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Niggers and the Bible and why I hate them

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Kenneth Pangborn

Sep 9, 2000, 6:05:54 AM9/9/00

"Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message
> Yopu all give me a lot of shit because I hate niggers. NOw I have
> PROOF!!!! That GOD hates them to!!!! God does NOT want ANY white man
> to EVER!!! MAERRY a Nigger!!!! Mr. MOROE THINKS he can fool everyone
> into believing that nigger marraiges are OK!!!! OFR course, MR. Moreo
> cannot READ the BOOK OF JOSHUA in teh BIBLE!!!!
> "Else if ye do in any wise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these
> nations, even these that remain among you, and shall makemarriages with
> them and go in unto them, and they unto you: Know for a certainty that
> the Lord your God will no more drive out any of these nations from
> before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto and scourges in
> your sides and thorns in your eyes until ye parish from off of this
> good land which the Lord your God hath given you.-Joshua 23:12,13


© 2000

Sep 9, 2000, 6:03:41 PM9/9/00
> Ken
<Bible dusted off and chapter read in context>

OK, It looks like God doesn't want his people to marry Midianites, Amorites,
and Philistines
(Thank God I don't have any of those kind in my neighborhood ! ).

Since you're such a biblical scholar, what do you make of : Numbers 12:1-16

In case you have trouble reading, here's the synopsis.
God punishes Moses's sister and brother because they objected strongly to
Moses marring a black (Cushite) woman.

And the punishment is; he makes the two of them *white* with leprosy.
Wow, talk about a cosmic sense of humor!

*For the geographically challenged, Midianites and Philistines were a
Semitic people very similar to the people of Israel, Amorites were
Indo-Europeans (gee, just like many of the posters to this newsgroup), and
Cushites were from deepest, darkest Ethiopia.>


Sep 9, 2000, 7:02:06 PM9/9/00

You fail to note Moses' wife was a Midianitess, not a Kushite, & Bible
scholars have wondered about the single reference to Zipporah being of
Kush. In extrabiblical legends this is explained by having him (in his
youth before he knew he was Jewish) leading armies into Kush for Pharaoh,
& marrying a princess of that nation; something of this myth underlies the
Jerusalem Targum's assertion that Moses' Kushite wife was someone other
than Zipporah. But Torah itself doesn't support this addition. Another
explanation for Zipporah being once called a Kushite is equally strained:
Just as women of Kush were different in the color of their skin, so was
Zipporah different in the excellence of her deeds, her nobility &
chastity, & the power of he voice [Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer 53; Midrash
Tehillim 7:14, 18; b. Moed Katan 16b].

There's clearly something missing in the scriptural text & no one will
ever really know what it was. Miriam & her brother Aaron rebelled against
Moses yes [Nm 12:2-9], but scripture does not clearly attest to the
reason. If it was instigated over a disagreement with Zipporah or another
wife assumed for that moment to have been Kushite; it may have been
because Moses had never circumcized his own sons, & it was Zipporah's job
to do this. Zipporah performed circumcisions with a sharp stone, that of
Gersham being recorded [Ex 4:24-25], indicating that this was originally a
task assigned to women. Some midrashists even suppose that Moses had been
put onto the Nile before he could be circumcized -- otherwise he could
never have passed as an Egyptian in Pharaoh's house -- & Zipporah was
supposed to perform the ritual on Moses, & he had not yet permitted her to
do this, or she was leery of performing it on a grown man rather than an
infant. Hence Aaron & Miriam kvetched at Moses because he was not
circumcized, & this was the same reason that an angel of the lord
attempted to kill Moses -- an episode likewise puzzling to textual
scholars & midrashists alike, with many theories why God was that pissed
with Moses at that moment. When Zipporah blooded the feet of Moses with
her son's foreskin, the word for "feet" is a common euphemism for
genitalia, increasing the implication that she blooded the foreskin, i.e.,
circumcised, Moses; & the word for circumcision in the critical passage is
plural [Ex 4:26], lending credence to Zipporah circumcizing more than just
her son.

There are several other theories as to the cause of the sedition, & of
God's anger with Moses. Miriam, Aaron & Moses were equal in their
authority over the Jews in the wilderness, but Moses was exerting
unilateral authority due to having had direct contact with God. Miriam &
Aaron were complaining of his having become a bit power-hungry; & the
reference to Moses' wife is not actually written in a negative sense, so
could mean that Zipporah was herself part of a conspiracy of sedition,
that Miriam spoke because of Zipporah encouraging her to do so, not on
account of Zipporah's status as a Midianitess such as Jews were prohibited
from marrying (let alone as a Kushite).

