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OT: Morgan Freeman: ‘Jailing Hillary’ Best Way To ‘Restore Public Faith In Govt’

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Serg io

Nov 13, 2017, 1:53:29 PM11/13/17
Morgan Freeman: ‘Jailing Hillary’ Best Way To ‘Restore Public Faith In Govt’

The best way to restore public faith in government institutions is to
“send Hillary to prison“, according to Hollywood icon Morgan Freeman,
who warns that unless the former First Lady’s crimes are seen to be
punished, “everyday Americans will forever know, deep down, that there
is one law for those with money and power, and another for the rest of us.”

“Hillary should be in jail for her unlawful deeds and President Trump
should absolutely, absolutely make sure this happens to send the very
strong message that no-one, and I mean no-one, is above the law in the
United States of America,” Morgan Freeman said in New York while
promoting National Geographic’s new docu-series The Story of Us.

Responding to a question about why he thinks President Trump has not yet
fulfilled this particular campaign promise, Freeman laughed and said and
looked up at the heavens before saying, “Goddamnit man, you were elected
for this very reason, lock that bitch up!”

After being accused of political incorrectness, Freeman laughed again,
saying “It’s all about being loving and caring these days, isn’t it?“

“The most loving and caring thing we as a society can do for Hillary
Clinton is lock her up where she can get professional and institutional
help and prevent her hurting herself or anyone else.”

The veteran actor, who remains as professionally active as at any point
in his long career, cannot be accused of partisan bullying. It appears
the 80-year-old star is simply a straight shooter who would prefer
politicians and public figures are held to the same standards as
everyone else.

Edward Prochak

Nov 13, 2017, 3:30:08 PM11/13/17

Simply FALSE. (and off topic BTW)

You should check your sources.
At least check something with some independence.

On 29 October 2017, the disreputable web site Your News Wire published a fake news article which contained several (fictitious) quotes from actor Morgan Freeman about his (fictitious) desire to imprison Hillary Clinton.

This is not a genuine quote from Morgan Freeman; is a particularly vicious fake news blog that has a long history of publishing corrosive misinformation. The site claims that the actor made this comment while promoting his new documentary series “The Story of Us” during an event in New York, but, naturally, provided no video from the event containing Morgan’s alleged remarks, as none exists.

The actor openly supported the Democratic candidate and even narrated several political ads for Clinton.

Serg io

Nov 13, 2017, 4:18:37 PM11/13/17
On 11/13/2017 2:30 PM, Edward Prochak wrote:
> Simply FALSE. (and off topic BTW)

OT: means Off Topic

> You should check your sources.
> At least check something with some independence.

> The actor openly supported the Democratic candidate and even narrated several political ads for Clinton.

but not anymore;

[ we are saturated with fake news, and can never get rid of it,
advertizing leads the way, all news journalists are taught to write a
hook line for the title... ]


Nov 13, 2017, 8:54:57 PM11/13/17
Where did you get this, Sergio? The Onion? It can't Possibly be true
that a black Hollywood star is calling for Hillary to answer for her
crimes instead of joining the resistance trying to prove Trump unfit
(Charlie Rose CFR, PBS, CBS always asks his guests if Trump is "fit" for
office these days) Doesn't Freeman know that all Whites who aren't
progressive are racist and proxy slave owners. Excuse me now I have to
go whup some of my virtual slaves.

Serg io

Nov 13, 2017, 9:12:25 PM11/13/17
I thought it was true, especially the "...lock that bitch up!" part,
but some are saying it is fake news, but it sounds OK to me.

I like Trump putting in businessmen into Gov positions, more the better.

But then Trump is an A-hole, I worked for a guy like that once, a VP,
big ego + shallow smarts, he got laid off, I survived.

We used Clive like a cannon, load him up, point him at someone, and lite
the fuse, BOOM.

But having an A-Hole for Pres is OK. About time. After limp wristed
wilted do nothing socialist Obamma EU suckup.

Whoa, Im too negitive, need to go meditate

Archimedes Plutonium

Nov 13, 2017, 9:19:29 PM11/13/17
On Monday, November 13, 2017 at 12:53:29 PM UTC-6, Serg io wrote:

Hey Sergio, mind telling us sometime, your feelings on Hillary.


