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TRUMP/RUSSIA Collusion Conspiracy Becomes Clear

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Nov 30, 2018, 10:40:04 PM11/30/18

Trump had been trying to get a massive real
estate deal in Moscow for decades.

Problem is Trump has no credit anywhere, blacklisted
in every US bank, but all of a sudden Russia offers
to finance it for him through Russian state owned
VTB bank.

PROBLEM IS...that bank is under sanctions and
only by lifting US sanctions can Trump get his
long coveted Trump Moscow Tower built.

And Trump was still secretly trying to get the
deal done until June 2016, in the middle of
the campaign. No wonder Trump and every one
associated with him has been lying and lying
trying to cover up the attempt to build the
Moscow Tower.

Trump had to get the sanctions lifted to get
the deal done, that was the quid pro quo.

Trump Moscow Tower in exchange for lifting sanctions.

And Putin knew Trump was hiding the attempted deal
lying and lying about it, that means Trump was
compromised, once Trump lied about it Putin
had him by the balls.




Fred J. McCall

Dec 1, 2018, 10:35:37 AM12/1/18
jonathan <> wrote on Fri, 30 Nov 2018 22:39:58

>Trump had been trying to get a massive real
>estate deal in Moscow for decades.

But currently isn't.

>Problem is Trump has no credit anywhere, blacklisted
>in every US bank, but all of a sudden Russia offers
>to finance it for him through Russian state owned
>VTB bank.

Problem (for you) is that your delusions aren't even approximately

>PROBLEM IS...that bank is under sanctions and
>only by lifting US sanctions can Trump get his
>long coveted Trump Moscow Tower built.

You mean the one he's not currently trying to get built? Problem (for
you) is that your delusions aren't even approximately fact.

>And Trump was still secretly trying to get the
>deal done until June 2016, in the middle of
>the campaign.

So NOT trying now.

>No wonder Trump and every one
>associated with him has been lying and lying
>trying to cover up the attempt to build the
>Moscow Tower.

Problem (for you) is that your delusions aren't even approximately

>Trump had to get the sanctions lifted to get
>the deal done, that was the quid pro quo.

Problem (for you) is that your delusions aren't even approximately

>Trump Moscow Tower in exchange for lifting sanctions.

Problem (for you) is that your delusions aren't even approximately

>And Putin knew Trump was hiding the attempted deal
>lying and lying about it, that means Trump was
>compromised, once Trump lied about it Putin
>had him by the balls.

Problem (for you) is that your delusions aren't even approximately


STFU you off topic troll.

"You take the lies out of him, and he'll shrink to the size of
your hat; you take the malice out of him, and he'll disappear."
-- Mark Twain


Dec 1, 2018, 4:51:09 PM12/1/18
and yet you feed him

Dec 2, 2018, 12:02:36 AM12/2/18
Hildebeast is the lie machine. She even lies about lying. I gave you all the emails. Or how about Obama. You can keep your doctor. or how about "You never built this". Then he parade that Muslim traitor that got 3 men killed in Afghanistan and let his traitor father up on the podium who then spoke in Arabic. Ultimate insult.


Dec 2, 2018, 7:48:25 AM12/2/18
Well if you think two wrongs make a right with the
right wing last resort of 'whataboutisms', then
Hillary and Bill should be forgiven, I mean
...'what about' the republican crimes of
Vietnam and Iraq?

No one died from Bill and Hillary's emails or affairs.

And neither of them sold out America to the Russians
and Saudis to make a quick BUCK.

Now we see why Trump has screamed the phrase "NO COLLUSION

Usually 6 times per day. It's like a Freudian roadmap
to a crime.

Oh and have you seen Trump's polls lately? Nice trend.

If Trump dips below 30% the repubs will turn on him
like they did Nixon, to save the republican party
from a complete meltdown and losing all three
branches in the next election.

Cheers! Here's to a happy new year~



Fire the proton torpedoes-Then BeamMeUpScotty-There's NO sign of intelligent life down here-NO STO...

Dec 2, 2018, 8:02:34 AM12/2/18
Seth Rich and a few others plus some Haitians may have may have died in
that hurricane thanks to Hillary and her Clinton Foundation scamming the
donations and buying Chelsea a Million dollar condo rather then building
some housing for the Haitians who the money was donated to help..... we
need to investigate Hillary.


