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z/Deceived! Terrifying, worst-fear-confirming:

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Přeskočit na první nepřečtenou zprávu

Dick Eastman

22. 9. 2001 1:17:0722.09.01
If information will save this nation from dictatorship
and enslavement on the basis of frame-up terrorism
it is this one:

My pittiful guesswork is no longer needed. I beg you, beg you in the name
of humanity to look at the information assembled here about this
horrifying disinformation super terror perpetrated to give global
governance the pretext to destroy Islam, the populism of Asia,
to grab the natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites,
sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones
and to stop the Islamic Jihad against opium growing -- erradicating
the crops where 80 percent of the world's supply is grown, many times more
than is grown in the Golden Triangle.

For God's sake look at all this material. We have been living
swapping notes in the darkness of total ignorance. (You will
see what I mean.)

And from other sources that I have put together:

The National Identify Card to "Fight Terrorism:"

The idea is to identify the opponents of the Council on
Foreign Relations so that they can be economically cut off
and starved, and so that the critics of globalization, the Federal
Reserve, the China-CIAdrug cartel, and genocidal
Zionism can have death raining down on them too without
requiring too much legal or constitutional red tape.


Your question:

> Did American rightwingers facilitate US bombings?

No, the "populist" variety of rightwingers did not facilitate US bombing,
I'll tell you what the globalist fascist faux John-Wayne policies of
"moderates" will accomplish: endless terrorist-act frameups.


Now, under the new hot-dog policy whenever a nation-A
wants to destroy nation-B, all it will need to do is blow up
one of its own nation-A bridges, building, ships etc. and
at the scene of the crime or the get-away car etc. plant some
incriminating "tell-the-whole-story" evidence --
for example: 1) plant a Bible and a copy of Mein Kamf and
blasting caps -- and the US will take out the Bible Belt;
or 2) plant a "Star of David" bracelet a bag of bagels and
some manuals on handling bacteriological warfare -- and the US
will do every Jew hater's pogroms for them; or 3) plant some
copies of Awake and Watchtower, a cheap two-piece suit and a
map of the Vatican, and the lock pin for a rocket launcher. -- and no
one will be bothered by Jehovah's Witnesses at the door.
No let's get deadly serious:

But if you include the CIA and drug-money -laundering
New York investment bankers as "rightwingers" then,
definitely, they very likely did much more than just facilitate
the crime of September 11.

The suspicion is well-founded and is certainly the
strongest theory going (although not the most
convenient for our leaders.)


The CIA and affiliated organized crime (with
Triads linking to Beijing Princelings and the PLA)
now should be our prime suspects.

The means, the mentality, the overwhelming money incentive
and lots of suspicious actions and red-handed doings put
these people at the top of the list of suspects in the crime
of September 11.


As the list of September 11 suspects grows to over
6000 we see more clearly why making instant war
on Bin Laden is either hard-truth avoidance or a
pretext for attaining the undiscovered perpetrators
designs war, destabilization, control, profit and his
own security.

I am putting drug-running and money laundering
renegade government officials and agents (with
criminal and foreign government accomplices)
at the top of my list. Here's why:

The Administration appears to have declared war based entirely
upon pre-existing bias and prejudice. Yet the list of other reasonable
suspects (some whose case for culpability is at least as compelling
as that of Bin Laden's religious and anti-globalist following.)

The purpose of this posting is to let you know that the CIA
and other renegade and corrupt Western/establishmentarian
agencies have both the motive and the means.

Think first, then shoot. The newest suspect organization in
the WTC/Pentagon aircraft-inflicted terror is the CIA-drug cartel.

One goal (among others): to maintain the Afgan opium
supply -- 80% of the world's total -- by defeating
the Taliban religious who have been effective in erradicating
both crops, growers and shippers.
La Jornada (May 19, 2001) has implicated the most powerful Establishment
banks in laundering and cultivating 'black money' from drug traffickers and
corrupt government around the world:

"There is a consensus among U.S. Congressional Investigators, former
bankers and international banking experts that U.S. and European banks
launder between $500 billion and $1 trillion of dirty money annually,
half of which is laundered by U.S. banks alone."

"Former private banker Antonio Geraldi, in testimony before the Senate
Subcommittee projects significant growth in U.S. bank laundering. "The
forecasters also predict the amounts laundered in the trillions of
dollars and growing disproportionately to legitimate funds." The $500
billion of criminal and dirty money flowing into and through the major
U.S. banks far exceeds the net revenues of all the IT companies in the
U.S., not to speak of their profits. These yearly inflows surpass all
the net transfers by the major U.S. oil producers, military industries
and airplane manufacturers."

"First thing to note about the money laundering business, whether
criminal or corrupt, is that it is carried out by the most important
banks in the USA. Secondly, the practices of bank officials involved
in money laundering have the backing and encouragement of the highest
levels of the banking institutions - these are not isolated cases by
loose cannons."

For reasons presented below the CIA should definitely
must be placed on any thinking man's list of likely suspects
in the WTC/Pentagon terror (and disinformation?) operation.

The case for CIA complicity in the crime of September 11
is supported by non-conformist Democrat and economic
nationalist Lyndon LaRouche. In his propaganda organ,
the Executive Intelligence Review,
of September 20, LaRouche makes the following claims:

"First of all, what has happened to the United States is on last Tuesday,
the 11th, it came attack by a mysterious force, which I know is some kind of
rogue operation inside the security screen of the United States. This did
not come from the Middle East. It didn't come from Europe. It didn't come
from South America. There may be people who are nationals from other parts
of the world who were involved in this, but the operation is very
sophisticated, and no one could do an operation like this, from outside the
United States at present; there's no one who could do what was done here

"So, we know it's a very high-level rogue operation inside our own country.


