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And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

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Resty Wyse

Dec 13, 2013, 1:52:16 PM12/13/13
And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Sir John Sawers , head of MI-6 , united kingdoms

Dec 13, 2013, 3:08:35 PM12/13/13
ja ,

you must differentiate between Fantasy ,

Dec 14, 2013, 4:54:41 AM12/14/13
On Friday, December 13, 2013 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Yale Guen Mar, have you dreamt of anything else besides finger-fucking pigs in their assholes?

Here are news clippings on a few of Yale Guen Mar's myriad pig molestations:


[At his 75th birthday, Merced resident Yale Guen Mar discovers his atrophied middle fingers infected with STDs contracted from pigs' colons - he might lose his middle fingers to amputation. That would leave him handicapped in pursuing his life long passion of finger-fucking pigs in their assholes]

February 1, 2013

Man's middle fingers contracted VD from STD infected pigs
Amputation may leave him with eight fingers

Yale Guen Mar, a resident of Merced, made unwanted medical history on his 75th birthday as doctors diagnosed his middle fingers to be ravaged by STD contracted from pigs,' colons.

Yale Guen Mar had been on probation as a sex offender since 2009 when he got outed as a serial pig molester. He had, then, confessed to the police that he had been finger-fucking pigs in their assholes since he was a little boy.

Yale Guen Mar's obsession with pigs' assholes predates his arrival to USA in 1949 as a 11-year old boy when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) captured power in mainland China. He had been finger-fucking pigs' in their assholes even as a preteen in mainland China.

Yale Guen Mar confessed in an interview that even today he feels a certain excitement every time he visits hog farms in around around Merced county like the Loin Eye pig farm and the Mai keri Her pig farm.

But his 75th birthday today finds him with a fly in the ointment - his days of excitement might be coming to an end. Doctors have just diagnosed that Yale Guen mar's atrophied middle fingers are from STDs. Yale Guen Mar's middle fingers got infected through years of intimate close encounters with colons of pigs.

Doctors have opined that Yale Guen mar should have his middle fingers amputated to prevent the spread of the disease that might ultimately affect his brain. Already there are obvious signs that the STDs on his middle fingers may have already taken a toll on his neural network.

As we ge to press, Yale Guen Mar is seeking a second and a third opinion on what to do with his infected middle fingers. While their amputation might stop the spread of infection, the loss of the middle fingers will be virtually akin to castration for the 75-year old Yale Guen Mar who has been a serial pig molester all his life.


[Yale Guen Mar of Merced created quite a commotion in a Hmong family-owned pig farm in the area when his attempt to surreptitiously finger-fuck a pig in its asshole caused it to fart and trip the alarm for gas leaks]

26 November 2009

Pig farts spark Merced gas scare in a Hmong family-owned pig farm

MERCED: A flatulent pig sparked a gas emergency at a Hmong family-owned pig farm in Merced, California on Thursday when owner Mai Keri Her and customers alike mistook the odors for a leaking gas pipe.

Fifteen firefighters and two trucks were called to the Merced pig farm owned by Mai Keri Her after reports of a gas leak, said a spokesman for the Merced Fire Service.

"When we got there, as we drove through the gates, there was this huge pig, weighing about 265-pound. Yale Guen Mar, a resident of the locality from 3851 Twilight Avenue was trying to finger-fuck the pig in its asshole and inadvertently caused it to fart repeatedly. It was very obvious where the gas was coming from," said fire Captain May Fung who happens to be an ex significant other of Yale Guen Mar though they haven't been sweet to each other since the 1980s.

"We could not only smell it, but we heard it and it was quite funny."

Captain May Fung said that Yale Guen Mar, her ex beau, who was found finger-fucking the the pig's asshole, was"a little bit embarrassed to say the least," and it took fire crews a little while to compose themselves.

"It was fairly obvious what it was. I think we dealt with it fairly professionally and had a bit of a giggle when we got back to the station," Captain May Fung declared in a press release..

But customers at the pig farm and its Hmong owners were not so amused. They felt that Yale Guen Mar had brought disrepute upon the pig farm. "Which customer would willingly have the bacon of a pig finger-fucked by Yale Guen Mar?,' they said in unison. They strongly felt that Yale Guen Mar should be arrested and tried for bestiality. But, then, the wheels of justice are known to move rather slowly, if at all, when the victim is a mere pig, complained Mai Keri Her, the owner of the pig farm.

The pig farm's owner, as a last resort, will lodge a complaint with the SPCA against Yale Guen Mar for committing an unnatural sex crime.


Yale Guen Mar gave STD to at least 4 pigs by finger-fucking them in the anus]

December 4, 2009

MERCED - Authorities said a man who was caught finger-fucking show hogs in the asshole will have his case presented to the Merced County Grand Jury next month. Yale Guen Mar, 71, was arrested on Dec. 3, 2009 after police set up surveillance cameras near a Hmong-owned hog farm in Merced County.

Merced Police Chief Yuhua Luo said the hogs were examined by a local veterinarian, during a routine examination, and the owner was told that four of the hogs had a STD anal infection.


Feb 27, 2019, 11:04:05 AM2/27/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Yale Guen Mar had been banned from entering Mai Keri Her's hog farm in Merced ever since he was caught finger-fucking a 265 lb pig in the ass hole by Captain May Fung of Merced county's Fire Department.

Lately, Yale Guen Mar has been found loitering neer the Loin Eye Hog Farm

What is Yale Guen Mar up to?

