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What was Worse.Giving Our Factories to China Or GOPers Stealing

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reber G=emc^2

Jul 22, 2019, 7:45:36 PM7/22/19
Bush gave tax breaks if our factories moved to China Rick Scott stole 1.7 billion from madicare. Annenberg + Kissinger with Nixon stole 2 billion for 43 years from our space program(shuttles) They killed 12 brave people,and took no blame.Called Feynman a commie for to these crooks name calling,and the use of Curtis press saved their sorry asses. Bradlee of the Wahington post told us.Nixon today would be a hero.After all Watergate was demo commie offices.So sad So true.Bertt


Jul 22, 2019, 11:08:20 PM7/22/19

There exists a simple rhyme: "Bert you are a Stupid Swine"
You must scroll down to read: " mental cadaver Glazier", O ya

"SwineBert "reber G=emc^2" OBEDIENTLY checked in for the
daily roll-call to erudite his zeitgeist+weltbild+finstergeist with
being heavy on the "finster", which in SwineBert's case is his
own lose Sphincter, which SwineBert has cleverly proven with
Einstein's-Bobble-head that Glazier has mounted onto the lid
of the bucket that Bert shit into in his Van, shown right here:
"Well I'm clever & I talk to Einstein's-Bobble-head, telling "him":
"My theories are all based on the workings of my kiddy-toy-gyro
that is now 83 years old", which SwineBert loudly brags about
in his **Moronic Stupid Palaver** ( = MSP) then Bert continued:
"I like the volume of my stupid & shitty posts, to show how
I ended up as a vagrant & a homeless bum who feeds off the
public trough and lives in a cockroach infested van with a
bucket that SwineBert shits into, & proudly announces to be
a pervert Face-shitter & a Jewish Jailbird who operates as
<> with
<> being
very different from SwineBert's phony, sanctimonious and
STUPID posts which are seen when scrolling down to:
=== "Swine-Song" & then to "mental cadaver Glazier" ===
O'shit-reber G=emc^2" aka "SwineBert" aka "reber_A.Hitler" wrote:
"After my wife Ruth died, I looked up my high-chool girlfriend
who was 8 years younger then me, said Pedophile SwineBert
"Time will tell that Bert's "Moronic, Stupid Palaver" (= MSP) is
the reality that is the easiest prediction I have ever made & it's
in <>, said
O'shit-reber G=emc^2" <>, whose
one-liners get ever more STUPID with each day passing, and
the Jewish pedophile-Glazier is very proud of that. O ya.
hanson wrote:
"O'shit-Glazier", now that you have OBEDIENTLY shown up
for the daily roll-call & you are groveling & straining yourself
again in your servile obedience to be seen as you being an
obviously submissive pig, check below, where it says:
"O'shitBert is controlled by a Jewish cabal, since Bert,
the Pedo-Jew is a lock-step-marching-Judeo-Nazi whose
email address <> anagrams to
__ <> __ (reber_A.Hitler).
-------▼"O'shit-Glazier's" servile obedience▼-----------
"O'shit-Glazier" is controlled by a cabal of SwineBert's
Jewish Quacks + goyim MDs + PD-members & associates
+ SwineBert's Social worker + SwineBert's Creditcard
managers, ALL of whom have their OWN interests to see
that <>
will become SwineBert's Fame when Glazier rots in
The deranged kike "O'shit-Glazier" "reber G=emc^2" posts
as <> who
is a prime cause & promoter for rising Anti-Semitism. O ya.
The crackwhore "O'shit-Glazier" "reber G=emc^2 " bragged:
"My bar-tab for Bud Light broke all records". Bert
"and along the very same line I guzzle my wine". Bert
"I use Cocaine that is a wonder-drug for me". Bert.
"The drugs (21/d) I'm taking are fogging my mind". Bert
"I can't even remember lots of stuff".Bert ... But...
"I will do even more Drugs till the end of my time". Bert
"I park, fart & bark in the dark. I'm of low wit & a stupid shit."
"I feel very safe when I lie. O ya. I will lie till I die". Bert
"Being Jewish I know this is so very true. O ya" -- Bert.
"If I get shot in back of my head. So What". Bert..., since
my partner, the GOPer _ Lady _Undertaker_ tells in
<> what
gruesom end she has in store for me, as she will sell
my carcass to "Waste-Management, Inc." as & while
<> is happening". Bert
"O'shit-Glazier" wrote:
"Seen my Dr. today as my lips and tongue are very red,
swollen, and painful (from talking STUPID shit all day)
I have been losing weight fast.Now down to 155".Bert
"No fun in dying.DRs can see to it that you die while
sleeping and have a sexy dream. I like that. My last
two words when dying: "Oh Shit". Go figure. O ya. Bert
hanson wrote:
Pedo-Glazier, the Quacks wont do you that favor, but the
state of the art in med-science can keep pigs like you
in a medically induced coma for many years, & easy so,
since you have always been a mental cadaver and keep
you being so, until the Medicare payments for it run out ...
and you with it.... O ya. It' a given. Go figure. That's all.