She lost, so get over it,,, before they put in the gray house


Nov 13, 2017, 9:37:47 PM11/13/17
Well, sure. Trump is your standard blowhard salesman. And for some
reason when they promote guys to VP they always pick salesmen. Luckily
most VP jobs don't need to be done.

Reminds me of a story. I was at Ford dealership looking at used cars.
Not a person in sight in any direction! Hey, I could have had my pockets
stuffed with cash, and ready to buy but nobody home! Then this older
dude wanders out. Where is everybody? Oh they are all in a sales meeting
<snort> Turns out he's a former salesman but VP now. So he goes into
former sales mode and next thing you know he's ALMOST got me buying this
used 4WD pickup truck! I've always been sort of sorry I didn't buy it.
Hey he still had the talk! Still kills me though. People wandering
around trying to buy cars but can't because everyone is a meeting trying
to figure out how to increase sales! How about when people come in with
a fistful of dollars, have someone there to take it from them them and
give them a car. Sounds like government, doesn't it?

> We used Clive like a cannon, load him up, point him at someone, and
> lite the fuse, BOOM.
> But having an A-Hole for Pres is OK. About time. After limp
> wristed wilted do nothing socialist Obamma EU suckup.
> Whoa, Im too negitive, need to go meditate

A-hole or crook. Not much of a choice. I remember voting to LBJ and
saying that I thought he was a big enough crook you could trust him.

Wrong. Next thing you know he's cranked up Viet Nam and I'm getting
letters from gummint saying "greetings".

Serg io

Nov 13, 2017, 11:19:19 PM11/13/17
yea, I got one of those in-vet-ations, went down to the draft board I
took the draft test --it was multiple choice with 4 answers to chose
from, with about 15 or 20 questions total. I found out I passed, and
also found out passing was 25%, any flipping monkey randomly guessing
would pass. may have been a IQ test screen for above 40. There was a
black dude in there with a huge fro, split down the middle so it looked
like he had 2 big balls on his head. so I arranged a 4 year ship tour
instead of getting shot at in the swamps.

I think all in sci.physics should take that draft test,


Nov 14, 2017, 4:07:33 PM11/14/17
Few would pass. Reminds me of a friend of mine, a mathematician. VERY
bright. Reads things like Xen manual cover to cover just for fun.
Anyway, when he was a kid in high school math class all the tests were
multiple choice. And his buddy for unknown reasons decided that the way
to win was to always pick the answer "B". Funny thing was by the time of
the final his pal has not flunked out and the final is most of your
grade. Anyhow, they both not only passed, but my friend got the top
grade in the class (no surprise) but his pal Mr. "B", was number two! Go
figure. Lucky they don't teach math in high school any more because they
found that nobody ever uses math once they get out of school so why
bother teaching it. (I'm NOT kidding)

Serg io

Nov 14, 2017, 8:31:46 PM11/14/17
a teacher over here in middle school school says they teach by rote, but
the don't teach "how" to do it that much, just so they can pass the
yearly final test, they teach to th e test, or have the kids memorise
the test questions. , so the don't know how to solve problems very well,
kids today are at a disadvantage.

Arindam Banerjee

Nov 14, 2017, 10:28:14 PM11/14/17
Explains Archie Poo, F35, etc.

Serg io

Nov 14, 2017, 10:59:09 PM11/14/17
it is a real handy cap, there was a power engineer jop posted (bigbucks)
that said they did not want someone that was always on social media, nor
had to go look up answers on the internet.


Nov 15, 2017, 8:40:25 AM11/15/17
On Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 10:59:09 PM UTC-5, Serg io wrote:
> On 11/14/2017 9:28 PM, Arindam Banerjee wrote:
> > On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 12:31:46 PM UTC+11, Serg io wrote:
> >> On 11/14/2017 3:07 PM, benj wrote:
> >>> On 11/13/2017 11:19 PM, Serg io wrote:

There's nothing wrong with being on social media. Most everybody there
interacts with friends and family. Posts are like {Happy Birthday,
nice cats/dogs, I ate this at some restaurant, ...}. I read somewhere any
individual human spends 53 minutes per day on Social Media. So even what?!

