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Nov 10, 2003, 10:26:56 PM11/10/03
Titan Point - excellent sense of humor
Gregory L. Hansen - excellent sense of humor
Tom Potter - psychotic
hanson - a hyena who enjoys arguing with psychotic people
The Ghost In The Machine - excellent sense of humor
ZZBunker - crackpot
FrediFizzx - at least honest
Paul R. Mays - at least honest - computer geek
Randy Poe - honest, sane
Richard - crackpot
Richard Herring - computer geek
Laurel Amberdine - computer geek
Nine Stones - at least honest
Rich - computer geek
Gauge - very grumpy

Tom Potter

Nov 10, 2003, 11:33:37 PM11/10/03

"newbieperson" <> wrote in message

What we have learned,
is that "newbieperson" is a cowardly, dishonest, immature neurotic,
and a flame war instigator,
who pretends to be a "newbie" yet listed all of the people
who regularly post in sci.physic.

We also learned that he used a phony list
as an excuse to bushwhack posters that he is afraid
to confront in rational, intelligent, mature dichotomies.

Hopefully, "newbieperson" will come into the
light of the day, (Use his real name.)
and interact with folks in a mature, rational,
intelligent way, rather than use childish tactics to bushwhack
folks that he feels inferior to, and fears.

I am pretty sure who "newbieperson" really is,
and I dare say that others are also.

Tom Potter


Nov 11, 2003, 12:04:00 AM11/11/03
Tom Potter wrote:

> I am pretty sure who "newbieperson" really is,
> and I dare say that others are also.
> --
> Tom Potter

Who is he/she? Just curious.


Sam Wormley

Nov 11, 2003, 12:04:35 AM11/11/03
Tom Potter wrote:
> I am pretty sure who "newbieperson" really is,
> and I dare say that others are also.

You're just bluffing Potter!


Nov 11, 2003, 8:45:22 AM11/11/03

What are your premises? Qualify your conclusions please.
And then show exactly how my crackpot mathematical conclusions deviate
from observation. The bottom line is empirical consistency, if empirical
consistency makes me a crackpot, then you're a "psychotic ineducable
boring troll". Put up or shut up you spineless nameless troll.


Tom Potter

Nov 11, 2003, 9:13:39 AM11/11/03

"Sam Wormley" <> wrote in message

What's the matter Sambo?

Do you think people might
think that you are an immature, cowardly, bushwhacking liar?

How could anyone think that you are
that kind of person?

Tom Potter

Nov 11, 2003, 9:16:30 AM11/11/03

"davidoff404" <davidoff_A...@invalid.domain> wrote in message

Take a look at the headers and the posting times,
and make a list of the immature posters ,
who perceive themselves as part of the physics establishment,
and who ego trips by demeaning folks.


Nov 11, 2003, 11:49:48 AM11/11/03
to (newbieperson) wrote in message news:<>...

newbieperson: isomorphic to Feynmann (low IQ physcist and computer wannabee).

> Titan Point - excellent sense of humor
> Gregory L. Hansen - excellent sense of humor
> Tom Potter - psychotic

(not really psychotic, just a philosopher.
The two go together, like Iranians go with sand).

> hanson - a hyena who enjoys arguing with psychotic people
> The Ghost In The Machine - excellent sense of humor
> ZZBunker - crackpot
> FrediFizzx - at least honest

(saying that there is a honest man in science,
is like saying that the U.N. is a place where psychologists
should hang out).

> Paul R. Mays - at least honest
> - computer geek
> Randy Poe - honest, sane

(good choice of words, since he's only sane because
he's similar to most chemists: an Einstein reviewer, rather than
an Einstein).

> Richard - crackpot
> Richard Herring - computer geek

(a computer geek only in the sense that Van Neumann
needs help from a physicist on his Homework).

Randy Poe

Nov 11, 2003, 11:58:14 AM11/11/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bopoqm$1g9bg3$>...

> "newbieperson" <> wrote in message
> > Titan Point - excellent sense of humor
> > Gregory L. Hansen - excellent sense of humor
> > Tom Potter - psychotic
> > hanson - a hyena who enjoys arguing with psychotic people
> > The Ghost In The Machine - excellent sense of humor
> > ZZBunker - crackpot
> > FrediFizzx - at least honest
> > Paul R. Mays - at least honest
> > - computer geek
> > Randy Poe - honest, sane
> > Richard - crackpot
> > Richard Herring - computer geek
> > Laurel Amberdine - computer geek
> > Nine Stones - at least honest
> > Rich - computer geek
> > Gauge - very grumpy
> What we have learned,
> is that "newbieperson" is a cowardly, dishonest,

You're going to have to explain to me how any such
list, whoever composes it, can be dishonest. You may
not agree with the assessments, but since they are
subjective, how can it be dishonest?

But of course we know how you like to throw the words
"dishonest" and "lie" around, while being too cowardly
ever to back up your accusations with any substance
about WHAT the person is supposedly dishonest about.

