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Towards the *fully* 3D-printed pizza

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Serg io

Jul 19, 2017, 2:24:13 PM7/19/17
why not ?

replace that expensive labor, with a 3D printer that can do deep dish

dough layer, sause layer, peparonie layer, cheeeses, etc,
all put on by a 100% automated 3D printer, no errors, precise
positioning, and FAST!

so... how come there are no 3D pizza printers out there ?

technology is here,

Jul 19, 2017, 3:31:06 PM7/19/17
Probably the same reason there are no bluetooth enabled paper clips.

Jim Pennino


Jul 19, 2017, 5:52:43 PM7/19/17
Friends and I used to argue this point endlessly. Finally they decided
just to abondon me. Not to worry, I'll get back at them. One day!

Arguments went like, the transporter works like this. Your current
self is destroyed and you are replicated/recreated by elements in the
place you get beamed to. I'm like really? So how does Captain Kirk get
replicated on a place like the Moon, or in the vaccum of space? Then
these so-called friendsBozos of mine, shut their doors in me m(y) face,

I'm like, hey it's just The First Law of Thermodynamics?! It's raining...

One of these days... soon I hope... I'm going to invite them all over,
serve them 3D printed piZZa, remind them of their history, and slam
me m(y) door shut on their noses. Hard! Hey, what are mePals friends for?!

-- Mahipal “IPMM... माहिपाल ७६३८: d(me) != 0 ... me alwa(y)s changes... Enjo(y)!”
Enjo(y)... Salute… Cheers... Open your M I N D… Time it is Is IS 3PM somePlace.


Jul 19, 2017, 9:08:26 PM7/19/17
On 7/19/2017 5:52 PM, Mahipal wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 2:24:13 PM UTC-4, Serg io wrote:
>> why not ?
>> replace that expensive labor, with a 3D printer that can do deep dish
>> pizza!
>> dough layer, sause layer, peparonie layer, cheeeses, etc,
>> all put on by a 100% automated 3D printer, no errors, precise
>> positioning, and FAST!
>> so... how come there are no 3D pizza printers out there ?
>> technology is here,
> Friends and I used to argue this point endlessly. Finally they decided
> just to abondon me. Not to worry, I'll get back at them. One day!
> Arguments went like, the transporter works like this. Your current
> self is destroyed and you are replicated/recreated by elements in the
> place you get beamed to. I'm like really? So how does Captain Kirk get
> replicated on a place like the Moon, or in the vaccum of space? Then
> these so-called friendsBozos of mine, shut their doors in me m(y) face,
> I'm like, hey it's just The First Law of Thermodynamics?! It's raining...
> One of these days... soon I hope... I'm going to invite them all over,
> serve them 3D printed piZZa, remind them of their history, and slam
> me m(y) door shut on their noses. Hard! Hey, what are mePals friends for?!

Replicator doesn't work like that. Don't you know any science? Ask Odd
to tell you about his bad experiences with Trekies when He denied their
Star Trek science. Forced him to go anonymous, they did!

I am currently not at liberty to discuss the true working of replicator
devices. And will you please be careful enough to note that a replicator
and a "transporter" are two different devices operating with totally
different mechanisms and principles. (I'm not at liberty to discuss
transporters, either).

However I AM at liberty to discuss your pure genius invention the 3D
printed Pizza. Think of the breakthrough! Each pizza totally customize
to your "taste". (literally) The invention is so simple. You simple buy
a spool of "cheese wire" and "dough wire" and bingo with a wee spot of
software development (hey you were looking for a software job, looper)
personalized pizza comes pouring out! OF course you have to bake them
after being "printed" but that's no problem.

I smell Nobel!

Serg io

Jul 19, 2017, 10:35:14 PM7/19/17
.... think from an app on your cellphone.....

.......think pixalized pizza surface......

you could "print your cat" on your pizza using peprononie, mushrooms
olives and anchovies--- what fun!

your cheese wire, could be cheese wiz, that presurized stuff in a can.

could do the same with the other ingreadiants, finely mixed with same
color and taste, but veriable in size by your print head.

McDonalds does some of that with McRibs.


