Posting with media

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John R

Jul 20, 2012, 6:20:46 PM7/20/12
I'm trying to use the API to post with media, but whenever it posts the API seems to just hang and not respond.  I've even waited the entire time of this post plus a couple minutes and no response yet from the server.
content type is "multipart/form-data"
headers have the authentication token added to them
and the method is "POST"

I am assuming I am supposed to base64 encode the file since it doesn't say in the api documentation.  If someone can point me in the right direction for what I'm doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated.


My post stream contains this:

post = {"destinations":[{"account":{"id":"1a21145d-c8f6-43ae-8b08-fdb3d1d724e5","target":null}}],"links":null,"message":"testing media post","scheduled":"2012-07-27T19:00:00.000Z"}
multipart_boundary myFile = 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

John R

Jul 20, 2012, 6:50:09 PM7/20/12
Same result if I send the file in binary instead of Base64 (result is escaped so it won't terminate during the NULL bytes in the image):

post = {\"destinations\":[{\"account\":{\"id\":\"1a21145d-c8f6-43ae-8b08-fdb3d1d724e5\",\"target\":null}}],\"links\":null,\"message\":\"test\",\"scheduled\":\"2012-07-26T22:43:00.000Z\"}\r\nmultipart_boundary myFile = ?PNG\r\n \n\0\0\0\rIHDR\0\0\00\0\0\0 \b \0\0\0j???\0\0\0 sBIT\b\b\b\b|\bd?\0\0\0\tpHYs\0\0\r?\0\0\r? B(?x\0\0\0 tEXtSoftware\< \0\0 IDATX??Yl e ? gf?-?RQ\n?VA\"??%R ???eQ\\? ??F?(\bQ1FS?I?(\"q}?\aPQ?J ?D?5?(!F?BAe??v?9>????eF}?$??9?Y??o? U%????b\rxq?#\\[ U d???\n: \t?? @s?? x4?=??~Qo$ F$,??"???L?? ??/j°???)? -\a?\vp\"?????E?????\r ?@b??Y????x??0I ???b??\n ?? Y7vO??O>???l?u@0U+N ??Â\ahk^???q?Gh ? ??(???( C 8t????{[??|??I???-?J^0??&/??_?)?? ?D $\"\v???%C ?t????????1 ?\n ?k?Uu??+sG l?[%?u%iS??%{<??ÂI??&E?0?9\t?U%? ? ?-?? f 2uAM<P u?S??lFm~???p???? ? L _?? ?q? ?F?lX68??U???´??7 ??[??0Q\v??`.] L ?^ ?/???- ??~5?i\a\b\b?|?mRS3???wÀ???a?? (=wM?'? (?\a -kX0*???a?`??? w\0?? ?qa?? ?{??R ?d?,;?`p?}zx? ?? ?0?SV -???@??\f???@?\r??\n~?? ?? ? ? ????W?5?? ?T??? o x?k??S????F? ?Vv\0? ?-gR??????\f ???? \b_?????\0 ?A =?r_???v??b?sa?r ? o????i]?V???]????? 0Sh?* ????=m ??Às\"???m?-_?+ ; ?u?V<rp???tk??rQ}???? FH????mM?\aOiY??l? ?\b\"???C\a????I^k?z??????Q@\0$f' \0] 1lm???ea??\a\\Xm3????U?T?`?]d?xbvruT?\"????0?7A? ????'???6???P~?GY?O ??2?@?W??: |???HqQ>)'V<4?/ ??? ??? ????B/?.?\\?X?? ?*B} X????? Y\" ?^??q? n?#??\"?'????k?X?-b?z?J?k??z??7?o-?? ?? ?/?\0??!???? ??o?? 0IU??????@ ?\aL ????; x 8FU\a2sY\0??\vp%?5? 8BD?6>??I? ??\"? ?S?zU} ?? ?? o$ ?d f\n??X?[`????? t\0' ?-??\v` p??6 P?\0 @30 x 8 h ?\a?Uu??]n?: ?8p9?\0>6D? ?# ?? \a?\0?U??O } T ?????? \f\a? ]@5p 0 ?? _\n? g ? ? \0\a k?F?\a \\\a<?\a??}? ? ?#M?=???\f?8?3?1 ?LF ? ?kT5?? m?????? ??&?+@)??Y\r\\h@w 3M?e????o?? ??Z??? x??? \0??? ?e?2 ? ?f\f ?:?\"32 '?\" p*P\v<?A?|?? B;???6 ? ?|1 p ??_??\0l ??&?\0?2?;? ? QBDzIM??U?M ? (&?C?PUODN v ???Dd? V\t?k ?>?1`Cza??6??% Ye\0? l ?I?? ?*?M?4R?]Df????E ?c?ehG ry?mly??? ?R`d??RLj? 3z\f a? ??}?Fe???\t?\r?z??K?\0\0\0\0IEND?B`?\r\n