> immature neurotic,
> and a flame war instigator,
> who pretends to be a "newbie" yet listed all of the people
> who regularly post in sci.physic.
> We also learned that he used a phony list

Looks like a real list to me. What's a "phony list"?

Here's a list:
eggs (free range)
soy sauce

Is it a phony list or a real list? Just wondering.

> as an excuse to bushwhack posters

Are you bushwacked? How so?

- Randy

Bill Vajk

Nov 11, 2003, 12:05:09 PM11/11/03
Randy Poe wrote:

> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bopoqm$1g9bg3$>...

>>as an excuse to bushwhack posters

> Are you bushwacked? How so?

In keeping with the subject of this thread, I learned
not to waste time on Tom.

Bushwacked? Tom is his own reward.

Dirk Van de moortel

Nov 11, 2003, 12:26:31 PM11/11/03

"Randy Poe" <> wrote in message

Potter surely has a way of creating *wacky* lists
and in *two* dimensions:

Dirk Vdm


Nov 11, 2003, 1:12:02 PM11/11/03
Of course I must qualify that with the obvious:
Since it was based on a very small amount of data,
a lot of it might be wrong. I apologize for any

Except there is one item we can be dead sure is right:
That Tom Potter is psychotic.

And a liar, because with the high frequency of posts to
sci.physics, there's no way to figure out what Potter
claims he has. Examining the posting times, the person
who falls closest to Potter's description is Uncle Al.
Of course, he only falls close to the posting time of
the first post, so the conclusion that I am Uncle Al
(or any of the less close people) would only be drawn
by a raving psychotic. Which gives us further evidence
that that item is right. As if we needed any.

Oh, by the way, Potter, in case you haven't figured it
out already. I am not Uncle Al. Are you planning to
continue this game?

- newbieperson, who is planning to instigate a war/conflict
for power/wealth next Thursday. Everyone watch the
news then to see the explosions and carnage.


Nov 11, 2003, 5:48:18 PM11/11/03
"Dirk Van de moortel" <> wrote in message news:<bZ8sb.18352$>...

It's not wacky, it's absurb.
Since like any philospher he's claims
that force is one-dimensional,
which it's in truth zero-dimensional.

Or as Newton always said to the British:
Thumbs up, since the Germans are coming for supper.

Tom Potter

Nov 11, 2003, 8:35:06 PM11/11/03

"Randy Poe" <> wrote in message
> "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> > "newbieperson" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Titan Point - excellent sense of humor
> > > Gregory L. Hansen - excellent sense of humor
> > > Tom Potter - psychotic
> > > hanson - a hyena who enjoys arguing with psychotic people
> > > The Ghost In The Machine - excellent sense of humor
> > > ZZBunker - crackpot
> > > FrediFizzx - at least honest
> > > Paul R. Mays - at least honest
> > > - computer geek
> > > Randy Poe - honest, sane
> > > Richard - crackpot
> > > Richard Herring - computer geek
> > > Laurel Amberdine - computer geek
> > > Nine Stones - at least honest
> > > Rich - computer geek
> > > Gauge - very grumpy
> >
> > What we have learned,
> > is that "newbieperson" is a cowardly, dishonest,
> You're going to have to explain to me how any such
> list, whoever composes it, can be dishonest.

As usual, Randy Poe
reveals his reading comprehension problem.

The LIST is not "cowardly" and "dishonest",
the POSTER of the LIST is.

And why is the poster dishonest?
The poster is dishonest as he CLAIMS
to be a "newbie" when in fact, he reveals a deep knowledge
about the posters in sci.physics, that can only be gleaned
by reading many posts, over a long period of time.

And why is the poster cowardly?
The poster is cowardly (And neurotic)
because he obviously posted the list anonymously
as a means of bushwhacking folks,
that he is afraid to confront openly and honestly,
in a mature, rational, logical dichotomy.

And as can be seen,
the poster strokes his ego
by identifying with the physics establishment,
and anonymously attacking folks who have
taken anti-establishment positions.

Face the facts.
The poster is an immature, cowardly neurotic,
who has low self-confidence and self-esteem.

One can tell a lot about lower animals from the spoor
they leave behind.
I could tell you more about this poster,
including his race, religion, and politics,
but I leave it for the more astute readers to
evaluate for themselves.

Tom Potter

Nov 11, 2003, 8:41:52 PM11/11/03

"Dirk Van de moortel" <> wrote
in message news:bZ8sb.18352$
> Potter surely has a way of creating *wacky* lists
> and in *two* dimensions:

HONEST, MORAL, rational, intelligent folks know that if you want
nice clean oats, or unadulterated information,
you get it from the horses mouth,
not from a horses ass.

If you want comprehensive, factual information
about me, visit my web site at:
It has all kinds of information about me, my family and my thoughts.