Jul 19, 2017, 11:05:41 PM7/19/17
Being anonymous is just a waste of keystrokes -- MAC, Linux, or otherwise.

Replicator versus Transporter?! Hmmm... Good point. I saw The Matrix.
Appearing out of nowhere? That's an ancient Hindu idea. Sanskrit stuff.

> I am currently not at liberty to discuss the true working of replicator
> devices. And will you please be careful enough to note that a replicator
> and a "transporter" are two different devices operating with totally
> different mechanisms and principles. (I'm not at liberty to discuss
> transporters, either).

I'm going to stop and challenge you there. I have to. You want me to.

What The Hell?! GovernMentalists know what we all not discuss? Bugs Bunny!
BB: Well, why I don't I fall down? Well, I never did study Law.

So, why Sir BenjJi, are you not free to discuss something? The bigger
question, how does the GMICKs know to stop you from discussing anything?!
I'm caught in a trap... Suspicious Minds... I can't walk out... best Sir ElvisJi Presley song ever!

> However I AM at liberty to discuss your pure genius invention the 3D
> printed Pizza. Think of the breakthrough! Each pizza totally customize
> to your "taste". (literally) The invention is so simple. You simple buy
> a spool of "cheese wire" and "dough wire" and bingo with a wee spot of
> software development (hey you were looking for a software job, looper)
> personalized pizza comes pouring out! OF course you have to bake them
> after being "printed" but that's no problem.

I'm caught in a trap, it's a oven, I've got cremation on me m(y) mind...
Just watch the HDTV marketing commercials... I don't bake this dough up!
Give 'em a day or two to imitate... they get paid/laid, I get zip/nada...

> I smell Nobel!

He he... you are very funny Sir BenjJi! Nice to have you on Earth (2017)!

Company won't hire/pay me, they just plagiarize me. Life goes on...
The cruel part? I can see/hear them stealing me m(y) ideas. I just sleep...

If only I were a cute female Russian Blond. Question, why was sex(y) First Lady
Me-Lie-On-Ya not sitting next to TrumpET, but next to PutItIn? Why? G20 He he...

The difference between A.G. Jeff Sessions resigning or being fired? Only in
one case will Sessions get to collect unemployment funds. Hold your breath...


Jul 20, 2017, 5:16:22 PM7/20/17
Well maybe you could 'print" pepperonie, but I think I'd prefer "pick
and place" mushrooms, olives and anchovies as opposed to printed "food
product" ones.

Say I wonder if Ustin Veterre knows what "pick and place" is all about?
He's big into EE SMT jargon. But then what he thinks he knows is
considerably less than what he actually knows.

Serg io

Jul 21, 2017, 1:56:07 PM7/21/17
think mushrooms sliced very thin, same w olives, anchovies, like paper thin.

then think of bits of flavored paper, with the right food coloring. the
paper could be cut into the right shapes.

you could pick and place these papers with food grade glue onto the
substrate. (a pizza crust)


Jul 21, 2017, 10:22:23 PM7/21/17
Clearly we are all in the presence of a high-tech culinary genius!

I smell a Michelin star or two!!

Rubbery food grade glue should really give an advantage!

3D printed Pizza. I think we have all just glimpsed the future of Fast

Serg io

Jul 21, 2017, 10:34:19 PM7/21/17
yup, guess it is kind of like vulkanizing a tire in an oven.

1. just pull the 'preform pizza' which is rolled up like a tube, out
2. squirt out about 12oz of good (food grade pizza) glue onto gernic
pizza dough(if pizza hut, use cardboard or crackers) you can make it
flat if you want too.
3. spread glue out w knife or spoon (fingers will work too)
4. lay preform flat onto glue gerinic pizza dough. (if pizza hut, use
cardboard or crackers)
5. press lightly with fingers,
6. slap that puppy in the oven, 450 for 10 min.
7. Enjoy!

(for those that like more moisture, spray 'preform' with some water)

still too many steps, perhaps combine the preform with the glue, and
peal off the sticker on the back....

Serg io

Jul 21, 2017, 10:53:37 PM7/21/17
oops, do not use rubber cement for the glue!
too hard to spread around and it
tastes like crap...
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