THIS information about the Taliban's RELIGIOUS war on global
drug trafficking by destruction of Afgan sources of opium pushes
the CIA drug cartel to the top of the list of WTC suspects. (Involving
also China Triads; US organized crime; the Trotskyites who fund
overt and covert revolution with drug money; and the corrupt
investment banks). My own list looks like this:

PRIME SUSPECTS (Non-exclusive, combinations are
a possibility)

1. CIA & other deviant elite rennegade organizations or factions within

2. Bin Laden: anti-Zionist, anti-Globalization

3. Anti-globalist anarchists: who would like to shift
responsibility for their irresponsibility to people
they think deserve it anyway.

4. Enemies of Bin Laden and Taliban (and the US)

5. Sharon and/or Mossad seeking remedy for all of Israel's
security, PR problems and "the Palestinian question"

6. China, seeking, through Sun Tzu - Trotskyite strategy
adoped by Zhou En-lai to attain the geopolitical top by
playing off the other players against each other.

Consider the following passages from an article
in The Village Voice about Laili Helms:

"The Accidental Operative; Richard Helms's Afghani
Niece Leads Corps of Taliban Reps,"
by Camelia Fard and James Ridgeway:

"At hand is a low-profile briefing on international
narcotics by a top State Department official, who
has recently returned from a United Nations trip
to inspect the poppy fields of Afghanistan, source
of 80 percent of the world's opium and target of a
recent eradication campaign by the fundamentalist
Taliban. The lecture begins as every other in

"The speaker politely informs the crowd he has
nothing to do with policy making. And, by the
way, it's all off the record. .....

"...The chaotic region is strewn with
crooked governments, terrorist brotherhoods,
thieving warlords, and smugglers. Against this
backdrop, the Taliban sometimes seems to be
the least of our problems.

"...The mullahs would like to take advantage of the
Bush administration's own fundamentalist leanings,
complete with antidrug policies. Their often comic
efforts to establish representation in the U.S. took
off when they found [Laili] Helms."

The clue is here. The Taliban were fighting the opium
suppliers, trying to get help from the US, which was
refusing to deal or even listen -- being interested only in
killing the Taliban. Apparently the Taliban got on well
with Reaganite CIA director Dick Helms, but failed to
realize that times change, that organizations change
reflecting changing leadership. The Taliban refused to
see that all that drug money -- wealth beyond the
dreams of averice --is very inviting when weighed against
catching a bullet and a pretty medal for your wife and
kids to frame etc. Today a renagade CIA deals drugs
( "unsavory characters" tend to win converts given
extended close association) cooperating with other
organized crime and especially with the Chinese triad-PLA
operations and affiliates, like Colombia's FARC.

LaRouche also had this to say:

" ....The President doesn't know who's behind this yet-I think that's a
fairly safe thing to say. .....we're trying to find the perpetrators of this
crime, not just to punish them, but to prevent them from doing what
obviously they intend to have to have a sense of a government
which knows what it's doing, in defining who the enemy is, reading the
enemy's mind from his spoor and from his capabilities, .....turning to the
American people and saying, "Here's what our situation is. Yes, we have an
enemy within. It's a very powerful, very dangerous enemy. We don't know how
far he's prepared to go, but we must conclude he's prepared to go further
than he did on the 11th of September. But we're in charge. We're taking the
following measures." That kind of thing.

The "inside-job" thesis needs backgrounding for American's
just now awakening from establishmentarian-CFR sedation-think.
I have compiled a "starter kit" for doing this in the following. Read
and weep...and hopefully survive. This will take some study.

Transcript: State Department sides with & arms China-backed KLA druglord


Also acknowledged by official US sources as well as by numerous press
reports are the links of the KLA-NLA to powerful criminal syndicates
involved in the Balkans' multi-billion dollar drug trade. Albanian and
Kosovar criminal organizations are providing "a very significant support to
them [the NLA terrorists in Macedonia]." 25 These criminal groups are also
involved in the traffic of Albanian women into prostitution in several
European countries including Britain, Italy and Germany. And part of the
proceeds of these illicit activities is used to arm and equip the KLA-NLA

In other words, in providing support to the KLA-NLA, Washington (not to
mention the United Nations) is indirectly upholding the organised
criminal-business syndicates which are behind the terrorists.

From: Washington Behind Terrorist Assaults in Macedonia,
by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

Shades of Subversion
by William Norman Grigg

Despite "winning" the Cold War and becoming the world''s last remaining
superpower, America is still haunted by the ghosts of an old nemesis:
Communist subversion.

Interview of Dr. Joseph D. Douglass

Joseph D. Douglass, Ph.D., is author of the book Red Cocaine: The Drugging
of America and the West. Dr. Douglass received a Masters in Network Analysis
and a Ph.D. in Network Theory and Communication Theory from Cornell
University. He has 35 years of experience in national security matters,
having worked for several national defense corporations as well as the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the Defense Department.

In recent years he has focused upon the issue of international organized
crime and its role in long-term Soviet/Russian strategy. This spring Dr.
Douglass is a featured speaker in a nationwide tour on the subject, "Battle
Lines in the Drug War."