On the other hand, if you want to understand "Dirk Van de moortel"
(And the other sociopaths who try to boost their self-esteem
by constructing web sites with the express purpose of demeaning plain
a good place to start would be the article by
Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
at entitled:
"The Psychopath's Brain"

Note that sociopaths are egocentric, have shallow emotions,
lack of empathy for other human beings, are calloused, etc.

Sociopaths have irresistible compulsions to
stroke their ego's by harming people and destroying things.
Note that ""Dirk Van de moortel's" web site
is designed to attack plain folks, whereas I use
a leading expert in psychopathic behavior field.

Tom Potter

Nov 11, 2003, 8:51:07 PM11/11/03

"newbieperson" <> wrote in message
> Of course I must qualify that with the obvious:
> Since it was based on a very small amount of data,
> a lot of it might be wrong. I apologize for any
> mistakes.
> Except there is one item we can be dead sure is right:
> That Tom Potter is psychotic.
> And a liar, because with the high frequency of posts to
> sci.physics, there's no way to figure out what Potter
> claims he has. Examining the posting times, the person
> who falls closest to Potter's description is Uncle Al.
> Of course, he only falls close to the posting time of
> the first post, so the conclusion that I am Uncle Al
> (or any of the less close people) would only be drawn
> by a raving psychotic. Which gives us further evidence
> that that item is right. As if we needed any.
> Oh, by the way, Potter, in case you haven't figured it
> out already. I am not Uncle Al. Are you planning to
> continue this game?

It is very obvious that YOU are "not Uncle Al",
as Uncle Al is not a coward, nor a bushwhacker,
nor immature, nor stupid, as you obviously are.

You are obviously a long time reader of my posts,
and you obviously identify with the physics establishment,
and the people who instigated the class wars of the 1900's
and who are instigating the religious wars of the 2000's,
and obviously you are all bent out of shape emotionally
because I post this fact.

See a doctor.
They might be able to help you cure your paranoia,
fear, and cowardliness, and help make you a well adjusted member
of the human race.

Right now, you are just a "member",
and a tiny one at that.

Tom Potter

Nov 11, 2003, 9:00:32 PM11/11/03

"Bill Vajk" <> wrote in message

> Randy Poe wrote:
> > "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> >>as an excuse to bushwhack posters
> > Are you bushwacked? How so?
> In keeping with the subject of this thread, I learned
> not to waste time on Tom.

Thanks for "wasting time" on "Tom".

As my Pappy used to say:
"Stuck pigs squeal."

Hopefully my posts about the people
who instigated the class wars of the 1900's,

and who are instigating the religious wars of the 2000's,

has a lot of pigs squealing, and they will begin to recognize
the enormous harm they have done to mankind,
and begin to act, not like pigs,
but like civilized people,
who value truth, justice, equity,
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
for ALL of mankind.


Nov 11, 2003, 9:03:48 PM11/11/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote:


>Note that ""Dirk Van de moortel's" web site
>is designed to attack plain folks, whereas I use
>a leading expert in psychopathic behavior field.

If you are going to attack plain folks, don't use a leading
expert in psychopathic behavior field. Do it yourself

Oh wait... never mind.


Sam Wormley

Nov 11, 2003, 9:18:27 PM11/11/03
Tom Potter wrote:
> HONEST, MORAL, rational, intelligent folks know that if you want
> nice clean oats, or unadulterated information,
> you get it from the horses mouth,
> not from a horses ass.

It seems to me I've heard that song before...


Nov 12, 2003, 3:37:44 AM11/12/03
"Tom Potter" <> continued the game with message

> It is very obvious that YOU are "not Uncle Al",

Well, obviously, because I told you so. Zero points.

> as Uncle Al is not a coward, nor a bushwhacker,
> nor immature, nor stupid, as you obviously are.

Subjective predictions. Zero points.

> You are obviously a long time reader of my posts,

Too vague. How long is a long time? Zero points
taken away or granted until you define this term,
as in "greater than x units of time."

> and you obviously identify with the physics establishment,

Too vague, and sounds subjective. Zero points unless
you can explain its objective meaning.

> and the people who instigated the class wars of the 1900's
> and who are instigating the religious wars of the 2000's,

Of course. I identify with their desire to live
extremely long lifespans. Zero points.

> and obviously you are all bent out of shape emotionally
> because I post this fact.

Who gets bent out of shape emotionally over a
newsgroup discussion? I won't deduct points,
however, since this is subjective and doesn't

> See a doctor.
> They might be able to help you cure your paranoia,
> fear, and cowardliness, and help make you a well adjusted member
> of the human race.

This is worthless advice, not predictions about
who I am. Zero points.

> Right now, you are just a "member",
> and a tiny one at that.

I am a member of the human race? Well, although
I wonder about some of the people here, I really
can't think of any posters who I know aren't
members of the human race. So I'm afraid that's
zero points.

