Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?

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Scott Munson

Dec 1, 2010, 4:10:36 AM12/1/10
From: <sma...@comcast.net>
Date: Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 12:44 AM
Subject: [doctorplum] Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?
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Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?
Monday, 29 November 2010
Christopher Bollyn

During the past two months I have been involved in research about the
Rothschild/Mossad network behind the criminal destruction of the steel from
the World Trade Center. I have found that the network that arranged for the
destruction of the steel - critical evidence from the crime scene - was
actually organized by Israel's Mossad and their Zionist agents, the real
culprits behind the false-flag terrorism that changed the world. This
article will be the final and conclusive chapter of my book, Solving 9/11 -
The Deception that Changed the World.

On 19 November 2010 I sent photographs of two of the main people involved in
the "recycling" of the 300,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Center to
Roy Tov, the Christian Israeli author of The Cross of Bethlehem. I sent
these photos of the culprits behind the criminal destruction of the steel to
Tov because he is very knowledgable about the Mossad, having been pursued
and targeted by Israeli assassins around the world. This is what Roy Tov
wrote back to me on November 21:

Thanks Christopher,

If the pictures are real, then there is little doubt regarding their allies
and employers. The chances they'll answer in such case are slim, or it will
be in the form of an attack (lawyers or violent) against you.

In September, when I began my research into the people behind the destrucion
of the steel, I called the Hugo Neu company, which was one of the two New
Jersey scrapyards that "recycled" the steel. Hugo Neu was a German Jewish
immigrant from Fürth (like Henry Kissinger, another Rothschild agent) who
came to America and worked as a bank clerk with Seligman & Co. before
becoming the head of Associated Metals and Minerals Corporation (AMMC) in
New York in the 1930s with his German Jewish fellows, Meno Lissauer and
Walter M. Rothschild, the company's president. Lissauer's wife, Meta, was
also Walter Rothschild's sister. Hugo Neu started his own scrap metal
company in 1945. The company is now run by his son, John, and has very close
business ties to the state of Israel and is invested in a Mossad-linked
Israeli venture fund.

Since 2001, the two companies involved in the destruction of the steel, Sims
Metal Management and Hugo Neu, have merged into one company. I called and
asked to speak with Alan Ratner, the former head of Metal Management in New
Jersey, Daniel Dienst, or Robert Kelman, since these were the key executives
involved in the 9/11 steel recycling. I got through to Ratner's secretary,
who gave me his email, but instead of letting me speak to any of these men,
I was connected to company's spokesman, Daniel Strechay.

Daniel Strechay is the corporate gatekeeper who speaks for the company who
profited from the illegal destruction of the steel evidence from the World
Trade Center.

Strechay was completely unwilling to answer any questions. I told him that
the destruction of the steel is a matter of great historic importance and
that in the interest of fairness and accuracy I wanted to speak directly
with the people involved. Strechay refused, saying "It's all a matter of
public record. Read the Wall Street Journal."

He then said that the company is very proud of how it handled the steel from
the Twin Towers, but was adamant in his refusal to let me speak with any of
the men who were actually involved in the operation, and hung up the phone.
Later, I got through to Alan Ratner by email and he wrote back, so I sent
him a few questions, but he yet to respond. Clearly, these men do not want
to discuss their roles in the destruction of the steel from the World Trade

I called Kenneth Holden at his home in Scarsdale, New York, on October 16,
to ask him some questions about his role in the clean-up of the debris at
the World Trade Center. Holden is the former head of New York City's
Department of Design and Construction (DDC), and was the official who
oversaw the removal of the steel. As Mayor Bloomberg said about Commissioner
Holden, when he was reappointed as head of the DDC in January 2002:

New Yorkers are fortunate to have Commissioner Holden agree to remain as
Commissioner of DDC," said Mayor Bloomberg. "Over the last four months he
has done a terrific job managing the clean up of the World Trade Center and
so that the reconstruction process for Lower Manhattan can begin. By
coordinating the movement of millions of tons of steel and rubble,
excavating one of the most dangerous work sites in the world all seemingly
ahead of schedule, under budget and without a fatality, Kenneth Holden has
been the unsung hero of this enormous task.

