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May 27, 2010, 5:33:37 AM5/27/10
My dear Myanmar Myo Chits , Patriots & friends,

Cleaning snakes in your garden is exempt from " thou shall not kill
" . because we are not killing any of them , we are just cleaning the

You may be hearing some Patriotic calls. These calls are heard by
many of us. But not by many others . For sensitive ears, and for all
of us to hear more clearly, the caller should tone down the volume.
Because for sensitive people and ears , when the ear drum vibrates,
they could not hear who is saying what, who is calling for what , not
a word . No matter how you shout at the top of your voice , the
natural born deaf people with hard of hearing will not hear anything
at all, especially those who have not learned sign language. There is
no hope for them.

Myanmar had came through, it is still going through hard time , should
I say? Union of Myanmar was in the same situation, in 1988, may have
been worse. Our beloved country was much worse than Thailand to
compare with. It was created by outsiders, nobody can deny it, we are
seing today, witnesstoday. these outsiders could not hide themselves
either our own people cannot hide neither that they ask for outsiders
to help them.

During events of 1988, in Union of Myanmar, BSPP and Dr Maung Maung’s
government have been removed from office . If you want to add SLORC, a
total of three governments were gone.

Whatever happened in the past, Union of Myanmar is still in tact as
one country for all the people as one people. Thanks to our leaders.

During the events in Bangkok recently , it is said that Thai Army had
killed 88 terrorist protestors . Who was counting? Who produced this
figure, officially , unofficially. It could be more than 88, could
well be 880, or 88,000, or even 880,000. Not one of us will know the
real figure.

We all are Buddhists, Thailand and Thai people. Killing is the first
we have to avoid.

But let us not mix religion, politic, economy or social matters,
everything up. Though you have everything there, you won’t get the
taste of each item. You will lose the taste of each item. You will
not know what is what.

Remember Thailand is enjoying the support of the west mainly US. It s
military base is in Thailand as advisors, US fleet is going in and out
of Thailand. This figure of 88 could go down at any time.

Recent years Thailand is facing some problem with the Muslims
minority., in the South of the country. So called Rohingyas, the
stateless people from South West Myanmar , who claimed to be Myanmar,
tried to join the Thai Muslims. If they were accepted they will also
became Thais.

There are many Myanmars in Thailand . Kayins in Thailand , they are
the citizen of convenient. They can be anything, they can become

This event in Thailand could also be deliberately created by the
puppeteers from the west. Thailand is enjoying peace and prosperity
for quite sometimes, compare to many other ASEAN nations.

There are sporadic separate events are taken place in South East
Asia . Since the end of Vietnam war. It could be said, SEA region is
relatively peaceful to compare with other parts of the world.

So here we are, something or the other has to happened to up set this
peace and prosperity. That is becoming normal , after construction,
there must be a destruction.
Thailand has escaped many destructions before . Its own puppeteer is
losing its control over Thailand, it has to do something about it.

Red shirts, Yellow shirts or Blue, Pink or Green shirts, Thais are
Thais. They mjust know that realised that. Thailand had been
thoroughly used, during Vietnam war, Thailand prospers with the
expanse of others nations around her.

I lost count, I don’t know how many well armed groups are there in UOM
against the Government of Union of Myanmar, if not against Bamars.
There are outsiders , who are supporting them, who are funding them
who are arming them.

Myanmar cannot wipe them out, because Myanmar cannot wipe out the
outsiders who are helping these armed groups.

Nazi Hitler together with his crony fascist Mussolini were wiped out
because the people stood together. The people’s visions were clear
as crystals, Nazi were Nazi, Fascists were fascist. Yet there were
those who sees positive side of them as well as negative side of

The question is who is better than who I aiming object, cause,
methods, ways and means of doing things ? ,“Anything you can do, I
can do better, anything I can do, better than you.” That may be the
only differences, by the look of it. People change. Rulers change,
but nothing is changed. Is that a fair comment

History is being recorded. I do not know what will the next
generation or the generation after next will read in their books. This
generation who witness today’s events are gone at that time .
Histories are written by the victors, not by the vanquished.

In fact, any group in any country, who are against the ruling
elected or self imposed, government, are supported by the outsiders.
Because that is their job, that is what they do , to destabilised a
country in the interest of their own. If a country is busy fighting
each other, killing each other, the outsiders get richer and richer,
because the business boom, especially arms manufacturing industries .

That is another way of how neo colonialism and neo expansionists
works. To install their govern , and to remove it, if they don’t like
it. Forced it out if necessary, using the Nga-Jin oil to fry a Nga-Jin

You can see the big event is waiting, it is about to start. N. Korea
Vs S. Korea, I am not sure it is N. Korea Vs S. Korea. Because who are
behind them who are using them, who are their puppeteers?

I remember, not long ago, Russian sub Kurst was torpedoed by US,
where over 110 Russia Fed’s submariners died. You can go to archives
and have a look . But the then US president Bill Clinton & the then
Russia Fed, President Vladimir Putin managed to avoid the war, all out
war , like the late J.F Kenney and Nikita Khruchev avoided the war on
Cuban crisis.