So far, you have zero points. Are you going to
try again? Go for race, religion, politics,
maybe even a name next time?

Tom Potter

Nov 12, 2003, 5:52:26 AM11/12/03

"newbieperson" <> wrote in message

I have to admit I was wrong about "newbieperson".

As can be seen from his delusions of grandeur,
and his denial of obvious facts,
I should have classified him as psychotic,
rather than just neurotic.

Of course, I was right on target
about him being a cowardly bushwhacker,
stupid, immature, a physics wannabe,
a long time reader of sci.physics,
and a "tiny member".

Tom Potter

Nov 12, 2003, 6:12:18 AM11/12/03

"Sam Wormley" <> wrote in message

It seems to me I've <smelt the stink that inspired the>
song before...

When a poster stinks up the news groups
with repetitive, offensive posts,
(As you and Moortel frequently do.) ,
it should be pointed out the stink
emanates from a horse's ass.

Tom Potter

Nov 12, 2003, 6:22:52 AM11/12/03

"Jim" <> wrote in message

I'm just addressing the gestalt of the post,
and pointing out why certain kinds of people act as they do.

As can be seen, Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD article

at entitled:
"The Psychopath's Brain"

is not intended to "attack and harm plain folks",
as "Dirk Van de moortel's" web site is, but
to inform folks about sociopaths and sociopathic behavior.

As the good doctor points out,
sociopaths, such as serial killers and rapists,
get their jollies by harming folks.


Nov 12, 2003, 12:19:15 PM11/12/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bot3ef$1i790c$>...

> Of course, I was right on target
> about him being a cowardly bushwhacker,
> stupid, immature, a physics wannabe,
> a long time reader of sci.physics,
> and a "tiny member".

I see. Well, I apologize for reading
something meaningful into a statement
that was only intended to prove that you
are an idiot who complains incessantly
about ad hominems and "bushwhacking"
from other people, but dishes out simple
vulgarities himself. I take it that you
concede your defeat in your game to
determine my "true identity." Thus, you
will not hear from me anymore.

If you did discover my "true identity,"
I would have to apologize to you, but of
course that isn't going to happen. In
fact, if you can even provide my name, I
will issue a public apology, since if
you are clever enough to figure that out,
my judgement that you are a psychotic
idiot was incorrect. But I'm certain
that won't happen, because, after all,
you are a psychotic idiot.

/ * newbieperson * /

Some final advice: Learn some new

Randy Poe

Nov 12, 2003, 6:01:33 PM11/12/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bos2pb$1hpr2l$>...

I didn't say the list was cowardly. I did question your
use of "dishonest" on the basis solely of a list.

> And why is the poster dishonest?

Yes, that's my question. This person posts a list. You
dismiss the post (OK, the poster) as being dishonest,
when all I see is a list. Why?

> The poster is dishonest as he CLAIMS
> to be a "newbie" when in fact,

Oh, is *that* all. So you have no reaction to
the content at all. You never got past the person's
name on line 1. Revealing.

> he reveals a deep knowledge
> about the posters in sci.physics, that can only be gleaned
> by reading many posts, over a long period of time.

Really? As I said in an earlier thread, I think most people
gather their assessments (either the list above or
the one you would write, its complement), within
a couple of days.

> And why is the poster cowardly?
> The poster is cowardly (And neurotic)
> because he obviously posted the list anonymously
> as a means of bushwhacking folks,

Who's bushwacked? Are you bushwacked? How so?

And please learn to snip.


- Randy

Tom Potter

Nov 12, 2003, 11:21:55 PM11/12/03
to (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...

> And please learn to snip.
> [snip]
> - Randy


As can be seen,
Randy Poe not only has a serious reading comprehension problem,
he is very dense.

Tom Potter

Tom Potter

Nov 12, 2003, 11:33:00 PM11/12/03
to (newbieperson) wrote in message news:<>...

As can be seen,
I was 100% right about "newbieperson".

He is an immoral, immature, cowardly bushwhacking liar.

Note that he continues to hide, bushwhack and run,
even after his childish, immoral, cowardly game is exposed.

"Some final advice: (To "newbieperson")

1. Grow up.

2. Condition yourself to be brave and above board.

3. Learn to interact with folks eye to eye,
and not hide from and harm the folks you fear,
and bushwhack like a thief in the night.

4. Switch your brand of philosophy/religion,
and reject the conditioning of your parents,
as this is what has made you into an immoral, lying coward.

Don't blame "newbieperson" for being an immoral, lying coward.

As the old saying goes:
"Nuts do not fall too far from the tree."

He is a product of his environment.

Tom Potter

Randy Poe

Nov 13, 2003, 9:11:33 AM11/13/03
to (Tom Potter) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...
> > And please learn to snip.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > - Randy
> [snip]

Excellent. Wasn't that easy?

> As can be seen,

Well no. But A+ for lesson 1: "Snipping irrelevant back

Now lesson 2 is much harder and I don't expect you to get
it the first time: "Retaining relevant context".