Kenneth Holden

When Holden gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he
said that he had received "verbal permission" to remove the steel to New
Jersey scrapyards, but failed to name the person who had authorized the
move. Oddly, nobody bothered to ask who gave Holden the verbal permission:

Steel and debris from the site was sent to Fresh Kills where it was examined
and sifted. As the Department of Sanitation could no longer handle the steel
with their equipment, and our engineers thought the steel would destabilize
the landfill, DDC received verbal permission to ship the steel to New
Jersey. (From whom?) By the end of June 2002, an astounding total of over
1.6 million tons of steel and other debris were removed from the site.

It was Saturday morning when I reached Holden at his home. I told him I was
working on an article about the destruction of the steel from the World
Trade Center and wanted to ask him a few questions. He bawked a bit at
first, saying that he was no longer giving interviews on the subject, so I
repeated what he told the commission and asked the most important question
first: Who gave you the verbal permission to ship the steel to New Jersey
scrapyards? I was able to repeat the question twice very clearly. After a
short pause Holden said, "As I said, I'm not giving interviews on this
subject." Then he silently ended the call.

I thought for a minute and called Holden right back. He picked up the phone
and I immediately asked, "Was it Chertoff? Was it Michael Chertoff who gave
you the verbal permission?" Holden was silent on the other end of the line,
then he ended the call as he had done before.

"Silence is agreement" is the old Estonian saying that came to mind. The
logic is that Holden could not deny that Chertoff had given him the verbal
permission, so he remained silent. Common sense would suggest that the
permission must have come from Chertoff, who as Assistant Attorney General
of the United States was the top dog responsible for the federal (FBI)
investigation of 9/11.

Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff was "top dog" at the FBI during
the "non-investigation" of 9/11, in which the crucial steel evidence was
destroyed in Asian smelters before being examined by engineers. Chertoff's
Israeli mother, Livia Eisen, was one of the first Mossad agents. An Israeli
by birth, Michael spent much of his childhood in Israel.

To understand the essence of the crime, I recommend reading the short
article "Selling Out the Investigation" by Bill Manning of Fire Engineering.
Manning's piece was published on January 1, 2002. The destruction of the
steel was a crucial part of the 9/11 hoax. A hoax cannot succeed if there is
evidence that reveals the truth and 9/11 is a global hoax.

The Twin Towers were primarily steel structures supporting 220 lightweight
concrete floors.

The towers were well built structures that used more steel than today's
skyscrapers. The debris contained about 300,000 tons of steel that was
hastily dispatched by a New York City official to two Zionist-controlled
scrapyards in New Jersey - before it could even be inspected by engineers.
These Jewish-owned scrapyards then shipped the steel - hard evidence from
the crime scene - to Asian smelters where it was melted down far from the
prying eyes of U.S. investigators. Why was this allowed and who was behind

An organization called the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) is
calling for the public to demand that the district attorney of New York
County investigate and prosecute those responsible for the destruction of
the evidence from the crime scene. This is from their open letter/petition
of June 23, 2010 to the district attorney's office:

Cy Vance, Jr. District Attorney of New York County
Thomas Wornom, Bureau Chief, Special Prosecutions Bureau

Dear Sirs:

Over the last three weeks you have been informed about the overwhelming
evidence that World Trade Center Building 7 was demolished with explosives.
I trust that you understand the serious implications of this crime and that
you are resolved to prosecute the guilty parties. To provide a critical
steppingstone in your investigation, I would like to bring to your attention
the widely documented - and widely protested - destruction of physical
evidence (structural steel) at the crime scene, which I contend is
prosecutable pursuant to Article 205 of the New York Penal Code, § 205.50
Hindering Prosecution.

