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Yale Guen Mar, you should regret that your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar didn't punish you enough when you were a kid. If you had been punished enough every time you misbehaved, today you may have been as accomplished as cousin Homer Yale Mar

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Aug 27, 2016, 1:52:08 PM8/27/16

On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 6:45:07 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:!topic/soc.culture.china/fVspw5FMYxE

> Today, we can talk about parenting classes.
> Backing in the days of the Qing Dynasty (Lets say before the 1940s), many children were never allowed to go to school, or choose NOT to go to school in China like my parents and grandparents, parenting classes were meaningless. Beating and abuse of the their children were the norms of the day. That was the way they grew up. That was the way they treat their children.
> As I have pointed out, second generation Chinese-American law professor Army Chua wrote about in her book "Tiger Mom", and she thinks and believes that's the way it should be.

On Monday, April 21, 2014 9:25:29 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> On Monday, April 21, 2014 8:52:22 PM UTC-7, wrote:

Yale Guen Mar, your parents wanted you to grow up. If they beat you and punished you, it was only because you wouldn't learn. You were a very bad son.

> > Yale Guen Mar, your tragedy is that while you no longer remember the Taishanese that your mother had taught you
> My mother didn't teach, stupid asshole.
> She only knew how to beat and punish.

Are you saying that you never learnt to speak properly in Taishanese because your mother beat you and punished you?

You have it backward man.

She punished you and beat you because you wouldn't learn.

> > when you were a little boy in mainland China,
> you have failed to learn learn English even
> after 65 years in the USA.
> > Yale Guen Mar, Mr. Ravinder Singh's grandkid is
> taking a lot of trouble to teach you English.
> You wouldn't understand a word he said, stupid asshole.

A bad workman always quarrels with his tools.

Your comprehension skills have always been poor. Your neural network just doesn't work thee way it is supposed to.

> The whole family is hard to understand.

Not surprised that you feel inadequate in comparison to the entire household of Mr. Ravinder Singh.

Have you been leaving yellow stains on Ravinder's sofa out of spite.? I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt to say that you were having accidents made worse because you were not getting your diaper changed often enough.

> And I know you speak just like them, incomprehensible English.

Have you been eavesdropping ? Or are you just automatically assuming that that since your comprehension skills are so very poor, you wouldn't understand me even if you heard me ?

> That is the Indian way, incomprehensible English.

You can learn a lot from Mr. Ravinder Singh's grandkid. It was very generous of him to offer to teacjh you English. Try to make the best of your opportunity.

But decency dictates that before going for your lessons, you ask Meichi Thai to change you into a clean diaper. It has been very inconsiderate of you to leave yellow stains on Ravinder's sofa every time you have visited him.

> Many IIT graduated Indians speak incomprehensible English.

Have you ever talked to an IIT graduate? Was that as in your capacity as their waiter at a restaurant? Or was that in your capacity as a janitor in some office facility ?

> Was that the reason you got fired from your H1-B job, Satish?

Tell us about the time you got fired by George Gee for pilfering restaurant supplies. Be truthful. Don't make up stories about how George Gee had wanted you to marry his daughter. No father in good conscience can possibly wish for a stupid dishonest man like as his son-in-law.

Gene didn't buy your story when you tried to get back your job at the restuarant after George's death. Neither shall the netizens on this newsgroup.

Aug 29, 2016, 10:54:01 AM8/29/16
On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 5:26:59 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> Today is Wednesday, Satish's day-off.
> He will be gone for two days to fill up his tank with syphilis and gonorrhea.
> Otherwise, he can't wash dishes for a whole week.
> Illegal alien and bottom dweller Satish has no family members to talk to.
> He can only buy his friendship in prostitutes.

Yale Guen Mar, your Hmong neighbors detest you - you have become the object of their scorn.

Yale Guen Mar, you are not Resty Wyse or Rusty Wyseman.

You are not rst0wxyz, rst2wxyz, rst4wxyz, rst7wxyz or rst9wxyz
You are Yale Guen Mar (born 1st February, 1938 in mainland China) who lives on 3851 Twilight Avenue in Merced, California.

No subterfuge will erase the fact that you have been using aliases not just to to hide your troubled past but to act a Qusiling to USA where you have resided since 1949.

Shame on you. No wonder you were thrown out by May Fung and Yuhua Luo.

Even your live-in-nurse-cum-maid Meichi Thai detests you.

You have become the object of scorn of your Hmong neighbors on Twilight Avenue.

Your tombstone can only read:

Lies here the man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
'This is my own, my native land!'

Yale Guen Mar, you have been worshipping the wrong mountain, namely, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictatorship in Beijing.

The bandit regime in Beijing is verily a false God, rst0/2/7/9.

As a US citizen for at least 64 years, it is best if you worship the majestic Rocky Mountains.

