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Greetings to the WCB

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Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99
Just a quick line to say Hi to all those from the communications dept of the
WCB and hope your day is going as good as mine.

Cafe Ultimate, Regina, Sask,Canada
"Two things in life are infinite.....
The Universe and Human stupidity. and I'm not sure about the Universe"
Albert Einstein

Carey Heilman

Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99
Mine too!!!!!!!
"C U " <> wrote in message

Carey Heilman

Nov 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/4/99
Hey Paul I guess the WCB spin doctors are having a great day. They get extra
money to do some propaganda to improve their public image!! I wonder why
they would need that when 87% of the people who use the system are happy
according to their own stats. Unless those stats are inaccurate????? Do you
think they would use improper statistical protocols to make themselves look
good? Oh well I guess they must keep improving their 87% satisfaction

What a joke!!!!

Hey this propaganda money.....are they gonna use the Leader Post and Star
Phoenix? I wonder do these papers have to pay assessments for the kids and
retirees, and poor people who deliver them door to door?

I wonder if the papers will allow an opposing opinion for every add the WCB
puts in?


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
Well 87% satisfaction rating might be the folks who have been told by their
Doctor that they will be returning to work in say 6 weeks. The WCB will pay
them and treat them like gold, as long as they return to work in 6 weeks. I
know this as I broke my arm and was told 6 weeks, no problem with WCB. The
result of your Doctor saying "unknown date to return to work", or " this
person should not return to the type of work they were doing" now that is
where the problems start. I know this because that is where I am now. The
WCB can boast of a satisfaction rate that high because most people do return
to their regular job. Those who don't are the remainder that get lied to,
cheated, mis-informed, and have their files disappear. How many times have
you heard..."well I'll have to find your file and get back to you". That's a
red flag sign for you to begin logging everything that has to do with you
and the WCB. As a matter of fact start logging the first time you talk to
one of the CSR's
So if there are any folks from the WCB reading this.... LMAO you'll know
that the other 13% are on to you and know our rights, that's why the
Advocates office is so behind. We have to go somewhere to get the truth,
because it sure as the hell doesn't come from you.
Carey Heilman <> wrote in message


Nov 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/5/99
We can use 87% only if you can believe their numbers. And why would I think
that the WCB would lie to anyone???? As you mentioned, if you get hurt and
return to work on time as everyone stated then they do treat you well, hell
they are even helpful. But lord help you if you don't recover as the chart
says or have even one complication. As one of those that didn't heal
according to the chart I can personally tell you that the WCB sole purpose
is to make you life such a living hell that you will just go away. Claims
ended through attrition. What a concept. Would the thought of trying to
rectify this at a early stage ever occur to anyone over there. If everyone
is so happy then why do the Workers Advocate office need more money and
staff. Why did the waiting period go over a year. OH! I know there are more
happy injured worker s than before. In my case it has been a comedy since
the start. Mis-diagnoses from the beginning, I had to find my own doctor
that would listen, I had to find my own specialist(after a 15 minute visit
he found the problem), I had to arrange my own surgery , I had to get my own
rehab and treatment, all this from a work related injury. And of course none
of this being covered by wcb, so they get to shift costs to the health
boards and show a better bottom line. So to those that monitor this news
group I say Hi and hope your kids will have a better Christmas than mine
will have AGAIN.......4 years is enough.

Just a thought............ wouldn't it make great TV if I had to go and pull
the trigger on myself in front of the WCB tower. We could have up to the
minute coverage of cleaning my brains from the front of the building,
commenting on how high they went up the side and how fast it dried and how
the cleaning crew were going to co-ordinate the cleanup

Cafe Ultimate, Regina, Sask,Canada
"Two things in life are infinite.....
The Universe and Human stupidity. and I'm not sure about the Universe"
Albert Einstein

nomad1a <> wrote in message

Carey Heilman

Nov 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/7/99

"C U " <> wrote in message

> We can use 87% only if you can believe their numbers. And why would I
> that the WCB would lie to anyone???? As you mentioned, if you get hurt
> return to work on time as everyone stated then they do treat you well,
> they are even helpful.

I have been hearing rumors that this is no longer the case! It is now
turning into one of those insurance company type businesses, where if you
miss a box on the form, or if there is *any* way that you can be denied you
will be.

>But lord help you if you don't recover as the chart
> says or have even one complication. As one of those that didn't heal
> according to the chart I can personally tell you that the WCB sole purpose
> is to make you life such a living hell that you will just go away. Claims
> ended through attrition. What a concept. Would the thought of trying to
> rectify this at a early stage ever occur to anyone over there.