George Ionita

Jul 23, 2012, 3:32:50 AM7/23/12
Hi John,

From what I see, you are sending the target as 'null' for the account in the json payload. You need to also add the target id to which you want to post.

I suggest you first try to post without any attachments and make sure that goes through without any issues, then move on to attachments.

Please keep us posted with the progress.


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John R

Jul 23, 2012, 12:46:18 PM7/23/12
It works fine without any attachments and with links.

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John R

Jul 23, 2012, 12:49:02 PM7/23/12
I'm adjusting my code so it'll send the target ID as well and see if that resolves the issue, I'll update with my results in a few minutes.

John R

Jul 23, 2012, 1:14:24 PM7/23/12
Its still hanging when I submit with the target ID.

post = {\"destinations\":[{\"account\":{\"id\":\"1a21145d-c8f6-43ae-8b08-fdb3d1d724e5\",\"target\":{\"id\":\"701719046\"}}}],\"links\":null,\"message\":\"testing multi-post stuff\",\"scheduled\":\"2012-08-01T05:11:00.000Z\"}\r\nmultipart_boundary myFile = �PNG\r\n \n\0\0\0\rIHDR\0\0\00\0\0\0 \b \0\0\0j���\0\0\0 sBIT\b\b\b\b|\bd�\0\0\0\tpHYs\0\0\r�\0\0\r� B(�x\0\0\0 tEXtSoftware\��< \0\0 IDATX�͘Yl e � gf�-�RQ\n�VA\"��%R ���eQ\\� �˃F�(\bQ1FS�Ĩ�(\"q}�\aPQ�J �D�5�(!F�BAe��v�9>��֙�eF}�$��9�Y��o� U%��Ϋ�b\rxq�#\\[ U d���\n: \t�� @s?� x4߉=��~Qo$ F$,��ʺ���L�� ��/j˚���)� -\a�\vp\"�؁���E�����\r �@b��Y����x��0I ���b��\n �� Y7vO��O>��?l�u@0U+N ��Â\ahk^���q�Gh � ��(���( C 8t�ʩ��{[��|巗�I���-�J^0��&/��_�)�� ?D $\"\v���%C �t��������1 �\n �k�Uu��+sG l�[%�u%iS��%{<��ÂI��&E�0�9\t�U%� � �-�� f 2uAM<P u�S▷�lFm~���p���� � L _�� �q� �F�lX68��U���´��7 ��[ͮ�0Q\v��`.] L �^ �/���- ��~5�i\a\b\b�|�mRS3�۱�wÀ���a�� (=wM�'� (�\a -kX0*��a�`��� w\0?� �qa�� �{��R �d�,;�`p�}zx� �� Ѥ0�SV -���@��\f���@�\r��\n~�� �� � � �˸?�W�5�� �T��� o x�k��S����F� �Vv\0� �-gR������\f ���� \b_�����\0 �A =�r_���v��b�sa�r � o���ݕi]�V���]����� 0Sh?* ����=m ?�Às\"���m�-_�+ ; �u᪖V<rp��Ѽtk��rQ}���� FH����mM�\aOiY�ζl� �\b\"���C\a����I^k�z������Q@\0$f' \0] 1lm���ea��\a\\Xm3�?��Ư�T�`�]dꂚxbvruT�\"���߹0�7A� ����'���6���P~㫒GY�O ��2�@�W��: |���HqQ>)'V<4�/ ��� ��� н���B/�.�\\�X�� �*B} X����� Y\" �˄��q� n�#��\"�'����k�X�-b�z�J�k��z��7�o-�� �� �/�\0��!���� Х�o�� 0IU�����ș@ �\aL ��ڕ�; x 8FU\a2sY\0��\vp%�5� 8BD�6>��I� ��\"� �S�zU} �� �� o$ �d f\n��X�[`����� t\0' Ӂ-��\v` p��6 P�\0 @30 x 8 h �\a�Uu��]n�: �8p9�\0>6D� �# �� \a�\0�U��O } T ������ \f\a� ]@5p 0 �� _\n� g � � \0\a k�F�\a \\\a<�\a��}� � �#M�=���\f�8�3�1 �LF � �kT5�� m������ ��&�+@)��Y\r\\h@w 3M�e����oҺ� ��Z��� x��� \0��� �e�2 � �f\f �:�\"32 '�\" p*P\v<�A�|�ټ B;���6 � �|1 p ��_͈�\0l ��&�\0�2�;� � QBDzIM��U�M � (&�C�PUODN v ���Dd� V\t�k �>�1`Cza��6��% Ye\0� l �I�� �*�M�4Rӧ]Df����E �c�ehG ry�mly��� �R`d��RLj� 3z\f a� �ي}�Fe˥��\t�\r�z��K�\0\0\0\0IEND�B`�\r\n