You see, if you want to write a comment like "as can be
seen..." then a sane person would ordinarily leave something
to be seen. You see, the idea is that your posts have
a CONTEXT, so others can see what you're replying to.

Of course, for that to work, you'd have to actually
read and comprehend what you're replying to, so that
there was something actually relevant to your comments.
As I said, I don't expect you to get there in one lesson.

Anyway, congratulations once again on finding your delete
key. I'm proud of you.

- Randy

Tom Potter

Nov 14, 2003, 2:46:50 AM11/14/03
to (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...
> (Tom Potter) wrote in message news:<>...
> > (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> > > And please learn to snip.
> > >
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > - Randy
> >
> > [snip]


> congratulations on finding your delete key.
> - Randy

Tom Potter

Randy Poe

Nov 14, 2003, 9:42:12 AM11/14/03
Potter honors me, for reasons not immediately clear,
by issuing a post which consists only of my words. (Tom Potter) wrote in message news:<>...
> (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...
> > (Tom Potter) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...
> > >
> > > > And please learn to snip.
> > > >
> > > > [snip]
> > > >
> > > > - Randy
> > >
> > > [snip]
> [snip]
> > congratulations on finding your delete key.
> >
> > - Randy

Excellent. Keep up the practice. Try to apply this
lesson now to other threads. You'll find your delete
key still functions even when you are not struck
dumb with awe.

- Randy

Tom Potter

Nov 15, 2003, 12:03:11 AM11/15/03
to (Randy Poe) wrote in message news:<>...

More words of wisdom from Handy Randy.
Snip, delete, be in awe of your delete key.

Handy Randy sounds like the original "Deep Thoughts" guy.

Tom Potter

Randy Poe

Nov 16, 2003, 8:44:37 PM11/16/03
On 14 Nov 2003 21:03:11 -0800, (Tom Potter) wrote:
>> > > congratulations on finding your delete key.
>> > >
>> Excellent. Keep up the practice. Try to apply this
>> lesson now to other threads. You'll find your delete
>> key still functions even when you are not struck
>> dumb with awe.
>More words of wisdom from Handy Randy.

B- that time. You forgot to snip anything from my response even though
you were only replying to the last three words. You quoted the entire
post. Do try to remember that delete key.

It takes three tries to make a habit, Tom. *Do* keep trying, let's see
if you can succeed in making at least one more post where you snip
something before replying. I have every confidence you can find that
delete key one more time.

- Randy

Sam Wormley

Nov 17, 2003, 3:56:06 PM11/17/03

You must be referring to errors, inconsistencies and
and muddled exposés that I've started pointing out in
your "physics tutorial". I almost puke every time I
look at it, Potter. Get it off the world wide web. It
is an embarrassment.

Sam Wormley

Nov 17, 2003, 3:57:09 PM11/17/03
Tom Potter wrote:
> It seems to me I've <smelt the stink that inspired the>
> song before...
> When a poster stinks up the news groups
> with repetitive, offensive posts,
> (As you and Moortel frequently do.) ,
> it should be pointed out the stink
> emanates from a horse's ass.
> --
> Tom Potter

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 5:41:01 PM11/17/03
Randy Poe <> wrote in message news:<>...


It is interesting to note that Handy Randy thinks I dcannot
have troublre finding my delete key. How would I correct
any typos oif I couldn't find my delete key? R Handy Randy
is a pretaentious little idiot with an immoral vendetta he
wants to imopose on others.

The tactics Handy
Randy uses, are analougous to the tactics oused by the
Bolsheviks isn starting their class wars of the 1900's,
ads well as the religious wars of the 12000's. While
Ra Handy Randy is not in tehe same league as tehe
Bolsheviks, maybe one day h3e will grow up and want
to proffoit from his actions of instigations. The only
way evil people like Handy Randy will grow up and start
confilicts and wars for wealth and profit, is if thwey
get plently of attention now when they do their childish
behaviors. If inmstead, they are exposed as what they
are and are deiscredited, they qwill be conditrioned to
expect the resistance of a free people later in life
and will be less likely to mount their immoral plans.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 6:02:54 PM11/17/03
to (ZZBunker) wrote in message news:<>...

As can be seen, ZZBunker has no intelligent remark
about my physics ideas other than to claim they
are wacky and absurd. His posts are strikingly
similar to the manner in which the Bolsheviks
instigated, and still are instigating, war and
conflict, for power and wealth.

> Or as Newton always said to the British:
> Thumbs up, since the Germans are coming for supper.

The Germans were a hardworking, upright, moral
people who elected a strong leader to fight the
Bolsheviks. I intend to do to you what he did
to the Bolsheviks.