Bur if you must worship a mountain in mainland China, please shift your loyalty to a truly sacred mountain. Please start worshipping the East Great Mountain:

East Great Mountain (Dōngyuè): Tài Shān

Chinese: 泰山; "Tranquil Mountain", Shāndōng Province, 1,545 m, 36°15′N 117°06′E

You are selling out your country, not for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver, but for 50 cents per post from the bandit regime in Beijing.

Sep 1, 2016, 6:43:28 AM9/1/16
Valentina and her brother Luca are lucky to have May Fung and the Buonamicis around.

Yale Guen Mar, you can blame no one but yourself if the Buonamicis are determined to shield Valentina and her brother Luca from the one that exposed himself under the ruse of give potty training to Valentina on skype.

And now, Yale Guen Mar, skype contacts with Valentina and Luca are off limits for you without adult supervision. And very rightly so,

Yale Guen Mar, when Luca was born recently, you were told that you cannot come to Boston because all flights in America have been canceled because of unseasonal snow storms in the month of May !!

Yuhua Luo hasn't helped matters by bringing to the attention of the Buonamicis your shenanigans with Judah.

Is it any surprise that Roberto Buonamici goes nuclear at the very mention of your name? He might very well sodomize you with a nuclear fuel rod if you cross Rubicon during skyping with Valentina and Luca.

May Fung, in the mean time, enjoys ready access to Valentina and her brother and unlimited quality time with them.

And so does Dr. Roberto Buonamici.

Yale Guen Mar, can't you be a responsible adult like May Fung and Roberto Buonamici?
Message has been deleted

Sep 3, 2016, 4:30:36 AM9/3/16
On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 10:35:54 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Yue Cheng Market has been closed and out of business since 2009 when Rancho San Miguel Supermarket opens nearby.
> Even your lies are no good, Bottom dweller Satish!!!!

Yale Guen Mar, you are not toilet trained even though even little Luca is. You are not fit to be in public places like Yue Cheng Market, Rancho San Miguel Supermarket and Merced Community Food Market because of your incessant farting and your leaky diapers.

Ms. Lee of Merced Community Food Market was so enraged by your crass and dirty behavior inside the market that she assaulted you with opo squash.

Mr. Miao of Yue Cheng Market, likewise, is very unhappy with your crass and indecent behavior inside the Yue Cheng Market. If you don't stay off the Yue Cheng Market, Mr. Miao will sodomize you with a bitter melon or a Chinese okra that will cause a lot more damage to your scarred asshole than the opo squash had. The bitter melon, for one, will certainly leave a bitter taste in your blasted asshole.

And at Rancho San Miguel Supermarket, you risk getting sodomized with a burrito, a tamale or an enchilada if you walk in with your leaky diaper or fart incessantly while inside.

Sep 5, 2016, 10:36:52 AM9/5/16
Yale Guen Mar, you have been faking a lot of things Yale Guen Mar. You claimed you were an electrical engineer who worked in a missile testing facility.

And then you talked too much and it turned out that you have no idea of what control engineering is, let alone do a literature search in it.

A janitorial job or a cafeteria job, even at a defense establishment, does not require security clearance. And even if it did, you would not have dared apply for it lest you get caught for obtaining citizenship papers fraudulently.

Yale Guen Mar had never seen his alleged biological father till he was 11 when he landed in San Francisco.

But the claim is that Yale Guen Mar was not an accidental baby. The alleged biological father is alleged to have mailed his seeds to Yale Guen Mar's father by postal service.

In the pre-DNA era, Yale Guen Mar managed to sneak into USA in 1949 on the basis of this dubious paternity claim.

Yale Guen Mar, you are an illegal alien with fake citizenship papers.

Sep 6, 2016, 2:09:58 AM9/6/16
On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 10:35:54 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Yue Cheng Market has been closed and out of business since 2009 when Rancho San Miguel Supermarket opens nearby.
> Even your lies are no good, Bottom dweller Satish!!!!

Yale Guen Mar, you are not toilet trained even though even little Luca is. You are not fit to be in public places like Yue Cheng Market, Rancho San Miguel Supermarket and Merced Community Food Market because of your incessant farting and your leaky diapers.

Ms. Lee of Merced Community Food Market was so enraged by your crass and dirty behavior inside the market that she assaulted you with opo squash.

Mr. Miao of Yue Cheng Market, likewise, is very unhappy with your crass and indecent behavior inside the Yue Cheng Market. If you don't stay off the Yue Cheng Market, Mr. Miao will sodomize you with a bitter melon or a Chinese okra that will cause a lot more damage to your scarred asshole than the opo squash had. The bitter melon, for one, will certainly leave a bitter taste inside your blasted asshole.

