CFP: The 5th IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE2016) - Bangkok, Thailand

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Lee, Mark

Jun 6, 2016, 12:02:37 PM6/6/16

The 5th IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE2016)

Call for Papers


Sponsored by the IEEE Education Society, IEEE Thailand Section and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok


Date & Venue


7-9 December 2016

Dusit Thani Bangkok Hotel

Bangkok, Thailand




The aim of TALE 2016 is to provide a forum for academicians and professionals from various educational

fields and with cross-disciplinary interests to network, share knowledge and engage in dialogue around

the theme of fostering innovation and excellence in engineering education. To this end, both research

and practice-oriented papers are invited that encompass all aspects of education in the engineering fields

(including computing, computer science, information technology and cognate disciplines). The conference

will feature traditional paper presentations, workshops, as well as keynotes by renowned educational

experts and authorities.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Assessment and Evaluation

Capstone Projects

Computational Thinking and Problem Solving

Computer-Based Learning and Courseware Technologies

Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning

Curriculum Design

Distance, Open and Flexible Education

Educational Games and Simulations

Educational Policy, Leadership and Administration

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs

Ethical and Social Justice Issues (e.g., Equity, Diversity)

Faculty/Staff Development

Generic Skills (e.g., Communications, Teamwork)

Industry Linkages and Partnerships

Instructional Design

Interdisciplinary Teaching Approaches

Internet of Things in Education

Introductory Engineering and Computing Courses

K–12 Initiatives and Partnerships

Laboratory Experiences (On-Campus, Remote and Virtual)

Learning Analytics and Big Data

Learning Management Systems

Marketing and Outreach for Engineering Programs

Mobile, Ubiquitous and Contextual Learning

Online/E-Learning and Blended Learning

Open Educational Resources and MOOCs

Research Training (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Service Learning

Work-Based and Work-Integrated Education


TALE 2016 will also include a Special Track on Computing Education (see separate CfP on the conference website for details.)


Paper submission, review and publication


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of two (2) to eight (8) A4 pages (including tables,

figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format. Papers will be accepted only by electronic

submission through the conference website, from which submission guidelines and a template for papers are

available. A blind peer-review process will be used to evaluate all submitted papers.

Each full registration for the conference will cover a maximum of two papers; each student registration

will cover a single paper only. All accepted and registered papers that are presented at the conference

will be published in the conference proceedings (CD-ROM/USB with ISBN), uploaded to IEEE Xplore, and submitted

for potential indexing by other prominent scholarly databases including SCOPUS, Ei Compendia, and CPCI.

Information about submitting your paper can be found under the Authors menu item of this website (


Important Dates


20th Aug 2016 Paper Submission

20th Sept 2016 Review Outcomes

20th Oct 2016 Final Paper Submission

31st Oct 2016 Registration Deadline


Presentation Formats


Full Papers: 6-8 pages

Short Papers: 4-6 pages

Work-In-Progress Papers: 2-4 pages

Special Sessions, Panels and Workshops

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