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Yale Guen Mar, you are grossly overweight. You are a certified fathead as well. But since you are so full of shit, it should not be difficult for you to lose weight. Go to faridsrahman. He showed how easy it was for him to beat the shit out of you.

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Aug 18, 2013, 1:41:37 PM8/18/13
On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.

Yale Guen Mar, you are grossly overweight. You are a certified fathead as well.

Bu since you are so full of shit, it should not be difficult for you to lose weight.

Go to faridsrahman. He showed how easy it was for him to beat the shit out of you.

Or else, you can let Meichi Thai do the job - ask her to douche you in the asshole with warm water. Meichi Thai can follow up the douche with shoving tons and tons of suppositories up your asshole to make you poop. That should help you to shed a lot of weight.

Yale Guen Mar had posted Meichi Thai's photos on the internet together with lewd comments about her.

Now Meichi Thai is getting back at Yale Guen Mar. She is making public some intimate details about Yale Guen Mar through the internet.

It is now public that Yale Guen Mar is bald in his pubic area, Yale Guen Mar's mons pubis is all yellow, not salt and pepper.

It is also public how Meichi Thai has been shoving tons and tons of suppositories up Yale Guen Mar's hemorrhoid carred anus to make him poop.

Others like May Fung and Yuhua Luo have also contributed to the outing of Yale Guen Mar as a serial pig molester. Here are some news clippings regarding Yale Guen Mar's passion for pigs:

[At his 75th birthday, Merced resident Yale Guen Mar discovers his atrophied middle fingers infected with STDs contracted from pigs' colons - he might lose his middle fingers to amputation. That would leave him handicapped in pursuing his life long passion of finger-fucking pigs in their assholes]

February 1, 2013

Man's middle fingers contracted VD from STD infected pigs
Amputation may leave him with eight fingers

Yale Guen Mar, a resident of Merced, made unwanted medical history on his 75th birthday as doctors diagnosed his middle fingers to be ravaged by STD contracted from pigs,' colons.

Yale Guen Mar had been on probation as a sex offender since 2009 when he got outed as a serial pig molester. He had, then, confessed to the police that he had been finger-fucking pigs in their assholes since he was a little boy.

Yale Guen Mar's obsession with pigs' assholes predates his arrival to USA in 1949 as a 11-year old boy when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) captured power in mainland China. He had been finger-fucking pigs' in their assholes even as a preteen in mainland China.

Yale Guen Mar confessed in an interview that even today he feels a certain excitement every time he visits hog farms in around around Merced county like the Loin Eye pig farm and the Mai keri Her pig farm.

But his 75th birthday today finds him with a fly in the ointment - his days of excitement might be coming to an end. Doctors have just diagnosed that Yale Guen mar's atrophied middle fingers are from STDs. Yale Guen Mar's middle fingers got infected through years of intimate close encounters with colons of pigs.

Doctors have opined that Yale Guen mar should have his middle fingers amputated to prevent the spread of the disease that might ultimately affect his brain. Already there are obvious signs that the STDs on his middle fingers may have already taken a toll on his neural network.

As we ge to press, Yale Guen Mar is seeking a second and a third opinion on what to do with his infected middle fingers. While their amputation might stop the spread of infection, the loss of the middle fingers will be virtually akin to castration for the 75-year old Yale Guen Mar who has been a serial pig molester all his life.


[Yale Guen Mar of Merced created quite a commotion in a Hmong family-owned pig farm in the area when his attempt to surreptitiously finger-fuck a pig in its asshole caused it to fart and trip the alarm for gas leaks]

26 November 2009

Pig farts spark Merced gas scare in a Hmong family-owned pig farm

MERCED: A flatulent pig sparked a gas emergency at a Hmong family-owned pig farm in Merced, California on Thursday when owner Mai Keri Her and customers alike mistook the odors for a leaking gas pipe.

Fifteen firefighters and two trucks were called to the Merced pig farm owned by Mai Keri Her after reports of a gas leak, said a spokesman for the Merced Fire Service.

"When we got there, as we drove through the gates, there was this huge pig, weighing about 265-pound. Yale Guen Mar, a resident of the locality from 3851 Twilight Avenue was trying to finger-fuck the pig in its asshole and inadvertently caused it to fart repeatedly. It was very obvious where the gas was coming from," said fire Captain May Fung who happens to be an ex significant other of Yale Guen Mar though they haven't been sweet to each other since the 1980s.