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), your Hmong neighbors are feeling the need to monitor your whereabouts 24/7.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA need walls to keep you out of their taro patches. But their dogs are doing their bit to chase you out.

Yale Guen Mar, not just your Hmong neighbors but even their dogs have taken a deep dislike to you.

Yale Guen Mar, it can't be pleasant for you to be chased by the dogs of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA. You should train vigorously to acquire:

* stealth to sneak undetected into taro patches of your Hmong neighbors

* speed to pull up your pants and to get away from the dogs when you do get detected

Yale Guen Mar, why do you give so much shit to the taro patches of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA?

You have become persona non grata not just to your Hmong neighbors but even to their dogs.

The neighborhood around 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA is a very uneasy place for the Hmong residents, and all because of Yale Guen Mar who resides at 3851 Twilight Avenue.

Even the dogs of the Hmong residents are wary of Yale Guen Mar's hygienically challenged lifestyle.

Yale Guen Mar, I hope you get a better appreciation of why the dogs of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA chase you away whenever they find you lowering your pants in the taro patches of the neighborhood.

Won't it be nice, Yale Guen Mar, if you remove your shit from the taro patches of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA?

Yale Guen Mar, I don't think it is too late for your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA to band together for the protection of their taro patches from your surreptitious onslaughts.

Yale Guen Mar, have you told your handler from the CCP about your efforts to fertilize the taro patches of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA?

Are you dismayed that your Hmong neighbors, and even their dogs, don't think much of your efforts to sneak into the lower patches to lower your pants?

Yale Guen Mar hasn't learnt much from his repeated encounters with the dogs of his Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Yale Guen Mar, you give way too much for your shit than is good for your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Heck, even the dogs of your Hmong neighbors detest you.

Yale Guen Mar, PRC reserves the right to every colonial outpost of the Middle Kingdom of yore to claim the other side of the Himalayan Mountains and the South China Sea within exclusive economic zone of other littoral countries. It is a problem only when PRC's neighbors don't accept that gracefully.

Yale Guen Mar, you have been following the same philosophy in the Twilight Avenue neighborhood in Merced, CA. You hold that it is your right to shit in the yards of all your neighbors, especially your Hmong neighbors. You are indignant if the dogs of your Hmong neighbors bark at you and chase you into your home on 3851 Twilight Avenue.

Yale Guen Mar, you would like to smile everytime you manage to lower your pants and your diaper in the yard of a Hmong neighnor on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

But you don't always get to laugh, especially if a dog of your Hmong neighbor catches you doing it:

On Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 2:54:52 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Report: China developing 'invisibility cloak' for non-stealth jets

Yale Guen Mar, you should talk with your handler from the CCP about it. The "invisibility cloak" might be the answer to your prayer - it might enable you to continue to shit in the yards of your Hmong neighbors without getting chased by the dogs of your Hmong neighbors.


February 1, 2013

Merced Resident's Eureka Moment on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA

An old man was found running naked on Twilight Avenue trying to escape a dog barking furiously at him.

Police reports that the old man was shitting in the taro patch of a Hmong resident. Apparently the old man was under the impression that he was doing his Hmong neighbor a favor by fertilizing the taro patch with his shit.

But the dog in the Hmong household thought otherwise. He started barking furiously at the old man defecating in the taro patch. When the old man didn't budge, the dog charged at the shitting man squatting on the taro pitch engrossed in defecating.

When the man saw the dog charging at him, he must have decided that the dog's bite was going to be worse than its bark.

It was at this point that the old man had his eureka moment. He jumped up and started running toward 3851 Twilight Avenue with a piece of shit still dangling from his asshole.

The commotion caused a member of the Hmong household to rush out. He didn't want the dog to bite the old man in case the dog caught rabies from the fleeing disheveled man who certainly looked as if he was a carrier of rabies.

In the meantime, another Hmong neighbor had called 911. By the time the police arrived, the old man with shit dangling from his asshole had managed to disappear from the scene.

The police is investigating. It doesn't think that the man was armed with anything other than the piece of shit dangling from his asshole. Nevertheless, people in the neighborhood have been advised not to attempt a citizen's arrest if they encounter the man. They are warned to consider the man to be insane and dangerous and to report any sighting to the police immediately.


Mar 1, 2019, 11:25:02 AM3/1/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Yale Guen Mar (masquerading under fanciful fake names like Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman), fantasizing will not do you much good unless you can address the basic issues that have kept you unhappy all through the eight decades of your miserable life.

Yale Guen Mar, why do you lie all the time?

Yale Guen Mar, is your name Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank or Rusty Wyseman? Are you Caucasian? You lie even about your own name and race !!

Yale Guen Mar has been caught with his pants down repeatedly while lying. In fact, In fact Yale Guen Mar might just as well change his last name from Mar to Liar instead of pretending that your name is Resty Wyse or Rusty Wyseman.

Yale Guen Liar, you are like the drunkard who accuses everyone else of being drunk.

When it comes to lying, you have no peer.

* You lied when you explained to Silvia that you were trying to
potty train Valentina on skype. You are no longer allowed to
contact Valentina on skype without adult supervision.

* You lied to the census office when you falsely claimed that
the household at 3851 Twilight Avenue is Caucasian.

* You lied to George Gee when you got caught for pilfering
restaurant supplies, But it couldn't save you from getting fired.

* You lied to Gene when you tried to get back your job after
the death of George Gee. That's when you made up the lie that
far from firing you, George Gee was trying to get you to marry
his daughter. Gene knew better and you didn't get your job back.