Regards looking up answers on the WWW, I know SW IT employers with a
diametrically opposite attitude. They ask, how would you resolve Blah
blah BLAH problem? Those who answer that they'd Google for it, get the
job offer. Still it helps to be young. I thing Google Wi-FI works faster for
the younger ones. Some sort of conspiracy theory I have...

Conclusion? The only thing older people are good for is The Death Panels.

The other day, I'm conversing with my SW IT friend. He's explaining
how his friend, a girl, stared for like five minutes at some bedding
for cats or dogs. At a bricks and mortar store, no log onto Google involved.
Then she goes home and logs onto her CPU. Wouldn't you know it, there
are advertisements of beddings for cats and dogs!

I'm like it's Augmented Reality! He's like, it's worse than AR, it's IOT!

Part of me joked... Lesson? Stay far away from beddings for cats and dogs?!

-- Mahipal=माहिपाल 7638=७६३८ pronounced "My Pal" or "Maple" Loops, S(y)rup, Wood.
IPMM! Enjo(y)… Salute… Cheers… Open your M I N D… Time it is Is IS 3PM somePlace.

Serg io

Nov 15, 2017, 11:04:02 AM11/15/17
but you cannot say anything bad, or that could be construed as bad, on
Social Medias.
"you cat looks feeble" (starts war of words on sick kitty)
"that McDonald's has too much catsup on its burgers" (you can get
sued, or never hired )

'Social Media bad' google for that

> Regards looking up answers on the WWW, I know SW IT employers with a
> diametrically opposite attitude. They ask, how would you resolve Blah
> blah BLAH problem?

I agree totally in the SW, SW and interactions with other SWs must use
internet to find out how to fix sh*t. it is part of the job, blogs on
sw fixes...

but not Electrical Power Engineering, not much in many other technical
areas either.

> Those who answer that they'd Google for it, get the
> job offer. Still it helps to be young. I thing Google Wi-FI works faster for
> the younger ones. Some sort of conspiracy theory I have...

that is "Google PreSelection" of the chosen, future members of the
Google Cloud.

> Conclusion? The only thing older people are good for is The Death Panels.

and Soylent Green too, [ Never ever tell your Dr. that you are
unemployed. ]

> The other day, I'm conversing with my SW IT friend. He's explaining
> how his friend, a girl, stared for like five minutes at some bedding
> for cats or dogs. At a bricks and mortar store, no log onto Google involved.
> Then she goes home and logs onto her CPU. Wouldn't you know it, there
> are advertisements of beddings for cats and dogs!
> I'm like it's Augmented Reality! He's like, it's worse than AR, it's IOT!

did she have an android phone ? Google uses a back channel for its own
purposes, and will display messages to you, not by TXT, not by phone,
but other.

> Part of me joked... Lesson? Stay far away from beddings for cats and dogs?!

buy a bale of hay for the dog, only $12, lasts a long time. Dogs like it.


Nov 15, 2017, 8:00:53 PM11/15/17

Yeah, they wanted to hire someone who could get their space driving
running rather than viewing YouTube and posting on Sci.Physics.


Nov 15, 2017, 8:15:33 PM11/15/17
"they" are watching you, looperji!
"they" know what you are looking at and what you want to buy.

Anyway, my experience with Google (well is anyone says "google" and
really means Google and not "generic search engine" then you know you
don't want to hire them because they don't even know how badly the
Google search engine sucks these days...not to mention keeping track of
everything you do and them spamming the daylights out of you. Don't need it.

Anyway, back to SW IT. So say you have some nightmare problem like say
trying to get a Xen Hypervisor to run. You end up stalled with some
insoluble problem and go online for hints. I can tell you EXACTLY what
you find. You poke around and there are hundreds of people all with the
same problem. They are all whining and bitching just like you are and
looking for the answer. But there isn't one. People that know aren't
talking and all you end up with is a bunch of high schoolers saying
things like "I rebooted 10 times and then it worked fine" or "I think
what you need to do is turn it sideways and paint it blue" You get the
idea. None of them have even a fraction of the clue you do and you are
up to your ass in alligators.

That's my experience with googling for answers.