My table is the simplist overview of physics ever,
although the Bolsheviks and sci.physics Taliban
try to distract from the issue by personal attacks
on me. If you want good, clean oats, get them
from a horse's mouth, not from a horse's ass.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 8:48:54 PM11/17/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

As can be seen by looking at the headers,
I did not make the post above.

Obviously, some dishonest person
who cannot address the issues I raise,
is taking the dishonest approach to
promoting his agenda.

As the best measure of a person, or group,
are the tactics they use,
I suggest that the poster reflect on his actions,
use his real name, and address the issues raised,
rather than try to obscure someone else's messages
using dishonest, immoral tricks.

In the long run, honesty is the best policy.

Randy Poe

Nov 17, 2003, 8:29:08 PM11/17/03
On 17 Nov 2003 14:41:01 -0800, (Tom Potter) wrote:

>Randy Poe <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> On 14 Nov 2003 21:03:11 -0800, (Tom Potter) wrote:
>> >> > > congratulations on finding your delete key.
>> >> > >
>> >> Excellent. Keep up the practice. Try to apply this
>> >> lesson now to other threads. You'll find your delete
>> >> key still functions even when you are not struck
>> >> dumb with awe.
>> >>
>> >More words of wisdom from Handy Randy.
>> B- that time. You forgot to snip anything from my response even though
>> you were only replying to the last three words. You quoted the entire
>> post. Do try to remember that delete key.
>> It takes three tries to make a habit, Tom. *Do* keep trying, let's see
>> if you can succeed in making at least one more post where you snip
>> something before replying. I have every confidence you can find that
>> delete key one more time.
>> - Randy
>It is interesting to note that Handy Randy thinks I dcannot
>have troublre finding my delete key.

Slipped back to old habits again there, Tommy. Posted everything, no

The delete key is the one that says "Del" or "Delete" on it.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 8:56:39 PM11/17/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

As can be seen by the headers,
and the style of writing,

I did not make the post above.

As can be seen,
some dishonest person who is unable to
address the issues I raise, is faking posts
using my name.

As the measure of a person or group
are the tactics they use to promote their agenda,
I assert that the tactic used by this poster
clearly reveals his dishonesty and immorality,
and perhaps the moral bankruptcy of his agenda.

Hopefully, he will come to realize that
in the long run, honesty is the best policy,
and he will use his real name,
and address issues in a moral, rational way,
rather then stoop to dishonest and immoral tactics.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 9:30:25 PM11/17/03

"Sam Wormley" <> wrote in message

It is interesting to see that Sam "Wild goose chase" Wormey,
asserts that a physics tutorial,
that starts with events as the basic unit of reality,
and goes on in six, simple, graphic steps,
to develop a unique Physical Properties Chart,
that shows the relationships between the physical properties,
much as the Periodic Chart shows the relationships
between the elements, is an embarrassment.

I suggest that intelligent folks, who are interested in
gaining a fast, comprehensive overview of physics,
should not take my word for it,
nor the word of sci.physic's number two flamer (Wormey),
but should download the tutorial and see for themselves.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 9:40:32 PM11/17/03
to (Tom Potter) wrote in message news:<>...

As can be seen by looking at the headers,

I did not make the post above.

Obviously, some dishonest person

who cannot address the issues I raise,
is taking the dishonest approach to
promoting his agenda.

As the best measure of a person, or group,
are the tactics they use,
I suggest that the poster reflect on his actions,
use his real name, and address the issues raised,
rather than try to obscure someone else's messages
using dishonest, immoral tricks.

In the long run, honesty is the best policy.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 9:42:20 PM11/17/03

"Randy Poe" <> wrote in message

As can be seen, Handy Randy
reveals his lack of comprehension
by attributing a post to me,
that was obviously faked by some dishonest person.

It would be clear
to a person with good comprehension
that the style of the writing, and the spelling errors,
are inconsistent with my posts.

Of course, it could be that Handy Randy
is the source of the counterfeit posts,
and is trying to create a diversion.


Nov 17, 2003, 10:30:51 PM11/17/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> > > > > "newbieperson" [NP] <> wrote in
> > > > >

> > > > > > Tom Potter - psychotic
> > > > > > hanson - a hyena who enjoys arguing with psychotic people
[hanson to "newbieperson" (NP)]
What do you mean by "enjoys"? .... It is hard work to give therapy
to psychotic people, and it is a pro bono, public service to boot!
You should choose your words more wisely "newbieperson", for
it is written that people who do make lists, like you do, are clearly
psychotic themselves. And yes, I have heard your silent cry and
your perverted wish for me to enjoy myself by arguing with you.
Will see if I've a free cell for your therapy in the lower wards.

But much, much worse then the psycho perversion you just exhibited
is your felonious plagiarism,....... much worse then Albert Einstein's.
You miserable culprit, you had to steal that powerful hyena attribution
which Tom Potter has anointed me and honored me with, off/from him.
Don't you pedestrian thief, NP, know that this was the only piece of
intellectual property that Tom Potter ever possessed? Surely, Tom-Tom,
my dearest client will not let this pass by unanswered. NP, you are
now the first active BOLSHEVIK instigator whom Tom knows by name.
.... Tom, sic'em!