That's Karma


Dec 2, 2018, 8:29:55 AM12/2/18
On 12/2/2018 8:02 AM, Fire the proton torpedoes-Then
BeamMeUpScotty-There's NO sign of intelligent life down here-NO STO...
Wow, that's quite a reach. And Maybe Trump's Towers
caused the earthquake in Alaska...

Clinton Foundation

"Through 2016 the foundation had raised an estimated $2 billion
from U.S. corporations, foreign governments and corporations,
political donors, and various other groups and individuals."

According to the Clinton Foundation's website, neither
Bill Clinton nor his daughter, Chelsea Clinton (both are
members of the governing board), draws any salary or
receives any income from the Foundation. When Hillary
Clinton was a board member she reportedly also received
no income from the Foundation.[10]

3 Programs and initiatives

3.1 Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
3.2 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and CGI U
3.3 Clinton Global Citizen Awards
3.4 Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI)
3.5 Clinton Development Initiative (CDI)
3.6 The Alliance for a Healthier Generation
3.7 Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative
3.8 Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI)
3.9 Disaster relief
3.10 No Ceilings project

As you can see below Trump has no problem using
things like 9/11 and our Veterans to raise money
FOR HIS OWN USE...Talk about a piece of human

Donald J. Trump Foundation

On June 14, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood
filed civil suit against President Donald Trump and his three
eldest children, Donald, Jr., Ivanka, and Eric, alleging
"persistently illegal conduct" with respect to foundation money,
accusing them of engaging in campaign finance violations,
using foundation money in their self-interest ("self-dealing"),
and illegally coordinating donations with Donald Trump's
presidential campaign.[8] She ordered the charity dissolved
and demanded $2.8 million in restitution and penalties.
She also made referrals to the Federal Election Commission and the IRS.[9]

Failure to make pledged 9/11 donations

An investigation by the New York City Comptroller's office in October
2016 showed that Trump and/or the Donald Trump Foundation may have
failed to honor at least one pledge to charities established to provide
relief for victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Mishandling of funds raised for veteran's causes

In April 2016, Fox News reported that, more than two months after Trump
said he had raised $6 million for military veterans at a pre-Iowa caucus
fundraiser, "most of the organizations targeted to receive the money
have gotten less than half of that amount."[48] Around that time, Trump
also said he had contributed $1,000,000 of his personal funds.[33] In
late May, Trump revised his figures downward, saying that $5.6 million
had been raised at the event and that he had contributed his $1,000,000
share only the previous week, after the media criticized him.[33] He
also provided a list of the beneficiaries of the $5.6 million, although
the full amount is further disputed in a lawsuit filed by New York State
in 2018, which cites an amount of $2.8 million

Coordinating foundation grants with Trump's presidential campaign

Trump may have used Trump Foundation grants to advance his presidential
campaign, in violation of rules barring charities from engaging in
political activity.[51] Trump distributed at least some of the funds
publicly at "Donald Trump for President" political rallies, displaying
large-size donation checks that included his campaign slogan "Make
America Great Again" or a link to a campaign website.[24][51][52]

Using Trump Foundation money to settle Trump Organization legal disputes

Trump may have used foundation money to settle his personal or business
legal disputes on at least two occasions.

Grants to the National Museum of Catholic Art and Library

In each of 1995 and 1999, the Trump Foundation granted $50,000 to the
National Museum of Catholic Art and Library. A 2001 report by The
Village Voice stated, after visiting the museum in East Harlem, that the
facility had "next to no art" and no official connection to the Catholic
church, despite having had a 10-year track record of soliciting
large-scale donations for its collection. The Voice and, later, The
Washington Post, concluded that Trump may have directed the grants to
the museum to curry favor with the museum's then chairman, Eddie Malloy,
who was also head of the Building and Construction Trades Council of
Greater New York. The Council had worked on behalf of one of the unions
of workers who worked on Trump construction projects.[24][54]

Solicitation of donations without a license

Under New York State law, a not-for-profit foundation must register as a
"7A Charitable Organization" if it plans to solicit outside donations in
excess of $25,000 in any year.[46] The Trump Foundation was initially
registered as a private foundation set up solely to receive his own
personal donations. As long as it was registered as a private foundation
and not soliciting outside funds, it did not have to file annual audited
reports with the New York State Charities Bureau[46] However, records
show that Trump began soliciting donations at least as early as 2004[46]
and possibly as early as 1989.[47]

Failure to maintain proper governance

In a June 2018 petition filed by the office of the New York Attorney
General, it was explained that:

"...none of the Foundation's expenditures or activities were approved by
its Board of Directors. The investigation found that the Board existed
in name only: it did not meet after 1999; it did not set policy or
criteria for choosing grant recipients; and it did not approve of any
grants. Mr. Trump alone made all decisions related to the Foundation.[45


Fred J. McCall

Dec 2, 2018, 10:18:08 AM12/2/18
jonathan <> wrote on Sun, 2 Dec 2018 07:48:11

>Well if you think two wrongs make a right with the
>right wing last resort of 'whataboutisms', then
>Hillary and Bill should be forgiven, I mean
>...'what about' the republican crimes of
>Vietnam and Iraq?