Also, contrary to your assumption, Aaron was not rendered leprous for his
crime of sedition. This was imposed only on Miriam. Again, midrash steps
in the resolve the puzzle of why only Miriam was punished, or if it was
even a punishment. A more scholarly explanation has to do with Miriam's
exile outside the camp lasting seven days, at which time her leprosy
vanished. This is comparable to Hagar who left the encampment of Sarah for
seven days to wander in the wilderness, there to encounter angels of the
lord. What Miriam may have undergone was a very ancient rite of mystical
passage not really related to her sedition except as the most nominal &
ritualistic of excuses.

What this episode actually implies is an ascetic practice similar to that
of Hagar. Miriam like Hagar went into the desert of her own volition in
order to induce prophetic visions; and Miriam's curable "leprosy" was
merely the weakness of extreme asceticism from which she shortly
recovered. Thus Miriam's seven days outside the camp [Nm 12:14-15]
parallels the seven-day priest-consecretation [Ex 29:35], as does Hagar's
association with Beersheba, "the well of seven." That Miriam was a
priestess who gave public ministry in song is clear; so she passed through
this aescetic ritual as a matter of female parallel to male priest's seven
day consecretation. The Israelites ceased their wanderings during the time
that Miriam was upon her ascetic mission [Nm 12:15], in essence waiting
for her rite to run its course & for her to achieve whatever visionary
experiences were required, & even the Pillar of Cloud stood motionless
awaiting Miriam's return [Midrash Tehillim 15:4].

None of this has to do with any banning of marriage on the basis of skin
color. Torah has many, many bans on who can marry whom -- a priest cannot
marry outside of his caste for instance, & to this day in Israel a Cohen
can't get permission within his faith to marry a Meier or Solomon, let
alone a Smith, Johnson, or or Kurtz. And by Torah no Jewish woman can
marry outside her lineage as that would entail removing wealth (in the
Jewish matrilinear system) from one family to another; & no male Jew could
marry outside the Jewish faith EXCEPT to find brides among West Semitic
royal houses related to Abraham but which remained pagan (as was the case
of Rachel, Rebekah, & several others). Jewish men clearly married
Canaanite women all the time (as did Judah) but the stories of these
marriages are morally ambiguous or even troublesome, & the high priest was
empowered to kill these mixed-religion couples under certain
circumstances. In every case the bans were of marrying outside the lineage
for reasons of inheritance, or outside the faith so as to preserve the
cultic distinctions of primitive Judaism. Not only was there NO ban on
marrying cross-racially, there are several instances of cross-racial
marriages in scripture. Sometimes conversion to Judaism was expected (as
when Ruth the Moabitess wed Boaz), sometimes it is assumed that conversion
took place (though in reality you'd be hard pressed to find evidence that
Rachel & Rebekah converted to the God of Abraham), & elsetimes, as with
Solomon's fascination for foreign women, such women just kept worshipping
as they always had done -- though these marriages would never be strictly
kosher until or unless the brides eventually converted.

-paghat the ratgirl

Bill Wood

Sep 10, 2000, 1:25:23 AM9/10/00
Anyone who actually STUDIES the Bible KNOWS that the reason for this had
NOTHING to do with the color of their skin, it was a CULTURAL issue. They
had different beliefs that were repugnant to Judaism and to God. They
worshipped various other gods.

That does NOT justify People using the Bible to try to find a reason to HATE
someone because of the color of their skin!!! PERIOD!!! It Does justify a
hatred of EVIL. And evil people are not black. They can come in ANY color
or nationality. Look at Hitler and Lawyers (LIARS) Klinton... Those are
the faces of evil... Look at the sick and twisted NOW FEMINISTS who want to
destroy children and families, THAT IS EVIL!!!

The REAL issue here in alt.dads-rights.unmoderated is FATHERS!!!

The fact is, while people are distracted by all of these silly little flame
wars, and political banter, another 5,000 families, and with the average
number of children being short of 2, another 10,000 children will be wiped
out tonight by a sick, hideously twisted, deranged and inherently EVIL
"Family" Court system which are actually family RAPE CENTERS!!!