George Ionita

Jul 24, 2012, 4:38:02 AM7/24/12
Hi there,

I've attached a dump of the request and response for a post that has an image attached which went through successfully. Please use it as a comparison base to identify the differences.

Let me know how it goes.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:14 PM, John R <> wrote:
Its still hanging when I submit with the target ID.

post = {\"destinations\":[{\"account\":{\"id\":\"1a21145d-c8f6-43ae-8b08-fdb3d1d724e5\",\"target\":{\"id\":\"701719046\"}}}],\"links\":null,\"message\":\"testing multi-post stuff\",\"scheduled\":\"2012-08-01T05:11:00.000Z\"}\r\nmultipart_boundary myFile = �PNG\r\n \n\0\0\0\rIHDR\0\0\00\0\0\0 \b \0\0\0j���\0\0\0 sBIT\b\b\b\b|\bd�\0\0\0\tpHYs\0\0\r�\0\0\r� B(�x\0\0\0 tEXtSoftware\��< \0\0 IDATX�͘Yl e � gf�-�RQ\n�VA\"��%R ���eQ\\� �˃F�(\bQ1FS�Ĩ�(\"q}�\aPQ�J �D�5�(!F�BAe��v�9>��֙�eF}�$��9�Y��o� U%��Ϋ�b\rxq�#\\[ U d���\n: \t�� @s?� x4߉=��~Qo$ F$,��ʺ���L�� ��/j˚���)� -\a�\vp\"�؁���E�����\r �@b��Y����x��0I ���b��\n �� Y7vO��O>��?l�u@0U+N ��Â\ahk^���q�Gh � ��(���( C 8t�ʩ��{[��|巗�I���-�J^0��&/��_�)�� ?D $\"\v���%C �t��������1 �\n �k�Uu��+sG l�[%�u%iS��%{<��ÂI��&E�0�9\t�U%� � �-�� f 2uAM<P u�S▷�lFm~���p���� � L _�� �q� �F�lX68��U���´��7 ��[ͮ�0Q\v��`.] L �^ �/���- ��~5�i\a\b\b�|�mRS3�۱�wÀ���a�� (=wM�'� (�\a -kX0*��a�`��� w\0?� �qa�� �{��R �d�,;�`p�}zx� �� Ѥ0�SV -���@��\f���@�\r��\n~�� �� � � �˸?�W�5�� �T��� o x�k��S����F� �Vv\0� �-gR������\f ���� \b_�����\0 �A =�r_���v��b�sa�r � o���ݕi]�V���]����� 0Sh?* ����=m ?�Às\"���m�-_�+ ; �u᪖V<rp��Ѽtk��rQ}���� FH����mM�\aOiY�ζl� �\b\"���C\a����I^k�z������Q@\0$f' \0] 1lm���ea��\a\\Xm3�?��Ư�T�`�]dꂚxbvruT�\"���߹0�7A� ����'���6���P~㫒GY�O ��2�@�W��: |���HqQ>)'V<4�/ ��� ��� н���B/�.�\\�X�� �*B} X����� Y\" �˄��q� n�#��\"�'����k�X�-b�z�J�k��z��7�o-�� �� �/�\0��!