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Leathal Doctors.

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Oct 10, 2016, 10:37:21 PM10/10/16
Re: Why fat Stallman has lived longer than thin Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs could afford doctors, Stallman less so.

Doctors can _shorten_ your life, I think.

Then again, who knows ? !  It's random.

Quoting " Steve Jobs: His Treatment Plan, Where It Went Wrong "

  The type of cancer Job’s had was of the hormone 
  producing cells of the pancreas, which has a life 
  expectancy of 3 to 6 months, on average. 

  Steve lived for twenty years with this cancer !

  It seems that he did not have chemotherapy 
  or radiation treatment at all.
  Two years before Steve succumbed to cancer 
  he had to have a liver transplant operation.  

  Would Steve jobs be alive today had he not elected to have 
  a risky liver transplant, followed by immune suppressant drugs ?  
  Just days after Job’s death, traditional doctors are 
  coming out of the woodwork and have been quoted with 
  saying that the immune-suppressant anti-rejection 
  drugs Steve had to take, after his liver transplant 
  surgery, may have cost him his life.  >>

Michael Moroney

Oct 10, 2016, 11:59:24 PM10/10/16
Jeff-Relf.Me <@.> writes:

>Doctors can _shorten_ your life, I think.

> The type of cancer Job's had was of the hormone
> producing cells of the pancreas, which has a life
> expectancy of 3 to 6 months, on average.

Jobs actually had a rare form of pancreatic cancer that, unlike most
pancreatic cancers, is treatable. However, Jobs decided to try natural
cures such as herbal remedies and acupuncture, instead of chemotherapy
or surgery, for months. The cancer worsened. Many believe this likely
shortened his life.


Oct 11, 2016, 7:37:46 AM10/11/16
You ( Michael Moroney ) told me:
> Jobs actually had a rare form of pancreatic cancer that, 
> unlike most pancreatic cancers, is treatable.  
> However, Jobs decided to try natural cures such as herbal remedies
> and acupuncture, instead of chemotherapy or surgery, for months.
> The cancer worsened.  Many believe this likely shortened his life.

Steve Jobs' (rare) type of cancer grew very slowly;
most doctors say the 6 month delay didn't matter.

When his pancreas was removed, they found liver cancer.
After the transplant, he lived 2 more years, as expected.
The required immune supression drugs can _cause_ cancer.

Basically, his liver ( and immune system ) failed.

There are _plenty_ of unknowns, of course;
so I wonder if drugs might've harmed his liver.


Oct 11, 2016, 7:55:01 AM10/11/16
Takuya Saitoh, 

I don't know but, if I had to guess,
Steve Jobs' liver failed due to the drugs he took,
given to him by his loyal doctors.

Michael Jackson's doctors did the same.
Money can kill you, you see.
Richard Stallman doesn't have that problem.

Likewise, millennials are too rich, 
drugs are all they have.
Being too rich is _worse_ than being too fat.
P.S. Human ignorance, a.k.a. randomness,
     is part of the _static_ (4d) TimeScape.


Oct 11, 2016, 8:16:59 AM10/11/16
Michael Moroney

When the doctor told me I had cancer he was SO nervous. I had to calm him down a bit. My cancer is a rare form of skin cancer. 1 out of 100,000 rare. But he told me that despite the aggressive and late stage nature of it, there was an excellent chance of beating it.

I then went on to consult 3 other doctors including two oncology doctors and my friend/family doctor who I had for over 30 years. I asked him straight up... If I did nothing, how long would I have to live. He said MAYBE 6 months?

So for me there was really no choice. Get slammed with both barrels and heavy doses of radiation and chemo... Or die.

There were times when I was dry heaving so hard that my toes would curl and I wanted die. But I figured if old people could go through this, so could I.

Again. I took the position that this cancer was ISIS and me and my team of special operators would defeat it using our superior technology and nuke the shit out of it. It helped me through my darkest hours. The cancer was trying to take me from my children and the girl I love. I HAD TO FIGHT IT!


Oct 11, 2016, 9:27:33 AM10/11/16
same thing w Steve McQueen

there are aggressive cancers out there, some only take a month or two,
some 6 months, screen more often.