* You lied when you accidentally triggered the gas leak alarm
while finger-fucking a 265 lb pig in Mai Keri Her pig farm in
Merced. But there were no takers - the official who responded to
the emergency was seen giggling when interviewed by reporters.

* You lie when you blame your parents for your character flaws.

* You lied to your uncle in Junction City when he caught you
intently watching pigs when they urinated. But you got thrashed
by your uncle who knew exactly what you were doing. Your uncle
gave you a good thrashing in the hope of curing you of your

* You lie to Mr. Ravinder Singh to explain away the stinking yellow
stains that you leave on his sofa.

* You lie when you claim that you are shitting on the taro patches
of your Hmong neighbors only to fertil

Mar 2, 2019, 12:49:38 PM3/2/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Yale Guen Mar (aka Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman), it has cost you plenty by fantasizing that your father Tony Chee Mar and your mother Kim Hi Wong are somehow responsible for your wretched life.

There are bad sons aplenty. There are some bad fathers too. But never ever a bad mother.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), stop blaming Kim Hi Wong for all that ails you. They are because of your very own character flaws.

I blame Kim Hi wong, not for punishing you often, but for not punishing you enough when you were growing up.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), you would have turned out better if Kim Hi Wong had never spared her rod.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar). you need to address an important issue. You have disavowed/disowned your ancestors and your ancestral culture.

Why don't you ever join your siblings and other family members when they honor your ancestors?

As usual, you were no where to be found when they were honoring your "dad" Tony Chee Mar on Monday, November 5 on the 103rd anniversary of his birth.

Yale Guen Mar, stop sulking about all imaginary slights from the family.

Go to Tucson, AZ and kowtow in front of Tony Chee Mar's grave at the East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49). You'll find your siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene there tending the tomb of Tony Chee Mar.

Yale Guen Mar, be grateful for everything your "father" Tony Chee Mar did for you selflessly.

* Tony Chee Mar signed papers to declare you to be his son so that
you could find refuge in USA after fleeing CCP takeover of China.

* Tony Chee Mar brought you up in his home in 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ.

* Tony Chee Mar let you work in his cafe.

* Tony Chee Mar taught you English and mathematics.

* Tony Chee Mar tried to teach you the difference between
rational and irrational numbers. It is another matter that
you were too dumb to understand.

* Tony Chee Mar let you have a room in their house at 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ
long after you had reached adulthood.

* Tony Chee Mar bought you a 1963 Pontiac on your 25th birthday.

* You stopped mooching off your parents only when your
siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene put a stop to it.

Yale Guen Mar, it is time to make a new beginning. Forget your grudge against your "dad" Tony Chee Mar.

Yale Guen Mar, keep these two dates etched in your brain for good:

* November 5, 1915 (Tony Chee Mar's birth)

* March 28, 1999 (Tony Chee Mar's death)

These two days, visit his grave in Lot 49 of East Palm Cemetery in Tucson, AZ.

Meet the other descendants of Tony Chee Mar - sons Donald and Eugene and daughter Ellen. Even grandson Brenton and great grand children Judah, Valentina and Luca.

Help them as they tidy up the grave site, clean the tomb stone, offer incense and paper money and, of course, mai tai.

Yale Guen Mar, you owe a lot to your "dad". Tony Chee Mar was a very kind man :

* Tony Chee Mar gave Yale Guen Mar his first Thanksgiving meal

* Tony Chee Mar let Yale Guen Mar into his own house
on 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ

* Tony Chee Mar taught English and Math to Yale Guen Mar and
taught him the difference between rational and irrational numbers.

* Tony Chee Mar gave Yale Guen Mar his first job at his cafe.

* Tony Chee Mar bought Yale Guen Mar his first car (a 1963 Pontiac).

But Yale Guen Mar was an ingrate. He has continued to resent Tony Chee Mar because:

* Tony Chee Mar had chopped off Yale Guen Mar's pigtail
when he alighted from the ship that had brought him
to San Francisco from Hong Kong.

* Tony Chee Mar refused Yale Guen Mar to shave a straight line in the head.

* Tony Chee Mar insisted on a crew cut for Yale Guen Mar so that he could meld
better with his classmates in the new country.

* Tony Chee Mar punished Yale Guen Mar whenever he strayed from the
straight and narrow (which unfortunately) was far more often than for a normal boy

Yale Guen Mar has refused to get over his grudges.

Yale Guen Mar stays alone at:

3851 Twilight Avenue
Merced, CA 95348

Yale Guen Mar refuses to visit the graves of his parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong in Tucson, AZ even during the Quingming Festival.

Yale Guen Mar, take a train from Merced, CA to Tucson, AZ to be at the grave of your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar as often as you can . It is in East Palm Cemetery (look for Lot 49).

Here's the address and phone number:

East Palm Cemetery

5801 East Grant Road #C
Tucson, AZ 85712

(520) 886-5561

Also, try to get along with Ellen, Donald and Eugene.

Yale Guen Mar, everything about you is fake.

* fake names (Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank, Rusty Wyseman)

* fake race - Yale Guen Mar claims to be a Caucasian at every opportunity

* fake IDs (rst0/2/4/7/9)

* fake diploma (electrical engineering)

* fake citizenship papers for USA and

* even a fake circumcision scar drawn on your penis with a sharpie !!!

Mar 3, 2019, 2:04:36 PM3/3/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Yale Guen Mar, time to think of your own future.

