Type safe urls with snap-web-routes

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Emanuel Koczwara

Dec 1, 2015, 9:15:06 AM12/1/15
to Snap Framework

I'm trying to use snap-web-routes and I see problem with parent/child relationships on my pages. Here is my url type:

> data AppUrl
>  = AreaList
>  | AreaCreate
>  | AreaDetail Integer
>  | AreaUpdate Integer
>  | AreaDelete Integer
>  | AreaMobileIndexUp Integer
>  | AreaMobileIndexDown Integer
>  | TableCreate Integer
>  | TableUpdate Integer Integer
>  | TableDelete Integer Integer
>  | TableMobileIndexUp Integer Integer
>  | TableMobileIndexDown Integer Integer
>  | ProductGroupList
>  | ProductGroupCreate
>  | ProductGroupDetail Integer
>  | ProductGroupUpdate Integer
>  | ProductGroupDelete Integer
>  | ProductList
>  | ProductCreate
>  | ProductDetail Integer
>  | ProductUpdate Integer
>  | ProductDelete Integer
>  deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Generic)

It is a fraction of what I actually have in my application. This works quite well and I get:


It works, but it produces very flat sitemap. I would like to have instead:


Another problem I see is composition of routes. Now I have:

> routes :: AppUrl -> Handler App App ()
> routes url = case url of
>  (AreaList)                          -> Areas.Handlers.areaList
>  (AreaCreate)                        -> Areas.Handlers.areaCreate
>  (AreaDetail areaId)                 -> Areas.Handlers.areaDetail areaId
>  (AreaUpdate areaId)                 -> Areas.Handlers.areaUpdate areaId
>  (AreaDelete areaId)                 -> Areas.Handlers.areaDelete areaId
>  (AreaMobileIndexUp areaId)          -> Areas.Handlers.areaMobileIndexUp areaId
>  (AreaMobileIndexDown areaId)        -> Areas.Handlers.areaMobileIndexDown areaId
>  (ProductGroupList)                  -> Products.Handlers.productGroupList
>  (ProductGroupCreate)                -> Products.Handlers.productGroupCreate
>  (ProductGroupDetail productGroupId) -> Products.Handlers.productGroupDetail productGroupId
>  (ProductGroupUpdate productGroupId) -> Products.Handlers.productGroupUpdate productGroupId
>  (ProductGroupDelete productGroupId) -> Products.Handlers.productGroupDelete productGroupId
>  (ProductList)                       -> Products.Handlers.productList
>  (ProductCreate)                     -> Products.Handlers.productCreate
>  (ProductDetail productId)           -> Products.Handlers.productDetail productId
>  (ProductUpdate productId)           -> Products.Handlers.productUpdate productId
>  (ProductDelete productId)           -> Products.Handlers.productDelete productId

It is flat as my sitemap. I would like to put that in Areas.Routes and Products.Routes and include only these two in my Site.hs.
Or if I want to add some snaplet like forum or wiki, what if that snaplet doesn't use web-routes?
Can I mix type safe and others urls in my application?

Best Regards,

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