Q. Despite some recent friction between Washington and Moscow, hardly a week
goes by without some public figure invoking the West''s "victory" in the
Cold War, which ended nearly 10 years ago. Could you describe your
perception of what happened with the "end" of the Soviet Union in December

A. It''s a gross oversimplification to claim that we -- the West -- "won the
Cold War," or even that the Soviet Union doesn''t exist anymore. We did not
win the Cold War; the Soviets lost it, notwithstanding our efforts to help
them maintain their empire. Not many people are interested in stopping to
ask what exactly happened in 1991. The critical question is why did the
Soviets decide to self-destruct? What was their strategic plan? The Soviets
never did anything without a plan. Yet no one has asked these questions.

We should pay careful attention to this fact: No bureaucracy simply wills
itself out of existence. Look at how our own domestic bureaucracies in the
United States continue to exist, decade after decade -- and they''re not mai
ntained through terror, like their Soviet counterparts. No revolution took
place in Russia or the other Soviet "republics" that would account for the
sudden dismantling of the Soviet state. Nothing forced the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union [CPSU] to relinquish its monopoly on power.

In fact, what the CPSU did was diversify its holdings, rather than dispense
with its monopoly. Party leaders either created new parties, or took over
the leadership of existing ones. And in anticipation of this, the CPSU and
the KGB -- years before the "end" of the Soviet Union -- set up all of the
structures of what they call the "invisible party economy." This was already
going on in the early 1980s, even before Gorbachev came along with his

So by the time the Hammer and Sickle banner was rung down, the Communist
nomenklatura had positioned itself as the rulers of the new, "privatized"
economy. The same is true of nearly every single country of the former
Soviet Bloc. Throughout the former Soviet Union we find "reformist" leaders
whose background includes a stint in the Komsomol [Young Communist League]
and a leadership position of some sort in the Communist Party. And we see
much the same thing in nearly every country of the former Soviet Bloc.

Q. You''re a specialist in nuclear threat assessment. How do you assess our
current strategic situation?

A. While it''s unwise to understate the nuclear dimension of the threat we
face, in some ways that threat serves as a diversion from matters of even
greater importance, particularly efforts by cultural Marxists to destroy our
country from within. [See "In Sade's Shadow" from this issue.] But we do
still confront a nuclear threat, and in some ways it''s more serious today
than it ever was in the past. Before 1991, our security was based upon the
concept of deterrence: An attack from an identifiable foreign rival would be
met with a swift and overwhelming reply. But this equation depends upon our
ability to know who is responsible for an attack. To a large extent this is
no longer the case, and five years hence things will be even more complex.

I''ll illustrate some of the dangerous complexities of our current
situation. As a result of proliferation -- both real and perceived -- it is
possible that we could be attacked by a single-warhead missile that could be
used to generate an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that could blind much of
our information infrastructure. We''ve known about the possible strategic
use of EMP for decades, and how the Soviets could use it to cripple our
sophisticated, computer-dependent national security system. As some nuclear
strategists put it in the early 1980s, through EMP the Soviets would be able
to attack the connections between targets, rather than the targets

But in today''s environment the EMP scenario becomes even more plausible,
because the single-warhead missile could come from any number of places,
from a source we couldn''t identify, and against whom we couldn''t
retaliate. It could come from Russia, from China, or from a supposedly
independent third party acting as a sub-contractor. So there are ways in
which our current strategic environment is more dangerous now than it was,
say, 15 years ago.

Q. In recent years many studies have been published describing the emergence
of the so-called Russian mob, or "Mafiya." How do you describe the role
played by international organized crime in the ongoing Soviet/Russian

A. First of all, what is commonly called the Russian mob is just the visible
element of the "invisible party economy" created by the CPSU and the KGB.

But what is commonly called "international organized crime" is hardly new,
contrary to what most commentators would have us believe. The narcotics
trade, which along with money laundering is perhaps the most lucrative field
of organized crime, has been a state-run enterprise in Communist China since
1949. The Soviets entered the field in 1956, and their Cuban clients came on
board in 1961.

Much of our knowledge of the Communist role in creating what the Soviets
called the "pink epidemic" -- combining red Communism and white cocaine --
comes from the late General Major Jan Sejna, who defected from
Czechoslovakia in 1968. To my knowledge Gen. Sejna was the highest-ranking
Soviet Bloc official ever to seek asylum here in the West: He was Secretary
of the Czech Defense Council, Military Chief of Staff, and a member of the
Czech Communist Party''s Central Committee. He was an eyewitness to, and
participant in, top-level meetings during which the Soviet drug offensive
was planned and implemented. He was privy to reports from the Soviets
regarding the development and testing of various drugs on prisoners in 1960.

Sejna offered detailed testimony regarding the role played by the Soviets
and their surrogates -- particularly the Czech and East German intelligence
agencies -- in creating the Latin American cocaine trafficking networks
centered in Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Those networks were brought on-line
in 1967, which is almost exactly when the United States witnessed the
beginning of the cocaine-use epidemic.

Q. Every year it seems as if we read about "progress" in the so-called war
on drugs, yet we also read that narcotics are cheaper, more readily
available, and being used more widely by our youth. What accounts for this,
in your view?