[complaints by Tom-Tom about ZZBunker]

> The Germans were a hardworking, upright, moral
> people who elected a strong leader to fight the

> Bolsheviks. I intend to do to you [ZZ] what he [Hitler]
> did to the Bolsheviks.
Wow Tom, are you going to show ZZBunker Hitler's Fuehrer
Bunker? Wow, a Bunker within a Bunker. Also, Tom, your last
sentence indicates that you wish for ZZ to kick your ass, like
when the Bolsheviks finally kicked Hitler's ass. -- Are you maso,
Tom? .. ....or Tom, is this your first attempt to rewrite history?
A daunting and monumental task. Just wait until the Jews come
after you for that. I say, stick to your Extra gig in the Chinese
soap opera............ahahahahayha.......ahahahahanson

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 11:25:12 PM11/17/03

"hanson" <> wrote in message

As can be seen, Harry Hyena hanson
has a serious comprehension problem,
and has completely lost his senses.

He not only responds to a counterfeit post,
that was obviously not made by me,
but he babbles randomly and insanely.

Obviously his problem is that I have asserted
that the people, who instigated the class wars of the 1900's,
migrated to Israel and New York after their class wars were discredited,
and the native Russians regained control of their government,
and that they are instigating the religious wars of the 2000's
to get back in the chips, as the loot from their class wars is almost gone.

As can be seen, Harry Hyena hanson's desperate efforts to
whitewash the instigators of war for power and wealth
has him banging his head against the wall,
and grasping every straw in an effort to
obscure the agenda and tactics of the war-for-profit instigators.

And as can be seen by rational, intelligent, folks,
the people who instigated conflict and war for profit,
pull out all stops, and use their time worm tactic
of blitzing their critics with all kinds of lies, distortions,
and obfuscations.

The war-for-profit instigators have long
been able to force their greedy, corrupt agenda
upon the masses, because good folks are fearful
of becoming their targets and victims.

As can be seen by many historical examples,
eventually the personal welfare,
and the welfare of their children
override their tolerance and fear,
and the masses of good people,
turn to aggressive leaders committed to
rid them of the overreaching greed and abuse
of the war-for-profit instigators.

I suggest that the war-for-profit instigators
are overreaching, and that they are bringing
down the ire of the whole world against them,
and soon the shit will hit the fan,
unless clear, rational, moral people take a stand
to correct the problem.

As the world is becoming a smaller place,
there will be no place for the war-for-profit instigators to go,
when the American public turns against them.

It seems to me, that the rational thing for
the war-for-profit instigators, and their fellow travelers, to do,
is to cease instigating war, and offending good folks with their
personal abuse tactics, and to start mending fences,
and joining the human race.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 11:50:03 PM11/17/03
Hi Tom Potter, you write:
"Note that 'Dirk Van de moortel's' web site
is designed to attack plain folks, whereas I use
a leading expert in psychopathic behavior field."

The people his website attacks are there primarily because
they stuck to their errors even when it was pointed out
they were wrong. If you would withdraw some of the
ridiculous claims you have made, I believe it would be his
policy to remove those claims of yours from his website.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 11:51:35 PM11/17/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bos484$1b8bob$>...
> "Bill Vajk" <> wrote in message
> news:9F8sb.172687$Tr4.461881@attbi_s03...

> > Randy Poe wrote:
> >
> > > "Tom Potter" <> wrote in message
> news:<bopoqm$1g9bg3$>...
> > >>as an excuse to bushwhack posters
> > > Are you bushwacked? How so?
> >
> > In keeping with the subject of this thread, I learned
> > not to waste time on Tom.
> Thanks for "wasting time" on "Tom".

He is not wasting time on you. He is passing along
some quick advice to others.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 11:54:14 PM11/17/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bot4je$1h8dri$>...

Van Moortel engages in actual debates with people,
while you spew racist nonsense, and insult anyone
who disagrees with you.

Tom Potter

Nov 17, 2003, 11:57:06 PM11/17/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bos368$1gdgpf$>...

> "Dirk Van de moortel" <> wrote
> in message news:bZ8sb.18352$
> >
> > Potter surely has a way of creating *wacky* lists
> > and in *two* dimensions:
> >

> HONEST, MORAL, rational, intelligent folks know that if you want
> nice clean oats, or unadulterated information,
> you get it from the horses mouth,
> not from a horses ass.
> If you want comprehensive, factual information
> about me, visit my web site at:
> It has all kinds of information about me, my family and my thoughts.
> On the other hand, if you want to understand "Dirk Van de moortel"
> (And the other sociopaths who try to boost their self-esteem
> by constructing web sites with the express purpose of demeaning plain
> folks.)
> a good place to start would be the article by
> Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD

> at entitled:
> "The Psychopath's Brain"
> Note that sociopaths are egocentric, have shallow emotions,
> lack of empathy for other human beings, are calloused, etc.
> Sociopaths have irresistible compulsions to
> stroke their ego's by harming people and destroying things.