Michael Moroney

Oct 11, 2016, 10:20:46 AM10/11/16
Jeff-Relf.Me <@.> writes:

>> Jobs actually had a rare form of pancreatic cancer that,
>> unlike most pancreatic cancers, is treatable.
>> However, Jobs decided to try natural cures such as herbal remedies
>> and acupuncture, instead of chemotherapy or surgery, for months.
>> The cancer worsened. Many believe this likely shortened his life.

>Steve Jobs' (rare) type of cancer grew very slowly;
>most doctors say the 6 month delay didn't matter.

Depends on the doctors. Some said that "led to an unnecessarily
early death", one even said "he essentially committed suicide".

>When his pancreas was removed, they found liver cancer.

The cancer metastasized. You want to get rid of the cancer
before it has a chance to do that, metastasized cancer destroys
other organs (in Jobs' case his liver) and will kill you.

>After the transplant, he lived 2 more years, as expected.
>The required immune supression drugs can _cause_ cancer.

Organ transplants have very bad side effects, largely from
antirejection drugs. Something like a liver transplant is
only done when the only alternative is death from a failed

>Basically, his liver ( and immune system ) failed.

Caused by liver cancer.
Caused by pancreatic cancer.


Oct 11, 2016, 10:52:47 AM10/11/16
Acupuncture and herbs.
"Put those herbs on
my twice-daily steak, please, Jeeves!"

'Studies show that people who eat too much meat are 20 percent more likely to develop cancer, especially if they eat a lot of red meat. Pancreatic cancer, in particular, has been linked to heavy meat consumption. Meat also contains lots of saturated fat and cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease.'

Oh, no. Don't change your diet! It's a
conspiracy!! We LOVE our cows to DEATH!!

Michael Moroney

Oct 11, 2016, 11:35:47 AM10/11/16
Jobs also went vegan for 9 months, John. His cancer got worse. I thought
you said going vegan would cure cancer? It didn't work for Jobs!


Oct 11, 2016, 11:39:59 AM10/11/16
Harlow Campbell "HVAC" <> wrote:
Michael Moroney wrote: <see prior posts in thread>
Jeff-Relf.Me <@.> writes: <see prior posts in thread>

Harlow wrote:
When the doctor told me I had cancer he was SO nervous.
I had to calm him down a bit. My cancer is a rare form of
skin cancer. But he told me that despite the aggressive
and late stage nature of it, there was an excellent
chance of beating it.

I then went on to consult 3 other doctors including two
oncology doctors and my friend/family doctor who I had
for over 30 years. I asked him straight up... If I did nothing,
how long would I have to live. He said MAYBE 6 months?

So for me there was really no choice. Get slammed with both
barrels and heavy doses of radiation and chemo... Or die.

There were times when I was dry heaving so hard that my
toes would curl and I wanted die. But I figured if old people
could go through this, so could I.

Again. I took the position that this cancer was ISIS and me
and my team of special operators would defeat it using our
superior technology and nuke the shit out of it. It helped
me through my darkest hours. The cancer was trying to
take me from my children and the girl I love.
"john" <> wrote:
In the future they will marvel
that people would irradiate themselves,
poison themselves
and have pieces permanently removed
from their bodies,
rather than change their diet.
hanson wrote:
Sefton, WTF are you yelping about again....
So how can a change in diet change the
marveling of billions of Abrahamic Cultists
change their idiotic habit of mutilating their
newborn boys by "having pieces permanently
removed from their bodies, such as their
foreskins?... sheesh...
Harlow wrote:
There is nothing that indicates my cancer came from not eating vegan.

And I had decided not to do chemo and radiation, I'd be suffering right now
from this aggressive cancer and dead in a couple months.

I heard from all manner of people on their opinion on how to treat cancer.
Some said I should smoke massive amounts of weed. Others like you said go
vegan. I listened to the advice of four people with doctorate degree in
various fields of medicine. They laid out a course of action that they felt
gave me the best chance to live another 20+ years. I took their advice. I
suffered through going to radiation EVERY SINGLE DAY for 7 weeks. I ensured
the heavy doses of chemo they gave me due to the aggressive and late stage
nature of my cancer.
This left me with a burned out throat and so sick to my stomach I was in the
hospital for 24 of 30 days. It's the hardest thing I've ever endured. And
guess what? In two months when they do a follow up PET scan, it may show the
cancer is still active and I'll have to undergo treatment all over again.