The problem here is a little more complicated, and may have been handled by
our legislators, or perhaps cabinet? Here is a couple of assumptions that
may apply? Healthcare is overloaded and as a result the WCB claimant with a
serious injury does not get the proper tests and is sent back to work on the
early return to work program before the proper tests have been done.
Statistically that makes sense as serious injuries are not as common as non
serious injuries. However, I and others who are part of the small number who
are more seriously injured, we are at risk of making the injury worse. When
and if that occurs we are considered as either malingerers, fakers, or as a
second injury, most likely not related to the work injury, or the injury
could not have occured as a result of the initial injury and seeing as
though it could not be the fault of therapy you are SOL. Also in most cases
if there is a serious injury to a joint or the spine and it is not properly
diagnosed in the early stages, and you continue to work or go to therapy
where the injury is not clearly known you risk degeneration, and possible
arthritis, this is often used to deny a claim as well. THe advantages to the
WCB are obvious. The technology used to deny claims is vast from a medical
perspective, never mind the technicality of improper answering the questions
on the forms, or other things that can be used. Also heaven help you if you
have more than one injury in your life. You risk being treated as a
compensation seeker. I have been hearing now of and read and know of cases
where a person launches an appeal and then the appeal gets sent back to the
Client Service Representative for further investigation. This usually would
mean that you should not have had to appeal in the first place, but this
just drags the time of non payment out. I wonder if this is merely a way of
the appeals personel of giving the CSR an oportunity to find a beeter way to
deny the claim? As all of the people on the appealls committe are ex CSRs

> If everyone
> is so happy then why do the Workers Advocate office need more money and
> staff. Why did the waiting period go over a year. OH! I know there are
> happy injured worker s than before. In my case it has been a comedy since
> the start. Mis-diagnoses from the beginning, I had to find my own doctor
> that would listen, I had to find my own specialist(after a 15 minute visit
> he found the problem), I had to arrange my own surgery , I had to get my
> rehab and treatment, all this from a work related injury. And of course
> of this being covered by wcb, so they get to shift costs to the health
> boards and show a better bottom line. So to those that monitor this news
> group I say Hi and hope your kids will have a better Christmas than mine
> will have AGAIN.......4 years is enough.

I have been very upset at this situation. The WCB denies the calim at any
point of the claim. An individual goes on social services,and is billed
under sask health, and years and years go by and does sask health get paid?
Social services is not allowed by law to collect the money back from the
claimant. And the WCB does not pay social services back. I believe that the
WCB should be forced into financial accountability to the people of
Saskatchewan. The people of Saskatchewan should be repaid by the WCB for
wrongfull decisions they render, including interest, to all agencies that
must take up their slack. This money does not all come out of the same pot.

> Just a thought............ wouldn't it make great TV if I had to go and
> the trigger on myself in front of the WCB tower. We could have up to the
> minute coverage of cleaning my brains from the front of the building,
> commenting on how high they went up the side and how fast it dried and how
> the cleaning crew were going to co-ordinate the cleanup

The very first thing I was told by one of my first contacts with a man who
was in an injured workers group was they are not worth it!!! Stay alive he
told me!! He gave me all kinds of encouragement. THen he said if you can't
take it anymore and you *are* gonna do it, take a bunch of them with you!!!!
More and more injured workers are thinking/talking this way! Is this a
societal thing or is it posturing? I don't know. WHen people see all the
shootings by the disgruntled in the USA and you face losing everything and
everyone, your self esteem, and soooo much can often start to
think about taking matters into your own hands. This of course is a very
dangerous situation and explains the high levels of security at the WCB. In
1981 you could walk right in and go to your CSR's desk, no questions at
all...things have changed!!! I would just beg that those of you out there
who are desperate, angry, depressed hang in there, don't do anything stupid,
and get help!!! Talk to other injured workers, e-mail me!!

CU, I have been there....and might end up there again, I really understand
that desperation, don't do anything stupid. I have learned a lot about the
place in the last few years. Perhaps some CSR's like what they do, or do
good! Or maybe there are some sick ones who take pleasure in denying
claimants? My guess is that it is the management of the place that is the
problem!! The Chaireperson and Board Members, the CEO, all the VP's, and
maybe some below that? What is funny (sarasm) to me is the sickness of the
WCB. THey are like the alcoholic who thinks that everyone else is to blame
for their problems, yet refuse to look at themselves.

There are over 700 people in the backlog at the Advocates Office, over 800
apealls to the committee and around 200 board level appeals, I am not sure
of the number of medical Review panels? but I think on could conservatively
estimate that 40 CSRs have pissed off 1800 injured workers a year. That is
oabout 45 each. These statistic are people who are ill and hurting. These
people have families. I myself have had to declare bankruptcy and have lost
a family....other will too. There is no recovering damages from what the WCB
does when they wrongfully deny benefits. I know of an injured worker who is
trying to get the interest on money owed, and they have refused the last I

Just hang in there buddy!!!! As you can tell you are not alone!! Take your
anger out by writing letters, or phoning the papers, the MLA's the NG, Roy
and maybe we will get heard, and something will happen to turn this
situation around.