And at Rancho San Miguel Supermarket, you risk getting sodomized with a tamale or an enchilada if you walk in with your leaky diaper or fart incessantly while inside.

Sep 8, 2016, 12:50:28 AM9/8/16

On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:09:35 PM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> All my relatives/ancestry before my generation were losers.
> So don't ever talk about them to me. I have nothing but
> contempt for them. And it includes all the cousins I have.

Yale Guen Mar, you used to lie to your parents, uncle and aunt. And now you lie on the newsgroup. Yale Guen Mar, you are all sleaze with not an iota of any redeeming feature.

Yale Guen Mar was a bad son from day one. He was not welcome at the funerals of his uncle and aunt abd even at the funerals of his own parents.

To put Yale Guen Mar's villainy in perspective, no one in the Mar clan wanted Yale Guen Mar to attend the funerals of Yale Guen Mar's Uncle (his father's twin brother) some 30 years ago. The pattern was repeated at the funeral of Yale Guen Mar's aunt about half-a-dozen years ago. No one in the Mar clan could stand the thought of Yale Guen Mar being at the funeral. So, cousin Yue Chung Mar very plainly told Yale Guen Mar that he was not welcome.

Yale Guen Ma was a bad son right from his birth !!

A bad mother is a rarity. A bad son a far more common occurrence. Yale Guen Mar is of course trying to shift the blame on his mother. But it is obvious that it is Yale Guen Mar who was always at fault.

Yale Guen Mar never supported his parents financially or otherwise.. It was the parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong who indulged Yale Guen Mar when they allowed him to retain his room in their house long after he was no longer a minor.

Yale Guen Mar lost his room only when his 3 siblings put an end to the indulgence. They got rid of everything that Yale Guen Mar had stored in t hat room, including his collection of his semen-stained photos of his favorite pigs.

No one in the Mar family (including the 3 siblings) wants to remember Yale Guen Mar, and understandably so. Yale Guen Mar was specifically told by family members that he was not welcome at the funeral of his own parents, let alone at the funerals of cousin Yue Chung Mar's parents.

Yale Guen Mar is hated by everyone in the Mar clan and rightly so.!topic/soc.culture.china/ds3WGhFUMoA

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 11:24:19 PM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> All children from birth to about 10 - 11 years old need an understanding and knowledgeable mother. The woman that was my mother knew only how to beat children and told them to shut up and not to talk. As a result, I was never a talker. No one need a mother and a man like my parents. They were the worse of the worst. I would say most of the Chinese parents up to the 1950s - 1960s were like them, ignorant people who only follow Chinese traditions without thinking.

Yale Guen Mar, stop blaming your mother, Kim Hi Wong, and your father, Tony Chee Mar, for all your woes. You are now 77. Own up to your character flaws before you croak.

Your mother, Kim Hi Wong, and your father, Tony Chee Mar, were good parents and noble souls. Your siblings like Donald Yale Mar and Eugene Yale Mar are achievers because they had parents like Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar.

Yale Guen Mar, you are the black sheep in the family. KIm Hi Wong was always worried about you. That is why she used to spank you all the time to keep you in the straight and narrow. That is why your buttocks were sore all the time when you were growing up.

But nothing worked. As the old saying says, you can drag a mule to the well, but you can't make it drink from the well.

Yale Guen Mar, you are a disgrace to the Mar clan. That is why you were not welcome to the funerals of Tony Chee Mar and of Kim Hi Wong.

In fact, even your cousins don't think much of you. That is why you were not welcome to the funerals of your uncle Ben Shee Mar and of your aunt Susan Suey Oy Wong.

Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong did everything they could do bring you up well.

And even after you were 18, they let you have a room in their house in Arizona.

Kim Hi Wong had tearfully told her sister-in-law, Susan Suey Oy Wong, how much it hurt her to be spanking you and giving you time-outs when you were growing up. You were thrashed time and again but to no effect.

Aunt Susan's son (cousin Homer Yale Mar) went on to become a colonel in the US army. And all you could do was get a dishonorable discharge from the army as a private. If you didn't suffer a rank reduction at discharge, it was because you were already at the lowest rung.

Uncle Ben Shee Mar was very proud of cousin Homer, and rightly so.

Yale Guen Mar, on the other hand, was a loser all his life.

Yale Guen Mar is Ben Shee Mar's nephew. Uncle Ben (Yale Guen Mar's father's twin brother) was a very generous uncle. Uncle Ben had wanted to send Yale Guen Mar to Kansas State University in Manhattan. Yale Guen Mar was, then, working for Uncle Ben as a janitor in Junction City Cafe.

Yale Guen Mar's stint as a janitor at Junction City Cafe in Kansas came to an end when Ben Shee Mar found out what the lad had been up to. Yale Guen Mar was beaten to pulp, fired from the job and sent back to Arizona.