"We could not only smell it, but we heard it and it was quite funny."

Captain May Fung said that Yale Guen Mar, her ex beau, who was found finger-fucking the the pig's asshole, was"a little bit embarrassed to say the least," and it took fire crews a little while to compose themselves.

"It was fairly obvious what it was. I think we dealt with it fairly professionally and had a bit of a giggle when we got back to the station," Captain May Fung declared in a press release..

But customers at the pig farm and its Hmong owners were not so amused. They felt that Yale Guen Mar had brought disrepute upon the pig farm. "Which customer would willingly have the bacon of a pig finger-fucked by Yale Guen Mar?,' they said in unison. They strongly felt that Yale Guen Mar should be arrested and tried for bestiality. But, then, the wheels of justice are known to move rather slowly, if at all, when the victim is a mere pig, complained Mai Keri Her, the owner of the pig farm.

The pig farm's owner, as a last resort, will lodge a complaint with the SPCA against Yale Guen Mar for committing an unnatural sex crime.


Yale Guen Mar gave STD to at least 4 pigs by finger-fucking them in the anus]

December 4, 2009

MERCED - Authorities said a man who was caught finger-fucking show hogs in the asshole will have his case presented to the Merced County Grand Jury next month. Yale Guen Mar, 71, was arrested on Dec. 3, 2009 after police set up surveillance cameras near a Hmong-owned hog farm in Merced County.

Merced Police Chief Yuhua Luo said the hogs were examined by a local veterinarian, during a routine examination, and the owner was told that four of the hogs had a STD anal infection.



Aug 18, 2013, 1:52:52 PM8/18/13
On Sunday, August 18, 2013 10:41:37 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Yale Guen Mar, you are grossly overweight.

My doctor said my weight is fine. I just want to get back to my high school day weight.

Show me the last post from Meichi, Peeping Tom Satish.

farids is another dark skin filthy foul smelly dirty lying Indian just like you, Peeping Tom Satish, with the same standard English you people learn from colonial days. His English is as stuffy as yours.

Why must you ignorant stupid fools persist on living in peeping Tom Satish's world of lies?

Stop all your bullshit, Peeping Tom Satish, and face the facts. The facts are:
1: you are a born liar, and a perpetual liar.
2: You are a born loser, and a perpetual loser.
3: You are a bottom feeder of the lowest form.
4: You know nothing.
5: You don't understand anything.
6: You are an illegal alien hiding in Overland Park, Kansas.
7: You are a pawn, a stooge, a toy soldier marching on Uncle Sam’s drum beat.
8: Peeping Tom Satish, you are truly not only the “white man’s burden”,
but also “Yellow man’s burden”.

Peeping Tom Satish has the darkest skin color, the foulest filthy smelly stench
coming off you. Of course, the skin color IS a problem, the biggest problem you have.
Don’t think for a moment that America today is color-blind. It isn’t.

Peeping Tom Satish is living a lie himself as he is an illegal alien since his H1-B status expired.

Feb 4, 2019, 1:46:31 AM2/4/19
On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:41:37 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> > Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.

Joke is on you, Resty (Yale Guen Mar). You can't blame Colonel Homer Yale Mar and his wife Cynthia for laughing at your fat belly.

On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 3:34:29 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Ha ha, a couple of fat pigs...

Now the joke is definitely on you. Homer and Cynthia laugh about your fat belly and you try to get even by calling them fat pigs.

Yale Guen Mar, did cousin Homer really always get out of your father's house before you came back because he was afraid that you would punch him? Yale Gue Mar, tell us of your "great rivalry" with cousin Homer of Duncanville, TX.!topic/soc.culture.china/Kvwdc6agpRg

On Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 10:02:56 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> I boosted Homer's image up in the beginning as he is my cousin. He came to our house and talked to Donald and my father, but left before I came back. He knew I would punch him in the face if I saw him.

Now why do you think you would have dared to punch Homer in the face? Homer was a colonel in the US Army. He would have destroyed you in no time if you had tried to punch him in the face.

Recall how, as a kid, you always used to get beat up by cousin Homer whenever you misbehaved. You would then always run crying not just to mom Kim Hi Wong but even to aunt Susan Suey Oy Wong.