Do you want to lie between Lilian Dili Han and her mother in their burial plot in San Joes, CA. Well, that might be the plan of Yuhua and Carlton.!topic/soc.culture.china/qPg0gxZId9Q
> On Sun, 2 Mar 2014 08:32:33 -0800 (PST), rst9 <> wrote:
> My stepson's real father came from China to visit him for the next two months yesterday (Saturday). Within a few hours, he said he cannot stand his father.
> He said his father is dirty, clothing dirty, constantly smoking (no one in my house smoke), constantly talking,...
> That sounds like you, constantly talking...LOL

Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse), is Carlton really your step son? Or or you just taking liberties by referring to Yuhua Luo's step son as your own.

I recall you were thrown out of the UC at Davis campus by this step son of Yuhua Luo.

Yale Guen Mar's ex domestic partner had a step son at UC, Davis in the veterinary department and knew a professor of animal psychology in the department. Yale Guen Mar went to visit this step son of an ex domestic partner to borrow money.

The kid tried to help Yale Guen Mar by arranging a meeting with the professor of animal psychology to discuss Yale Guen Mar's psychological problems. But Yale Guen Mar just wanted to borrow money from the kid and refused the help. This enraged the step son of his ex domestic partner and Yale Guen Mar got kicked out of the UC, Davis campus and forbidden to ever again trying to meet the kid for money or for anything else.!topic/soc.culture.china/eJPEw2Okxd8
On Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 9:43:58 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> I will go nowhere, Satish. Yuhua has select a grave site for me already.

I'll let Yale Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse) on to a not so closely guarded secret. The grave site, Yale Guen Mar thinks is for him, is not really for him - Yuhua has already made other plans for the grave site.

Yuhua and Carlton are sick and tired of constantly listening to Yale Guen Mar's desire for a sky burial.

Yuhua and Carlton have decided on their first choice for the grave site - It would be for burial of Carlton's biological father from China, Carlton's father visits Fremont, CA every year It would be most fitting if Carlton's father were to rest in peace in that grave site chosen by his beloved Yuhua.

If that is not possible, both Carlton and Yuhua have decided that the next best option is to bury Kimi and Subi in that grave site when the times come.

So what's Yuhua going to do with Yale Guen Mar's body?

One rumor has it that Yuhua has been enquiring about the burial plot in San Jose, CA where Lilian Dili Han and her mother are buried. Yuhua is trying to determine if Yale Guen Mar's body can be squeezed in between the remains of Lillian Dili Han and of her mother in San Jose, CA.

Such a burial will bring Yale Guen Mar and Lillian Dili Han together again after their bitter parting decreed many years ago by the court. The two will be once again lying together under the watchful eyes of Lillian Dili Han's extremely talented mother who was the wife of a general in the North Korean army.

Yale Guen Mar, you have been scarred by your anger against your parents who according to your account did nothing but abuse you.

Yale Guen Mar, you are a fourth generation restaurant worker. Your parents did the best they could. But you did far worse for yourself than your siblings and cousin did.

Visit Texas to get reacquainted with cousin Col. Homer Yale Mar who is living the American dream.

Homer Yale Mar thanks his star that he does not live in the vicinity of Yale Guen Mar who, even as a 11-yar old, would day dream for hours about pigs in his native village in mainland china and in California where he had been shipped off by his step mother.

Homer Yale Mar was a no nonsense boy who had initially though that Yale Guen Mar might make a good playmate. But he was soon disillusioned. Even in 1949, Yale Guen Mar would throw fits whenever he failed to get his way.

Worse still, Yale Guen Mar just couldn't get over his pain of parting with his favorite pigs in mainland China in 1949. Yale Guen Mar wasn't old enough to ejaculate. But he still spent hours yanking his little dick while dreaming about pigs he had left behind in mainland China.

Today, Yale Guen Mar can't abuse USA enough. But in 1949, he was trying very hard to be an American. He hadn't been circumcised in China. But fortunately his foreskin was quite short making it look like he had actually been circumcised. Yale Guen Mar , as a 11-year old FOB, would deliberately expose himself to prove his claim that he had been circumcised like all his peers in his new country. Yale Guen Mar would even mark up his penis with pens to fake his circumcision scar.

Mar 6, 2019, 4:07:46 PM3/6/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Mar 7, 2019, 4:52:24 PM3/7/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Mar 7, 2019, 4:56:10 PM3/7/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Lillian rhymes nicely with Dili Han. But Yale Guen Mar, you tormented Lillian Dili Han without any rhyme and reason.

Yale Guen Mar, what did you feed your first wife, who you say was the daughter of a North Korean military general? How did she die a horrible death due to complications from diabetes?!topic/soc.culture.china/7STIZaWCtnY

> On Monday, February 24, 2014 1:03:50 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> She had bad kidney. She had a kidney transplant, but didn't take.
> She lived by kidney dialysis for 25 years before she died.

On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 9:09:53 AM UTC-8, Fisjono wrote:
> What did you feed her, poison? What did you do to her kidney?
> I used to work in a dialysis center. Most of the patients there got sick
> because of an unhealthy lifestyle. Was her lifestyle just like you?

On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 12:44:44 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> You have to ask her mother. She did all our cooking.
> Once her mother came to the U.S., I was only a stranger in the house.
> It was 4 females and a stranger living in the same house.
> I'm as strong as a water buffalo.
> I gave up steak many years ago. The steak stays in my stomach for days.
> And I gained too much weight.
> I only eat fruits, vegetables, some fish, some meat,...
> I exercise my stationary bike, and walk every day.
> She was a Manchu raised person. She believed in "spare the rod, spoil the child" rule. Only a computer can live with her. (by that, I mean computers run by computer programs. The computer does exactly as programmed. Another word, do exactly as told).

