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Stop animal cruelty - Bull commits suicide after men light its horns on fire

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Resty Wyse

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2017, 13.29.4329/07/17
Stop animal cruelty - Bull commits suicide after men light its horns on fire

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2017, 16.17.1329/07/17
On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 10:29:43 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Stop animal cruelty - Bull commits suicide after men light its horns on fire

Yale Guen Mar, you have subjected countless pigs to torment far worse than this:


[At his 75th birthday, Merced resident Yale Guen Mar discovers his atrophied middle fingers infected with STDs contracted from pigs' colons - he might lose his middle fingers to amputation. That would leave him handicapped in pursuing his life long passion of finger-fucking pigs in their assholes]

February 1, 2013

Man's middle fingers contracted VD from STD infected pigs
Amputation may leave him with eight fingers

Yale Guen Mar, a resident of Merced, made unwanted medical history on his 75th birthday as doctors diagnosed his middle fingers to be ravaged by STD contracted from pigs,' colons.

Yale Guen Mar had been on probation as a sex offender since 2009 when he got outed as a serial pig molester. He had, then, confessed to the police that he had been finger-fucking pigs in their assholes since he was a little boy.

Yale Guen Mar's obsession with pigs' assholes predates his arrival to USA in 1949 as a 11-year old boy when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) captured power in mainland China. He had been finger-fucking pigs' in their assholes even as a preteen in mainland China.

Yale Guen Mar confessed in an interview that even today he feels a certain excitement every time he visits hog farms in around around Merced county like the Loin Eye pig farm and the Mai keri Her pig farm.

But his 75th birthday today finds him with a fly in the ointment - his days of excitement might be coming to an end. Doctors have just diagnosed that Yale Guen mar's atrophied middle fingers are from STDs. Yale Guen Mar's middle fingers got infected through years of intimate close encounters with colons of pigs.

Doctors have opined that Yale Guen mar should have his middle fingers amputated to prevent the spread of the disease that might ultimately affect his brain. Already there are obvious signs that the STDs on his middle fingers may have already taken a toll on his neural network.

As we ge to press, Yale Guen Mar is seeking a second and a third opinion on what to do with his infected middle fingers. While their amputation might stop the spread of infection, the loss of the middle fingers will be virtually akin to castration for the 75-year old Yale Guen Mar who has been a serial pig molester all his life.


[Yale Guen Mar of Merced created quite a commotion in a Hmong family-owned pig farm in the area when his attempt to surreptitiously finger-fuck a pig in its asshole caused it to fart and trip the alarm for gas leaks]

26 November 2009

Pig farts spark Merced gas scare in a Hmong family-owned pig farm

MERCED: A flatulent pig sparked a gas emergency at a Hmong family-owned pig farm in Merced, California on Thursday when owner Mai Keri Her and customers alike mistook the odors for a leaking gas pipe.

Fifteen firefighters and two trucks were called to the Merced pig farm owned by Mai Keri Her after reports of a gas leak, said a spokesman for the Merced Fire Service.

"When we got there, as we drove through the gates, there was this huge pig, weighing about 265-pound. Yale Guen Mar, a resident of the locality from 3851 Twilight Avenue was trying to finger-fuck the pig in its asshole and inadvertently caused it to fart repeatedly. It was very obvious where the gas was coming from," said fire Captain May Fung who happens to be an ex significant other of Yale Guen Mar though they haven't been sweet to each other since the 1980s.

"We could not only smell it, but we heard it and it was quite funny."

Captain May Fung said that Yale Guen Mar, her ex beau, who was found finger-fucking the the pig's asshole, was"a little bit embarrassed to say the least," and it took fire crews a little while to compose themselves.

"It was fairly obvious what it was. I think we dealt with it fairly professionally and had a bit of a giggle when we got back to the station," Captain May Fung declared in a press release..

But customers at the pig farm and its Hmong owners were not so amused. They felt that Yale Guen Mar had brought disrepute upon the pig farm. "Which customer would willingly have the bacon of a pig finger-fucked by Yale Guen Mar?,' they said in unison. They strongly felt that Yale Guen Mar should be arrested and tried for bestiality. But, then, the wheels of justice are known to move rather slowly, if at all, when the victim is a mere pig, complained Mai Keri Her, the owner of the pig farm.

The pig farm's owner, as a last resort, will lodge a complaint with the SPCA against Yale Guen Mar for committing an unnatural sex crime.


Yale Guen Mar gave STD to at least 4 pigs by finger-fucking them in the anus]

December 4, 2009

MERCED - Authorities said a man who was caught finger-fucking show hogs in the asshole will have his case presented to the Merced County Grand Jury next month. Yale Guen Mar, 71, was arrested on Dec. 3, 2009 after police set up surveillance cameras near a Hmong-owned hog farm in Merced County.

Merced Police Chief Yuhua Luo said the hogs were examined by a local veterinarian, during a routine examination, and the owner was told that four of the hogs had a STD anal infection.


belum dibaca,
2 Agu 2017, 09.44.0302/08/17
On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 10:29:43 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Stop animal cruelty - Bull commits suicide after men light its horns on fire

Yale Guen Mar, you have been cruel towards grocers in your neighborhood like:

* the Lees of Merced Community Food Market

*Mr. Miao of Yue Cheng Market

* Mr. Lopez of Rancho San Miguel Supermarket

Yale Guen Mar, you believe in the power of stealth farting more than in anything else.

You have been creating havoc in the grocery stores in your neighborhood. Lees' Merced Community Food Market, Miao's Yue Cheng Market and Lopez's Rancho San Miguel Supermarket have all been victimized by stink bombs from your blasted asshole.

Yale Guen Mar, you are risking death every day from your enraged neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Recall how an enraged Ms.Lee sodomized you with an opo squash.

Mr. Miao is not far behind in his outrage. Someday you'll get sodomized with a bitter melon which will leave a very bitter taste in your blasted asshole.

And if Mr. Lopez catches you farting inside Rancho San Miguel Supermarket, he'll sodomize you with a tamale or a burrito laced with the hottest of jalapenos and habaneros.

And when you get sent to jail, you'll breath your last on the shower floor as you get sodomized by fellow inmates.
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belum dibaca,
3 Agu 2017, 00.00.5703/08/17
I don't understand what's so fun or satisfying about treating animals cruelly. The people involved should be imprisoned.

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