Go in and see a family butcher lawyer, who will take you to the family
executioner judge at the family slaughterhouse. Once the family is
butchered, then the RAPE of your future begins with the plundering of the
house (second mortgage or just sell it to pay the family butcher lawyers),
the rape of the father through enforced child support for NO WRONG DOING,
and likely a whacked mommy who initiated the divorce in the first place to
"find herself" because she just wasn't happy. Oh, I mean the CHILD ABUSING
mommy because NUMEROUS studies show that divorce is DESTRUCTIVE and DAMAGING
to children for THEIR WHOLE LIFE!!! That makes mommy trying to "find
herself" a CHILD ABUSER!!

With the courts ROUTINELY awarding custody to mommy (~90% of the time) and

"© 2000" <> wrote in message

© 2000

Sep 10, 2000, 4:19:03 PM9/10/00
Perhaps this verse is worded differently in the Torah than in the old
testement copies that I have lying around because these versions state:
<begin quote> "Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the
Cushite woman he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman)" . <end
Numbers 12:1

Why would you think this woman is the same as Zipporah ( a Midianite)
mentioned in Exodus ?

Other than the fact your response was interesting in it's creativity it
really had nothing to do with my original posting. Which I made to point out
that unless your plan is to cleanse the land of idoloters and drive out the
Baal worshipers, the bible really lacks a suggestion that God approves of
hating people for their skin color.

paghat <> wrote in message

> In article <>, "© 2000" <>

You fail to note Moses' wife was a Midianitess, not a Kushite, & Bible
> scholars have wondered about the single reference to Zipporah being of
> Kush. In extrabiblical legends this is explained by having him (in his
> youth before he knew he was Jewish) leading armies into Kush for Pharaoh,
> & marrying a princess of that nation; something of this myth underlies the
> Jerusalem Targum's assertion that Moses' Kushite wife was someone other
> than Zipporah. But Torah itself doesn't support this addition. Another
> explanation for Zipporah being once called a Kushite is equally strained:
> Just as women of Kush were different in the color of their skin, so was
> Zipporah different in the excellence of her deeds, her nobility &
> chastity, & the power of he voice [Pirke de Rabbi Eliezer 53; Midrash
> Tehillim 7:14, 18; b. Moed Katan 16b].



Sep 10, 2000, 4:54:49 PM9/10/00
In article <>, "© 2000" <> wrote:

> Perhaps this verse is worded differently in the Torah than in the old
> testement copies that I have lying around because these versions state:
> <begin quote> "Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the
> Cushite woman he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman)" . <end
> quote>
> Numbers 12:1
> Why would you think this woman is the same as Zipporah ( a Midianite)
> mentioned in Exodus ?

The term 'Kushite' did not only indicate Ethiopic peoples but included
Midianites & Arabic peoples [compare Hab 3:7] & there is really no
evidence in Torah that Moses's "Kushite" wife was anyone other than
Zipporah. But in my post I also addressed the EXTRA-biblical sources --
Josephus as well as rabbinical midrashists -- who assumed an actual
Meroitic wife, so that historically the rabbinical authorities have been
torn between inventing entirely new tales about a wife other than
Zipporah, or as a special epithet for Zipporah with hidden meaning. It's
interesting to ponder both possibilities & not reject either, but
scripture itself just doesn't indicate Moses had more than one wife, nor
does a careful reading of "because of the Kushite woman whom he had
married" really have a negative connotation about the Kushite woman in any
case, & the verse immediately after shows that Miriam & Aaron's sedition
was in insisting God did NOT speak only to Moses, & for all the text
conveys, prefacing this sedition with mention of Moses's wife could mean
that Zipporah in some way instigated the sedition herself -- Moses had
after all put her aside & no longer lived up to his husbandly duties,
being devoted entirely to God (midrashists say to the Shekhinah so that
Moses becomes the literal lover of the female manifestation of God, though
their affair was not consumated until the moment of Moses' death when the
Shekhinah kissed the breath or soul from out of his body). If Zipporah was
too greatly saddened to have been put aside in favor of God, Aaron &
Miriam may only have criticized Moses's insistance on a special
relationship with God because they shared this relationship but did not
require them to shun other duties as well.

> Other than the fact your response was interesting in it's creativity it
> really had nothing to do with my original posting. Which I made to point out
> that unless your plan is to cleanse the land of idoloters and drive out the
> Baal worshipers, the bible really lacks a suggestion that God approves of
> hating people for their skin color.

But of course & indeed only a racist s.o.b. pig-boinking dolt thinks Torah
supports prejudice on the basis of color. I posted my disertation in no
way critical of your assertion but as an amusement of my own since it was
something I'd previously researched in-depth -- the "Kushite woman" verse
that is.