A. The biggest problem is the fact that narcotics trafficking enjoys
political protection -- partially for ideological reasons, and partially
because of deeply entrenched institutional corruption. The gross annual
revenues of international organized crime are nearly two trillion dollars;
this exceeds the gross domestic product of Great Britain. Much of this is
produced by laundering the illicit proceeds from narcotics trafficking and
other forms of vice. Obviously this provides a lot of money for buying off
political officials at every level. But it also offers valuable leverage to
compromise and manipulate institutions, as well.

The Soviets, beginning in the 1960s, targeted banks and other financial
institutions around the world, for much the same reason that they penetrated
and tried to control the existing organized crime networks: They are
extremely useful in collecting both political and industrial intelligence.
By penetrating banks, the Soviets gained access to a wealth of information
about governments and major industries, which they could use to their
strategic advantage. General Sejna revealed that by 1968, the Soviets and
their satellite intelligence agencies had collected detailed dossiers on
more than 10,000 people in positions of power and influence who had been
compromised by their involvement in the drug trade or other illegal
activities. One can only imagine how vast that dossier collection would be
today. This "kompromat," to use the Russian term, is incredibly valuable
strategic leverage. The proceeds from organized crime can be used to
purchase political support, and the "kompromat" can be used to ensure that a
politician stays bought.

Q. During the Clinton era, there have been numerous scandals involving
illegal campaign contributions from various organized crime figures, such as
Jorge Cabrera, Grigori Loutchansky, Ted Sioeng, Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie, Ng
Lap Seng, and others. And in recent weeks we''ve learned about donations
made by fugitive financier Marc Rich; those donations apparently bought a
presidential pardon. Do these scandals illustrate your point about the
strategic corruption of our political system?

A. Indeed they do. Cabrera was a Cuban drug trafficker who played a major
role in Fidel Castro''s network. Loutchansky was head of Nordex, a
Vienna-based KGB front corporation that was deeply involved in all kinds of
illegal activities. Sioeng was a Red Chinese agent and close business
associate of Cambodian heroin kingpin Theng Bunma. Trie is a member of a Red
Chinese-controlled "Triad" criminal syndicate. Ng Lap Seng is also a Triad
and is one of the leading crime lords on Macao. And Marc Rich, despite his
carefully manufactured faççade of humanitarianism, was a major player in the

CPSU''s creation of its "invisible party economy." The Clinton fundraising
scandals offered a textbook example of how the Soviet- and Red
Chinese-created crime networks purchase influence from Western politicians.

Q. You mentioned earlier that you regard cultural subversion as a more
immediate lethal danger than nuclear weapons. Why?

A. We cannot have a corrupt political elite, and a degenerate populace, and
remain a free society. The institutions of a free economy are built upon
transactions entered into by responsible, accountable people; they cannot
survive if personal responsibility is destroyed. The same is true of the
civic, religious, and cultural institutions that help us provide for each
other and offer social cohesion without government control. These
institutions are eroded as well when the public is corrupted by narcotics
and other forms of vice. If voluntary cooperation becomes impossible, all
that''s left is government control -- which suits the designs of cultural
Marxists perfectly.

Lenin''s program is to destroy the institutions of a free society and
replace them with a totalitarian state. Antonio Gramsci, Lenin''s heir,
understood that the most important institutions in any society are those
that the government doesn''t directly control -- religious congregations,
civic clubs, labor organizations, youth organizations, and so on. Gramsci
emphasized that Communists must "capture the culture" and corrupt the morals
of the public in order for revolutionary change to occur.

Q. Several analysts of international organized crime, including the late
Claire Sterling, have referred to a consolidation or merger of the various
underworld factions; Sterling called this the "New Underworld Order." How
does this relate to the ongoing amalgamation of nations into larger,
transnational entities -- such as NAFTA and the European Union (EU)?

A. International organized crime consists of both an "underworld" of private
sector criminals, and what we might call an "overworld" of corrupt
politicians and public institutions. These two elements are pursuing the
same objective, which is control over the world''s economy and avoidance of
accountability. As the political "overworld" is consolidated into larger
blocs -- NAFTA, EU, and other regional arrangements that are accountable
only to themselves -- it is taking on more and more of the same
characteristics we see in the criminal "underworld"; in fact, it could be
said that in the Clinton administration these worlds became

Marx and Lenin talked about the state "withering away." Might they have had
in mind the end of government as a limit upon the ambitions of a criminal
elite? This would also include an end to independent nations as well. Were
Lenin to see how the "new world order" is presently shaping up, he would
certainly recognize it as his vision at work.
The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army on
Subduing America with 'Soft Destruction:'

"After the Gulf War...a new military revolution
emerged ... essentially a transformation from the
mechanized warfare of the industrial age to
(information warfare) ...a war of decisions and
control ...of knowledge...and a war of intellect.
The aim of war (has changed) from preserving
oneself and wiping out the enemy to preserving
oneself and controlling the opponent. Information
warfare includes electronic warfare, tactical
deception, strategic deterrence, propaganda, and
cultural-environmental sabotage... ... (The) all-
conquering stratagems of Sun Tzu more than two
millennia ago-- "vanquishing the enemy without fighting"
and "subduing the enemy by ...soft destruction...(can)
finally be realized."
--From the dedication speech at the
Jiefangjun Bao Military
Research Center, (quoted by
John Carlin, "Wired"
May 1997 issue)

"...When Marxism-Leninism is integrated with
the revolutionary practices of China, the Chinese
Revolution puts on a new look. Now our influences
have reached the United States. If only we work
with patience and enthusiasm, Marxism-Leninism and
Mao Tse-tung's thought will definitely be integrated
with the practices of the revolutionary movement in
the United States, thereby speeding up the process
of revolution in the United States. ...Our
invitation to Nixon to visit China proceeds precisely
from Chairman Mao's tactical thinking: 'exploring
contradiction, winning over the majority,
opposing the minority, and destroying them
one by one."
-Central Committee of the
Chinese Communist Party,
March 30, 1973

March,20, 1962. Inserted by Rep.
William C. Cramer (R;Fla.)