Yale Guen Mar, stop badmouthing your wives.

Yale Guen Mar, your first wife was indeed North Korean

But you have been wife-less for a while - not even a sow wants to be in bed with you volutarily.

Yale Guen Mar, how may girl friends and wives have discarded you like a used toilet paper?

Wasn't your first wife, Lillian Dili Han, a white and light brown North Korean Jindo bitch?

You were very unfair. You made your diabetic wife, Lillian Dili Han, and your mother-in-law, share a small bed room while you slept in the master bedroom.

Your North Korean wife, Lillian Dili Han, lost both her legs to diabetes.

Didn't the Supreme leader KIm Jong-un promise to find for you another white and light brown jindo bitch? Why didn't he keep his promise?

Since the death of the North Korean bitch, Lillian Dili Han, you have been discarded by girl friends like May Fung and Yuhua Luho.

Be grateful that Yuhua Luo has shown you far more kindness than you deserve. Yuhua Luo gave you $30000 and the minivan before she threw you out.

By stark contrast, Mary Fung offered you nothing more than a kick on your butt when she threw you out.

Yale Guen Mar, you know which side of the bread is buttered. You know enough of the life under the North Korean regime not to relocate there or even to the land of your birth to live under CCP dictatorship lest the CCP sends party workers to your doorstep with instructions to widen your asshole if you post anything contrary to the party line.

Apr 5, 2019, 7:07:25 PM4/5/19
On Friday, December 13, 2013 at 10:52:16 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> And best of all, it costs nothing to dream and fantasize, right? komin?

Yale Guen Mar (Resty), you never miss an opportunity to redeem yourself. Try to break away from your dismal track record.

Don't forget to join your siblings for the Quingming festival - help Ellen, Donald and Eugene to sweep the tombs and to polish the headstone.

Join all your other relatives to honor your ancestors.

Vlerie, Kimberly, Brenton and even Carlton will be there at the East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49) to do the needful for the Quingming Festival.

Valentina and Luca have flown in with May Fung and Dr. Roberto Buonamici.

Join all of them to honor your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar.

See how happy Eugene looks during the Quingming Festival - he is always at the graves of his parents with Janet and Christopher.

Resty (Yale Guen Mar), it is time for you to rebalance your yin and yang. Don't sulk in Merced, CA. Celebrate the Chongyang Festival on Friday, April 5, 2019 in the company of your Arizona siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene in Tucson, AZ.

Yale Guen Mar, honor all those who did you good without asking anything in return. Honor your parents Tony Chee Mar & Kim Hi Wong, your siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene, your cousins Homer, Gini, Clarence and Larry.

Yale Guen Mar, you'll never change. You just can't teach new tricks to old dogs. And you are very very old at 80.

On Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 9:17:36 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:>
> They are worse than me.
> The headstone had a problem since the very beginning.
> They wouldn't even get the stone cutter to correct it.

Yale Guen Mar, your head has a problem.

Unfortunately it remains unfixed.

Yale Guen Mar, you have been estranged from the Mar clan for a long time.

Now that you are at the fag end of your miserable life, you should try to make amends.

Don't you want Eugene Yale mar to accept you as a friend on Facebook?

Why didn't you join Eugene in Tucson, AZ on the Quing Ming Festival on April 5 to honor and humor the ghosts of your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar? Vow to tend their graves in East Palm Cemetery (Lot 49). Bring the choicest Mai Tai and the finest in Taishanese cuisine to offer to the ghosts of your parents.

Burn paper money and incense. Tie a willow branch on your head and dance. Fly a kite to please your mother Kim Hi Wong.

Play your cards right and Eugene might yet accept you as a friend on Facebook.!topic/soc.culture.china/eJPEw2Okxd8
On Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 9:43:58 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> I will go nowhere, Satish. Yuhua has select a grave site for me already.

I'll let you on to a secret, Ylae Guen Mar (posting under the fake name of Resty Wyse). The grave site, you think is for you, is not really for you.

Yuhua and Carlton are sick and tired of listening to your desire for a sky burial.

Yuhua and Carlton have decided that their first choice for the grave site is Carlton's biological father from China, He visits Fremont, CA every year It would be fitting if he rests in peace in that grave site chosen by his beloved Yuhua.

In case that is not possible both Carlton and Yuhua have decided to bury Kimi and Subi there when the time comes.

So, Yale Guen Mar, short of a Tibetan sky burial, you are destined to rest in peace in Safford, AZ.!topic/soc.culture.china/aosk0zijSnE

On Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 9:17:00 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> My father went to see a fortune teller in 1949 in Hong Kong.
> I remember what he said to my father:
> 1: Get a second wife when he's 45 years old.
> 2: He will die at age 65.
> You don't need a fortune teller to make these kind of truth to any man.
> 1: His wife will be having her menopause. Get a young woman for sex.
> 2: In 1949, the life-span of Chinese male was about 65 years old.

Yale Guen Mar, you had a great wife in Lillian Dili Han, didn't you? So, what happened? Why did you mistreat her?

But what goes around comes around. Now Yuhua is making discrete enquiries about the grave sites of Lillian Dili Han and her esteemed mother. The plan is to squeeze some space between the remains of Lillian Dili Han and her esteemed mother for the burial of your body.

Satish Kumar

Sep 1, 2020, 11:52:16 AM9/1/20
On Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 8:44:31 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hummmm!!! Not a single post from komin this morning!!! I wonder what had happened to him???

