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Ed Conrad

Jul 5, 2010, 9:53:20 PM7/5/10
Copyright (c) 1990
Ed Conrad
All Rights Reserved
Conclusive evidence of life after death actually has been available
for more than a quarter-century. (Update: It's now been nearly 50
This opinion is shared by two of the world's foremost authorities on
death and dying, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Dr. Bruce Greyson.
They agree that the proof had been provided by
a pair of Pennsylvania coal miners who, back in 1963, revealed that
Pope John XXIII had appeared to both of them at the same time during
their 14-day entombment following an underground cave-in near
Hazleton, Pa.
Pope John died in a hospital in Rome, Italy, on June 3, 1963, some 10
weeks before the cave-in.
David Fellin, one of the miners, personally had told the late Dr.
Kubler-Ross about the appearance of the deceased pontiff and provided
details of other mysterious, supernatural experiences which he, then
58, and Henry ``Hank" Throne, then 28, had shared while cut off from
the rest of the world during the first five days of their grueling
David Fellin tells part of his incredible story to Dr. Elisabeth
Kubler-Ross, internationally acclaimed author of many books about
death and dying in the parlor of her home in Head Waters, Va. (which
was later destroyed by fire.) Dr. Kubler-Ross was crocheting while
Dave informed her about the supernatural events which took place deep
Among the remarkable things Fellin had told Dr. Kubler-Ross during a
day-long conversation in her home in Headwaters, Va., were the two
separate occasions that he insisted he and Throne had been out of
their physical bodies at the same time, during which they actually had
engaged in conversation.
Dr. Kubler-Ross, the internationally acclaimed author of numerous
books on death and dying, said she believed Fellin and stated that the
miners' miraculous rescue, the appearance of the deceased pope and the
out-of-body experiences shared by two persons at the same time --
never before
documented -- is ``the evidence . . . that life does not end when our
physical body dies."
Dr. Greyson, then a psychiatrist at the University of Connecticut
Health Center and an official of The International Association for
Near-death Studies, had become acquainted with the incredible details
of the supernatural events connected with the cave-in only in the last
year of Fellin's life but had found them fascinating.
"I am most intrigued by the simultaneous experiences of David Fellin
and Hank Throne, who apparently conversed while out of their bodies,"
he stated. "`If they can corroborate each other's accounts, they could
provide evidence for the reality of "The Other Side' beyond anything
yet available."
When making that statement, Dr. Greyson, then the editor of The
Journal of Near-Death Studies, hadn't been aware that such
corroboration actually had taken place soon after Fellin and Throne
had been dramatically rescued.
After being pulled to the surface through a 17 1/2-inch bore hole on
Aug. 27, 1963, the two miners had been interviewed individually, then
together, by a pair of psychiatrists and a third staff member from
the Institute of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
These intriguing interviews, the subject of an article in the American
Journal of Psychiatry, offered the evidence that both men undoubtedly
had been mutual participants in a series of mysterious, supernatural
events, including the appearance of the late pontiff, and their joint
out-of-body experiences.

The Journal article stated that "neither man exhibited evidence of
psychosis or marked mental abnormality when examined,'' yet dismissed
their similar experiences as "fantasies" and "hallucinations." The
authors felt they had been caused by the miners' life-threatening
situation when entombed.
This was their conclusion even through both men independently had
described a variety of similar unexplained occurrences underground.
They had mentioned, among other things, that their darkened chamber
suddenly was illuminated with a bluish light; the deceased pontiff
appearing to them; and seeing a large number of men who were neither
miners nor members of the rescue party
David Fellin had undertaken a polygraph test to ascertain if he was
telling the truth about his experiences of a supernatural nature
entombed. He passed with flying colors.
David Fellin testifies on the Holy Bible that everything he had said
concerning his mysterious, supernatural experiences while entombed
the truth.
Hank Throne, just a few years before he passed away, holds a copy of
the Hazleton (Pa.) Standard-Speaker which detailed the rescue from the
PS: Dr. Bruce Greyson totally ignored Ed Conrad's response to his
letter. cordially inviting him to personally interview David Fellin.
Meanwhile, Dr. Raymond Moody did not even have the courtesy of
responding to a letter inviting him to do so as well. He was informed
that the necessary corroboration had taken place by the very best
ofsources, independent interviews with the Associated Press.
TOGETHER, Dr. Bruce Greyson and Dr. Raymond Moody know a lot less
about this business of death
and dying than Ed Conrad.
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