> > You are so jealous of Homer that you have now stooped to posting that Homer and Cynthia (Homer's beautiful wife) are overweight !!!
> Jealous of a "walk-walk-eat" person all through his life? You gotta be joking. No one can be jealous of a fat-slop??? If you think she's beautiful, I can see why you like pigs.

An arny colonel who served in Vietnam is anything but a "walk-walk-eat" person which describes you accurately. When was the last time you had a proper job? You have been living off welfare checks from Uncle Sam which you try to supplement with 50 cents per approved post from Uncle Chang.

Feb 4, 2019, 11:32:35 AM2/4/19
On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:41:37 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> > Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.

新年快乐 (Happy New Year), Yale Guen Mar (who has been masquerading as Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman).

Also, don't forget to attend to all pending business. Now that you are 81, you don't have too many days left. Resty (Yale Guen Mar), you have wasted all your life. At the least, take responsibility for all your follies. High time you repent. And don't forget to beg cousin Homer and his beautiful wife Cynthia for their forgiveness.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), do you know where you'll be at the next new year, and possibly a lot sooner?

Yuhua Luo has been in touch with both Valerie Yamashita and your message carrier cousin in Santa Clara.

Yale Guen Mar, think back what the Hong Kong fortune-teller had said in 1949 when you were 11 years old and still living in Mainland China.

Yale Guen Mar, you had a great wife in Lillian Dili Han, didn't you? So, what happened? Why did you mistreat her?

But what goes around comes around.

Yuhua Luo now has better plans for the burial plot you think is meant for you.

Yuhua is making discrete enquiries about the grave sites of Lillian Dili Han and her esteemed mother. The plan is to squeeze some space between the remains of Lillian Dili Han and her esteemed mother for the burial of your body.

That will indeed leave you buried in San Jose, CA sueezed for eternity between Lillian Dili Han and her esteemed mother.

But I still believe the Hong Kong fortune teller will be proved right.

He had said in 1949 that you'll be in Safford, AZ before the year was out. And that's the way it happened.

He also said you'll be buried in Safford, AZ and I do nelieve that's the way it is going to happen.

The burial of your remains - that's something you can ponder over, Yale Guen Mar.

A meeting was called at the Yamshita residence by Valerie Yamashita to decide on what to do with your remains. Brenton and Kimberly were there and even your message carrier cousin from Santa Clara was among the attendees.

Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse), do you know the place you prefer as your last resting place?

Yale Guen Mar, you were a mere 11 year old boy in Hong Kong when a fortune-teller told you that you would soon live in a small desert town in Arizona where temperatures were like 120 degrees. You had laughed it off. But it wasn't long before you crossed the South China Sea, and, in fact, the Pacific Ocean to do just that. You fled CCP dictatorship to seek refuge in USA.

And USA is where you'll be buried. And there is a good chance that you'll spend till eternity squeezed between the remains of your nemesis Lillian Dili Han and her redoubtable mother.

Think and shudder, Yale Guen Mar.

Feb 5, 2019, 1:22:02 PM2/5/19
On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 8:32:35 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:41:37 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> > On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> > > Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.
> >
> 新年快乐 (Happy New Year), Yale Guen Mar (who has been masquerading as Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman).

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), please try to start the 豬年 on a positive note. Try to reduce your fat belly and stop lusting after assholes of 豬.

Yale Guen Mar is a fifth generation restaurant worker who claims to be a citizen of US on the basis of fake citizenship papers.

By his own admission, the first time that Yale Guen Mar saw his alleged biological father was when he landed in USA as an eleven year old boy in 1949 when he was sipped off to USA after CPC captured power in PRC. How on earth this alleged biological father of Yale Guen Mar could have impregnated Yale Guen Mar's mother who lived in mainland China? No surprise that Yale Guen Mar's next oldest "sibling" (Ellen) was born 11 years after Yale Guen Mar's birth.

Yale Guen Mar's life has been shaped by his background as a fifth generation restaurant worker with fake citizenship papers. Naturally, whenever he is angry with a person, Yale Guen Mar takes to demonizing the person as a restaurant worker and an illegal alien. It is an expression of his self-loathing.