���� Х�o�� 0IU�����ș@ �\aL ��ڕ�; x 8FU\a2sY\0��\vp%�5� 8BD�6>��I� ��\"� �S�zU} �� �� o$ �d f\n��X�[`����� t\0' Ӂ-��\v` p��6 P�\0 @30 x 8 h �\a�Uu��]n�: �8p9�\0>6D� �# �� \a�\0�U��O } T ������ \f\a� ]@5p 0 �� _\n� g � � \0\a k�F�\a \\\a<�\a��}� � �#M�=���\f�8�3�1 �LF � �kT5�� m������ ��&�+@)��Y\r\\h@w 3M�e����oҺ� ��Z��� x��� \0��� �e�2 � �f\f �:�\"32 '�\" p*P\v<�A�|�ټ B;���6 � �|1 p ��_͈�\0l ��&�\0�2�;� � QBDzIM��U�M � (&�C�PUODN v ���Dd� V\t�k �>�1`Cza��6��% Ye\0� l �I�� �*�M�4Rӧ]Df����E �c�ehG ry�mly��� �R`d��RLj� 3z\f a� �ي}�Fe˥��\t�\r�z��K�\0\0\0\0IEND�B`�\r\n

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John R

Aug 2, 2012, 5:37:52 PM8/2/12
Using that as a guide I've been able to successfully upload media, thanks!

On to another topic, when I try to submit an edit to the message, the API shows:

    "created": "2012-01-05T09:00:44.728Z",
    "destinations": [{
        "account": {
            "id": "51299541-d534-4c42-abdb-7febb78ad584",
            "target": {
                "id": "407169696"
    "id": "955ecb45-f90c-4a2e-8955-12038c8a79b0",
    "links": [],
    "media": [],
    "message": "post with link",
    "owner": {
        "userUuid": "3d6dd825-fe8d-498f-adca-7e8141ec8303"
    "scheduled": "2012-01-05T08:57:16.198Z",
    "status": "SCHEDULED"

to update a post with an image and the example return shown shows the url for the image, etc in the return.

Except when I post an update like this it clears the image. Is there a way to post an update that only affects the text without re-attaching the image to the post?


On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 1:38:02 AM UTC-7, George Ionita wrote:
Hi there,

I've attached a dump of the request and response for a post that has an image attached which went through successfully. Please use it as a comparison base to identify the differences.