"[A] person `renders criminal assistance' when, with intent to prevent,
hinder or delay the discovery or apprehension of.a person he knows or
believes has committed a crime.he...suppresses, by any act of concealment,
alteration or destruction, any physical evidence which might aid in the
discovery or apprehension of such person or in the lodging of a criminal
charge against him;"

I will present publicly available information on the destruction of physical
evidence from the World Trade Center site, below my signature, in four
sections entitled:

1. Official acknowledgement of the destruction of physical evidence from the
2. Control of the WTC cleanup.
3. The decision to destroy the physical evidence.
4. The continued destruction of evidence despite public outcry

The supporting documentation provided in this letter/petition from NYC CAN
includes the following:

"In the month that lapsed between the terrorist attacks and the deployment
of the [FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT Team)], a
significant amount of steel debris-including most of the steel from the
upper floors-was removed from the rubble pile, cut into smaller sections,
and either melted at the recycling plant or shipped out of the U.S. Some of
the critical pieces of steel-including the suspension trusses from the top
of the towers and the internal support columns-were gone before the first
BPAT team member ever reached the site. Fortunately, an NSF-funded
independent researcher, recognizing that valuable evidence was being
destroyed, attempted to intervene with the City of New York to save the
valuable artifacts, but the city was unwilling to suspend the recycling
- Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, March 6, 2002

"[T]here is so much that has been lost in these last six months that we can
never go back and retrieve. And that is not only unfortunate, it is
borderline criminal."
- Joseph Crowley, U.S. Congressman, 7th District, New York

"[O]n September 28, the New York Times learned that the city was recycling
the steel. When the Times contacted Kenneth R. Holden, commissioner of the
Department of Design and Construction, he said that no one from the
investigative team had asked him to keep or inspect the steel. The ASCE, it
turned out, had faxed a request, but to the wrong fax machine. Late that
afternoon, after reporters shuttled the correct fax number to the ASCE,
Holden said that a request had finally reached him."

Commissioner Kenneth R. Holden and his wife Frances McGuire. Holden was
given an award in 2002 by the AIA New York Chapter after he had overseen the
criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. Why was he
being awarded when he should have been arrested?

By September 28, the DDC is publicly known to have been aware of the BPAT's
request for the steel to be saved, however, the decision to recycle the
steel stood.

Of course, Mayor Giuliani - previously a U.S. Attorney - and the DDC had to
be fully aware of the illegality of destroying the physical evidence prior
to their decision to recycle the steel. Their refusal to desist from
recycling the steel when asked by the investigative team to do so - still
less than three weeks into the cleanup effort, with hundreds of thousands of
tons of steel still salvageable, and relatively negligible revenue from
selling the steel not an issue because there was virtually unlimited federal
funding for the cleanup effort - strongly suggests their contravention of
the law was deliberate and motivated by intent to prevent the discovery of a
crime they knew had taken place...

Calls to halt the recycling fell on deaf ears. According to Times reporters
Glanz and Lipton:

"Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral
requests for comment over a three-day period about who decided to recycle
the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the
investigation. `The city considered it reasonable to have recovered
structural steel recycled,' said Matthew G. Monahan, a spokesman for the
city's Department of Design and Construction, which is in charge of debris
removal at the site"

Why didn't the city simply stop recycling the steel? Again, the outright
refusal of city officials to desist from recycling the steel strongly
suggests their contravention of the law was deliberate and motivated by
intent to prevent the discovery of a crime they knew had taken place.

I strongly support the NYC CAN petition to prosecute those behind the
criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. My
forthcoming article will reveal the key people involved in the terror
network behind this crime.

In the meantime, I recommend visiting the website of NYC CAN to understand
the basis of their appeal for justice and the extent of the criminal
destruction of evidence from the World Trade Center:

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