I have no illusions. When I went to the emergency room last time after non
stop dry heaving for 24 hours, I had them put my status as DNR. Can you
guess what that means?

But as I sit here today, peg tube in my stomach, picc line in my right
bicep, I am happy. Yep happy.

Nothing anyone can do can stop me from being happy.

Who all here can say the same?

They had me on phentnyl patches, morphine and Dilaudid. It was fun for a
while in the hospital but I was all fucked up. I stopped all pain meds. I'll
deal with the pain. It does hurt. But I'll deal
hanson wrote:
Now, Harlow, in your pre-op days you mention that
your back or spine was fucked up due to your
past lifestyle.
So, did your current loss of 40 lbs body weight
heal or at least ameliorate your back problem.
Also since you were for months on intravenous
feeding & a peg tube in you stomach, how did that
no fiber/roughage nutrition affect you fecal elimination?
Did the tiny black turdlets irritate your Sigmoid or
Sphincter, so that Enemas or Fleets were need?

--- news:// - complaints: ---


Oct 11, 2016, 11:55:11 AM10/11/16
Also since you were for months on intravenous
feeding & a peg tube in you stomach, how did that
no fiber/roughage nutrition affect you fecal elimination?
Did the tiny black turdlets irritate your Sigmoid or
Sphincter, so that Enemas or Fleets were need?

It's not IV feeding. It's a tube into my stomach. About 3" over my belly button. Since I quit their heavy pain killers, I have no problem with constipation. That's important in ridding myself of the radiation and chemo toxins. I tried to eat soup yesterday but too early. Once I can eat, I will be free


Oct 11, 2016, 12:34:49 PM10/11/16
Harlow Campbell "HVAC" <> wrote:
Hanson wrote:
Also since you were for months on intravenous
feeding & **a peg tube in your stomach**, how did that
no fiber/roughage nutrition affect you fecal elimination?
Did the tiny black turdlets irritate your Sigmoid or
Sphincter, so that Enemas or Fleets were need?
Harlow wrote:
It's not IV feeding. It's a tube into my stomach. About 3"
over my belly button. Since I quit their heavy pain killers,
I have no problem with constipation. That's important in
ridding myself of the radiation and chemo toxins.
I tried to eat soup yesterday but too early.
Once I can eat, I will be free.
hanson wrote:
I love your attitude and fighting spirit. Hurrah, Harlow!
Now go and kick ass of john Sefton, Double-Asshole,
Pig-shit-Anon-Yidd Mouse & Full Swine Glazier who
wants to shit into your mouth, and can't bring himself
to say, that "Glazier made a wrong prediction".
Go sic'em Harlow, so that we'll have some pizzazz
and fun back in s.p. again.... ahahahahanson


Oct 11, 2016, 1:04:16 PM10/11/16
hanson wrote:
I love your attitude and fighting spirit. Hurrah, Harlow!
Now go and kick ass of john Sefton, Double-Asshole,
Pig-shit-Anon-Yidd Mouse & Full Swine Glazier who
wants to shit into your mouth, and can't bring himself
to say, that "Glazier made a wrong prediction".
Go sic'em Harlow, so that we'll have some pizzazz
and fun back in s.p. again.... ahahahahanson

First of all, I hate no one on this group. Having said that in no way will prevent me from speaking my mind and dishing my own existential take on physics, astrophysics, any science related topics, and the HVAC philosophy of life.

Don't let the days go bye. Enjoy every day. Be happy


Oct 11, 2016, 3:49:30 PM10/11/16
Michael Moroney,

Steve Jobs' pancreatic cancer was found accidently,
when scanning for kidney stones.

The liver cancer was also found _accidently_,
when they removed his pancreas.

So how could you know if the liver cancer wasn't there first,
before the _slow_ growing pancreatic cancer ?

The Tennessee doctor who gave Job's the liver
of a 20 year old car accident victim
had been given a free mansion; -- hidden bias ? !

Michael Jackson and Prince got any drugs they wanted,
lethal doses, because they could afford it.
You can _buy_ your way into the grave.