Ben Shee Mar was twin brother of Tony Chee Mar. They were born on November 5, 1915.

Ben Shee Mar married Susan Suey Oy Wong while Tony Chee Mar married Kim Hi Wong.

Uncle Ben died of throat cancer on July 12, 1986. Aunt Susan died on September, 2004.

They are buried side-by-side in Duncanville, Texas.

Uncle Ben was a good father who gave all his children a college education at Kansas State University.

Uncle Ben was willing to send Tony's son Yale Guen Mar to college as well. But Yale Guen Mar's behavior turned Uncle Ben off. He beat the crap out of Yale Guen Mar and sent him back to Arizona.

Uncle Ben's son (just three years older than Yale Guen Mar) went on to become a colonel in the US Army. Yale Guen Mar, in stark contrast, got a dishonorable discharge from the US Army as a private.

Yale Guen Mar's cousin Colonel Mar still remembers Yale Guen Mar's shenanigans that summer in Kansas.

Yale Guen Mar was a janitor at the Junction City Cafe that summer but he would often play hooky to visit a local pig sty to indulge himself.

Yale Guen Mar's uncle (Ben Shee Mar) was exasperated not to find Yale Guen Mar when needed. One day he found him at the pig sty. The piggery's manager told Yale Guen Mar's uncle that the boy had been spending hours at the pig sty intently watching the pigs defecate and urinate. He had come to know that when Yale Guen Mar thought that no one was watching, he would finger-fuck the pigs in their assholes.

Uncle Ben (Ben Shee Mar) was simply appalled. He wanted to put a stop to his nephews perverted ways.

That day the uncle beat Yale Guen Mar to pulp.

The beating made no difference. So the uncle finally fired Yale Guen Mar from his job at the Junction City Cafe and sent him back to Arizona.

Yale Guen Mar went on to finger-fuck many more pigs in their assholes.

But it was a big jolt for Yale Guen Mar lin 2013 when at the age of 75, he found his middle fingers so badly infected with STDs that his doctor in Merced has been advising him to have them amputated.

The STDs have begun to seep from Yale Guen Mar's middle fingers to his brain. And that explains Yale Guen Mar's maniacally obsessive and erratic behavior.

Yale Guen Mar should have his middle fingers immediately amputated. Or else, he should rush to his doctor in Cambodia to see if the middle fingers can be saved by alternate medical treatment.

Yale Guen Mar, can't you ever get over the loss of your gun collection, photos of your favorite pigs and your short-wave radio? Donald and Eugene were only trying to protect you from yourself.

Yale Guen Mar, you are being grossly unfair to your brothers Eugene Yale Mar and Donald Yale Mar. They were achievers. The only reason they got rid of your gun collection, short-wave radio and the photos of your favorite pigs was to save you from yourself.

Quit holding grudges against Donald and Eugene, Get their help to cope with your problems.

Funeral rites for an elderly person follow the prescribed form and convey relevant respect: rites befitting the person's status, age etc. are performed even if this means the family of the deceased must go into debt to pay for them.

Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suye Oy Wong were fortunate to be honored at their burial by their children and grandchildren. They lie buried side by side in Duncanville, Texas.

Nephew Yale Guen Mar was not welcome at the funerals by the Mar clan, and for understandable reasons.

But then Yale Guen Mar wasn't welcome at the funerals of his parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong either. No one wanted him at the funerals.

At Qingming Festival every year, Homer Yale Mar and his siblings pay respect to their parents Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong, and all relatives and ancestors who have passed away. They spend time tidying up the graves and tombstones of Ben Shee Mar and Susan Suey Oy Wong. They offer food, flowers and paper money to their ancestors.

In stark contrast, Yale Guen Mar spends time sulking about times when he got thrashed by his father Tony Chee Mar and mother Kim Hi Wong for misbehavior.

Tony Chee Mar and Ben Shee Mar were twins.

Tony Chee Mar married Kim Hi Wong. They had lasting regrets about son Yale Guen Mar who gave them only grief.

Tony Chee Mar (1915-1999) was born in 1915, to Hall T. Mar(Chan) and Choi Kang Ma.

Tony married Kim Hi Wong. They had 5 children: Eugene Yale Mar, Yale Guen Mar, Donald Yale Mar and 2 other children.

Tony passed away in 1999, at age 84 in Arizona.

Yale Guen Mar was not allowed at the funeral because no one wanted him there.

Sep 10, 2016, 10:58:04 AM9/10/16

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:48:24 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> OK, Satish, this year, I bought an eleven pound turkey.
> I think we can eat up 11 pounds of turkey in a week.

