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Nuclear Energy: Invisible Peril ++ Cold Fusion - the energy source of the future

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Constance Concetino

Aug 17, 2011, 12:28:49 PM8/17/11

"...the greatest harm sustained by men and planet in this sorry tale
is caused by nuclear radiation. Men have gone far astray in the
development of this most dangerous energetic source. Led astray by
greed, and the false hope of vast profits, they have concentrated
their experiments in ‘taming’ the most dangerous source of energy ever
discovered by man, neglecting, meanwhile, a perfectly safe alternative
use of the energy of the atom. Atomic fusion, cold and harmless, could
be theirs from a simple isotope of water, everywhere available in the
oceans, seas and rivers, and in every shower of rain.
Man must cease his ‘toying with death’. Atomic fission is the result
of the atomic bombs which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki; which
erupted in Chernobyl and causes, subtly, death and sickness today. It
is “that which stands where it ought not” and which must be renounced
by man if he would prosper further.

Earth scientists are confident that they have, indeed, tamed the
monster, and can keep it under control. They do not realize that their
instruments are crude indeed, that they measure only the lower aspects
of nuclear radiation, that stretching above these dense-physical
levels are levels finer and more dangerous to the health and
well-being of all. But for the tireless efforts of our Extra-planetary
Brothers in assuaging this invisible peril in so far as the karmic law
allows, our plight would be perilous indeed. Wake up, mankind!


Cold fusion using deuterium & the isotope of hydrogen, will be used
soon. Eventually it will replace the nuclear power plants.

Cold Fusion is safe: There are almost no by-products concerning
radioactivity; and deuterium is superabundant in the waters of the
oceans and rivers of the world.

When the necessary amount of energy, time and money is made available
this will come about. This will be soon.

Q. Is the complete cessation of all activities involving nuclear Q. Is
the complete cessation of all activities involving nuclear energy
produced by fission likely to take place within the next 25 years?

A. Yes.

Q. A certain amount of nuclear energy is needed for medical
applications – does the world also need to phase that out? What would
replace it in the short term?

A. This will be superseded by the coming advanced form of genetic


Bert Hyman

Aug 17, 2011, 12:42:24 PM8/17/11
In Constance Concetino
<> wrote:

> Cold fusion using deuterium & the isotope of hydrogen, will be used
> soon.

Well, you be sure to get back to us then, OK?

-- St. Paul, MN

Bert Hyman

Aug 17, 2011, 12:43:44 PM8/17/11


Share International is a worldwide network of individuals and
groups whose purpose is to make known the fact that Maitreya --
the World Teacher for the coming age -- and his group, the
Masters of Wisdom, are now among us, emerging into the public
arena -- gradually, so as not to infringe human free will.

Well, that explains a lot.

Constance Concetino

Aug 17, 2011, 12:55:51 PM8/17/11

Yes, it sure does - at least for those who can find the time to do
their homework, who refuse to settle for easy answers. Share
International has maintained for about 35 years that everyone will
eventually see the World Teacher, shortly after the corrupt world
economic system totally collapses. So that maybe very soon. They've
also maintained that after the collapse, humanity will build a new
economic system that works for the majority, rather than just a few
people. As everyone will soon see, it's about time for mankind to wake
up, time for the human family to become a functional family. Where the
people's voices are ignored, there will inevitably be revolution. The
conflicts based on ignornance will lead to harmony and justice.
Peace & Love,

william mosco

Aug 17, 2011, 1:14:29 PM8/17/11
On Aug 17, 12:55 pm, Constance Concetino <>
> On 17 Aug 2011 16:43:44 GMT, Bert Hyman <> wrote:
> >Innews:65pn4710o2hu6ob10...@4ax.comConstance Concetino

put the pipe down. lenin is dead...

Bert Hyman

Aug 17, 2011, 1:44:22 PM8/17/11
In Constance Concetino
<> wrote:

> Yes, it sure does - at least for those who can find the time to do
> their homework, who refuse to settle for easy answers.

If the easy answer is the right answer, why not?

Constance Concetino

Aug 17, 2011, 2:53:21 PM8/17/11
Either certain statements 'ring true' or they don't. If we all viewed
the world from the same perspective, it would be far worse than it is
now. Everyone is right, from their perspective.

Someday, it will be common knowledge that peole from civilizations
that are thousands of years more evolved than ours, regularly clean up
nuclear spills on Earth for us. If it weren't for their work, the
earth would be uninhabitable.

Of course, i don't expect you or anyone to take my word for it. This
is for anyone who happens to be both open minded and curious.