Let me know how it goes.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:14 PM, John R <> wrote:
Its still hanging when I submit with the target ID.

post = {\"destinations\":[{\"account\":{\"id\":\"1a21145d-c8f6-43ae-8b08-fdb3d1d724e5\",\"target\":{\"id\":\"701719046\"}}}],\"links\":null,\"message\":\"testing multi-post stuff\",\"scheduled\":\"2012-08-01T05:11:00.000Z\"}\r\nmultipart_boundary myFile = �PNG\r\n \n\0\0\0\rIHDR\0\0\00\0\0\0 \b \0\0\0j���\0\0\0 sBIT\b\b\b\b|\bd�\0\0\0\tpHYs\0\0\r�\0\0\r� B(�x\0\0\0 tEXtSoftware\��< \0\0 IDATX�͘Yl e � gf�-�RQ\n�VA\"��%R ���eQ\\� �˃F�(\bQ1FS�Ĩ�(\"q}�\aPQ�J �D�5�(!F�BAe��v�9>��֙�eF}�$��9�Y��o� U%��Ϋ�b\rxq�#\\[ U d���\n: \t�� @s?� x4߉=��~Qo$ F$,��ʺ���L�� ��/j˚���)� -\a�\vp\"�؁���E�����\r �@b��Y����x��0I ���b��\n �� Y7vO��O>��?l�u@0U+N ��Â\ahk^���q�Gh � ��(���( C 8t�ʩ��{[��|巗�I���-�J^0��&/��_�)�� ?D $\"\v���%C �t��������1 �\n �k�Uu��+sG l�[%�u%iS��%{<��ÂI��&E�0�9\t�U%� � �-�� f 2uAM<P u�S▷�lFm~���p���� � L _�� �q� �F�lX68��U���´��7 ��[ͮ�0Q\v��`.] L �^ �/���- ��~5�i\a\b\b�|�mRS3�۱�wÀ���a�� (=wM�'� (�\a -kX0*��a�`��� w\0?� �qa�� �{��R �d�,;�`p�}zx� �� Ѥ0�SV -���@��\f���@�\r��\n~�� �� � � �˸?�W�5�� �T��� o x�k��S����F� �Vv\0� �-gR������\f ���� \b_�����\0 �A =�r_���v��b�sa�r � o���ݕi]�V���]����� 0Sh?* ����=m ?�Às\"���m�-_�+ ; �u᪖V<rp��Ѽtk��rQ}���� FH����mM�\aOiY�ζl� �\b\"���C\a����I^k�z������Q@\0$f' \0] 1lm���ea��\a\\Xm3�?��Ư�T�`�]dꂚxbvruT�\"���߹0�7A� ����'���6���P~㫒GY�O ��2�@�W��: |���HqQ>)'V<4�/ ��� ��� н���B/�.�\\�X�� �*B} X����� Y\" �˄��q� n�#��\"�'����k�X�-b�z�J�k��z��7�o-�� �� �/�\0��!���� Х�o�� 0IU�����ș@ �\aL ��ڕ�; x 8FU\a2sY\0��\vp%�5� 8BD�6>��I� ��\"� �S�zU} �� �� o$ �d f\n��X�[`����� t\0' Ӂ-��\v` p��6 P�\0 @30 x 8 h �\a�Uu��]n�: �8p9�\0>6D� �# �� \a�\0�U��O } T ������ \f\a� ]@5p 0 �� _\n� g � � \0\a k�F�\a \\\a<�\a��}� � �#M�=���\f�8�3�1 �LF � �kT5�� m������ ��&�+@)��Y\r\\h@w 3M�e����oҺ� ��Z��� x��� \0��� �e�2 � �f\f �:�\"32 '�\" p*P\v<�A�|�ټ B;���6 � �|1 p ��_͈�\0l ��&�\0�2�;� � QBDzIM��U�M � (&�C�PUODN v ���Dd� V\t�k �>�1`Cza��6��% Ye\0� l �I�� �*�M�4Rӧ]Df����E �c�ehG ry�mly��� �R`d��RLj� 3z\f a� �ي}�Fe˥��\t�\r�z��K�\0\0\0\0IEND�B`�\r\n

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