...the Red Chinese, through Cuban connections,
are using narcotic traffic as a political weapon
in an effort to spread the addiction and lower
the morale and moral fiber of this country...

On of the most difficult problems in dealing
with Cuban refugees is to decide which are
fleeing from Communist Cuba and which are
using simulated flight as an excuse to enter this
country to serve an ulterior purpose.

This conundrum has been underscored in
Miami where narcotic agents discovered persons
posing as refugees operating a narcotic ring. Five
arrests have been made and the Narcotics Bureau
has pointed a finger of accusation at Red China
as the source of dope being smuggled into the United

Chinese Communists have played an important
part in the Castro revolution since its success.
Their presence in Havana is largely represented as
providing technical assistance to the Castro government.
But latest evidence uncovered by narcotics agents
indicates that they have another purpose also. They
are peddling dope, pushing drugs into the United States
with the intent of spreading addiction and lowering
the morale and moral fiber of this country.

Unfortunately, the Red Chinese have allies
here--the organized mob.
Call it what you will--the Mafia, organized crime
or the rackets--no one doubts the existence of
a powerful crime combine in the United States.
Its principle hoodlum leaders are known; some
of the more "respectable partners" are not. The
crime monopoly is engaged in gambling, prostitution,
narcotics, labor racketeering and certain legitimate
businesses where strong-arm tactics can be applied
to curb competition.

Congress just recently recognized the inability
of local law enforcement to cope with this network
of criminal activity by tightening Federal Laws
governing the interstate movement of criminals,
gambling devices and crime profits. Attorney
General Kennedy has asked for even broader
powers to strengthen his hand against the mob.

"Meanwhile, the rackets are still doing
business--and they are not above
trading with the Communists...."


"The practical thing is to get a Middle East peace immediately, to end this
war which is going on in Israel, in the area of Israel, to bring about peace
there. You would hope that Sharon would cooperate with us, and realize that
what he's doing, in avoiding the kind of peace process which Oslo set into
motion, that he's actually contributing to a great danger to the United
States, and many other countries at this time. Therefore, we would hope he
would come to his senses, with other Israeli leaders, and work to calm this
thing down. Because that's our major danger.

"Our major problem is inside the United States. There are two things we have
to consider. It is not accidental that this attack on us occurred at
precisely the time that the ongoing international monetary and financial
collapse was reaching a peak point, a point of crisis. ... obviously, some
very powerful group of people, inside our country, perhaps with some
cooperation from outside, but essentially inside our country, decided to do
the equivalent of a coup d'etat against the United States. Which meant,
methods of terror to make the population malleable, to accept what they're
to do, and at some point, come forward, and actually represent a new kind of
government of the United States, to replace the present government. That's
their objective.

Each year more and more evidence piles up that the biggest drug dealer in
our country is the government of our country. And each year the drug
trafficking goes on as usual -- a few well publicized seizures of drugs,
money and guns, but never a high level drug trafficker arrested!

Former CIA, FBI, DEA, Customs personnel state that our government
participates in the drug trafficking and profits from it.

Here is an excerpt from Chip Tatum[former CIA]'s "The Tatum Chronicles."
Michael Harari, now deceased, was a Mossad agent and a top advisor to Manuel
Noriega, President of Panama. Buddy Young was in charge of security for
Governor William Clinton of Arkansas. Mr. Young was later placed in the
second highest position in FEMA during Mr. Clinton's presidency. Chip Tatum
recorded this conversation in the helicopter that he piloted on a flight in
Honduras/Nicaragua. According to Tatum, he reported directly to VP Bush.

"The following conversation took place between Messrs. Harari and Young
during the flight to Palmerola Air Base. The passengers were wearing
headsets and speaking over the aircraft intercom system due to the high
noise level in the helicopter. As the command pilot, I routinely monitor all
conversations on our intercom. I did not advise our passengers that I was
listening, or that I was recording the conversation.

Buddy: "Arkansas has the capability to manufacture anything in the area of
weapons - and if we don't have it - we'll get it!"

Mike: "How about government controls?"

Buddy: "The Governor's on top of it, and if the feds get nosey - we hear
about it and make a call. Then they're called off." He was looking around
the countryside and continued, "Why the hell would anyone want to fight for
a shit-hole like this?"

Mike: Shaking his head in awe, answered, "What we do has nothing to do with
preserving a country's integrity - it's just business, and third world
countries see their destiny as defeating borders and expanding. The more of
this mentality we can produce - the greater our wealth. We train and we
arm - that's our job. And, in return, we get a product far more valuable
than the money for a gun. We're paid with product. And we credit top dollar
for product."

Buddy: Still looked confused.

Mike: "Look - one gun and 3,000 rounds of ammo is $1,200. A kilo of product
is about $1,000. We credit the Contras $1,500 for every kilo. That's top
dollar for a kilo of cocaine. It's equivalent to the American K-Mart
special - buy four, get one free. On our side - we spend $1,200 for a kilo
and sell it for $12,000 to $15,000. Now, that's a profit center. And the
market is much greater for the product than for weapons. It's just good
business sense - understand?