Yale Guen Mar (Resty Wyse), stop worrying, Komin is indestructible.

Komin had crossed the Bay Bridge in October of 1989 just a week before old Bay Bridge collapsed.

Komin had missed the earthquake by just 7 days.

Komin is about a dozen years younger than you, Yale Guen Mar (Bright Equality Mule). He is most unlikely to kick the bucket before you do. Komin will continue to go strong even after you kick the bucket.

Yale Guen Mar (Resty Wyse), your prime concern should be the neighborhood around 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Yale Guen Mar (Resty Wyse), your neighborhood around 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA will become a lot more livable if you quit it.

Have you thought of going into outer space, Yale Guen Mar (Bright Equality Mule)?

Yale Guen Mar, you have a penchant for pulling down your pants and sitting on a unique perch - the taro patches of your patriotic Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

Yale Guen Mar, you receive 50 cents per approved post from the CCP. But you are lucky that USA guarantees you your freedom of speech and doesn't bother to do to you what the CCP does to dissidents in PRC.

It would not be a bad idea to lock up Yale Guen Mar (who posts under the fake name of Resty Wyse) in Guantanamo.

But it will be best for Mother Earth if Yale Guen Mar (Bright Equality Mule) were to relocate to another planet.

Yale Guen Mar, would you think of relocating to Mars or to Jupiter? It will be a tremendous relief to your long-suffering Hmong neighbors on 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA 95348.

Yale Guen Mar, think seriously of moving from the neighborhood around 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA. You have already done enough harm to the neighborhood. You overstayed your welcome a long time ago. It is now time to move.

Yale Guen Mar, I don't think it would be a good idea for you to relocate to Duncanville, TX to escape the wrtah of your Hmong neighbors and their dogs in Merced, CA. You'll soon become as much of a menace in Duncanville, TX as you are in Merced, CA.

But you should definitely visit Duncanville, TX once before you kick the bucket to ask Col. Homer Yale Mar for forgiveness. Homer is a noble soul. He'll forgive you if you show enough contrition.!topic/soc.culture.china/TyGjhKz6MRE

> On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 6:29:34 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> > China's future Mars simulation base in Qinghai
> >
> >

Yale Guen Mar, think of relocating to Qinghai in PRC if you can't reach for Europa.

It will be a big relief for your Hmong neighbors around 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, CA.

It will be a big relief for the neighborhood dogs and pigs as well.

But I do think Europa, rather than Qinghai, as Yale Guen Mar's future home will bring the neighborhood in Merced, CA a lot more relief.

Yale Guen Mar, you had expressed an interest in cohabiting with fishes in Europa.
Yale Guen Mar, will you survive a move to Europa (with or without your favorite pig) ?

Regardless, it will do the planet earth a lot of good to send you hurtling to Europa with a solid kick on your stupid asshole.

Yale Guen Mar, have you considered Kansas to move to if you can't make it to Europa or Qinghai?!topic/soc.culture.china/uIelSF9dcao

On Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 7:13:18 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Inside America's 'dead' mall: Creepy photographs peek inside abandoned Kansas shopping center days before derelict structure is torn down
> Read more:
> Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Yale Guen Mar, don't curse Kansas.

Kansas could have moulded you into a useful citizen if you had given Kansas a chance.

Yale Guen Mar, your Hmong neighbors in Merced, CA (and even their dogs) hate you. Why don't you relocate to Kansas if you can't make it to Europa?

Kansas has played a role in your life - it can still do.

As a teenager, it is in Kansas that you had worked one summer at the Junction City Cafe for your uncle Ben Shee Mar. But unfortunately things dodn't work out. Ben Shee gave up on his plan to send you tto college at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. You were sent back to Arizona.

Yale Guen Mar, your experience in Kansas in 2010 when you were 72 was very brief but very very dramatic.

Yale Guen Mar, you were transported back from Kansas to Merced, CA in a cage. But that was dictated by necessity.

It wasn't official policy to keep you locked up in the cage in the nude. That was your own decision. You had an ample supply of diapers. Ypu decided to be in the nude inside the cage. To make matters worse, you didn't use the litter box that you had been provided. You continued to shit anywhere and every where inside the cage. It was a good thing that you were inside the cage. That limited the area you could shit on.

Here's the newspaper report on that fiasco:


Mercury Sun-Star
February 1, 2010

Septuagenerian's poop in jet leads to forced landing

A US Airways flight had to make an emergency landing yesterday after a septuagenerian passenger, Yale Guen Mar, repeatedly defecated in the plane's aisles.

The Boston-bound flight had to make the unexpected stop in Kansas, Missouri, when the passenger, Yale Guen Mar, relieved himself not once, but three times on the flight that had set off from San Francisco.

It was decided an emergency landing was the only solution, when the cabin crew had run out of paper towels to clean up the mess and the smell from the Yale Guen Mar's faeces began to make passengers feel physically ill.

One passenger, Carlton, told the American news magazine Inside Edition that about an hour into the flight passengers started "smelling this terrible smell," which was caused by an old passenger in his seventies.

"The second time after the passenger, Yale Guen Mar, pooped they ran out of paper towels, they didn't have anything else. The pilot comes on the radio, 'Hey, we have a situation in the back, we're going to have to emergency land'."

The pilot then contacted Kansas City International Airport to arrange a window to land in and organize a cleaning team to be deployed on their arrival.