In the 60's the ruling elite began a campaign to make any talk about
UFOs sound like poppycock. They have been very successful.
The Disclosure Project (see youtube link below) to open some people's
minds to the fact that it is not poppycock and part of a huge

Regarding the space brothers:
"They have a great work in salvaging, in helping to restore the
equilibrium of our planet, in particular to nullify to some extent —
within the karmic law — the pollution of our planet. But for their
work in purifying our atmosphere, mopping up with implosion devices
the nuclear radiation which we pour into the atmosphere from our
nuclear reactors and experimentation, this world would be infinitely
more painful to live in."

"The people in physical bodies on Mars and Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and
so on are not at the same level or vibration of physicality that we
experience. We know only three aspects of the physical: solid
physical, liquid physical and gaseous physical. Above gas there are
still four further levels of physical matter which so far have not
been discovered on this planet. When they are discovered we will
understand a great deal more about the nature and origin of disease,
the purpose of life on this planet and of the reality of life on other

"The beings on Mars and Venus and the other planets are on the four
higher levels of the physical. If you went to Mars or Venus you would
see no one, but nevertheless they are in physical matter, and have
bodies made of that subtle, finer physical matter to which we give the
term ‘etheric’. We ourselves have bodies of dense physical, liquid
physical, gaseous physical and the four etheric physical planes — but
we have not yet discovered the latter.


"...mankind [will advance] into a civilization and a state of
consciousness in which right human relations and worldwide cooperation
for the good of all will be the universal keynote." The Tibetan



"The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the
greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity
cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of
that great revolution." Federico Garcia Lorca

$27 TRILLION to pay for Kyoto

Aug 17, 2011, 2:57:06 PM8/17/11
On Aug 17, 12:28 pm, Constance Concetino <>

> "...the greatest harm sustained by men and planet in this sorry tale
> is caused by nuclear radiation. Men have gone far astray in the
> development of this most dangerous energetic source. Led astray by
> greed, and the false hope of vast profits, they have concentrated
> their experiments in ‘taming’ the most dangerous source of energy ever
> discovered by man, neglecting, meanwhile, a perfectly safe alternative
> use of the energy of the atom. Atomic fusion, cold and harmless, could
> be theirs from a simple isotope of water, everywhere available in the
> oceans, seas and rivers, and in every shower of rain.
> Man must cease his ‘toying with death’. Atomic fission is the result
> of the atomic bombs which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki; which
> erupted in Chernobyl and causes, subtly, death and sickness today. It
> is “that which stands where it ought not” and which must be renounced
> by man if he would prosper further.
> Earth scientists are confident that they have, indeed, tamed the
> monster, and can keep it under control. They do not realize that their
> instruments are crude indeed, that they measure only the lower aspects
> of nuclear radiation, that stretching above these dense-physical
> levels are levels finer and more dangerous to the health and
> well-being of all. But for the tireless efforts of our Extra-planetary
> Brothers in assuaging this invisible peril in so far as the karmic law
> allows, our plight would be perilous indeed. Wake up, mankind!
> source:

> Cold fusion using deuterium & the isotope of hydrogen, will be used
> soon. Eventually it will replace the nuclear power plants.
> Cold Fusion is safe:  There are almost no by-products concerning
> radioactivity; and deuterium is superabundant in the waters of the
> oceans and rivers of the world.
> When the necessary amount of energy, time and money is made available
> this will come about. This will be soon.
> Q. Is the complete cessation of all activities involving nuclear Q. Is
> the complete cessation of all activities involving nuclear energy
> produced by fission likely to take place within the next 25 years?
> A. Yes.
> Q. A certain amount of nuclear energy is needed for medical
> applications – does the world also need to phase that out? What would
> replace it in the short term?
> A. This will be superseded by the coming advanced form of genetic
> engineering.
> source:

Cold fusion, moron's pipe-dream and discredited second-rate scientists
line Stanley Pons.

Bert Hyman

Aug 17, 2011, 3:21:35 PM8/17/11
In Constance Concetino
<> wrote:

> Either certain statements 'ring true' or they don't.

Just because something "rings true" doesn't mean that it is true. Most
kooks think they have a monopoly on truth, or more often, Truth.

> If we all viewed the world from the same perspective, it would be far
> worse than it is now.

Really? Even if that "perspective" represented reality?

> Everyone is right, from their perspective.

Except when they're wrong.

Reality doesn't care about your "perspective."

