!!
> And I have not seen any of my sibblings for many many years.

Yale Guen Mar, stop "sibbling". Why don't you pay attention when Ravinder Singh's grandson tutors you?

Judah's parents, and their families, don't want Yale Guen Mar to ever visit Taiwan because they are afraid that his deviant behavior with pigs will blacken the family's honor.

They have managed to influence the American Institute in Taiwan to thwart Yale Guen Mar's attempt to visit Taiwan. Yale Guen Mar has been informally informed that he'll need a visa if he wants to visit Taiwan even for a very short period.

Yale Guen Mar has been made aware that his visa application will be turned down on a technicality.

Meanwhile, Yale Guen Mar faces a similar issue with trying to visit Lucca, Tuscany. The Buonamicis too will leave no stone unturned to prevent his visit to Lucca, Tuscany and to Pisa.

No surprise that Dr. Roberto Buonamici has threatened to sodomize Yale Guen Mar (who posts under fanciful fake names like Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman) with a nuclear fuel rod to leave Yale Guen Mar's blasted asshole highly radioactive.

Yale Guen Mar, it is your fault that Silvia no longer lets you skype with Valentina and Luca without adult supervision. You succumbed to your bas instincts when you exposed yourself on skype under the prtext of giving toilet training to Valentina and Luca.

Ellen, Donald, Eugene and even the non-Arizonian sister are fine without you. It is you who is suffering from jintense jealousy of accomplished siblings.

Yale Guen Mar, you take your grudges way too far.

Remember how you tried to talk Ellen out of attending your mother's funeral? It didn't work. All your siblings attended the funeral. You were the one who stayed away and sulked.

> I am a lone wolf. I don't need anyone!!!

You are indeed a wolf and a lone wolf at that.

Don't make a virtue of it.

Unless you repent for all your past misdeeds, no one woo come to your aid.

Hungry Ghost Festival is on Saturday, August 25. Be at East Palm Cemetery in Tucson, AZ. Your parents are resting in peace at Lot 49 of the cemetery.

Yale Guen Mar, if you are there on Hungry Ghost Festival Day you will get to meet your relatives who gather there every year for tomb sweeping at the Hungry Ghost Festival and the Quingming Festival.

Your siblings Donald, Ellen and Eugene meet at Lot 49 every year. This year they will be joined by Brenton, Luca and Valentina. Even Silvia, May Fung and Dr. Roberto Buonamici will fly down from Boston to honor the family patriarch Tony Chee Mar and the family matriarch Kim Hi Wong.

Join them to tidy up the tombs. Cleaning the tomb and paying respect to the dead person with offerings are the two important parts of remembering the past relatives.

* Take out the weeds and add fresh soil to show your respect for your ancestors.

* Offer food, wine (favorite wine for both Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong was Mai Tai)
and paper money to them.

* Kowtow before the tombs as a show of respect.

* Yale Guen Mar, wear willow branches over your head and ride swings with Luca and Valentina.

* And, after that, fly kites and go for hiking with siblings Donald, Ellen and Eugene
and with Brenton, Silvia, Luca and Valentina.

* But, Yale Guen Mar, don't forget to take your boxes of diapers and wipes with you.

* Change into a fresh diaper every so often to make sure that your shit doesn't drip
while you are inside East Palm Cemetery in general, and at Lot 49 in particular.

Yale Guen Mar, if you play your cards right, all might be forgiven. Eugene might yet accept you as a friend on Facebook.

Funeral rites for an elderly person follow the prescribed form and convey relevant respect: rites befitting the person's status, age etc. are performed even if this means the family of the deceased must go into debt to pay for them.

Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suye Oy Wong were fortunate to be honored at their burial by their children and grandchildren. They lie buried side by side in Duncanville, Texas.

Nephew Yale Guen Mar was not welcome at the funerals by the Mar clan, and for understandable reasons.

But then Yale Guen Mar wasn't welcome at the funerals of his parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong either. No one wanted him at the funerals.

At Qingming Festival every year, Homer Yale Mar and his siblings Virginia, Lawrence and Clarence pay respect to their parents Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong, and all relatives and ancestors who have passed away. They spend time tidying up the graves and tombstones of Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong. They offer food, flowers and paper money to their ancestors.

In stark contrast, Yale Guen Mar spends time sulking about times when he got spanked by his father Tony Chee Mar and mother Kim Hi Wong for misbehavior.

Yale Guen Mar, be at the tombs of Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong in Tucson, AZ this Tuesday (April 4) for Quingming Festival. Join siblings Donald, Ellen and Eugene at the tombs. Brenton. Luca, Valentina, and even Silvia and May Fung will be there to honor your ancestors.

Yale Guen Mar, you were not there at the funeral of your "dad" Tony Chee Mar and of your mom, Kim Hi Wong.

To your eternal shame, you have never visited the tombs of your parents.

Now is the time to make amends. Buy a railway ticket from Merced, CA to Tucson, AZ. There is a direct train service between the two towns. It will cost you less than $70.00,az/merced,ca/

Jan 4, 2019, 2:03:48 AM1/4/19
Cousin Homer Yale Mar knows more about the cantankerous 80-year old Yale Guen Mar than he ever wished to know. Even as a boy, Yale Guen Mar would pick fights out of jealousy with his cousin Homer Yale Mar.

Homer was a patient person. Normally he would ignore Yale Guen Mar's provocations. But whenevr patience ran out, he would give Yale a big whack on his butt.

Yale Guen Mar would yell and sob and then run to his mom Kim Hi Wong and even to his aunt Susan Suey Oy Wong to complain against cousin Homer.

Homer came over to USA in 1946. Yale Guen Mar too ended up in USA in 1949 when he sought refuge from PRC under CCP regime.

Homer would often visit Uncle Tony in Safford, AZ. But Yale Guen Mar was so afraid of cousin Homer that he would always leave the house whenever Homer was visiting and would not come back till Homer had left. Yale Guen mar was afraid that if he irritated Homer, he might get punched in the face.

Resty, forget all your grudges. You'll be 81 un February of 2019 if you are still alive.

Try to visit Duncanville, TX before you hit the bucket.

Ask Homer for forgiveness - he is a generous man, he'll forgive you.

If you visit him at next Thanksgiving (if you are stll alive), Homer and his beautiful wife Cynthia might even share the turkey cooked for the family with you.
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