Yale Guen Mar, why didn't you buy yourself a cornish hen for Thanksgiving? What will you ever do with an 11 lb turkey? Even your caregiver, Meichi Thai, refuses to break bread with you I Only the two dogs of Carlton were willing to eat the turkey. But, fittingly, they refused to share it with you because they owed no thanks to you.!topic/soc.culture.china/YOCBI2AhQwo

On Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:37:30 AM UTC-8, rst9 wrote:
> On Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:44:09 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> > Yale Guen Mar, why didn't you buy yourself a cornish hen for Thanksgiving?
> Cornish hen is NOT a turkey, stupid Satish.
> That wouldn't do for Thanksgiving!!!!
> Remember what I said? When I first came out of the immigration building in 1949,
> my father said:
> "Today is Thanksgiving Day, we'll have turkey for dinner".
> I said:
> What is "Thanksgiving Day"?
> What is "turkey"?
> See? I do have something to be thankful for!!!

Yale Guen Mar, you are indeed a turkey.

No one wants to have dinner with you. Even your caregiver, Meichi Thai, refuses to break bread with you at the table because you are constantly breaking wind during your dinner.

Forget the 11 pound turkey. Buy a cornish hen from the Lees of Merced Community Food Market You'll be able to eat it all by yourself. Cooking anything more would be a waste.

On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:43:44 PM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> I will see my granddaughter and grandson and the Buonamicis in December, Satish.
> So eat your heart out.

Reflect on you are not welcome by Silvia at her house in Boston.

And, yes, do behave decently and prudently when you meet Valentina. Any indecent incident, and Silvia puts in in the dog house for good.

May Fung and Roberto Buonamici get to meet Valentina and her brother whenever they want to.

But you have a severe trust deficit issue after you go caught exposing yourself to Valentina on skype under the guise of giving her potty training. You have to work hard before you are allowed the privileges that May Fung and Roberto Buonamici take for granted.

And what made you think you are qualified to give potty training? You make an instant mess if Meichi Thai leaves without a diaper even for a short time.

Luca is already potty trained. And he has been wondering why you are not, Yale Guen Mar.

For heaven's sake, try to behave decently when you are skyping with Luca and Valentina under adult supervision. Otherwise, you'll lose your skyping privilege.

On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 11:24:23 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> > No one wants to have dinner with you.
> My stepson and his wife and two dogs are coming home for Thanksgiving, born liar, bottom dweller, illegal alien Satish. Too bad you have to wash dishes at the Chinese restaurant on Thanksgiving Day, normally the busiest day for restaurants.

Your stepson, Yale Guen Mar? Stop deluding yourself.

Carlton and his wife will have dinner with the rest of the family while the two dogs will be baby sitting you.

Yes, Luca will soon start getting potty trained. But he has no need for your help, Yale Guen Mar. You are not potty trained yourself. You make a disgusting mess whenever you are without diapers. And, for heaven's sake, please ask your caretaker Meichi Thai to change your diapers more often. You are plain disgusting when you go around with messy diapers.

Behave yourself when you skype with Luca and Valentina under adult supervision. Be prudent and behave with decency and dignity. Or else, Silvia will consign you to the dog house for the rest of your lives.

Sep 12, 2016, 1:10:48 AM9/12/16
On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 11:24:23 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> > No one wants to have dinner with you.
> My stepson and his wife and two dogs are coming home for Thanksgiving, born liar, bottom dweller, illegal alien Satish. Too bad you have to wash dishes at the Chinese restaurant on Thanksgiving Day, normally the busiest day for restaurants.

Your stepson, Yale Guen Mar? Stop deluding yourself.

Carlton and his wife will have dinner with the rest of the family while the two dogs will be baby sitting you.

Yes, Luca will soon start getting potty trained. But he has no need for your help, Yale Guen Mar. You are not potty trained yourself. You make a disgusting mess whenever you are without diapers. And, for heaven's sake, please ask your caretaker Meichi Thai to change your diapers more often. You are plain disgusting when you go around with messy diapers.

Behave yourself when you skype with Luca and Valentina under adult supervision. Be prudent and behave with decency and dignity. Or else, Silvia will consign you to the dog house for the rest of your lives.

So, Yale Guen Mar, tell us how you spent Thanksgiving?

Was it really all that big a shock that Carlton's two dogs refused to share with you the turkey you had cooked?

But there is always a silver lining to your time with Carlton's two dogs in Merced. Carlton and his wife and the rest of the family good enjoy their Thanksgiving meal in Fremont without your disturbing presence. It was indeed a master stroke on Carlton's part to keep you busy with the two dogs in Merced.

Valentina and Luca enjoyed a grand Thanksgiving dinner as well in Boston. They were joined by Brenton, Silvia, May Fung and of course Fr. Roberto Buonamici.

Carlton left his two dogs with Yale Guen Mar in Merced as he and family had a great Thanksgiving feast in Fremont. Yuhua Luo joined Carlton at the Tahnksgiving feast and so did Carlton's biological father from China.