So, SwineBert, given your loud Swan-Song above, well in your
case it was your Swine-Song, do never forget that Pres.
Teddy Roosevelt said:"Speak softly but carry a big stick".
BUT now, "O'shit-Glazier" says:
"I speak loudly & I carry rolls of Toilet-paper to wipe my sorry
asshole, after my Fetish has compelled me to shit into
other posters mouth:
<> &
I say "open wide"...& have them murdered, for O'shitBert
to piss onto their graves, which proves that O'shitBert the
Hate-monger has always-ONLY-ONE-thing-on his twisted,
filthy mind, namely to do all those items-from-(1)-to-item-(5):
On 07Feb 2015 & on 08Feb2015, Face-Shitter Glazier wrote:
Harlow Campbell HVAC,,
& Saul Levy <
& Jacoby Benj, <>:
"I'll be sitting on your faces to take a shit & say: "Open wide".
On 06Dec2014, when the Christian-Hater, JewPigBert Glazier
said to "benj"
"Reality is you always post under me for you are an ass kisser.
For Christmas I'll shit on your kisser."
"Benj, you can thank me in advance". - TreBert. ... addinng
On 03Aug2017:
"benj, you eat shit and your shitty brain is coming out your ears."
On 20Jul2018:
Benj, my posts are way over your head.Reality is your head
is up your ass.So fart it out before you get constipated.Bert
On 25Mar2008, the criminal Graveyard Vandal Glazier wrote in:
"Hanson, I will piss on your grave. And have a good laugh
when it seeps down on your face". -- Bert
On 24Jun2018 SwineBert Glazier said to
Mark Earnest <> "your nose is
in a shit bucket all the time. Eat shit and you fit" -- Bert
"That is a given", "Go figure","Get the picture", Bert
______ "Why am I not loved by all?". Bert. _________
_____ "Why-WAS-I-not-loved-by-all?". Bert. ________

__________ "Now I am all alone". Bert _____________
__________ "I'm very depressed". Bert _____________
________ I've-never-been-so-depressed. Bert _________

"Why was I posting this, it makes me cry as it always does".Bert
"Being Jewish I know this is so very true". Bert. "O ya",
hanson wrote:
So, SwineBert ask your Dr. to sign you up for the
Forensic Science program [1], as it will bring you all of
<> [1]
Chose wisely in [1], Glazier. So far, you have not done so !!!
Be Clever-Bert. Be not the twisted, idiotic pig, that you are.


<snicker>-<chuckle>-<chortle>- ROTFLMAO

More for SwineBert who seeks fame-by-association with
born Jewish, UN-AMERICAN, losers whom SwineBert
constantly cites and praises; not surprisingly, given that
SwineBert asserts to be a proud Marxist/Soros/Bolshevik
Jew with a IQ of 1-point-22", reflected in:
"Feynman's security clearance was permanently revoked
by the Los Alamos Laboratory and the atomic energy
program during critical years. ...
When the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb, the FBI
questioned Feynman's loyalty.[Feynman' friend David Bohm was
arrested on Dec 4, 1950, who then with Feyman emigrated to Brazil.
J. Edgar Hoover, Aug 8, 1958 cited: "Richard Feynman is a
Communist, and as such is a very definite security risk. Feynman
is an extremely dangerous person & should not have a position
of public trust. In matters of intrigue Feynman is immensely clever
& he is completely ruthless, unhampered by morals, ethics, or religion
and will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve his ends.[118]
Feynman was a bongo-drum-playing, hallucinogenic-drug-user....
Feynman used LSD, marijuana & ketamine, etc
So Glazier, you STUPID fool: "Feynman down, and the next
kike to go is Einstein who spent the last 30 years of his life
as an abject failure, like yourself, and caused all those bitter
<>, ... wherein it
shows that AE, the wannabe plumber, AE tried to get rid
of **Newton's universal gravitational constant "G"** with his
rubber trampoline, but Einstein FAILED, and he did hide
Newton's G coyly is his GR field equation wherein the
2nd G in G_/uv = (8 pi G / c^4) is __still__ Newton's "G",
which Jewish Glazier-fools are too stupid to see. ((((<LOL>)))
In his personal Life, Einstein is on record to have been
a wife-beater and was arrested for it. Twice, SwineBert .
Also Einstein had to fork over all of his Nobel-prize $$$ to
his first Christian wife Mileva Maric, as hush-money, to
prevemt her from "singing" and NOT to publish detail that
SHE, Mileva Maric was the REAL creator, inventor and
intellectual Owner of "Special relativity". Duh
So, SwineBert, so much for that Jewish supremacy. (((LOL)))
Next it will be explained to you why what you think are Jews
are NOT Jews at all & Jews-in-Name only. These pseudo Jews
are goys who hitched a ride on the loud Jewish Band-wagon,
from 1905 on, which shows that Jews are ONLY LOUD and
more stupid then the goyim who GOT his fame by association....
Stay tuned Glazier, you STUPID filthy Fool.... (((( LOL )))
Till then read what the eminent Jewish Scholar Harold
Wallace Rosenthal ||R:|| said about you, in his epic

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