Yale Guen Mar is also a big fake, He took to claiming he was an electrical engineer with work experience at a facility for missile testing. And then he talked too much to reveal that he had no idea of what control engineering is or how to do a literature search.

Yale Guen Mar has a history of getting fired from his restaurant jobs. He got fired by his own uncle (twin brother of his father) from his janitorial job at Junction City Cafe in Kansas. He also got fired by George Gee from his job as a restaurant worker at the Gene-Gee restaurant for pilfering restaurant supplies.

A jobless Yale Guen Mar had finally enlisted as a private in the US army. But he got a dishonorable discharge as a private for bestiality. The only reason his rank was not reduced at his discharge was because he was already at the lowest rung in the military.

Yale Guen Mar's cousin (son of Yale Guen Mar's one time employer at the Junction City Cafe in Kansas), in stark contrast, had gone on to become a colonel in the US army.

Feb 6, 2019, 12:21:05 PM2/6/19
On Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 10:22:02 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 8:32:35 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> > On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:41:37 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> > > On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> > > > Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.
> > >
> >
> >
> > 新年快乐 (Happy New Year), Yale Guen Mar (who has been masquerading as Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman).
> >
> Resty (Yale Guen Mar), please try to start the 豬年 on a positive note. Try to reduce your fat belly and stop lusting after assholes of 豬.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), can't you start the 豬年 on a positive note? Why are you so dishonest?

You started a thread to pat yourself on the back.!topic/soc.culture.china/pyOWcnpAwyo

And now you don't have the courage of honesty to acknowledge that.

No surprise there. This is a pattern you have exhibited again and again.

Remember your shenanigans at the Gene-Gee restaurant? George Gee fired you when he caught you pilfering supples for the Gene-Gee restaurant. When George gee died, Gene took over.

Gene took care of not just the Gene-Gee Restaurant, but the George family as well. Resty, you immediately saw an opporunity in Gene's generosity. You went to Gene and falsely claimed that you were part of George's family as well because George had wanted you to marry George's daughter. You wanted your job back.

Resty, your ruse didn't work. Gene had heard enough of you to know that you were lying. He not just turned you down but forbade you to ever again set foot inside the Gene-Gee Restaurant.

Feb 7, 2019, 12:22:03 PM2/7/19
On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:41:37 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> > Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.

Yale Guen Mar, two retired restaurant workers in Augusta, KS remember you as a fellow worker at the Gene-Gee restaurant near China Lake, CA.

They remember that Yale Guen Mar was completely devoid of work ethics and honesty. Yale Guen Mar's pay got docked often enough till he finally got fired by George Gee when Yale Guen Mar got caught pilfering supplies to the restaurant.

When George Gee died, Yale Guen Mar once again tried to get a job with the Gene-gee restaurant. But Gene had seen enough of Yale Guen Mar and told Yale Guen Mar to get lost. Yale Guen Mar was told never to set foot inside the restaurant even as a customer.

On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:40:38 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Satish Kumar Madhavan is a born liar. The only thing you can do is lie.
> George Gee tried to get me to go and marry his daughter.
> Besides, he died in Glendale when I was working at Pacific Missile Range.
> His friend, Gene, supported both both his family and George Gee's family
> after he died suddenly.

Yale Guen Mar, your values are so warped that you don't know the difference between a truth and a lie.

Everyone knew about your obsession with finger-fucking pigs in their asshole. Why on earth would George Gee want a husband like you for his daughter?

You had a very bad service record. Everyone knew of your lack of morals and work ethics. You finally got fired when you got caught pilfering restaurant supplies.

After George Gee died, you tried to get back your old job at the restaurant. But Gene would have none of that. He forbade you to step foot in the restaurant even as a customer.

Stop lying, Yale Guen Mar. Not even a sow wants to get into bed with you. That is why you have been finger-fucking pigs in their asshole since you were a boy in mainland China. Today you are a menace to the pigs in all the Hmong-owned piggeries in Merced, CA like Loin Eye and Mai Keri Her.

Yale Guen Mar, you can lie all you want but two of your ex colleagues in the Gene-gee restaurant has already spilled the beans about your infamy. They live in Augustus, KS. Feel free to visit Kansas to get reacquainted with them.

Yale Guen Mar, you were not seeing another girl, you were looking for pigs' asshole in nearby piggeries to finger-fuck them.