Buddy: "Damn! So you guys promote wars and revolutions to provide weapons
for drugs - we provide the non-numbered parts to change out and we all win.
Damn that's good!"

Mike: "It's good when it works - but someone is, how do you say, has his
hand in the coffer."

Buddy: Responding on the defensive," Well, we get our ten percent right off
the top and that's plenty. GOFUS can make it go a long way." Mike:"Who is

Buddy: "Governor Clinton! That's our pet word for him. You know they call
the President 'POTUS' for 'President of the United States'. Well, we call
Clinton 'GOFUS' for 'Governor of the United States'. He thinks he is anyhow.

Mike: "That's your problem in America. You have no respect for your elected
officials. They are more powerful than you think and have ears everywhere.
You should heed my words and be loyal to your leaders. Especially when
speaking to persons like me. Your remarks indicate a weakness - something
our intelligence analysts look for."

Buddy: "Aw hell, Mike. Everybody knows the Clinton's want the White House
and will do anything to get it. That's why I'm here instead of someone else.
We know about the cocaine - hell! I've picked it up before with Lasater when
he was worried about going on Little Rock Air Base to get it."

A new line of conversation ensued. Harari questioned Young about his
knowledge of who the 'players' were. He went down a list. He started with
'The Boss - Clinton'. Here's a synopsis of the players according to Young.

Buddy: "Clinton - thinks he's in charge, but he'll only go as far as [CIA
director] Casey allows. Me and my staff - we keep the lid on things you
know - complaints about night flying - Arkansas people are private folks -
they don't like a lot of commotion and Mena just isn't the right place for
the operation. It keeps us busy at the shredder ...Dan the Man (Lasater) -
He does magic with the money - between him and Jack Stevens we
don't have to worry a bit. Then we got Parks - if there's a problem - he's
the man. We call him the Archer - that's the codename that Casey and Colby
told us to assign to that position. Finnis oversee's our drop zone. Nash -
he's just the boss' 'yes' man. Personally I think he's a mistake! Seal and
his guys - I like his attitude "and leave the driving to us!" he said,
quoting one of Seal's good ole boy sayings.

Mike: "You like Seal?"

Buddy: "Hell! He's the only one I trust - respect is the word."

Mike: "Do you see much of him?"

Buddy: "Hell, yea. We test drive Clinton's rides before we send 'em on, ya
know? (He laughed, grinding his hips.) Say - how much coke do you recon you
can make in a week?"

Mike: "One camp can produce 400 keys a week. The others are about half that.
But that's just our operation here. We have other sources in various parts
of the world. Why do you ask?"

Buddy: "What? Oh, the Governor wanted to know our capacity."

And here is an excerpt from a story by a person subjected to mind control
programming and employed by our government against her will:

"Among the most recent recollections is of a Lt. Harriet Ward. Lt. Ward was
trained as a military robot. A carrier pigeon of sorts. Harriet was part of
"negotiations" between the United States and it's allies and the Republic of
North Viet Nam. (I have little memory of the Viet Nam "conflict." I knew
there was a "war" of sorts, that people protested against our involvement in
South East Asia and that it was a "dirty" war. I still do not know when the
conflict started or when it ended)

I, as Lt. Ward, was taken from my home, drugged and brought to Vandenburg
Air Force Base in California by a circuitous route. (Not all the details of
the trip have been recalled as of this writing.) At Vandenburg Lt. Ward was
taken by military helicopter to an aircraft carrier in international waters
somewhere west of California.

Lt. Ward was fitted with a flight suit and boarded a military fighter jet
along with a military pilot. The aircraft took off from the carrier bound
for another carrier also in international waters within helicopter range of
South Viet Nam. Another military helicopter took Lt. Ward to a remote,
heavily guarded compound where she was to deliver a message to the president
of North Viet Nam.

The message Lt. Ward brought virtually ended the conflict right then and
there. Negotiations had been taking place, secretly, of course, for many
months. Finally North and South Viet Nam reached an agreement with the
United States and its allies.

The message essentially gave North and South Viet Nam back the Communist
government. American POW's and MIA's would remain where they were. No
serious attempt would be made to "rescue" them. The United States and it's
allies would leave North and South Viet Nam in disgrace, defeated, and
despised by most of the world.

In exchange for all the above concessions the United States and it's allies
would continue to receive an uninterrupted supply of marijuana, cocaine,
heroin and other such illegal drugs. The American public is under the
impression that there really is a war on drugs in this country. And, in
part, there is. The guy in the field who may one day lay down his life
believes so, too. It's the higher echelon, however, that knows better. The
real war on drugs is waged in negotiations between drug lords, not with
dealers, pushers, and addicts. For every one "drug bust" there are hundreds
of deals being made by our very own drug lords right under the noses of our
so-called law enforcement officials. Many of our law enforcement officials,
politicians, bureaucrats, the very rich and infamous, right on up the ladder
are our drug lords."
LaRouche offers this strategy for the US right now:

So therefore, one of our things we have to do, we have to preempt this, by
dealing with the financial and monetary crisis now. ..., right now the
airline system of the United States is crashing. Not that the planes are
crashing, but the finances are crashing. We can't have that. We cannot allow
the essential airline industry, which is a part of our national
infrastructure, to collapse. Therefore the government must step in, not with
a bailout of Wall Street, but with a plan to supply credit and
reorganization-that is, government-protected reorganization of the airline
industry-to ensure this thing functions. And to give them a plan which
would, perhaps over a year, or 10 years or 20 years, allows the industry to
come back to full self-sustaining stability. That kind of protection.