After the mess was cleared, passengers were able to re-board the flight and continue their journey to Boston. But the erring passenger, Yale Guen Mar, was put in a locked cage with a shit-pit and loaded into a freight train bound for Merced, CA which is Yale Guen Mar's home town.

Another passenger, Brenton, reported the event on her Twitter and was full of praise for the flight crew.

Brenton said: "Easy to crush airlines in these situations, but the flight crew was just great through the ordeal posed by the septuagenerian Yale Guen Mar's repeated defecations.

US Airways spokesman Victor Buonamicci called the episode a "rare and unfortunate situation". But he promised that the US Airways will make sure that the septuagenerian Yale Guen Mar never makes another flight in US Airways


Yale Guen Mar has been blacklisted by airlines for the fiasco in 2010.

Yale Guen Mar, even if Silivia were to relent, you still won't be able to fly to Boston. You burnt your bridges in 2010. You should have used better diapers during your aborted flight.

Also, recall that this wasn't the first time you had acted so shitty aboard a plane.

Virginia Taylor (along with Ellen Heath) has been chronicling the history of the Mar clan. By her account, the 2010 incident aboard a plane wasn't the first involving Yale Guen Mar.

He had been forced to disembark at the same airport (Kansas City, Missouri) during a San Francisco-Boston flight in 2007. Yale Guen Mar was tested for mental capacity after the incident but he was able to convince the examining psychiatrist that his bizarre behavior aboard the US Airways flight was a momentary aberration and not a permanent affliction.


February 1, 2007

Passenger caught ‘smearing feces everywhere’ on San Francisco to Boston flight, police say

Passengers on this US Airways flight got an unpleasant surprise on their journey from San Francisco to Boston, according to police.

US Airways flight 666 had to be grounded in Kansas City, Missouri, on Thursday night — hours before reaching its final destination Boston — due to a “disruptive passenger,” the airline told NBC.

But “disruptive” is putting it mildly: The passenger, 69 year old Yale Guen Mar from California, was “smearing feces everywhere,” police at Kansas City airport told reporters. His excrement was spread throughout two of the bathrooms on board the plane, and the man had even taken off his shirt and tried to shove it into one of the plane’s toilets, airport police said.

As the plane made its unplanned landing in Kansas City, Missouri, the man cooperated with the flight crew and sat in his seat, Reuters reports.

Yale Guen Mar, 69, was taken into custody and sent to a lunatic asylum for psychiatric evaluation.


Yale Guen Mar has been on the no-fly list of all airlines because of the fiasco in 2010.

Railroad tracks was a life saver for Yale Guen Mar in 2010 when he was put on a freight train to be shipped back from Kansas to Merced after his aborted attempt to fly into Boston.

Yale Guen Mar has been placed in the no-fly list by airlines. Railroad tracks might be his best bet to travel.

Satish Kumar

Sep 2, 2020, 1:15:17 PM9/2/20
On Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 8:44:31 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hummmm!!! Not a single post from komin this morning!!! I wonder what had happened to him???

Yale Guen Mar (Resty Wyse), don't get alarmed. Unlike you, Komin is a busy man. He doesn't always have the time to make posts.

On Saturday, June 28, 2014 at 9:19:48 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Hey!!! komin, may I come to the Gulf of Seam to see komin?

Yale Guen Mar, how do you propose to be in the Gulf of Siam? You have been blacklisted by all airlines since the fiasco of 2010 on you were offloaded from the plane in Kansas after an emergency landing. You were then transported from Kansas to Merced, CA on a freight train inside a cage with a litter box.

On Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 9:10:07 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> On Sunday, June 29, 2014 8:44:19 AM UTC-7, Hiroko wrote:
> > He bluffed you.
> No, he didn't bluff me. I knew all along because he said
> for a long time that he lives on Ko Chang. I looked up on
> Ko Chang and found it is part of Thailand. I said, komin,
> you are living in Thailand. He searched for a long time,
> then come up with Ko Rong. I doubted him then, but didn't
> want to ruin his day by telling him.
> > He probably is living in rickety wooden house in a village
> > and then claimed he had a big farm or island.
> In rainy Asia, wooden house wouldn't do, it gotta be a brick
> house like in China.
> > He probably had no wife, or even children as he is not capable to marry one
> > yet. It is just illusion of him.
> Or too old to produce any.
> > When now comes to going to the island of Ko Chang or Ko Rong in Cambodia, he
> > began to freak out of disclosing it.
> Yes.
> > Ko Samui is a resort island of Thailand, and not in the parts of Cambodia.
> I know that, too. It's on the opposite side of the Gulf of Siam,
> where he said he is living in.

Yale Guen Mar (aka Resty Wyse, Buddy Frank and Rusty Wyseman), you'll never be a millionaire on welfare checks from Uncle Sam and 50 cent payments from Uncle Chang? Why, then, atr you still in the USA?!topic/soc.culture.china/nsnNRLOFttk

On Monday, May 19, 2014 7:50:44 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> My brother has multi-millions.
> They could live very well in China.
> After living in the U.S. for 50 years,
> who can get use to living in the village,
> with no running water, no running hot water,
> no indoor bathroom, no natural gas for cooking,...
> For the last 3 years of their lives,
> they were living in a retirement facility
> where everything was done for them for $3,000/month.
> The retirement home was the reason they died,
> no physical activities.
> I went back to our house in 2006 and talked to
> our neighbors. They all agreed that if my
> parents had gone back to the house to live,
> they would still be alive doing things around the house,
> doing physical activities to keep their bodies in use.