George Gee detested you, especially after he found out that you were pilfering supplies from his restaurant. That's why you got fired.

And even after George Gee's death, Gene wouldn't take you back as a restaurant worker - instead Gene forbade you to set foot in the restaurant even as a customer.

Feb 8, 2019, 3:20:49 PM2/8/19
81-year old Yale Guen Mar (aka Resty Wyse aka Rusty Wyseman) was born in China on February 1, 1938 but has lived in USA since 1949 when he fled the CCP takeover of China to arrive in San Francisco aboard the ship President Wilson. It took 11-year old Yale Guen Mar to make the trip from Hong Kong to San Francisco. So desperate was he to escape China that he made the trip without his parents and siblings.

Today, 81-year old Yale Guen Mar lives in Merced, CA as a US citizen with not intention to go bak to his birth village to live under the CCP regime. But Yale Guen Mar (aka Resty Wuse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman) is a schizophrenic traitor.

Yale Guen Mar, why won't you relocate to your birth village to live under the paradise ruled with an iron hand by the CCP dictatorship in Beijing? Why are you sticking to Uncle Sam for your welfare checks?

Yale Guen Mar, you wouldn't want to relocate to your birth village in Mainland China to live in PRC in the new era, to escape the evil American lifestyle, would you?

Yale Guen Mar, you still want to continue to live in USA instead of moving back to your birth village to live under the CCP dictatorship in Beijing.

Yale Guen Mar, you subsist on welfare checks from Uncle Sam aand supplement your income with 50 cents per approved post on soc.culture.china from Uncle Chang.

Yale Guen Mar, you post in the hope that it will meet approval for a 50 cent payment from Uncle Chang.

Yale Guen Mar, you certainly know which side the bread is buttered. For all your posts, you'll never go back to your birth village to live under CCP dictatorship. You well know that you move to your birth village, party workers will knock at your door to widen your asshole if your post deviates from the official line.

Yale Guen Mar, if you are wary of shit sandwich, it is only because you dislike bread.

But don't be an ingrate or imprudent for your own sake.

Yale Guen Mar, you have ceased to care about anything else other than earning 50 cents per post. You don't even care to ask your caregiver, Meichi Thai, to to change you into a fresh diaper a lot more often even as you continue to have "accidents" on Ms. Rolida Lee's reclining char and Mr. Ravinder Singh's sofa.

Uncle Chang pays Yale Guen Mar 50 cents per post. No wonder that Yale Guen Mar tries to to keep his handlers with the CCP dictatorship happy, even if it is by bad-mouthing USA.

Yale Guen Mar, USA respects your freedom of speech. Unlike the CCP-dictatorship in China, the US government is not going to monitor your posts on the newsgroup and go after you for your rantings on the internet. You can bark with impunity without any fear of reprisal by the US government. But you will make a grave mistake if you ever try to bite the hand that feeds you. If you overreach yourself in treasonous activities, you might very well spend the rest of your golden years inside jail cells.

Yale Guen Mar, if you lived under Beijing's bandit regime and had proceeded to castigate the CCP dictatorship 24/7 on the internet, you would have been shipped out for "reeducation" in no time. Yale Guen Mar, that is why you are not moving out to CCP-land where any deviation of his newsgroup posts from the official CCP-line will right away lead to your re-education through labor ( 勞動教養 ).

79-year old Yale Guen Mar will do himself a big favor if he enrolls himself in some adult education school. Otherwise patriotically challenged Yale Guen Mar will continue to make a spectacle of himself by revealing his appalling ignorance in everything from history to English. And if Yale Guen Mar can't get himself to do that, he should stop bilking USA and go back to where his heart really resides, namely, the village of his birth in China under CCP-dictatorship. That would be the honest thing to do.

Of course, it is another matter that his live-in-nurse-cum-maid Meichi Thai will refuse to follow Yale Guen Mar to CCP-land where any deviation of his newsgroup posts from the official CCP-line will right away lead him to re-education through labor ( 勞動教養 ).

What's the matter with you Yale Guen Mar? Are you so hard up for money that you have no shame in pimping such rubbish for a payment of 50 cents per approved post?

Mar 8, 2019, 12:50:47 PM3/8/19
On Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:55:00 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Stupid ignorant asshole Peeping Tom Satish, just because I want to lose 15 pounds doesn't mean I am overweight.