Oct 11, 2016, 4:52:24 PM10/11/16
The only skin cancer I've heard of spreading is melanoma. Is that what you had? I had a basil cell carcinoma on my face a couple years ago. It grew for about 9 months before it was diagnosed. It was easily removed by a simple surgery in a doctor's office. I didn't have to go through all the discomfort you did.



Oct 11, 2016, 5:33:59 PM10/11/16
- show quoted text -
The only skin cancer I've heard of spreading is melanoma. Is that what you had? I had a basil cell carcinoma on my face a couple years ago. It grew for about 9 months before it was diagnosed. It was easily removed by a simple surgery in a doctor's office. I didn't have to go through all the discomfort you did.


No. It was/is an extremey rare form of skin cancer. Picture it above the roof of your mouth. It had spread into my lymph nodes


Oct 11, 2016, 6:16:21 PM10/11/16
M said
"Jobs also went vegan for 9 months, John. His cancer got worse. I thought
you said going ....'

Yes, if done right


Oct 11, 2016, 6:27:43 PM10/11/16
On 10/10/2016 10:37 PM, Jeff-Relf.Me wrote:
> Re: Why fat Stallman has lived longer than thin Steve Jobs.
> Steve Jobs could afford doctors, Stallman less so.
> Doctors can _shorten_ your life, I think.
> Then again, who knows ? ! It's random.

First you tell us all the universe is some gigantic machine where
everything is all determined and nobody has any choice and now you are
trying to sell that it's random. Rolf you are STILL a moron.

Rolf, we make our own problems. We get to choose and then live (or die)
with our choices.


Oct 11, 2016, 6:30:39 PM10/11/16
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The Stinger - Scourge of Teh Usenets
_ _
HALP! ( | / )
\\ \|/,' __
\_o_/ (")(_)-"()))=-
) <-YOU <\\
_____ \ ________________________________


Oct 11, 2016, 6:44:50 PM10/11/16
Opioid avoidance is a good plan. They essentially paralyze your gut and
create major constipation as a result. Also in some people cause bad
psychological reactions. Minimizing their use is always best if you can
deal with the pain. No question HVAC can handle it! Americans have
become such pain Wuses that doctors way over-prescribe opioids.

Michael Moroney

Oct 11, 2016, 7:14:42 PM10/11/16
john <> writes:

>M said
>"Jobs also went vegan for 9 months, John. His cancer got worse. I thought
>you said going ....'
[ ... vegan would cure cancer? It didn't work for Jobs! ]

(why the snippage?)

>Yes, if done right

Oh, I love it! "If done right"! So going vegan can never fail!! If
someone goes vegan and the cancer mysteriously vanishes, that happened
because the person went vegan, right? And if someone went vegan and the
cancer raged out of control, it was because it wasn't "done right"!!
Right, John?

Sounds like a lot of religions.

John, if you told a cancer sufferer that "going vegan" would cure their
cancer, and they went 100% vegan instead of doing the chemo/radiation, and
that person died a painful, miserable death as the cancer spread
mercilessly, would you even feel any guilt at all?


Oct 11, 2016, 8:33:25 PM10/11/16
Michael you're an idiot.
9 months is nothing.
If it's not working, you're
screwing up somewhere.

I was getting worse again for awhile,
and finally, after about 6 months, I
figured it out- I was using Safflower oil
because it has all 6 fatty acids, but I
was using it to bake and fry and to
make popcorn. Unfortunately, it's
smoke point is too low for all of those,
so I was creating trans fats like
Using Grapeseed oil fixed the problem.

But Dr Campbell, Dr Esselstyn, and
the Hypocrites Institute say not to
use processed oil at all.



Oct 11, 2016, 8:39:34 PM10/11/16
So, Michael,
if someone eats everything bad all
their life,
and then they get Cancer,
and at that point going vegan
doesn't help them-
I'm not sure what your point was.


Oct 11, 2016, 9:58:30 PM10/11/16
Good News you got through all that, sounds like a tough one and you
survived !

I have several friends that got cancer, some quick, some re-occured,
some are gone, the wife is alive and 10 years now, some are sad brave
stories, some amazing and great living a good life. At least they have
the tools and techniques to "cure" a lot of them. Live life !