Yale Guen Mar, I recall your post wailing about how your siblings sold your boyhood home and got rid of not just everything (including photos of your favorite pigs) in your room, but they got rid of your aged parents as well.

After that alleged treachery by your siblings, did you ever manage to recover the album of your favorite pigs? and your gun collection?

Most importantly, did you ever visit your parents?

Isn't it a fact that you were not welcome to visit your parents by your siblings because they wanted to protect your parents from you?

Here is a sob story by the newsgroup clown, Yale Guen Mar (,,,,, with the plea that he wants to hear from other Chinese-Americans (I suspect this is his way to earn confidence of unsuspecting victims before playing confidence tricks on them):
- show quoted text -
Yale Guen Mar, can't you ever get over the loss of your gun collection, photos of your favorite pigs and your short-wave radio? Ellen, Donald and Eugene were only trying to protect you from yourself.

Yale Guen Mar, you are being grossly unfair to your sister Ellen Heath and your brothers Eugene Yale Mar and Donald Yale Mar. They were achievers. The only reason they got rid of your gun collection, short-wave radio and the photos of your favorite pigs was to save you from yourself.

Quit holding grudges against Ellen, Donald and Eugene, Get their help to cope with your problems.

Funeral rites for an elderly person follow the prescribed form and convey relevant respect: rites befitting the person's status, age etc. are performed even if this means the family of the deceased must go into debt to pay for them.

Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suye Oy Wong were fortunate to be honored at their burial by their children and grandchildren. They lie buried side by side in Duncanville, Texas.

Nephew Yale Guen Mar was not welcome at the funerals by the Mar clan, and for understandable reasons.

But then Yale Guen Mar wasn't welcome at the funerals of his parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong either. No one wanted him at the funerals.

At Qingming Festival every year, Homer Yale Mar and his siblings Virginia, Lawrence and Clarence pay respect to their parents Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong, and all relatives and ancestors who have passed away. They spend time tidying up the graves and tombstones of Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong. They offer food, flowers and paper money to their ancestors.

In stark contrast, Yale Guen Mar spends time sulking about times when he got thrashed by his father Tony Chee Mar and mother Kim Hi Wong for misbehavior.

Tony Chee Mar and Ben Shee Mar were twins.

Tony Chee Mar married Kim Hi Wong. They had lasting regrets about son Yale Guen Mar who gave them only grief.

Tony Chee Mar (1915-1999) was born in 1915, to Hall T. Mar(actually it was Chan who sired Tony Chee Mar) and Choi Kang Ma.

Tony married Kim Hi Wong. They had 5 children: Eugene Yale Mar, Yale Guen Mar, Donald Yale Mar and 2 other children.

Tony passed away in 1999, at age 84 in Arizona.

Yale Guen Mar was not allowed at the funeral because no one wanted him there.!topic/soc.culture.china/0gktBIhvVfk

On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 8:54:27 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Yale Guen Mar, you are an ingrate, You bite the hand of parents that feeds
> you. Without them feeding you, how can you grow up without them? You eat
> rice or pasta, and yet you don't know their price. It shows that you are an
> ignorant fool. It shows that you are an ingrate. You have character flaws.
> Perhaps you should stop blaming your dead parents, and repent your life,
> Just stop blaming your mother, Kim Hi Wong, and your father, Tony Chee Mar,
> for all your rants. You are now 77. Own up to your character flaws before
> you faked away.

Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong were good parents. They did everything possible for Yale Guen Mar. Unfortunately, Yale Guen Mar was a very bad son. He continued to wallow in selfishness and utter stupidity.!topic/soc.culture.china/Cl4-o1wzUPk

On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:09:35 PM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> All my relatives/ancestry before my generation were losers.
> So don't ever talk about them to me. I have nothing but
> contempt for them. And it includes all the cousins I have.

Yale Guen Mar, you used to lie to your parents, uncle and aunt. And now you lie on the newsgroup. Yale Guen Mar, you are all sleaze with not an iota of any redeeming feature.

Yale Guen Mar was a bad son from day one. He was not welcome at the funerals of his uncle and aunt abd even at the funerals of his own parents.

To put Yale Guen Mar's villainy in perspective, no one in the Mar clan wanted Yale Guen Mar to attend the funerals of Yale Guen Mar's Uncle (his father's twin brother Ben Shee Mar) some 30 years ago. The pattern was repeated at the funeral of Yale Guen Mar's aunt Susan Suey Oy Wong about a decade ago. No one in the Mar clan could stand the thought of Yale Guen Mar being at the funeral. So, cousin Homer Yale Mar very plainly told Yale Guen Mar that he was not welcome.

Yale Guen Ma was a bad son right from his birth !!

A bad mother is a rarity. A bad son a far more common occurrence. Yale Guen Mar is of course trying to shift the blame on his mother. But it is obvious that it is Yale Guen Mar who was always at fault.

Yale Guen Mar never supported his parents financially or otherwise.. It was the parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar who indulged Yale Guen Mar when they allowed him to retain his room in their house long after he was no longer a minor.

Yale Guen Mar lost his room only when his 3 siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene put an end to the indulgence. They got rid of everything that Yale Guen Mar had stored in t hat room, including his collection of his semen-stained photos of his favorite pigs.

No one in the Mar family (including the 3 siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene) wants to remember Yale Guen Mar, and understandably so. Yale Guen Mar was specifically told by family members that he was not welcome at the funeral of his own parents, let alone at the funerals of cousin Homer Yale Mar's parents.

Yale Guen Mar is hated by everyone in the Mar clan and rightly so.
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