"... Things like the Middle East war, which must be calmed down, a point of
danger. We must win the confidence of the American people for measures of
this type. And we must act."


But a controlled media stands in the way:

**The CIA runs the biggest news service in the world**
with a budget larger than those of all the major wire services put
together. In 1975 a Senate intelligence committee found that the
CIA owned outright "more than 200 wire services, newspapers,
magazines, and book publishing complexes" and subsidized many
more. A "New York Times" investigation (1976-77) revealed another
50 media outlets run by the CIA in the U.S. and abroad, and at least
12 publishing houses, which marketed over 1,200 books secretly
commissioned by the CIA, including some 250 in English. The CIA
subsidized books on China, the Soviet Union, and Third World
struggles which were then reviewed by CIA agents in various U.S.
media, including the "New York Times."

" In the early 1950s some 400 to 600 journalists were in the pay
of the CIA. Many prominent news executives and at least 25 news
organizations have served the CIA, including all three major networks,
major dailies, wire services, and monthly news magazines (232-3)
(from "Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media" by Michael
Parenti, 1986).

"CIA Admits To Controlling US Media In 60's - Imagine
What They Do NOW"

Subject: CIA Controls Mainstream Media
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:40:19 -0500
From: CIA Controls Mainstream Media

Boasted About Placing Agents Into Wire Services

3/27/01 10:40:19 AM

Washington, DC -- The Central Intelligence Agency boastfully placed
agents and loyalists into US wire services, such as UPI, the AP, and
Reuters, and used those wire services to manipulate the news.

According to an interview this morning on Pacifica Radio's Democracy
Now!, journalists whose work was stolen by the State Department and
used by the government in the creation of propaganda, this CIA
directly placed agents and false news stories on US wire services in
order to deceive the public about the status of US operations abroad
and about the status of the United State's international relations.
December 15, 1997

Louis Freeh
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C.

Dear Director Freeh:

We are all members of the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes living on sovereign
Fort Peck tribal lands. We now possess reports from many sources of most
outrageous abuses of our people and sacred lands.

TO WIT: Evidence of a smuggling operation into Montana and over Fort Peck
tribal lands from Canada which involves and implicates rogue agents of the
FBI. The Canadian drug conspiracy also involves murder-for-hire killings of
participants or witnesses on our Fort Peck Reservation and surrounding
communities in Montana. Last October 12th, Darryle Buck Elk was killed in
Popular just months after he began to reinvestigate the broad daylight
killing of his wife Arlene Buck Elk. The persons responsible for both deaths
remain at large. These and other official investigations have been

1. South Florida FBI Agent, Terry Nelson is a target of an internal agency
investigation involving the drug operation. Two former CIA officers William
Colby and Chip Tatum have confirmed this.

2. The drug smuggling operation occurred in

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.

"The truth -- and survival -- takes alertness and thought,
and trusting eyes and ears rather than conditionable a gut
where the enemy obviously is in contol of your gut."


22. 9. 2001 7:36:4622.09.01

"Dick Eastman" <> wrote in message

> If information will save this nation from dictatorship
> and enslavement on the basis of frame-up terrorism
> it is this one:

>of September 20, LaRouche makes the following claims:

"First of all, what has happened to the United States is on last Tuesday,
the 11th, it came attack by a mysterious force, which I know is some kind of
rogue operation inside the security screen of the United States. This did
not come from the Middle East. It didn't come from Europe. It didn't come
from South America. There may be people who are nationals from other parts
of the world who were involved in this, but the operation is very
sophisticated, and no one could do an operation like this, from outside the
United States at present; there's no one who could do what was done here

>"So, we know it's a very high-level rogue operation inside our own country.

Yea boy, that LaRouche is one heck of an insightful source. Just don't give
him your credit card number! ;-)

>No let's get deadly serious:

Yes, can we please.

>But if you include the CIA and drug-money -laundering

>New York investment bankers as "right-wingers" then,

>definitely, they very likely did much more than just facilitate
>the crime of September 11.

Like the Buddhist monks in Viet Nam and their acts of self immolation, the
NY Investment bankers decided to "nuke" themselves by slamming airliners
into their office buildings! Good Plan!

>The suspicion is well-founded and is certainly the
>strongest theory going (although not the most
>convenient for our leaders.)

Our only other theory is that these 4 little green men with aluminum foil
hats on.............

<Rest of this marathon book of "fact" snipped, because he already solved
this mystery, the rest are just details.>

Dick Eastman

25. 9. 2001 10:10:5125.09.01
unmistakable establishment subterfuge; Collin Powell; resist now or pay

Ralph Nader -- Terrorist

Pat Buchanan -- Terroist

Noam Chomsky __ Terrorist

Get the picture?

There can be no doubt but the the Establishment has designed
this coup from beginning to end.

And more terror frame-ups must come from our deviant
Finance Piracy ruling elites because their coup demands it.
They must have more terror to justify the next steps of their
once-and-for-all takeover from the COnsititution. They must
panic the American herd. But none of the top elite
will die in these terror acts -- just the little people.