Michael Moroney

Oct 11, 2016, 10:40:37 PM10/11/16
john <> writes:

>Michael you're an idiot.
>9 months is nothing.
>If it's not working, you're
>screwing up somewhere.

See? I'm right! If you go vegan and the cancer goes away, it's because
you went vegan! If you go vegan and the cancer gets stronger, it's because
you screwed up somewhere! Jobs' cancer got worse so he must have screwed
up! Oh no, don't think going vegan to cure cancer is quackery! If it
didn't work, it's because Jobs screwed up! With that kind of propaganda,
the veganists can't lose! Just like any other religion!

That you think that way shows your mind isn't right for science. I still
don't know why you hang around in a science group.

>But Dr Campbell, Dr Esselstyn, and
>the Hypocrites Institute say not to
>use processed oil at all.

Hypocrites Institute? An institute of hypocrites?
I guess that vegan belief is pretty hypocritical.

Michael Moroney

Oct 11, 2016, 10:48:03 PM10/11/16
You kept telling us going vegan could cure cancer. Heck, you even said
you could get Stephen Hawking out of his chair if he went vegan!


Oct 11, 2016, 11:29:22 PM10/11/16
He didn't, and he's still in his chair.

Read "The China Study"

You're a scientist

Anon Y. Mouse

Oct 12, 2016, 1:18:23 AM10/12/16
On 10/11/2016 12:34 PM, hanson wrote:
> Hanson wrote:
> Also since you were for months on intravenous feeding & **a peg tube in
> your stomach**, how did that no fiber/roughage nutrition affect you
> fecal elimination? Did the tiny black turdlets irritate your Sigmoid or
> Sphincter, so that Enemas or Fleets were need?

oh dear. Not only is hanson trying to stick his face below squatting
Glazier, he's now interested in lapping up some of HVAC's tiny black
low-fiber IV-induced turdlets! Is there no end to hanson's madness?


Oct 12, 2016, 1:24:58 AM10/12/16
Takuya Saitoh,

Had Richard Stallman ever smoked pot, he would've told us;
he's _very_ open about such matters -- he doesn't give a fuck.

Steve Jobs, on the other hand, cared about his public image;
likely, he indulged in _private_, like Michael Jackson and Prince.
Overdosing is obvious, cancer less so.

Michael Moroney

Oct 12, 2016, 9:50:16 AM10/12/16
john <> writes:

>He didn't, and he's still in his chair.

Oh good grief. Some "evidence".

Do you really believe he could get out of his chair if he would only switch to a
100% plant-based diet?

The poor man has a genetic disorder. Not caused by or cured by diet.
Besides, he is probably tube fed, 100% artificial "food", that couldn't
be called vegan or non-vegan, but whatever may be natural is probably
plant-derived. He's not going to be chowing down on a steak.


Oct 12, 2016, 10:08:03 AM10/12/16
Michael Moroney

I've been 'eating' through the PEG tube for a couple months now. One can hardly call the shit I put in the feeding pump food. It's a liquid that had all the essentials. Except it's not food. Whatever at least it's keeping me alive until my mouth/tongue/throat heal.

I think it's soy based. It's gross


Oct 12, 2016, 10:57:39 AM10/12/16

I've been 'eating' through the PEG tube for a couple months now. One can hardly call the shit I put in the feeding pump food. It's a liquid that had all the essentials. Except it's not food. Whatever at least it's keeping me alive until my mouth/tongue/throat heal.
You're a hostage vegan til you
bounce back a bit.


Oct 12, 2016, 11:18:02 AM10/12/16

Personally I have nothing against vegan. Except most vegans think they're better than everyone else.
My diet has been 80% vegan for years. I love almost all fruits and vegetables. Obviously if you eat too much red meat you'll have problems. Humans are evolved to be omnivores.