Yale Guen Mar, aren'y you glad your 11 lb turkey found a taker (nay, two takers) this year. You won'y have to eat it through 2015. But it is a pity that the two dogs refused to share the turkey with you.

In the meantime in Boston, Brenton too had a grand Thanksgiving feast at his home. May Fung and Roberto Buonamici joined Brenton and his family.

BTW, Yale Guen Mar, behave decently in the presence of Luca. Don't even dream of doing a Judah on him. Silvia will not stand for it. You will be consigned to the dog house for the rest of your miserable life.

And, yes, Luca will soon get toilet trained. But don't jump the gun in potty training him. Remember how Silvia was appalled that you had exposed yourself to Valentina on skype under the pretext of giving her potty training?

Act like a decent man for a change. Or else, you'll no more enjoy privileges of skyping with Luca and Valentina.

Yale Guen Mar, you have to find a better way to spend your Thanksgiving Day - you shouldn't have to spend it baby-sitting Carlton's two dogs. To add insult to the injury, these dogs refused to share the turkey with you.

Have you thought of visiting Homer and Cynthia in Duncanville, TX for 2016 Thanksgiving? Homer and Cynthia are generous folks. You just have to say sorry and they will forgive you for your infamous past.

And, of course, try to behave properly on skype. How can you expect Silvia to trust you with skyping Luca and Valentina after what you had done on skype under the pretext of potty-training Valentina?

Also, ask Yuhua Luo to forgive you for misbehaving with Carlton's biological father. He doesn't deserve to be insulted by you.

But over and above all, ask Meichi Thai to change you into a clean diaper more often. You stink all the time. Worse still, your diaper leaks whenever you neglect to change it soon enough.

Sep 15, 2016, 8:28:10 AM9/15/16
Yale Guen Mar, two retired restaurant workers in Augustus, KS remember you as a fellow worker at the Gene-Gee restaurant near China Lake, CA.

They remember that Yale Guen Mar was completely devoid of work ethics and honesty. Yale Guen Mar's pay got docked often enough till he finally got fired by George Gee when Yale Guen Mar got caught pilfering supplies to the restaurant.

When George Gee died, Yale Guen Mar once again tried to get a job with the Gene-gee restaurant. But Gene had seen enough of Yale Guen Mar and told Yale Guen Mar to get lost. Yale Guen Mar was told never to set foot inside the restaurant even as a customer.

On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:40:38 AM UTC-7, rst9 wrote:
> Satish Kumar Madhavan is a born liar. The only thing you can do is lie.
> George Gee tried to get me to go and marry his daughter.
> Besides, he died in Glendale when I was working at Pacific Missile Range.
> His friend, Gene, supported both both his family and George Gee's family
> after he died suddenly.

Yale Guen Mar, your values are so warped that you don't know the difference between a truth and a lie.

Everyone knew about your obsession with finger-fucking pigs in their asshole. Why on earth would George Gee want a husband like you for his daughter?

You had a very bad service record. Everyone knew of your lack of morals and work ethics. You finally got fired when you got caught pilfering restaurant supplies.

After George Gee died, you tried to get back your old job at the restaurant. But Gene would have none of that. He forbade you to step foot in the restaurant even as a customer.

Stop lying, Yale Guen Mar. Not even a sow wants to get into bed with you. That is why you have been finger-fucking pigs in their asshole since you were a boy in mainland China. Today you are a menace to the pigs in all the Hmong-owned piggeries in Merced, CA like Loin Eye and Mai Keri Her.

Yale Guen Mar, you can lie all you want but two of your ex colleagues in the Gene-gee restaurant has already spilled the beans about your infamy. They live in Augustus, KS. Feel free to visit Kansas to get reacquainted with them.

Yale Guen Mar, you were not seeing another girl, you were looking for pigs' asshole in nearby piggeries to finger-fuck them.

George Gee detested you, especially after he found out that you were pilfering supplies from his restaurant. That's why you got fired.

And even after George Gee's death, Gene wouldn't take you back as a restaurant worker - instead Gene forbade you to set foot in the restaurant even as a customer.

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 9:21:54 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 9:09:40 AM UTC-7, ><((((((8> <8))))))>< wrote:
> > is that true you shamelessly stole company's properties ???
> > I cant believe it someone in this NG is a thief !
> > a long standing netter !!
> You, Poka Poka aka bendhel, Abang Adil and Satish Kumar Madhavan are liars and mad men of the worse kind.

"men of the worse kind" ?!!

Where did you learn your English, Yale Guen Mar? From your step mother as she worked along side you at Cantonese restaurants in Arizona ?