Constance Concetino

Aug 17, 2011, 4:23:31 PM8/17/11
On 17 Aug 2011 19:21:35 GMT, Bert Hyman <> wrote:

>Just because something "rings true" doesn't mean that it is true. Most
>kooks think they have a monopoly on truth, or more often, Truth.

I don't think that anyone has a monopoly on truth, least trustworth
are those who today claim to be the authorities. Truth is like money
or manure - works best when it is spread all over - rather being in a
concentrated form. In the USA, the ruling elite's minions seem to be
the best liars - considering how much bs the typical American is led
to believe from the cradle to the grave.

>> If we all viewed the world from the same perspective, it would be far
>> worse than it is now.
>Really? Even if that "perspective" represented reality?
>> Everyone is right, from their perspective.
>Except when they're wrong.

As far as they're concerned anyway.

For example, countless of us Americans believe that the
*military industrial complex is necessary, that the so called
department of defense is actually about "defense", and that the
soldiers 'keep us free' and defend democracy world wide. Far too few
of us know those are all lies. That giant illusion is very far from
reality, although it forms a large part of the US budget and is the
"reality" of countless millions of Americans.

We also tend to beleive that our "civilization" is advanced, but in
fact it is woefully primitive. When we have eliminated hunger,
poverty, and war, then we will be able to truly say that we are
civilized. Those things are just around the bend.

* re: the Military Industrial Complex
If the organized criminals who are the USA's ruling elite were honest,
they would rename the "Department of Defense" to the "Department of
Perpetual War, Deception, & Huge Profits"

There is Solid Evidence of War Crimes on every Video on this page: and the criminals are free, while the
suspected whistleblower (who knew that the law requires those with
knowledge of war crimes to come forward) 'Bradley Manning' sits in

Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions since World War
II is a history book on covert CIA operations and U.S. military
interventions during the second half of the 20th century, written by
former State Department employee William Blum.

The book covers various US foreign policy ventures from just after
World War II onward. Its basic premise is that the Soviet Union
occupied the Warsaw Pact states only to better defend its
territory and the American Cold War-era activities abroad were done
with imperialist motives...

Noam Chomsky called it "Far and away the best book on the topic."[1]
Former CIA officer John Stockwell called it "The single most useful
summary of CIA history."

The 12 lines above were copied from:

Mr. Blum has many chapters from the book online for free reading here:

>Reality doesn't care about your "perspective."
> St. Paul, MN

Here are some things to look forward to (compiled in
the 1990s):

The Promise of the Future

• A new sense of oneness will replace the present sense of
separation. This will demonstrate as brotherhood, justice, and

• We will enter an era of tranquility and peace—in exact proportion
to the present discord. The violence and hatred of today will be
transmuted into goodwill.

• A new livingness will characterize our relationships and
institutions; a new freedom and sense of joy will replace the present

• Contributions by the highest type of artists will lead to a
regeneration of our lives. Everyone will become creative in his or
her living in an altogether new way.

• The family will gain, not lose, importance as the basic unit of

• A new science, the psychology of the soul, will be the basis of all
future educational efforts and will transform life for both the child
and the teacher.

• The media will have a very responsible role to play in education.

• Gradually, the worst areas of slums and decayed buildings in the
major cities will go. They will be replaced by recreational parkland
and by ordinary housing, on a human scale, interspersed with parks
and shopping areas.

• New buildings will be quite different in shape from buildings of
the past. Some of them, by their very shape, will focus and
accumulate particular energies.

• Transportation systems will be devised which will be so silent, so
apparently motionless, that travel fatigue will completely disappear.

• The growing concern for nature and environment will be embodied in
legislation, universally accepted, and will lead to a wise husbandry
of nature’s gifts.

• There will be a new reverence for all manifestations of life, thus
bringing humanity into better alignment with the animal and other sub-
human kingdoms.

• Most farming will be organically based. This will enhance the
vitality and health of the people.

• A much simpler style of living will distinguish the coming

• Humanity will be emancipated from the drudgery of needless work.
Machines will gradually take over the tasks of manufacture.

• Increased leisure will evoke undreamed-of skills and talents, allow
men and women to reach their full potential, and permit close
involvement in community and national life.

• Following a world stock market crash, a complete change in our
economic system will come about. A rational and sustainable economic
structure based on sufficiency will become the norm.

• Cooperation will replace competition.

• There will be a phased, gradual transfer of resources from military
to civilian production, which will provide useful work for many.

• The blind following of market forces, whose myopic rule causes such
misery today, will give way to an enlightened and just consideration
for the needs of all.

