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Rightists Lies Exposed Again As Obama Increased NASA Budget - $6 Billion More Than Bush Administration Included In The Budget In 2009 - All Bush Did Was Cut, Cut, Cut NASA's Funding And Demand More, More, More.

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Mar 16, 2012, 9:14:46 PM3/16/12

Rightists have nothing so they just make shit up.

Rightists Lies Exposed Again As Obama Increased NASA Budget - $6
Billion More Than Bush Administration Included In The Budget In 2009
- All Bush Did Was Cut, Cut, Cut NASA's Funding And Demand More,
More, More.

Obama Increases NASA budget - $6 billion more than Bush
Administration included in the budget in 2009

NASA Budget Beneficiaries: Science, Research and Technology
By Brian Berger and Amy Klamper

WASHINGTON U.S. President Barack Obama s decision to scrap the
Constellation program and rely on commercial firms to deliver
astronauts to low Earth orbit leaves the agency s science and
technology research and development programs big winners in his 2011
budget request.

Obama is asking the U.S. Congress for $19 billion for NASA for
year ahead, a 1.5 percent increase over the agency s 2010 budget.
While Congress approves federal spending only on an annual basis,
Obama s proposal lays out a five-year budget for NASA that totals
$100 billion, some $6 billion more than he included in the budget he
sent Congress last year.

White House officials said the president s budget provides for a
renewed commitment to Earth observation, expands commercial space
initiatives and enhances utilization of an international space
station the United States intends to keep supporting through at
least 2020. It also includes sustained investments in new technology
programs, robotic missions, propulsion research and so-called green


Earth observation fared best in Obama s budget for NASA s
Mission Directorate, which also manages the agency s robotic
planetary probes and space-based astronomy telescopes.

Obama is asking Congress for $5 billion for NASA science
in 2011, an 11 percent increase over this year s budget of $4.49
billion. The biggest chunk of the $512 million increase would be
used to boost the Earth Science Division s budget to $1.8 billion, a
27 percent increase over 2010.

The Planetary Science Division would get the second-biggest
increase, 11 percent, to $1.485 billion. NASA s heliophysics budget
would grow by around 2 percent to $641.9 million, while the agency s
astrophysics budget which funds the Hubble Space Telescope and other
space-based observatories would see its $1.1 billion budget shrink
by about $28 million.

Ed Weiler, NASA s associate administrator for science, said the
budget request includes an additional $2 billion for the Science
Mission Directorate over the next five years, compared with Obama s
previous budget projections.

It s a major increase to the science budget, Weiler told
reporters during a Feb. 2 teleconference, adding that the boost for
Earth Science in particular makes up for years of declining budgets
over the last decade at a time when scientists were learning how
important Earth monitoring is to climate research.

NASA s planetary science budget, in contrast, fared slightly
better in last year s budget, with about $60 million more between
2011 and 2014 than the division stands to receive now.

Weiler said the additional Earth science money, meanwhile, would
accelerate new climate monitoring satellites and expand a recently
initiated Venture-class program of modestly priced, scientist-led

The 2011 budget proposal also includes money for building a
duplicate of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite destroyed in
a February 2009 launch failure.

Weiler was not prepared, however, to answer questions about what
specific new Earth science missions NASA would tackle, and when, as
a result of the proposed windfall.

All excellent questions, and we are working the details of that
with our partners in the federal government, mainly the [White
House] Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Science and
Technology Policy, Weiler said. We expect to be able to get much
more specific literally within weeks, not months.

Weiler said Obama s budget plan includes new money to identify
catalog asteroids and comets that could threaten Earth; restarts
production of plutonium-238 with the U.S. Department of Energy for
future deep space missions; completes preparations for a late 2011
launch of the over-budget and behind-schedule Mars Science
Laboratory; and moves the U.S.-European Mars 2016 mission into

Aeronautics Research, Space Technology

NASA s budget includes a new $1.1 billion account divided
50-50 the first year between aeronautics research and cross-cutting
space technology. Starting in 2012, however, the space technology
work increases to $1 billion alone, while the aeronautic work would
remain relatively flat.

NASA officials said the agency intends to use prize
public-private partnerships and other approaches to develop next-
generation technologies to make space activities more affordable for


NASA s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD), which
created in response to President George W. Bush s 2004 call for
returning to the Moon, underwent the most radical change in the
budget proposal.

Instead of spending $5.5 billion on continued development of the
Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle and Ares 1 and Ares 5 rockets, Obama
is canceling the Constellation program and proposing Exploration
Systems receive $4.26 billion. Of that amount, $1.9 billion is
earmarked for shutting down Constellation, with another $600 million
for closeout costs budgeted for 2012.

NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver said Feb. 1 the agency
intends to seek permission from Congress to use some of ESMD s 2010
budget to pay for shutting down Constellation.

Doug Cooke, associate administrator for exploration systems,
that until Congress signs off on the cancellation, NASA will
continue Constellation work covered under the 2010 budget, including
completing the program s preliminary design review in March.

We ll be developing a transition exercise to look at everything
that s been developed in terms of studies, design and hardware to
see where it might be used in the future, he said Feb. 2.

Not counting the Constellation closeout money, ESMD s 2011
includes several new initiatives, including a Commercial Crew
program expected to top $6 billion over five years; a Heavy Lift and
Propulsion Technology program focused on first-stage engines and in-
space propulsion; a Technology Demonstration program to develop and
test breakthrough capabilities such as in-orbit refueling and
propellant storage; and a revitalized Robotic Precursor program that
Garver said would include a lunar lander mission.

Space Operations

NASA s Space Operations Mission Directorate s budget is set to
drop 20 percent in 2011, a reflection of the space shuttle program s
coming to an end. Still, Obama is seeking $4.8 billion for space
operations next year, a budget that includes additional money for
the space station and to cover the cost of space shuttle missions
that spill over into 2011. NASA s space station budget is set to
rise to $2.78 billion next year, a 20 percent increase, and would
continue to rise under Obama s proposal to $3.2 billion in 2014
before receding slightly.

William Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for space
operations, said the new budget includes a total of $2 billion more
for the space station than was included in projections accompanying
NASA s 2010 budget.

The additional funds, he said, would be used to upgrade space
station ground support and on-board systems while enhancing the
orbital outpost s scientific research and technology demonstration

Alan Erskine

Mar 17, 2012, 7:40:11 AM3/17/12
On 17/03/2012 12:14 PM, Ken wrote:
> Rightists have nothing so they just make shit up.

But most of them have the courage to use their real ID, you Eternal
September coward.

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