Oct 2, 2018, 10:16:24 AM10/2/18
On Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 8:22:08 PM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> You kept talking about "Quingming Festival." No one in my family ever heard of it. You are more "Chinese" than any of us, Satish!!!!

Don't blame the family for your personal ignorance, Yale Guen Mar.

On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 8:30:53 PM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> What is your big hangup on parents, brothers and sisters, Satish? I haven't had any contact with them for over 20 years.

Yale Guen Mar, that is nothing to be proud of. You are a crass ingrate.!topic/soc.culture.china/KUWmsPB_PJE
On Monday, November 10, 2014 at 8:25:32 AM UTC-8, Resty Wyse wrote:
> You are absolutely right.
> When I was about 3 years old, I somehow caught my next-door neighbor's chick
> that was in the process of changing her downs to feathers. In the process of
> changing to feathers, the chick was the ugliest thing around. I took one
> feather and pull on it, and it came off easily. At the end, the chick was
> featherless.
> My next-door neighbor woman said to my mother:
> "When I see you beat your son so badly, I am afraid to tell you
> what your son did to my chick".

Yale Guen Mar, you were a bad boy even as a 3 year old.

Your mother Kim Hi Wong is to be faulted, not for beating you, but for not beating you enough.

If the rod hadn't been spared, Yale Guen Mar might have turned into an achiever like his much younger siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene.

Oct 4, 2018, 7:31:44 AM10/4/18
Yale Guen Mar, never forget that Tony Chee Mar brought you up in his home in 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ. He let you work in his cafe. He taught you English and mathematics. He taught you the difference between a rational number and an irrational number. He even gifted you a 1963 Pontiac on your 25th birthday and hoped against hope that you'll turn over a new leaf. Unfortunately you never did.

If you failed to get an education, it was your fault, not theirs. Your siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene didn't fail them. Donald, Ellen and Eugene are as honest and upright as they are accomplished.

Yale Gien Mar, you shouldn't grudge the fact that Tony Chee Mar cut off your pigtail the moment you landed in San Francisco on the Thanksgiving day of 1949.

Nor should you grudge Tony Chee Mar for refusing to shave a straight line along your head.

Tony Chee Mar was a thoughtful father. He didn't want you to be ridiculed and heckled by your school mates in the new country.

That is why he chopped off your pigtail as soon as you got off the boat in San Francisco. And that is why he shaved off all your hair so that you could grow a normal crew cut and meld with your classmates.

Yale Guen Mar, never blame your mother, Kim Hi Wong, and your father, Tony Chee Mar, for all your woes. Act like a grown up. For heaven's sake, you'll be 79 in less than 3 weeks. Act your age. You should make an honest attempt to own up to your deep character flaws before you croak.

Yale Guen Mar, aren't you the black sheep in the family?. KIm Hi Wong always worried about you. That is why she spanked you all the time to keep you in the straight and narrow. No wonder your buttocks were sore all the time when you were growing up.

But Kim Hi Wong's efforts to redeem you never succeeded . She could drag a mule like you to the well, but she couldn't make you drink from the well.

Yale Guen Mar, you will be 79 on February 1. Do you remember how you muddied the San Francisco Bay in 1949 as soon as you got off the boat from Hong Kong?

Yale Guen Mar, try to make a new beginning. Try hard to get over your grudge against your "dad" Tony Chee Mar.

Yale Guen Mar, you owe Tony Chee Mar everything. Recall that you met Tony Chee Mar for the first time as a 11 year old "Fresh of the Boat" in San Francisco - you had just arrived from Hong Kong in 1949 after the communists took over the country you were born in. Out of the kindness of his heart, Tony Chee Mar (a US citizen) declared that you were his son so that you could be in USA.

Recall what he told you when you arrived in San Francisco. Tony Chee Mar told you, "Yale, you are a turkey".

Tony Chee Mar then added, "This is Thanksgiving. We are going to have turkey."

Wonder-struck, you had said, "Dad, what is Thanksgiving, what is turkey?"

Tony Chee Mar did punish you often, but that was only because he had to and not because it gave him any pleasure. Yale Guen Mar, you were always a pain in the ass. But Tony Chee Mar hoped his (and Kim Hi Wong's) punishments will help you become a better person.

Unfortunately, that was not to be. You were simply incorrigible. You just couldn't stay out of mischief. This, together with the obsession you had developed as a child in rural China for finger-fucking pigs in their assholes, made it inevitable that you would never be more than the miserable self you are right now.

Your mommy, Kim Hi Wong, and your dad, Tony Chee Mar, were good parents and noble souls. Your accomplished siblings Donald Yale Mar, Ellen Heath and Eugene Yale Mar have never failed to acknowledge the contribution of their parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar to their own successes.

Yale Guen Mar, don't be an ingrate. Your plight is your own doing. Tony Chee Mar always did his best to bring you up the right way. It is the height of ingratitude to badmouth Tony Chee Mar for your own failings.