-paghat the ratgirl

Bill Wood

Sep 10, 2000, 8:18:57 PM9/10/00
AMEN! And this is absolutely the truth too. It is clearly supported by the
entire Bible taken in context. Especially when you examine the REASONS God
gave the instruction and it was **specifically** noted that they would be
led astray to worship other gods.

Solomon was a prime example of this happening. It had NOTHING to do with
skin color.


© 2000

Sep 10, 2000, 9:48:34 PM9/10/00

paghat <> wrote in message
> In article <>, "© 2000" <>
I posted my disertation in no
> way critical of your assertion but as an amusement of my own since it was
> something I'd previously researched in-depth >

It shows, i know know more about this obscure anecdote than I'd ever thought


Bob Sawin

Sep 11, 2000, 3:14:03 PM9/11/00
And this idiot hates clear, rational thought and his spell checker. Maybe if
he prays hard enough GOD will, in his mercy and compassion, will kick start
his brain and send him some reference books.


Kenneth Pangborn

Sep 11, 2000, 8:04:22 PM9/11/00
"Bob Sawin" <> wrote in message

> And this idiot hates clear, rational thought and his spell checker. Maybe
if he prays hard enough GOD will, in his mercy and compassion, will kick
start his brain and send him some reference books.

> Bob

> "Nomen Nescio" <> wrote in message

(also known as David Moore said:)

> > Yopu all give me a lot of shit because I hate niggers. NOw I have
PROOF!!!! That GOD hates them to!!!! God does NOT want ANY white man to
EVER!!! MAERRY a Nigger!!!! Mr. MOROE THINKS he can fool everyone into
believing that nigger marraiges are OK!!!! OFR course, MR. Moreo > cannot

> > "Else if ye do in any wise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these

nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriages with

them and go in unto them, and they unto you: Know for a certainty that the
Lord your God will no more drive out any of these nations from before you;
but they shall be snares and traps unto and scourges in your sides and
thorns in your eyes until ye parish from off of this
good land which the Lord your God hath given you.-Joshua 23:12,13

> > Ken
Well here is something for the "WISE MEN" of the remailer newsgroup to chew
on as their HEAD WIZARD emailed me today:
-------------- --------------- -------------------
> [Original Message]
> From: Anonymous <>
> To: <>
> Date: 9/11/00 10:13:04 AM
> Subject: hi again, ken!

> Ken, your childish rants don't matter. The people on
alt.privacy.anon-server will believe me before they believe you. What is
so FUNNY is that they think you are an IDIOT!!!!

> Oh, well, i the meantime, I'll just send a couple more e-mails to the

> Sincerely,
> David Moore
Yep Davey, the people on the remailer newsgroup are WAY too smart for me
if thjey support YOU! WAY too smart! Gee they must all be sub-geniuises!

How PROUD Steve and Mike must be for this intellectual effort from you

James C. Nevermann

Sep 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/13/00
The original poster is quoting the Bible?

Hey, I can too!

The Bible says that "Judas went and hanged himself."
The Bible also says "Go thou and do likewise."

Jim Nevermann [usual disclaimers]

Sep 14, 2000, 12:05:16 AM9/14/00
In article <39bd2f59$>,

Well, I'm white, and to tell you the truth, if Iman ever dumped that
loser Bowie, I'd be calling her...

> >
> >
> >
> >

Sent via
Before you buy.

Public Enemy

Sep 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/17/00
WOW!...this guy must be the typical hate monger...dropped out of school in
the 5th grade...and that's giving him a little credit. May I ask a favor of
you?... when your able to speak english and not Ebonics you come back for a
real debate. ok ok I forgot who I was talking to....Wen yu get sum
edumacation...come bac ya hear!

H. McDaniel

Sep 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/17/00

> > Well, I'm white, and to tell you the truth, if Iman ever dumped that
> > loser Bowie, I'd be calling her...

Public Enemy wrote:
> WOW!...this guy must be the typical hate monger...dropped out of school in
> the 5th grade...and that's giving him a little credit. May I ask a favor of
> you?... when your able to speak english and not Ebonics you come back for a
> real debate. ok ok I forgot who I was talking to....Wen yu get sum
> edumacation...come bac ya hear!
> ...

In other words you don't know who Iman is. Maybe you don't even know who
Bowie is. They're people dufus.


Sep 29, 2016, 12:24:53 AM9/29/16
All of those people were black, or "niggers" in your twisted state, so your words are ignorant and irrelevant. Learn REAL history, and quit relying on hype, hope and your half-baked hypotheses.
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