• A new political/economic structure—Democratic Socialism or Social
Democracy—will become the norm throughout the world.

• All political groupings will tend to the center. Extremes will be a
thing of the past.

• In the Middle East, governments elected by the people will replace
the present sheiks and emirs as rulers.

• In Latin America, a process of democratic consensus will unfold in
almost every country. The voice of the people will be heard, and land
will be redistributed and given to them.

• National and cultural identities will be maintained, but barriers
will be taken away so that passports will no longer be necessary to
travel from country to country.

• The world’s legal matters, which concern global issues such as the
exploration of the seabed, will be governed by international law.

• The United Nations will be the central debating, law-giving forum
for the nations of the world.

• As a result of the changed conditions on earth—the reduction of
tension and fear, greater leisure, the eradication of disease, new
meaning and impetus to life—the health of mankind will improve
enormously and the physical body will take longer to ‘wear out.’

• The alternative medicines of today will take their place beside the
more orthodox methods.

• Healing waters will be discovered, one by one, which will help
cleanse the physical body.

• We will understand that there is no such thing as death, but simply
a shift of consciousness from this to another plane.

• The desire to know better the nature of God and to come into closer
relationship with that Divinity will become paramount in the lives of

• Humanity will be taught the great science of invocation, which will
take the place of worship and prayer as we know it today.

• Methods and technology will be found to demonstrate the fact that
everything is energy.

• By understanding the technology of light, physicists will discover
how to control matter, distance and time—and how to neutralize toxic
waste and stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

• The fusion process of nuclear power—a cold, safe, wasteless process
using a simple isotope of water, universally available—will solve all
humanity’s future power needs.

• By the end of this century, we will build structures with the
scientific use of sound.

• We will accept the fact that all the planets are inhabited and that
we are all brothers and friends. Gradually, we will take our place in
the cosmic brotherhood.

These forecasts for the coming times have been compiled from the
writings of Benjamin Creme and include information from the Master of
Wisdom with whom he has been associated for over 40 years.

Source: Share International


These days are marking the 'end of the world' as we've come to know
it. In the coming days and years we thepeople will end the rule of
corrupt politicians. The only politicians who will be successful in
the future will be those who live to serve the people. With the end
of the reign of corrupt politicians, we will see an end to all the
horrors that they are responsible for - poverty, war, environmental
degradation, unemployment, unbridled greed, etc. You could say that
the dreadfully dysfunctional human family (with the right trying to
mutilate the left, and vice versa) will become functional for the
first time ever, finally living up to it's potential.

Don't take my word for it. Just wait and see. Naturally your mind
resists. If you've read this, then you will be less suprised in the
coming months and years, as these predictions come true. It's all pat
of a Plan. Believe it or not! No penalties for disbeleif. Being
cynical is it's own penalty. For some lucky people, hope springs
Peace & Love,

"...every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on
the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert
myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am
still receiving." Albert Einstein

Jimwww.proTslat NeubauMiBi

Aug 17, 2011, 5:22:33 PM8/17/11

Constance Concetino

Aug 17, 2011, 5:43:48 PM8/17/11
Oops -- i missed a question...

On 17 Aug 2011 19:21:35 GMT, Bert Hyman <> wrote:

>> If we all viewed the world from the same perspective, it would be far
>> worse than it is now.
>Really? Even if that "perspective" represented reality?

Sorry - guess that wasn't clear. Was referring to the different
perspectives held by different people --- designer, builder,
onlooker, scientist, school teacher, student, mother, herdsman,
farmer, butcher, baker, candlestick maker etc..

Marvin the Martian

Aug 17, 2011, 8:01:58 PM8/17/11
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 11:28:49 -0500, Constance Concetino wrote:

> Cold fusion using deuterium & the isotope of hydrogen, will be used
> soon. Eventually it will replace the nuclear power plants.

If you do serious work in cold fusion and are productive and making
progress, you end up dead. Lucky for most of these guys, they're just
electro-chemist mucking about in the dark. Without a hypothesis of how it
works (those hypothesii that get published are wrong, sometimes laughably
so!) they don't have much chance.

The puppetmasters are not going to allow cold fusion; the "energy crisis"
is just too good of a crisis to let go to waste because of a solution
like cold fusion. :-D

But yes, if you want to know how cold fusion works, just do what Hans
Bethe suggested when he said there is not much new physics there
(implying he already figured out the physics!!).. just follow the KNOWN
physics. If you do, you'll discover that there SHOULD BE fusion. :-D

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