Uh, even if you're deranged enough to consider them 'crimes', you know
that Vietnam was DEMOCRATS, right?

>No one died from Bill and Hillary's emails or affairs.
>And neither of them sold out America to the Russians
>and Saudis to make a quick BUCK.

Uranium One and the Clinton Foundation?

>Now we see why Trump has screamed the phrase "NO COLLUSION
>Usually 6 times per day. It's like a Freudian roadmap
>to a crime.

It's like a public Usenet documentation of your delusions.

>Oh and have you seen Trump's polls lately? Nice trend.

Have you? He's pretty much around where Obama was for the 6 years in
the middle of his Administration.

>If Trump dips below 30% the repubs will turn on him
>like they did Nixon, to save the republican party
>from a complete meltdown and losing all three
>branches in the next election.

Yet again, your delusions are NOT even approximately facts.

"Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is
only stupid."
-- Heinrich Heine


Dec 2, 2018, 6:53:39 PM12/2/18
On 12/2/2018 10:18 AM, Fred J. McCall wrote:
> jonathan <> wrote on Sun, 2 Dec 2018 07:48:11
> -0500:
>> Well if you think two wrongs make a right with the
>> right wing last resort of 'whataboutisms', then
>> Hillary and Bill should be forgiven, I mean
>> ...'what about' the republican crimes of
>> Vietnam and Iraq?
> Uh, even if you're deranged enough to consider them 'crimes', you know
> that Vietnam was DEMOCRATS, right?

God you're stupid, I was being facetious idiot.

>> No one died from Bill and Hillary's emails or affairs.
>> And neither of them sold out America to the Russians
>> and Saudis to make a quick BUCK.
> Uranium One

What about it? Oh that's right all the
investigations were really deep state
corrupt agencies covering for Hillary
right Fred?

Uranium One controversy
From Wiki

The Uranium One controversy refers to the sale of
Uranium One to Rosatom, which American conservative
media and Republican politicians characterized as a
bribery scandal involving Hillary Clinton and the
Clinton Foundation. No evidence of wrongdoing has
been found after three years of allegations, an
FBI investigation, and the 2017 appointment of a
Federal Attorney to evaluate the investigation.

> and the Clinton Foundation?

Trump has no problem fleecing 9/11 victims and
Veterans to line his pocket with his crooked
foundation, see below.

Zero wrongdoing found from the
Clinton foundation and unlike Trump's
foundation it's a real charity.

Fred J. McCall

Dec 2, 2018, 9:15:30 PM12/2/18
jonathan <> wrote on Sun, 2 Dec 2018 18:53:25

>On 12/2/2018 10:18 AM, Fred J. McCall wrote:
>> jonathan <> wrote on Sun, 2 Dec 2018 07:48:11
>> -0500:
>>> Well if you think two wrongs make a right with the
>>> right wing last resort of 'whataboutisms', then
>>> Hillary and Bill should be forgiven, I mean
>>> ...'what about' the republican crimes of
>>> Vietnam and Iraq?
>> Uh, even if you're deranged enough to consider them 'crimes', you know
>> that Vietnam was DEMOCRATS, right?
>God you're stupid, I was being facetious idiot.

God you're stupid, so stupid that it is impossible to tell when you
are being "facetious idiot" vs just your normal idiot.

>>> No one died from Bill and Hillary's emails or affairs.
>>> And neither of them sold out America to the Russians
>>> and Saudis to make a quick BUCK.
>> Uranium One
>What about it?

Sweetheart deal to the Russians for contribution to Clinton
Foundation, perhaps?

>> and the Clinton Foundation?
>Trump has no problem fleecing 9/11 victims and
>Veterans to line his pocket with his crooked
>foundation, see below.

Irrelevant and you were so stupid you didn't realize those two things
went together.

<snip loonspew>
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