Resty, you are so full of shit that losing just 15 pounds of shit would not make much of a difference to you in any way.

On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:52:52 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> My doctor said my weight is fine. I just want to get back to my high school day weight.
> Show me the last post from Meichi, Peeping Tom Satish.
> farids is another dark skin filthy foul smelly dirty lying Indian just like you, Peeping Tom Satish, with the same standard English you people learn from colonial days. His English is as stuffy as yours.
> Why must you ignorant stupid fools persist on living in peeping Tom Satish's world of lies?
> Stop all your bullshit, Peeping Tom Satish, and face the facts. The facts are:
> 1: you are a born liar, and a perpetual liar.
> 2: You are a born loser, and a perpetual loser.
> 3: You are a bottom feeder of the lowest form.
> 4: You know nothing.
> 5: You don't understand anything.
> 6: You are an illegal alien hiding in Overland Park, Kansas.
> 7: You are a pawn, a stooge, a toy soldier marching on Uncle Sam’s drum beat.
> 8: Peeping Tom Satish, you are truly not only the “white man’s burden”,
> but also “Yellow man’s burden”.
> Peeping Tom Satish has the darkest skin color, the foulest filthy smelly stench
> coming off you. Of course, the skin color IS a problem, the biggest problem you have.
> Don’t think for a moment that America today is color-blind. It isn’t.
> Peeping Tom Satish is living a lie himself as he is an illegal alien since his H1-B status expired.

On Sunday, August 18, 2013 at 10:52:52 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), it is time for you to rebalance your yin and yang. Don't sulk in Merced, CA. Celebrate the Chongyang Festival on Wednesday, October 7, 2019 in the company of your Arizona siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene in Tucson, AZ.

On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 12:31:20 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> I haven't seen my children, my grand-children for years, Satish.
> They don't want to come to a small town.
> I don't want to go to a big city!!!!
> And I have not seen any of my sibblings for many many years.

That's so sad. Have you ever analyzed why Valerie, Kimberly and Brenton were never keen to meet you in person even when you lived in a big town?

Surely you know why you are not allowed to skype with Valentina, Luca and Judah without adult supervision.

> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 4:38:28 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> > My grandson will attend UC-Riverside.
> > He wanted to follow his uncle's lead to UCLA but couldn't get in.
> > He's planning a career as a surgeon.

On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 12:53:32 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> The problem with Japan is:
> An island nation with no natural resources.
> They brutalized the people they conquerred, and those people were fighting back.
> Japan had a limited objective but no material resources to control what they conquerred.

BTW, even the Yamashitas are happy in USA. Valerie is not going to go back to the land of her ancestors. Valerie's son will try to become a doctor in the USA even if he has to attend a nondescript campus of the UC like the Riverside campus.

So Resty (yale Guen Mar), does that mean you are going to move to your birth-village in PRC to spend the rest of your years under CCP regime?

How come al your siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene and all their descendants are hapy enough in the USA not to want to go back to PRC for good?

Ditto for your cousins Homer, Gini, Clarence and Lawrence and all their descendants.

So Yale Guen Mar, aka Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman), when are you relocating to your birth-village to live happily ever after under the CCP regime in PRC?

On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 6:37:39 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> In four days, I'll be 77 years young!!!!
> It seems like only not too long ago I sailed into San Francisco Bay
> looking up above over the clouds to see the Golden Gate Bridge. I
> still remember the San Francisco Bay water was muddy brown color
> instead of the dark blue/green color today.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), I am glad that you haven't forgotten you ordeal. The CCP had just taken over China. To escape the takeover and to seek refuge in the USA you boarded the ship President Wilson as a 11-year old boy in the November of 1949. So desperate you were to escape PRC to seek refuge in the USA, that you made that trip without your parents and little sister Ellen. It took you 16 days to reach San Francisco.

On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 12:48:02 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> But Satish is living the life of another man, Satish Kmur who has returned to India to live and gave this Satish, the one posting in soc.culture.china today,
> his job as a janitor and his green card so he can ive in the U.S.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), have you managed to alienate Valerie's son as well?

On Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 4:38:28 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> My grandson will attend UC-Riverside.
> He wanted to follow his uncle's lead to UCLA but couldn't get in.
> He's planning a career as a surgeon.