Just remember that when you get depressed or develop some sort of emotional
problem, the WCB is less likely to take responsibility than they do in cases
of work injury. I base this on the way stress calims are handled. I think
that is fair!! So, when you go mental it is not their fault, it is a
pre-existing variation, here is the neat thing.....and I am not ginving any
ideas here...I was warned about this by a couple of people...of course I
can't prove it myself.....but the behaviours are there, and based on history can be cut off because of psycho social issues, and if
they caused them, based on the stress policy, you had an existing mental

All I have have said is science fiction. Any resembalance between reality
and fact is mere coincidence!!!

Somebody should write a WCB survivors guide!!

Where is the WCB accountability?


Nov 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/27/99
BTW I forgot to say. I was also told by the College of Physicians and
Surgeons, that the WCB doesn't have any Doctors on staff. Does anyone know
of a Dr. who works directly for (paid by) the WCB? One name that came up
when I went over my file was a Dr. Skeet, ring any bells?
Have any of you had any dealing with any of the DR's I listed?


Carey Heilman <> wrote in message


Carey Heilman

Nov 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/27/99

"nomad1a" <> wrote in message

> BTW I forgot to say. I was also told by the College of Physicians and
> Surgeons, that the WCB doesn't have any Doctors on staff. Does anyone know
> of a Dr. who works directly for (paid by) the WCB? One name that came up
> when I went over my file was a Dr. Skeet, ring any bells?
> Have any of you had any dealing with any of the DR's I listed?
> nomad1a

The head Dr. over at the Tower is Dr. Edward Poon. Dr Poon owns a whole
schwack of walk in clinics in Regina, i am told. Dr. Skeet, who is employed
by the Board, is as well was rumoured to have worked for Dr. Poon at one
time, in one or more of his clinics. THen there is a Doctor Lavalee that
also is employed by the WCB. There is also another Dr. he did my PFI but I
can't remember his name right now....if I find it I will add it here.

I and many others have had dealings with the medical dept, at the WCB. It
seems that there are increasing issues being raised about the medical dept
at the WCB. I have a serious concern that they need to be better educated in
the adjudicative processes of the WCB and the rules that they are legislated
to uphold. An example is the schedule that they are legislated to use when
determining PFI awards.

Carey Heilman

Nov 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/27/99

"nomad1a" <> wrote in message

> Carey Heilman <> wrote in message
> news:41V%3.1203$

> >
> > "nomad1a" <> wrote in message
> > news:8LU%3.448$
> > > BTW I forgot to say. I was also told by the College of Physicians and
> > > Surgeons, that the WCB doesn't have any Doctors on staff. Does anyone
> know
> > > of a Dr. who works directly for (paid by) the WCB? One name that came
> > > when I went over my file was a Dr. Skeet, ring any bells?
> > > Have any of you had any dealing with any of the DR's I listed?
> > >
> > > nomad1a
> >
> > The head Dr. over at the Tower is Dr. Edward Poon. Dr Poon owns a whole
> > schwack of walk in clinics in Regina, i am told. Dr. Skeet, who is
> employed
> > by the Board, is as well was rumoured to have worked for Dr. Poon at one
> > time, in one or more of his clinics. THen there is a Doctor Lavalee that
> > also is employed by the WCB. There is also another Dr. he did my PFI but
> > can't remember his name right now....if I find it I will add it here.
> -----
> Carey are they on salary? If yes...

They are on salary?

>me thinks some shit will fly up here in
> toon town at ye old College of Physicans and Surgeons. We can only hope,
> because if the DR's are on salary would that not be a conflict of intrest?

I think they are safe as they are paid soley by the board and no one else.
But you could look into that maybe I missed something?!
> nomad1a
> ----


Nov 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/28/99

Carey Heilman <> wrote in message

> "nomad1a" <> wrote in message
> news:8LU%3.448$
> > BTW I forgot to say. I was also told by the College of Physicians and
> > Surgeons, that the WCB doesn't have any Doctors on staff. Does anyone
> > of a Dr. who works directly for (paid by) the WCB? One name that came up
> > when I went over my file was a Dr. Skeet, ring any bells?
> > Have any of you had any dealing with any of the DR's I listed?
> >
> > nomad1a
> The head Dr. over at the Tower is Dr. Edward Poon. Dr Poon owns a whole
> schwack of walk in clinics in Regina, i am told. Dr. Skeet, who is
> by the Board, is as well was rumoured to have worked for Dr. Poon at one
> time, in one or more of his clinics. THen there is a Doctor Lavalee that
> also is employed by the WCB. There is also another Dr. he did my PFI but I
> can't remember his name right now....if I find it I will add it here.
Carey are they on salary? If yes... me thinks some shit will fly up here in

toon town at ye old College of Physicans and Surgeons. We can only hope,
because if the DR's are on salary would that not be a conflict of intrest?
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