Oct 12, 2016, 11:51:00 AM10/12/16
Zio-Nazi & Full Swine "Anon Yidd. Mouse" <nob...@home.invalid>
is stick his face below squatting Glazier, he's now interested in
lapping up some Galzier turds and insists & says that
"I, Yidd Mouse, am Jewish when I am not" and
"I wish that hanson is dead", in order to protect the Yidd
Mouse's Slave master <> who
is <> that turned into
the <> [1], under
whose Sphincter Yidd Mouse greedily eats Glazier's turds:
hanson wrote:
So, Yidd Mouse, you stinky Zio-Sphincter licker how does
Full Swine Glazier's "AA" "Asshole Aroma" taste today,
you Shit-eating Pig.... ahahahaha... AHAHAHAHA...
Yidd Mouse, you cowardly & Double-Shit faced Schmuck
all your posts do show that you really only post to make
sure that you cause ex-Hitler Youth Halbmutt Wabnigger,
<hwabnig@.- --- -.dotat> who still lives in the bygone age
of Morse-code communication, to write:
____ "Jews are a residue of failed evolution" _______
of which you, Pig-shit "Yidd Mouse", are a great example.
No offense, Pig-shit Yidd Mouse, you deranged Kike,
have a great day and thanks for the laughs.... ROTFMAO
Even Abner agrees with that, while you pray and hope
that Cretin Glazier will come today & beg you to remain
his Slave # =3= as is described and detailed in [1]


Oct 12, 2016, 11:52:15 AM10/12/16
It's not about "being better".
There is a class of viruses
that access our cells using
saturated fats (my opinion).
Certainly, we can eat everything,
but if we do , these fats
are available to these viruses,
and IF WE GET THESE viruses,
at that point we need
to stop the availability of these
saturated fats.
Simple logic, no 'religion'.


Oct 12, 2016, 12:56:33 PM10/12/16
Again John, humans evolved to be omnivorous. We also are evolved to die about age 40-50. Why? Because evolution has caused us to reach the age where we have children and raise them to the age where THEY can have children. After that we are superfluous evolution. We're just eating their food and breathing their air.

It's cold. It's harsh. It's reality


Oct 12, 2016, 2:29:04 PM10/12/16
HVAC said

Reminds me of that movie
where they killed you when
you turned 40 (or was it 30?).

Michael Moroney

Oct 12, 2016, 4:26:13 PM10/12/16
john <> writes:

>Simple logic, no 'religion'.

Yes, religion.

It is your OPINION that there is "a class of viruses that
access our cells using saturated fats (my opinion)."

No evidence or proof offered. No logic. That is not
science. At least this time you admitted it was an

>Certainly, we can eat everything,
>but if we do , these fats
>are available to these viruses,
>and IF WE GET THESE viruses,
>at that point we need
>to stop the availability of these
>saturated fats.

More non-science. Opinion, or religion, depending
on the strength of belief.


Oct 12, 2016, 4:37:13 PM10/12/16
Opinion based on observation.

Michael Moroney

Oct 13, 2016, 11:29:37 AM10/13/16
Good scientific procedure!


Oct 13, 2016, 12:11:00 PM10/13/16
john>Opinion based on observation.

MM-Good scientific procedure!

*Observation not a good tool for
Science, Mike?
How do you figure?*

Michael Moroney

Oct 13, 2016, 2:36:20 PM10/13/16
It's only a short part. You made an observation and immediately jumped
to a conclusion.

Science says Make Observation, create hypothesis (not conclusion), create
an experiment or test that will support or refute hypothesis, perform it
and observe results, adjust the hypothesis (or abandon it), repeat and
with proper results (including calculating and verifying errorbars)
you produce a theory.

So, do you know of scientific experiments that show veganism curing
cancer? If so, at a better rate than chemo/radiation/surgery?
It's just one data point, but it failed Steve Jobs.


Oct 13, 2016, 2:56:29 PM10/13/16
" of scientific experiments that show veganism curing
cancer? If so, at a better rate than chemo/radiation/surgery?
It's just one data point, but it failed Steve Jobs. "

Have you read "The China Study"?
A huge natural experiment.

Mike, if Jobs are sirloin steak until he died,
and then attempting some kind of vegan
thing at the 11th hour didn't work,
you can hardly blame veganism.
That's like quitting smoking after
you get lung cancer and
saying that quitting smoking
is bad for you


Oct 13, 2016, 5:42:22 PM10/13/16
The Hippocrates Institute claims to
have cured thousands.
They take you right
back to a "wheatgrass" diet or
something. Ask them for proof.
Dr Esselstyn has taken cardiac cases
with days to live and effected
complete cures using
his ultra vegan diet. Ask him for proof.

