Install Libraries error on Shiny Server

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25 août 2016, 16:54:4925/08/2016
à Shiny - Web Framework for R
Hi all,

I asked this question a while ago.I am still getting the issues on this.

I am not the system admin but just building apps for shiny server.The apps work perfect on shinyapps  account.

I want to install some libraries on server.I have used a couple of methods for this.None of them seem to work.

1) Here is my function to do this,which has to have a local libraries directory:

requireInstall = function(libName) {
  if( !is.character(libName)) stop("Error: library name must be a character string")
  if( !require(libName,  lib.loc=c("./libraries", .libPaths()), character.only=TRUE) ) 
  { install.packages(libName,  lib="./libraries", repos = "", dependencies = T, quiet = T, Ncpus = 4);require(libName, lib.loc=c("./libraries", .libPaths()), character.only=TRUE) }

requireInstall("shiny dashboard")


if (!require("shinydashboard")) install.packages("shiny dashboard")

Is it a permissions issue or any other way to install these libraries and get them running on Shiny Server without having root permissions?

Thanks so much,
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