Yale Guen Mar, did you try to do a Judah on this grandson?

Did you expose yourself while skyping with him on the ruse of giving him potty training?

Did you show him your fake circumcision scar?

On Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:39:30 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> He has a large Japanese clan from his father's side,
> a large swimming pool,...
> His paternal grandfather gave him a brand new Toyota Truck
> for his 16th birthday. He's too spoil.
> I told him, Carlton, my stepson had a 3.90 grade-point average
> in high school, but couldn't get into UCLA, then he really tried
> studying harder, but he still couldn't get into UCLA.

Ask your "grandson" to transfer to UC, Merced. It is not any worse than UC, Riverside.

As for becoming a doctor, it is unlikely that your grandson can get into medical school in USA if he couldn't manage anything better than UC, Riverside as his undergraduate college. But he can always attend medical school in a foreign country (say in the Caribbean) to get a medical degree and toil hard to do his residency in USA.

As for Carlton, isn't he the bloke who went to UC, Davis? That is a hell of a lot better school than UC, Riverside and UC, Merced, especially if you are into agriculture or veterinary sciences.

But, Yale Guen Mar, you had a very unhappy experience at UC, Davis which you visited to "borrow" money from Carlton. Carlton, of course, had other ideas. Carlton wanted you to make an appointment with a professor he knew. This was a professor of animal psychology in the veterinary sciences department. Carlton thought you would benefit immensely with counseling from this professor.

Unfortunately, you were only interested in "borrowing" money from Carlton. An enraged Carlton kicked you out of the campus and forbade you to ever comeback to "borrow" money from him.

Well, it is never too late for counseling, Yale Guen Mar. Why don't you make an appointment with that professor. It will do you good, or at least, no harm.

It will also please Yuhua Luo who might write you in her will for the mansion she owns in the bay area.

By the way, what did you do with the $30000 and the minivan that Yuhua Luo offered to get rid of you from her life. Have you already spent the $30000? What have you done with the minivan? Did you sell it to make both ends meet?

> Yale Guen Mar, did you try to do a Judah on this grandson?
> Did you expose yourself while skyping with him on the ruse of giving him potty training?
> Did you show him your fake circumcision scar?
> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:39:30 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> >
> > He has a large Japanese clan from his father's side,
> >
> > a large swimming pool,...
> >
> > His paternal grandfather gave him a brand new Toyota Truck
> >
> > for his 16th birthday. He's too spoil.
> >
> > I told him, Carlton, my stepson had a 3.90 grade-point average
> >
> > in high school, but couldn't get into UCLA, then he really tried
> >
> > studying harder, but he still couldn't get into UCLA.
> >
> Ask your "grandson" to transfer to UC, Merced. It is not any worse than UC, Riverside.
> As for becoming a doctor, it is unlikely that your grandson can get into medical school in USA if he couldn't manage anything better than UC, Riverside as his undergraduate college. But he can always attend medical school in a foreign country (say in the Caribbean) to get a medical degree and toil hard to do his residency in USA.
> As for Carlton, isn't he the bloke who went to UC, Davis? That is a hell of a lot better school than UC, Riverside and UC, Merced, especially if you are into agriculture or veterinary sciences.
> But, Yale Guen Mar, you had a very unhappy experience at UC, Davis which you visited to "borrow" money from Carlton. Carlton, of course, had other ideas. Carlton wanted you to make an appointment with a professor he knew. This was a professor of animal psychology in the veterinary sciences department. Carlton thought you would benefit immensely with counseling from this professor.
> Unfortunately, you were only interested in "borrowing" money from Carlton. An enraged Carlton kicked you out of the campus and forbade you to ever comeback to "borrow" money from him.
> Well, it is never too late for counseling, Yale Guen Mar. Why don't you make an appointment with that professor. It will do you good, or at least, no harm.
> It will also please Yuhua Luo who might write you in her will for the mansion she owns in the bay area.
> By the way, what did you do with the $30000 and the minivan that Yuhua Luo offered to get rid of you from her life. Have you already spent the $30000? What have you done with the minivan? Did you sell it to make both ends meet?

On Monday, February 4, 2019 at 12:48:02 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> But Satish is living the life of another man, Satish Kmur who has returned to India to live and gave this Satish, the one posting in soc.culture.china today,
> his job as a janitor and his green card so he can ive in the U.S.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), have you managed to alienate Valerie's son as well?

On Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 4:38:28 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> My grandson will attend UC-Riverside.
> He wanted to follow his uncle's lead to UCLA but couldn't get in.
> He's planning a career as a surgeon.

Yale Guen Mar, did you try to do a Judah on this grandson?

Did you expose yourself while skyping with him on the ruse of giving him potty training?

Did you show him your fake circumcision scar?

On Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:39:30 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> He has a large Japanese clan from his father's side,
> a large swimming pool,...
> His paternal grandfather gave him a brand new Toyota Truck
> for his 16th birthday. He's too spoil.
> I told him, Carlton, my stepson had a 3.90 grade-point average
> in high school, but couldn't get into UCLA, then he really tried
> studying harder, but he still couldn't get into UCLA.

Ask your "grandson" to transfer to UC, Merced. It is not any worse than UC, Riverside.

As for becoming a doctor, it is unlikely that your grandson can get into medical school in USA if he couldn't manage anything better than UC, Riverside as his undergraduate college. But he can always attend medical school in a foreign country (say in the Caribbean) to get a medical degree and toil hard to do his residency in USA.

As for Carlton, isn't he the bloke who went to UC, Davis? That is a hell of a lot better school than UC, Riverside and UC, Merced, especially if you are into agriculture or veterinary sciences.

But, Yale Guen Mar, you had a very unhappy experience at UC, Davis which you visited to "borrow" money from Carlton. Carlton, of course, had other ideas. Carlton wanted you to make an appointment with a professor he knew. This was a professor of animal psychology in the veterinary sciences department. Carlton thought you would benefit immensely with counseling from this professor.

Unfortunately, you were only interested in "borrowing" money from Carlton. An enraged Carlton kicked you out of the campus and forbade you to ever comeback to "borrow" money from him.

Well, it is never too late for counseling, Yale Guen Mar. Why don't you make an appointment with that professor. It will do you good, or at least, no harm.

It will also please Yuhua Luo who might write you in her will for the mansion she owns in the bay area.

By the way, what did you do with the $30000 and the minivan that Yuhua Luo offered to get rid of you from her life. Have you already spent the $30000? What have you done with the minivan? Did you sell it to make both ends meet?

Yale Guen Mar, did you try to do a Judah on this grandson?

Resty, did you expose yourself while skyping with him on the ruse of giving him potty training?

Did you show him your fake circumcision scar?

On Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:39:30 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> He has a large Japanese clan from his father's side,
> a large swimming pool,...
> His paternal grandfather gave him a brand new Toyota Truck
> for his 16th birthday. He's too spoil.
>I told him, Carlton, my stepson had a 3.90 grade-point average
> in high school, but couldn't get into UCLA, then he really tried
> studying harder, but he still couldn't get into UCLA.

Resty, ask your "grandson" Yamashita to transfer to UC, Merced. It is not any worse than UC, Riverside.

As for becoming a doctor, it is unlikely that your grandson can get into medical school in USA if he couldn't manage anything better than UC, Riverside as his undergraduate college. But he can always attend medical school in a foreign country (say in the Caribbean) to get a medical degree and toil hard to do his residency in USA.

As for Carlton, isn't he the bloke who went to UC, Davis? That is a hell of a lot better school than UC, Riverside and UC, Merced, especially if you are into agriculture or veterinary sciences.

But, Yale Guen Mar, you had a very unhappy experience at UC, Davis which you visited to "borrow" money from Carlton. Carlton, of course, had other ideas. Carlton wanted you to make an appointment with a professor he knew. This was a professor of animal psychology in the veterinary sciences department. Carlton thought you would benefit immensely with counseling from this professor.

Unfortunately, you were only interested in "borrowing" money from Carlton. An enraged Carlton kicked you out of the campus and forbade you to ever comeback to "borrow" money from him.

Well, it is never too late for counseling, Yale Guen Mar. Why don't you make an appointment with that professor. It will do you good, or at least, no harm.

It will also please Yuhua Luo who might write you in her will for the mansion she owns in the bay area.

By the way, what did you do with the $30000 and the minivan that Yuhua Luo offered to get rid of you from her life. Have you already spent the $30000? What have you done with the minivan? Did you sell it to make both ends meet?
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