With their monopoly of the media;

With their miniute-by-minute growing censorship and
blocking of e-mail and the net;

With the fact that the US ruling elite went from a state
of "totally unsuspecting" to "total certainly that Nin Laden
is responsible" in one day;

With their complete neglect to conduct an investigation
of who is really behind these mass-murdering war-provoking
disinformation operations;

With their determination to kill Bin Laden without capture or
a trial;

With their determination to try all whom they call terrorists
in military tribunals -- which are designed to frighten solders
into not deserting the stupidity of profiteer-designed wars;

With the determination to pursue punitive and retribution policy
with no thought of war prevention or other sane measures;

with all these things we see clearly written the guilt of the stooge
operatives which the ill-gottenly super-rich have imposed
over us in the offices intended by the Founding Fathers
to be held by representatives chosen by an informed
people in open and honest forums of reason and
protected basic rights essential for free (uncoerced)
political speech and participation.

Secretary of State Collin Powell -- David Rockefeller's
four-star clown doorman and all-around Council on Foreign
Relations "Step-and Fetch-It" ("Black folks know
Powell was a white man before he saw Rockefeller's ass")
Collin Powell says "Yessuh, we got the proof -- just let us
get up to our ears in irreversible bloodshed n' then we''ll
show it to you too."

(My wife is always saying I should do less computer and
more Bible reading -- I have not been following her advice,
and I guess it shows here. SO maybe Falwell is right in my
case, I am getting what I deserve -- but I know that the
little children in my youngest duaghter's kindergarten do
not deserve what the CFR has planned for us all -- and lots
of other nice people I see around Yakima Washington
every day. You foreigners who only know Americans
from dealings with our deviant elites and the representations
of Hollywood have no idea.)

With all these facts the American people should be
taking to the streets in anti-war and pro-sanity and
pro-justice demonstrations. We are not.

Sometimes the loyal thing to the Consitution and the
People and the Principles of our founding fathers is
to say NO to a government taken over by pirates.

This whole nightmare is stamped "CFR Coup d'Etat"
-- deceit, betrayal and wholesale murder of the people,
by the bankers and for the bankers.

But I send letters to you hoping you will do something
and you send letters to me hoping I will do something
And the flag wavers kill their sons goodby at the docks

And the mind-controlled robot "arabs" that have been
conditoned to "die for justice and to be heard" (it is so
damn easy to find an Arab and condition him to think
he is working for Bin Laden, for Allah, for truth, justice
and the Arabian Way etc. -- in order to get them to do
some horrifically stupid mass murdering that will serve
to frame Bin Laden and Islam ( See, an Arab did this!"
Yes -- a Tom Hinkley -- Tim McVeigh -- a guy handled
and groomed by CIA and Mossad agents pretending to be
what they were not -- so that the United States can now
crash into the edifice of Asian Islam at the very moment of its
economic and military depletion (more work of the globalist

At first I was an extremist and a loon. Now no one
most don't agree because they might get "the military-
tribunal treatment" that I am going to get. So, where
was the in-between? Was there not pause between
stupidity and cowardice -- or was the ridicule merely
cowardice and ass-kissing all along?

I forgive you for being asleep -- it was not your
doing, although we all will pay together, many with
our lives.

I should have done a lot more repenting and praying,
and a lot less internet activism. The only people I
have moved, probably, are the Establishment's
self-protection strategists. Did hundreds of "in-their-face"
activists like me, and of our leaders the big greens, progressives
and populists like Nader, Chomsky and Buchanan
elicit this horror from our paranoid ruthless ruling elites?
Maybe and maybe not.

Let me remind you once more of the game plan the
Trilateral Commission (founded by David Rockefeller
and first headed by Zbignew Brzezhenski) declared in
its 1975 "Report on the Governability of Democracies:"

"We have come to recognize that there
are potentially desirable limits to economic
growth. There are also potentially desirable
limits to the indefinite extension of political
democracy...A government which lacks authority
...will have little ability, short of cataclysmic
crisis, to impose on its peope the sacrifices
which may be necessary."

I remember Brzezhinski, he is a cold-blooded
yes-man techo-babble charleton -- who speaks
of lives in the most impersonal terms, who can
talk about the need to get the world population
down to a "sustainable" two billion (just enough
to provide servants and handymen and labor
inputs to sustain the elite in their great fortunes,
in the piles of their aquired assets, the sequestered
wealth of the human race.

We can stop them with these slogans, given us
by Iran and China:

"Where's the proof."

"Once war starts, we will never be able to
find out who really was responsible."

And I know that soon, people who before
September 11 never thought about politics or
read a book of history or history or political
affairs will drag me out of my house as a
traitor against America, as a "terrorist sympathizer,"
as an "Arab lover."

Sorry that I could not give you anything more

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man


From an Argentine woman living in Austrailia:

For "yes men" who break the peace:


25. 9. 2001 11:30:0725.09.01

"Dick Eastman" <> wrote in message

> unmistakable establishment subterfuge; Collin Powell; resist now or pay
> endlessly
> ====
> Ralph Nader -- Terrorist

read "village idiot"

> Pat Buchanan -- Terroist

read paranoid bigot & hatemonger

> Noam Chomsky __ Terrorist

deluded peacenik

> Get the picture?

We get the picture that you need help! The most terrorizing thing is knowing
people like you are able to slip past the ward day-nurse and get access to a
e-mail: aetius*spamless*
"When the waters rise mountaintops become islands!"

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