Distinct values from query and join with other tables - how to make it work in one DBIO chain/txn

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Peter Coppens

Sep 30, 2017, 5:10:35 AM9/30/17
to Slick / ScalaQuery

  • order_line table with a product_id column pointing to a product_master table and other order_line related information (e.g date, amount, ....)
  • a product_master table with some general information and a product_detail table with for each product_master row multiple rows (1 -> many)
I am trying to construct a query such that
  • order_line rows are returned between a given date range (that's easy :) )
  • for all distinct product_id's in the result of the previous query, return related product_master, product_detail rows (actually that is also not difficult)
  • Both of these using only on query on the order_line table all wrapped in a single transaction - that part I can't get working

Currently I have something like ('pseudocode')

val orderLines = OrderLines.filter( ol => ol.timestamp between(start,end) )
val distinctProductIds = orderLines.map(_.product_id).distinct.result
val products = distinctProductIds.flatMap ( pids => DBIO.sequence ( distinctProductIds.map ( pid => getProductDetails(pid)))

After 'running' the combined orderLines and products DBIO's the results are fine, but unfortunately this hits the order_line table twice. Is it possible to avoid that but still run within a single transaction

I guess procedural/jdbc it would come down to the following steps

  • start transaction
  • select ...,product_id from order_line where timestamp beween ...
  • fetch resultset in memory
  • get distinct product_id's from instantiated result_set
  • for each pid, select .. from product_master, product_detail where product_master.product_id=pid ....
  • commit transaction

I know it's easy enough to achieve the same by instantiating the orderLines slick query but that would terminate the dbio chain (transaction) and I need to avoid that

All tips welcome!

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