You can say anything you want , anything you like, express any views.
It could be an accident, it could be deliberate provocative attack by
the US on Russia Fed. It could be a US attack on S. Korea warship and
blame N. Korea, to gang up , to mislead the international community
again. Things are not what it seem to be in everything. Such an
event can bring two together or two far away than ever. That is the
politic of the politic.

US and its allies are ever ready war machines and they have the
strength as well . The allies of Us can never say ‘ no ’ to us, they
have no right to say ‘ no ’. They have to obey without question.

The problem is US does not care , it does what it wants in the end. It
know there is nobody born yet to challenge them, not Russia, not
China, not anybody. It is just calculating, the cost and the risk,
because Russia Fed., and P.R China have nukes as well. These nukes
they are afraid.

See, as soon as reduction of nukes are signed , US station Patriots
Missiles in Poland and manage to get a military base to manned it.

In both cases Kursk or S. Korea warship like Myanmar saying , US is ,
‘Myhaw Thway Sann’, the leach test the blood before it bites. To see
how the rest of the world will react. Whether you have a upper hand ,
to beat you or to talk to you and may be to compromise.

Never the less, in Vietnam war, South Vietnam and the most mightiest
army in the world have been beaten by the N. Vietnam. It was not the
military might or strength, it was the Patriotic spirit of the N.
Vietnamese and National spirit of the N. Vietnamese.
Now Vietnamese people are together again as one.

There is not a weapon, not any sophisticated or advanced weapon, not
even weapon of mass destructions can beat the Patriotic , National
spirit of any Patriots, any countryman who has a country.

This is 21 st century, Myanmars have a lot of experiences, not only
the theories, but I practice. Myanmars cannot be so foolish, so stupid
idiots to be fooled by others .

Cleaning your own garden free from all kind of snakes is your own
responsibility. You have to do it together with the people . Educate
the people , inform the people. Don’t shout aloud, talk to them
quietly, talk to them nicely , let them understand . Take them with
you and be with them while cleaning the snakes .



SCB Advisory Board

May 27, 2010, 9:56:37 AM5/27/10
You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar flavours
Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung, gyauk_toon,
yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
shaung_shar gya ba.
Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

> Yoke ma swa phyint
> An.mogyothwar/ma.sando

Message has been deleted

SCB Advisory Board

May 27, 2010, 5:15:18 PM5/27/10

juieo ruji git


May 28, 2010, 3:02:43 AM5/28/10
On May 27, 10:15 pm, SCB Advisory Board <> wrote:
>   You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
>   contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar flavours
>   Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
>   pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
>   -----------------
>   သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
>   ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
>   ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
>   ၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
>   ------------
>   Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung,
>   gyauk_toon, yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
>   sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
>   shaung_shar gya ba.
>   --------------
>   Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

> > Yoke ma swa phyint
> > An.mogyothwar/ma.sando
> juieo ruji git

DMMCP & Friends,

You better start cleaning now. otherwise you will be swamped by them ,
you will be in real danger.
Think about your children, grand children
Union of Myanmar must be a clean country fit for everybody to live
in .
Union of Myanmar needs all able bodied, not handicaps and ignorants.



SCB Advisory Board

May 28, 2010, 7:32:19 PM5/28/10
> juieo ruji gitta kumi


May 29, 2010, 12:28:34 AM5/29/10
On May 29, 12:32 am, SCB Advisory Board <> wrote:
> On 5/28/2010 7:15 AM, SCB Advisory Board wrote:
> > You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
> > contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar flavours
> > Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
> > pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
> > -----------------
> > သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
> > ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
> > ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
> > ၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
> > ------------
> > Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung,
> > gyauk_toon, yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
> > sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
> > shaung_shar gya ba.
> > --------------
> > Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

> >
> >> Yoke ma swa phyint
> >> An.mogyothwar/ma.sando
> > juieo ruji gitta kumi- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

DMMCP & Friends,

Have you noticed, that some of the snakes on this and other sites are
already disappearing.

They are scared and living in fear. you can see them

There may a few cases , still fighting back or impersonating as
anything to give some sort of impressions They are called

But snakes are still snakes .



I Sha

May 29, 2010, 5:06:46 PM5/29/10
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted


May 30, 2010, 2:59:27 AM5/30/10
On May 29, 10:06 pm, I Sha <> wrote:
> ウィクショナリーで
> > On 5/28/2010 7:15 AM, SCB Advisory Board wrote:
> >> You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
> >> contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar
> >> flavours
> >> Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
> >> pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
> >> -----------------
> >> သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
> >> ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
> >> ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
> >> ၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
> >> ------------
> >> Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung,
> >> gyauk_toon, yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
> >> sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
> >> shaung_shar gya ba.
> >> --------------
> >> Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

> >>
> >>> Yoke ma swa phyint
> >>> An.mogyothwar/ma.sando
> >> juieo ruji gitta kumi- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

DMMCP & Friends,

This message " Cleaning the snakes in your garden is your
responsibility" is so effective. It hits the head of the
snakes ,snakes can't take it. Snakes have shaken, They are coming out
from the bushes. they have
to, because there is no place for them to hide.