Feb 19, 2019, 4:56:20 PM2/19/19
Too bad. I thought he’d woken up to reality. She should be in prison for many things.


Feb 20, 2019, 3:42:22 PM2/20/19
On Tuesday, from someOneOfMany with no posting history save this one
TwitterismIshQ two-liner, February 19, 2019 at 4:56:20 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Too bad. I thought he’d woken up to reality.
> She should be in prison for many things.

It's all Hillary's fault! She's a self-admitted DaemonCrap, as TrumpET was/is.

Speaking of Freeman and prisons, while it's still fresh in me my mind,
I broke down and surrendered to sit down and watch Shawshank Redemption.
Sure, a 1994 movie and I made time to see it in 2019. So, I'm slow. Duh.

Anyway, in the end, Morgan Freeman as Red retrieves a buried beneath a
tree, the pre-written letter addressed to Dear Red. Conveying the
spookiness that somehow Red would be the only one to find said letter,
conveying though that somehow the innocent WizManBankerActor had forseen
everyone's future. The actors all just played along. Fiction. Pure Fiction.

Everything is preordained, as it must be in a writer's world view.

Hey, I may be slow, but I'm just right behind you...
You had to dig up an old thread just because Hillary haunts you still?
Hey, I may be slow, but I'm just right behind you...

This money movie did reaffirm how frightfully disturbing is the reality of
modern day income prison slavery systems are -- USA or outside its walls.
The horror, the pain, the suffering of being forced into solitary confinement.

Reminder to meself: NFAR, tr(y) not study/watch any movies anymore. Tr(y)!

Ok, on a lighter note, for HW, why is the word innocent and not innodollar?

-- Mahipal == माहिपाल "My Pal" or "Maple" Loops, S(y)rup, Wood. IPMM ७६३८!
Enjo(y)... Salute… Cheers... Open your M I N D… Time it is Is IS 3PM somePlace.

reber G=emc^2

Feb 22, 2019, 8:19:51 PM2/22/19
Impeaching Pimp GOP Mafia man Trump.He is the final bullet to make America fascist. Started with Nixon,Big bush by Bush.Bert

Serg Io

Feb 23, 2019, 9:19:11 PM2/23/19
On 2/20/2019 2:42 PM, Mahipal wrote:
> On Tuesday, from someOneOfMany with no posting history save this one
> TwitterismIshQ two-liner, February 19, 2019 at 4:56:20 PM UTC-5,
> wrote:
>> Too bad. I thought he’d woken up to reality.
>> She should be in prison for many things.
> It's all Hillary's fault! She's a self-admitted DaemonCrap, as TrumpET was/is.

she should never have run, the wife of current president, WTF !!

This is not suppose to be Brazil !!!


> Speaking of Freeman and prisons, while it's still fresh in me my mind,
> I broke down and surrendered to sit down and watch Shawshank Redemption.
> Sure, a 1994 movie and I made time to see it in 2019. So, I'm slow. Duh.
> Anyway, in the end, Morgan Freeman as Red retrieves a buried beneath a
> tree, the pre-written letter addressed to Dear Red. Conveying the
> spookiness that somehow Red would be the only one to find said letter,
> conveying though that somehow the innocent WizManBankerActor had forseen
> everyone's future. The actors all just played along. Fiction. Pure Fiction.

thats what I would do, put a letter and $10,000 in a tuna can and bury
it somewhere in Texas under some tree, and give vague instructions to
someone in California to go get it... (hollywood)

> Everything is preordained, as it must be in a writer's world view.
> Hey, I may be slow, but I'm just right behind you...
> You had to dig up an old thread just because Hillary haunts you still?
> Hey, I may be slow, but I'm just right behind you...
> This money movie did reaffirm how frightfully disturbing is the reality of
> modern day income prison slavery systems are -- USA or outside its walls.
> The horror, the pain, the suffering of being forced into solitary confinement.

after jail, many cannot find a good paying job for life, they are
marked. Gov should erase it after 5 or 7 years out, but they dont.

> Reminder to meself: NFAR, tr(y) not study/watch any movies anymore. Tr(y)!

excellent british movie is the "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" with Alec
Guinness, it is a mini series of 6 shows on you tube.

(there is a 2011 movie, not quite as good)
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