Both of these are FAR more rigorous
than mine, which includes MANY processed
things, but, I shit you not- ALL the
things in my body that were bent are
straightening right back out. It's awesome.
I'm getting bored.
Do some reading.


Oct 13, 2016, 8:19:51 PM10/13/16
On 10/12/2016 12:56 PM, HVAC wrote:
> Again John, humans evolved to be omnivorous. We also are evolved to
> die about age 40-50. Why? Because evolution has caused us to reach
> the age where we have children and raise them to the age where THEY
> can have children. After that we are superfluous evolution. We're
> just eating their food and breathing their air.

Not if we kill them!

> It's cold. It's harsh. It's reality

So it is in the animal world.


Oct 13, 2016, 10:50:48 PM10/13/16
Who else would shingle the roof,
get the bees out of the attic (and
the bats),
and pick them up on request?
And clean plates.

Michael Moroney

Oct 13, 2016, 11:41:57 PM10/13/16
john <> writes:

>Mike, if Jobs are sirloin steak until he died,
>and then attempting some kind of vegan

I guess not! Because he'd be already dead! I'm glad that even you are
smart enough not to believe that veganism can cure the dead.

>you can hardly blame veganism.
>That's like quitting smoking after
>you get lung cancer and
>saying that quitting smoking
>is bad for you

So now you are backing off the claim that veganism can cure cancer?

Can it still get Hawking out of his chair?


Oct 14, 2016, 2:55:05 AM10/14/16
Hawking missed that train.
I was outside on the trampoline
and didn't see ur post right away


Oct 14, 2016, 4:20:56 AM10/14/16
30. Logan's Run. 1976. Very interesting science fiction story.'s+Run

-- Mahipal “IPMM... माहिपाल ७६३८: d(me) != 0 ... me alwa(y)s changes...”

Michael Moroney

Oct 14, 2016, 11:42:24 AM10/14/16
john <> writes:

>> Can [veganism] still get Hawking out of his chair?

>Hawking missed that train.

But you said you could get him out of his chair. Was there
some sort of deadline between the time of that post and now?



Oct 14, 2016, 12:17:50 PM10/14/16
Michael Moroney

Since Hawking is reduced to being a head of lettuce, I doubt that a head of lettuce being murdered would help him.

I have no doubt a diet that consists mainly of fruits and vegetables is good for your overall health. But John forgets that humans evolved to be omnivores.

A bit of meat is good for you as long as you don't overdo it.

Balance, as with most things in life, is the key


Oct 14, 2016, 4:14:14 PM10/14/16
They are thinking that
ALS may be due to a one-time
exposure to a potent neurotoxin
occurring in seafood.
A few sufferers seem to be
making progress on
a vegan diet.

Oct 14, 2016, 11:48:25 PM10/14/16
On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 5:16:59 AM UTC-7, HVAC wrote:

> I took the position that this cancer was ISIS and me and my team of special
> operators would defeat it using our superior technology and nuke the shit out
> of it. It helped me through my darkest hours. The cancer was trying to take me
> from my children and the girl I love. I HAD TO FIGHT IT!

Attitude apparently counts for a lot. Read much these days? Norman Spinrad's 1967 _Carcinoma Angels_ is based on medical anecdotes about that, and also will back up your attitude about painkillers.

Mark L. Fergerson

Odd Bodkin

Oct 17, 2016, 12:07:13 PM10/17/16
Who is "they" that are thinking this?

Odd Bodkin --- maker of fine toys, tools, tables


Oct 17, 2016, 1:27:28 PM10/17/16
Odd said
Who is "they" that are thinking this?
Just click on the link.


Oct 17, 2016, 1:30:47 PM10/17/16
You can find stuff like that
just by typing it in the box above.
Type ALS and neurotoxin

Odd Bodkin

Oct 17, 2016, 1:49:01 PM10/17/16
Ah, yes, blue-green algae blooms. Good part of a vegan diet.


Oct 17, 2016, 2:04:20 PM10/17/16
Odd said
Ah, yes, blue-green algae blooms. Good part of a vegan diet. "

And I bet he believes it! :)

Odd Bodkin

Oct 17, 2016, 2:24:49 PM10/17/16
Seems to sell well.
Here's more:
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