> Note that ""Dirk Van de moortel's" web site
> is designed to attack plain folks, whereas I use
> a leading expert in psychopathic behavior field.

Stick to the topic of physics, now, Potter, instead of
immaturely insulting the other poster. What on earth
is the complete line of reasoning behind that bizarre list?

Tom Potter

Nov 18, 2003, 6:24:52 AM11/18/03

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

As can be seen,
the dishonest poster who is forging my name to posts,
forged my name to a post addressed to me.

Hopefully, this cowardly, dishonest person will
have the courage to come straight out,
and post in his own name,
and engage in a dichotomy about what
"ridiculous claims <I> have made".

I assert that the tactics used by this poster,
and his associates clearly defines who and what they are.

Honest, moral, intelligent, well-adjusted people do not
hide, lie, bushwhack, and attack messengers.
They strive to address the heart of issues,
as truth comes about through open, honest dichotomies,
not through lies, distortions, deletions, personal attacks,
forging post, hiding ones identity, etc.

Tom Potter

Nov 18, 2003, 6:45:47 AM11/18/03

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

This is another forged post.
I did not make this post.

One more example of a dishonest, immoral person in action.

Tom Potter

Nov 18, 2003, 6:46:18 AM11/18/03

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

Tom Potter

Nov 18, 2003, 6:46:59 AM11/18/03

"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message

This is another forged post.


Nov 18, 2003, 4:42:39 PM11/18/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bpc73m$1mn3to$>...

Well, we can't do that.
Since "science" is perpetually offended to the
very inner depths of their moral superior fibers
of oat bran by *anything* for profit.

So we will not mend fences.
Since the only thing we do is build walls of titanium.
And let the stupid die of natural causes
of the natural numbers, and Farmer TOE.
Which "physicists" usually translate
as Framer TOE, rather than Farmer TOE.
Since Economists are afflicted by Paranoia,
whereas Astronomers are only afflicted
by poor and stupid.


Nov 20, 2003, 4:25:39 AM11/20/03
to (Tom Potter) wrote in message news:<>...

Yeah right. The Germans elected Hilter
in the same way they elected the Gestapo.

And he didn't do anything to the Bolsheviks.
Since by time he got any power,
Stalin had already killed the Bolsheviks
for him.

Tom Potter

Nov 20, 2003, 8:04:48 AM11/20/03

"ZZBunker" <> wrote in message

As can be seen, is using the standard, boilerplate tactic
of instigating conflict by the use of deception and lies,
much as Who and the Mossad do.

Note that pretends to be me,
and insults posters, thus trying to instigate conflict,
between some innocent poster and me.

I suggest that rational, intelligent people
will not be fooled for very long with this tactic,
that has worked so well for the instigators of conflict and war,
before the advent of the Internet,
and that the good moral folks will become wise to
these dishonest, immoral tactics
and begin to reject the people who use them.

Note that, in order to counteract dishonest, immoral posters like I am using a sig that the WHO
fellow travelers will find objectionable.

If they make a phony post
that they wish to attribute to me,
they will have to append my sig to it,
and thus help me expose their own evil agenda and tactics.

Tom Potter

WHO instigates conflict and war for power and wealth?
WHO instigated the class wars of the 1900's?
WHO is instigating the religious wars of the 2000's?
WHO has a well organized propaganda machine?
WHO gang attacks all who expose their agenda and methods?

Visit my web site, and download the world's best physics tutorial!


Nov 21, 2003, 1:29:36 PM11/21/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bpie58$1pg44t$>...

I suggest that since "physicists" are the ONLY "rational"
intelligent people on Earth, that they should
study Set theory and evolution, and leave the thinking
to people with brains.

Or as Van Neumann would would say:
O shitsky, there goes another Lawyer and Newton toaster.


Nov 21, 2003, 2:57:46 PM11/21/03
"Tom Potter" <> wrote in message news:<bpie58$1pg44t$>...

But since Who has been superceded by *The Who*, it's irrelevent.
That's trivially follows from the fact that
Who only does Jane Fonda, Bill Clinton, George Bush,
and Park Avenue slummers, such as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones
dork fans do.
While The Who does it all, since they do
Woodstock, They do *Outdoor* *Electric* Violins,
and they do Madison Square Garden.

But, they have informed me that what they
fortunately don't do is Elvis cover songs,
such as The Beatles as scientists do.

And since Mossad is nothing but rank ameuter
CIA with a few bulldozers, and only a few Bush-
Wacker sympathizers, they are to be
dismissed as mere Bin Laden wannabees,
with a few used America Jets, and
God Save The Queen (Imported Eqyptian Chemists).

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