SlickGrid v2.1

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Jul 16, 2013, 7:16:53 PM7/16/13

Major changes:
+ Virtual rendering for cells.  This significantly speeds up the rendering for grids with large number of rows (more than two horizontal pages worth), makes the DOM tree much more lean, and leaves a more"performance headroom" for the actual application.  Whereas before, 100 columns slowed SlickGrid down considerably, it is now able to handle a 1'000 columns with ease.  (example -
+ DataView now supports multi-level grouping with per-group shallow and/or deep aggregates.  (example -

Minor changes:
+ Slick.CellSelectionModel now supports Shift+arrow keys.
+ Active row now gets the 'active' CSS class applied to it.
+ Updated with the latest libraries.
+ Tons of bug fixes and performance optimizations.
+ Probably a ton of other stuff I missed when going over the changelog :)

SlickGrid and misc plugin API changes:
New options:
+ forceSyncScrolling (Slick.Grid)
+ defaultSortAsc (column)
+ cancelEditOnDrag (Slick.RowMoveManager)
+ enableForCells (Slick.AutoTooltips)
+ enableForHeaders (Slick.AutoTooltips)

New events:
+ onBeforeHeaderRowCellDestroy
+ onHeaderRowCellRendered

[BREAKING!] Renamed events:
  onHeaderRendered -> onHeaderCellRendered
  onBeforeHeaderDestroy -> onBeforeHeaderCellDestroy

New methods:
+ setTopPanelVisibility
+ setHeaderRowVisibility
+ getContainerNode

[BREAKING!] Removed methods:
- showTopPanel
- hideTopPanel
- showHeaderRowColumns
- hideHeaderRowColumns

DataView API changes:
(see examples for more details)
Deprecated (will continue to work):
- .groupBy()
- .setAggregators()

New methods:
+ .getGrouping()
+ .setGrouping(groupingInfo)
+ .setGrouping([groupingInfo1, groupingInfo2, ...])
+ .collapseAllGroups()
+ .collapseAllGroups(level)
+ .expandAllGroups()
+ .expandAllGroups(level)
+ .collapseGroup(groupingKey)
+ .collapseGroup(level1value, level2value, ...)
+ .expandGroup(groupingKey)
+ .expandGroup(level1value, level2value, ...)

Grouping info options (for use in .setGrouping() calls):
+ getter
+ formatter
+ comparer
+ aggregators
+ aggregateCollapsed
+ aggregateChildGroups
+ collapsed
+ predefinedValues - An array containing the grouping values for which groups should be included even if they are empty.
+ aggregateEmpty - Whether aggreggators should be run on empty groups.
+ displayTotalsRow

New Group fields:
+ level
+ groups
+ groupingKey

Robert Feher

Sep 14, 2013, 4:35:45 PM9/14/13

I Have a problem. In drupal i must create a one table with multiple rows, and coloumns, i have enter all the datas in admin (in one table), and i want to show specific rows with criteria in different pages. Do you can help me how can i filter and display specific different rows in different pages from one table?

shrawan kumar

Dec 4, 2013, 10:55:35 AM12/4/13
i am new in this field. i have three consecutive cells which i want to copy and paste in to fields inside chrome but it get pasted all three cell's data in first filed. i believe with this script it will allow me to paste these three in separate fields but don't know how to use this script. although i am computer science student. i have downloaded the zip file but now issue is how to use this and how it will run in back ground. 
please help..

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