The only thing Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar were ignorant of was that they were fighting a losing cause in trying to get an incorrigible rascal like you to grow up into decent human being like their other children Donald, Ellen and Eugene. One can drag a mule to the well, but it cannot be made to drink from the well unless it wants to.

Oct 6, 2018, 2:25:40 AM10/6/18
> On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 10:12:12 AM UTC-7, Resty Wyse wrote:
> > What is a "Double Nine Festival", Satish!!!

Yale Guen Mar, why don't you find out about the Chongyang Festival from your siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene?

Yale Guen Mar, the Double Nine Festival this year is on 17th October. Why don't you join your siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene to celebrate yourself and to honor your ancestors, especially your mother Kim Hi Wong and your "dad" Tony Chee Mar/

It will be cathartic for you.

Yale Guen Mar, be grateful for everything your "father" Tony Chee Mar did for you selflessly.

* Tony Chee Mar signed papers to declare you to be his son so that
you could find refuge in USA after fleeing CCP takeover of China.

* Tony Chee Mar brought you up in his home in 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ.

* Tony Chee Mar let you work in his cafe.

* Tony Chee Mar taught you English and mathematics.

* Tony Chee Mar tried to teach you the difference between
rational and irrational numbers. It is another matter that
you were too dumb to understand.

* Tony Chee Mar let you have a room in their house at 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ
long after you had reached adulthood.

* Tony Chee Mar bought you a 1963 Pontiac when you were in your mid-twenties.

* You stopped mooching off your parents only when your
siblings Ellen, Donald and Eugene put a stop to it.

Chongyang Festival marks the seniors' Day. Yale Guen Mar, you have earned the right to celebrate it by living to be 80.

At the Chongyang (Double Nine) Festival , you'll pay homage to our ancestors as well.

Yale Guen Mar, it is time to make a new beginning. Forget your grudge against your "dad" Tony Chee Mar.

Yale Guen Mar, keep these two dates etched in your brain for good:

* November 5, 1915 (Tony Chee Mar's birth)

* March 28, 1999 (Tony Chee Mar's death)

These two days, visit his grave in Lot 49 of East Palm Cemetery in Tucson, AZ.

Meet the other descendants of Tony Chee Mar - sons Donald and Eugene and daughter Ellen. Even grandson Brenton and great grand children Judah, Valentina and Luca.

Help them as they tidy up the grave site, clean the tomb stone, offer incense and paper money and, of course, mai tai.

Yale Guen Mar, you owe a lot to your "dad". Tony Chee Mar was a very kind man :

* Tony Chee Mar gave Yale Guen Mar his first Thanksgiving meal

* Tony Chee Mar let Yale Guen Mar into his own house
on 914 10th Street in Safford, AZ

* Tony Chee Mar taught English and Math to Yale Guen Mar and
taught him the difference between rational and irrational numbers.

* Tony Chee Mar gave Yale Guen Mar his first job at his cafe.

* Tony Chee Mar bought Yale Guen Mar his first car (a 1963 Pontiac).

But Yale Guen Mar was an ingrate. He has continued to resent Tony Chee Mar because:

* Tony Chee Mar had chopped off Yale Guen Mar's pigtail
when he alighted from the ship that had brought him
to San Francisco from Hong Kong.

* Tony Chee Mar refused Yale Guen Mar to shave a straight line in the head.

* Tony Chee Mar insisted on a crew cut for Yale Guen Mar so that he could meld
better with his classmates in the new country.

* Tony Chee Mar punished Yale Guen Mar whenever he strayed from the
straight and narrow (which unfortunately) was far more often than for a normal boy

Yale Guen Mar has refused to get over his grudges.

Yale Guen Mar stays alone at:

3851 Twilight Avenue
Merced, CA 95348

Yale Guen Mar refuses to visit the graves of his parents Tony Chee Mar and Kim Hi Wong in Tucson, AZ even during the Quingming Festival.

Yale Guen Mar, take a train from Merced, CA to Tucson, AZ to be at the grave of your parents Kim Hi Wong and Tony Chee Mar as often as you can . It is in East Palm Cemetery (look for Lot 49).

Here's the address and phone number:

East Palm Cemetery

5801 East Grant Road #C
Tucson, AZ 85712

(520) 886-5561

Also, try to get along with Ellen, Donald and Eugene.

Yale Guen Mar, everything about you is fake.

* fake names (Resty Wyse, Rusty Wyseman)

* fake race - Yale Guen Mar claims to be a Caucasian at every opportunity

* fake IDs (rst0/2/4/7/9)

* fake diploma (electrical engineering)

* fake citizenship papers for USA and

* even a fake circumcision scar drawn on your penis with a sharpie !!!
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