As you can see there are many snakes , there are many kind of snakes.
the snakes have many names as you know..
But the snakes are snakes. They have no friends , they are mutants.

Mind you, in many parts of the world and in our region , snakes are
not only eaten by snakes, but also eaten by human.
You must try, if you haven't tasted one yet.



I Sha

May 31, 2010, 5:10:48 PM5/31/10
ウィクシ hypocry ョナリーで


Jun 1, 2010, 9:07:53 AM6/1/10
On May 31, 10:10 pm, I Sha <> wrote:
> ウィクシ hypocry ョナリーで
> > On 5/28/2010 7:15 AM, SCB Advisory Board wrote:
> >> You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
> >> contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar
> >> flavours
> >> Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
> >> pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
> >> -----------------
> >> သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
> >> ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
> >> ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
> >> ၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
> >> ------------
> >> Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung,
> >> gyauk_toon, yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
> >> sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
> >> shaung_shar gya ba.
> >> --------------
> >> Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

> >>
> >>> Yoke ma swa phyint
> >>> An.mogyothwar/ma.sando
> >> juieo ruji gitta kumi- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

DMMCP & Friends,

As you are witnessing the snakes are shitting on the spot.

MGT. .

Message has been deleted

I Sha

Jun 1, 2010, 6:10:36 PM6/1/10
ウィクシ hypocrite ョナリーで


Jun 2, 2010, 3:17:48 AM6/2/10
On Jun 1, 11:10 pm, I Sha <> wrote:
> ウィクシ hypocrite ョナリーで
> > On 5/28/2010 7:15 AM, SCB Advisory Board wrote:
> >> You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
> >> contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar
> >> flavours
> >> Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
> >> pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
> >> -----------------
> >> သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
> >> ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
> >> ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
> >> ၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
> >> ------------
> >> Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung,
> >> gyauk_toon, yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
> >> sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
> >> shaung_shar gya ba.
> >> --------------
> >> Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

> >>
> >>> Yoke ma swa phyint
> >>> An.mogyothwar/ma.sando
> >> juieo ruji gitta kumi- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

DMMCP, & friends,

You know who 'I sha ' is , don't you ? An impersonator,

He is living in fear, who has no profile, his ghost is haunting him.

He is trying to run away, changing many names.

But he is caught, I am holding him, he can't run away.


Message has been deleted

I Sha

Jun 2, 2010, 5:08:46 PM6/2/10
ウィクシ hypocrisy ョナリーで


Jun 4, 2010, 1:14:10 PM6/4/10
On Jun 2, 10:08 pm, I Sha <> wrote:
> ウィクシ hypocrisy ョナリーで
>  > On 5/28/2010 7:15 AM, SCB Advisory Board wrote:
>  >> You are advised to use your own wise discretions as the tagged post may
>  >> contain Lies, Deceptions, Disinformations, Misinformations, vulgar
>  >> flavours
>  >> Distortion of History of Burma, Propagandas and is suspected to be from
>  >> pertinent authorities through one of their proxies.
>  >> -----------------
>  >> သေချင်းဆိုးကြီး၊ ခွေးမသားကြီး မိုးဂြိုးလိမ်၏ လုပ်နေကြ လိမ်ညာမှု၊ လှည့့်ဖြားမှု၊
>  >> ဂျောက်တွန်းမှု၊ ရိုင်စိုင်းမှု၊ ရာဇဝင်ကို လန်ကြုပ်ရေးမှု၊
>  >> ဝါဒဖြန့်ု၊ တို့မှာ မတရား တိုင်းပြည်အာဏာကို ခိုးယူဖျက်စီးနေသော စစ်ခွေးအဖွဲ့ spdc
>  >> ၏ခိုင်းစေသည့် ကျွန်လုပ်ရပ်သာ ဖြစ်လေသည်။
>  >> ------------
>  >> Komaykoloegyi mogyothwar the lein_nya , thway_saung, phya_yaung,
>  >> gyauk_toon, yine_sine, wah_dar phyant, tine_pyi_phyet
>  >> sit_khwe spdc oke_su ye ar_maint pay arh_tine yay_thar hmu ko tha_di pyu
>  >> shaung_shar gya ba.
>  >> --------------
>  >> Xtras: Ethnic cleansing in Burma.-----

>  >>
>  >>
>  >>> Yoke ma swa phyint

DMMCP and Friends,

For the future of Myanmar and the nation all political parties should
know where they stand.
They must not allow any ethnic racist groups to take over.
The future government of Union of Myanmar must enact the ' anti
law' at the first opportunity.
Harsh punishments for recial prejudices.


I Sha

Jun 4, 2010, 5:31:49 PM6/4/10
ウィクシ phoney ョナリーで
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